Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 18, 1800, Image 3

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    aisfadhon of General Kra-y, terminated in j
one of the advanced polls.
(Signed) H. glim ton. Gazette of the United States.
Donouwertb, May 13, 1800. —-®o«.
My Lord;—l much latisfadi on in
tranlmittiiig to your Lordihip the eiuloftd
extraA from the general orders .P.'uc j by the '
commander in chicl'to the Imperial army on j
the 1 1 tli instant, bearing the 1110 ft honor.l- I
ble tellimony to the co.iduft of the firfl di- |
vision of the Bavarian troops in the krvice
of his r.iajefty, commanded by colonel baron
de Wrcid', afting as a brigadier general,
100 much cannct he laid in praise of the
exertions th.-.t have been made 011 this occ.i
iion by their ft rene highnefles, the El.&or of
Bavaria and the Duke of Wnrtembrrg, to
put the subsidiary troops ill a fmiatian t®
take tlv si Id, to hasten their march towards
the Aullri.m army, and in every respect to
fulfill f d make good the engagements th<y
had 1 -veraliv con trailed with his Majeftv.
(Signed) W. VVI KHAM.
Exlrcct from lb- Gene a O r <l- s j the Im
perial and A m v in (?. rmam.
1 i.L- bavarian tro. Ps r.ifti'iguifh-d them
felvcs • 1 much bjr their bravery and then
{>e-.d.; f-- n the aAion of yr.Wday, that j
f.-l 1:.}! t b;.und to give lius public at
furai.-e cir 'commander, c,o!onel baroi
de Wreed*', as well as to the officers anc
the whole corps, not only that I am fatis
fit : aah their conduct, but that I owi
the:n my v, :r; best thanks, which I be;
the in to
Donauviertb, May 13, 1800.
My Lor!—l h ivr the fatistaition to in
form your Lordlliip, that general ha
viujbrrn attcktd en the nth inftaut, on
his march from Mcmmingen, when, in
consequence of this fuceefs, he left a c?n
ficirr tble corps under general Merfelde, who
is charged to keep open the communication
•with prince Rrufs in the Voralberg. The
main ormy returned' to Ulm, where it has
effefted* its junttioi) with -{he second divi
of the Bavarian subsidiary army 5 and
eneral Starv.
NEW-YORK, July i S .
Extrafl ot a letter from captain Boit, of
the sloop General Greene, to his owner
in this «tity, dated Liverpool, Nova-Seo
t'a, July 5, 1800.
" I have oily time to inform you that I
arrived here in the sloop General Greene,
about 4 hours since, sent in by the Britiih
privitejr River, belonging here. I was
captured in lat, 31, N long. 60, W. from
London—all niy crew detained on board the
privatrT, and hive been frem the time we
Wcir.fidl taken, winch is ten days ago.
(in what pretence 1 the vessel is sent in,
God 'y.'.ly knows ; all thit I have been able
to learn 12 iliat (lie is Dutch property. The
day a£ter I was captured they broke out the
: " w y l ' l ' caiitafily of the da
n.aije; it has sustained by a set of privaterrf
nvn, 4>r- -.king open and cutting the bales
a< i! packa. t-s of goods. As yet I. have not
beer perm : ited to go on fbore, as soon as 1
an,, shall . tkr my regular protest, and em
brace th? firft opportunity to get to Halifax,
in order to the best advice for fur
ther proceedings.
Bvthc" report of the Commandant at Fort
MaO ic (t.eai the niou'.h of the Ohio) therf
p*lTed place from the ift of March to
tht- 31 I of May 1800, Two hundred and
ttvtr.l six Boats, fr»m Kentucky, the
wcfK'rn p.rts of Pennsylvania and Virginia,
TenncflVr, and the Worth Weflern Territory,
deilined tor the Natchez, New-Orlearns, and
places on the M'ffifippi. The cargoes of
these B iats conlills of the following pirti
culars, togr-ther >vith a variety of H :u(hold
Furniture, Stc. Sec.
1,0*56 'Hopftieads Tobacco,
22,714 Barrels Flour,
9,017 do. Whilkey,
226 do. Beer,
853 do. Cyder,
32 do. Brandy,
10 do. Gin,
20 do.
