WAR DEPARTMENT, March 12, »Bco Notice is hereby given, •FHAT fti.ai.'tc propoi'ah will be received X at the offire of the Secretary err th? De partment of War, until the expiration of the as hot July next eufuing, for the fupplv of all rafsons, which mav he required for the use ct th United Slates,'from the jft day «f Prober, 1. 00, to the ,iotn day of September, ißoj> 'both davs inclr.five, at the places and withir. tl,-two diltii<9i hereinafter fir ft mentioned; an( ) all , that Separate propofj4* will be received t the said office untilthe.expiration of tb« »5 l Ji cUy of July next enl'iilng, for the fuppty of an rati I ** which may berequiredas aforelaid, from the lit dayof January in the year 1801, to the 11ft day of December in the lams year, bath days inclusive. at ihe place and within the ftv eta'l itaies hereinafter mentioned, viz. Fir/l. Proposals til fuppjy ailrarions, thar in ay he rcqu.red. at 0f..,. ; atN ag.ra , at Pittfburz at Prefqu'le • at Michilinfackinac ; ' yiknklw i di Hxuf; at Cincinnati ;at Pieque Town, and Loramies flores; at Fort Wayne'; at Fort Dcfiar.se ; at any place below Fart Defiance, on the Miatii river to Lake Erie ; at Fort Knox, and Ouatonon on the ri ve> iVdViarti; at Mafiac ; at anyplace or place? cn the river Miffiffippl, above the mouth of tl e river Ohio, and upon the Illonois river; Secand. Propyls to fuppH all rations t-at may be required, at any place or places 011 'he tail fideof:he Mlfflffippi river,below the mouth of the river Ohio to th« louthern boundary of th< ft at e of Kentucky and within the ia'd ftite ; as Knoxville ; at all polts and places within the 1 state 11 Tennefiee ; at South *Veft feint: at Tellcoßlock Houft; at St.Sevens, o-other fort or poll on thf rivers Mobille or'Tombigby, and aii y place or places within the Cherokee bounda ries ; below the fou'hfcrn boundary of the slate bf J'ennelTee a; : .d within the boundary of the United-States. Third Pr.-pofals to supply all rations that nay be required, at Point i'etre ; at Colerame, at Savannah, and at any other place or placet where troops are or may be stationed, marched or rectuitcd wilhin the slate of Georgia; at all forts or llation* on the Oconnee and Alatama ha, and at all places in the Creek nation, within th- limits of the United States, wheri troops are or may be stationed. Fourth Proposals to supply all rations that maybe required at FOll Johnfton, at Fort Pinck nev, at Charleston, or at any other place or place where troops are or may be Rationed, marched or recruited in the slate of South-Ca rolina. Fifth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at the Fort at Wilmington, Cape Fear ; at Beacon island, Ocraeock ; at Charlotte ; at Fay?tfe*ille 1 at SalHbury., or at auy other place or places where troops are or may be fiati.>ned, marched or recruited in the ftite of North-Carolina. Sixth. I'ropofa'lj to supply all ratior.s that may •>« required at Norfolk, at Portsmouth, at Kempfville, at Charlott-vi'le, at Winchester, at Staunton, at Richmond, at Alexandria, at Leefb irg, at Frcdefiikfbarg. at Carterfvillt, at Harper's t'erif, "far any other place ar places wfiere trropsare or may be ltationed, marched or recruited, in the state of Virginia. Seventh. Proposals to supply all rations th.U may be required at Tort M'Henry, at Haiti more, at Annapolis, at Frederick town, at Leonard town, at Hagersfwn, at Bladenfburg, at George-town, at Eallown, at the stead ot Elk, and at any other place or places, where troops are Or may 1 heflatione'l, marched or re cruited within the limits ef the state of Mary land. Eighth. Proposals tb supply all rations that jMy bfc required at Fort Mifflin, at Philadel phia, at Darby, at Lancalter, at Wilkcfbarre, at Rejding, at Kriftol, at York town, at Carlisle, at LewiHown (Mifflin county) at Bedford, at Greer.lburg at Walhington, at Eaflown, at Wilmingto , at Chrittiana, at Dever, or at any other place or places where troops are or may be Rationed; marched or recruited within the limits of the ltates of P<-nnfylvania and De law are, except the posh within the slate of Penn fylvania, enumerated in the firit proposals a foreliid. Ninth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be req 'ired at Harkenfac. at Elizabeth town, at New-Brunfwick\ at Burlington, at ; WoodHury, at Trenton, and jt any other place ( or placrs where tr«»ps are or may be stationed, ( marched »r recruited within the limits of the state of