DVMnFit 24:9 "1 SCT* The price of this Gazette is Eiciii THE CARGO Dollars tier annum to Subscribers residing Of the (Him fVt.ri ,n h wr. , t ■ , . r out me gasp Ci.tenon, B Wtcke*, ten. com m the city of Philadelphia. Ail others bay mander, from Bengal* > cne Dollar additional, for enclosing an:! di- coysjsT/nc, of reeling; and vnlesksmf person in (bis city A complete assortment of w bec ° me a "" vera^£ r [bejf BENGJL GOODS, i. must be paid f,« Months ,n Advance. SUGARS of the fir" quality, No Subscription will be received fur BT.ACK PEPPER da. a shorter term ih.in six months. s\l« bv December , ,799- WILLINGS sis FRANCIS, No. 31, Pean-ftrect. dt,i ALMANAC From July 8— to 15. HICIi WATER* Tuefdny Wednesday Tk»rfday Friday Saturday Sunday JVla'.iday Taefaay » SUN RISES SETS 4 39——7 21 - 4 39 7 SI 4 *o 7 ao 4 40 7 »o - 4 4i 7 I*9 - 4 4» 7 '9 4 41 7 18 4 43 7 17 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monaay Tuesday Bank of the United States, July 7th 1800 r TPHE Dire&ors have this day dec ared a di- X vklend for the fix months, ot sixteen Dollar* per Share, payable toth* St ckh'oldtr or ihtir legal reprefenti lives after the 17th laflant. v G. SIMPSON Cafb'r. v eo6t. July 7 Bank of North-America, Julv I, 1800. AT a Meeting oT the I)yreitor> this day, a divide.id of Five ria Cunt, was declared for the lad half year, which will be paid t» the Stockholder' or.' th;ir reprefentativet any time alter the icth 10ft. By Order of the Board, H. DRINKER, Jun. Cashier. dtIO Inly i BANK of PENNSYLVANIA. July 2. 1800. THK Ditcflors have this day declared a dividend'of ti.;iit<-en dollars on each (hare of Buik Stork, fijr the last fix monies, which will be paid to the ftockh'lder* or their legal reprefcatativea, after the 12th inf\ By order of the Board, JONA. SMITH, Cafli'r. d. tia. 150 Barrels Boston Prime Beef, 11 Hopfheada Mol:flVs A few Quarter-cjfki of firft quality Madeira Wine, and . aoo MolafT s Knockdowns with heids, For fa e hy SAMUEL RHOADS, No. i, Penn-itreet. Who has to Let, A Genteel Three StorJ Brick House, In Spruce, near Front flreer. July 7- eod 4t. Imported In-the Ship : big ail Feth Webber, Ma stir, from Liverpool, and for S.le, A FEW THOUSAND BUSHEL* OF High Stoved Salt, AND»»OrM r EXCGLLFNT HOUSE - COAL. AVPI.V To GIDEON H. WELLS, o* MOORE WHARTON. July 7. drw. WALNUT STREET, Opposite to the Public Square, In that handsome and airy spot, there are just now ready Tu LET, 4 or 5 New Houses. THIS situation for pleafantaefs »f the profpcA of trees and hertage, and its ex'enfive tho roughfare ot frefh air, is d:emed equal if not su perior to any other, that is as convenient to the tridir.g part« of the town—The water is «xcd lcnt, perhaps the most pure and whnltfome that is to be met with in the city. Persons inclined to rent will plcafc to male* early application at the Office No. 9S, Arch Ureet, or about the premises JOHN CREAN. July 7. iljt Just Arrived, AND FOR SAL* BT THE SUBSCRIBES, THE CARGO Of tbe Ship Canton, Rich:ird Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Boliea 1 Sotichong Hvfon Skin TEAS. You nv;; Ilyfon I f.ud Hjfon. J !r te I NANKEENS'. It'ilow 3 of trt quality OMrm Ware. Ciflin. l r a»».' An affoitmcnt of Silks. WILLINGS ts FRANCIS, No. 31, semi Street. A;~«il 14* Gazette of & M»y s - This Day Published, By J. Ormmod, No. 41, Chefiiut Street, (Price »5 Cent?) Till Dcqth of General Wajhington. A POEM. •In imitation of thi mincer of. Oflian. By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M. Minister of the First Pre&yfcnan Congregation of Philadelphia. jD" Mr. ChjraJron's Oratian will be publilheil nn Monday morning. ' March IJ. (J, H. M. 3 J* • 4 47 J 37 6 21 7 'J 7 46 8 27 9 xo LOST, OR MISLAID, A CERTIFICATE of four Shirts of the Bank of tbe United States in the name of Rickram & Reefe, Np 1595, fmr the renewal of which application is intended to be made at the faicTßarik, ai.d all persons concerned are de sired to take notice. JAMES HENDERSON. May 8. d^m A PERSON OF abilities integrit-.