BY THIS J)AY'3 MAILS. NEW-YORK, July 9. Ycfterday came 011 the t' of one Krou ther, tor a rape. 1 he circu-mltances attendant oil the cum million ct this brutal violence, were parti* cularly Aggravating. The pnl'oner is a man ol about torty, with every mhrk on his sice of a "cr:ifty, unprincipled villain. The girl wis a child of i'catce fourteen years—he told her (lory with a r tie Is nil's and tears. Ihe horror of the diabolical frene, seemed' ltill trefh in her memory. Her palled coun t'tiance and trembling accents fliewed the extremeff agitatioh. It fee 11 1 s this monfler had the address to invent some pretext, by which he pcrfuaded the fofter mother of the child to let her go to his lodgings. He lock ed his door—and with threats and force ex ecuted his guilty purpose. He even threat ened her, if she refilled or made any out cries witfi iiVllant death, 1 lie criminal had nb otlfer apology than, that she was a whore ! Every fentimerit of nature, every evident: of fafl, revolted at the insinuation. Ihe Jury returned a ver dift of GUILTY, This is the iame wretch who lived in the house ot Guliana Sands, at the time flie was murdered—who had attempted to seduce her •—who was absent at a suspicious place that very evening, and whopurfued the fufpefl ed young man with the utmost malignity. It Appears also, that thisfiehdhas more thin one wife, and that the <yne he has in this town, lie has always tieated with ruffian cruelty. Every one nuift rejoice, thai the communi ty is at length Irced from a demon so artful *hd unfeeling. A person calling birwfelf major John A. Sch icflsr, some time since advertised in'the U-iited States G.izette, for fraudulently drawing hills on Timothy Pickering and Samuel Meredith, was taken up at Halifax On the 16tli ultr and'committed to prison, "Under the .ilien aO. NAVAL AFFAIRS. Such is the noble spirit of our gallant tars, that on the morning of the second day orly, after the opening of the general rendezvous ior the crew of the President, there were more than 140 volunteers, who were anxi ous to follow a favorite officer in pursuit of the numerous privateers ..that have recently followed our merchantmen to our very har bours—Both the merchant and planter will join us in our wishes for their fucccfs. We congratulate cur countrymen on the fecet.t fciccfs of Capt. M'Elr»>y, who has fentin two privateers within a few days. To tbe Editor of the Daily Advertiser. To prevent any unfavorable impression which the mifrrprelentations of calumny might make upon t';:e public mind relative to the rencountre which took place yesterday between the troops of the garrison and a collection of low feilpws, I have thought it a duty I owe to myfclf n/rd the public to t/iv«j. a circumstantial narrative of the affair. During the period of my bting llnioncd at this pod, ai'd for fume considerable time before, the difficulties and rexations which «very officer belonging to the garrison bive experienced from the fojdiers frequenting a public house, situated jujl without she gar rison limits, and kept by one Mr. North, ■were very serious. At this house the sol diers were not only fullered bur ercouraged 10 get intoxicated, which pive rife to fre quent disorders in the garrison. As soon, therefore, as I was sent to take the conim I'd -fc.-ie (in April last) I determined to prohibit r is far as possible, all intercourse bv the l'ol- | «i ; ers with the house in qutUion, I accord ingly ilTued an order to that effeA immedi- j ateiy on iny atrival. liy the order,! pat roles were direfled to reconn <itre, at ' Certain intervals, to fee if any of the foidiers were to te found there. In performing this duty yesterday, when I conceived it p cuLi arly n'ece(T:iry, from the large collection of persons that were convened from the moun tains, See. added to the riot and fighting which I obserVed forward there, and in which I had good reason to believe thut some of my own men engaged the patro'.es were insulted—deprived of their crms, an'd beaten inbumctify, by fomc of the Croud. On a report being made to me by one of my inen that they were murdering the patroles, I h.dlened towards the barrack,; with the