Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 09, 1800, Image 2

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[Bji the brig Tryjl, arrived at jVe-W-
Turh J'-om Liverpool*
LONDON, May <5- . I
A letter tram Palermo, u itcrd April 8,
in utions the arrival there t 'o£ the WilliaJTi
Tell, French thip, lately captures by the En
jjfljth in the road of Malta. She hud on board
(ix millions of fpecir, with a quantity ot
other valuable effect?, which the l'rencn
found in that iiland. , The coi,fl:_;l was des
perate, and ccntinned 4 hours. '1 he number
of killed and wounded on hoard the French
{hip amounted to about 4 00 5 on
our part is go men". There were, .about
1600 men 011 board the William lell, chief
ly ot' those belonging to the gariiton, ficlc,
and Malta patriots. '
A powerful expedition is certainly prepi
' r%>',to fall ; it is to confilt of i 2-000 men,
under the command of Sir Ralph Abercrom
bie. The old regiments of Gibraltar and
Minorca, are, it is reported, to form apart
of this force, and being replaced by militia
corps, will be embarked for Genoa, trom
whence a combined army of Brttifh and Im
perial troops is to be riiarched into the south
of Fiance.
It seems likely frojn every appearance,
that a new expedition is now upon the ta
pis. Several revenue cutters have jull been
put under admiralty orders at Portsmouth J
atfd a number of flat-bottomud boats are
about to be put on hoard some men of war
st D al, where the 31ft regiment is expeft
ed to embark in the courle ot the present
The Court of Petersburg aflumed mourn
ing during a fortnight 011 account ot the
death of the French princess Adeliadej aunt
to the unfortunate Louis XVI.
Admiralty-Office, May 10.
Copy of a letter from vice-admiral lord Ksith,
commarider of his majtfty's fliips and vef
fcls, iivthe Mediterranean,d.ted onboard
the Mipotaur, off Genoa, April 18.
" I have, the fatisfaftion of acquainting
yoa, for the information of their Lordships,
that the Guillavtme Tell having atterifpted
to efcap>i from Malta on the evening of the
29th ult. was intercepted and captured the
following morning by his raajefty's fliips
Lion, F -udroyant, and Penelope , but, as
J have not yet rrceivi-d captain Dixon's ac
count < f the particulars of the aftion, or of
the loss which has been fuJhined, ' mufl
take anothrr opportunity of communicating'
tliem. I understand, however,, that the en
emy was completely difnialied before flis
(truck, and that the Lion ar.d Foudroyant
have had kil'td and wounded about 4.0 men
The date of the weather for some weeks,
and at nrelent, is favorable beyond all prece
dent, for vegetation promises to alleviate the
diftreCTewiif the great body of society, and to
ultimately compenf«te the enormous price of
every article cffjdd.
[The following is a part of the Intelli
gence .<*■ j „_ji_mornJt,? jn aa Extrg
frnm »l». Offi«.c of the Gazette oftlie Uni
ted States and omitted last evening for want
of room —lt is now re-pubiifhed for the
information of our distant fubfcribcrs.] 2;.
On Moiid ty hit, 3 i-cord Supplemen
Extraordinary was publilbed, velitive t(
the operations of . the army in Italy, whicl
it at follows:
" In the Uft Supplementj the pofitioi
Wis mentioned which General Mi-las had ta
ken. after tt:e advantages gained by him ii
the Riviera, and the efledling the blockadi
of the citadel of Savons. But not to givi
time to tlie enemy's principal force afiemblet
I'Cir G-:i *1» "■ *iin a,:v over an;
detached divilions of our troops, the Genera
refnlved, for that parp.ife, as well as so
eftablifliing as speedy a jun&ion as pofltbh
\v:th F. M. Lieutenants Ott and Hohen
z-'ilt-r", to nnri'.h with -.lie greater part o
the a-nj'-, on the evening of the gth, ant
to t ike his position from Veirara along St
luli:na d. Stella to Veggio, the Knglifl
sv 1 1:ir j! having promised to cover his riglv
wing hy * vrral lliips, Meanwhile, the ne
Cv'T ry me: l'n.-c8 were taken, as (0011 as the
}••■ i n ■ r-i'. velT-ls (hould have arrived
f<l li r.'b.i'ding the citadel of Savono by
i' :3- ! land at the fame tune. On the 8;li
t'te enemy aiP> quitted Finale, thus leaving
to F. M. I.ieutenant ElMtz a lliorter poli
from Sette Pani, along St. Pantalone,
to Ciji'-a Zop-.a, hut General Metis intends
t tak poffcilion of it only as the further
1 -.jgrr-fs of Ins operations lhall require. In
tin' batteries on the coatt between Vado and
l'inalc, liven pieces of artillery off differ cs
liuer, ahd ahoii'. fcur hundred pounds of gun
powder were found.
