Gazette of the United States, & ■ J By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. 343?.] . Pi/I%A DE L P 111 A, FRIDAY IVEMIXG, JULY 1800. \Vo L a*n XA'III. J • . oa he S JSL C t\ G ? f- . VALVABLE HEAL ESTATE. questions . IRFASURY DEPARTMENT, ' in the city of Philadelphia. Ail others pa > *" niander from Btw l' ' C 70H SALR > Merchants,; Store keepers, and Trades- April 21, 1800. on e Dollar additional, for enclosing and di- consisTtnc of ' About n fa-res rf I and adb £ c ' reding ; and unlessrsome parson in ttis city A comnlete iflVirtment n* - " * ' 'ft» Gentjemen, is a perfe£l flandard of TJUBLIC NOTICE is hereby "given, in p«r» wil! become ansverible for the subscription nrff I A '" c fl/p* petty belong- l»r (without exception) from Ito soco, from the firft day of Marrh: ooa' rh. ulat d eipht it must ttf'wd Six Months in Advanct. SUOARB of *e *r* qnalty, r,ach Francis, f.n one day to sixty-sour day, include, of any hundred, intituled « An%°Un . an *«• No Subscription wilt fereceived for BLACK PEPPER d-j. *TOWof two > erJ*-.i, oad on toe nurth k;> * Uuc. value, w ..ether cfed as 4 ftaadard, or as a ad», intituled; an a$ regulating tie giant* of a shorter term than six months- r>R SALt »* - v - .fpajafes it froo» Mr. M'Ca.l. Itispropo- cl ' er ; > - upon the enquirers' own calculations, land appropriated for military fervicrs, ard f'• r December t 1-00 WILLINOS £s* FRANCIS, •V'fsfe the ''P art " u 0ld " >d J* "» f *?'■ >' 'mpm-unce-ito k..»» .he heft the Society of the United B.'etferen for propa ' '- y ' No. 21, Peaa..W the pu.e_a.ers. methods of computm- exchnrges, be- gating tke Gospel among the Heathen," as sol- — m,., j_ •' , * Ano, 31 acrej, firuatcd < n th; weft fide of tween this country an'l the principal mari- lows ; ALMANAC ' ' Ser&antovvn md, adjoining Miflers's rftj«, time trading place in Russia, Sweden, Den- ift. All the fraJlionnl parts of tha quarter From July B—tolfi •'p<. ons coaccrocd'arc dc- tered a counting house or (lore ? g X ' KG ,' ZT r « vidend f r the liH fix fßontia, nf fixtc-n ~f( ''' n6,( 'p vr „ (l T * 4- 3 Dollars per tiharej p:yable totht St ckholders „ ' "c.n . .N. [ (' i j quarto volume of from uoo to aat p->ges, be or their legal representative* after the 17th Ma >' LwVt worth two dollars ? ? g. 3 •" g. | :* 8- | l luflant. A ppponM In the Pomona, from Liveroool, and for sale, An( l'»%. I'the person, who at the expence . >' ? >' 3 1 :; ? G. SIMPSON Cafli'r. A "LKbUN ' . of FODli THOUSAND DOLLAKS un ~ \ 3 j \ Z July 7 co6t. /""vF abilities, integrit • and experience in Ironmongery, badlcry, LutWiy, dertakes to perform upwardi of one hundred S 2 62 "4 - Brass Japan'd Wares, and fix ty thousand calculations eflnterefi, asd g u , HANK, of tEA NSIL VAtJIA, a , CLERK to a merchant or onblic of. i> .1, r. . , „ , . , of giving all the preceding information to * •> ° 1 July 2, iBcO. |.-e,or he concerr.ei with any perfpn as pait- " "" £ ' cnclo P e ' V:I lu York ' »fee public in the mofUamfrele manner, de- 10 ® 211 t THE Directors have this day declared a ntr , as he has an interell of about one thousand HATS fervmg of your Encouragement and Sup- 213 0 3 81 dividend of eighteen'dollir=i on each (hare of pounds in real estate 111 the city. Pleafrto ap- afTorted : n cases and - . . 