623 do. Apples,
41 do. Dried iipples,
135 do. Pork,
3 do. Hogs Lard,
11,500 Pounds Pork,
1.8,710 Do. Bacon,
2,000 Venison Hims,
3,650 Yards Country Linen,
20 B xes Saddles and Bridles,
,410 Pounds Salt Petre,
309 Pair Shoes,
700 Bushels Potatoes,.
3.340 Pounds Hemp,
75,1.84 Do. Cordage,
68 Tons Callings,
10,200 Pounds Irortj
j4 Boxes Guns,
1 Ton Naijs,
7 B.irrels do.
7000 Glass Bottles,
4 Boxes Window Glass
2 Boxes Writing Papcty
Merchandize valued at
28,581 Pounds Peinifylvanin currency,
150 Barrels
Boston Prime Beef,
u MokfiVi
A fe«' Quirter-Cifcs of firft quality Madeira
Wine. and
200 MoValTe) Knockdowns witk heads,
For fa'c by
No. t, Penn-ftreet.
WllO has to Let, A Genteel Tbrct Story
Brick House,
Tn Spruce, near Finnt-flreet.
Ja.'y 7. eod4t.
• -A
df An Extra Gaiette was iffuedthis
m rnmg from the Office of the Gazette of
tile United Stales* As many of our readers
may not have seen it, we have re publiftied
us contents in this aftemoon's paper.
Cp* Many original Efiays are uaavoidably
A gentleman informs, that a report cir
culated N. York, brought by the Faelor,
of Lord St. Vincent's having sent several
fire (hips, covered by seventeen gun boats,
into the harbour of I3reft, and totally burnt
up the French ai,d Spanish Fleets.
Yesterday arrived -he Lavinia froin Lon
don ; brings accounts to May 22u—confe
quentiy nothing so late as by the Faftor at
Captain ®mith of the United States brig
'■"ophia informs that on the 9th of July he
fell in with and spoke the I ritf R.-bcrt from
Amsterdam bnund to Baltini re, £3 days
out, all well, i» lat. 34, 51, long. 72,40,
the captain of the R bert nformed him that
iu lorg 22, W he was boarded by a French
privateer fr"m France and treated politely.
It was curreotly reported at Amsterdam,
that the difference betwpen America and
France was nearly fettled. Capt. Nichols
informs that he failed in company with the
following vtflels: The (hip Pallas, Ma
riner for Philadelphia; /hip Mary f r New-
York ; (liip Washington, do; b igZebrte,
Perkins, Baltimore, from Cnraicoa, under
convoy of t»ie Delaware sloop of war.
Brig Sally. U vifou of.! hiladrlpbia was
to fail from Curracoa for Cape Francois a
bout the Fourth of J. ly.
Capt. Morse < f tne fchr. Nancy informs,
that he failed from St. Thomas the 2d of
July ; that the Adams frigate arrived at St.
Thomas the 28th June, and failed from
th nee the 30th with a fleet, ennfitting of
50 fail of American, Englifli and prize ves
sels for the United States and other ports.
Among them was the bri? James, Duer, of
Philadelphia, bound to leeward. Captain
M. dates also, that on the 24th June, while
at St. Thomas, tke Baltimore sloop of war
appeared off that harbor,having in tow a fliip
which was fa'd to be her prize, a French
crvette, captured by her after a smart ac
tion, and thai both veTels were much /hat
ter d. No Philadelphia' vefTels were at St.
Thorn 1* when capt W. failed. An hermo
phrodite brig, name unknown, has been call
away on Aregado rets, and capt. Tatem in
a weflel from Philadelphia had arrived at St.
Croix after a long passage.
The firft Cotiful of the French R< public
whs born on the 15th of
Ajaccio, in the island of Corsica : his Chrlf
tian name Napolean. His three brothers
are, Lucirn Buonaparte, minister of the in
terior ; J"feph Buonaparte, formerly at
Rome ; and Louis Buonaparte, formerly
adjutant in F.gypt, now commanding a re
giment in Vendee. Buonaparte has three
Yesterday evening was married by the
Right Rev. B'fhop Carroll, Mr. Char/n
Carroll. jun son of the Hon Charles Car
roll, of Carrollton, Maryland, to Miss
Harriet (.heut, daughter of the Hon. Ben
jamin Chew, of this city.