Genera! Me'/as further trports, from the
bead quarters at Cclleon the 10th instant,
that he altered his plan of marching to
Varraggio, on the evening of the gth, on
account of his having received positive in
telligence that the enemy had shortly be
st re reinforced the poll of Varraggio with
3000 men. Under these circumjtarice6 the
General thouglrt it neceflary to avoid march
ing at night, and did not set out before 6
o'clock in the morning of the 1 th. He
ordered the division commanded by Gene
ra'. Count PaifFy to attack the enemy, at 3
p> i its. at Stella dijCofla, while the two Gen-1 Sir,
trals Francis Count St. Jnlien and Count I " I received his royal highness the
Bcllegarde took their (lat'ons on and near .commander in thief's directions to inform
the Veirera. The engagement was very y°"> that in consequence of the reprefenta
liot and the enemy'# r. ftrtancemore than t'°n made to the king, of the frequent iri
obtlinate i but they were forced to give fiances which occur of officers being guilty
way to the bravery and pcrfcverance of our : °f neglect ot duty, by being absent without
troops, who with all the courage imagina- 1 leave, and not joining their refnetlire regi-
tie ir.s<k theflifelves* mailers of every one of
the enjmy's advantageous politions, A
chief of Brigade, an adjutant Genual ol
the commander in chief Mafleoa, who nt
different times led histioopsin person, en
deavouring to giin tbe vi&ory, with le'xral
other officers, belonging to MaHetia'a suite,
and 290 privates, were made prisoners, and
the field of battle was covered with dead
bodies. The farther details of the ene
my's and our lo r s, General Melas promiles
?n his next. Ihe enemy flying in confuli
od, raoftly on the roads along the coast,
were pursued as far as Invrea, and greatly
harraffed on the r retreat by fo.xe Englifli
bsmb vessels ; night only terminated the
confliS. On the fame day, the 10th the
General of Cavalry received the glad ti
dings from Field Marshal Lieutenant Ho
henzollern, ofhis having on the 9th inft.
ascended the Bochetta with four battalion*'
on which oecafion he had taken fix pieces
of heavy artillery, killed a preat number of
the encmya troop n. and made nearly 200
prifoner9. Field Marlhall Lieutenant Keim
reported to Gene al Melas, that in the
night from the 7th to the Bih inft. he had
surprized Mount Cenis, made prisoners 8
officers and 300 privates taken sixteen pie
ces of cannon, and maintained himfelf on
that important pod."
A few dr.ys ago, the French Generals
Perignon and Grouchy, vrho had been pri
soners at Gratz, let off for Frankfort, ac
companied by the Imperial Capt. Villon, to
be exchanged.
STUTGARD, April ij.
Letters from J"lfy fay, that a Ruffian
corps of more than men, is collr&rd
on the frontiers of Moldavia, which will
receive reinforcements. The motive for
collefting these troops is not known ; but
it is supposed that the Sublime Porte has
requeued fuecotirs of the Emperor of Rus
sia again ft Pafwan Oglou and other Euro
pean Pachas who refufe to acknowledge the
authority of the Grand Seignior.
PARIS, May 9.
Joseph Buonaparte is appointed Counsel
lor of State, and the Department of the In
terior is apprepriated to him.
Several emigrants who had returned to
Franse, .in order to intrigue, have under
the proteftion of the C-ntte Police been ar
reted. Among these is Citizen Piette, for
merly member of the Counc:l of Five Hun
dred. His papers have been seized, and the
seals put 011 them. They mention besides
him Oudinot, Falaifeau, under the name of
Morneur, D'.lu(le, Bastion, Labrofte, Ler
cot, ar.d Robuck. They are acculed of e
" The Minister of the Interior to the Prs
fefts of the Department*.