- and experience in mercantile business, would willingly en gage a* CLERK to a merchant or public of fice, or be concerned with any perfoo as pait cer, as he has an intereftof about ooethoufand pounds in real estate in the city. Please to ap ply to the Printer ; or 1 line left at the office for B. Y. will be attended to imriediately. Mayro djt m&th tf FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible EbTATE, CONSISTING of two hanifome dwelling house«, with- excell nt (tabling for seven horse», doul)l' coach hou r e mod completely fitted,up; a beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled with choice fruit, Amounted with high board fence, almost new. Tho premises are beautifully filiated near the middle of Germantowr., sur rounded with rich profpudlt of the adjacent country ; an orchard o£ about two acre*, with a handsome lawn at th< back of the house. One hoofe ha* been recently built on an appro ved phn ; the other .has been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an eLtgant drawing-room, fifteen fe«t by thirty fix The new house i» well calculated for a (lore io either the dry or wM good line. The air and water are unrivalled, and there are fouic naoil excellent fcheols in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, pr of Mr. POTTER, oir*he premifei. May 9; dtf Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AW Ay from Gen, of Balti m«re, on the soth inft. a lipht coloured negro r."an, wha calls himftlf WILLIAM Mc. DONALD ; He is about 14 age, about 5 feet 8 inches, high, neat in hiidcofs, and ha> a good suit of hair. Had on, when he went away, a good beaver hat, a (bort light greeh cloth coat, edge<4 with yelltiw, and yel low gilt buttons —a light buff cafflmer, double brealtcd waiflcoat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantal >ons —a white linen (hirt, white ribhed cotton stockings, and a good pair of (hoes with firings. He took with him a dark blue coat, a pair of olive caflirmr panta luona, and a light corduroy pair of breeches; also a gold or pinchbeck watch, with a steel chain. He is f >nd of fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a Cupid look, and chews tobacco.— He was bred jc Charles county, Maryland, and purcltafed of col. John Thomas by gen. Ridge ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and le cures him in any jail so that the owner may g»t him again, fhal! receive the above reward, with reasonable charges if brought hom*, or de livered to Jolhua B. Bond, Philadelphia, may I dtf To Ironmongers, Storekeepers, &c. FOR SALE, At No. 97, A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF Ironmongery, Cutlery, Saddlery, Tapann'd Waif, Paints> &r. For cash, or on a (Tiort credit, at a lew advance, either the wboletopether or in lots as. may bed i'uit the purchnfeis. July 5. • tuth&s if Schuylkill Permanent Bridge: A DIVIDEND of 8 per centum per annum is ds dared by the FreGdeut and Dire&or* of the Company for uretflitig a Fermanent Bridge ov?r the River Shuylkill, at or near the city of Phila delphia, on the amounts paid in on the ill day of April lad, (the time whan the fuWsriptions to-tbe (loch of the said company were compleated, and to be from thence computed) payable to the stock holders or their legal representatives after the 10th day of the present month, out of the profits ari fmg from the Floati'g Bridge Ferry and Tavern, at the Westend of High Stfrcct, on application to the Treasurer, No. ij, Church Alky, WILLIAM BANKS, Secretary. July I. * tuthsm By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-flreet. United States, PIfILADEL PIfI A, THUIiSDAY EVENING, JULY 10 , ißco. I » i valuable real est at FOR. SALE, About 25 acres of Land, LAYING r.n the east fide of the RoaJ;— On the Kail it is bounded by property belonj?