Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 11, 1800, Image 1

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    Gazette of the United States, &
■ J
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet.
343?.] . Pi/I%A DE L P 111 A, FRIDAY IVEMIXG, JULY 1800. \Vo L a*n XA'III.
J • .
in the city of Philadelphia. Ail others pa > *" niander from Btw l' ' C 70H SALR > Merchants,; Store keepers, and Trades- April 21, 1800.
on e Dollar additional, for enclosing and di- consisTtnc of ' About n fa-res rf I and adb £ c '
reding ; and unlessrsome parson in ttis city A comnlete iflVirtment n* - " * ' 'ft» Gentjemen, is a perfe£l flandard of TJUBLIC NOTICE is hereby "given, in p«r»
wil! become ansverible for the subscription nrff I A '" c fl<lc ' f #ie FsU " Roa;, -~ Afcount, or intrreft, calculated on every dol- i fuance of the adi of Cor,ere,is, patted on
, " '. . ' ' ." /;•• '* ' ' 1j 1l NG A L GOODS, •—'On the F.aft it is bcunde',J>/p* petty belong- l»r (without exception) from Ito soco, from the firft day of Marrh: ooa' rh. ulat d eipht
it must ttf'wd Six Months in Advanct. SUOARB of *e *r* qnalty, r,ach Francis, f.n one day to sixty-sour day, include, of any hundred, intituled « An%°Un . an
*«• No Subscription wilt fereceived for BLACK PEPPER d-j. *TOWof two > erJ*-.i, oad on toe nurth k;> * Uuc. value, w ..ether cfed as 4 ftaadard, or as a ad», intituled; an a$ regulating tie giant* of
a shorter term than six months- r>R SALt »* - v - .fpajafes it froo» Mr. M'Ca.l. Itispropo- cl ' er ; > - upon the enquirers' own calculations, land appropriated for military fervicrs, ard f'• r
December t 1-00 WILLINOS £s* FRANCIS, •V'fsfe the ''P art " u 0ld " >d J* "» f *?'■ >' 'mpm-unce-ito k..»» .he heft the Society of the United B.'etferen for propa
' '- y ' No. 21, Peaa..W the pu.e_a.ers. methods of computm- exchnrges, be- gating tke Gospel among the Heathen," as sol-
— m,., j_ •' , * Ano, 31 acrej, firuatcd < n th; weft fide of tween this country an'l the principal mari- lows ;
ALMANAC ' ' Ser&antovvn md, adjoining Miflers's rftj«, time trading place in Russia, Sweden, Den- ift. All the fraJlionnl parts of tha quarter
From July B—tolfi <t-l n P 4rt of th» proparty of the late Samua! Norway, Prussia, Poland, Germany, townfliips a.'joLning to the Indian boundary iinc
UIOBWATIX. H. M- n T 0t MiOm. Holland Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy, of the tract of land referred to in said afl,
Tuesday - - - 3J- X J' u - IMKon ' No - 4'. C.efnut Street, For terms apply to Saane! MIDUa, corner of '"'"fra of the Windward and Leeward except the frafti. ral quarter townthips ,um.
Wednesday - - - 4 47 < (Price is Cents) Marker, itoji llttl lirecti. Welt India Iflandi, ajxd many ports in the ber four m tnwi.fhy'j I.umber je-L-es if r ige
Tkurfday - - 5 37 tub
FriJay . - • 6 11 U eat U of General Wtlflvtltrtnv 3d Is a tabje of all the coins and monies of of the quarter tnwnftips adj i:. i: K to t. 1 :- rivtr
Saturday - - , 7 15 J J' & ' VVH T ti],' I AMTIVn account in the places afojefaid, of any use ? Scioto, except the quarter toW»(h ps number
Sunday - • -7 46 At OElvI. •*"' ■ DCj LJIjLJ, 4t b Are thecoint and monies of account in the one i\d four, in townthip number tone of range
Monday .... 8 27 In imitation of tha manner of OlTtan. • IN /vfewdws, aforefiid places, when reduced to dollars and number nineteen ; the quarter townfhics num-
Tuefiiay . - 9 10 By Rev. John B. Linn, A.M. cents, of any service ? ber two and three .f townft: p j.umbM three,'
- in range number aineteen ; end the quarter
_ SUN •"!" ACLANtityof townfliips number one and four in tovvnfcip
1 uelday 4 .39——7 »i —. _ . _ , , 6th Is the table by which the banks determine cf range number tnver.ty; toge-
Wednelday - - 439 7*l $y Mr Chaudron's Oritiaa will be puWiCied
Thurf.ay - - 4 40 io on Monday morning. J -th Is the; amount of Interest, accurately cal- dcfcribed, arc ■ elerved to be looted, I. r the
" " _ 4 1 10 M»r(h ij. AND COFFEF. cu'ated tor each m.mth from one to twelve original holders of warrants granted f< r mili
aturi.ay - - 4 4 7 9 . v . months, and on every dollar (without ex- tary services, or their heirs, lots of one hun
'• £v * " '4 A— is LOST, OR MISLAID, Airo, a few Hogsheaos of ception) from Ito aooo, of any vai,e ? dred acres, pursuant to the a« ab„ve reci^l.
