Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 18, 1800, Image 2

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By this Day's Mail.
NEW-YORK, July , 7 .
JC7» Y* tte-rday evening a; rived-at this port'
the ifhip Fadtor, Cspt. Kemp, 38 'Aiys
from London. We have been put in pof.
session cf English. papers to the sth. ot
JUNE —ieveral days the latest.
Our firlt attention was diredled to
wards the pending neg.ociation with
France, but w? have not been a'jle to
discover a single article relating to tha'
important bufiitefs,
fZT' A continuation of interelling details'
will be given in our next.
LONDON, May 29.
We have received taris Journals to tbfi
26th ir.d. inclusive. They contain but lit
tle official intelligence of a Inter- date than
what we had before. A telegraphic com
munication from Huninguen, of the nit
iiift. fays that nothing new had occurred on
the Rhine; and the unofficial letters fptaksfo
vaguely that nothing certain call be learnt
from them.
If we may credit a letter from the banks
of the Danube, dated the 18th, the huftile
armies were then in the Ulm—Mortal) at
Kiechfctoberg, one league from Ulm, and
Kray near lfilel, half a league from the fame
city. Gen. Sztarray, however, had been
able to effiift his jun&ion with the latter,
in spite of the obftocles thrown in his way
by Gen. St. Suzanne. Tlic circumstances
of the Atiftrians n»ay therefore be consider
ed as ftmewhat improved ; ardbefides, they
are now in such a fituatioti that they may
probably te able to avoid an adfion till they
receive the reinforcements which are to join
111 other quarters the success has been
various. On the Nojtherii frontiers of the
Sardinian dominions, the French have pas
sed the Ot St. Bernard, and taken Aofta.
The Auflrians, it would appear on the
er hand, have bet n furcefiful in the South,
and taker the city of Nice.
The official paper slates. that the Prince
has retired to lmmenfladt, and abandoned
Bicgentr to the French
A letter from Strafbuifi of tbt 21ft speaks
of an aftion between Etlirgtn an Rcithin
geo, bui in such a loofc n.annti that it hard
ly dt serves nctice.
sii:'iiapartt', of date the 18th, writes to
the ipinifier ot tiie Interior, that in in three
days al v. on I'd be ve in I'iecijicnd. We
Inay rheiefore scon expett important news
(rom that quarter. General Melas, thus
formidably threatened, mull afleuble all his
force ; and if he has not already taken Ge
noa, he will proLably be to abinden
the enterprise, for his forces do not admit'
of being, divided ir.tlik two divifiuiis, fuf
fficient both to ceepe with the army c.f
Buonaparte, and to withstand the combined
efforts ot Maflcna and Suinet. To this
theatre of war, therefore, every eye isdirett
rd. 'l'he events which it is about to exhi
bit involve the fortune of the campaign and
of 'the war.
'1 I.l* Moriteur (lajes, that the .Auftrians prtpariig to quit thi> Grifors, and to
nqi'ire into the Tyrel. Should this prove
true, the Fr; i ch, as the fame paper asserts,
niuft fo< n he mailers of all the jafles leadii g
to the Tyrol at.d Italy.
It is skid that the of Condc it to
embark at Lt; horn for the Milanese, and
that England is to fend troops uii- I
tier Gen. Abrrcromby. It' this intclligi:
which t'ri m Frankfort, be correfl, it explains
latisfa&orily the destination of the troops
lately, sent to the Mediterranean.
Thefr Journals throw feme light on the
ttyfleriouj, affair of an aftion having taktrl
place bt tween Kleber and the Grand Vizier.
