Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 14, 1800, Image 1
NUMtItH 3431.] l^< ißaaraiT , airirnYK-T > -'.vu n n..,., ~, ■'-- - .. '_ . _ . . ; —— fsrtcs of Course of SErrfiancre 8 per Cent, Stock, y for cash, - . ? o6 percent."} * Vi,J, 6 do. (net .amount) do. ... g + , I«*> FOREIGN HILLS. f aVT do' - do! " ; " • " a' i off Ri"s on London, S o days, {for cast) - , 7 , perct 3 „ , 1 • - * I,T J dc - do. 60 days, do. . iTO do Deferred, - do. - 8 . - do, do. go days do. . ( PennfyS 5 ' -* do. ' ". ". 11 1 per c | Bills on Hamburg, at 60 days, ' - '. 66 a 67 cts per M? r k Banco' IZirKlrU, - do/ . . . 2 Jadr. ("ff I do. in Amflerdarii, 60 days . . . 39a40 tu pcr £ onll . TfflSrancelStnpany 6f North America, shares 8 to, 10 per cent, below par, Eaffc India Company of North America, 7 per cent, advance, Pennfylvama, shares 28 per cent, advance. Land Warrants, 25 dolls, per 100 acres. PHILADELPHIA PRICES CURRENT, in Dollars and Cents. July 14, 1800. - • ' ' O The following Duties are such as arise on Importations in American VefTels. An Additional Duty of Ten per Cent, is impofeJ on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, Imported in Foreign Bottoms. , ■ ... Wh.'lefjle From lo 4 n p t\ p. DUTIES# CURRENT PRICE X * A LLUM G 9 Pree Almonds .b 22 ijprctadv Anchors- - n u? ditto. AQks pot r . ■v>AGON lb JD Be:'f, rnefs ißf '* I 1 6 I prime . 10 12 c»rgo 0 9 Beer 6 Brrid, fliip G + ' 1 pibt S 9 Braziktto y 10 Bucks 6 50 Stock 24 Brimftoue, roll q 4 4S° Butter in kr.g« lb 14 '5. CANDLES dipt 16 !7 niouK', 20 Spermaceti 50 Ca rdi, wool II j I S Caflia ' scarce i^prctadv Chctfe, Engliih 33 7 cents. American 12 Chocolate, Bolton 26 Pin lad, 1 27 Cinnamon 1 ' scarce Cloves 1 30 ijprctad.v Clover feed, red '0 ?P do . white 20 Timothy ,b 4 He I'd grass I JO Cocoa C 24 26- zctsprlb Pi.ffi.-e lb 25 5 cents Coal, foreign bu 5 cents bushel Virginia 3° Cotton St. Domingo lb 3 6 +° cents or lb Surrmam >s° > Georgia sea ill. 46 48 upland 30 32 Cordage, American C '4 Ruflia, tarred u jo 180 cents prC. Copper in flfeets, lb 40 50 } Bottoms 40 . v Free llieath* J C ipperas C 3J° 4 Corks ;i 33 43 ! Currants, Zant Duck, '> "»s 1 Rufcf.,l ,4 .7 jo l'2S I Holland scarce J Feathers ib 45 s° Fl/h, cod dry qu 250 ( do. pickled Salmon do. B 9 956 do. frnoaked Shad B 7 Mickarel J 7 Herrings 3 3 S° Flax lb 13 li-aice Flaxfeed H Bjo Flour, iuperfine B 10 common 9 9 5° Burr 6£o 7 Rye jn<al 450 475 Indian raeal 4 4 50 Ship ftuff C 213 435 (Furs, Gtter fk 333 160 3caver IW 1 2 Stal >Free Mink fk 33 Mulkrat, 33 a # Note. Salt weighing- more than 56 lb. per bufliel, pays 20 cents per 56 lbs. per bushel or less, 20 cents per bu(h:l, in American veflcls; if in foreign veffsls 22 cents.—" From the Cape of Good Hope, or beyond 16 per cent is adjfed to the cost of all goods paying an advaloreiji duty." ~ T .- r . , . , t The aforementioned rate of duties upon Teas refpeft those imported (Jireftly from India—lf from Europe, bohea tea pars 14, souchong 21, imperial and hyson 40 cents per lb. It from any other place, bphea pays 17, souchong 17, imperial and hyfoit 50 ctsper lb. in American bottoms. In Foreign bottpms from Europe, 17 1-5, 27, go cents per lb. From any other place, 18, 7-10, 29 7-10, 55 cents per lb. All dutied articles, imported into the United S':ates, not having b.-en landed more than one year, are allowed a drawback df the duties fubjedt to a deduction of one per cent except spirits, which is one lialf cent per gallon-. JGT 5 ™ Of thpfe articles that ha*e no price aifixed to them, their is either none at market, or such price cannet b« ascertained as to depend upon it. / ..