Jerfty. Tenth. Proposals to supply all rations that may be required at New-York, at Weft Point, at F'.ulhing, at Haerl*-m, at Weft Chester, at Pmighkepfie, at Knnderhoak, at Stillwater, at Newberg, at Albany, at Conajokarie, at-Cher ry Valley, and at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the limits of the ftatfe of New-York, excfcjt the ports within the flat* enumerated in 'he firft proposals aforefaid . Eleventh. Proposals to supply all ration that may be required at Hartford, at Hebron, at New London, at Brooklyn, at Wyndham, at Litchfield, at Guilford, at Ntw-Haven, at Fairfield, at Daubury, at Middletown, and at any other place or places where troops art or may be flavored, marched or recruited within the limits of the state of ConnetfVicut, Twelfth. Prbpofals to supply all rations that maybe required at Fort Woleott, at Brinton s Point, it Newport, at Providence, and at any pace or places where troops are «r may be ftat cioned, marched or recruited within the limits of the Oate of Hhodc-lfland. Thirteenth. Proposals to fuppty all rationi that may be required at Portland ia the Dif trla'of Maine, Gloucefler, Cape Ann, Salem, Marblehead, Boston, atUxbridge. and at any other place or places where troops are or may be stationed, marched nr recruited within the li mits of the state of Massachusetts. Fourteenth. Proposal* t» supply all rations that may be required at PoTtfmcuth, at Exeter, at Windsor, at Benningson, at Rutland, or at any fort, place or places, where troops are or may be stationed, marched or recruited within the States of New Hampshire and Vermont. The rations to be supplied, is to confill of the following articles viz. elghteeu ounces of bread or flour, or\vhen neither can be obtained, of one quart of rice, or one and a half pound of fifted or boused Indian meal, one and a quarter of frefh beef, or one pound of salted beef, or when quarters of a pound of salted potk, and )hree frefh meat is issued, fait, at the rate of two quarts for every hundred rations; soap at the rate of four pounds, and candlrs at the rate of a pound and a half for every hundred rations It is expe<9ed the proposals will also extend to the supply of rum, whisky, or other ardent spi rits at the rate of half a gill per ration, and vine gar at the rate of two quarts for every hundred rr.tion«. '1 he proposals will fpcclfy the price of the (everal comporierit of the ration, e« wull as tfcofe of substitutes or alternatives for parts thereof. « The ration; are to be furnilhed in such quanti fier, as that there (hall at all times, during the term of the proposed contrails he fuflidsnt for the con sumption of the ttoaps at Michilimack'mac, De troit, Niagara and Ofwego, for fix months in ad vance, and at each of the other pods on the wel tern waters, f r at lead three months in advance, of good andwholefome provisions, if the fame lha!l lie required. It is alfe to be permitted to all and every of the commandants ef fortified places, or or polls, to call for at feafoni when the fame can be transported, or at any time in the cafe of urgent cy, such supplies of like provisions in advance, as in the discretion of the commandant shall be deem ed proper. It is to be under ood that the con tractor i» to be at the expence and rifle of issuing the supplies to the troops, and at all loffea, fuftaincd, by the depredations of an end y, or by the means of he troops of the United States, {hall be paid lor at the prise of the article capiured or deftrcyed.on the dcpofitions of two or more pcrfons of creditable chata&trs and the certificata of a commissioned officer, afcertainiiig the circumda; cc» of the loss, and the amount of the articles, ter which compen sation (hall be claimed. The privilege to be understood to be reserved tothc United Statcacf requiring, that none oi the supplies which may be any of the proposed cor.trafis (hall be ilTued, until the fup idie» which have or may be lurnifhed under can trials now in force have been contained. and that a lupplyia advance tnay be always required at any of the lixed polls OH the Sea-b ardor Indian fron tiers, not ex.eedirg three months. ' JAMES M'HENRY, Secretary of War."" 1 -15J"'y M«rch *4 MARSHAL'S SALES. United States, 1 , Pennsylvania District. J' BY virtue of fnndry writscf venditioni exponas. ifTued out of the Diltriifl Court of the United States, for th« Diftrift aforefaid, will be i,xpofed to public sale, on the premiles, on Wednesday the 