Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 15, 1800, Image 1

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    Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser.
By C. P. Wayn£, No. 65, South Front-flreet.
NUMBFH ±433.1
tC?* The price of tbis Gazette ;s hic;//t
Dotlass (>er annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia. Ati others f. .y
» If Dollar additional, for encasing and (fi
rming ; and unlessnome person in tbis city
will become' answer able for the subscription y
it must be paid Six rjulbs in Advance.
» # » Jfo Subscription xvill be renewed fat
a shorter term than six months.
Decern I '"' 1 J799>
From July 15 —ta »»•
Wednesday • * 9 54
T.arfday - . 10 41
Friday • - " ®'
Saru'day • 0 9
Sunday - - - - o 50
M®r,'.2y .... T 4 J
TntfJ«y • • 1 3*
SUN *l3" s*T»
Wediftfday ~ - 4 4 3 7 >7
Thursday - 4 44 7 ">
Sri-Jay ... 4 45 7 '5
Saturday - 4 4< ? *5
Sunday - - - *4 4& 7 '4
Mcriuay 4 47 7
TucHay - • - 4 4>5 7 l»
Prevention better than Cure.
For the prevention and cure of Bilio s and
Afxzligrur.t Fever.i, is recommended,
- XJu. H/UlM's
Anti-bilious Pills,
WHICH have been attended with a degree
of success highly grateful t/> the kiven
tor's feelii gs, in several parts of the Weli In-
1 the south. ra parts of the United Btate>
particuhrly in Baltimore, Petersburg, Rich,
nior.d, Noifolk', Edenton, Wilmington,Charlcf
ton, Savai.nah. &c. I'he teltimuny of a num
ber of'jperfoßs in each of the above places can be
adduced, who hue reafpn to believe that a
timely us« of Mh s salutary remedy, has, under
Providence, prelerved their lives when in the
mcft alarming circumstances.
Fafls of this'ure speak more in
favour o' a mediciue, (han columns of pompoua
eolopy, founded on mere aflcrtt n, cr>ul<! d«
It s not indeed presumptuously proposed as
an infallible cure, but the inventor has every
possible reason, which can ref'ilt from eKtenfivc
experience for believing that a dofer.l these pills,
taken once every two weeks during the preva
lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove an
infallible preventive ; and further, th»t m the
earlier Itages of tlojfe< 4 -'« af^!, » their Ajfe Mill
-vWv generally"Vucceed in reiloring health and
frequently in caffs eftetmed defp>-rate asd bey
cud the power of common remedies.
The operation of these pills is perfectly mild
and may be used with fatety by persons in every,
situation and of every age.
They are excellently adapted to carry • ITfuj
perflnous bile and prevent itt. morbid fccretions ;
to re".ore ai d amend the appetite ; to produce
a free perspiration and thereby prevent colds
which are often of tatal eonlequcnce. A <!of?
never fails to remove a cold if taken on its lirft
appe ranee. They aie celebrated for removing
habitual coftivenefs, sickness if the ft*tmch and
severe head-ache, and ought to be taken by all
perf ns on a change of climate.
They have been found rcmaikably efficacious
in prev«ntinjj and curing molt disorders attend
ant on long voyaged, ao-l (h .'.ld be procured
and carefully prelerved for nfe by every feanuti.
Genuine Eve-wntcr.
A certain and fafe remedy for all diseases of the
eye*, whether tha eff»<& of natural weaknef*, or of
accident, f,eedily removing inflammations, de
fiwxions of rheum, dullncfs, itching, and films in
the eyes, never failing to cure those maladi- s which
frequently fuccred the small pox, measles ard le
vers. and wo»r. r ully strengthening a weak Gglit.
Hundred-. have expert need its excellent virtues
when nearly deprived of Cgbt<
Tooth-ache Drops.
The only remedy yet discovered whichgivesim
mediate and lalting relic! in the moll fev„re in
The Ariodyrie Elixir.