TucfdaJ . - - 443 717 A CERTIFICATE cf four !»bare» rf tl e JAMAICA SUGAR, Bth I, a table of all the post towns in the United id. The following s a defer', t tion of the fifty
1 A Bank of t-e Ur. tc.s State, in the ume of for sal. States, and rates of postage therewith, of an, quarter. to«n(b<p« referred to in the preceding
Bank of the United States, Iliekljam & K«fe,..No ?J9; , for the renewal At No. 17, South Water Street. 9 th Will not all these together make a book, a. urc'lVneLi^Ztio
July 7th 180 a I''£** e * »*'«»**« J»ly 3- d,w. , generally ufeful an-1 convenient ,s ever en- above recited- ' , r
HE Directors have this day dtc arcd a (!i- r , lU > •'p<. ons coaccrocd'arc dc- tered a counting house or (lore ? g X ' KG ,' ZT r
« vidend f r the liH fix fßontia, nf fixtc-n ~f( ''' n6,( 'p vr „ (l T * 4- 3
Dollars per tiharej p:yable totht St ckholders „ ' "c.n . .N. [ (' i j quarto volume of from uoo to aat p->ges, be
or their legal representative* after the 17th Ma >' LwVt worth two dollars ? ? g. 3 •" g. | :* 8- | l
luflant. A ppponM In the Pomona, from Liveroool, and for sale, An( l'»%. I'the person, who at the expence . >' ? >' 3 1 :; ?
G. SIMPSON Cafli'r. A "LKbUN ' . of FODli THOUSAND DOLLAKS un ~ \ 3 j \ Z
July 7 co6t. /""vF abilities, integrit • and experience in Ironmongery, badlcry, LutWiy, dertakes to perform upwardi of one hundred S 2 62 "4
- Brass Japan'd Wares, and fix ty thousand calculations eflnterefi, asd g u ,
HANK, of tEA NSIL VAtJIA, a , CLERK to a merchant or onblic of. i> .1, r. . , „ , . , of giving all the preceding information to * •> ° 1
July 2, iBcO. |.-e,or he concerr.ei with any perfpn as pait- " "" £ ' cnclo P e ' V:I lu York ' »fee public in the mofUamfrele manner, de- 10 ® 211 t
THE Directors have this day declared a ntr , as he has an interell of about one thousand HATS fervmg of your Encouragement and Sup- 213 0 3 81
dividend of eighteen'dollir=i on each (hare of pounds in real estate 111 the city. Pleafrto ap- afTorted : n cases and - . . 3 4 7 4 2 13 8 4.
Bmlc Stock, tor the lalt months, which ply to the Printer* rr a line left 2t the ofTice . . . ve an * wer ' 8 ' n ,c a^r "n'tive, you are 51 6* 1 151 3
will be paid to the fto'kholflers or their legal f o r B. Y. will be attended to immediately. PINS in BoXCS BY « individually and refpeilfully invited to sub- 3 72 2 2
afts h iathin!>. MsvJo dit m&th tf scribe in one of the specimen books, exhibited 511821 72
By order of the Boird, ' EI.ISHA FISHER is" Co. n the City Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis's ' J . } .