3 4 7 4 2 13 8 4. Bmlc Stock, tor the lalt months, which ply to the Printer* rr a line left 2t the ofTice . . . ve an * wer ' 8 ' n ,c a^r "n'tive, you are 51 6* 1 151 3 will be paid to the fto'kholflers or their legal f o r B. Y. will be attended to immediately. PINS in BoXCS BY « individually and refpeilfully invited to sub- 3 72 2 2 afts h iathin!>. MsvJo dit m&th tf scribe in one of the specimen books, exhibited 511821 72 By order of the Boird, ' EI.ISHA FISHER is" Co. n the City Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, Francis's ' J . } . JONA. SMITH, CalhV f? r» W CA I I? No. 39, Noith Front street. Hotel, the Indian Qjieen, Dunwo>dy'sTavern, 1 ■ " •' , 7 4 d. t l». IvJ lv oAL L, June 16 dim the Franklin Head, and at the George. 7 4 >3 IJ 2 4 v, A Valuable and singularly eligible —— 150 IDA RRhLS « ■> 6 A Slimmer Retreat. he executed \iw\zh fifteen hundredfubfcribc'rl.irt. 4 4 3 7 3 61 T> - ootained 1 for lour thousand dollars is too much 10 3 9 3 7 2 13UILUH i 1 lliic DCtl) CON3I3Tn-IG of two Hartdfnme dwelling _ „ _, rT ~ n 'to hazard. J33913 7 4. 12 Ho ■ (heads V(V I s bouses, with Mcelhn ftabltng for fsveo horses, J ' ' NOTHING IS TO BF. PAID IN AD- 71 7 4 17 - 4 A fe'w Q,art, c .(k' of feft quality Madiitt • A GENTEEL HOUSE, neither wil! it be expend of (~b. 9 , 9 4 Ul( \ Deautifal fcrgi* and yaluahlo garden richly filled A fenbers to take the woik when pnblilhed, it it Ax , , , r , 200 MohlT IvMcbiowns with heads with choice fru,t ' frrround^a with high board WITH a stable, carriage-liouf* and lot, '«s not delivered rigo*otifly confofmabJ* to jny 3 d ' "elands in each of the above fity For la eby fence, altnoll new. The preimfen are beactifully fitilated in a pleafjnt part of Trenton. The agreements with the public, cxprefied in the I"»'tcr'ownfl",.*, and in the fraflional p-rts SAMUEI RHOADS near the middle of Oermaßtown, fur- terms will Ire moderate, and pofTeflion can be conditions affixed to the specimen books, each ? i. rore c <_, c. 1e , zrz No . pfnnLt ronn »' the . 1 One house has been recently built on an appro- . flrto ABRVb 1 M UUNf Vmiirt Gentlemen,' q-aannty fuci: rjuarter t. wnfliip or iraftiot, U Brick House v cli lan; ha, '.eencomjletelyr paire.!, Vto ABRA.IAW HUN 1, e.qutre, Your humble servant. lifted to contain will admit, in the manner :j ' painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with r ' ' , mvrM nntitri la'p-r p-'nted out and requirtd- by the above rtcited In Sprace, near Front Oreet. ai, elegant .drawing-room, Cftaen foet by thirty- June 14. / tutb&st JUrtrS KUWLhI l - . , t • o Accomutant, Bank of North America: l - l i » r-j j r r , • July 7. eol4t. itx • - • J ' ■amentu. 4 ,h. r he plats divided as aforefatd into ,ot» — —— —~r~- The new house is well calculated for a (lore in GLASS MANUFACTORY. of one hundrad acres, sre d -pofsted in th? of lmnrtfl-prl either the dry or wo-gooil line. _ . ■ MSTiCRiPT. sice of the R»gi iter t-.f the Treasury whsie the lllipoi Leu • Tha air and water nr. unrivalled, and there sre F'JOPrtIPTaB Treas^j, unticr r(l A I IIV mure, on the acth infl. a iuht cJnurcil Joche*. clwfbfly packed'-in boxw'conlalitiic The the Bani : of North yinirr- april it. div —-..w 3 :"n. 1 nejjro an, who calls himfcif 100 leet ea h, may be had at the (honest notice. '" rl "J 1 ""5 t'eryfafi ivitb fubferiptions. I"me - - J * —■ ■ •APplv to Mc. DONALD ;He i» ab.ut a 4 of age. Glaft of larger sizes f s ->r other purposes, may fcr 1 siopie., foroe for .