From the New-Tori Gazette.
Mr. Roger is the bearer of diipatches from
our Commissioners at Paris, as late as the 25th
of April, being Duplicates of these lent by
Mr. Forbes, who was to have failed from St.
Sabaftians. As we have no accounts of their
having been received, it is probable these dis
patches are the firft from our Envoys—They
are said to be important.
[We are led to believe, that the politics of
America at present, in Paris, -are of a secon
dary nature—all their attention is bent to
wards the conqjiering their European enemies
—Bye and bye it is said, they will have
more time to talk to us.]
A gentleman arriv d here yesterday in the
(hip Rose, from Guernsey, informs, that he
saw a London paper of the 2td of May,
which contained an account of two other
bloody battles on the Danube, between the
French and the Auftrians, in which the for
mer obtained some further advantages. The
number killed was not then ascertained, but
the /laughter on hoth fides was said to have
been very great.
Current Price of Grain,, May I 7
Wheat 100s to i:6s
Fine 133s to 133s
Very fine 134s
liye 64s to 70s
Barley 34s to 48s
Fine jot to 74 s
Malt 60s to 76s
Fine 760 to 889
Hot; Peas 74s to 94s
Boilers 100s to 106s
Pear! Pease 110s
Pi ice of Flour.
Fine Floui ioos
Secon s 9c to 97
Thirds 70 to 95
Middling J© to 126
Pollard fine 21 to 26
Common do- 17 to 20
Horse P. Hard J5 t» 16
Brm Jj to »6
Tlie following charming' lines from Pr i or
will apply to tfiofe modern belles, who ;,avt
diforded that fimphcity and inodrfly of drel's,
vyhich Nature Propriety and Reafoa didate,
Ye, imm ;d ftof your kind,
Muse leave the babit unl the
No longer therrthe camelv tresses break t
Inflowing riigtett on the Snowy re k ;
Or fit behind the headj an ample round,'
In graceful braids with virious ribbon bound,
No longer thai! the bod it e,aptly lae'd,
From the full bof'rn to the slender waifl,
That air anJ harmony t»f fliapeexprefs 1 '
Nor lhal the lower garments artful pleat
From the fair fide dependent to the feet'
Arm their chaftc beauttei, with a niodeft pride
And double every charm they seek to hide-
The ambrofiat plenty of each fair onc't fair
Crept i.iTa id I >ll, scarce lower than the ear
Shall itand u icoti'h, and h trlimens coats
The taper w:ift and comelhiefs of fide.
.. -:it{..;;
[The following, if not melodious poetry is
wholesome truth.]
Fro:n Eternity.
Addrrjfcd I't Frectbinieri and Pbilofopblcal Clrijiions.
By John Jamieson, D. D. F. A. S.S.
IVe extract the foil living description of tbc
Death-Bed of tie Gallic s offer,
But when Voltaire a dreary death bed pref.'d,
Not all the heathenift h»rd.i ~ould sooth to reft.
Nor witty jelt, nor sophism tan please ;
Nor flattery's fu-.nes his troubled coufcience «afe.
He Jtfu* view'd with Intel'ul envious eye,
And crvjb the metcl was (till his impious cry
"T was flill hi« cry, with worldly fame while flHfh'd;
Too late he finis, himlelf alone is crujh'd
That Humbling (lone, coutemptuoufly he fpurn'd,
With horrid vengeance en hit h«ad rcturu'.l, .
Eternity, ot mirthful days the sneer,
*<? en as at hand, oVrwhclms hia heart with fear.
From (rttnds in guilt he fr lace feekt in vain j
Me views 'hem t" incrcaf*his pain
Now, hr invokes, of other help forlorn,
The obje<2 ot Jus former hate andjfeorn
Than, mad with asgyifh and despair, blafphtmes;
Or to hu fcllowfophiilers exclaims ;
' i'is y»u have brought me to this wretched ftatr :
Your praise more baneful than the bigot's hate.