- i».g to Mr. Tench Francis, fin cm the south, by a road of two parities, at J on the r.r- • h by a I»r.e, wVith fcjjjitates it from Mr. WUil. It is propo fe3 to (livt JeUu« land into 3 equal part* in order to suit the purcbalers, Also, *i:re«, fituatcd fin the weft fide «f Gemsntowi: roid, adjoining Mifters's eft>te> l»-eing part of tha prop«rty of the lite Bamue! Mifflin. Fat term* tpplj to fennel MiSia, bbcutt «f> Market tod lit* flr*c<*. „ Jam 17 14, dtf. WILL BE LANDED/ IN A FEW DAYS, At Beck's Wharf, the next below Market St. A QUANTITY OF Jamaica Spirits AND COFFEE. Also, a few Hogsheads of JAMAICA SUGAR, FOR SALE At No. 17, South Water Street. July 3. , diw. Imported In the Pomoua, from Liverpool, and for Sift, Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery, Brass fcf Japan'd Wares., Per th« Brutus and Penelope, via N. York, HATS afibrted in cases, and PINS in Boxes—by ELISHA FISHER isf Co. No. 3q, North Front flreet. June »6 dim A Summer Retreat. TO BE RENTED, A GENTEEL HOUSE, WITH a liable, carriage-house and lot, situated in a pleasant part of renton. The terms will be moderate, and polTeflion can be had immediately ; but tf>e tr»ar.t will not be wanted to occupy tl«e a r ter the 10th of next November. For terms apply tffl th» primer, or to ABU.AHAM HUNT, eiquire, in 'tVenton. Jor.e 14. tuth&i t GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a fufficiont lumber of the moil approved European GlaJ's Manu fuilurers, and having on hand a large (lock of the best Materials, on which their workmen arc now employed, have the pleasure of assuring the public, that window glass of a fupeiior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to 18 by 24 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feetearh, may be had at the ftiortell notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may also be had, such as for piflures, coach glaCe*, clock faces, See. Bottles of all kinds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafks,picklingjars, apothecary's shop furniture, or other hollow ware—the whole at least zj per Cent, lower than articles of llie lame quality brought from any of the le* parts of the United States. A liberal allowance will he made or file of large quantities. Orders from merchants and others will be pupdlually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Store of Messrs. PRATHER andSMILIE, in Maiket-{Street, Pittsburgh. March 4, tuthtf. THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swedifll Majefty'sConful General, and au thorized to tranfaA the Consular Business, for bis Majesty the King of Denmaak iu the United States of America, refiditg at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent inftru&ions received from his government, it in thorduty of all Mafterj of Swedish and Danilh vessels, befors their failing from an/ port in the said States, to call upon him or the Vice Consul, in order to be grauted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the l\ate of the Neutral Commerce ano! the se veral Decre«s of the Belligerent Power*, renders indifperfably necessary, and, that any Mailer of vessels b«longing to the refpe<£live nations, or na vigating under the prote&ion of their flags, i n emitting to take such certificates, will pcrfonally stand relponfihle for the consequences. RICHARD SODERSTROM. Philadelphia, lßtb DecemVcr, 1799. WAhTED, As TUTOR, A SINGLE Man, capable of twelve Boys, in the Latin, Greek and French lan guages, also writing aud arithmetick. Such a person coining well recommended, for his abili ties and good behaviour, will receive four hun dred dollars prfr annum, and be accommodated, muck to his fatisfa«£lion, with meat, drink", waft ing and lodging ; by applying to the fubl'cribers, living near Berry'i-ville, in Frsderick county and (late of Virginia. John Milton, Warner Waibington. June »o tuth&f t9t\ FOR SALE, An Invqice of Playing Cards, ConGfting of 75 doMii illbnidHtay wlbiMd che»p farcifti, Apply »• the Winter. ■*Y X - k' 'l-. V QUESTIONS ' To Merchants, Store keepers, and Trades men in general, &c. ill, PRAY Gentlemen, is a perfedl standard of discount, or calculated on every tlol- Isr (without exception) from Ito aooo, from otle day to (ixty-four days inclufjve, of any value, whether used as a standard, or as a check upon the enquirers' own calculations, ad Is it of any importance to know the best methods of computing the exchanges, be tween this country and the principal mari time trading place in Rofiia, Sweden, Den mark, Norway, Pruflia, Poland, Germany, Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Italy, in several of the Windward and Leeward Weft .India .Iflauds, and many ports in the East Indies? - 3d Is a table of all the coins and monies of account in the places aforefaid* of any use ? 