• copes, _and fonie for r T' f>n F| rt U Qrc O , 3 „, 0r J ntnPON H WFLIS nr' ■ about $ feet S ?nche« high, neat in his dreg's, and aU"c. be had, such is for piilures, coach glafTes, S copies, and I takelbh opportunity fg'aUfyUj 1 til l>Ulldlb IVLWuIU. MOORF WH \ RToV has a good fait of hair. Hid on. wheu he clock faces, Ac. Bottles of all kinds and", f any acbwee» cl'th coat. td«e4 with veHAVr, and yel- - , low K'.lt buttons-- alight buff caffimer, double- O rofhir holloa ware—the whole at least 15 per JTavems, &c. already tneWioneri. York 1 own ou t..e a ; i } AMES WALKUT S 1 REE r, 1 rerfted waistcoat, a pair nf dark olive colour- i than aiticlc of the fame quality Copyrightfeeured according to ai7 cfCongrcfs. A HENDERSON. Wy a S Vj- ami., the., Oth to tie Public Squire. te4 thukfett par.tal ons-a wh te linen Jhirt, brought from myafthefc port, of the United Mnrch J thelf^^d'^l^ white nbhed cotton ft ekings, and a go T-T/-v D CT7 AMD OJ n brags qmck of hit abilities 3i a Serjeant. T r h.oi-.s, atjdi light c.-prdur y pa:i* ol brceclits ; p ! lC ation to JvMEo O HARA 1 or I>4AC IIORSE AND OIG He has hern 1 'elyfeen inLancaecr, ar.o is , ro- A 01* C New Hollies. f'.as" or JW c^ e r . * aeel OR .-.10, dr at th< «tO»e Of Me.Tr,. PKATIIER p „ ~ - . bably with his riends, who im-abcut 4 miles T* 3 cha-.r- He nf- :id of fpint< us, i,s inf.- an d SMtLIE, in Miikrt-Slreet, Plttlburgh. 1 J K , from that place r r*Hli Ctuatioii Ipr pleafai-t ess .f the. frcf;.o« 's*> has a and chews tobacco.-- March „ tuthtf. The the Gg as good as , „ ICf trees.*,,! hpAagc, and at. ex-enflve the He »aa bred ,0 Charles county, .Maryland and ' ttt «- *s2s J ;■ ce , paid, cn d.hv,rfn e him to any officer i/the rough fare «t! !r^r t is d. emsd equal .1 not ft- of col. John t Kn JJ NDKRSIG KEU, nn-mrtt at a fair wh J-fVe'-.-ice of the United States, cr lodging hia, id petior to ur«yt«tlTTr',ih>t is as cfiivjmttit .o'.the lay. Whoever appreWs ha,d m,iand fe r -riS SwrdifhlMajelty'sConfu, General, and su P X„ " * P ' Jail. .tridinjpart- «f al-,e. towc-I he w.w is sxcil cures hun in arty ja.l .0 t,at the owner r.-.ay j-j .j, , rilKC * it h, in ■, ur de- S£ale i brXmctita, tefdiugat Vhi'ladelphia, A FRAME! BtJILDING Philadelphia, June 30. Atw, rrnt will pleaie to,-.aks early application at iht hvered to Jolhut h- Bond, Philadelpjna. ;j■ j „• 't #«-!,/• sr.,- 1 Office No. 96,-A'ch £lre«t, or ah■ ut the premifts may I dtf' to ; : Th ;t in obedience to recei t infftu&ions recrived p\ b ,. f . n fo.cona.ruacd.that it con he taken -town | JOHN CREi\N; T' T , fr.iin hi gover l meat, it is the duty of all IV.a.'er? ar,d put up without irjury. Any r»rfon defirou? T-uly 7 'ft X O 11 on mongers, pi Darifh veffcls. hCHOi-i their (aibrg t0 p»rchae, by a. ply Mg to the Piinter will re- TS hereby, j-iven,. tha' the Partne'rlhip of John — —tm — . ci a from at.y port in the (aid States, to call upor I 1 ceive further information. X Whitelides & Her.ry Houghton, 'ratling un ■ Jits .mred, storekeepers, &C. or ~h- Vice Coi-ful in orJcr to i c granted such June < 7 de- -he firm of JOHN WHITESiIDSS & Co. and roa !