That blifsful peace you rohb'd me of restore;
Or with your prcfencc torture me bo more."
Oft begs he, they Would ghollly c<mnfel call :
Indignant t!»ey r<fu(a ; 'twould Ihame them all.
Their dying chiefth.y from all comfort bar ;
Evep fucb the mercies of the wicked are.
His keen remorse in vain they drive tov il;
For well known fails belie their fli/nly tale.
In ftu}:or did his walling t>ang» fu >fid<; j
Hence all their boading that '• he calmly dy'd."
Gazette Marine Lift,
Ship Livinia, Vicary, London 45
[Dry Goods—P. Blight
Liberty, Corran. Lilbjn jo
[Wines, kr.—J. Crawford & Co,
Sloop William, Wallace, Cliarlefton ic
[Rice, C. Marlhal
Came tip f~om the Fart,
Ship Charlotte, Coiyperthwait Havann*
Brig Florida, L ii£ St. Kites
fSalt—T. I itzfimons
Schr. Phoenix, Donald, Boston 9
J[ Vlchiles-—To Captain
Sloop Nancy, Hawkins Norfolk
[Shingles—to Crptain
Arrivtd at the Furl,
U. S. brig Sophia, Smith Algiers
[ltf: it Bch May
Brig Clarifla, Nichols, Curracon
[left it 23d June—Cocoa, Prtit 8c Bjyard
Sclir. N.incy, Morse, St. Thomas
[jest it 2d inft.—
Venus, Frith Bermuda
[left it 19th June —Sugar & Fruit -r
---[Rufl'cl k Boone
Betsey, Wallace St. Kitts
Ship.Palljs, Marenner, ' Jamaica
Ship Pomona, Merril,
Sc.l;r. Federal, BroWell,
1 he Prince Charlotte, Packet, with the
Hambuigli mail, from Falmouth, for New
York, his been captured by a French priva
teer, and retaken by the Huflfex frigate, and
sent into Cork.
Ship Liberty, Corran, left Lilbun the
26.h May. Left there the Qiip Aftive,
Harper, of Philadelphia—on the 25th Jun:,
in lat. 38, 49, long. 50, spoke the (hip Fair
American, Findley of Billon, 53 day from
Lisbon, for Philadelphia!.
July 2d, in lat. 39, long. 64, 30, W.
spoke the schooner Susannah, from St.
Johns to Jamaica. July- nth, spoke the
brig Betsey, of and for Ballon, from Havan
na, in lat. 38.
Captain Vickary failed from London the
26ch May, and left there a number of A
murican velTels, among them
Ship Fadtor, Kemp, of Philadelphia,
Aurora, Collft, ' do
Samuel Smith, Stiles, of Baltimore,
Fidelity do
Pcrfeverance do'
The brig Fame, Brown, on heir paffuge
from New-Orleans, was boarded by a New-
Providence privateer, who put on iVoard of
her a fa lor belonging to the brig Mary
and Nancy, capt. Crimpton. of ibis port,
loil on the Florida reef. The Fame was'
also boar'ed by two Britilh letters of
marque, bound trom Jamaica to Liverpool,
and treated politely.
Ship Adriana, Fletcher, from hence, has
arrived in England.
Extraft from the fljip Lavinia's log book-
May zßth, failed Irom the Downs.
30th off Portland, spoke the brig Susan
nah. William Shalcrofs, mailer, from Phi
ladelphia for London, out 33 days, all',well,
in lat. 43, to, N. long. 16, 30, W. had
been boarded by a French Privateer, of 20
fixes, and politely treated.