As far as uur materials enable us to foim
an opinion; the following appears to be the
fatt s Our Commander in the Mediterra
nean, until Jie ihould receive indruftions,
fiomour Government refufed free prfTage
to any {hips from Alexandria : in the inte
rim the Grmiid Vizier expefled the French
to evacuate Cairo, Bcc. and to adt as if the
j .ifTports and guarantee fr<-rn the Allies of
the P< rti had been already piccur ed. Kle
ber however, thought otherwise, and before
tt.; cqncufrerte of our cahinee could ar
rive, matter* had proceeded so far as to oc-
the misunderstanding which brought
on a renewal of h< flilities.
A letter from a gentleman attached to Sir Sid
ney Smith's lquadron, and which was brought
by the btaier ot he lad overland dispatch firm
Jnd : a, gives the following detail refpc&ing this
afiVr :
" Hostilities were HnexpeiSedly renewee by
tie Fre nob, when the Grsnd Virierhad advan
ced without suspicion with a very (mall bodv
of troop*, within five leagues of Cairo. His was, 1 feir, a serious one ; though his
in'antiy are said to have taken pofliili' n •( Cai
ro, while the F emch were parfuing the 1 ur
hifh cavalry. His highoels has, I hope, ere
thi, r'n-hed Gaza.
' ThtCaptain Pacha will fail fromheneeop
Sit urn ay w th a fupcrb fleet for Egypt [seven
of the line, fcilr fifths, and fix frigates] with
many troops on board. Frtfh levies are ordrred
for Egypt from every fide of the Empire, and
if is they will beable to t nr.inar e aw;r
which has been so long and so «'ifgr cefully pro.
tailed. '
May 30.
On Monday the Union Bill was read a ft -
cond time iiv the Irilh House (f Commons.
On the quelYioti for its committal.
Mr. Grattan nrofc, a;d after feme objec- ,
tiotis to the ftrufture of the bill '
more of logic than argument, went krgely
into the detail, concluding by a prophecy,
that (lipoid a.ll Union take place, a rebellion
will at feme tint ant period be the confer
•''. ' ' ' "
Lnd C..11!c re;ig.h ; in Kfjiy, S"- i ! ,r, . c^>Rt 'Mr.,
C rattan's proplncy in a fpiritee and ;.n'.mir
ted manner ; »n<l said, t!;at whatever cffcft
such prophn.y may have, or with whatever,
intention littered, .t had VJ> tfi"e£f on l~i;u> ;
and the energies of guvcixn".! i;t would .put
down civ rebellion as another.. '1 his pro
duced-on the part v. I Mr. G. feme obfci va.
tions of aij aenmonious and personal nature,
vbich drew from Lord C. the rtma-rjk, that
flit h i'.civility us had proceeded frym the
htiu. f t.nUtmai), IW-u-d never -be -ar,f\>ered
by liipi in th: p b<ytie>' ij.
Mr. F!ui kct I'puke to the - mothm, nf-tcr
»! ;ch the lioufe div'4--d ayes.i
73. Loid C. then moved,r! e crnjr.ittal aii
Liiday ;,a,nd Mi anwrd*
tr,t;u, that it be committed. ou: thgjfifhft u.i
August: t.hit was on another
divifiirti negatived. Ayes 87 ; Nuef 124.
A debate ne.-xt oroft on the original (ration
for tj;e bill. fcj.iijg committt'd ©n Fnd?y<
which was carried without a divifit.i,, and
the houi'e, then adjeutued. . j.
In coiifecjutii).'e o( i!ie very yjc.onvt;-
rif nee lately <xpt.i;U ctd by., the
t?ia meicharts aul, pjj.r.ters < wing tp..tlte
capture ol so ma 1 y Weft Jr.dia packets, 11 .e.
admiralty have c< nfen ted to fend an armed
cutter with the Mails of tl e 4111 cf June for
Jamaica arc! the Leeward Itknds, which is
tofailfn.m Falmouth on the 71b or Bth of
that month ; and iu the folic wing week a
packet is ordered by the pofimaller genual
to fail with another mail for the fan e places,
to take duplicates, Sec. and to afFurd as much
acct um-oriation to the public, as the nature
of tie caPj will admit.
