Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 05, 1800, Image 1

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Numbfu ?42j.]
The prize of this Gazette is Ricm
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing
in the city of Philadelphia* Ail others pay
one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di
recting ! and unless-some pet son ill this city
will become ansiuera/le for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Mo-iths ir. Advance.
*,* No Subscription mill be received for
a shorter term t/niti six months -
Decerned I J 759*
, almanac
Fr'm Juij I—to1 —to 8.
aioa w«n».
SUN -*lßl3 BETS
4 36 7 24
- 4
4 37 7 *3
4 37 7 *3
- 4 37 7 »3
- 4 38 7 11
4 3« 7 "
-4 39 7 *»
TWia i
Of the Ship Criterion. B Wicke«, {en. com
mander, from Bengal, ,
A complete alTortment of
SUGARS of the firft quality,
Ko. si, Fenn-flreet.
May 5. dtf
This Day Published,
By J. Okmhod, No. 41, Ghefuut Street,
(Price *5 Ccnta)
' toi ,
Death of General Wajbingto*.
In iniitaticn of thi manner of Oflian.
By Rev. John B. Linn, A. M.
Miniftir of the firft Presbyterian Cocgreg-.tion
cf Philadelphia.
Mr. Chaudroa's Oration will be publiflied
on Monday morning.
March IJ. d:
From tbe BOSTON' Manufactory,
Of different sizes t
foil SALE
N. B. Any fiie or Ezeithat maybe wanted cot
lirger than 18 by it can be had from (aid -iar.ut»&o
fy, on being ordered) and attention given totorward
on any orders that may be left for that purpote——
Apply at No. g, South Watcr-llrcet, at above,
jnly 8
Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Gen. Ridgely of Balti
more, on the 10th infl. a light coloured
negro r/.an, who calls himfclf WILLIAM
Mc. DONALD ; He is about 14 years of age,
about 5 feet 8 inches hight n;at in hisdrefs, and
his a good suit of hair. H>d on, when he
went away, a good beaver hat, a Ibort light
green cloth coat, edged with yellow, an i yel
low gilt buttons—a light buff caffiiner, d üble
breasted waillcoat, a pair of dark olive colour
ed thickfett pantaloons —a white linen £hirt,
white ribhed cotton ftockiogV, and a good pair
of (hoes with firings. He took with him a
dark blue a pair of oliye caffimer panta
loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ;
also a gsld or pinchbeck watch, with a steel
chain. He is fond of fpiritous liquors, is iaifo
ler.t, has a fttipid look, and chews tobacco.—
He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and
purchased of col. John by gen. Ridge
ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and le
cures bim in JTiy jail so tiat the owner may
g'it himacain, (hall receive the above rewi d,
withreafonable charges if brought h tt , ur de
livered to Jolhut B. Bond, ia.
may 1 dtf
Bankruptcy Blanks.
USED under the BANKR.UP r ACT,as drawn
and approved by the Comrr.iffu n rs and the
Hon. Judge «f the Diflrfci, may he had of
No. lofl. south of Market-street,
Wbc e be tas c ened f s sale,
Particularly Paper and Qnills.
June 14. ■<
OF abilities, integritv and experience in
mercantile hufineP<, would willingly en
gage as CLERK to a merchant or public of
fice, or be concerned with any person as pait, as he has an intertft of about one thoui'antl
pounds in real eflate in the city. Please to ap
ply to the Printer ; - r a line left at the office
for B. Y. will be v Jttendcd to in. ediately.
Mayio djt mßt h tt
A CERTIFICATE of four hares «f the
Bank of the United Sutes in the name of
Bitkham & Hcefe, N«> fwr it.e renewal
of which application 19 intended to he made at
-the laid Bank, and all persons concerned are de
fired to take
May 8.
