Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 17, 1800, Image 1

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    NUMBFB 24.35."}
tiCF" Tie price of this (ja%ette is Eig/is
Dollaks per annum to Subscribers residing
in tie city of Philadelphia. Ail others pay
#"e Dollar additional, for enclosing jr.d di
recting ; and unlessrsome person in this city
will become aim#eralle for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Mouths in Advance.
*#* No Subscription mill be received for
a shorter term thsn six months.
December 1 1799.
frmjub t$ —/»»».
k'io: 'ay
WednMay • - 4 4 3 —~7 *7
ThurfdlJk - 4 44 7 16
Friday f\- t>r .* k 4 45 7 'J
Saturday',* »\>- > v A V « J
Sm.tlay - - f - 4
TV (i»y
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention and cure of Dilio s and
Mdlignunt Fevers, is recommended,
Dr. HAHM's
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH have been attended with a degree
of success highly grateful to the inven
tory feelings, in several parts of the Weft In 1 the fouthcrn parts of the United State;-
particularly in Baltimore, Peterfourg, Rich,
mofd, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington,Charlef
ton, Savannah. &c. The teftiinony of a num
ber of ptrfoasin each of the above places can be
adduced, who have reason to believe that a
tirnelyuf«of th s salutary remedy, has, under
Providence, prefcrved their lives when in the
inoft alarming circsmftances. _ .
Fails of this concltifive nature speak more in
favour o! a medicine, than columns of pompous
eulogy, founded on mere iflertk n, coul-l do.
It is not indeed pr«l'umptuoufly jropoled as
an infallible cure, but the inventor has every
poffib!e reason, which can result from extensive for believing that adefcttf theft pills,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of our anthial bilious fevers, will prove an
in illible preventative ; and further-that in the
earlier (tages of ti.ofe difeales, their use will
very generally succeed in restoring health and
frequently in calei mfcd desperate asd bey*
end the power of common remedies.
The operation of theft -pit s is p'rfeflly- mild
and may be used with ktety tiy ~erlbn» in every
situation and of every age.
They are excellently adapt- I to entry off fuj
perfluoua bile and prevent its morbid fccretions 1 ;
to reflore and amend the appetite ; t» produce
a free, perspiration and thereby prevent colds
which are often of fatal conlequence. A dose
Bever fails to remove a cold taken on its firft
appearance. They are celebrated lor rrm..ving
habitual coftivenels, fickurfs jf the fl»n»»ch and
severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
persons on a change o( climate.
They have been found remarkably efficacious
in preventing and Curing tnoit disorders attend
ant on long voyages, and (hould be procured
and carefully preserved for use by every teaman.
Genuine Eye-water.
A certain and fafe remedy for all diseases of the
eyes, whether th« ess/A of natural weaknel'i, or of
accident, speedily removing inflammations, tie
fluxions of rheum, dullness, itching, and films in
the eyes.uever failing to cure those maladies which
frequently succeed the small pox, mtsjii ird fe
vers, and wonder ully flrengtbening a weak fight.
Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived of fight.
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only rt-medy yet dilcovered vi hichtfives im
mediate anil iatling rcliet in the mod severe in
The Anodyne Elixir.
For the cure of every kind of head-ache, and so
pains in the face and neck.
Injallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medicine has never tailil, in many thou
and'eafea net one in a hundred has had occasion tq
fake more than one bcttle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if tfce t.ur
is not performed.
No. 17, South Sec»nd Street,
And no where else, in Philadelphia.
Where also may be had, Dr. Hamilton's Worm
Doflroying Lozenges, his Sovereigrt Elixir for
coughs, &c. Reilorative Drops, and Fx
trail rf Mustard, Sovereign Oiutment for the Itch,
Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific for the Venerval com
plaint, Gotland's and Persian Loti«»n, Reftorativc
Tooth Powder, Dsmafk I.ip Salve, Church's
Cough Drops, Andtrfcn's Pills, &c. &c.
apriliq m
ALL perf.ns who have any <U*m4iids agamft
the eftue of WILLIAM F.'SHF.R, are <<efired
to bring in their aecoums to tli fuhf >iber, in
order that they may be 'if barged ; ai.d all
who are indebted to fatd eliate by coi;-
trai£>, b md, bill, book debt, for rtnt or other,
wife, are required toddcharge the fartir,
wile they k jy expeit to 'be proceeded against
according to law.
