J* 1 NUMOFIt 1434.1 ftTT* The price of this (.jaaelte- is Etcut Dollars f>er annum tiSubscribert residing in the city of Philadelphia. All others par ole Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and tinless-some person in this city viill become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. *** No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December 1 1799 ALMANAC from JiOy i s—to5 —to a». HIGH WATER. Wedaefday TiorfJaf Friday Saturday Sunday Mo'tiiay Tucf-iay We^nefday Thursday Friday Saturday Canday Monday Tutfjay Prevention better than Cure. . Jfi'or tbe preventicn and cure of Bilio s and Malignant Fevers, is rerammended. Dr. HAHN'S Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have brcn atiended with a degree of fucce'fi highly grateful to the inven tor's feelings in several parts of tke Weft In dies,anci the fouthtrn parts of the United State;- particularly in Baltimore, Pcterfburg, 1 Rich, monri, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington,Charlef tpn, Savannah. &c. Ihe teftim my of a num ber of pcrfons in each of the above places can be adduced, who have reai'on to believe that a tittely us* of this fajutary remedy, has, under Providence, preserved their lives when in the melt alarming circvmllancea. Fails of this conclnfive nature fpesk more in favour o a medicine, than columns of pompous eulogy, founded on mere aflV.tin, coukl do. It !g nt indeed prefumptmwifly proposed as an infallible cure, but the inventor has every poflible reason, which can result from txrenfive experience for bejieving that a dofet.f tliefe pills, taken oqce every two week* during the preva lence of our annual bilioas fevers, wiil pr. ?ve an infallible preventative j and further, that in the j earlier stages of those difeafta, theT use will very generally succeed in restoring health and frequently ia cases efleetned desperate and bey ond the power of common remedies. The operation of these pills is miid and maybeyfed with Catety by persona in every Gluation and of evtfy age. V They are excellently adapted to csrry pff si.* pai'fiunus bile andprevent it- morbid fceretio>i! ; rttoarc and in.enU the appetite ; t« produce a free perfpiraticn and thereby prevent colds which »re often of fatal conleq'Jtnce. A dole pever fails to remove a coliHf.taken on its iirtl appe-rance. They are celebrated f«r removing habitual coftivenefs, fickutfspf the fi»rc.ach an l severe head-acl r, Jnd ought t» be taken by all perf.'iis on a chmge of climate. They have been found remarkably efficacious in preventing and curing nloft disorders attend ant on long voyages, and fh vjld be procured and carefully preserved far use by every ieamar.. Dr.HAHN'S Genuine Eye-iviter. A certain and fafe remedy for all difrafes nfthc eyes, whether the eff«3 of natural we»Jti>ef», oro acci Vnt, fjeedily rer.ioving inflammations, de fluxions of rheuril, dullness, itching, *nd films in «h? eyes, never failing to cure those maladi i which frequently fucw' thsjinall nieafl** and fe irers and wonder'ully (lengthening a weak fight. Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly deprived of fight. Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered which gives im mediate ani tailing relief in the molt severe in stances. 7'he Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kind ofhead-ache,and so pains in the face and neck. Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. Thi» medicine has never failed, in many thou and cases net one In a hundred has had occasion to fake m»re than one bottle, and numbers rot halt a bottle. The money will be returned if the «.ur is not performed. SOLD BY Wm. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Ser»nd Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia. 1 Where also may be had. Dr. Hamilton's Worm Dsfirnying Lozenges, his Sovereien Elixir for coughs, See. Refi.orar.ive Drops, Essence and Ex traiy- expeA to be proretded Jgaiufl. IcccrJinc to law. ' ' THOMAS RUSTON, A Irainiflratorto the «2ate »f William Tipe, equal to the Eiig'ifh copy, aud at a lower price. June 14 „£s>f . Schuylkill Permanent Bridge: A DIVIDEND ot 8 fcr centum yer annum isd«- tlartj by tl*<: P i etiflcxit and Dire&ors of the Company tor »repp!y at the Office of the G;izetteof the United States, By C. R. Wayne, No. 65, South Fronuftreet. J A I) BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock cr IVatcu Maker, ' has removed To No. 36, Makket Street, Whsre he ha» for Sale, Spring and other Clicks ; gold and (ilvt-r Watchos : Tools, Files and Materials; lire' and (;ilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs} &c. &c. CLOCKS ANIVWATCHES Repaired as usual. 