Gazette V the United States, <22 Bally Advertiser
A Valuabie and singularly eligible
CONSISTING cf two handsome dwelling
aoufes, with excdl rt ftab'ing for fiyou horfen,
double cosc'h-houfe mod completely fitted up; a
beautiful large and valuablu girded richly filled
with choice frsit, (urrounded with hij;h board
fence, almofl new. The premises are beautifully
situated near the middle of Gcrmantown, fur
rour.d(-d with rich profpuSls of the adjucent
country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a
handsome lawn at the bsck of the house.
One house has been recently built o* an appro
ved plan ; the other has been completely repaired,
painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty
fix x
H. M
9 >9
• 10 J
11 i»
0 39
1 46
a ji
3 5»
The new house is well calculated for a ftort in
either the dry or wet good line.
Tha air and water are unrivalled, and there arc
some moil eicellent schools in the neighborhood.
For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of
on .tke premise*.
May 9;
New Proposals for
Edward's History of the
we sr. INDIES :
A Work in the Knowledge of which eliery
ytmtrican is intcrejled ; whether devoted
to bufmefs, or desirous of inltrudlive
IT ha? been intimated t» the subscriber
from difFertnt qufrtcrs, that the above work, if
printed in OClavo w uld give more general fati»
faflioruhaii the Quarto form in which he has pro
posed it, and especially if the price of it rouU he
reduced: In order therefore to meet the fanflion of
the public, and to get so ufeful a work to this
country into general circulation, he now proprfa
to alter tic form, and instead of the Ttuo volumes,
Quarto , to print it in Three Volumes, OUavo.*
To reduce tbe price, he propefes to omit the prir.ts,
which being only ornamental, can be of no con
s. quence: but the Maps, without wbich the
work would be very incomplete indeed, will be
all retained. The price by this means will be re
duced upon the whole, Three Dollars and an hat/,
as will be obfurved in the difference between the
former and the following Proposals, which the
fubferiber relp cltuily offe-s the public, soliciting
their encouragement to the work by early sub
scription ; intending, with the addition of a few
more names to his Lift, to commence publiihing,
and to continue it every we:k till tbe whole is
finifhed. And when it is confidred, that tbe
work is to be illullrated and cmbcllifhed with a
largo two fleet MAP of the Weji-Indies, and with
Ten Otter Adapt of the iOands separately, it mud
surely be eftcemed as unulually cheap.
Conditions cn which tbe above History if
to be printed.
It {hall be illustrated wi-h a large
rat Map of the Well-Indies, and with ten other
Mapt, via. ®f Jamaica, Barbadocf, Grenada, St.
Vincent*, Dominica, St. Christopher's, Nevis,
Aritigua. the Virgin Islands, and Hifpaniola,
It stall be printed in large 03aw, on a neat
type and on the befl printing paper ; agreeable
to the specimen to be had of the printer.
It Shall be publilhed in nnmbers weekly; each
number to contain /ortj paget of letter press ; and
is calculated to be completed in thirty fix nam
beis ; The price for each number to be Out Quar
ter of a Doiiar, to be paid on delivery. Sheuld it
exceed the thirty-fix num'.eri the remainder will
be given gratis.
Tht Maps will be delivered with the numbers
to which they particularly attach, free ef any ad
ditional price. And a direction will be given
against what particular page each one it to be
The fuVfcribcr3 names, with the title pages
&c wiU be given with the lad numbers. *
Such fubforibess as do not incline to re
-eive the numbers as they are publilhed, will
have them carefully refervej for them on paying
four dollars at the time cf fubferi! ing, and there
inainder when tl e work i* finifhed.
To prevent disappointment or complaint, it is
Dow prtmifed,that as there will be but a very few
•opiet (truck off more than nay l e fubfciibed
for, the price will be confidciably raised alter the
; sblication of tht number containing the firll
Map, which will be of the iflahd of , Jamaica. •
Pliladelplh, Ju e 21, 1800.
Subferiptions are received by said Hum
phreys,'No 106, the foutli fide of N arket
ftreet ; Mr: W. P. Young, Charlcttori, South
Carolina j Mtrffrs Way and G ffat the Ftde
ra''; Mr William Pilchard, ai Richmond,
Virginia ; Mr G Hill, Biltimore, Maryland »
Mcfirs Thomas and ames Swords, New York:
Mr Isaac Beers, New Haven, Conneilicut ;
Mr James White, Boston j and Mr T. C. Cu(h-'
ii.g, Salem, Massachusetts.