JONA. SMITH, CalhV f? r» W CA I I? No. 39, Noith Front street. Hotel, the Indian Qjieen, Dunwo>dy'sTavern, 1 ■ " •' , 7 4
d. t l». IvJ lv oAL L, June 16 dim the Franklin Head, and at the George. 7 4 >3 IJ 2 4
v, A Valuable and singularly eligible ——
150 IDA RRhLS « ■> 6 A Slimmer Retreat. he executed \iw\zh fifteen hundredfubfcribc'rl.irt. 4 4 3 7 3 61
T> - ootained 1 for lour thousand dollars is too much 10 3 9 3 7 2
13UILUH i 1 lliic DCtl) CON3I3Tn-IG of two Hartdfnme dwelling _ „ _, rT ~ n 'to hazard. J33913 7 4.
12 Ho ■ (heads V(V I s bouses, with Mcelhn ftabltng for fsveo horses, J ' ' NOTHING IS TO BF. PAID IN AD- 71 7 4 17 - 4
A fe'w Q,art, c .(k' of feft quality Madiitt • A GENTEEL HOUSE, neither wil! it be expend of (~b. 9 , 9 4
Ul( \ Deautifal fcrgi* and yaluahlo garden richly filled A fenbers to take the woik when pnblilhed, it it Ax , , , r ,
200 MohlT IvMcbiowns with heads with choice fru,t ' frrround^a with high board WITH a stable, carriage-liouf* and lot, '«s not delivered rigo*otifly confofmabJ* to jny 3 d ' "elands in each of the above fity
For la eby fence, altnoll new. The preimfen are beactifully fitilated in a pleafjnt part of Trenton. The agreements with the public, cxprefied in the I"»'tcr'ownfl",.*, and in the fraflional p-rts
SAMUEI RHOADS near the middle of Oermaßtown, fur- terms will Ire moderate, and pofTeflion can be conditions affixed to the specimen books, each ? i. rore c <_, c. 1e , zrz
No . pfnnLt ronn<fc<l W " h ' i " h , P ' i9, ° f rhC ad, -' C K nt ■ had imm?di?.'.ely ; hut the tcoart will not be of which confifi. of fix detached pages of the ***"?? "fX tre refpeily ; c plats there,t,
ixo. , t enn .ireer CO untry ;an ore Lard ct atou.t two acres, with a .« . r -.''t v jlia work. ?8 returned by use Surveyor General, into as
Who has to Lkt, A Genteel Ti-tee Sto-J han.ifome Uwnatthj back of tk. haufc. f November'" For t h» 1 am, with refpefl, roip y lc,s . of OBt hu ' ldrti arres e!ch > »' the
. 1 One house has been recently built on an appro- . flrto ABRVb 1 M UUNf Vmiirt Gentlemen,' q-aannty fuci: rjuarter t. wnfliip or iraftiot, U
Brick House v cli lan; ha, '.eencomjletelyr paire.!, Vto ABRA.IAW HUN 1, e.qutre, Your humble servant. lifted to contain will admit, in the manner :j
' painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with r ' ' , mvrM nntitri la'p-r p-'nted out and requirtd- by the above rtcited
In Sprace, near Front Oreet. ai, elegant .drawing-room, Cftaen foet by thirty- June 14. / tutb&st JUrtrS KUWLhI l -
. , t • o Accomutant, Bank of North America: l - l i » r-j j r r , •
July 7. eol4t. itx • - • J ' ■amentu. 4 ,h. r he plats divided as aforefatd into ,ot»
— —— —~r~- The new house is well calculated for a (lore in GLASS MANUFACTORY. of one hundrad acres, sre d -pofsted in th? of
lmnrtfl-prl either the dry or wo-gooil line. _ . ■ MSTiCRiPT. sice of the R»gi iter t-.f the Treasury whsie the
lllipoi Leu • Tha air and water nr. unrivalled, and there sre F'JOPrtIPTaB<S r V, W ° d, " tf<1 ' by perm.flirn, to the locations are to be made; and upon !u-render
f Ibtticmoft excellent schools in the nsighbcrhood. Tnl. I i-vvJrtvlL Oi<b President and Diretflors of the Hank of Noith \ f r , the warranfs which (hall be t!-us lo .' ed '
In the Ship /.ligai!, eth Weller, Master, For partkulars eixjvirc of the Printer, or of Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, America, and has already received the patrop. patents will be iiTued in the ma »er -nd upon
from Liv.rpool, andforS.le, Ms. POTTER, YTAVINO procured a fufficient riitnbcr of n '" .tlis conditions prescribed by I a .v.