view ol having the troops turned out a,nd marched in order to the r. lief of the patroles, and, if pofii'ole, to apprejiend the offenders that they mi ; ;ht be brought to juflice. Before rerchinp the barracks how. Cvrr, 1 discovered the soldiers who had al feady got the alarm, running in a confufed 4nd (cattered body across the plain with •their arms, and fixed bayontts, towards the feme of adlion ; I in vain attempted to halt a:td form them ; they prefled 011 till they had readied North's house, into which tlie perpetrators, with others, had betaken them fcfves. H ere I r.gain renewed my exertions to induce my men to order, but still in vain -&-for, 011 feeint; their companions who coni pofed the patrole covered with Hood from the blows they hid received from the rioters, (hey- fury became ungev rnc.ble ; they at tacked the house, and attempted to force their passage up a flair way, at the top of which thei'e A llows had arranged themfelvej, armed with the guns they had taken from the patrole, with clubs, (tones, &c. the sol diers were beaten back with loss of blood. After unremi ted exertion and the exer cifffof Tome feveiity on my p.vt, I prevail ed upon the trodps to form (not however fill much havoc had been committed in and upon North's house). After this I de manded the surrender nf those w thin which after some helitation, was complied with. t ordered them to be taken to the Guard- House, and th? ringleaders confined ; and iJiall them so until I fliall b<s advised as to the regular mode of proceeding agai;,(i This ftatWßffli can U fjbflaruiated by refpeftable teflimoiif, It ft ems [ ar if the Soldie s werg the aggrrjjrs as fume ave already induftrioiifly propagated, that bey should have received the whole of the bodily lrjury that happened, while thepri loners have not the lealt mark of violence a bout them. But this is not the firll inflancc ihefe Fellows have given of a hoilile difpo ition towards the S v I.J,V. y __ | here isfcarce- V P L, bl i' C day of *' y lo,t that dont aliemble here and endeavour t > raise a dis turbance with the foldjerj. Some of the very fellows that are now in co ft e" ctit, l:ave been confined before in the fame place for the fame offence. - J STILLE, Captain of the 2d Regiment of Arj Ikrifts and Enguice s—command ng. IVut-Po'tr.t, stb of} July, 1800, 3 £A LTIMOHE, J l; 1 y 7. From the Federal Gazette. mitii magnum, tun nil, viJelur " HOW Extensive, how despotic is the government of prejudice* In alt the con :crus of life we are more or less the fubjeds it her controul. In her generofity is irofufion, economy avarice, forbearance pu ilanimity, courage rafhneis, virtue oltenca loti, and religion hypocryfy. Now like he drunkard the fees double ; nnd now like he jaundiced person, /he beholds every other >bjed tinged with an unnatural hue. In po mes her power is umverfal and irrefitlable. s he Hands centinel at the avenues of the r.ind ; nuards with circun>fpedion the ap proaches of truth, and theafTaults of r talon ; Tor fuflers their eptrance into the inclufures Andes are mole hills, and public virtue felf-intereft. She fees angl- sin the circle, 3"d the spir it of Crotniutll in Washing ton. She discovers filth in the diamond, »nd treason id John Adams.—lt 13 the la bor of wisdom to throw oft yoke ; to examine men and and fads as they are. Witn how much heat and violence is agi tated the approaching eledion of l'refldcnt. How vehement, how paflhuatc the druggie. Is it not the combat of principles, whose vidory (kail enliven, advance, ellablifli; of benumb, congeal and deltroy the energies, the honor, the prosperity of u >ired Ameri ca ? Do we not find that fame fettled fytlem of opposition to govtrnm nt, which for 13 years past has perplexed and ditturbed our national councils, now more than ever uni ted ? nrc not their deligns conceived, es tablished, organized, and purfu. d with se crecy and venomous fortitude from St. Ma ry's to St. Croix ? And by what means have so large a part of our citizens beenme poli tically corrupt ; and the unconscious pro tetots and supporters of a fyltem, which, once in operation, will pull down the ban ner of national calamities 