" The Firll Consul let off at one in,the
morning for the army of rtferve. He re
pairs to Dijon, and from perhaps to
Geneva. 111 15 days he will be on his re
turn to Paris ; and in the interval an uni
form and rapid movement will be.given to
our armies. ~ •
Ha fie n, citizen Pr«p.fe£ts, the nayrrv-nt
ofttrc »' ""* xr i the departure
<n i 6« Conlcripts who tioi qu'i-ted your
Department. The Head Quarters remain
at Dijon, to receive them , let them hasten
to join their Comrades, if they wilh to (lure
in the glory which awaits there.
" In these circttmftances your zeal, Citi
zen l'rsefeflj, will diftate what you ought
to do, You fee that the interest of the Be
pnhlic requires thn the army (hould be com
pleated without delay. The Firll Couful.
has commiflioned me to announce to you
his departure, and it is unnecessary for hiin
to remind you of what yourcouneryexpecli
from you.
" If upon this intelligence, the hiwktri of
alarming newa (hiu!d be circulated among you
by the (Uvea of England, let the slaves f Ei;g
lar.d and their tmiflirirs be perfued by the ha
tred and the contempt of Frenchmen Wc
mult either five our country, or be silent and
wilh it well
" Tell thnfe under your administration that
the honr of battle »>.J of glory tomes - for the
last time. Let the soldiers, magistrates, citi
zens, redoubt* their cfFirts. To ftiraulate the
zeal of all, I t your departments, your cities,
and your fields, ring with ihtle words, which
(hou'd move all hearts —" Peace is about t«
be re conquered !"
Suworow is said to have been on the 14th of
April invcHed with the order of St llubertus
by the eleDor of Bavaria ; a circumstance which
pretty well eftablilhes the fallacy of th« report
of his having ditd on the lid of the present
LONDON, May 8-
Some of the morning papers report that
a squadron of five Dutch (hips of the line,
is now at sea. Our letters from Yarmouth
received this morning do not slate them to
have failed, hut mention that number being
ready to fail ; and that our north sea fleet
are under failing orders, to be in readiness
(liould they venture out.
War Office, April 26.
Copies of the following circular letter
from tne Adjutant General, to the Secre
tary at War, relative to the Officers being
abftnt from their regiments without leave,
See. hive been tranlmitted to the different
army Agents, for the ptirpofe of being cir
culated throughout the Regiments of their
refpedtive Agency.
Horse Guards, April 19, 1800.
ments; it is his mi}efty'i pleafuri, Uvm ~|
future Uie of all officer?) wtu' are _ a -~ j
sent without leave, or who 'uaviiig obtvltv-d
abfedce, overlays the period ot itoi
.'lioin I have received fts royal highlit Is s
command to'ftuke fom time tt time fpecia!
retilnrs to thevyar office fhallbe fto; pcd in the
hands of their age- tp, nor {hall it in any in
stance be afterwards paid to itfch officers,
except upon a very ftron£ a!, d full ie,.refu
tation from the commanding officer, stating
some unavoidable cause for this apparent
breich cf duty, in which parti: ular cases his
Majeiiys further pleasure will be notified
through the commander in chief, to the
war Office.
'« His Royal Highness the commander
in chief will fe 1 it incumbent ou bim to
submit the na;re of any Officer who coo
tinurs absent without leave, and whose ab
sence is not'accounted for, to his Majefly,
for the purpose of his being fufpetided.
I have th eth e honour to be. with much
respect, your moll obedient
humble servant,
Right Hon. William winduam,
Secretary at war, ic.
May 13.
A PiifTport is made out for the Tuikifh
atn:)affador and his suit to leave England
for the Ottoman porte soon as his lucc.ssor
A letter from the Hague, dated the 3d
inft. received of the Hamburgh mail, con
tains the fallowing information :—" yeller
day " the firft Chamher and to day the
second Chamber decreed, that leave should
be given to the importation, England
for every raw material, which is not the di
rect produce ps that country ; also every ar
ticle not the ma; ufacture of Great Britain.
The fame priviledge has been granted to
the Brabanters."
The fame letter adds—" That no milita
ry man, er irmed Burgher is fuffered to go
without the gates of Amsterdam; Some
Burgers, not liking this restriction, tempted
on Suurday to pass the gates to the
number of fifty. The guard at the gates
refufed their passing, in which a fcuffle en
futd, and one Burgher was (hot dead. The
i*elt took flight.