A few thousand BUSiiEts of „ onih. premise,. O. themoft approved European GlafsManu- ggj*united"S-iuf' Gnen under my hand at Pelade? M
May 9; dtt , an d having on bat:d a large (lock of r , ates, and I rehdent pbia the day and n- r above-
TT* L Qolf"
ill?.] oto t Vv! Ocl.'.w, Fiftv Dollars Reward. J now employed, have the pleasure of affurinir aim Mehibers of the lloufe bf Ueprefentatives OTTVFIi WflffOTT
° - ' the pubjic, that wrndow claf= of a fupeiior qua- the United States; and nt the and OLIVER WOLCOTT,
and SOM • EXC LLFKT TJ ANvAVVAY from Gen. !iidge!y of Haiti ! lity and of any fizc, frohi 7by9,to 18 by 24 I'|'ecte»rs ot the different ' inks unanimpuily. Secret ;r; ■ t :e> Treas^j,
unticr r(l A I IIV mure, on the acth infl. a iuht cJnurcil Joche*. clwfbfly packed'-in boxw'conlalitiic The the Bani : of North yinirr- april it. div —-..w 3 :"n.
1 nejjro an, who calls himfcif 100 leet ea h, may be had at the (honest notice. '" rl "J 1 ""5 t'eryfafi ivitb fubferiptions. I"me - - J * —■
■ •APplv to Mc. DONALD ;He i» ab.ut a 4 of age. Glaft of larger sizes f s ->r other purposes, may fcr 1 siopie., foroe for .• copes, _and fonie for r T' f>n F| rt U Qrc O , 3 „, 0r J
ntnPON H WFLIS nr' ■ about $ feet S ?nche« high, neat in his dreg's, and aU"c. be had, such is for piilures, coach glafTes, S copies, and I takelbh opportunity fg'aUfyUj 1 til l>Ulldlb IVLWuIU.
MOORF WH \ RToV has a good fait of hair. Hid on. wheu he clock faces, Ac. Bottles of all kinds and", f any acbw<wledg,ng a. I favours. _
r; «• * went away, z go-d heaver hat, a lhcrt light quantity .may also be had, together with pockit , ,cnt e "J en f ufinefs at either of DESERTF D
i_ y7 l_ 1 g>ee» cl'th coat. td«e4 with veHAVr, and yel- - ,
low K'.lt buttons-- alight buff caffimer, double- O rofhir holloa ware—the whole at least 15 per JTavems, &c. already tneWioneri. York 1 own ou t..e a ; i } AMES
WALKUT S 1 REE r, 1 rerfted waistcoat, a pair nf dark olive colour- i than aiticlc of the fame quality Copyrightfeeured according to ai7 cfCongrcfs. A HENDERSON. Wy a S Vj- ami., the., Oth
to tie Public Squire. te4 thukfett par.tal ons-a wh te linen Jhirt, brought from myafthefc port, of the United Mnrch J thelf^^d'^l^
white nbhed cotton ft ekings, and a go<d pair A liberal allowanct will be made on c .. . ' ' u , f
H that handsome and airy spot. there are just' ! h ?" vVi,h , * filSof ["PW 1 "' Orders frm merchants A faftmnable and Wr compl xi'm 'Hei, au air*e cliowwd
now ready T(J I.ET, dark bl-.e coat, a paar oi i+e caffionr pama- jr d others will be attendeo to on aj> T-T/-v D CT7 AMD OJ n brags qmck of hit abilities 3i a Serjeant.
T r h.oi-.s, atjdi light c.-prdur y pa:i* ol brceclits ; p ! lC ation to JvMEo O HARA 1 or I>4AC IIORSE AND OIG He has hern 1 'elyfeen inLancaecr, ar.o is , ro-
A 01* C New Hollies. f'.as" or JW c^ e r . * aeel OR .-.10, dr at th< «tO»e Of Me.Tr,. PKATIIER p „ ~ - . bably with his riends, who im-abcut 4 miles
T* 3 cha-.r- He nf- :id of fpint< us, i,s inf.- an d SMtLIE, in Miikrt-Slreet, Plttlburgh. 1 J K , from that place
r r*Hli Ctuatioii Ipr pleafai-t ess .f the. frcf;.o« 's*> has a and chews tobacco.-- March „ tuthtf. The the Gg as good as , „
ICf trees.*,,! hpAagc, and at. ex-enflve the He »aa bred ,0 Charles county, .Maryland and ' ttt «- *s2s J ;■ ce , paid, cn d.hv,rfn e him to any officer i/the
rough fare «t! !r^r t is d. emsd equal .1 not ft- of col. John t Kn JJ NDKRSIG KEU, nn-mrtt at a fair wh J-fVe'-.-ice of the United States, cr lodging hia, id
petior to ur«yt«tlTTr',ih>t is as cfiivjmttit .o'.the lay. Whoever appreWs ha,d m,iand fe r -riS SwrdifhlMajelty'sConfu, General, and su P X„ " * P ' Jail.