A Sminiftrator to the eliate of William Filher
Jane is w im
Abraham Small,
Of the Citj of Philadelphia,
t , .JK
Modern Europe.
H. K
9 J4
la 41
11 *9
o 9
e jo
» 4*
a 3»
Wiib an account of the Decline and Fall f
the Roman Empire, the Rise cf Modern
Kingdoms, &c. &c.
I TIE great applause which this excellent
«- hook has recnived, is a Aire proof ot its
merits—The vast sale which it has had for
several yeai s, is 2 fair criterion by which the
public opinion of its worth can be known.
During'the life of the learned author, it went
through the annual sale ot a v.-ry rinprtf
fion—every facceeding edition r«criverf fnae
improvement the reiult of Ms deep researches
and judgment—he lived to make it as
peifcit as in the naiurc of things it e-uld be—
he ii dca<! ! Whilll the Englilh language is
read, the History of Modern Europe will re
main a mouument to his fame ! It is as enter
taining as
found. T' e plan of the work i« e-.pious, but
by ax happy airangement, the reader is. at once
presented with the cotemporary l.iftory of
every pjrt ot Europe. The book now offered
t» the public is '■'rorn the lift and must correift
to which this fljai; be no way inferior.
tr contains—
An history <f the decline and fill of the Roman
empire. The rife of modern kingdoms, ge
nerally. A particular History of 'he French
monarchy. Do Spain the dominion
of the Viftgeths. Italy, with the rife anj
progress of the Temporal Power of the
Popes, Britain, from its relinquifhmcnt by
the Romans. Ireland. The German em
pire, from Charlemagne. The empire of
Conftantiniple to its overthrew. Empire ot
the Arabs. Rife and progress of the Turks
and fall »f the Gretk empire. History cis
Portugal ; View of the progjrefs «f Naviga
tion ; Conquests in the East and Weft Indies j
Dil'covery,&c. History of Sweden,
Denmark, Norway, Ruflia,Poland and Prus
sia: North-America, asconaetied with Eu
ropean history. A very camprchenfive and
highly ufeful chronology.
4 47 7 '*
4 48 7 11
I. The whole (lull be comprised in five large
oitavo volumes, printed in the best manner,
on a fuperline paper.
11. It is intended to deliver one volume every
twotnonrh*, at the price of Two Dollars ptf
volume in b lards, parable on delivery.
111. A« it miy be inconvenient to dtliver them
to diflant Tubltrihers in (ingle volumes, those
who wifti it, may let them remain with the
publffhers until the whole are published.
The work is at pre!* anil will be printed on
l beautiful new type cat* for the pv.rpofe. The
encot.ragers sf thu undertaking may reft af
furrd, that n ihittg no v forefeen shall delay iti
retyilar procedure ; fothat in one year at far
theO the cit zens of the United States (hall be
{-relri'.ttd with an American Edition of Doflar
History of Modern Enr*pe, equal to
the Kug i(h copy, aud at a lower price.
June :4 tuJ^f
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge:
AL>IVl.)iiNIl ol 8 per centum per annum is de
clared by t! <• f-'relidcitt. and Directors of the
Company for >lx6l i;g a ' trmancnt Bridge ov»r
the River Shuyihi I »t «r near th< city ot Phila
delphia, 11 t\e am mi t« paid in on th id day of
"prilUlt, (the rim. wh the fubfcriptionn to the
(luck of the fai : comp .ny Wf re complaated, aud to
he troHi t \ncc c»isiputed) piyable to the stock
holders *r their legal renre&ntativy* sftertSie ioth
day ot-he nr- sent month, out of the profits ari
fipg from the Floati g Bridge Ferry and Tavern,
at the We tendol Hiy;h S rect, on application to
the rreafurer, No. 13, Church Alley.
July r. tilthsj m
To the Inhabitants of the 3d Col
leftion DiftriA,
Comprehend 0 by the Ea.'t and Weil Northern
Liberties, and the township of Blot kley in
firftdivifion, ftveof Pennfylvinia.
