Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 18, 1800, Image 1
Qvr Gazette of the United States, & Daily By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-fireet. VUMKVR : 436.1 PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY iB, 1800. JVoiomk XVIII. «bk>wf -»■ n. tr aaQMNBHiI a®w**' Ti-rrrTMin- -rnT-r-r yw^Mr " ,, 'WTm~v«ißT innrmr— an an mll irn u i iniMiiifMiinii nm ■" TT ir--- : r-- ■■■■ i TTT--i-rt~T^ , nr-i m ■ Cr.7° The price of this Gazette is Eight . lloLLAiis per annum to Subscribers residing i the city of Philadelphia. All others pay o e Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless*some person in this cttj will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six, Months in Advance. *„• No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December I *799. ALMANAC From July IJ —to »*■ men watkr. H. M' Wednesday - « 9-54 Tbarfday - - 10 41 Friday - - * II 39 Saturday - 0 9 Sunday • - • • o 50 Monday .... t 42 TucfJay • • 4 3 1 SUN RISES SET! Wednesday - - 4 43 7 »7 Thursday - - 4 44 7 16 Friday 4 45 7 »5 Saturday - 4 45—7 '5 Sunday - - " *4 46 7 '4 Monday 4 47 7 '3 Tuesday . * 4 48 FOR LONDON, |B|f Roebuck, Bernard Rafer, Matter ; His a oui'iderab'.epart of her Cargo engaged, and will fail with ad expedition. For freight or pillage, apply to the Cap tain, or to THOMAS W JOHN CLIFFORD. Jul" 12. eod 3t ' A fathionable Horse and Gig FOR SALE. The Hori'e young, and the Gig as good a 9 new. Af.plj to the Editor. N.B. NEW WATCHES will be in payment at a fair wholesale price. Fun" 1J 70 11HDS.—AND 36 BARRELS, or Prime Port-au-Prince SUGARS, And Twelve Tons Logwood, JUST arrived in th* Brig Mufannah, Captain Smith, from Port-au Prinee, and for sale by THOMAS Kt.TLAND. July 14. mw&f lot TO LET, OR FOR SALE, A 2-story brick house TWO rooms on a floor, kitchen and wafh hcufe, all built ol the best materials, and in excel lent order ; cellars under the whole, one paved, and has two lattice closets with locks, a large gar den and yard, several fruit-trees in the garden, two pumps of excellent water near the premises. Enquire at No, 39, Arch flreet. July \$ tu*f6w Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office • * IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth flreet, to N'i. 18 South Third Qreet. An Office for those stages is »!fo kept at mr. Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market flrctt. General Post Office, April aB - Arrived, AND FOB SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBEHS, THE CARGO OF THE SHIP PHILADELPHIA) Theodore Bliss, Commander, from Benga CONSISTING OF , An assortment of Piece Goods. Sugars of the firft quality, And aoo qr. chests of superior quality Jlj l'on Teas. Willings Iff 1 Francis, and Thomas is' John Clifford. March 17. d. FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible ESTATE, CONSISTING of two handsome dwelling faoufes, with excellent (Uhling for seven horses, double coach-house moil completely fitted up; a beautiful large and valuabla garden richly filled with choice fruit, surrounded with high board fence, almost new. The premises are beautifully situated near the middle of Germantown, sur rounded with rich profpeds of the adjacent country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a handsome lawn at tht back of the house. One house has been recently built on an appro ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty fix The new house is well calculated for a (lore in cither the dry or wat good line. Th« air and water are unrivalled, and there are some mod excellent fchool9 in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of Mk. POTTER, onrjthe premises. May 9; def A CERTIFICATE iT'MR a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of the . United States, No. 381S in the name of John Holmes, Jun. has been let or miflaj etl and for the Renewal of which application has been made at laid Bank, of Which all concerned are desired to takeinotice. PETER TREGENT. ■ May 19. <*3m. A PROPOSAL by William Young Birch, AND Abraham Small, Of