«u II tar svqKataaa*, Ccrtifici.te« for their Cargoes, which ..the ciige. c>- :s this day ilillolved by mutual consent- TJ-Jl2 I ARGO rr\rr O a t r o» the flafc of tht» Neutral Commerce an., theft- 7 hfee CefltS Reward. IO HNWIif TF s I iJF <5 OftbeSisp C .i sro y, SALE, S RiCnard Dale, i.onitnjn.ver, from Canton, A? *.O. 97. veliel. belonging to the ,«fpeAive ivit.ons ~r m, „ aßie a Elizabeth Mowckel, had on and toek with Chtl.U B. Toung .0, C-KILSTIK 6OF A WELL ASSORIED STOCK OF »Mer tljc p.fteawn of their flag, i. er „r«rment and money, J rj f e P h S > "• HoßghWO. Bollea .1 * T emitting t o take such certifc ts, will pcrfc,l,ally prou a,bold and impudwt, a Ltd lyar t any p«- Phiijfde.phia, July ?, i«. if SoHchontr Ironmongery, stand for the cwr.eqnentct. son apprehending her <>. all evtitled to the above Hyson Skin U TEAS. Cutlery, JUCHAJiI") SODEiISTROM. reward_m. eoVs or charg-s 'willbe paid. Jus: Arrived, 1 v rr , PhsH elr h:a, 18th DecemVer, 1799. N: B,fchehad a years and icn*c months toferve J Ywng HyKn p a-Trick. akd fob sale or mr .^bsckibebs, amlLyicn. IW'f See ' ' ' VAhTED * GoCien Tow*ftip,Ch. fiar Connay, J»l, t 9 . THE CARGO W Bite f Yellow' $ For cafli, or on a fliort credit, at a low /JS IUI UK, 0 F THirsniP taiLAlihLPltljt, Sucir of ill oti'ilitv advance, either tile wholetogetber cr in lots A SINGLE Man, capable of ipftruaing twelve iNtllKii. rs. K -. China Wave as may be ft suit the P urch,fe,s. A Boy,, in the Latin, Greek end French lan WHEREAS Mathew .twin did on the Bth Theodore Blur, C. ; o.manner, hem ' ' t.-Iw' « f ,tl .-»* , person coming well recommended, for his abili estate an c 11 ' t> ~", dted dollars per annum, and be accommodated, the icth o! Septem'er, 1757. ex ;ntv to him a full And 200 qr. chefis ot luperior quality WILLINGS iS> FR \NCIS, A DIVI S percjbtum perannuni isda- niuch to his fatisfaaion,witli meat, drink, walh- and final dllcharge— Now those of his creditar? Htfon Tcaa, V, 11 A.,. • C,,. w 2i. dared by the . - e&dent and Directors mtn- ing andlodgir.g ;by applying to the fubferibera, who are entitled to a divi !nd under said assign- WiHittvS V fra.irtt, lf.d MO. at, f«« btrett. Company, for ermanmt Uvbe-nearly Vvilte,io FiaJerick Thomas W %cu April 14. d'- the River Shuylkill, rt Or near the city ot Phila- fl ate of Virwisia'- Samuel Meeker, with intere:t calculated up to the '" J , " \1 1- iril h'TP ATV delphia, un the amcumspaid in Oil the ill day of 0 John Milton, Bth day 01 July .1797 as a -:ivi end will absolute- March!?. -'. A (.Lit I lrlCAl E April la" (the tune wnen the fubferiptions ro the Wnrrer W ishinvton !y he struck on the firti day ol -• pril next, and those rnaa a three (ju.rrer Share of-Bar.k Stock of ihe stock of the fai I >ny were campliated, and to jsfrtngton. who nee-led t® comolv with th/s notice will th«re- t> 1 • tXT tr 1 A/T-1 < United States, No. 3818 in the nrfne of John be from thence c»mputed) payahie to the «tock June ao tuth&f j;tf" niter 1./ i xclude- 1 from the benefit -M the fame. Baltimore Jllld KCW i Ol'k Holmes, Jun. fat been lo*t or mif!ayeAflignees. jj 0 ,-q g oat ,.. , ;rc or. PETERTRECEIiT. tlie Treaftirer, No. *3, Church Alley. Confining of 75 dozen a(T,.rred—they wilbs fold Pearsm Hunt j An OiSc. f.^r'thofe isalfo «t utit, May 19. dim. WILLIAM BANKS, Secretary. cheap forcaih. ' Apply W the Printer J hti.M. Taylor J »lir4y's Inn, No. <;? Ma:k?t !r--e;. July I. tuthsim Hiay 19, 11 I'hi'isdtlphia, March 14 -B&rhtl. Ge-je.'rl t ti O . .s, " jr» s£, - ' ' ' . ■ J . j ■ -• *" . »■ - ,