■nil- .1 .!■- >mt MIWI iWMMWi'f linwiiiii ■■»■■■ r i PMnii ■■■ 1111 »■!■■■« 111 n'v 1m i m i*————n——www pi . . . VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. TO.V. SALE, About 25 acres of Lard, T AVI.NG pn the c/.ft Qdc of the Falls Road— i 1 Or. ihe-EaH it i« bounded by property belong ivg 10 Mr. Tench Francis, f»n;—on the fourh, by a loslnf two perches, ar.d or. the north by a lane, wBUh separates it;fw.Mr. M'Call. It is propo - f.;<! to iJividßt'is inn*} into J equal parts in order to fait the purchalcrsi Alfo> 3* acres, fitnatrd on the weft fid: fa rc.ltf, Maflers's cftitc. kting ('art of th-; propsrty of the late Saftme; Milßin. Fer terms apply to Sr.x'jel MiSJio, corner of M.-.rfcet aud utb lir.-fts. Jaiiiry I*. dlf.' Gazette of - y- WiiofcUk trom ib CUJKKJIT PRICK. "3 D. C. D. C. D - rIES -1 Mirtin (k ' jo Grey Fox 47 Red Fox I > Racoon 33 53 Filher ' jo , Bear 3 33 1 Wild Cat jb foutliern 27 J Deer in hair, fail 20 Ditto red 2 j J Fufiic r GINGER, Race G none at, market. ijprctad do. grd, ib jo 12 do G> 'fang ■ Glifs,Wim!.B by ic bx 11 11 50 15 pet ad 7 by g do Glue lb 15 Grain, Wheat bu 2 Rye 6; 73 Indian corn 7 J Oh ts 43 46 Grain, Barky >u bed (helled lb' 6 Gunpowder Eng. kp; lo 12 do Amer. 7 8. Hams, Pork ib 10 n Hair-potvder *5 pet ad Hemp, Russia T 200 too cts p < Hides, La Guira lb 10 ~j St. Domingo 10 ? Fr.'e Green 3i j Hoops,Hhds. Ihaved M Hogs-lard Ib 13 ( dpney, country 73 Havannah dj 80 S6 b Ho I" , ■ 1. -" ' ' _ Barn;! polss INDIGO, Ib St. Domingo J I ij 1 Isle of France J 2j r 2 J !^ t! P' New-Orleans I 7 I 12 J* Carolina Co 1 Iron Callings T 74 67 80 Pig 34 38 Country Bar i°j Ic6 67 1 Rslfii Bar 97 ]i2ipct Sweden no 120 r a d val Sheet 226 67 240 J m Hoops 133 33 138 67 Nail-rods 121 33 122 67 LEAD, Bar r tjO I I cent pi Sheet S Lead white, gr. in oil G 14 50 15 ijpctad\ Leather, foal " 5 18 20 Lemons, Lifbun 15 1 Malaga, Cadiz 5 Lime flone H 52j _ Lignumvitae T &S C j" Logwood jo Lumber Boards, Cedar M 25 White Pine 19 33 Ditto Paanel 27 28 Tnch&qr. do. j3 33 Heart Pine 28 Sap 14 Oak Scantling 18 Hemlock 9 10 Red Ft jo CLERK. Cl?rk wanted for Saint Peters Church' Apjly to Thomas Cutopfton. N3. 24 South Tbird-Street, ' n May 19. A PERSON OF abilities, integrity and experience in mercantile bjilihcf?, would wiilipdy en gage a« CLERIC to a merchant or public of ■■ e, or be concerned with any perion as part tier, 39 he has an istereflof about one thoui'and pounds in real efUte in the city. Pleai'e to ap ply to the Printer j or a iine left at the office C for IV Y. will be attended to immediately. c May 10 « d>t m&th tf i 1 By C. P. Wayne, No. 6s, South Front-Greet PII I L A n E I PHI A, MONDAY EVENING, JULY ,4, I? 0 0. A PARTNERSHIP. APERSQN pofltffingfome capital, a confi (lerable lhare of industry, and desirous ol engaging as a partner in a lucrative byfinefs, raay hear of a fittiati"n. All propofalj on thi) fubjefl to be in writujg, felled and direiSled tc VV. R. J New York, and left with the printei ' 'if the Gazette of the Ufiited States, will be at tended ft. ;£3" A Printer would find it to 01s advantage June 5- dtf FOR SALE, An Invoice of Playing Cards, Confuting of 75 dozen aflorted—they wlibe folc cheap for cafn. Apply to the Printer. ; raay 19. I Whole tale 1 From Jo C'JUKENT PRICE. D. C. D. C. DUT,ES > -"I •iliinglcs, 3 ft. dreil.M 30 2 feet R 8 t8 inches 5 jLimet' bx 250 Lar , hogs lb 12 MVCE 750 » 1 j prct adi Madder 28 .30 1 Mahogany, Bay F > Free. St. praiingo 40 J Molaltes, W. India G 50 6° jets per gal i Sugar house 78 Must. Fl. in Bottles dz 125 1 3° 15 pet ad v |N AILS 'It ,b Ui . a s ll fe, ■■ rod 13 f 2 Crt .2d tfj S J ts. 2od j I Cut do. *d 12 a 14 8d 11 I Iod IC"} 12d 10 2od 10 ' ftankeen;, long p r short ' 96 Ito Nutmegs lb 7 "7 5° I S P c ? v 'l OIL Flor. 30 flu. 12 1 Diuo 12 bottles j jOil, com. Wh*le G 40 Spernucetti. 73 , Tanners B 16 Lintfeed G 86 &° ~ TTC ... 1000 ropes Ib 7j 43 PEAS 40 so 'I Pepper black lb 30 33 > Pimento, Jam. T2 »3 i " ts F er Pitch B 4 cents Plaifter, Paris T 8 Pork Burlington, B 13 Carolina 11 11 jo Porter, Lond. draft J* SctspgStio bot. 2jo 3 011 bot - td v 1 Philadelphia bot. 110 120 do Pearl, Penn. patent 8 9 |T> AlSlNS,beflkf; 9 >0 rjpct ad v .LV Bloom & mufltbx 4jo 5 3 Redwood, ground lb 20 30 Rice, C j2j Js° Rosin, B 93 , SALT, AHum bu 67 / Cadiz none at market. ( Scl nq(e * Lisbon 67 I Liverpool fine J5 60 j ; alt petre refined •& 26 28 riee. S .iUIo.K En. No. 1 7' l 12 » pet ad v 1 Segars, Spanifii Mxo America 2 Sh-eting, Ruifia P 16 jo per cent Shot C 750 , 8 < cent per lb Snuff", in Bladdars h 33 Bottles ' z 6 Rappee 6 94 I Soap, Castile Ib 27 2 cents per lb!( Brown 9 10 White 13 " 11 Spirits, G J2O 125 ?F r Brandy, French 1 1 25 j i " P 2 S c A fafhionable Horse and Gig FOR SALE. The Horf'e young, and the G'g as good as new. Apply to the Editor. N B. NEW WATCHES will be takeh in payment at a fair wholefile price. June iv . FOR SALE, A FRAME BUILDING, ABOUT 80 feet long and j8 wide—lt has been so conflruiXed thit it con be taken down ar.d put up without injury. Any peifon deGrous to p»rchafe, by applying to the Printer will re csive further information. June 17. J t - « Jt v ■'■■■■■ l 11. »■ II 11 ■ W From 1 o CURRENT PRICE. D. C. D. C. yUTI S'» Spanif) 70 1 2.1 p25 . Rum, Jamaii r 2j 2^ Antigir. 1 1 12 2 J»4thp:2 StCrob 1 j 12 3 j jthpjs Windward A 1 7 j 6thp 4 6 1 New-Englam 72 74 Gin, Hollant 1 40 28 to jo c. g* Apple Brand) 70 75 Rye J3 56 Staves, wt.Oak pip- M 70 Hhc. v Headinir 40 Red Oak 30 Leogan 26.67 Barrel 26 67 Steel, German lh 16 . 1. Enjlilh blifterec: tV 14 .13 L 100 • Crowley's p 17 jo 18 J ' )tr " American , |h '4° '44 Starch q 10 ii ij yfet ad {Sugar, Haran. white 15! 3 cts per lb Brow) tj >: 114 13 2i do India, iftqualit) o 16 2 \ . do Muscovado !b 1J ! 4 2 c '° Lump 26 (>i da Loaf, single res. 3 28 9 do Tar, n. c. 3 Jersey t b J 2 '5 Tallow, Russia 14 12^-percent American 14 l> 2, Imperial 160 **7 cenU Young Hyfoi 112 . > . f Hylon 1 20 J Hyson Skin 80 20 ia Souchong 80 90 '8 d® —Bui,en - 38 4 ' ? dtf Tin in plates , 18 Free Tobacco Q Richmond o\« j2j j75 do iier. 5 sjo Peterfburgh j j 25 Fredetickfburg 4 4 5° Maryhnd • Georgia j j 2j Carolina 5 , Twine, Seine lb ' ? 4°° cts Sewing 46 >_ p:r cw<i Turpentine 3 25° ' fpirkss : 33 40 Varnifl 33 1- VINEGAR, , Will. 36 Cyde 18 20 Varnish , 23 . 2; ■ Verdigl-eafe 80 Vermillion 2 TXT AX, Bees b 27 30 W Whalebon, " Wines, Madeira P 150 200 0 t0 5 3 c g Best Lond. partic- 340 +oto j8 do/ Sherry t* 1 I 12. +0 cents 1 Lilbon p. 160 3° 5 Teneriffe a 7° 75 Malaga 83 85 do Fayal 68 70 -8 do I Port I 12 30 do | Claret, sup. Bourd'x calks 60 gals. 40 40 prct ad | Old fuperfine cargo 66 1! ' « TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Sta»]l Pica on Pica Body, Englifi), Chafes, Compefing Sticks, and i Treat varitty.of articles necefiary to carry on the rim ing Bufinefj. They will be fold cheap tor cash- Appiy to the Printer. 16 L;ne Pica, &c. Sundry Frames, and 4 great Tatiety of Oflici Furniture, &c. Iron work of a pr'ntingprefj, | 0" They will he fold cheap for eafti—App'/ - . at the office of the Gazette of the U»it*J States, may 19* f Volume XVIII. i'