* Si'cc putting these Proposals to Prefi the
Fd tor hjs been favoured with a Lsnd«n News
Pape: of (February, containing an Advertife
ij>ent, that a THIKD Volume of the History
of the Weft Indies, by Bryan Edwards, Ei
quire, F. R S &c. &c, will be speedily pub-
I flied ; He therefore proposes adding it to this
Edition, fupp fingit may make perhaps a fourth
Volume ; It heing impoffiVile however to afcer.
tain from present information what it miy
■make, he can only fiy, it (hall be done on the
fame terns on which it is proposed to do the
June 21. S jt
s wSti
WITH an excellent Orchard, Birn, Pump,
&c. 4cc. The containing 17 acres,
fituite cn the Wifahicon road, between the
third and fourth mile-stone—May be, purchased
on reasonable terms. —Two thirds of' the pur
cfaafc mcney may remain (secured on the pre
mises and onintereft) during three years.
No. 1241 §outh Fparili-ftreet, the Swb
fcriber, at Moum-Pleafant, adjoining the
premises, or at No 45, Walnut-fired.
June 13.
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65,' South Front-fireet.
Elegant Quarto Bible,
An elegant Edition of the
I. This edition shall contain
1. The Books of the Old Testament.
2. the Apochypha.
3. the New Testament.
4. A chronological Table of the mott re
markable events recorded in the Scripture 9,
from the Creation to the Death of Christ.
5. A Table of scripture weights, mea
sures, and coins, reduced to tile ftandaad
of the United States.
6. A Table of the different charafters
and offices spoken of in the Bible.
7. A Table of the divisions of Time, as
also of the years and times from Adam to
8. A curious analytical diffeftion of the
Books of the Old and Nfew Testament.
9. A geographical ftetch of the boun
daries, l ivers, mountains, chief towns, po
pulation, and other particulars refpe&ing
Palestine, with i view of the present mailers
and miseries of that ohce happy country.
10. A chronological table of the Apos
tles, and their successors, who founded and
prefidcd over the five grand Churches, with
a portrait of a true Apostolic preachet"
jI. At kindred and affinity, with
in which, according to the Jewish and Ame
rican laws, no person ought to nsarry, with
a seasonable and judicious sketch of the re
quisites to happiness in that (late.
12. An alphabetical table of the proper
names, used in the Old and New Testament,
with the meanings of the words in the ori
ginal languages.
13. A Table of the ftveral palTagesin the
Old Testament, quoted by Christ and his A
postles in the New.
11. It shall be illustrated by ten engrav.
inijs, one of which lhall be a map of Pale
stine. The other nine (hull be executed
in his best manner, by Ticbsut, an Engraver
inferior to none in America.
111. The fublcribers' names shall be pub
IV. Price on fuperfine paper, and hand
somely bound, Six Dollars; en fine paper,
and in the utual bible binding, Five Dol
lars; and cm common paper, without cuts,
Four Dollars.
V. Those who procure ten fubferibers,
and become refpoifible for the payment of
the books, fliall be entitle! to a copy gra
VI. To Booksellers, a liberal allowance
will be made.
VII. The Work will be put to press as
soon as the types can be cast, and finilhed
with all convenient speed.
VIII. Subscriptions received by Mathew
Carey, the intended publi'.her, all the re
fpeflable Booksellers throughout the United
States, and sundry other gentlemen.
The Publisher refpettfully solicits the pa
tronage of hi» fellow-citizens in this ardu
ous undertaking, which he will endeavor as
far as in his power to dtferve.
June 21.
Such of the Judgement Creditors
A S »re included in the afiignment made by
ill him to Thomas FitzCmons, Benjamin R.