011 their own heads ? Ic is caused by 1 hat violent current of naion al an ! domed ic prejudice, which in one com mon deftrud on, tweeps away virtue, nafon and truth. With what eyes of mad delightdid we foo'ifhly admirethe commcn.e mcnt ot the French revolution. Wi'h what mistaken enthuhallic ardor was it celebrated by all ages and clafTes. How revolution, the murderous vagarits of white, have spotted nations unh human blood , cuf the cords of love piety, which conned man wiih hi* Creaioi ; freed a nation from a toad of uiijutl opp-effion and plunged tnem in infamy, irreligion and a f„r worse tyranny. \\ hen the cruelty ot Uer tciidir mercies so Oi, ! lick policy, her inlidions il. t■ll - h:c ;n.e appai-cut to ;,{l, win * :• inds weie „j,rn 10 ir.veiVi.jation ; then was faction J'.ify, her high expectations, though check. :d, were notcrudied ; demagogues \ij?re ir "l in l'ptcioui ai 1 umeim, to coi.tistje ■ lie pi e |.je, ices of the U'nnl ormtti and credu lous, to represent t! e caule ot France as the :.-iulerf ita! l.herty ; our own government, ull and impartial to all, as opposed to the •1; l.ts of humanity, and the propels of free inu the enemies of their own country, ;Vi; .here #!:; a bdrrier. A mountain ofclu acters 111 nit he levelled, funk. She opened K r He.;:in ! h.e toiigu *, and Wafhinglon he :eii:e a dune and a traitor. But the delu- I'"" » vatiifhed. i .me las covered him ■vith glory, and his calumniator with fliame :nd intainy, I y every good and discerning nan. Bat the i ;me sulky iinegenerou? I'ui • t rem..ins. 1 hose who have spent their I .es iiit'ie (ervice of their coniury : those ''h' l ie talents and whose virttns entitle them :o gratitude, refped and sutli, rity, meet op jolition, hatred «nd detrafiion. That laudable car,did jealousy, which night ever to difti. gu.fli the examination of he cl araders, tranfaf.i.'.ns and motives of Tien in , (Tree, has become, even e.mong many ■on 'ant, fa'il: finding, mean suspicion ; liltorting every public tra fadion, and im ruling the word detigns to the moil upright ritentio s 'i he fame mode of condud *'i'h the fame attendant circnrr.ltances, i; now applauded and tiow condemned, as par icular ofcje is may suit. So- ding Mr. Jnj nity. War, war, was the cry. But un ler limilar cir. umllaiices, three attempts al econc iliatloii with I'cance imputed tc vhat > To a determination to wage war witt that power, and draw clcfe the cords of as fedion wiih England. The mod upright faithful and (leady condud in the executive, is no mean of meeting the good opinion o men, who* with " Th' unconqueraMo will, the ftedfatl hate Ar.d eeurage never tofubmit or yi-ld." are bent on the continuance of their mot inveterate oppr lition, till the present admini ttration lhall he overturned, and then.felvr: "i olhceo, 0: c-■ !; !; d w;tii talents and iute CAIUS. Gazette of the United States. nnr.4ngl.rSl4, >Ti:«ixc, jci'r' ro. I'KICSS OF iiVOCKS. iX „ S; tr C«nt Stock f<jr c»(h 105 l w o'.it- >-1 Sn Utni. . 84 V.v r <lu. do. "84 W lirec f»»r Cent, do. ."j 1 . • V' F United Statc», do. 3 o i .. L-oni.fylvjijia j do . a? I > North America, do. 5.1 -{? Infurauc comp. N. A. Ciarei 8 to 10 per edit, below jar " I -nnfylvania, Jia Company of N. A. - percent advance U wrant», 15 do'ls. pejioo. -4ct«s. COEJKSiI OF B^CHAWpE Blllson I -on. at 30 dart for cafii per ct. Ho. do. 60 days do. 1702.171 do. l)o. do 90 days do Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 33 1-3 a 34 c tj. . per Mark Banco i-)©. in Amuerdam, 60 days 39 a4O per Florin. Notvvithftandinfr we have the amicable difpofitioti of the French, continually rung in our ears, akd accounts of llicir having orders to stop their infamous piracies, yet not a day pafTcs without hearing yf some capture ; and the damning fadi ot the crews of 63 American vefiels being now in the prisons of Baflaterre and Ouadaloupe, gives the lis direct to all their profefliDns. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Extract of a letter from Messrs. Tbo-nas Dickinson & Co. dated London, April 20, 1800, ta Mohrt Hooper, Esq. of Mar bielead. " The Polly, Lj(key's cafe, was yeflerday argued in the Admiralty Court; ar.d we have much piealure in infprroiqg you that rcfi'itution of the cargo was decreed." The Polly was loaded with Havanna Su gar and Cocoa, and boilnd to Bilboa. The Sugar was purchased with bills on the Ha vanna, that were bought. at Bilboa by the fame tnafler the preceding voyage. The Cocoa was never landed, but taken from a vefiel belonging to the fame owner, and im meuiatel)' put on board of her. The Ad miralty Court, however, convinced that the whole was knafide American pro, pertj, ordered leftitution thereof. The arrival of the American Ship San fom in the river Ganges from England is mentioned in the last India Gazettes receiv ed in London,—she had one man kiJed, and a lady, paflenger, wounded, in an engage ment with a French Privateer. The French privateer fchooncr L'Union, from Guadaioupe, between the latitudes of 32 and 36, and longtitud-5 of 68 and 71, has captured foui teen American veflels. the names of feveraliaf fhem we have alrea dy mentioned- IMPORTANT! ExtraS of a letter from an American gentle- man, dated LIVERPOOL; May 20. " By an American just arrived from Pa ris, 1 am informed :hat ou'r Commissioners have obtained secret information, that the Consuls had au horifed, by recent inltru&i ons thecaptfir® ef ev?ry Amrric n fund trading to any part of the Weft Indies ; while orders are given to let thofc pass that are bound to Europe, except they ax met by cruiieri belonging to particular peifons, who have paid for the special priviltdge to general captures. Hence you will often tind, that after a national frigate or corvette has let your (hips pass, the ptiva teers Talleyrand, &c . wi|l fend her into port as good prize —Thus the national fliips are made decoy duck,* for the privateer* belonging to the favorites of the Consuls." Two refpcflable clergymen of the F.pifco pal church, who happened to go rather late to the Univerfi y Hall, or. tie 4th of July to hear the oration as Mr. Mcriditli, have hren a flailed by the Apollyon offhe Aorora. It teems tliat, previous to the arrival of the gentlemen in queftiou, the Declaration I>f Independence bad been read ; in conf-qtience of this absence, the Editor of the Aurora, in a fit of patriot!l'm, reat'oiis, agr eably to Hibernian logic, in the following man tier : Tliefe men are members of the F.pif copal. Convention. Tlte cf Independence wa» read f«n the~fourih of Jti') , aud tbey did not I,tar it. ' ' Therefore They are not proper pevfons tn teach children their rudimeiits> or citizens religion ! !, lu the Ipirit of the above paragraph we lave draughted another, in the Aurora ftrtr, and make a pre tent of it to democratic lo- gitians. Yt-llerday the news of the rout of ( the French, the frer.fon against the King, and several numbers »>f the Mor . ning Chronicle and Courier reached the Aurora Office. Mr. Duane and his lunatic alfifhnt in ca nocicals did not arrive till 12 o'clock, which, according to a stop ivatcb, was 2 hours,'j minutrs. 10 fccorids and 33 demi seconds of true time, after the teceiptof faiu intelli gence. Therefore the {aid Duare and his associate are not qualified to inftruft ignoiant de mocrats, or to tell lies, and talk inco herently, after the roof! approved Ja ■ dobirsic f^rry. I , NEW msctiVEHY. i I!.j Aurora is of opinion that epifcopa j Ur.s with cturcbes, , "lieges, an J conventions, are not proper i perions to impart liientific, mora! and reli lyous ti nil ! \vc haver Deen in the dark for centuries, but this Aurora Ihi'nea upon .us, and all the phantoms of prejudice j nee away. No, ye -dHuded pirems and guardians, gtntlemen,' t%cially if they be ; long tu a religious iociety, or ever go to cbute£, or have graduated at a allege, are | wholly unfitted for the task of preaching, or i i;i(ti u£Wn. Piety and learning are .not reckoned as qualification, in out Jacobin vo cabulary, The only inftruflois which we will procure for youth, ffiajTl he clowns, and irreligious, and ignorant, who from college have brought nothing away, and cf whom every church is a (Itemed, Mercantile InfcrmatiJt. From the ift i»f!, the following rates of Duties took place, in lieu of thole hereto fore payable, Viz. Brown Sugar, at-2 cents—Sugar Candy ii 1-2 ieiitSj per lb.