the City of Philadelphia, FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION, THAT INVALU ABL F WORK, DP RUSSELL'S HISTORY OF Modern Europe. IVith an account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Rise cf Modern Kingdoms, l!?c. isfc. THE great applaife which this excellent book has a sure proof rf its | merits—The vast sale which it has had for | leveral years, is a criterion by whLh the ] public opinion of its worth can be known. , During the life of the learned author, it went through the annual file of a very Urge irapref j fion—every fncceeding edition received iome i improvement the result of his deep researches and. great judgment—he lived to make it as perfeil as in tl.s »ature of things it sould be— he is dead ! Whilst the Engh(b language is read, the History of Modern Europe will re main a monument to his fame 1 It is as enter taining at inllruiftive ; as interesting as pro found. The plan of the work is copious, but by ax happy arrangement, the deader is at once 1 presented with the cotemporary history of 1 every part of Europe. The book now offered ! to the public is from the last and molt correal copy, to which fhis (hall be no way inferior. IT contains— An history of the decline and fill of the Roman empire. The rife of modern kingdoms, ge nerally. A particular history of the French monarchy. Do. Spain from the dominion of the Vifig»ths. Italy, with the rife and progress of the Temporal Power of the Popes. Britain, from its relinquifhment by the Romans. Ireland. The German em pire, from Charlemagne. The empire of Conftantinuple to its overthrow. Empire of the Aribs. Rife and progress of the Turks and falj of the Greek empire. History of Portugal ; View of the progress of Naviga tion ; Conqtiefts in the East arid Weft Indies ; Discovery ofAnier ca,&c. Hiftoryof Sweden, Denmark, Nor* ay, Ruflia,Poland and Prus sia: Ncfth-America, as c6flu«fled with Eu ropean history. A very c«mprehenfive and highly ufeful chronology. CONDITIONS. I. The whole shall be comprized in five large odlavo volumes, printed in the best manner, on a fiipertine paper. 11. It is intended to deliver ene "o'ume every two months, at the price of Two Dollars per volume in boards, payable on delivery. 111. As it may be inconvenient to deliver them to diftar.t fiibfcribers in fitigle volumes, those who wilh it, may let them remain with the publishers until the whole are published. The work is at press and will be printed on 1 beautiful new tvpe calt for the jjurpofe. The enrouragers »f this undertaking may reft as sured, that nothing r.ow forefeen shall delay its regular procedure ; so that in one year at far theft the Citizens of the United States shall be presented with an American Edition of Doflor HuflVll't History of Modern Eur-pe, equal to the Eug'ifh copy, aud at a lower price. June 14 tuSs'f Schuylkill Permanent Bridge: A DIVIDEND of 8 per centum per annum is de clared by the President and Directors of the Company for treeing a Permanent Bridge ovfr 1 the River Shuylkill, at or near the city of Phila delphia, on the amounts paid in on the i(t day nf . April Uft, (the time when the fubferiprions to the (lock of the said company were complcated, and to be from thence computed) payable to the stock holders «r their legal reprefentativesafcer the 10th day of the prefetit month, out of the profits jri fing from the F!o»ti- g Bridge Ferry and Tavern, at the West end of High Street, on application to the Treafurrr, No. 13, Church Aliey. WILLIAM BANKS, Secretary. July 1. tuthsira 1 - To the Inhabitants of the 3d Col lection Diftritf, r Compreheiyl-d by the Ea.'t and Weft Northern Libertirs, and the towr.fhip of Biockley in fiiftdivifion, ftifeof PcnnfylvVnia. YOU are hereby noticed, that the tax which has been ass fled upon dwelling house], lands ind slaves within this diffridl, hy virtue of an ait of Cor.grefs palled the 14th of July, 17 8, entirled *' an aiff to lay and colleA a di red tax," becomes due and payable on the 12th day of July next, and that I will attend at my houO>, No. 363, north Second (freer, to receive the fame, (Vim and after the nth day > ofjulvto the firft day of Auguit next, from 1 10 o'clock in the morning till 6 in the after ' noon, except Monday the jift and Frid»y the ! 