.tridinjpart- «f al-,e. towc-I he w.w is sxcil cures hun in arty ja.l .0 t,at the owner r.-.ay j-j .j, , rilKC<i to t i a . ;f3 a the buf.n-fs, 221 L! ; ROBERT RASKIN,
lent,, perhafs the most pure and fm- that 1 g,.t hire again,. ihal. 1 • he; above rtw -. -a, for hi , MajeOy thelCing ~f 1 'enn.aak in the United - F'.ltSAt.M Adjutart Matine C.rbs.
to Ve m?t twe ry. Perfens inc med to with rcu-aaNc> * it h, in ■, ur de- S£ale i brXmctita, tefdiugat Vhi'ladelphia, A FRAME! BtJILDING Philadelphia, June 30. Atw,
rrnt will pleaie to,-.aks early application at iht hvered to Jolhut h- Bond, Philadelpjna. ;j■ j „• 't #«-!,/• sr.,- 1
Office No. 96,-A'ch £lre«t, or ah■ ut the premifts may I dtf'
to ; : Th ;t in obedience to recei t infftu&ions recrived p\ b ,. f . n fo.cona.ruacd.that it con he taken -town |
JOHN CREi\N; T' T , fr.iin hi gover l meat, it is the duty of all IV.a.'er? ar,d put up without irjury. Any r»rfon defirou?
T-uly 7 'ft X O 11 on mongers, pi Darifh veffcls. hCHOi-i their (aibrg t0 p»rchae, by a. ply Mg to the Piinter will re- TS hereby, j-iven,. tha' the Partne'rlhip of John
— —tm — . ci a from at.y port in the (aid States, to call upor I 1 ceive further information. X Whitelides & Her.ry Houghton, 'ratling un
■ Jits .mred, storekeepers, &C. or ~h- Vice Coi-ful in orJcr to i c granted such June < 7 de- -he firm of JOHN WHITESiIDSS & Co.
and roa !«u II tar svqKataaa*, Ccrtifici.te« for their Cargoes, which ..the ciige. c>- :s this day ilillolved by mutual consent-
TJ-Jl2 I ARGO rr\rr O a t r o» the flafc of tht» Neutral Commerce an., theft- 7 hfee CefltS Reward. IO HNWIif TF s I iJF <5
OftbeSisp C .i sro y, SALE, S
RiCnard Dale, i.onitnjn.ver, from Canton, A? *.O. 97. veliel. belonging to the ,«fpeAive ivit.ons ~r m, „ aßie a Elizabeth Mowckel, had on and toek with Chtl.U B. Toung .0,
C-KILSTIK 6OF A WELL ASSORIED STOCK OF »Mer tljc p.fteawn of their flag, i. er „r«rment and money, J rj f e P h S > "• HoßghWO.
Bollea .1 * T emitting t o take such certifc ts, will pcrfc,l,ally prou a,bold and impudwt, a Ltd lyar t any p«- Phiijfde.phia, July ?, i«. if
SoHchontr Ironmongery, stand for the cwr.eqnentct. son apprehending her <>. all evtitled to the above
Hyson Skin U TEAS. Cutlery, JUCHAJiI") SODEiISTROM. reward_m. eoVs or charg-s 'willbe paid. Jus: Arrived,
1 v rr , PhsH elr h:a, 18th DecemVer, 1799. N: B,fchehad a years and icn*c months toferve J
Ywng HyKn p a-Trick. akd fob sale or mr .^bsckibebs,
amlLyicn. IW'f See ' ' ' VAhTED * GoCien Tow*ftip,Ch. fiar Connay, J»l, t 9 . THE CARGO
W Bite f
Yellow' $ For cafli, or on a fliort credit, at a low /JS IUI UK, 0 F THirsniP taiLAlihLPltljt,
Sucir of ill oti'ilitv advance, either tile wholetogetber cr in lots A SINGLE Man, capable of ipftruaing twelve iNtllKii. rs. K -.