June gth, in lat. 49, 29, N. long. 20, W.
fell in with a convoy bound for Newfound
land, fpeke and politely treated by the Pe-
■ «• » - - •' - , * , v „ . •• ■ . v „', -
■•■ ■ > * • V • ' ; ■'■■ - 'A-y:>U'„ . V*;**
jean ar.d another floip of war convoy Jag . tWPfnn, and James Million, f Mmer ,_
?' ... .Wn». M U.nnld, VVm. Schoon, Wm; KeC,
12th, (poke a (h'p under EroVfh colours, ; J-""" S.ewart, John Moir, Peter Black, pas.
u-pofed her the Packet from Halifax For ' ; %„i , . , . ,
"almoutli, bat' blowing- frelh and Djffin-r ' Snu h Y^"\ 4 °r a 68 -\ f i". >lie sii 'P 1 vdi3 » L
{, ana smi'h, j months fr»m danvuior N. Btw'oid.
e y fait, was not able rotifcertam it, Lat. ' The Bntilh brig Recovery, Campbell, from y- '
\o, 19, N. Loflgv 35,58, W. , New Y °rk', arrived at Greenock, 6 dav S before
2llt in lat. 44, 58, in lottg. 4.9, 4; , W. * apU T - failed.
puke the bn g Union of tfateitf, George 'JUM,j nm tlu Lo B ZTa lU L d - a
<egers-m.ft.r - from Liverpool, for Salem, / om cLck. ' ' '
lu days all Weil 1 . , I June, in lat. 49, long. 42, spoke the brig
July ptll iti lat. 40, 41, N. lotlj'. 66, 3, x° rl - Nelfdn, Hatfield, from Deme rara to Lon
"V- a' meridian a (hip appeared: to the Rv K. TV/" 42 da),s- Wl ,9 th . was boarded by •
I: in-chafe cleared for afti m*, a P *' Br " ,f f , . frl ea>« : of 3» guns, wi.o
14 th* ihimh » • , P r cfled Alexander VV>lfon, an Ameiican Tea
«. the llnpthen bunging up a brefze frpm . P, with^" R roic«ioii ; alfoj.mes Milligan,
nc eastward, fired and hbilicd 'American c - a ' earnan > an< j the following piflVnge s :
ours, anfwercd and li«*iftcd our c.>[ urs in.- Wlllianj.M'OoMid, William Kerr,
nediately (he round, d too and while butis* ' ' rT m' 0
lowtvour llcerirrg fai's, ihe ,hVcw a (hot, SS?
uppokd a twelve pounder, - bfiwelsn 6ur j July 12th, spoke the /hip Lydia, Smith, ont
nalts, and then- L-nt her boat aboard. Pa- 5 "" on, ' ,s Bitavia, b<, u nd to New-Bedford,
>ers ex .mined by the efficer who wit calltd !" 4', long. 66, "weft. - in lat. 40,
ier firft lieutenant. - • . fl"*"!* brig Nancy of Nan.u,kU
tj ,ja_j • , ca Pt"in Rowfon, out 45 -
1 nc acted m a very cavalier and rather Mayo.
nanghty manner ; finally after a number
of impertinent obferva ions and queflions,
took out a young man, called George
Sharp, a native of the county of Durham,
in Ei,gland, apaflVngeron board, going to
Philadelphia on j he boalied that
he had taken out numbers and their pro
perty, and would repeat the fame when he
pleafetl—They fa id her name was the Ter
magant, but I have good reason to sup
pose her the Cleopatra, I. PJiew, commas
inander—ln the morninp as er leaving us
fawhim bring too and board a (hip bound
to the ealtward.
BOSTON, July 13.
Arrived in ihe outer harbour, (quarantine)
lhip Bolton, Cocker, 13 days from the Havan
nah ; failed July 1. A French privateer Had ap
peared otf.t|i£ .Hivanuah, an( j capiu:ed 3 Ame
rican velTelsand sent them inio Ihe Matan/.as,
one of which was the fchr. Chance, Graham •
left at the Havannah,Cr,pt. Win. RuflTel, tn.Wi'
Salem ; brig Rebecca, Fillfbury, d.tys, and
the brig Jay, Wardell, 46 days
c.ipt. Bulfiiigton ; also, brrg Hele-"
ready (o fail, and.fchr. Sally, Frefcott. Capt.
Ewers failed 6 da* s before capt. C. July 6, lai.