1 Jt'»e \ tnStf tf A Summer Retreat, TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WJTII a liable, carnsge-fi'.ufc and lot, fituatcd in a pK-afiwt part of Trenton. The ternjs »>ll be moderate, and poiTeffion can be had immediately ; but the rcaa. t will not be Wantpu to uicupy premifrs ifter the icth f next November. For terms apply r» tha printer, or to AIIRAHAM HUN F, efquiie, in Trentoc. , l ine T4. , tuthod deal. She tii> a full head of wooly 'h-ir - a vcr v erofs forbiuding countenance, it very imperrincct, and laughs in on the upptr j art of her bread, two pretty largf lumps of fleih refcinkling Wens, or lather with the appearance of the marks of a burn. Sie carried away with her several changesof cloaths, and gowns of white nsuflia, and of coloured and figured printed cottons fafliionabiy made up. She also carried away with her, CLA2.A her daughter—a very float, robust, wrong made girl, of a snort llature, and found Mouldered— appearing t» b« about 14 years of age, Clara has hrge lUripg eyas, a flat nose, ia eval flat face, her und< r jvw projeaing a littl;, and good teeth Shaisvery artful and i.r.pu dcr.t, has a great fluency of speech, uses good lan* guage, and has been taught to read.—She has the appearance of ring wonns on her left cheek and chin ; thefkin in spots appearing much paler thsn the of her complsxion, whiclvis much lighter than her mothers —Her hair is &t>rt and w..01y. She wore a pink grounded printed cotton with a small black figure, with new fore parts. Also ran away, 011 Wednesday the nth inft. June, DiCK and AMELIA, uick, or as he bas lately called hitnfelf, Hichafd Weaver, is a houfe fervant, —he :s about 5 feet 7 inches high, rather small made, is about a? years old, of a good Ikiooth, black completion—has a flat nose, with very large open nostrils. He carried his head and neck ails he were fl iff in the r.eck and (boul ders, which are high and tbllratdy square, and his neck fbort—fci3 ! -gs ars straight hut fulall and illy made, with icarce asy ea!f. He has haJ had teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awkward he has a fall head of wo'oly hair, which he pliits anddrefiesto the bed a Ivatitag\ His voi<- 8 is small, his speech commely mild i-.id flow, and his manners appear mtremsly iirople, but he i« at bottom an artful knave, and when spoken to is very apt to be j.aflionate and impertinent. Dick is a native of South-Carolina, and speak« bad iiiigli.li—he fenced and carried ay/ay with him Au-.'ha. who he called Kis wife. Amelia is a very complete, well imlrufled la dies maid, muth below the commen ftarure an 1 of a imall make—her complexion is that of i dark mulatto or mcftizoc, nearlyrefembling that et the Lalcars of India, with black curling hair, and a very low forehead—her right ey« has a great we -kr.eft, owing to the fmail pox in her infancy ÜB..er her eyii very black—a flat face, flat broad nose, with scarce any riling at the t ridge; a large motfh, wi;h thick lips, and good ilrong teeth. On the j.upe of her ueck she has the marks of a Swioti. Drfffts with talla, arid imitate* the French "jle ;is very fenfihle, and cxprciTes.bcrfeU well. She to< k with her a variety ot clothes, fafi.ion ably mide--ilieha«for more than two years pad beea liable to fits, which at times give her a wild r.efs in her eyes—her healthis generally delieati file is at pre/cut likely to tncrcafc ,bcr family % and is about 11 years of age—fbe can drel's hair, clear ihrch, l»as a taste for millina'y and mantua-ma k; ai>W a* Ihe is very ingenioup, can tarn her hand to any and may probably offer herfelf to fo»e milliner or mantua maker as a work woman As Autelia has heretofore been a gi'eat favourite of a very indulgent miitrefs an i 'tis believed ha* been led a'way hy the perfuafirn of her p..ramour t)i k, if she will return to mi, Die will be loryiven an 4 treated with the fame ten dcrntf- she lus always received FIFTY DOLLARS Meward for each will be paid for th* delivery of fat and Clara to the fiihfcrihcr, or to ar,y goal in the United States so tLatl mry get posT flion of rhem—One Hundred Dollart each for Dick and Amelia, on the like delivery. The fubferiber warns a)l master of vtffls, from taking these from he United States, and requ.fls such 01" his iriei.d* and acquaintance as it may nor suit to arrefl them, to give information, should