We have great fjiisfaftion in being ena
bled to hold out to the Public the profpeft
of a considerable reduftion in .the prices of
all Forts of grain, in conference of the ve
ry large importations during the last nine
days. The following is ail sacount of the
entries inwards, in the port -of London, of
foreign corn, from the ift to the Bth of
May, 1800, iacliifive .
' Wheat 45.7.57 Quarters
Oats 36,138
Rye • 3.4J9
Birley 2 234
. Peale 1,538
Beans, 800
Together BS;a j26Qiiarters
May 18.
The king on Thursday was prcfent in Hyde
Park, at a fie'd Jay of it"" orrnailiw L "' L *" un
which wiT.t through their evolutions
in v m inner rnuch tft their credit, and the fa
tlsfaiilion of his majesty. In firing by com
panics from the caitteto'fli&k, Mr- Ongley
of the navy officers, who flood a few yards.
from the king, received a mulket ball, which
entered the groin and came oat at the back
part of his hip.
Vari- journals dated the i Ith* give ample de
tails of the previous battles, and of a new one on
the 9th iu which th; French were again fuccefsful
Mornu is rtprefen red to aflert that he hat taken
in all 10,00 c pri( irri vnd 4 pieces cf cannon,
and that the Aulliiam ar- rctraatiug to ulm.
May 11'
Faris papers tho the a Bch indufive, reached
ut this morning; These papers contain a Tele
graphic Dispatch from Iluningen, dated the a6th
in It Dating the capt»re of Memmiogen by the
right wing of the French army.
The Paris Journals Hate, that the battles of th«
4th and 5 th. were mod bloody. The loss of the
Auftrians is estimated at 10000 killed and li,cco
woum'ed; the Freich 5000 killed, and 7coo
wounded. On the 7th, the Aulriansare said to
have gained some advantages, but were soon com
pelled to retreat. Ihe right wing of the French
on the 9th, it it said, entered Lindau, and another
was preparing to attack Brtgentz after puffing the
Rhine a; Rhcineck. The French army seems to
be advancing to Auglburg.
DEAL, May 19
■The Superb, Trail, from Charleften, ii
arrived off Weymouth. On the 15 th initant,
in long, is, lat. 41, tha was boarded by a
privateer of ia guns, who had captured the
Prinocfr Amelia Packet, from the Weft In
dies ; and two brigs for Newfoundland ; one
of them from Dartmouth and the other from
This day Mr. Tandy and Harvey Mor
res were brought up to the King's Bench,
under a ftrongefcort of cavalry and infan
Lord Kilwtrden, Ciiief Jufljce, ordered
the Clerk of the Crown to alk the pril'o
ner& if they had any thing to fay to the
Court ? Mr. M'Nd'.y, as Counsel for the
pri&ners, said it was their wish that their
trial should be postponed, as requeued on a
former day on their part by Mr. Curr«n j
that there was an affidavit l'worn, by which
it appeared Sir James' Crawford, His Maje
sty's Mmifter at Hamburgh, intended com
ing to this City as a witness on their befealf.
The Attorney General confenttd to pod
pone the trial, when the Court ordered
that the prifi.ners be brought up ajain this
day week in order to be tried# if Sir James
Crawford Ihould then appear in Court.
The prisoners were remanded. The con
course of people in sr.d around the Court, and thepriloners appeared in
gocd health and spirits.
From the frequent mention that JtJTer
fon was the author of ihe Declaration of In
dependence—ignorant people might be led
to doubt whether others, who were efteern
ed patriots, approvid of the measure. If
! Merlon-penned the Declaration, it proba
bly was an aceidcntstf"honor in the arrange
ment of Committees, and every other mem-,;
ber of Congress would have been proud of
the task—The following letter from the per
son who is now the Prelident of the United
States was written the day after that De
claration was made. The fervour of f-nti
ment and language, would authorize a flrong
presumption of the conflant fidelity of the
writer to his principles.