— Molafies J rents per gallon—All meichandize that paid 10 per scent. ,2 1-2 per cent—L. P. Madeira Wine, 5 S cents—all other Madeira Wine, 50 cents—Burgunda, Champaign, Rhcn-.fli and Tokay Wine, 45 cents—Sherry Wine, 4° cents—St. Lucar Wine 40 cents. AH claret and other Wines not enumerated, in Bottles or Cases, 35 cents—l.ifbon Oporto and other Portugal Wines, 30 cents, Tene riffl, F.iyal, Malaga, Saint George and other Western Island Wine, 28 cents. ; and upon all other Wines when imported other than in Bottle l , or Cases, 23 cents per gal lon. Good? imported in foreign veflels, and exported from the United States not to Drawback any part of the additional Du ties—33-4 per cent, to be retained from the amount of Duties on exportation. Af ter the 31ft day of December next, 1 cent per lb. 011 Loaf Sugar, and 1 cent per gal lon on spirits diflilled within the United' States,>in addition to the Drawbatk, 011 ex portation. Says the Editor of the New York, Mer cantile advertiser, on a minute re-exami nation of our files of London papers, we find tbe following article rtfpefting our Commiiliooerg, under date of DEAL, May 20. "The Superb, Captain Trail, arrived in the Downs from Charleftnwn, and landed her pafleagers at the Kings Hotel. She was boarded in the channel by a French privateer brig mounting twenty-two guns, and l>Bo men, and after locking at her pa pers, ordered her to proceed The French commander said that the Ameiican Com missioners had fettled the differences between the two Governments, and that (hey would not capture any American vtffels, except •hey had Briti/h property on board. The Superb had a cargo worth 25,0001," [ According to the common law of Eng land, " acontraft which tends to promote vice and immorality is ipfo fada void ; and no landlord is entitled to receive rest which lie knows can arifa only from the wages of proilitution. We direst the atteution of the public to this circumstance, because the common law of England and that of Amer ica is said to be virtually the fame; and be cause many of our landlors may be in a situ ation to need the hint. A c-.ufe was deter mined in the Britilh Court of Common Pleas, od the 15th May, in which this point of law was brought to an iflue, and a verdia given in its tavo&r See the foreign news in '.hepreceding columns. Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Arrived at the Fort. Brijj Tlyland I.ass, Brown, Kingftoo, via Wilmington—bailaft. Schooner Nancy, Ford. Port Republican— Left it the 21ft June, Cv.ffee, Sugar, J Craig. Schr. Speedwell, Blanch ard, Newburyp'rt Sugar; detained for want of certificates to prove the time the fwgar h»9 been in the Unit ed States. Ship George, M'C Horn, from hence, has been towed into the Tcxel, with the loss of l:er mafls and rudder. Ship Ranter, Jnc.obs, from hence has ar rived at Amflerdam. A Liverpool paper «f the 15th Mar, adver tises the following veflels—F'-r New Y rk, the ships Janus, General Mercer, ar.d Liverpool Packet—For Philadelphia, the ships Adraftus, Kingft n, Lovinia, and Volant—For Balti more, the ships Union, Francis & Mary, Lon don Packet, and Harriet —For Virginia, the ships Nancy, and Richard, and brig Lydia— For Boston, the ships Mary, Aftrea, and S;!- lv—For Cl'.arlefton, the ihip Montezuma,—in all 19. SALEM, July 4. Ycfterday Mr. Clifford Byrne, late mate of the brig Ha .nah, Captain White, of this port, airived here from Halifax : which place he left the 19th of June, when the (hip Juno, and the Marblehead schooner, captured by the Cleopatra frigate, had not arrived. Left there brig Union, of Philadelphia, from Porto Rico cautur, ed by the Swan sloop of war. The Han nah and Unionarrived at Halifax on the 14th of June, are libelled. The ships Charjoae and Warren, of New York, haVe been con- PORTLAND. June 28.. Arrived brig Harriot, Ba'jfon, 26 days from Berbice. No American vessels there when he failed. A French fleet was ex peftcd in the Weft Indies when Babfon failed. NEW; YORK, Joly 9; L ARIiJVF.D, n i r i • Luc y- Minuam, v ew Orlea g 34 cleared, Ship.Nepune, Lane, Cork Sloop Edward, Petterfon, Shelbure