15th, when, sor 1 the greater convenience of the ' inhabitants in the township of Biockley, I »ill attend at the house of Mr. Wil! : am Roads, at : 1 the Cross R ads, of which all persons ctjcern -1 ed are to take not ce that on tie t the delinquents wll inn: ediately be proceeded again!! as the law dir. <sts, and fubjeA them- I I'elves to an additi-nal expence of eight per centum en their refpedlvie taxes and oft of prosecution. , In conformity to the 6th lecflion of the a<£\ aforefaid, a full and corre<ft Ccpy of the tax ; '.iff remains at the < ffice ®f John Browne, No. . 368, north Front street,' Northern Liberties, the surveyor of the revenue for the said aflels ment diftr : <sl, open to the infpeiflion nf all per fons'inclined to infpeil the fame. JAMES SWAIN, Colleflor of the 3d colie<slion diftridl. Northern Liberties, June 18 w 1 \ i FOR SALE, ; A Printing Press. Apply at the Ofßce of the Gazette of the United States. BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock is? Watch Maker, has removed To No. 36, Mauket Street, Where he has for Sale, * Spring and other Clocks ; gold and {ilve r> Watches; Tools, Files and Materials; Use' and silt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, Etc. &c. ( CLOCKS AND WATCHES , Repaired as ofual. June 3 tuStf tf ! A Summer Retreat., 1 TO BE RENTED, 1 A GENTEEL HOUSE, j WITH a stable, carriage-houft and lot, situated in 5 pleasant part of Trenton. The ' terms will be moderate, and pofleflion can be 1 had immediately ; but the tenant will not be ' wanted to occupy the premises after the loth ] of next November. For terms apply ta tha < printer, or to ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire, in Trenton. June 14- tuth&stf j 300 Dollars > REWARD. ; RAN AWAY from the fuhferiber, on tiie 18th 1 of June inft. TWO NEGRO SERVANTS ; ; viz a negro woman named Pat, a wa(hcr-wo man and cook, of about fifty tw« years ofage— ' tall and weil shaped, of a black complexion. She 1 has bad teeth, those of her under jaw are much 1 difcoloure.l and project a good deal. She has a j full head of wooly hair—a very croft forbidding , countenance, it very impertinent, and laughs and talks loud. Pat was born in South-Carolina, and speaks bad Englilh, with the negro dialeiX. She has on the upper part of her breafl, two pretty large lumps of flefli resembling Weis, or rather with the appearance of the marks of 1 burn. She carried away with her several changesof cloathj, and gowns of white muslin, and of coloured and figured printed cottons fafhionably made up. She also carried away with her, I CLARA her daughter—a very float, robust, 1 flrong made of a short stature, and round { Ihouldered—appearing t« ba about 14 years of age v Clara has large flaring eytf, a flat nose, an 1 eval flat face, her under jaw projefiing a little, ' and good teeth. She is very artful and impu dent, has a great fluency ps speech, uses good lan guage, and has been taught to read.—She has the appearance of ring worm» on her left cheek and chin ; the ikin in l'pots appearing much paler than the reft of her complexion, which is much Jighter than her mother's—-Her hair is short and woolyi She wore a pink grounded printed cotton with a small black figure, with new fore farts. Also ran away, on Wcdnefday the nth inft. June, DICK and AMELIA. Dick, or as he has lately tailed himfelf, Richard Weaver, is a'houfe fervant,—he is about 5 feet high, rather small made, is about 2; years old, of a good smooth, black complexion—has a flat nose, with very large open noflrils. He carried his head and neck ai if he were ftiff in the neck and (honl dcrs, which are high and tolerably square, and his neck short—his legs are straight but small and illy made, with scarce acy calf. He has hai bad teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awhward— he