YOU are he e!-y noticed, that the tax
which has been alfrfled upon dwelling houses
lmda and flsves within this diflrift, by virtue
of an ail of Congress paft'cd the 14th of July,
1778, entnled " an ail to lay and collefl a di
rect tax," becomes due aa! payable on the
11th day of July next, and tlut I wiß attend at
my house, No. 3*3, nuch S-cond fireet, to
receive the fame, from *tjd a'ter the 11th day
of Jll vto th*- firft day f Aupuft next, from
10 o'clock in the meriting tili 6 i'l the after
noor, except Monday the sift a.,t! the
15th, when, for ihe greater cOuynj'rce of the
ir habitants in the town Chip of I'l ick'it y I will
a'tend at the house of Mr. William l{«ads, at
the Cross R.adi, of which all persons cincern
ed are to tcke not ee that o'i deEau t the
delinquents wll immediately be proceeded
again!) as the law dirr<fis, and fubjeil them
telves to an additional expence of eight per
cen'Um on their relgedlvie taxes and eft ft of
In conformity to the 6th feilion of the ail
aforefaid, a full and con-eft ccpy of the fax
lift remains at the "fficc of John Browne, No.
368, north Front.fireet, Northern Liberties,
the surveyor of the revenue for the fiid afield
me'it diftr <TI, opei to the infpedlicm t f all ptr
fons inclined to infpeft the fame.
C' ljtilor of the 3d colleiP.ioii diftrift.
Northern Liberties, June 28 w lA
, FOB. SALE, .
A Printing Press.
. Apply »t the Office of the Gazettcof
the Uoiud Si*tci.
of the United States, & Daily Advertiser.
William Young Birch,
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street.
Clock as" Watch Makep,
To No. 36, Market Street,
Where he hat for Sale,
Spring and other Clicks i»oid and silve r
Watches ; Tools, Files ind Mnterials ;
andcilt Chains, Seals ami Keys ; Springs,
&c; &c.
u abml. " ,
tukf «f
*t?in (•
A Summer Retreat.
WITH a liable, carriaye-hivjw* and lot,
fituat'd in a pkSfant part of Trenton. The
terms will he moderate, and pnfTeffioo can be
had immediately ; but the 'eiu.t w : ,i. not be
wante. to ui-cupy the pretnifrs tfttr the roth
t next N vtiiiber. For terms apply t* tha
printer, r.r to ABRAHAM HUN V, cfqutre,
in Tfqntun.
I .ne 14
RAN AWAY from the fut>f«ib»r, on the 18th
of June inft. TWO NKGPO SERVANTS ;
riz a negro woman named Pat, a w after-wo
tr.m am: cook, of abcut fifty twe years of age—
taU and well ffcaped, ef j black complexion. She
has had teeth, thof: of )i r TaiiVsr jaw are much
discoloured and pmjefi. a good deal. She his a
full head of wooly hijr—a very cross forbidding
countenance, is very impertinent, and laughs and
talks loud. Pat was born in South-Caiolina, and
speaks bad Engiiih, with the negro dialed. She
has on the upper j art of her breast, two pretty
large lumps of flefli rcfcmbling Wens, or rather
with the appearance of the of a burn. She
carried away with her several chtngo of cloathi,
and goinj of white muslin, and of cobured and
figured printed cottons fafhionably made up. She
alio carried away with her,
CLARA her daugh'er—a very (lout, robust,
flrong made girl, of a fliort lia'urr, and round
fliouldered- appearing to be abont 14 years of
age. Clara has large ltaring eyas, a flat nose, an
oval flat face, her ui:d«.r ,j .w pscjefiing a little,
and good tr#th. She is artful and impu
der.t, has a (jriit fluency of fpecch, uses good lan
guage, and has been taught to read.—She has the
appearance of ring wor.-ns on her left cheek and
chin ; thefVin ;n fpqts appeajibgmuch paler than
the reft of her complexion, which it much lighter
than her mother's—Kir hair is fliort and wooly;
She wore a pink grounded printed cotton with a
small black figure, with new fore p>tts.
Also ran away, on We&nefday the nth inft.
June, DICK an-1 .'»MELIA. Dick, or 39 he has
1 itely «alltd himlelf, Richard Weaver, is a houfe
fervant, —he is about J feet 7 inches high, rather
fn.all made, is about years old, of a good
smooth, black complexion—has a flat riofc, with
very large open noftriN. He carried his hiad
and neck as if he were ftiff in the neck and fhonl
ders, which are hich and tolerably square, and his
neck Ihort—his legs are straight but small and
illy made,, with scarce aty calf. He has hai bad
teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awkward—
he ha? a full head of wooly hzir, which he plaits
and dresses to the bed advantage. His vok« is
small, his Ipeech commoly mild and flow, and his
manners appear extremely Ample, but he is at
bottom an artful knave, and when spoken to is
very apt to be paflionate and impertinent. Dick
is a native cf South-Carolina, and speaks bad
English—he seduced and carried away with him
Amelia, who he called his wife.
Amelia is a very complete, well inftrufled la
dies maid, much below the common stature and
of a small make—her complexion is that of 1 dark
mulatto or meftizoe, nearlyrefembling that of the
Lascars of India, with Mack curling hair, ar.d a
very low forehead—her right eye has a great
weakness, owing to the small pox in her infancy—
under h-r«ye> v;ry black—a flat face, flat broad
nose, with scarce any riGng at the bridge; a large
mouth, with thick lips, and good flrong teeth.
On the nape of .her neck foe has the marks of a
Srton. Dr.ffes with talle, and imitates the French
llylc ; is very TcnfiMe, and csprefles hcrfelf well.
She took wiih h'r a variety ot clothes, fafoion
ably made—foe has for more than two years pift
been liable tofits, which at times give her a wild
aefs in her ercs—h"r hciichis generally delicate—
foe is al pttfent ItUty to cntreaft ter family, and is
about 11 years of age—(he cau- drels hair, clear
tlnrch. kas a fade lor millinary and mantua-ma-
Uirg; nd as she is very ingcnicu«, ran turn her
hand to any thine and may prob<bly offer herfelf
to some milliner or rr.antua maker as a work
woman As Airelia has her tofofe been a great
favourite of a very indulgent mitlrefs and 'tis
believer! ha* been led away hy the persuasion of
her paramour i)i k, if (be wili return to ins, Ike
will be forgiven and treate 1 with the lame ten
dtrncf« foe has alway« received
FIFTY DOLLARS Reward for each will be
pai l for the delivery of fat and Clara to the
subscriber, or to any goal ill the United Mates so
that 1 niry £;i-t pofT.flion of them—One Hundred
Dollars each fcr Dick and Amelia, on the like
d'livc-ry. The fuhlciiber warns all mailer
of vt.lT, Is, from taking these Runaway jfervants
from the United States, End recjutfts such
of his frierds and acquaintance as it may not suit
to arrcft them, to give information, (hnuld they
hear of either of the fugitives, to the subscriber
by letter diie«sled to the post office, Philadelphia,
wliich will find him, wherevt t\Jie J"ay pass the
f::mmer, or to the Printer of the Gazette «f the
United States, who will communicate it to a
Iriendin Philadelphia to ail en his behalf.
Of South-Carolina, corner of Fourth and
Union-streets, Philadelphia.
Junejj. w&sjt
A SINGLE Man,capable ol iiritrucftfng twelve
Hoys, in the Latin, Greek end French lan
guagei, also writing a>»d arithmetitk. Such a
perf'on coming well recommended, for his abili
ties and good behaviour will receive four hun
dred dollars per annum, and be accommodated,
raucl* to liis latisfaiStioo, with meat, drink, wash
ing and lodging 5 by ap pWing to the lubfcribers,
living near Berry V*iilt',' in Frederick county and
liateof Virginia.
John Milton,
Warner Waiting ton.