33> 78, spoke fchr. Hazard, from Jainaic ,
ot and for Beaufort, N. C. 21 days out ; Ju y
8, lat. 33, 20, long. 76,5», spoke fchr. Charles
ton Packet, Price, from Jamaica, for Boston,
22 days out; July 9, lat. 34,33, spoke fchr.
H»pe, Grant, for Boston, failed under conroy
of ihe Gen. Greene from the Havannaji ; July
11, was chafed by two fri'giies 6 hours, but not
overtaken; July 12, off Cape Cod, spoke fchr.
Miies Standilh, capt. Carvey, from St. Sebas
tians, 58 days out.
On Saturday arrived at quarantine ground,
the fchr. Ranger, capt. Bacon, 13 days from
Port au Prince.
Sunday, July 13. This day arrived 2 brigs
and ..bout 20 (loops and schooners loaded with
lumber and wood.
The ftlip Sarah, Gray, from Boston, arrived
at Liverpool, 21ft May, 35 days paflage.
A ship from Haiiiburgh lor Salem, was spoke
June s6, in lat. 46, long. 57.
NEW YORK, July 17*
Ship Faiftor, Kemp, London 38
Hope ——., Amilcrdam jo
Washington, , Curacoa
John, , Halifax 12
Brig Tartar, Alfop, St. Thomas
Ceres, Codwife, St. Croix
Delia, Waring, Sj. Bartholomews
Bellona, Delana, Sligo
Venui, Shaw, Antigua 13
Schr. Lady Wer.tworth, Mackberran,
[Halifax 10
Tenelia, , Havanna 23
Neptune, Bonwick, Newfound-
[land 19
Quaker, Lovett, N. S. o
Ship Washington, Stephenfon, Leghorn
® r 'S Lydia, Storback, Liverpool
Regulator, , Anapolis
Schr. Betsey, Baraks, Yarmouth
A ship from the South Seas, of and for
New Bedford, and a brig from Madeira,
taken fc>y the French, re taken by the En
glilh, and carried to Liverpool, N. S. by
the fame vessel that took the General
Ship Yankee left at St, Thomai.
Brig Friendftiip, Chow, was m the fleet
5 days fir,ce.
Brig funo, Smith, captured aod carried
into Gaadaloupe.
The Mary, Hazard, from Savanna, and
Maria, Lewington, from Virginia, have
arrived at Loudon.
The following articles of Marine News were
furnished us bj captain Egerton, wbo arriv
ed here yesterday in the ship Hope from
Brig Fair Hebe, Brinton, for Philadelphia,
and brig ——, Carter, for Baltimore, failed on
the 2ift May. Brig ■ Henfiiaw, of and for
New-York, failed abour (he 12th, and reached
the Fly with the loss of his topmalt, one anchor
and cable. Ship George, M'Cullum, arrived
on Ihe 20th with the lofj Of his rudder and all
hii mads. Ship Louisa, Champlini of Balti
more, failef) in company for England. Left at
Nieu Diep, (hip Curiille, Niehnlion, Baltiaiorej
(hip Sydney, do. (hip Almx, Snow do
(hp Planter, Jacobs, Philadelphia; and brig
Liberty, Her.derfon, do. Spoke the fr•lloivin"
veflels—June 17, llaip VYarren, 14 days from
New-York ; June 19 l>rig Nept,une, 14 davs
from Wifc'aflet ; July 14, 17x1 p Neptune from
Yefleriiay atrivfid, 'and came to anchor at the
quarantineround a French privaieei sfchoonrr,
prize >ta the United States (hip of war Connect
Same day arrived, fliip Rose, Carpenter, 49
days fr«in Guernsey, in ballast. Lat. 41, 40,
l° n K- 53 00, 011 (lie 23d June, spoke fliip Bald
Eagle, Pratt, 35 days out bound to Bnfton,
where from not recollefled.
July 12, lat. 40, 27, long. 66, 03, spoke brig
Two Sillers, from New-York, for out
5 days.
Same day, (hip Lydia, Tredwell, 48 days
from Greenock, with dry goods and coal, to
Hugh Bigg and Co.
June 11, long. 42, 00, lat. 46, 00. spoke brig
LordNelfon, from Demerara to London, capt.