May jr.
The Hamburgh Mail, due on Wedmfday
1 ;ft, Arrived late lad night. It does not,
however, bring ar.y intelligence which can
allay the public anxiety on the fubjeft of the
hofiile armies ir. Suabia, the greater pait t f
its contents having betn anticipated by the
Paris papers which arrived on Thursday, the
letters from that part of the feat of war be
ing only one day later than tljol'e received I y
that conveyance.
It was reported at Hamburgh on the e
vening of the 24th, (hat a battle was fought
between Augfburgh and Ulm. on the 16th
or 17th of May. This report we conceiv
ed to have been founded on tbe latter from
Heillron, of the 16th inft. which slates,
that a violent cannonade had been heard
during the whole of that day fremthe neigh,
bourbood of Ulm.
June 2.
Our Plymouth letter of this day slates
the arrival of the Hjivic flrop of WaT, capt.
Bartholomew, who had fallen in with a fri
gate, ftom which he learnt that the .combi
ned fleets v. re under fail on Tuefdsy last,
and tl at thirteen fail oi them were com
pletely out of the haruour of Bred, and the
remainder getting cut as fafl aspcflible. As
tie channel fleet palled Plymouth on Tues
day, ard the squadron in Cawfund Bay were
"ordered out immediately, there *Vas every
n Inn to hrpe that lur frrl.e vvculd ci me
up with them ; H'ld we believe 110 one en
tei tains any diubt to the rcfult cf ftch a
There- are private letters in town from"
Paris, br«#ght ovei by the ! cartel, which
mention that Buonaparte haii written to the
two ci nfu!?, to fay, " that in 3 days froni
the ('ate ol his letter he fl'. iuld he at Mi
lan ; and in a fortnight all would I c over."
It vruld be very idle in us 'o ateempt to
explain the Weaning of this rxprtfiioii ; all
that we can vouch for is, that letters of this
tendency hive coir.e frcln Paris.
June 4.
Lafl night we received Paris papers to the
1 ft. in ft- nt'inclulive, The rectfit date of
the articles from Suabia, brought by the
Hamburgh mails which arrived on Monday
last, lias in the prtf nt infiance left but lit
tle to be told by these journals, except
what mifht be donvtyed by the telegraph.
"No cominnication of thi# kind has been
made, lo tl»at we may conclude either tl at
nrthing has taken, phice, or at le»ft, nothing
•advantageous to the republicans. 11l the
journal de Paris it is stated, that a cannon
ade was heard at Airglturgh on the toth,
one day later than our information frftm
that place by the mail, and that it was fup
pofiO to proceed fr< m the bombardtrent of
U!m. () lieis impute to Moreau .a dclign
of previously attacking Auglburgh.
The papers ot the 30th ult, give us a de
tailed account of the cperati 11 cf the mi my
of refeive which Buon. parte had mentioned
it) a few lines. The head quarter? of the
Chiel Confol were on the 34th at Aofts.
Cn eral I.annes had on tl e 23d n.ade him
felf muster of the town and citadel of Ivrea,
and tie In j-erialifts had retreated towards
1-tfpe&fng Maflena, we have an article,
Pgred by the war, rtmaik.ble
for the manner in which it ccmmuuicates
the official intelligence which the minifler
slates himfelf to have received, " Tl e chief
of the gei«ral ftaff cf the army «f Italy
writes trom Nice on the tolh May. At
that period we know from the London
Gazette Extraordinary, publiflied on Sun.
day last, that he could, had he thought
proper, have communicated some very im-
I portant intelligence refptfling himfelf.—
: From the fame authority we are enabled to
1 form an opinion of the credit due to hit in
telligence of the operation of aifena, who
be fays made a fertiecn the tight of the 3d
in which he complcatly defeated the ene
my, and took l,Bco prisoners, and another
sortie on the following night, in which
he took, three thousand prifotiers.