June ao tuih&f i 9 tfl
300 Dollars
H 1 J A TED,
WHEREAS by an ?ft of C>>ngref»
pafled on the seventh day of May,
in the year of our Lord one thoufmd eight
hundred, the Prefidcnt of the United States
is authorized to borrow, on behalf of the
United Starts, from the Bank of the Uni
ted States, or from any other body or bo
dies politic or corporate, or from any per*
son or persons, and upon such terms and
conditions as he (hall judge most advanta
geous foi the United States, a sum not
exceeding Three Millions Five Hundred
Fhcufand Dollars, so however, that no
contract or engagement be m3de, which
(hall preclude the United States from reim
bursing any sum or furr.s borrowed, at any
time after the expiration of fifteen years
from the date of such Loan. And Where
as it is declared by said aft, that so much
as may be neceflary of the fur lus of the
duties on imports and tonnage, beyond the
permanent appropriations heretofore char
ged upon them by law, /hall be pledged and
appropriated Far paying the interefl ; and
also for paying and discharging the princi
ple sum or sums of all the monies which
way bp borrowed according to the term or
terms which may be fixed pursuant to the
authority aforefaid. AND WHEREAS
by the said ad the fa th of the U. States,
is pledged to establish fufficient permanent
revenues, tor making up any deficiency that
may hereaftet appear in the provilionj b«-
fore mentioned for paying the interefl and
principal sums, or either of them, or any
monies which may be borrowed pursuant to
the said aft. AND WHEREAS the
President of the United States, did by
an Aft or Commiflion undet his hand, da
ted the seventeenth day of May, in the
year one thousand eight hundred, autho
rize and empower the Secretary of the
Treasury to borrow on behalf of the Uni
ted States, any sum not exceeding in the
whole Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, and to make such contrast or
contrasts as fheuld be ncceff.iry, and for
the interefl of the United States, in pur
suance of the aft cf Congress aoove recited.
NOW 1 HEREFORE, theunderfigned
Secretary of the Treasury, in pursuance of
the aft of Congress and the authority from
the President of the United States above
mentioned—Doth Hereby, on behalf of the
United States of America, contrast and en
gage in manner following, to wit :
1 ft. There (hill be created a funded Ca
pital Stock, to an amount hereafter to be de
signated by the said Secretary, but not ex
ceeding Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, which Capital Stack (hall be
diyifible into (hares of one hundred dollars
each, bearing interest, at eight per centum
per annum, payable quarter yearly at the
Trealury of the United States, or at the
Loan Offices, where the said Stock may
stand credited, until thelaftday of December
in the year eighteen hundred and eight.
2d. After the last day of December in the
said year one thousand eight hundred and
eight, and after reasonable notice to the cre
ditors, which (hall be given by an advertile
ment in some public newspaper printed at
the feat of the government ©f the United
States, the said Capital Stock (hall be re
deemable at the pleasure of the United
States, by the reimbursement of the whole
sum or sums borrowed and which may con
llitute the said Capital Stock, either at the
Treasury of the United States, or at the
Loan Offices where the fame may (land cre
3d. The credits for the said Capital Stock
flaall and may be fepanrtcly certified in I urns
either for one hundred, four hundred," one
thousand, four thoufaud, or ten thoufund
dollars, and the credits so certified (hall be
transferable by the creditors, or their attor
nies, at the Treasury and Loan Offices re
fpe&ively, in puriuance of the rules which
have been or which may be eflabliflied rela
tive to the transfer of the funded Stock of
the United States.
4th. A fuffic-ient sum of the surplus of
the duties on imparts and tonnage beyond
the permanent appropriations heretofore
charged upon them by law—together with
the faith of the United States, are hereby
pledged for the fulfilment of this "contract,
in pursuance of, and according to the terms
and conditions of the adl of Congress herein
before recited.
GIVEN under my hand, and the seal of
the Treasury of the United States, at
{l T ) Philadelphia, this second day of June,
WV J) one thoufepd eight hundred; and of
the Independence the twenty-fourtli .
Secretary of ibe Treasury.
June 21, 1800.
Proposals will be received until ths last
day of July next inclufivr, at the Bank of
the United States, and the Offices of Dis
count and Deposit at Bollon, New-York,
Baltimore, Norfolk, and Charleston, for the
purchase. of One Million and Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars of Stock, direfted by
the Secretary of the Treasury, to be iflued
in pursuance of the abevementioned con
trail. The proposals moll advantageous to
the United Slates will be accepted, but no
Stock will be ifTued at less than five per
centum advance, or one hundred and five
dollars in money for one hundred dollars in
stock. In cafe the funis fpecified in similar
proposals fiiall exceed the amount of Hock
r ■
offered for sale at the places,abovementioned,
they -will be accepted, fuojeft to a propor
tional dedu&ion.
wf G. SIMEON* Cafh'r.