" Pliladelphia, July 5. 1776.
f YESTERDA V the gre .tell queftios
was decided, which was ever debated in A
mtrica ; and a greater perhaps, never was,
or will be, decided among men. A resolu
tion was pafled without one difTcnting co
" The day is paffird—The Fourth day of
July, 17/6, will be a memorablt epoch a in
the hiftery of Amrica. lam apt to believe
it will le celebratedby succeeding generations
as the great anr.ive fary fejlivat. It ought
to b* commemcra ed as the day of deliverance
by solemn a&s of devotion to Almighty
God; It ought to be solemnized with
pojnp, (hows, games, sports, guns, bells,
bonfires, and illuminations, from one end
of this continent to the other, from this
time forward forever. You will think me
transported with enthusiasm } but I am
not. lam well aware of the toil and bl >od
and treasure, that it will cost us to maintain
this declaration, and support and defend
these Hates ; yet through all the gloom, I
can fee the rays of light and glory;—l can
fee that the end is more than worth all the
means; artd that posterity will triumph, al
though you and I may rue, which I hope
we Ihall not. I am, &c.
The Roxbury Troop of Horse met the
President at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon
at Dedbam, and had the honor to escort him
from thence to Quincy, where he. arrived
lad evening. The Marshal of the DiftriA
attended at Milton. The President ap
peared fatigued, having left Providence
yesterday morning.
The road the President took in returning
to Quiscy, deprived the citizens of Boston
of the opportunity of teftifying to him that
their affeftion is unabated, by alTembling
to form a refpedtful escort cavalcade.
Senator Charles Pinckney, the author of
the writing* on the cafe of Na(h, the mur
derer and pirate, arrived 00 Tuesday last,
from Philadelphia, in the schooner Minerva
Laws of the United States.
Sixth Corigrefs of the United States
At the First Sbffioß, begun and held
at the City of Philadelphia, in the
State of Pennsylvania, on Mon
day, the second of December,
one thousand seven hundred
and ninety nine.
To establish the District of Kennebunk, and
to annex Lyme to Nciv-London, and to
alter the District of Bermuda-Hundred
and City Point, and thereby to amend an
act intituled "An act to regulate the
Duties on Imposts and Tonnage,"
BE it enacted by the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States
of America, in Congress assembled, That
from and after the thirtieth day of June
next, the towns of Wei's and Arundel, in
the State of Massachusetts, and all the ftiores
and waters thereof, (hall be a dillrift, to be
sailed the diflrift of Kennebunk, of which
the port of Kennebunk {hall be the sole port
of entry, and the ports of Wells and Cape
Porpois (hall be ports of delivery only, and
a cclleftor for the didridt fliall be appointed
to reGde at Kennebunk.
Dualdi, Mayj.
Sec. 2. And he it further enacted, That
fliips or veflels owned in whole or in part, in
the towns of Edgcqmb and Newcastle in
the diflriA of Maine, having entered in due
form of laws at the port of Wifcaflet, and
taken on board an officer, fliall be permitted
to unlade in the ports of the said towns
which adjoin Sheepfcut river.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That
from and after the thirtieth day of June
next, the town of Lyme, in the State of
Connecticut, and the ftiores and waters
thereof, (hall be annexed as a tort of deli
very only to the port of New London, and
all vefFels bound to or from the said port ol
Lyme, fliall firft come to enter anil clear at
the said port of New London. Provided
however, that the surveyor appointed to re
side at Saybrook, iuall be authorized to vifi
and infpeft ftiips or vefTels arriving at said
port of Lyme, and generally to perform the
Juties of a surveyor, as niay be requifitt
within said poi tl~
BOSTON, July 4.
Se&ien I.
3r. k , 4. /n.l uit jkrthc. 3 .{> -That
.from and after the thfttietii day of ],;iie
ne*t, the -dillrift of BjSntudu IliT.dred am]
City Point, as at prifent r.Ni'titutid in UK
State of V irginia, !hu!! be calltd tits diftritt
of Peterlbitrgh, to coinprehind Pfterjbur. (i,
City Point, and all the wstevs, (hires, bays,
harbours and 'inlets of River, from
IIo"ds and the juncVion ( ,f diiticknnhotTtinf
to the ipr.iilon oi the James and Anoarsu
tox rivv, and from thence-t> the high
fefl tide w.iter of App -.mrutox, and also tie
Chiiv-hvrning to its hirfhefl ;ldc watir
mark'. And the port for the said dlftrli
(hall extend. i' PcteiibnrgU to Cjy
Joint. As.d anotVr dilf.ift (hall be f I'tnej
to be called the |sFncl of I'.ichr.ion.', t\
comprehend Richmond,and Manehefter, and
Bermuda Hundred, and all the watt is,
(hores, bays, harbors and inlets of J.mti
river, from Bermuda Hundred, itvcludiru
the harbor thereof to the hightft tide watt
of J .mes liver, and the port Ihi'.l extci* 1
from Richmond and Nla'nchcfter to Bermuda
nundred« The office of the colleftor foi
| the dilirict of Peterfbiirg lhall be krpt in the
■ town of Petersburg, and a collector shall be
appointed for the Richmond diltrift, whose
office {halite kept in the city of Richmond,
and the supervisor's within these two dit
trifts, (hall continue to reside at the places
at prelent nftabli(bed by law.
Sec. 5. And be it furtber encftti, Thai
the r after of any ihip or veflel bound tc
any' district of James River above Sewal's
Point, lhall, before he pass by the said Point
and immediately after his arrival either at
the fame, or at Hsmptcn Road, deposit
with the collector of the port ot Norfolk
and Portsmouth, or of a trus
manifeft of the cargo on board such (hip or
veflel ; and the said colleftor (hall afte-- re
gistering the manifefl, ttar/mit the sams
duly certified to have been so depofitcd, to
the officer with whom the entries are to te
made : And the said coljeftor may whene
ver he fliall judge it to be ucceffary for the
security of the revenue, put an infpeftor of
the cufloms on board any such fliip or Ves
sel, to ncconapany the lame until her arrival
at the firft port of entry or delivery in the
diftrift to which such (hip or veflel may be
deflined : And if the mailer or comm-nder
of any such (hip or veflel, fhali neglect or
omit to deposit a main fed in manner as afore
faid, or shall refufe to receive an infpeftor
of the cufloms on board, as the cale (hall
require, he (hall forfeit and pay five hun
dred dollars, to be recovered with costs of ■
juit, one half for the use of the officer with
whom such manifeft ought to have been de
posited, and the other half to the use of the
colleftor of the diftrift to which the fa.d
fliip or veflel m: y be bound*
Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That
such part and so much of the aft intituled
" Ail aft to regulate the colleftion of du
ties on imposts and tor.nage," as comes
within the purview cf this aft, being con
trary hereto, (hall be and hereby is re
Speaker of tbe House of Representatives,
Vice-President of tbe United States, and
President of the Senate.
Approved, May ie, A.D. 1800.
JOHN Adams,
President of tbe United States.
Sunday Schools.
A Stated Meeting of the First Day or
Sunday Sctoo! Society, will be held, at the
ul'u'.il place, This Evening,- the 9th instant, ''
at half piifl 7 o'clock.
Panftual attendance is rc quefied.
July 8
Mary A.nn,
»> Francis Stewart, Mnjl r ;
Will f-il on ?un4ay next. <my freight or pas
sengers tffcring in time, will be taken on low
terms : For either of which apply to
Who has fo<- J'ale,
A few Chefls of Platilla«, Bretagnes and Tick*
lenburgK, entitled to drawback.
July 9. d4t
THE owners of unimproved lands in Wayre
county, aie l.rreby notified, that Taxes are
become payable thereon for the years fgt/ and
1803. Those who have not already paid iheir
taxes, are hereby r'.quired to discharge the (air.e
to JOHN BRINK, Esquire, Trcalurer tf fa id
County at Milfcrd, within three months from
this date, otherwise proceedirgt to sale, according
to the ail of Affemfcly in such cafe provided, will
be had by the ComniiffioLcri fcr the fad county.
Asa Stem 1
John Cart:n, > Commiflioners
Johannes Van Etten, J
E. Kellocg, Clk.
July 9,1800 d,9ot
A PERSON polTcfiing feme capital, a
derible (hare of ir.duflry, and desirous of
engaging as a partner in a lucrative bufincls,
may hear of a fituatiwi. All prnpofa't oh thii
fuhjftfl to be in writing, fesled and direiflcd to
W. R. J Nc-w York, tnd l<ft with the prmtef
of the Gazette of the United States, will be at
tended to.
(fT A Pfiatcr would find it to iiis advantage
I June 5' dtf
A Printing Press.
the Uniiet) State*.
Apply at the Office ef the Gazette <>f
r. : v.
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