they hear of either of the fugitives, to the iufcfcriber by letter dueled to the posr office, Philadelphia, wlii h will find him, wherever he may pass the summer, or to the Printer of the Gasotte of the United States, who will cothmunirata it to a friend in Philadelphia to airink, wa(h ing and locljri: g ; by applying to the fuhferibers, living Dear Berry Vville, in Frederick county and ftat,e of Virginia. Milton, Warner Washington. tw.hftf ipt«f Jua« M WHEREAS by an act of C mgrefa pafled on the feventb day of May, in the year of our Lord one thoufind eight hundred, the President of the United States is authorized to borrow, on behalf of the United States, from the Bank of th- Uni j ted States, or from any other body or bo dies politic or corporate, or from any per t.-iD or persons, andupon'fuch terms aßd conditions as he (hall judge moil advan a geous for the United States, a sum not exceeding Three Millions' Five Hundred 1 hnufand Dollars, so howevfr, that no contract or engagement be made, which (hall preclude the United Stntes from reim bursing any sum or funis borrowed, at any lime after the expiration ot fifteen ye ( ars from the dace of such Loan. And Wh hie as it is declared by said aft, that fa much as may be necefiary of the furplu# of th<- duties on imports and tonnage, beyond the permanent appropriations heretofore char ged upon them by 1 .w, (hall be pledged and appropriated for paymg the ii;tere(t ; a'nd also for paying and discharging the princi ple sum orfuma cf all the mofn'es which may be'borrowed acceding to term or terms which may purfuant to the authority .forefaid. AND WHEREAS by the said art the faith of the U. States, is pledged to establish fufficiciat permanent revenues, tor making up any deficiency that may hereafter appear in the provisions be fore mentioned for p ying the interett and principal furr.s, or either of thtm, or any monies which may be borrowed pursuant to the said aft. AND WHEREAS the President of the United States, did by an Aft or Comtniffion under his hand, da ted the Seventeenth day of May, in the year one ihnufand eight hundred, autho rize and empower the Secretary of the ( Treasury to borrow on behalf of the Uni ted States, any sum rot exceeding in the whole Three Millions Five Hundred Thou sand Dollars, and to make such contrast or coctrsfts as (hstild be nectff ry, and for the interetl of the United States, in pnr iuance cf the aft ( f Congress aoove recited. NOvV 1 HER EI'ORE, theunderfigned Secretary r.f the Treasury, in pursuance of the aft of Congress and the a*fchority from the President of the United States above mentioned—Doth Hereby, on behalf of the United States c>f America, contrast and en gage in manner following, to wit i ift. 1 here {hall be created a funded Ca pital Stock, to a.i amount hereafter to he de signated by the f<|id Secretary, but not ex ceeding I hree Million* Five Hundred Thou sand Dollars, which Capital Stuck (hall be divisible into (hares of one hundred dollars each, bearing interest, at eight per centum per annum, payable quarter yearly at the Treasury of the United States, or at the Offices, where the said Stock may (tand credited, until the last day ot December in the year eighteen hundred and eight. 2d. Atter the lad day of December in the said year one thousand eight hundred and eight, and after reasonable notice to the cre ditors, which (hall be given by an advertise ment in some public i.ewfpaper printed at the feat* of the government of the United States, the laid Capital Stock (hall be re deemable at the pleasure of the United States, by the reimbursement of the whole lum or films borrowed and which mavcon ftituje the said Capital Stock, either at the Treasury of the United States, or at the Loan Offices where the fame may (tand cre dited. 3d. The credits for the said Capital Stock ftiall and may be separately certified in liiins either for one hundred, four hundred, one thousand, four thousand, or ten thoufS-iid dollars, and the credits so certified fh.rll be transferable by the creditors, or their attor nies, at the Treafiiry and Lean Offices re fpeftively, in pursuance of the rules which have been or which may be eflabhfhed lela tive to the transfer of the funded Stock of the United States. 