For the cure of every kind ®f head-ache, and fa
pains in the face ar.d neck.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops.
This medicine has never failed, in many thou
and cases not 4>nc in a hundred has had,occafion to
fake more than one [bottle, and numbers not halt
a bottle. The money will be returned if tka cur
>9 net performed.
No. 17, South Secsnd Street,
Ajid no where else, in Philadelphia.
Where also ir.ay be tad, Dr. HaiTwlton's Wnrm
®»ftrtrying Lozcuge!-. his Sovereign Elixir for
coughr, &c. Reitnrarive Drops, !• {fence and Fx
traft rf Muftafq, Sovrrftjn Ointment forthe*ltch,
Dr. Hahn's iu'aliihic Gtrman Com Plaifter, In
dian Vegetable Specific fsr the Vcncreil com
plaint, -G~»w!aieTa and lVrfian Lotion, Restorative
Tooth Powrfcr, Damslk l ip Salve, Church's
Cough Drupsi Amlerfon's Pills, &c. &c;
aprilip nits
AT.L perfims who have any demands agamft
-the-Ih'.eof WILLIAM FISHER, are delired
t.> bring in their aecoiints to the fubleriber r in
order that they may be diliharged ; ar.d all
petfnnl who »re indested to said cltate by con
trail, bnnd, bill, hoi k debt, (or rent or other
wise, are required to difoharge the fame, other
wise they may ex;>e& to be proceeded djjainft
according to law.
A Iminiilrator to tbe cUatc of Wiiiiam Fiflicr
June 25 w im
William Young Birch,
A -N D
Abraham Small,
Of the Ct'y of Fhiladelptii,
Modern Europe.
With an account of the Decline and Fall f
the Roman Empire, the Rise cf Modern
Kingdoms, iSSc. {JV.
i HE grcar applause wliich this excellent
*■ book has received, is a Cure pro>f r,l its
merits—'l he vast sale which it ha* had for
federal years, is a Fair criterion by whw h the
public opinion of its worth can be known.
During the life of the lrarned author, \( went
through the annual sale of a very Urge imprtf
Gun—tvefy focceeding edition received fomr
improvement the relult of his deep refearchra
and great judgment—fie lived t.. make it as
peife<ft as in he nature of thi-n-s it e> uld be—
he is dead ! Whifft the Fngltfh language is
read, the H'ftory of Modern Europe will re
main a monument to his fame ! It enter
taining as iniirufti-e ; as inierefting as pro
found The plan of the work is copious, hut
by 4X happy arrangement, the reader is at once
prefenttd with the cotempcrary history of
ev t ry part ol Europe. The bock now offered
to tl»e public is from the lafl and mod correiil
copy, to which thi» (hall be no way inferior.
ir cohtaiks—
An history nf the decline and fall of the Roman
empire. The rife of modern kingdoms, ge
nerally. A particular history of the French
monarchy. Do Spain from the dominion
of the Vifigsihs. Italy, with the rife and
progrefi of the Temporal Power of the
Popes. Britain, from its relinquifhrcent by
the Romans. Ireland. The German em
pire, from Clarlcmafine. The empire of
Gonftantinoplt to its overthrow. Empire
the Arabs. Rife and pregtefs of the Turks
and fall of the Greek empire. History of
Portugal ; View of the progress of Naviga
tion ; Conq<ieftsin the East and Weft Indies j
Dilcovery ofAmer cz.&c. History of Sweden,
Denmark, Norway, Ruffia,Poland and Pru£
lia; Korth-Americi, as cooattfed with Eu»
ropem history. A" very cociprefcenfive and
highly ufeful chronology.
I. The whole lhail be comprized in five large
o&avo volumes, p.intei in the bell minner,
on a fuperfine paper.
11. It is intended to deliver one volume every
twomonrlis, at i ltc price of Two Dollars per
volume in boards, payable on delivery.
111. A- it miy be inc. nvsnientto deliver them
tn diuant I'ulifcrihers in lingle volumes, tho s e
who wifli it, may let them remain with the
publirtieri until the whole are published.
The work is at press and will be printed on
i beautiful new type cab-for the purpofc. The
encouragers «t thil undertaking may rtfl as
i'ured, that nothing npw foreleen fliill delay its
regular procedure ; so.that in one year at far
theft the cit rens of tke United States shall he
pte r exted with an American Edition of Doiflsf
RllO' ll'i Hirtory of Modern Europe, equal to
the Eng ifh copy, aud at a lower price-
June >4 ticlff
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge:
ADI VIi >IIND ol 8 per centum per annum is de
clared by thr I 'rciidctjt and Directors of the
Company lor drafting a ' ermanent Hri.tgr. ovsr
the River Shuylkill, at or near the city ol Phila
delphia, on tV amcutitt paid in tjn the ill day of
'vprilUft, (the time when the fubferiptions to the
flock »t the said comp-nf were cwnpltated, and to
he from thence computed) payable to the «tock
halders or their legal repteiVntativvt after the roth
i'ay pt the vri-feat jnoiiih, out of the profys ari
iicg from the Floati: g fridge Ferry and Tavern,
at tke Wctend of High Street, ou application to
the rreafurrf, No. ,3, Church Alley.
July t. tuthslra-
To the Inhabitants of the 3d Col
le&ion Diitrift,
Comprehend dby the Eat and Weft Northern
Libertin, aud the towulhip of tjlockley in
fitll divifioh, ft 11c of l J ennfylvitiia
YOU arc hce y notified, that the tax
which has been afTcfled upon dwelling houles,
land* and flavea w thin this diltriA, by virtue
of an afl of Coiigr.fs palled the 14th of July,
17.8, enti'led " ait acl to lay and colled! a di
re'* tax," becomes tlue ami payable on the
Hth day of July n-it, and that I wiil attend at
my house, No 363, north Second ftrcet, to
receive the fame, fr jui and after the nth day
of J;i v to rjf tirfi day < f Augvfi next, from
10 o'clock in t*e m iming till 6 in the after
noon, except Monday the nil and Friday the
151,1, when, foi the greater convenience of the
i; habitant's in the townlhip of i'lcckley, I wiil
a'teittl at the hmifo of Mr. William Una-Is, it
the Cross Reads, of which all persons concern
ed are to taken, tee that on de'?u t the
leltnq-ents wll irn ediately be proceeded
apainll ai the law dir tfls, and fubjetfl thern
fdves to an -idditi-nil expence of eight per
cenuim or, their refpctSvie taxes 'and ci.ft of
In conr. rmity to the 6tli feflicn of the ail
aforefaid, a f'sil and (orrefl cepv of the tax
lift ifi>:ainj at tJ e 1 ffice nf John Browne, No.
368, north F •> t flrret, Northern Liberties,
the furyey. r of the rcvense fur the fiid alTels
mcnt diftr <3, opes to !Ji - in.fpe£lion of all per
sons inclined to infpefl th- lame.
Collcilor of the 3d colleilion diflrift.
Northern L'herties, J-me 28 w lA
A Printing Press.
Apply >t ilie Office <jf tbe 'Gazette of
ihe Uaiud State*,
Clock & Wa-tcu Mak/m,
To No. 36, Mahket Staeet,
Where he has for Sale,
Spring and other Clocks; gold and filvt r
Watches; Tools, Files and Materials} fire'
and (jilt Chains, Seals.and Keys ; Springs*
&c. Etc.
Rep urcd as nfual.
fun e
A Summer Retreat.
WITH a ftahle, carriage-hoiifc and lot,
fitnated in a pleifaat part of Trenton. The
terms will be moderate., and pofleffion can be
bad immediately ; but the taur.t will not be
wanted to occupy the-preinifcs after the loth
f next Novefflber. F\>r terms apply t"> ths
printer, or £o ABRAHAM HUNT, esquire,
in Trenton.
l eu. tntV&« tf
300 Dollars
RAN AWAY from the fuHfcriser, en the 18th
Tii a negro woman named Pat, a wa(her-wo
mm atid cook, of about Sity fvs years of age—
tall and well (hapc.V cf a black complexion. She
hu bad teeth, of her under jaw ere much
discoloured and projcdl a good deaf. Hhehaajt
full head of wooly hair—a very cross forbidding
countenance, i» very impertinent, and laughs and
talks loud. Fat was born ill S#ufk-Carolina, and
fpeaksbad Snglifb, with the negro dialed. She
has on the upper part of her kreaft, two pretty
Urge lumps of flefh refemblwg Wens, or rather
with the appearance of the marks of a burn. She
carried away with her l'everal changes of cloaths,
and go-*ns of white mufliu, and of coloured and
figured printed cottons faihioaably made up. She
also carried away with her,
CLARA her daughter—a very flout, robufl,
firong made girl, of a thort ilature, and round
Shouldered—appearing to be about 14 years of
age. Clara has large flaring eyas, a flat nose, an
®val flat face, her und.r jaw profiling a little,
and good teeth. She is very artiu! and impu
dent, has a great fluency of speech, use's good lan
guage, and has been taught to read.—She has the
appearance of ricg worr.:t on her left cheek and
chin ; the (kin in spots appearing much paler than
the reft cf her completion, which is much lighter
than her mother's—Her hair is fluirt and wooiy;
She wore a pink ground-id printed cotton with a
finall black figure, with tterr fore parts.
Also ran away, on Wednesday the nth iaft.
June, DICK and 4MEI.IA. Dick, or as he has
lately called himfelf, Richard Weaver, is a houfe
fervant,—heiSabuutj feet 7 inches high, rather
fiuall made, is about 25" years old, of a good
fmbots,~blacX ttnay.atias—has a flit noTE.-wttii
very large open ooflrils. He carried his head
and neck at if he were (Tiffin the neck and (boul
ders, which are high a»d tolerably square, and his
neck (hort—his 1. gs are ftrsight but small aud
illy made, with scarce ar.y calf. He has haJ bad
teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awkward—
he has a full head of wooly hair, which he pliits
and drcfles to the best advsntage".' His voieg is
small, his l'peech ccmmoly mild and flow, and his
manners appear extremely Cmple, but he is at
bottom an artful knav, and v/ben fpeken to is
very apt to br paCionate and impertiient. Dick
is a native of South-Oaroiina, and speaks bad
Engiilh—he seduced and canied away with hira
Amelia. who he called his wife.
Aaielia is a very complete, well inftrufled la
dies maid, much below the common stature and
of a small make—her complexion is that of i daik
mulatto or mellizoe, nearlyrcfcmbl tug that el the
l.,afcars of India, with black curling hair, and a
"very low forehead—)>er right eye has a great
weskneff, owing to the small pox in her inlancy—
under hcrcye> very lila'ck— a Cat face, flit broad
rose, with icarcc any riling at the l>ridge; a large
mouth, with thick lips, and good lirong teeth.
On the nape of her neck ihe has the marks of a
Seton. Driffcs with tafle, and imitates the French
flyle ; is very sensible, mid cxprtffes herleli well.
She toi.K vvirh h'r a variety ol clothes, falcion
ably.mide—fhehasfor more thsn two years
he.-n liable iofus, which at times give her awild
t.els in her eyes—h<-r health is generally ■delicate
lb e w at present likely to encrenfe btr family, and is
about 2i years of age —she can drels hair, dear
(larch, kas a pfle for milluia'ry and mamua-ma
king; and »s Die is very ingenitus, can turn her
hand to any thing and may prrilubly offer hrrfelf
to some milliner or niantua maker .as a work
woman. As Amelia has heretofore been a jjreat
favourite of a very indulgent miltrefs, and 'tis
believed has been led away by the perfuaGon of
hr paran.our Dick, if (he will return to me, ike
will be forgiven and treated with the fame ten*
dernefr ihe has always received
FIFTY DOLLARS Reward for each will be
paid for the delivery of Pat and Clara to the
fuhfcriber, or to any goal in the United States, so
that I mry gut polfi (Hon of them—One Hundred
Dollari each for Dick and Amelia, on the like
delivery. The fublcriher wartis all mailer
of vtffuls, from taking thele
from the United Srates, and recutita fach
of his friends and acquaintance as it may notfuit
to arrest them, to give informafion, fh.uld they
hear of either of the fttpitivts, to the fubferiber
by letter direilod te the post oGici, Philadelphia,
which will find him, wherever he may pass the
summer, or t» the Printer of the Gazette ®f the
United States, who will communicate- it to a
friend in Philadelphia to adl on his behalf.
Of South-Carolina, corner of Foarth and
Ur.kii-slrccti, Philadelphia.
Juneaj. w&sft
yls TUTOR,
A SINGLE Mail,capable o' iniV&ing twelve
lloys, in the Latin, Greek and French lan
gisagei, also writing ajd arithmotick. Such a
perlon coming w «" recommended, for his abili
ti<s and good behaviour, will receive four hun
dred dollars per annum, and be accommodated,
to hi* Citiilaiilioir, with meat, drink, wafii
ing and 1 > Ig'n.g ; !»y applying to the fubferibers,
iivi:,g near Bi.-rry's-»ilie,in Fr»Jcrick county and
llate of-Virgikh
John Mi'trin,
Warner IVadi.'igton.
June to luth&l" ijt^
WHEREAS by an aft of C r.grefs
pafled on the seventh day of May,
in the' year of our Lord one thouf nd eight
hundred, the Prefidcnt of the United States
is authorized to borrow, on behalf of the
United States, from the Bank of ih Uni
ted States, or from any other body or bo
dies politic or corporate, or from any per
son or persons, and upon such terms and
as he (hall judge raoft advan a
geess for the /United States, a sum not
■sxctVding 1 h ee Millions Five Hundred
Thousand Dollars, so however, that no
contrail,or engagement be made, which
(hall preclude the United States from ceiin
burfing any sum or sums borrowed, at any
time after the expiration of fifteen years
from the date of fnch Loan. And Whfre
as it is declared by said aft, that fa much
as may be necessary of the fur, his of th<*
duties on imports and tonnage, beyond the
permanent appropriations heretofore char
ged upon them by l< w, (hall be pledged and
appropriated for paying the interest ; and
also for paying and dilcharging the princi
ple sum or sums of all the monies which
may be borrowed according to the term or
terni6 which may be fixed pursuant to the
authority forefaid. AND WHEREAS'
by the said a£t the fath of the U. States,
is pledged t* eftabh(h fuffiijieEt permanent
revenues, for making up any deficiency that
may hereafter appear in the provisions b«-
fore mentioned for p ying the interest and
priiiLipsl fiims L px cither of th<m, or any
monies which may be borrowed pursuanT to
the said aft. AND WHEREAS the
Pbesident of the United States, did by
an Aft or Commiflion under his hand, da
ted the seventeenth day of May, in the
year one ihoufand eight hundred, autho
rize and empower the Secretary of the
Treasury to borrew on behalf of the U i
ted States,, any sum not exceeding in the
whole Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollar*, and to make such contrast or
contrasts as (h®uld be neceffiry, and for
the interest of the United States, in pur
suance of the aft of Congrtls aoove recited.
NOW THEREFORE, the underlined
Secretary of the Treasury, in pursuance of
the acl of Cougrefs and the authority from
the P/elidetit of the United States abo\e
mentioned—Doth Hereby, on behalf of the
United States of America, contrast and en
gage in manner folhrvfing, to wit :
tukf tf
ift. There fliall be created a funded Ca
pital Stock, to a.i amount hereafter to»bede
lignated By the said Secretary, but not ex
ceeding Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, which Capital Sleek (hall lie
diviuble into fliares of one hundred dollars
e\ch, bearing interest, at eight per centum
per annum, payable quarter yearly at the
Treasury of the United States, or at the
Loan Offices, where the said Stock may
(land credited, until the la-ft day of December
in the year eighteen hundred and eight,
2d. After, the last day of December in the
said year one thousand eight hundred and
eight, and after naifonable notice to the cre
ditors, which fhali he given by an advertife
raent in feme public newspaper printed at
the feat of the government of the United
States, the said Capital Stock fiiall be re
deemable at the pleasure of the United
States, by the reimburfcment of the whole
sum or funis borrowed, and which may con
stitute the said Capital Stock, cith. - at the
Treasury of the .United States, or at the
Loan Offices where the fame may (land cre
3d. The credits for the said Capital Stock
may he separately lums
eitiier for one hundred, four hundred, one
thousand, four thaufsnd, or ceil thousand
dollars, and the credits so certified fliall be
transferable by the Creditors, or their attor- ■
nies, at the Treasury and Loan Offices re
fpedtively, in pursuance of the rules which
haj'e been or which may be ellabliflied rela
tive to the transfer of the funded Stock of
the United States.
4th. A Efficient sum of the surplus of
the duties on imports and tonnage beyond
permanent appropriations heretofore
charged upon them by law—together with
the faith of the United States, are hereby
plf-dg-. tl for the fulfilment of this contrast,
in pursuance of, and according to the terms
and conditions of the aft of Congress herein
before recited.
GIVEN under my band, an J the sea! o:
the Treasury of the United States; ai
Philadelphia, this second day of June
one thou land eight hundred ; and ol
the Independence the twenty-fourth .
Secretary of tie Treasury.
June 21, 1800.
Proposals will be received until th; lafl
day ot July next inctufiv; 1 , at the Btnk of
the United States, and the Offices of Dif
sount and Depofjt at B")lon, NewYort,
Baltimore, Norfolk, and Charletton, for the
purchase of One Million at:d Five Hundred
liioufand Dollars of Stock, dire&t'd l:y
the Secretary of the Treasury, to be ifl'ued
in pursuance of the abovementirned con
trast. The proposals most advantageous to
the United Slates will be accepted, but no
Stock wiil be ifTued at less than five pei
centum advance, or one hundivd and five
dollars in money for one hundred do llars in
(lock. In cafe the sums Specified in finiilar
proposals shall exceed the amount of stock
offered for file at the places above-mentioned, -
t.iey sill he accepted, I'uojedt to a propor
tional deduftion.
w f G. SIMPSON, Oafli'r.
To Merchants, Store keepers, and Trades•
men in general, &c.
ift, PRAY Gentlemen, is a perfeiJl standard cf
ditcount, or intercii, calculz ed on every 4ol
( 1 Irn.,! I t,] -jo™. from
one day to Cxty-fottr days int luliveTTJf-Bwj ;
value, whether used as a standard, nr as a
check upon the enquirers' own calculations,
id Is it of any importance to know the heft
methods of computing the exchmgts, be
tween this country and the principal mari
time trading place ivi Rufiia, Sweden, Den
mark, NerwaTy, Pruflia, Poland, Gerrnanyj
Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy,
in fcveral of the Windward and Leeward
Weft India Islands, and many ports in the
East Indies?
3d Js a tiblt of all the coins and monies of
account in the places aforeiaid, of any nfe ?
4tb Are the coins and monies cf account in the
aforefaid places, when reduced to dollars and
cenis, «i any fcrvice ?
sth Is a table of compound interefl of any uti
lity I
6th Is the table by which the banks determine
the value of gold, desirable ?
7th Is tr.s amount of Interest, accurately cal
culated for eich month from one t j twelve
months, and on every dollar (without ex
ception) from 1 to aoiie, of any vaJ e ?
Bth Is a table of all the port 'owns in the United
States, and raies of pofiage therewith, of any
use ?
Will not all thefc together make a ho ik, as
generally ufeful and conveiiiei t as ever en
tered a counting htu.le or flote ?
10th Will not the whole, when comprised in a
quarto volume of from 100 to 125 p ges, be
worth two dollars ?
And lalHy, Is the person, who at the expence
dertakes to perform upwards of one hundred
and sixty thou/and calculations \f Intereji, and
of giving ail the preceding information to
the public in th: mo/l compete manner, de
ferring of your Encouragement and Sup
port >
If the answer is in the affirmative, you are
individually and refpeilfully invited to fub
l'cribe in one of the specimen books, exhibited
at the City Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis's
Hotel, the ludian Queen. Dunwo-idy's . averu,
the Franklin Head, and at the George.
It is prcper to state, that she work will not
be exscuted u::lelsfifteen hundredfubfertiers are
oDtained ? for four thousand dollars is ter much
to hazard•
VAiNC.K, neith-r will it be expedled of f.b
fenbers to take the woik when published, if it
is net delivered rigorouflv conformable to my
agreements with the public, exprefled in ;l'e
conditions affixed to the specimen hooks, eavh
of which ccnfitta of fix detached pagei of the
I am, ytrji refpeil,
#F atle "3w"Si
Your liuitiL a. r,7«ant.
Accom'tant, Bank of Norto simtTlfu? «T
The work is dedicated, by permiflion, to the
President and Directors of the Bank of Noith-
America, and has already received the patron
age of JOHN ADAMS, Prelidcnt of the Uni
ted States; of.THOMAS JEFFI RSON. Vice-
PreGdent of the United States, and President
of the Senate; pfa large number of Senators
and Members of the House of Ueprefentatiuei
<»t the United States; amj of the and
Direflors of the different Banks unmiraoufly.
The Specimen Book in the Bark of North Amer
icy, is filling pery fafi with fubferiptions, force
fiir 1 copies, lome for 3 copies, aticj some for
5 copies, and I take this opportunity f gratefully
acknowledging a}!favours.
Gentlemen hiving hufinefs at either of
, the Banks mty futifcribe thero as well as at the
I Taverns, &c. already mentioned.
Copy-rightfeeured according to aci ofCongrefs.
f March 10. dtiSei tf
About 25 acres of Lavd,
LAYING on the east fldc of the Falls Road.—
On the Hail it is bounded by property belong
ing to Mr. Tench Fraticis, fin.- -011 the iouih, by
a road of two perches, and onth; rth by a lane,
wiii'-h feparat"3 it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo
sed to divide this land iato 3 equal parts iu order
to fait the purchalerf,
Also, 31 acres, situated • n the we" Cde of
Gerciantown road, adjii • jng Mafters's
!«e:ng part of ths propsrty of the late Samuel
Fir terms apply to Samuel Mifflia, corner of
Market and nth ftrcets.
January 34, rf t f.
C*>F abilities, integrit.- and experience in
/ mtrcahtile business, would wil.iiigly en
gage as CLERK to a merchant or public of
e, or be conci tnfcd with ar.y person as part-.
1 er, as he has an interest of about one thoumnd
pounds in real estate in the city. Plfcafe to ap
ply to the Printer ; or a line lift at the office
for B Y. will be attended to trim e liajelv.
Mavio d T&th tf
Clerk wanted for Sjiut Peters Church
Apply to Thora is Qitmpftoh.
No, 14 South 'Third-Street.
Miv 19. ' .
FO R a lL,t\
■ All Invoice of Playing Cards,
Cynliuii gof 75 dozen ;hcy wlibeCeU
-heap fwr ca(h. Apply to the Printer,
may 19.
ill L