In the Jlip Mary Ann, Francis Stewart,
mqfier, from Hamburgh, noiu landing,
Jacob Sperry 5c Co.
No. >95, Market ftrffet,
CASSERILLOS or white rolls of it £ yardt,
D canter», eut and com nan,
Oiafß pearls arid heeds l»r necklaces of all colouT
BUck and white edgings and lacei)
Ribbons and t?.pes,
352 Boxes Bohemia Wiudow Glass, l 9, 8 10,
9 11, 10 (7, 12 14, 12 16, 11 18, 14
18, 16 2b, 18 24, 10 14, 20 26 24
Aho, via Ntv>-Tork t
6 Cales white rn;l»,
6 do. Creas ala Morlaix,
a do. Covtils.
On hand, which will b« fold reafonahle to clof#
» new Cables of 120 fathom each 9 &10 inch.
July t v>M 3W
Phi lade Iphi a A cademy.
R«<9or ot St. Paul'i ChurA, and formorly Vice*
Provost of ths University of Pcnnfylvama,
One of the Alfiftant Minifte-s of Christ church and
St. Peter's,
liaise opcncD,
At No. 44, Spruce Streejt,
AN Englifb School, a Claifttal School, and
a Mathemati il School, in which all the
branches or fcierce conne<sled with those <ie
pattm tnts are taupht N. B Ibr Mathema
tical Department is cendufled by Mr. Hi-7 cK.
D 1 1 A MaK . fnrmerly Profrjfor cf Mathematics
in tbe Royal Acad'mj, Dublin-
June 6. w tf
FOR SAl.fc,
About 1$ acret sf Laud,
Laying t .n the e»n c.jc of'the r*i» IbbM.-*
On the Kaft it it hounded byproptrty belong
ing to Mr. Tench Francis, fsn.—on the sou'> by
a road of two perches, an Jon the north by x.c,
wliich separates it from Mr. M'Call It i» propo
sed to divide this land into 3 equal farts in order
to iuit the purchafersi
Also, 51 acres, fituatcd -n the r eft fide of
Germaiitown rosd, adjoit.iug Malters's eft-ite,
Ueing part of th* prop«rry of the late Samuel
far (fffa imlf to B»—«1 Mttßo, ontf <1
Mwfcet ntl (beat*. ,
OF abilities, integiit • and experience in
mercantile bufinelV, would « iliingly en
gage a* CLE'iK to a merchant or puh.i: of
n e, or be concerned with any perlon is pait
ner, as he has an interdt of' about one thou/and
pounds >n real eltate in the city. Please to ap
ply to the Printer ; or a line left at the office
for R Y. will be attended to immediately.
Ma\io . list m&th tf
That large and commodious
At tht corn r of Arch and Ninth greets.
And entered upon this month, the Heufe, S'a
ble, 6oach House and Lots; now in the ui.ure of
Major Butler, fitunte as above. Enquire at No.
»8, north Fifth street.
July jo mScth jw
Eiticr stpa at y or together,
The Two Houses,
LAI ELY occupied as a HOTEL by Mr. Sa
muel F-ancis, No 13, south Fi-urth tireet. For
terms a; ply to
No. 41, Arch street;
July 10 3taw vn
In the Porno- a, from Liverpool, rid for falfj
Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery,
B-ass &? Japan'd Wares,
Per the Brutus and f'endope, via N. York,
afibrted in cases, and
PINS in Boxes—by
N»- 30> North Frofii ilreet.
]\ne ifi dim
APP.KSON pojfeffinjr some capital, a
derible 'hare of rnd'iflry, and deflrous of
engjging as a partner ir. a lucrative bbfincfs*
r»uy hear or a fituati"«. Ail pn'pol.i's >■ this
fubjedl to tic in writing, feaied an i directed'to
W.K.J New York, znd let> *ith the prtnter
of the Gazette of the United State*, wi'ibe at
teided to.
(p A Prhter would 2nd it to b;s. advantage
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