Hatfield, out 42 days.
June 23, lat. 45, 00, long. 50, o», spoke fchr.
Hannah ot Ipfewich. July 9, w?s boarded by
the Britifli frigate Cleopatra, capt. Pellew, who
took out z feamcn and 8 passengers, uamely,
-s*t- ■■■■'■*■
Arrived, the Ihip South Carolina, Pelor,
New-York, 14 days ; fhlp Lucy, L*m <>nte,
Hamburgh, 82 days f fchr. Robey, Mar
tin, Balt:mor , 4 days; fliop Harmony,
Warthm«n, Philadelphia. 1-6 days.
Th• (liip C lumbia, from this port arri
ved at Bristol about the <,th ot May.
The brig Mary, Mill», was to lail from
Greenock, for Savannah, about the 20tL- L
of May.
Si-hr. MoncritfF, capt. Pierce 1 lii days
from the Havamia—Spoke nothing on her
* # * A stated meeting of the American
Philplophical Society, will be held at their
Hall on Friday evening the 18111 instant, at
fix o'clock.
JOSEPH CLAY, Secretary.
N. B. New Members will be balioted
July 17, 1800. 1
£jT 0 WE members of the Society of the Sons
of St Gtenje cfiabli cd at Philadelphia, the
afliO.ance orl'ngliflinien in dillrefs, are requeued
to atteid 3 quarter !y o.eeting of th* faij >*<.:ciety,
at the City I'av rn on Wednifday tie 13d day of
July, at 7 o'clock in the avaiing
GhO D WIS, Sec'ry.
N B. Several aiembcr< to b« ballottcd for.
July 16
tuition is eftablilhed at No 15 Uch
flreet, ao fchnlars onlv will be aJmited; who
may in this Academy, ii« a ftort lime be fu'ly
inltrufierl in my, or al! thefefrept ing branches
conduced by »refpeAable teacher.
A Red Morocco Pocket-Book,
CON r.-vINING sundry n te; f hand a'ii fe- ._fl'
«eral piceei of silver—the fubferi' cr'e rame
marked on th'infide of the flrap. W hoevsr has
found it. and will leave it at No 40, Cherry flrcet,
(hall receive Dollars, and the fiiver the Pock. •
etb ok contained.
J"'r >7 dtf
K Book-keeper 1
j a complete Book-Keeper ani Ac- W
VV comptanc, who 19 madei* of the German
language, and well a. quaint d with the manner
ol 'ranlailing business ia this city—l»> save trou-
bJe none nee ! app'y unlef* anfwrring iri every rcf- JH ; "
peA fully this advertifemtnt, and produce la-tit
failory teflirarnials of chara&er and talents. - .*
Apply at the office of the Gazette of the Uni.
ted States ,
J ul y *5. d 4 t v
For Charter, »
#1; ABIGAIL, "1
A good stout vessel, burthin abont
"w a,ooo barrels.
Apply to
July 14 diw
On Saturday next, at 5 c'c ock in the afternoon,
at No. 119 Chelnut street, \t--
Al Frame Building,
About Tso feet long and »o broad, with •«
fevcral glass fa(he«.
IT has been heretofore used as a Printing
Office; it flings back in the yard of No.
119, Ci.efiiut street, where it can he ieen at a y
time The terms of h urchafe Ca(h—and li e
building t® bi r moved immediately.
July. ,7.
owners of unimproved lands in Wayne
* c kuty, aie fctrehy notified, that Taxes are
become ja> able thereon for the years I ■'B9 and
180 X Thole who havn not already paid rhair
taxes, re ! erel>y r q iirrd to discharge the fair.e
to JO 4N BRII-K, Elquire, I reafurer of said
Count atMillord, Within three months from
this da e otherwise proceedings to sale, according
to the £1 of Affemhly such cafe provided, wi! ;
be had •>/ the Commiffionen for the county.
. sa Stenton, ~i
ohn Cartm, > Coramiflionen
tbannes Van Etten, }
E. Kellogg, Clk.
July o, 1800 d _9. ot
an apprentice
At the Office of the Gazette «f the Unitid / ■
v V'