China Wave as may be ft suit the P urch,fe,s. A Boy,, in the Latin, Greek end French lan WHEREAS Mathew .twin did on the Bth Theodore Blur, C. ; o.manner, hem
' ' t.-Iw' « f ,tl <!/c <f i guages, also writirg and arithmetick. Such a VV Jay of July 1797 make uii aßignniejt of his fONS.... IS COf
(jiliia. J• > .-»* , person coming well recommended, for his abili estate an<i rffe&s, to us th<: fubferihers, for the be- An a«ortc;ent Qt I'iect Good#.
Fans. Sfhuvll'iil Permanent HriHw ties and good behaviour will receive four hun- nefit of such of his credit, n, as Ih u'd on or before Sugars of Ae firii quabty, 1
An ■afforttnent. of Silks. ji, „ > c 11 ' t> ~", dted dollars per annum, and be accommodated, the icth o! Septem'er, 1757. ex ;ntv to him a full And 200 qr. chefis ot luperior quality
WILLINGS iS> FR \NCIS, A DIVI S percjbtum perannuni isda- niuch to his fatisfaaion,witli meat, drink, walh- and final dllcharge— Now those of his creditar? Htfon Tcaa,
V, 11 A.,. • C,,. w 2i. dared by the . - e&dent and Directors mtn- ing andlodgir.g ;by applying to the fubferibera, who are entitled to a divi !nd under said assign- WiHittvS V fra.irtt, lf.d
MO. at, f«« btrett. Company, for ermanmt Uvbe-nearly Vvilte,io FiaJerick <o«nty and ment a.c resetted to furniflt their aecottnts o> Thomas W %cu
April 14. d'- the River Shuylkill, rt Or near the city ot Phila- fl ate of Virwisia'- Samuel Meeker, with intere:t calculated up to the '" J ,
" \1 1- iril h'TP ATV delphia, un the amcumspaid in Oil the ill day of 0 John Milton, Bth day 01 July .1797 as a -:ivi end will absolute- March!?. -'.
A (.Lit I lrlCAl E April la" (the tune wnen the fubferiptions ro the Wnrrer W ishinvton !y he struck on the firti day ol -• pril next, and those
rnaa a three (ju.rrer Share of-Bar.k Stock of ihe stock of the fai I >ny were campliated, and to jsfrtngton. who nee-led t® comolv with th/s notice will th«re- t> 1 • tXT tr 1 A/T-1 <
United States, No. 3818 in the nrfne of John be from thence c»mputed) payahie to the «tock June ao tuth&f j;tf" niter 1./ i xclude- 1 from the benefit -M the fame. Baltimore Jllld KCW i Ol'k
Holmes, Jun. fat been lo*t or mif!aye<l and for the helders or their legil representatives after the icth ' " ' /it,7;/! q. /"1/r^,,.
Vr-swal of which application ha 3 been made at } day ot the prafeat moath, oat of the profits an FOR SALE, £r S"
fid Bauk,.cf wbioh all concerned are detired to flag ffctn the Floating Bridge Ferry and Tavern, a „ „r pt.,,: 0(T ■ "'"I . TS removsi fron No. I? 3 »i-:h ?ot.f:h Cfcef- {9 notice. lat the West end of High. Street, cn application to lll\OlCC Oi "lHy •• 0 US, Nath I l.tvjis, by his Ads. J>Aflignees. jj 0 ,-q g oat ,.. , ;rc or.
PETERTRECEIiT. tlie Treaftirer, No. *3, Church Alley. Confining of 75 dozen a(T,.rred—they wilbs fold Pearsm Hunt j An OiSc. f.^r'thofe isalfo «t utit,
May 19. dim. WILLIAM BANKS, Secretary. cheap forcaih. ' Apply W the Printer J hti.M. Taylor J »lir4y's Inn, No. <;? Ma:k?t !r--e;.
July I. tuthsim Hiay 19, 11 I'hi'isdtlphia, March 14 -B&rhtl. Ge-je.'rl t ti O . .s, " jr» s£,
- ' ' ' . ■ J . j
■ -• *" . »■ - ,