4th. A fufficient fuiTi of the surplus of the duties on imparts and tonnage beyond the permanent appropriations heretofore charged upon them by law—together with the faith of the United States, are hereby pledgtd for the fulfilment of this contrail, in pursuance of, and according to the terms and conditions of the a£l of Cong re fs herein before recited. GIVEN under my hand, and the feai of the Treasury of the United States, at ( 77) Philadelphia, this second day of Jui-e, one thoufrtnd eight hundred ; and of the Independence the twenty-fourth . OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretary of the Tceastfry. BANK OF thi UNITED STATES. June 21,1800. . Propofak will be received until th;. last day ot July next inclusive, at the B nk of the United States, and the Offices it Dis count and" Drpofit at B 'lion, New-York, Baltimore, Nor [oik, and Charkficn, fur the 'purchase of One Miiiion and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars of Stock, dnrffted by ths Secretary o£ the Treasury, to be i (Tiled in pursuance of the abovementioned ton traft. The proposals nioftVdvantag'eotis to the United States will be accepted, but no I Stock will be ifiV.ed at less than five per j (.entUm advance, or one hn: dffed and five j dollars in morey for 6ne hundreddoliars in flock. In cafe the funis fpeEiftrd in limilar propofali {hall exceed the aaiount of itoct. offcreJ for file at the places ."ibovementiuned, they will be accepted, luojeft to a propor tional deduction. QUESTIONS To Merchants, Store keepers, and Trades men in general, &c. Oentleinen, is a perfedt standard of difcouat, or interest, calculated on every dol lar (without exception ],trom I to accc, from' one day to fixiy lour days inclufiye, of any value, whether used as a llandard, or as a ehetlvupon ifce enquiiers' own calculations. „ id is it of any importance to know the best methods of computing the exchanges, be tween this country and the principal mari- > time trading plate in Rufiia, Sweden, Den mark, Norway, Prussia, Poland, Germany, Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy, «> « Vtrl '. ot '' ie Windward aud Leeward Wen India Iftaudj, and many ports in the East Indie.? 3d Is a t:ble of all the coin? And monies of account is the pLces afoje'aicl, of any use ? 4th Are thecuin* and monies c f account in the aforefaid piaces, when reduced to dollars and cents, of any lervice ? sth Is a table of compound interest of any uti lity I 6th Is the table by which the banks determine the value of gold, deHrabl- ? v 7th Is th« amount of fr.tereft, accurately cal« culafed for each m mill from one to twelve months, and on every dollar (without ex- - ' ceptionj from 1 to ir'. c, i the Uni ted Staff; ~-f.TUOv.AS JEFFiUSON. Vice- „ President of the United S'.ates, and .President ut the Senate; ofj large number of Senators and Members of the HoU? of Keprcfcntaiivei •f the United? t-ites ; and of the Preti(jeriu and Direflors »f th« difft-ent Ranks uiiimrnc fly. 1 he Specimen Book in the Bank of Horib . imer• in, itflliixg vtrjfafi with fubferiptions. l'nae frt * fame far 3 copie*, and lonst for j topic I, r.nd I tfiie this opportunity fp-etefullj, acknt#wisjgh£ ails incurs. Genti-men h»vi«g (.ufineft aieijherof the may fiti»(ciihe thert as well a*, at the Taverns &c alceady mentioned. C rightfeturti accenting t&e3 tfCongrcfi. Marco to- ' cti'Je' tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. About 25 acres of Land, LAYING cn the east 2Jc of th. Falls ltra*.-» On *he Uall it is bou.jd il by pro'pYrty belong ing to Mr Tench Francia, on the Ifomh. by a road of two perches, ar,dtvi the «vJ'Call. It it propo i'ci to divide this Ir.nd into 3 equ-1 par:s in order to fait the purchasers Also, 31 a::rea, situated rn the well fitie of Germantowu road, adjoining Mafters's estate, , Icing part of th« property of the !ate Samusl Miffim. For terms apply to Samuel corner of Market and nth (Ireets. dtf. A PERSON OF abilities, integrit • and experience in mercantile btifrtiel*, would willingly en gagajßpLEßK to a merchant or public of ». concerned with any person as pait* nef, •» he has an iwterrUof about one thoulanti pounds in real ell ate iiitiecitj. Fleal'e to ap- I .... ply to tht printer ; iir a : ne left at the office f r B Y. wiil;be attended toim; e.liately. • to * ' r»\%t!i tf H ;■ CLERK. I. Clcjrk waived i'cr Slint Peters Church r App'y to Thomas Cumpftcii, JVj. 24 South Third-Street. ..*- "M.iv 19. * I'OR SAI.i , Ai) Invoice of Playing Cards, ' ; ■ Cose tiding of jj'jdQ2c:i r.lj' rred *J;cy wllbe ibid j cheap for cafli. Apply to the Frintc;\ > | *?• * / • -,3f* ~ f?' f Volume XVIII. Q. SIMPSON, Csfh'r. V# . • •j' '■* rt>4 SAit, x \ : A * tjk ■ k .«r 7 . .y* ' f • V*v-* •• •V" «* * '•v * .y