4tb Are the coins and monies of account in the aforefaid places, when reduced to dollars and cents, of any service ? jth Is a tabic of compound interest of any uti lity ! 6th Is the table by which the banks determine the value »f gold, deftrable ? 7th It the amount of Interest, accurately cal culated for each mnnth from one to twelve months, ind on every dollar (without ex ception) from 1 to aooo, of any value? Bth Is a table of all the post towns in the Unit'ed States, and rates of pofiage therewith, of any - use? 9th Will not all these together make a book, *s generally ufeful and convenient ever en- tered a counting houTe or {tore ? loth Will not the whole, when comprised in a quarto volume of from 400 to 22} pages, be worth two dollars ? And laltly, Is the person, who at the expence of FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS un dertikes to perform upwards of one hundred andftxty thou/and calculations *f Jntereji, and of giving all the preceding information to the public in the mojl complete tncnner, de riving of your Encouragement and Sup port ! If-the anf«er is in the affir-native, you are individually and refpecSlfully invited to sub scribe in one of the specimen books, exhibited at the City Tavern, Hardy's Hotel, France's Hotel, the Indian Queen, Dunwo*dy's Tavern, the Franklin Head, and at the George. It is proper to state, that the work will not he executed ur.hls/ifteen hundredJubfcrihers are eotained ! for four thousand dollars it too much to hazard. NOTHING IS TO RE PAID IN AD VA NCE, .neither will it be expefled of fub fenbers to take the work when publilhed, if it is not delivered rigorously conformable to my agreement" with the public, exprefled in the conditions affixed to the specimen books, each of which confifls of fix detached pages of the work. I am, with refptdl, Gentlemen, Your humble servant, JOHN ROW LETT, ' Accomjtant, Bank of North America. POSTSCRIPT. The walk is dedicated, by permiflion, to the President and Direilors of the Bank of North America, and has already received the patron age of JOHN ADAMS, President of the Uni ted States; of.THOMAS JEFFERSON, Vice- President of the United Slates, and President of the Senate; of a large number of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives of the United States; and cf the Presidents and Directors of the different Banks unaniraoufly. The Specimen Book in 4he Rank of North A trier ic3, is filling veryfajl -with fubjiriptions, some fori copies, some for 3 copies, and for 5 copies, and I take this opportunity fgratefully acknowledging all favours. Gentlemen having business ateithcrof the Banks may fubfciibe there is well as at the? Taverns, &c. already mentioned. Copy-rightJf cured according toad. ofCongrcfs. March 10. diiSeTtf A fafhionable Horse and Gig FOR SALE. The Horse young, and the Gig as good as new. Apply to the Editor. N.B. NEW WATCHES will be taken iu payment at a fair wholesale price, fune i». A CERTIFICATE FOB a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of the United States, No. 3818 in the name of John Holmes, Jun. has been lost or miflayed and for the Renewal of which application has b;en mad-;, at said Bank, of which all concerned are desired to take notice. May 19. FOR SALE, A FRAME BUILDING, ABOUT 8s feet long and iS wide—lt has been so conftruitcd that it con be taken down ?nd put up without injury. Any p«rfon ilcfirous to parchafe, by applying to the Printer will re ceive further information. June 17 CAUTION. LOST or mislaid Moore Wkartons note, date 1 lßth May lad, payable in fwty days to Jacob Downing, and by him indors'd for three hundred eighty eight dollars and fcvcnty three cents —pay- ment being ftop'd at the several Banks, it cnn be «f no use, but to the owner—Any