3 oth of July Ijext, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ot the fame day, all that Trail of Land called Coue dogwinnet Trail, fitaateir. East Pennfbury town fbip, Cumberland county, containing five hundred and thirty two acres, more er less, with the Mes suages thereon erefle I, Also all that Trail of Land called Locu'f Valley, adjoining the above, containing three hundred and fev«nteen acres, more or less, with the Mcffuage* thereon crcfled. Also all that Trail rf Land called Oak Back.si tuate as above, containing two hundred and seven ty acres, more or less, with the Meffuagei thereon ereiled. The property will be furvered and fold in lots to fwit the j'urchafers; plots of which will be ex hibited on the day of sale. Seized and taken in execution, and to be fold as the property of Oliver Pollock, Efq by JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshal's Office, ? eot 3 oJy. Philadelphia, June ti, 1800. > WALNUT STREET, Opposite to tbt Public Square. In that handsome and airy spot, there are just now ready T(J LET, 4 or 5 New Houses. r ficuation for pleasant* ess »f the profped X of trees and herbage, and its ex'fnfive tho roughfare of frefh air, is deemsd equal if not su perior to any other, that is as convenient to the tr tding parts nf the town —The water is excel lent, perhaps the mod pure and wholesome that is to be met with in the city. Persons inclined to rent will pleafc to maki early application at the Office No. 96, Arch street, or abcut the premises 'JOHN CREAN. July 7 l! Just Arrived, AND fO* BALK BY TBI SVBSCaIBMI, THE CARGO Of the Ship C a tiro if, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Bohea 1 Souchong Hyson Skin > TEAS. Young Hyson I and Hyson. J 7 jV te I NANKEENS. \ eliow i Sugar of ift quality* China Ware. _ Cailia. Fans* An assortment of Silks. VILLINGS is FRANCIS, No. 3i, PeniCStreet. April 14- Ten Dollars Reward. DESE R TED FROM York Town on the i.ld inft. JAMES HENDERSON, lately a Serjeant in the roth Regiment, and since enlisted as a Strjeant in the Marine Corps, of the following drfcription.— He IS aboat five feet fix inches high, brewn hair and fair compl xion- He is an active fellow and brags much of his abilities as a Drill Serjeant. He has been lately seen in Lancafler, and is pro bably with his Iriends, who live about 4 miles from that place. The above reward will be given and all expen ces paid, on delivering him to any officer in the service of the United States, or lodging him in all ' ROBERT RANKIN, Adjutant 31arine Ctrps. Philadelphia, June 30. *»w. Fifty Dollars Reward. T) AN-AWAY from Gen, Ridgeiy of Balti- IV more, on the »oth inft. a light coloured negro isan, who calls himfc'f WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; H< U about »4 years of age, about 5 feet 8 'inches high, neat in his dress, and has a good luit of hair. Hid on, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a short light green cloth coat, edged with yellow, and yel low gilt buttons—a light buff caflimer, double breasted waiflcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen (hirt, white ribhed cotton stockings, and a good pair of (hoes with strings. He took with hirn a dark blue coat, a pair of olive caffiraer panta loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ; also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel chain. He is fond ps fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a stupid look, and chews tobacco. He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge !ey. Whoever apprehends laid negro, and le oures him in any jail so that the owner may gst him again, (hall receive the above reward, with reasonable chirges if brought home, or de livered to Jo(hui B. Bond, Philadelphia, may I dtf This Day Published, By J. OrMrod, No. 41, Chefnut Street, (Price »J Cents) THE Death of General Wajhington. A POEM. In imitation of th* manner of Oflian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Minister of the First Presbyterian Cocgregatior of Philadelphia. £5" Mr. Chaudron's Or at is n will be Jpublifhed on Monday morning. March ij. THE CARGO Of the Ship Criterion, B Wickes, fen. com mander, from Bengal, CONSISTING OF A complete assortment of • BENGAL GOODS, SUGARS of the firit quality, SLACK PEPPER do. ro* SALE BV WILLINGS Ctf FRANCIS, No. at, Fenn-ftreet dtf May j. WILL BE LANDED, IN A FEW DAYS, At Beck's Wharfs the next b low Market Sf V ANTIT* . Jamaica Spirit! AND COFFEE. Also, a few Hogsheads of | AM AIC A SUGAR, A QUANTITY OF FOR SALE At No. 17, South Water Street. July 3. di*. FOR risALE, A VALUABLC TRACT Of LAND, LYING on the Votomac Rivor, county of Nor thumberland, ft ate of Virginia; containing about 1400 acres—its situation is equal to any other in the Northern Neck, lemarkable for evtry kind of wild fowl, oysters, fifh and crab, and none bet ter for health. It is about the fame distance from Baltimore, Alexandria and Norfolk, and not more than one days fail from either. Thore are three improved plantations with dwelling houses, the one known by the name of Exeter Lodge, former ly the refidencc of col. John Gordon, is an elegant two story brick house, with four rooms on a floor, and a palTage fifteen feet wide The other two are commodious and convenient ' !y fitted, with good and suitable out houses, at one of which John Murphy, Esq. (now of Weftmore iand county) lived several years j on this farm there it, « good grift mill, with water fufficient to turn iny number of Hones ; also convenient store hou ses and granaries on a public road, well situated for a country store. On eaeh of those places there are fine apple and peach orchards. The greater proportion of the land is of the firft quality, and near the half of the whole heavily timbered. Thi be known by applying to Wm. P.Tebbt Baltimore, Foulhee G. Tebbs, esq. of Richmond county, Virginia, or to Thomas Murgatrojd and Sons, Philadelphia. Feb. s—M* A PLEASANT COUNTRT HOUSE, WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump, &c. &c. The whole containing 17 acres, situate on the Wifihicon road, between the third and fourth mile-ftone —May b« purchased on reasonable terms. —Two third» of rhe pur chase money may remain (secured on the pre mises and on interest) durhig three years. Enquire of BONSAL & SHOEMAKER, No. ii4i South Foarth-ftreet, the Sub fcrtber, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the preinifes, or at No. 45, Waln»t-!treet. JON- WILLIAMS. June 13. mwf tf - RARITAN FARM, FOR SALE. A VALUABLE and dafirable Estate, situated on the river Raritan in Jersey, near Somer fct Court-House, 16 miles from Brunfwick, and 18 from Princeton ; confiftingof upwardsof 700 acres, equally divided into meadow, arable and wood land ; the whole within a ring fence j the bam, (tables, &c. are spacious, and adeqmate to the fifee of the Farm ; there is a plenitude of game, with a good lhad filhery. The estate is now in the hands of Mr. Henry Worley. Further particulars may be known of Messrs. NICKLIN tf GRIFFITH Merchants, Philadelphia, and of ' JAMES GIBSON, Esq. Of Mr. RICHARD POTTER, Germantown, Or of the Tenant on the premises May 9. S tf Three Cents Reward. RUN away from tbe Subfcriher on the eveniDg ol the 48th infl. a bound Servant GIRL, named Elizabeth Howchel, had on and toek with her three differ»nt changes of garment and money, proud,bold and impudent, anoted lyar ; any par- Con apprehending her {halite entitled to the above reward no cotis or charges will be paid. N: U, She had » years and lome months to serve Daniel fitzpatrick. Golhen TowßfHp, Chcflsr County, July 49. august 6 *awtf Notice is hereby given, Til AT application will be made t%the President and I -ire3i rs of the Bank of the United States for the renewal of th« following Certificates of Shares in the said Bank, which were loft on board the ihip John, of Baltimore, Hugh Dav»y, matter, bound to London, viz : B. No. 49884") „ . , 40885 I Each for one fhare.jn the name 49886 Holy, Sheffield (G. H} *9887 | dated ill January, 1800 ; 49888 J Of which application, all peifons concerned, wil> please to take notice. F SAMUEL STERETT. Baltimore, ithapril, 1800 4aw3m FOR SALE, An Invoice of Playing Cards, Confining of 7J dozen afiorted—they wllbe fold cheap for cash. A pply to the f rinter. may 19. TREASURY DEPARMENT, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby*given, in pur suance of the ait of CJongrefs, pa(Ted on thi- firft day of March, ona thousand eight hundred, intituled " An adl in addition to'an ail, intituled, an aft regulating the giants of land appropriated for military services, and fur the Society of the United Brethren for propa gatingjtke Gospel among the Heathen," as fol lows ; ift. All the frailioßal part 9 of th# quarter townships adjoining to the Indian boundary line of the tradt of land referred to in faisl »dl, except the fraflional quarter townships num ber four in township number seven of range number twenty : Also, all the fraflional parts of the quarter townships adjoining to the river Scioto, except the quarter townships number one ind/our, in townlfcip number*?nf of range number nineteen ; the quarter townships nuHi' ber t i • S" § S~ 3 *? a J 3 y 3 ii36i i io i 2 82 62 3 4 84 7 3 8 1 io 1 8 2 11 6 1 223 83 81 34742 13 84 j 1 6 1 15 1 3 537 2 * 2 31 1821 73 71 23 7 4 72 4 3 16 2 4 84 S » 3 4 4 4 3 7 3 61 to 3 9 3 7 2 5339 * 3 7 4 71 7 4 17 7 4 9 3. 9 4 3d. All the lands in each of the above fifty r tertown(hip«» and in the fraillonal parts [uarter tewnlhips before described, hare 1 divided upos the refpe&ive plats thereof, . . :turned by the Surveyor General, into as many lots of one hundred acres each, as the qujntity such quarter townfllip or frailion is itited to contain will admit, in the manner pointed out and required by the above recited art. <4> ? 1 8 8 10 quai *f < beei 4th. The plats divided as aforefaid into jOt» of one huodrtd acres, are deposited in the of fice of the Rsgifter of the Trcafury where the locations are to be made ; and upon furrender i»g the warrants which (hall be thus located, patents will be iflued in the mar.Ber and upon th« conditions prescribed by law. Given under my band at Philadel phia the day and year above- mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. diw—law 3m. April »». NOTICE. WHEREAS Mathew ltwin did on the Bth day of July 1797 make an aflignm«ntof his estate ana effe&s, to us the fubferibers, for the be nefit of such of his creditors, as fliould on or before the aoth of September, 1797, execute to him a full and final dlfcharge—Now those of hi# credit«r« who are entitled to a dividend under said align ment, are requested to furnilh their accounts 01 Samuel Meeker, with interest calculated up to the Bth day ol July, 1797, as a dividend will abfolutc ly be fti-uck on the firlt day of April next, and those who ncgledt te comply with this notice will th«re after be excluded from the benefit ot the fame. Pbilip Nicklin Samuel Meeker Nqtb'l Lewis, by bis Ads. >AlEgnees. Pearson Hunt John M. Taylor Philadelphia, March 14 m&thtf. TO DISTILLERS And Owners of Stiils. WHEREAS by an aft of Congress, pafled the Bth day of May >792, entitled, " An a for tlle renewal of which application is intended to be made at the said Bank, and all persons concerned are de sired to take notice. JAMES HENDERSON. May 8. d3in THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE FPk SALE, AT NO. 35, TSOCK-STREETj 1000 Bnxes tell tr.arb'.cd Soap,^ 80 Boxes Sweet Oil, j Fr " m '■» toardtlt too Hall chests Lucca Oil, L Louisa, 7 Bales Paper, [ f r " m %kr«, Brimftons, • 300 Pipes be ft Bordeaux Branrfy, aoo Hogfieadi Caret superior quality, 60 Cases Catherine Plumbs, 6 Calks Prunes, 400 Boxes Capers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor nichont, 100 do. best assorted Cordials, DR.Y GOODS assorted for the Weft-India markej, Claret in cases of afuperior quality, London dry White Lead, A frcall invoice of Coffee, ' _ 6 & 4 Pound Cannon, mounted. Thomas Murgatroyd Sons, May to. 'uthSt. t' April 21, 1800. ? £ 5- ? /9 >j • § £ • a Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Spring Forg?, in York County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about 11 years old, the property of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is anout j feet 8 inches high, ha» ablemilh in his eyes, irore white in them than common, by trade a Forge man ; had on and teok with him a drab coloured broad cloth coat, almost new, a failcs jacket and pantaloons* printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown Itriped under acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one conrfe (hirt* one muslin handkerchief, (prigged, two ditto (lriped border a blue PerGari under jacket »nd two peir cotton flocking- WK- ever takeiup fairi negro and lodges hid i r i an* in this or any of the neigabouring ftatcs (hal' have the a v ove r« a ward or realcnzble expencesit brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, Ofleberij, 1799. N B. As said negro formerly lived in Chester county, it is probabls he may return there November r WHEREAS BY a decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a cause. Jam 13 againS Newman, it is among other things r«fcrred loWm. Graves' Esq. one of the mafleri of the said court, " to t:>ke an account of the Legacies bequeathed by the will of the testator, WIU I/\M PHILLfVS law of Newgate street, London, deceased, and ~iso to in quir« and Hate to the court, whether frar.cis James, the brother of the complainant'? namti' as one ttf the Legatees in the l4ii will is dva an-i whether he died in the life time of the teitan r Therefore all persons -who can give ary informa tion whether the said Francis he living or dead, and if living where he now reside» r lift resided, and when and at what phce, an' * hen and where he was last heard of. arid if .'.ead, v- hen and where he died, are h-rehy refuelled t. five futh information tathefaid William Grsves.Ffqr at his office in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London,on or before the firft day of March next, otherwif» he wiil be excludsd the benefit of the said decree. The said Francis James was born at or near Kidwelly, in the county of Caermartfceh, and if living, is about the age of thirty-four years, and about the year 1779, was aforemaft man on board the Milford, a merchant fliip. belonging to the port of Bristol, and failed for Jamaica in Septem ber, 1780, afterwards he returned to ant in November, 1781, was prefTed in King road, Bristol, and sent on board the king's frigate called the Diomede, in which he failed from Ply mouth en a cruise, and on board of which he as- . terwards became a quarter gunner, and deserted the said fliip at Charleston Bar in North-America in September 1781. Should any person in the United States of Ame rica, be enabled to give information of the above named Francis James, whether living or dead, they are requeued to communicate the fame to DaVID A. OGDEN, No. 69, Stone street, New Y. rk. igj 1 The printers throughout the Unitcji States are requeflcd to publifo the above, arris 18- BOONiiTON IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD, OR LEASED FOR ONE YEAR THAT Valuable Estate } KNOWN by the name of the Booncton Iro» Works, fitnats in the county of Morris in the ilate of iiew-Jtrfey, confiding o! a Forge with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill with two Run of flsnes, and Saw mill all in good order and n«tw in life, together with an excellent* large, and convenient house, with our-fcoufrs of every kind ; among which are an Ice honfe, and (lone milk hcafe, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an excellent «olle&ion of Fruit, a large Orchard, and 4500 acres ef wood, paSure and arable land, and a great nnmher of (lores and workmen's houses. Immediate possession will be given of houses and (lores inificirnt for providing (lock the present winter, and pofieflion of the whole in the (pring. For terms anquire.of David B- Ogden at New ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford in Morris Town, or mefirs. Jacob and Rich* ard Faefch on tlepremifcs. Januarv 11 LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia and Lan caftcr line of Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks to their trirndß and die public in general, for the pa ft favors tfcey have received,and inform them that in addition to the regular Line, thty ar» piovi !ed with Carriages,fober and careful drivcre, to go through betwten the City and BoroHgh in two days. Those who prefer this mode of travelling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United Slates Eagle, Market ftrcet, Philadelphia. Slounb, Downing, DimwOody kf Co. Nov. 30. fl Zt—§ GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficient number of themQft approved European Glass Manu fuilurers, and having on hand a large flock of the best Materials, on which their workmen arc now employed, have the pleasure of alluring the public, that window glass of a fupei ior qua lity and of any size, from by 9, to 18 by 14 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea.h, may be had at the (horteft notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may also be had, such as for piflures, coach glaflej, clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flaflcs,picklingjars, apothecary's shop furniture, orothel - hslfow ware —the whole at lead per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought frorn any of the Tea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will be made on sale of large quantities. Orders from merchanU and others will be punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of MeiTrs. I'RATHER andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, Pittsburgh. March 4, tuthtf. * y