Carr.ot adds, that h# had been in
formed that Genoa was vi&ualled until the
14th inflant. The Auftrians are slated- in
a letter from the Artribes of the 15th ult.
to have evacuated Nice.
The Ami cJch Loix, one <vf. J»c few re
maining Frerch Journal*, has been suppress
ed, for some fev.ere auimadverlicms 011 the
proceedings of the National inltitute.
The Hamburgh mail due this morning,
ariived jult as this paper was about to be
put to pref«. It bring 3 aciour,ts of the ad
vantages obtained by the Auftrians over the
Republicans in Italy, which the London
Gazette Extraordinary of Sunday ( last sta
ted. ' . . ,
A Utter from lioveredo, ftatev that the
capitulation with Maffena was already so
far advanced, that lmperiahfts were ex
pefled to enter Genoa oil the 15th ult.
Frcip Ulm <\e learn that the Imperial
araty quarter was informed, in Gen
eral Orders,gt'thff Auftrians havii g entered
Nice cn the .»ith, and that Genoa had be
ga|i tq. capitulate on the 13th.
iFrom.Kiutgard ur.der date of the 23d,
and (jiinHjurgb Underthat of the 21ft, 1
vi learn that the French, after unfuccefsful
j fighting, had entirely withdrawn from the
Blauthal. They had retreated a confidera
'ble way towards Piperach and Memmingen ;
and the Auflriarrs, were again at Ehingen.
The King of Spaii.'s Ediift, of the 17th
cf July last, giving a forced circulation to
the Valts or Royal debentnres, has been
recently suspended in favour of the French
| merchants, whole bills upon Spain will hence
forth be paid in (pec e.
June t.
Late lalt 1 ight a meflenper arrived at th-
Admnalty withdifpatc.hes from Lord Keith,
cout?ining intelligence of tbe capture of
Genoa by the Aiiilrians* This melt inter,
et ing event,, eoi fident'y anticipated on- the
fit 11 defeats of Maflciia but judged from
subs quei t u;its every day mere im, ro
bable, took place op the 12th ult. The
place was carried by aflault. The French
have loft a grtat nuniber of men, nei r 20C0
were taken- prisoners, and the reft of Mafle
na'i aru y fought faiety iu the surrounding
heights, frcm whence they were flying in
every diredlim when the difpatchts above
alluded to was feist off. In this bold enter
prize the Auftrians loft cnecf theirgenerali.
Twenty velfels laden with grain, destined
fcr the relief of that city, were taken by
the English fleet. The army of reserve has
met with canfiderable it has
advanced into Piedmont, the
havir.g' riser, lit great numbers agaiuft the Nice is also in pofiiffion of t! v ■
Auftrians. under Melas.—The particulars
cf this important intelligence will be given
in an Extraordinary Gazette this morning.
\Ve slate the :.bove 6n the authority, yer
frtfHy aware howoerj. l ow improbable eve
ry part of jt is ; hut how can argument from
improbabilities be uvgtd ajrainft fa&s po
sitively - WCerf we to speculate
on thijeale, we might urge the improbabil
ity-'of a part of;..tbe Austrian force being a
l)!c to take-Genoa, 011 the enttipriae which
the whole was unable to achieve. The
Picdniont'i fe peasants, may liave risen, but
that they fliould give a frrious TSbllruttion
to the inarch of Buonaparte is idle, and if
Nice be ?.£tu;:lly in poff ffion of Melas, he
n ay loon experience the fate of Maligna.
Tvlay it.
Times Office, Wtdntsday
meriting, 3 o'clock.
After this paper went to press, an Ex
prtfs from Dover reached our
only pcflible to make a very fliort flatement
of their contents.
In a letter from Gene ral Maflena to Ge
neral Mtlas,/dated Genoa, April 2i, the
former refutes a capitulation, faying he has
still troops to defend the place.
A letter from Stralburgh of the 19tli,
mentions 'hat the French troops flill occupy
Qffenburg and Gengenbuch ; that the com
munication between Fribourg and Old Bri
fa,ch is interrupted, and that the German :horrid mafT&cres. '1 he
communifatifcn with- the Interior of Sua
bia, by the valley of Kinzig is open. The
Audrians are fata to retire on all fides.
In the battle of the 3d and sth, the Jour
nals state the loss on both fides to be
10 000 killed, and 18,'600 wtiur.ded. The
French troops- cn the last of these days had
began to gi»t> way, when Moreau put liini
-I'elf at the head of the cavalry, and encou
raged his troops, which decided the day.
l?y another letter from Strafburg, it ap
pears that the AulUiavis had regained pcf
feflion, of Stockach, but were driven from
it a second time. The date is not raenti
-9 lied.
The Hereditary Prince of Wurtemfcerg,
who serves under gen. Kray, is fluted to be
made prifenrr.
There was another battle on the 7 th,
when the Auftrians arc conleiTad t« have
h«d the advantage.
Gn the 9th, the armies were engaged a
fourth time. The French attacked the
at Biberach, and made 2000 pri
f<ners. The Ftciich are marching against
Ulfri. On Jli&t dsy the French occupied
Lindau, and were preparing to attack Bre
The Army of Referv? is marching partly
towards the Rhine—part towards Pied
mont. Buonaparte was at Lausanne 011
the 13th, where the Head Quarters of the
army of Refeive were ellabltlhed.
A Telegraphic dispatch from Hunin
guen, dated the I6th May, announces as
'* The right wing of the army, com
manded by Gen. Lecourbe, attacked
the enemy on the nth in his position
at Mcmtningen. The enemy it complete
ly beaten. Mtmimngcn is in our hands.
Two thousand men were made prisoners
and a great numbes of killed were left
on the field of battle."
Genoa, v.-as ft ill, ia nontfliqn o f_ t i ie
French on the 27th of April ; but the
Auftrians have received large reinforce
ments. and the French have fallen back
on Vintimiglia. Fears are entertained
for Nice.
Sailed the Jane Packet, capt. Jones, for
Halifax and New-York, with the mails of
ilie 71I] ipftant.
Also the American (hip Marion, Sherry,
with flour, rite, &c. for Liverpool.
Sailed to join the Chai.tul Fleet, the
Mars of 74 guns, Rear Admiral Berkely ;
Atlas, of 98 guns, capt. Cochrane.
The Channel Fleet, frorti Torbay, pa {fed
the foutid this inoriiin? to the westward,
bound 011 a cruize off Bred.
The homeward bound End-India Fleet
palled by last evening tor the Downs.
The American brig Columbia, J. Vea
cock, from Lilbon to Gibraltar, is captured
by L'Efperance French privateer, and car
ried into Algeziras.
The Prefect of the Department of War,.to
the Municipal Agents.
Dragnignan, 19 Flvteal, May 9.
Temporary fuccefles, due to numbers
rather than to courage, have opened to
the enemy the road of our frontiers.
They menace those of the department.
If they with to force them, they shall
find their tombs; of this they have seve
ral limes hatd fatal experience? but it
might be pofftblc that inalevolence may
prpfit by our momentary reverses to ex
cite troubles. You are magiflrates of
the people, you ought to know what are
your duties and what your responsibility.
It is in difficult moments that our facul
ties ought to be emerged, and that our
devotion ought to be unlimited, we must
set the examples of facrificcs. Prepare
your fellow-citizens to defend them
selves with the energy of a free people;
should our sacred territory be profaned,
let every man become a soldier ; let eve
ry thing be used for arms, (hould we be
in want of them; our mountains, our
position, place usin a ftatetodefend oi;r
felves with our single means; we Ihou'.d
be invincible, for it is our-freedom we
defend. At your voice let that love of
your,country which produced our firlt
fuccefles, awake in all hearts ; let eve
ry one rife and be ready *o obey that
terrible cry which I am about to caufc
to be heard—To arms .'
(Signed) « G. FAUCHET.
The General in Chief- Berrhier, to the Afrr.y
Head-Quarrers, St. Brancher, 26 Foreal.
May 16
Soldiers! the arm? of the Rhine is gain
ing great viftoriesr that- of Italy contend
against an army superior in number, and
ballances the vidiory by prodigiesof valor, li
ry, and to re conquer beyond the,.Alps, that
brilliant theatre of 1< rench valour. Conscripts
the hour of battle is comeyour hearts burn
to equal those Old soldiers, many, times con
[ querors. You will learn with t! em to fuppoj-.
j privations, and to overcome the fatigues in.
j separable from war. Never forget that vic
j tory is only obtained by valour and difcip
| line—Soldiers! Buonaparte is,near you to
enjoy your new triumphs, you will prove
t that you are still the brave men who have
rendered themselves illufttious in ihe ar
mies. France apd humanity demand peac e
from you, and you are going to conquer it,
PARIS, May 26.
Letter from the Chief Consul to ibe Minister
of the Interior,
Martigni, 28 Floreal May 8 at night.
lam at the foot if the Grand Alps, in the
midst vf the Valais, the great St. Bernard of
fered many obstacle/, which have bren sur
mmnted. The third of the artillery is in
Italy ; the army is descending by forced
matches; Rertbier is in Picdmant; in three
days all will be over. '
i This letter arrived last night ;it occasions
! a presumption that at - this hour Piedmont is-'
' in our power.—Postscript to the Montteur of
I the %idof May.
PARIS, June r.
The Council for deciding on prize
caufeg, yesterday ordered the Ameri
can (hip Pigou, taken by the Cocarde
and Bravoure, to be reflored with costs.
General Moreau to tie Minister of War.
Hunitiguen, 1 Prairial, May 21.
" There is nothing new in the army ; eve
ry thing goes on ivfll."
Downing street, May \x.',
A Dispatch of which the following /V a copy
was this viorning received from Thomas
Jackson 1 Fsq. bis Majesty's Minister Ple
nipotentiary at Turin, by the Right Hon.
Lord Giehvil/e bis Majesty's principal
Secretary of Statefor foreign affairs.
Thursday May io 1800.
My Lord,
It is with irfi.ite satisfaction that I can
inform your Lordship of ike entire evacuati-
en if the RivU.-e <fGe;::a r.r.d tie Country of
Nice by the French troops under Sucbet, tie
remains of which have passed the Far; and
Nice with its two Castles, ices yesterday oc
cupied by tie Imperial troops under the orders
of General Knesevieh.
General Kaim, the Commander in Chief
here has this moment sent intellegence to the
government of this joyful event.
I have the honor to be, &c.
Signed, T. JACKSON.
A neutral vessel just arrived from
Gravelines, with general Don, and 20
other passengers-
Advice was vefterdav received at t!:e
Admirality from Earl St. Vincent, sta
ting the combined fleet having entered
the inner harbour oF Brest.
Rooms have been ordered here for
the Engli(h minister, Mr. Wickham,
whose suit has already arrived.
Sailed the June packet for Halifax,
with the ma Is of the 7th inft. and the
Walfingham and King George Xifbou
packets, witjh the mails of the 6 h and
20th inft. The Phoenix,, with the Lee
ward Island mail of 21ft inft fail
AMSTERDAM, 24 FloreaJ, M..v 14.
The Batavmn Republic will io on
have a new fir-set. com pie civ rquipped,
confifling of 1$ ships of the line, tw©'
of thetji of 80, guns, and a great '■■ arty
frigates and other vciT-i . i his naval
force will be formed in<« tw*> di virions,
the principal of which will be com- '
manded by Admiral de Winter.
Late on Friday evening, two meflvr 'era
arrived with government difpatchea, one
from Con(\, and the other from
Florence. The latter is uid to-bring im
portant inttlligence. The French General
Souchet, is said to Save been defeated by-
General Met is, -Aitli ti)e 1; ft of 2 > ofer: s
and i,c2l pn (oilers, and great numbers of
killed and wounded. Gen. Keiin is fiid to
have entered Nice; and Mchs's heid-quar
ters were at Alberzsu Gen. Marten* had
made another sortie from Genoa on the ~d,'
but was repulsed with the loft of 1.200
men. , . - -
Lord Minto arrived at Vienna,»and was
at) court on the jßlh i-nft. rat .■
Accounts from. Suabia (late, thiit oil the
rjth jpft. a heavy-capinrtiade was heard the
whole d .y. m tke'diredtion of U'.ni, from
which it >vas,fuppofed a general engagement
had tak-n pj»ce.
The intelligence of General Klc-b r having
d?feat.-d .the army of the? Grand Vi&ier, is
:ui'y tonfii• >•»:.
There vfas • a report ybtterdsy, tfeiT :hc
AuftrianS btivrng (rot'pfcffi-ifion of# p< ft in r -
the,immediate neighborhood of Genoa, .£> "
{ViiJ ordered tlie commander of the post to
lie tliid by u fourt-mnrtul 611 'his return,
.itid'inftinUly Ihot. We do iioj; know whe
ther this be trcie or not, but it-is e'jccrcpi
probable that «n officer who did not'do his
duty, would be treated as he dciervrd by a
Geueial likeMafTen*.
Fremlbe London Garelte, Mai 27.
Dawning Stiect May 27 1800.
Difpatchrs of which the f ih.wi'g are co- '
pit j, have been this day received frbm Wil
liam Wickhaifi, Efq his Ma'efly* minister J
plenipotentiary and commissary at the Im
perial Royal and allied Armies, and frcn
lieut. col. Cli.'.ton, by the right hon. Lord"
Grenville, hia majesty's pri ■ cip? 1 secretary
of Hate for the foreign department.
H ad Quarters, Memmngcn.,;
May 10, 1800.
My Lord,
I Have the honour to inform your Lord
, (hip, that the arnjy marched in the caurfc
of the night of the 6th to Langen lir.ffin
geo ; the enemy sent only a detachment to
observe the movement cf the /.uftrians on
I the left of the Danube, and marched with
| the main brdy of his army in a dire&ion
which gave gen. Kray an apprche;Tion for
his, communication w th lieut. gen. I rince
Reufs in the Voralbrg ; to preserve which,
lit hastened by a forced march, re-croffi'ng
the Danube at Reidlingen to Bo.erach,
which place he reached in the afternoon of
the Bth. The atmy took apofition behind
the Rifs. The enemy, however ftiil had
the advance, and already occupied Wald
fefa. On the 9th (he Außrian advanced
polls in front of the Rife, were vigoroufiy
attacked and driven in. Gen Kray wishing
to avoid engaging in b general affair, fell
back at right to Ochfei hauffn. Every re
port of the er.eoiy Hated that he was still
marching by his righr. Th s morning the
army crcfFed tie liler in two coliim'rs at ll
lerdiffen ; and rear this place the troops
I ad scarcely reached their glou d when the
enemy a frefii attack on the left ; at
ihe fam# time a report wr.s received, that a
strong column was on its march to Kemp
tor. Every thing announced on the part
of the enemy the intention of an attack
General Kray tlterefcre had determined to
proceed to Ultr, w;here he will be joined by
the corps, ps Gen. Starry. cor filling of ten
cattalions a>:d a large jropoiticn of cavalry,
besides the second dirifion rf the Bavarians,
The affair of this day, in which the Bava
rians diftinguiflitd tbemftlvcs much to the
DOVER, June i.
*f. A.'
-.p. •*«