person having found the sam«, (ball receive a fuitaUlc reward, by leaving it at No. 119 Nwiili \Vater Street. June 17 * dtf 'lhree Cents Reward. RUN away, from the Subfcrihcr on the evenirg of the »Btli inft. a bound Servant GIRL, namei Elizabeth Howclsel, had on and toek with her three different changes of garment aM money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any par ion apprehending her (hall he entitled to the above reward—no coSs or charges will be paid. N: B, She had » years and fnmc months to fcrve Daniel fitzPatrick. j Oofben TqWKikip,Che£lar Coilnty, J»ly 49. | ainuft 6 jswtf V * * TRFASURY department, April ai, i€oo. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby'given, in pur fuarce of the ai\ of Congress, pafl'cd op tile firll day of March, one thou(ar>d eight hundred, intituled "An a(! l, int.'luled,' ar»a<3 regulating the giants of land opptopriated for military services, and fur the Society, of the United Brethren for propi gating the Gospel among the Heathen," aa fol lows ; . ift. All the fraiWotul parts of tin quarter townlhips adjoining to the Indian baundary line of the traift q( land referred tu in fiid j, except the quartet tawnfhips num ber four in ttafcyfliip runl-er stxen of range number twenty ; Aifo, all the ftafHoual part* of the quarter tewnfhips adjoining to the river Scioto, except the quarter townlhips number one *-0 ; 2 82 62 3 4 84 7 3 8,1 10 1 8 2 11 .6 1 223 83 81 3 4 .7 4 2 13 8 4. J 1 6 1 1 j 1 3 3 7 2 2 2 311821 73 7 1 23 7 4 72 4 3 16 2 4 8 4 S 1 3,4 4 4 3 7 3 61 10 3 9 3 72 5 3 3 9 1 3 7 4. 7 1 7 4 17 7 4 9 3 9 4 3d. All th£ lands in each of the above fifty ; quarter townships, and in the fraflionalparts ef quarter tewnfhips before described. h a »« been divided upon the refpeilive plats thereof, as returned by the Surveyor General, int > as many lots of one hundred icres each, a- rh« quantity such quarter tswnlhip or fraflior. is Ititrd to contain will admit, in the manner pointed out and required by the above recited ail. 4th. The plats divided as aforrfaid into ,ots of one hundrsd acres, are H-pofited in the of fice of theßfgifter of the Treasury wh'eie the locations are to be made ; and upen Hirreiider ing the warrants which. (hall be tfcns loca'ed, patents will be iliued in the marr.er and upon the conditions prescribed by law. Given under my band at Philadel pbia the day and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT Secretury of the Treasury, april it. diw—uw 3m. PETER. TREGHNT. djm. Ten Dollars Reward. DESERTED FROM York Town on the 2.;,1 inft. JAMES HENDERSON, lately r Serjeant in the loth iejrimrnt, and fiuce enlil'ted as a Scrj -ant in the Warine Corps, of the fallowing defcrij>iir>n.— r!e is about five feet fix inches high, brown hair in J fair cosnpl xicn. fie is an aitivo H'-ew and jrags much of his abilities as a Drill Serjeant. He l.a- ti lately fcen in Lancaster, and is pro bably with his iriends, who lire about 4 n;i'e» The above reward will be £>vcn an-! all expen ces paid, on delivering him to any officer in the service of the United States, or lodging him ia - Jail. ROBERT RANKIN, Adjutant Ma-iine Cirp?. Philadelphia, June 30. czvr. Public Notice IS hereby given, that the Partnerihlp of John Whitefides & Henry Houghton, trading un der the firm of JOHN WHITESIDSS Erf Co. " js this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN WHITESIDES. Edward Edward; ~l Attornics Charles B. Young S Joftph S. Lewis, j H. HoHgl ti-n. Philadelphia, July 3, 1800 —(5.} dtf Just Arrived, AND FOR SALq BY TUS SI'B SC KIB F. RS , THE'CARGO g of the smr Fu:LAi>nLri:iA, Theodore Ulifj. Cominaric'tr, from Bciig* cossismc of An aiTi>rtment of Picctf Goods. Arid »00 qr. cbeKi ol ins erior qyilitj Willings IS 1 F' cncts, arid Thomas b' John Clifford. March 17. - V ' > J —' ———■ Baltimore and New York Mail Stage Office IS removed from No. 13 South Fourth fireet, t9 No. 18 South Third Qrecti An Office Set those fta£«» is a' r o kept at at. Hirdy's Inn, No. 98 Market ftrtet. GtLoral Poll OlSce, Aj-rii aB. [Volume XVIII. V *>• 'I • -Vs* -w' P ' > r ' .'.to