i.fnladclphia from the Sp/nifh Main. s ork, has been sent for, and arrived »t Halifax. Baltimore, juiy §. Arived. Ship Hertfufcs Courtnej>, Simps m, 33 days, Gibralter,—came out |p in co. the /hip Otfego, BytheWood, of and for Charlefloti, Mount Vtmou Derby, of and for Salem, Fame, Flym, dodo, Phila- | delphia, Ouo, Cliftcn, of Boston for Lis bon, Columbia, Watt, of Alexandria for do, Castor and Pollux, Robei tfon.of Baltimore for Calcutta, Maria, Thcmpfon of and for Philaoelpliia, Brig Cruger, Bythewood of and for Charleston, Georgia Packet, Drum- of Newport, for Leghorn. "1 June :d, in lat 30 30. long 18, parted company with the Caltor and Pollux ; on ihe 16th, frcm the Maria, Thcmpfon in lat 28, lorg 6.2. On the 2ift June, spoke the fei'p William ' of Salem in lat 24, long 51, 30, from the Isle of May, out 15 dtys. On the 36th, spoke the btig David Mc-wart, Creigfiton, more, bound to Curracoa, out 9 days, fup [ 'icd the brig with a main top mad. July td, lpoke tlie ft'Jir Venus, Ltifhop, frrm Ba.timore bound to St. Thcims, h lat 33, 30, ; c | r t? - ?'> out ,q <h\s. Or. the fchr-lici!pfc» I ucker, iiom Baltimore to St. Viwceiits. NORFOLK, JhIV 1. Jnne 28, arrived the fchr. Charming , Betiv-y, capt. Gardner,- 20 days from Poit ong. *6, 24, spoke the fchr. Sophia, cap'* iound to Boflen ; part <f the crew down with the yellow lever. Next day fpol.e the srigTwo S.fters, that had failed from the Havanna at the £une time, bound to Phil:* iclphia. Arrived the brig Warren, c pt.;Mo!Top, ' 9 weeks iroin Cork June 4, in lat. 36,51. Brown, from S dem, bound to Surrinam. January 6, lat. 36 40, long. C 3. 50, spoke' the fchr. Sukey and P*.lly, from New-Yoik to St. rhomss's. Jure rg, arrived the fchr. Mary-Anne, capt. Dlton, 19 days from Kingfton—(Tal- r lal!. Jure 25th,. f>.,ndiny through the Gu!j h, in lat 25, 9 N. being well in with the Florida ll,ore l.iw a l;trge veiTel laying oi! the reef with all her mulls, S.c. ftandin?, at 8 A. M. hove about and stood f> r her in order to tike off her crew, suppo sing her to be one <jf the brigs in company the day proceeding. gS At ii-boarded her, and fnur.d her to be thi Greyhound, of Portland, drferted by her crew, her fjils pone, and by her (.'ratings fore and iriuft have fcch fitu-d ' r Guineaman. She was full of water, so that it wa» impofiible o ascertain her car;{o. m TO BE LET, is Either separately or together, The Two Houses, LATELY occupied as a HOTEL by Mr. S-« muel Francis, No 'l3, fjuth Fourth flreet. For terms apply to BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, No. 41, Arch, ftreei. Ju!y 10 3taw .— ———* Th3t large and commodious ' HOUSE, At the corner of Arch ad Ninthfirieti. 1 ■ TO BE RENTED, 1 And entered upon this raontfe, the Koufe, Sta* hie, Coach-House aLd Lots, now in the tenure of Major Butler, Ctuate as above. Enquire at No. »8, north Fifth lircet. s July 10 h 3W ' TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica B.^dy, . Englilb, Chafes, Con»pp£tig Slicks, and a irrei< I variety of articles necefiVy to carry on the Print ing Business. They will be fold cheap tor cafii* | Apply to the Printer. may 19, ' LAND. " " ~~ . - . 1 ' » FO R SALE, A TRACT OF LAND, SITUATED on Scat's mountain in Oxford township, county ©f 3u(Tex and ("atcof New , 'Jersey, eight er ten m,iles from Ksftoii (aboirl four r From the river Delaware, and feven'ty two !rcht Philadelphia j containing 579 Acres ; about so 9 ' acres of which it cleared and under good i>Bcr,> , acn's of meadow: the remainder is [ Woodland, confining nlofily of rbsfnut and oak. On the preniifes are two log alii out ruil'licgs a number of fruit trees, and springs of 1 eideller.t wat;r, and a dream runs through the trail. The premises is occupied by thrillian and Veter nyders. Letters addrelTed (pofl paid) to the (libit rlbef, . at No. 87, Arch llreet, Philadelphia ;or at Mr. If ward Mott's, Eatlon, Peaiifylvania, will bi puly answered. WILLIAM G A ROOM, N. B. No application will be KettiT«ry t(ti/ the 14th of July r.ext. Juneio-. AN APPREN i IL.II. ■ V,'ANTED, At the Ofict of the Gazette of tfie Ufiliicj State#. j J'. ~ry: 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers