Gascttc of the United States, • f 'iJLA 'jZ.'.-eHIA, .TuF.s:• Av K»i;)iiyc, j;-LV IJ. I'lilCfcS. oi o;-Ks. T ij HI I.AIISLStn I.», July to. 8 per O.nt Stock fur cafo 105 t« to* p. ct ■ ~ Six psr C —. North Amer'ca, d>>. 50 j Inftirj3»e encrip. N A. tfcares B to 10 per ce:»t. fceliw par —— Per.nfylvariia, stares, ll to 30 per tent. adv Eaft-Indi.a Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance Land Warrants; i? dpils. ner too acr<-» COURSE OF EXCHANGE '' I'Ou. it J5 «Uy> tor cadi 17*1 » p:r ct. Do. ' do. 6s days do. 171 Uo. ■W.' 7 1» do B;llt_fniH'i«bTgh at 60 dap jj r-J t J4 ctt. per Mark bunco id AmlUrdain, 6a days 39 a~ 43 ctt |> the usual falfe style of that piper. For it is a Truism. Mr. Duane could not in conscience cxpe& that the day would be feftively commemora ted -by Enjlilhmen, or by old Tone?, or by those, who had bren aggrieved by the revo lution. Let those lauah, who win. It was celebrated by Americans. Cooper and Caller.der were toalkd by the democrats. It will next be the fafhion among atheilis and traitors to toafl the Devil and his Dam, and Cjtahne and Cetbegus J A lunatic and disjointed ECTuy in the Aurora is headud " Hairi!ton in Hotton at dinner with the Nobles and Clergy"! Qu#re, how many Dukes, Earls, MarqunTes and Barons were there at the above feaft, and why were their refpeftive names omitted in the Ujt edition of the B jfton Court Ca lendar ? An Editor of a country newspaper, an nouncing the death of the celebrated Cow per the author of the Task, &r. pronounces in .1 very dull and downright (Kle that •• he was the f-esl of modern poets." Not to f.iy a word, refpetfing the extreme loofcnds and inarcuracjr of such criticH'm, tne phraseology of this man of types refemblfs,'extremely that of: an o!J market woman or a village huck tie best tf butter.'' 'l'fSs '"lie r.iceft row a, Ht attempted reformation. Li h: .paper of the 14th, speaking of the B'oft'cijj Mercury, lie call* it a '-'vapid vehicle -pi mean I his is truly 1110 ft r.dver,- tliious (baring. This is, flyhig quite. out of h,*ht. A vehicle, which lias no taste* Jkivotr, and which, though it carries nothing. carries meanness, is certainly that kind of car in which none but an Irishman would venture his heck. A gentleman observing the democrat! slovenliness, and ale house ease of a certain mad-cap and ci-devant Parson, well known bv his rayirgs in the Aurora, remarked that it reminded him of a in Pope's Dun ciad. " How LauCus lay infpir'd, brli'rd a fink And to mere mortal f. ems a Priejl in Drink." ' Wanted sadly by the Aurora man, a little money to procure that fame Royal paper and those new types, of which he talked f» mag nificently the begin the winter. Any generous D;mo, who will loan the fame, will—be sure—never to receive bis cash a gain from \\. 1). Loft last night, in a blind alley, a qua tern of Gin, well distilled.— Whoever will return the precious liquor to Jasper Traitor, Esq. iliall go snacks in boozing 1 LIBERTY. EQUALITY. French Republic. • PROCLAMATION. Declaring in a state of Ehe Hade the Ports oj the Southern Dtpa. tnent. WE 1. u (Taint I.ouverture, General in Cliirt cf the army of Sr. Domingo. Co 11 Title ring the obllinacy of tlir. tants of the .Southern part of St. hy per filling in their revclt againil the Freiii.h Republic: ConGxlermg that A.l drtflVp, Proclamations, and other writings, tending to open to their view the furious dangers to which the pride and dominant spirit, of Andre , lliqaud is leading them, have made n» irognlfion on their hearts, hardened in crimes—that they have everftob ftinately refilled the am nelly held «ut to them ; and finally despairing of bringing thein back to their duty by forfaiting their errors—Hereby declare ull the ports of the Southern Department? of St. Domingo in a slate of Blockade, that is, pom the ports if Mi ng ■ ane and Acquin to and compre hending those oj Qtii/ier. n o,r.d Jcrcmie. We foli'it all American, Spanifli, and French fUips of war, and all others of our allu-s to cipture every yeGel entering or go ing out of these ports, of whatever nation they may be, prorr.ifing to the captors the amount of the captures after they shall have been condemned. We except from this' meaful-e only all veflels going out of the southern ports ifore fiid to free themselves from the revolt of Rigaud, which cirotmftance, the captain, oyrncr, or passengers (hall prove. Quartcrt, Cape Franccit, 18tb Floreal, (itb May) Stb year of the French repui id, one a'ldindivi i'le. (Signed) . TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE, Central in Chief. The enemies of Mr. Adams and his elec tion, alledge as the great reason for prefer ring Mr. Jtflerfon, that the former by his influence 1 as introduced (landing armies and a navy ; but since the arir.y has been dif bandtd, th? latter cotr.plained of evil as the only pretext to answer the views of the dif affedted.—The following extrrft from Mr. Jeffcrfoti's Notes on Virginia, will plainly (hew how far the author is to be preferred to Mr Adams, as President ' the ft ais " theJleU on which wejhoul.i meet an Europe - "an enemy en that element it is necjfary ive Jhould pttferve fame pome."—This opinion was publi(hed before '.he exigence of party in the United States, at a time, when the author, if ever may be supposed to hsye felt an attachment to his country. If dif ferent sentiments were avowed by him now, we may readily conjecture the motives. If it is pofiible for the people to view the expence of a navy as a burthen, why not attach blame to atiother part of the govern ment—Surely they kuow that the laws au thorising its ellablifhment mud have origina ted and palled it) Congress, before it could receive the PrefiJent's fanflion. [Hr. Fed. The following is a good epigram. It has the truth, nature and iimplicity of.(he Gre cian school, and, if translated by a Parr, or a Porfon, might be included in the '• An tholugia." On a Natural Child destroyed by its Mother. 'Twas Love, that conquer'tl Shake, and gave thee bieach, And mmmi , that, conquering Love, ducrced thy death. On a Contented Cuckold. Nijrrinus leads a married li'e, Not with hinowr—but Ktlghl-ur , -wife, And though Cornelius knows its thus, The fool's Cornelius Tacitus. On a Divine, tobose sermons toere of the Opiate class. Dormouse este;ms it wondrous add, That people, when he preaches, nod, As if he were a very proier. Take comfort, Dorncufe, though they blame Year oratory, ycu may claim The merit of a rare eompofer / If the' Monfieurs could have quietly con tented themselves with their Frogs, not a fuul in Europe would l ave grudged oren vited them their cookery ; but when they turned their genius to Crocodiles, it mult be con felled they made a pretty fettle c r fob of i'. J La!::- , •■•r Frerrli * flrcnimcr, 'c6m plains futfuly, inat ni'a ')j.i\innary of A theists fotc ;; übj'ftlird :l.«r r.ames of several have l)f'n vslftted. He fhinks, however, that i. ... not tyiry' dear' tT;af.Sir If.iac New ton, wh - is in the lift, was one of that def'jnpti;)ii. Mercier, on the other hand, compfit s (lm his name has been in ferltd in the I',ft of Outfe whom he ftilea the 'pojil sos Death rtrd nnihihiti.n. A Gtnnan writer has lately conje for ward to prove, that War is only the na tural state of man but that Society is so conftru&edthat it w uid ceaJW roexift (hould any lr ng interval of peace oc ur. How h p py for tlic Theory of this gentleman is the French revolution and its abundant crop :>f guilt ! Su.w ;rriw, fays a Frereh JbiWtialift, never allows his men to be taught any of the ma noeuvres of retreating, Ampng a number ot ridiculous particulars which they ascribe to him, they aflcrt that it is his practice every morning to call up bis army, not by beat of drum, but by coming in front of his own tent, and crowing like a cock, three times, Thry dmit, however, that his difpoiuion is most disinterested and ge nerous, and that he is lib.ral to profufion. A small plant producing si k wool, similar to that of Syria, and equal in quality, has lately been discovered on some mountains in South i ruflia- In lat. 38. a Str it lias been lattly dif covertd, dividing Van Dieman's Land from New South Walts. A lieutenant belong in? t the Reliance lately palled thro'it, and retu ned round the South Cape. An Hibernian domeflic lately travelling, Wis oblerve'd to br very earnestly en,ployed in fattening a firing to a bell vhich chan ced to hang in the chatnbtr where he was to sleep : Being afced the of it,.,he vernacularly replied, u Don't you know as I'm to rife early, the bell way to waken myfelf will beto ring the bell at five, fo'it will."—[Cj"Okre doomed to thrill, If Melancholy ever reign To steep thy foul 111 dumbers still— If harlh unkindnefa e'er for tkee Prepared that keen enven tned dart, Which tendtrnefs can ft Idem flee, And left it rankling in thy heart- Til n would I greet with kindliest (ay, Waulrf fay like thee that others mourn, And chide thee foft, if chiefs I may. And hi 4 thee bear what I have borne— And toll thee, Stranger, if to tnc Thy sacred gr.els ha*4 but been known, One heart at.least had felt for tliei, And made thy furrows all itsowni TO ELIZA. THAT once I lov'd thee well, is true ; [ lovM thy unaffefled smile ; Admir'ri th'ne eyrs, of azure Must, Ador'd thy bosom, void of guile. Thy artless converse charm'd my ear, Its inn rence fupply'd its zcfl ; Simplicity and Truth were ttiers To prove the franknefs of thy breast. Those were the days wheß in thy mind No fickle fafhions held their reign ; When Frier.'!(hip's power was unconfiu'd, And heal'd, but ne'er ikfli&eJ pain. Coquetry's de'ufive wiles, AfTunj'd dominion o'er thy heart, Fort'd the yf'img cherub* from thy fmrles, An.: lett thee but -a Thing of Art! Thus the fair A > pie on the tree, i§r Its t.-fcinatu:; tints c'i pijys ; Its outside ali from bltmifh free, But rotten at tlve core—decays- Then from hence the will of fjte— Itr decree fwr once attend : folic! j )ys, her days await, ' . Who p rovfs mconitar.t to A FRIEND- Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED, Schr. Fanny Briber, Dunn, New-York Wine, G.n, & Rale Goods, Arrived at the fort. Ship Fame, Flinn, Leghorn; Left it 12th April. Soap oil and Marble ; Nick lin and Griffith. Brig Pennsylvania, KnoX, River la Plata : Left it I2ih May ; hydes, copper, horns, &c.—J. Yard. , Fame, Brown, New Orleans : Left [it 17th June; cotton and log [wood ; D. W. Cox. Seer. Jane, Toby, Havannah : Left it 28th June ; fugaranddye wood ; R. Oak ely. , Sloop Blanch, Pitt, Turks Id',nd—Left it [3oth June ; Salt and Coffee. B'ig J u,10 7 Vincent, from Kmgfton, has arrived at New Cattle, in 26 days. It is supposed the reported arrival of the brig Mercury, Yeardeiley, from La Plata, is untrue. Ship America, Swain, for London, left N w Callle on Sunday. tC?" Ihe Letter Bag of the Pomaria, for Liverpool, will be taken from theCof fee-Houfe romoirow morning the 16th inft. BOSTON, July 9. ARRIVED, days Mary and Eliza, Rice, Cuba 25 [Via quarantine. Spoke r.othing Two Friends, Bordoo, Norwalk Venus, (cowelj, Richmond Joseph, Parker, do. Nancy Crocker, Philadelphia Polly, Evelith, Alexandria CLEARED, Polly and Harriot, Noble, Liverpool Mary Ann, Hutchinga, London Brig Edmond, Davis, do Humbird. Kmfman, do. Schr- Henry, Treadivell, Havarah Little Dick, Baker, Halifax 1 rio, Si'tbe, Lghorn Joseph, Ke ny, Newfoundland Vaughn, Beyea, Weftmorelan ! Rebecca Prince, Havannah Phenix, Donnell, Philadelphia Delight, Marvin, New York NEW YORK, Jnly 14. ARRIVED, days Ship Rcferve, \Jarf;halk, Curracoa 19 Bettrn, Brown, Cape Fraucois 16 Schr. Mechanic, Sturges, Plymouth, [North Carolina 13 CLEARED, Ship Mars, M'Keown, Dublin Fiiendfeip, Spearmer, Btlfaft Cirizen, Blackaman, Liverpool Abigail, Kenington, Hamburgh D fiance, JefFey, Dtmarara Panel')pe, Cougar, Bi ifl^ol Brig Guardian Angel, G bfon, New [Providence Eagle, Girton, do. Sclar. Friendfliip, Coggerfhal . do. Brothers Return, Muorhead, St. [" liomas Curracoi Efthcr, Sandford, IC?" A Special Meeting of the Philadel phia Fire allbciaticn, will be held at Car penters Hall, oil Friday the lßcli instant, at half past l'even o'clock, in the evening. JAMES MILNOK Sec'.y. J u 'y is- TO BE SOLD, On WEDNESDAY the aj.l fay of July, at 7 o'clock, P. *«. at the Merchants' Coffee Hcule in Second street, A Lot of Ground, CONT»INING 3 acres, 4 perches and 5 roths, situated at the upper end of Germantown, oppolite to Mount Airy, about 8 miles from the city. On which is ereiled a good convenient new ftonc dwelling-house, kitchen, piazza, &c. also a good (lone barn. It i* an eligible Ctu ition for a family who wist to retire from the city dsring the summer m.nchs. JOHN CONNELLY, /tuß't. July »4 cits Ai Book-keeper WANTED. WANTED a complete Book Keep t an J Ac c mptant, who is mafhr of the G=rman language, and well mquaintcd with the manner ol iran/ailing business 10 this city—tJ save trou ble iione need apply unless answering in every ref pe<& fully this advertifemcint, and produce fatis failory ttttina nials ol chandler and talents Apply at the oflke of the Gazette of the Uni ted States J"'r '5- d 4 t TO LET, OR FOR SALE, A 2-story brick house TWO rooms on a floor, kitchen and walfc houfe, ail built of the belt materials, and in excel lent order; cellars under the whole, one paved, and has two lattice clofcts wi,h Jocks, a Isrge gat den and yard, ieveral fruit trees in the garden, twofumpsnf excellent water near the pretniics. Enquire at N'«, 39, Arch ilrcet. jn)y tuftf fiw. FOR SALE~ Ol'! Long Prinxr, Fnmll Pica on pka body; (1 ew and old . Pica* do. (two small founts) June*7 ■/" "**• - •• ' • J BY THIS DAY'S MAILS; I BALI I M ORE, July 12. j Sentence of death was this day psfTed on negro Simon, convidied.of the murder of Mr. J imes J iftsn, fotne time ftn.ce on board j of the Chcfiertown Packet. j A riot occurred at the, Point hfteven. ; ing, between some fa'ilors and 'others, in | which a 1 id was kif!<,d and four men wouncU I ed. otfverr.l us the rioters were this diy j lodged in prison. j : Norfolk, juj y g. j It has been observed by a ftirewd obfci ver ; of things, that it is very imprudent for our merchant ships to disarm, merely on the re port of our Comm'fiioners having a chance i to succeed in their m gociations with Fiance. i I his, perhaps, is true ; for our CamijiiffionT eis have been long enough in France, to c&nvince the world that if Fracce was fcri ous in the inclination to ro ak ?ptac? with . mcrira, that they would not, and did not intend to force st >it by afts of aggreflion on our commerce. But, a fleet of pi ivateers failing from Bourdeaux, and our vessels be ing examined & plundered within three day» (®il of our coajl is certainly a convincing proof of FrenchJincer'iU ; but this may be jul'tified by the followi. g anecdote. "A. highwayman having taken a gentleman's purse and match frcm him, was requested by the gentleman cot to uke the m.tch, for it was a family one ; The highwayman repli d, d—n your f. mily, you do not know how to take care cf it. I *li mm Jit i p for you " Depend on it, Americas ! the fewer gtjns you have out for roteaion, the more you will have againjl you. / the news in the New York paper that cur Cotn miiTioners have not been &blc to do any thing in* France, is true; the above obicivation perhaps is not ilt-t mid. Twenty Dollars REWARD.. DESERTED from the Maiine Bariacks t.n the Bth inllat.t, the fch v.'it'g Marines. viz JOHN BTEE;., I ort. near ,'irandy Wine in Chefler cour.ty. by prof, fli .n a Tailor He JiJ y ars of age, five feet eig-t itches I i>;h grey, eyes, light hrown hair,thin v-fage and fallow com. flexion —had on a round h..t, brown frk c at, narikeen hr. eche'S, and other decent cloathing Frederick Fry. born in I ut came to America very vo.-ng, about thiri-i fix yers f age, svc feet fever. In h « high, Haz't* eyes, Black Curly hair and very hi wn cOpipiexh.n-"- had r,o uniform on—lie was a'fly a Sol ier if' GeHrral WayOes Army at F rt Detroit — 1 1 he above reward will be paid, or Ttn : ol 'ars fur either, and .til exprmes on delivering tlitrti at the Marine Barracks, Phila 'eiph a, cr to any Officer in the Service oi the United States. ROBERT RANKIN, A jutant Marine Ci rps. Philad. jL'ly r I, ißfo diw NOTICE. .. WHEREAS Mathevv liwjn did on the Blh8 l h cay of July 1797 make an assignment of his estate «c-i eflVdts, to us the fubferihers, for the be nefit of fuch~t>f hi* creditor#, as lhould on or before the »oth of Septem' *-r. 1797, exrente to him a full and final dlfcharge—Nev. of hi. crrdittrr? who ore-entitled to a dividend UiT'Nr (aid align ment. are requefled to furtifa theirTß"nw^o) Samuel Meeker, with interest calculated up Bth day ni July, 1797, as a dividend will a) folu'c ly be struck on the firlt day of April next, and those who negle<£l t® comply with this none. 1 will (tare after be excluded Irom the benefit ol the fame. Philip Nicklin "~| Samuel Afeeier Natb'l Lewis, by bis Ads. Afligtues. Pearson Hunt fob* M- Taylor J ' . Philadelphia, March 14 m&thth 70 BHDS.—-AND 36 BAPRELS, or Prime Port-au-Prince SUGARS, And Twelve Tons Logwood, JUST arrived .n the Brig >ulanmh, Captain Smith, from Pcrt-au Prince, and for sale by THOMAS KETI.AKD. July 14. mw&f ict Philadelphia fs? Lancaster TURNPIKIi COa : PAHY, July I 1 Ec-O, TITE Prcfidcnt and Managers hive tki cfay declared a djvi .end of Eight Dollar-s t>n each share of stock, of which, f:x dollars per fbire wilt paid the Stockholders or tMir representatives any day alter the 24 th in ft ant; the remaini*. two 'Jo)lr»r* has !»cer» retained and expended in com pleating and repairing ihe r.»ad agreeably to a r»Cohuion of the ftockholder#. Wm. GOVETT, Treasver. futy f.4 m4t , Wiuitcd, A PERSON of genteel >ddref". wl o wru'd vndertake akud of bufiiiefj which would rrquire h s beinj.' o t of door: a cenliderahle part o! his time, and who ould keep book?—Ht mufl he'ul. h nefl and s. I!) 19887 I dated ill January, 18:0 ; 488-8$ J i ■ , Of which ai.plication , j!! pct sons concerned, wili please to take notice. S/nVIUI'L STEHF.i'T. Baltimore, ithapiil, 1800 a;v. 3m - ~ -'' J. * & * £