has a full head of wooly hair, which he plaits and drefles to the best advantage. His voi<-» is small, his speech commoly mild and flow, and his manners appear extremely finiple, but he is at bottom an artful knave, and when spoken td is very apt to be paflionare and imperti ent. Dick is a native of South-Carolina, and speaks bad Englilh—he seduced and carried away with him Amdia. who he called his wife. Amelia is a very complete, well inftrufled la dies maid,'much below the common stature an 1 of a small make—her complexion is that of t dark mulatto or meflizoe, nearly refetnbling that of the Lascars of India, with black curling hair, and a very low forehead—her right eye has a great weakness, owing to the small pnx inkier infancy— under her «ye» very black—a flat face, flat broad nose, with scarce any riling at the bridge; a large mouth, with thick lips, and good flrong teeth. On the nape of her neck she has the marks of a Seton. Drcffes with talle, and imitates the French, flyle ; is very fetifible, and CTpr«ffes herfelf well. She took with hrr a variety ot clothes, fafbion ablymade—ftiehaifor more than two years pad been liable to fits, which at times give her a wild nefsin her ryes—herhealthis generally delicate— flle it at present likely to encrcafe her family, and is about 12 years of age—(he can dr«ls hair, clear starch, has a taste for miHinary and mantua-ma king; and as lie is very ingenious, can turn her hand to anything and may probably offer herfelf to some milliner or mantua maker as a work woman. As Amelia has heretofore been a great favourite of a very indulgent mistress, and 'tis believed ha- been led away by the persuasion of hi r psraniour Ui k, if (be will return to me, Ike will be forgiven anu treated with the fame ten dernefv (he has always received. FIFTY DOLLARS Keward for each will be paid for the delivery of Pat and Clara to the fubferiber, or to' any goal in the United States, so that I rr.ry get pofleflion of them—One Hundred Dollars each for l Dick and Amelia, on the like delivery. The fubferiber warns all master of vcffi-ls, from taking these from the United States, and requests such of his friends and acquaintance as it may notfuit to arrest them, to,give information, (hould they hear of either of the fugitives, to the fubferiber i by letter direfled to the post office, Philadelphia, which will find him, wherever he may pass the summer, or to the Printer of the Gazette «f the United State*, who will .communicate it to a lriend in Philadelphia to a& on his behalf. JACOB READ, Of South-Carolina, corner of Fourth and Union-streets, Philadelphia. Junesj. wßcs'st H'AfrTEB, As TUTOR, A SINGLE Man,capable ot inftrinSUng twelve Boys, in the Latin, Greek ami French lan gftages, also writing ajd arithmetkk. Such a ferfon coming well recommended, lor bis abili ties an I good behaviour will receive four hurt t'.red dollars per annum, and be accommodated, ,wuch to his l'ati'faChoti, with meat, .irink, wa(b ing and lodging ; by applying to the fublcribers, liviog near Berry's-»iile, in Frederick county am'. I .tateof Virginia. John Milton, Warner Watbington. June 10 tuth&f j 9 tl[ | —Tfl 1| - ---Viirnrrn'MWll'ilillllliiMMaMlMMlMtfMLMlllllllMMLilJLMMl WHEREAS by an aft of Congress pafled on the seventh day of May, in the year of our Lord one thoufnd eight hundred, the President of the United States is authorized to borrow, on behalf of the United States, from the Bank of the Uni ted States, or from any other body or bo dies politic or corporate, or from any per son or fierfons, and upon such terms and conditions as he (hall judge moll advanta geous for the United States, a sum not exceeding Three Millions Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, so however, that 110 contrail or engagement be made, which (hall preclude the United States from reim 1 burfing any sum or sums borrowed, at any ! time after the expiration of fifteen years ' from the date of such Loan. And Where- j as it is declared by said aft, that so much 1 as may be necefTary of the surplus of the 1 duties on imports and tonnage, beyond the ■ permanent appropriations heretofore char ged upon them by law, shall be pledged and appropriated for paying the interell ; and also for paying and discharging the princi ple sum or sums of all the monies which may be borrowed according to the term or terms which may be fixed pursuant. to the ' authority iforefaid. AND WHEREAS by the said aft the faith of the U. States, is pledged to establish fufficiejit permanent revenues, for making up any deficiency thgt may hereafter appear in the provisions be fore mentioned for paying the interest and principal sums, or. either of them, or any monies which may be botrowed pursuant to the said aft. AND WHEKEAS the Phesident of the United States, did by an Aft or Commiflion under his nand, da ted the seventeenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred, autho rize and empower the Secretary of the Trearury to borrow on behalf of the Uni ted Stares, any sum not exceeding in the whole Three Millions Five Hundred Thou sand Dollars, and to make such contrast or coDtrafts a3 (hsuld be necessary, and for the interest of the United States, ia pur suance of the aft of Congress above recited. NOW THEREFORE, theundeffigned Secretary of the Treasury, in pursuance of the aft of Cor.grefs and the authority from the President of the United States above mentioned—Doth Hereby, on behalf of the United States of America, contrast and en gage in manner following, to wit : ift. There fliall be created a funded Ca pital Stock, to a.i amount hereafter to be de signated by the said Secretary, but not ex ceeding Three Millions Five Hundred Thou sand which Capital Stock fliall be divisible into (hares of one hundred dollars each, bearing interest, at eight per centum per annum, payable quarter yearly at the Treasury of the United States, or at the Loan Offices, where the said Stock may (land credited, until the last day of December in the year eighteen hundred and eight. 2d. After the last day of December in the said year one thousand eight hundred and eight, and after reasonable notice to the cre ditors, which fliall be given by an advtrtife roent in some public newspaper printed at the feat of the government of the United States, the said Capital Stock fliall be re deemable at the pleasure of the United States, by the reimbursement of the whole sum or fuitis borrowed and which may con stitute the said Capital Stock, either at the Treasury of the United States, or at the l.oan Offices w here the fame may (land cre dited. 3di The credits for the said Capital Stock shall and may be separately certified in (urns either for one hundred, four hundred, one thousand, four thousand, or ten thousand dollars, and the credits so certified shall be transferable by the creditors, or their attor nies, at the Treasury and Loan Offices re fpeftively, in pursuance of the, rules which have been or whicfi may be eflabliftied rela tive to the transfer of the funded Stock of the United States. 4th. A fufficient sum of the of the duties on imports and topnagc beyond the permanent appropriations heretofore charged upon them by law—together with the frith of the United are hereby pledged for the fulfilment of this contrast, in pursuance of, ard according to the terms and conditions of the aft of Congrel's herein before recited. GIVEN under my hand, and the Teal r.f the Treasury of the United States, at ) Philadelphia, this second day of Jure, one thousand eight hundred; and of the Independence the twenty-fourth . OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Treasury. BANK or the UNITED STATES. June 21, 180 c. Proposals will be received until laft day of July next inclufiv.-, at the Bmk of the United States, and the Offites < f Dis count and Deposit at BoOon, New-York, Baltimore, Norfolk, and Charlcfton, for the purchase of One Million and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of Stock, direfted by the Secretary of the Trenfurv, to be issued ra pursuance of the abiveniejitioned con trast. The proposals moll advantageous to the United States will be accepted, but no ■>tock will be issued at lels than five per centum advance, or one hundred and five j dollars' in money for one hundred dollars in I (lock. In cafe the sums fpecified in similar [ proposals fliall exceed the amount of stock offered for iale at the places abovementioned, they will be accepted, futijett to a propor tional deduttion. wf G. SIMPSON, Cafh'r. IMPORTED, In the Jhip Mary Ann, Francis Stewart, majler, from Hamburgh, notu landing^ AND FOR SALS BY Jacob Sperry & Co. No. 195, Market ftrdet, CSSERILLOS or tfhite rolls of it fa yards, Uouaus, D "canters, cut and com-non, F alk fallad dishes, tliafs pearls and bee<is l®r necklaces of all colours and sizes, Bhck and white edgings and laces, Ribbons and tapes, Coffee-mills, QjuJls, and 351 Boxes Boticinia Window Giafs, 7 9, 8 10, 9 11, 10 ii, it 14, 14 16, ii 18, 14 18, 16 10, 18 34, ao 24, zo 26 24 32. Also, lira Neiu-Tork, 6 Cales white rolls, 1 6 do. Creas ala Morlai*, 2 do. Coatils. On hand, which will h« fold reasonable to dose files, 2 new Cables of 110 fathom each 9 & 10 inch. July I w&f iw Philadelphia Academy. SAMUEL MAGAW, D. D. RecSlor of St. Paul's Church, and formerly Vice* Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, AND JAMES ABERCROMRIE, A. M. One of the Afliftant Mini ficrs of Chriil church and St. Peter's, sat>e openeu, * At No, 34, Spruce Street, AN ACADEMY, CONSISTING OF AN Englift) School, a Claflkal School, and a Mathematical SchoQl, in which all the branches of feiefie'e connefled with those de partments are taught. N. B The Mathema tical Department is conduced by Mr. Pftfr Delamar, formerly Profrjfvr cf Mathematics in the Royal Academy, Dublin• June 6. w tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. TOR SALE, About 2 j acres of Land, LAYING on the east fide of the Falls On the Fall it is bounded by property belong ing to Mr. Tench Francis, fin.—on the south, by n road of two perches, ar, j on the north by a lane, wiich separates it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo fci to divide this land into 3 equal parts in order to fait the purchalersi Also, 31 acres, situated en the weft fide oft Germantown read, adjoining Maiters's eiiate, being part of ths property of the late Samuel Rlifflin. For terms apply to Samuel Mifßin, corner of Market and nth itreets. January 24. <Jtf. A PERSON OF abilities, integrity and experience in mercantile business, would willingly en gage as CLERK to a merchant or public of ti e, or be concerned with any person as pa;(- r,er, as he has an intcrtfl of about one thodfand pounds in real ellate h) tlie city. Please to Jp ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office for B Y. will be attended to im eriiately. M*o d f mfltth tf 'lhat large aiidVommouidus HOUSE, At the corn r of Arch ar.d NinthJlreets. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this montfi, the House, Sta ble, Qoach-Houfe and Lots, now in the tu.ure of M-jor Butler, situate as above. Enquire at No. 28, north Fifth flreet. July 10. mSc:h 3W TO BE LET, Either separately or t geiher, The Two Houses, LATELY occupied as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa muel Francis, No 13, l'outh Fourth llreet. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R.MORGAN, No. 41, Arch llreet: July 10 3taw aw Imported In the Pomona, from Liverpool, and for sale, Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery, Brass Es? Japan'd Wares, Per th« Biutus and . *.ntlopc, via N, York, HATS alTorttdiifcafes, and PINS in Boxes—by ELISHA FISHER tf Co. No. 3q, North Front iireet. June a 6 dim A PARTNERSHIP. ~ A PERSON polfelliiit' lomc i*pnai, a consi derable tharc of mdwfiry, arid lelVotis of engaging as a partner in a luctatiw biifinefs, is ;y near of a fitoiiinn. All pr-pola's ri tjlis fubjeif to be in writirg, fealfd an.i cireflcd to V. K. J New York, and left with the printer of t-ie Gazette of tlie United States, w ill be st tended to. •r A Printer would 2nd it to bis advanlwe June £• • its