Morgan and Jeremiah Parlter, Efquircs, on
the twenty-seventh day of January and the
twenty-fifth day of April 1797, and mean to
rely on the fame for securing their debts, are
hereby notified that we the fubferibers, by
virtue of the authority given to us by a gene
ral meeting of the said creditors on the 2ad
day rf March last, do require a contribution
of seven and a half per cent, on the amount of
their several demands from each of the said
creditors, in order to reimburle the monies al
ready advanced for taxes, to pay those now
due, and about to become due, to defray other
incidental expences, and procure a suitable
afent to dispose of the lands to the belt advan
tage. Any of the said creditors neglefling to
pay the fame to George Thomson, No. 131,
Marknt-ftreet, Philadelphia, on or before the
• fifth Jay of July next, will be exciuded from
any (hare of the monies arising from the faleof
the lands mentioned in the said assignment.
Samuel M. Fox, ~f Truflees on behalf
William Chancellor, > of the
George Thomson, J aforefaid Creditors.
May 21. mwth&s t5Jy
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY fro:n Spring Forg?, in Yerk
County,a negroman, naaied ISAAC, other
wise CUDJO, about n ysar. .Id, the proporty
of Robert Coleman; Esq. He is about 5 feet 8
inches high, has ablemifh in his eyes, wore wr.itc
in them than common, by trade a Fcrge man; had
on and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth
coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and
printed fancy cord, a lwanfdown under
acket; a rorum hat; one fine and one coarse
shirt' one muslin handkerchief, sprigged, two
ditto flriped border, a blue Perfhn under jacket
and two peir cotton (lockings. Wloevertakes up
faU negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any
of the tieigabourin-g dates (hall have the above re
ward or rcafocable eipencesit brought home.
Spring Forge, Oflober43i '799-
N. B. As said negro formerly lived in Chcfler
county, it is probable he may return tUtre.
November 5
J! fajhiottable
Horse and Gig
The Horfi; yuiing, and the Gig as good as
new. Appl, to the Editor.
N.B. NEW WATCHES will be taken in
payment at a fair wholtfaie price.
Tune 11.
FOR a three quarter Share of Dank Stock of the
United States, No. 3818 in the name of John
Holmes, Jun. has been lost or mifiayed and (or the
Renewal of which application has beeu made at
said Bank, of which all concerned are delired to
take notice.
May 19.
Clock U? Watch Maker,
To No. 36, Market Street,
Where he has for Sale,
Spring and ojher Clocks ; gold and silver
Watches ; Tools, Files and Materials; ftf.el
and gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs,
&c. Ecc.
Repaired as usual.
June 3 , tu&f tf
Just Arrived,
Of the Ship C ANTQtr,
Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton,
Bohea 1
Hyson Skin [> TEAS.
Young Hyson I
and Hyson. ' J
Yellow 5
Sugar of ill quality
China Ware.
An affottment of Silks.
No. 21, Pcnn Street.
April 14. d.
About 25 acres cf Land,
LAYING on the ea& fulc of the Falls Roai.-«
On the East it it bounded by property belong
ing to Mr. Tench Francis, fen.—on the south, by
a road of two perches, and on the north by a lane,
which ftparato it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo
sed to divide this land into 3 tquil parts in order
to fait the purcbafers
Alio, 31 acres, situated rn the weft fide of
Gerir.antt.wn roid, adjoining Mafters's eft ate,
being part of the proparty of the late Bamual
For terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner of
Market and nth itreets. v
January 14. 1 dtf.
LOST or mislaid Moore Wlcartons note, dated
»Btb May last, payable in sixty days to Jacob
Downing, and by him indors'd for three hundred
eighty eight dollars and seventy three ci-nts—pay
ment being ftop'd at the several Ear.k", it ctn be
sf no use, but to the owner—Any perfun having
found the sam», {hall receive a fuitaiU reward, by
leavingit at No. 119 Nojth Water Street.
June 17 dtf
Clerk wanted for Saint Peters Church
Apply to Thomas Cumpftun.
No. 24 South Third-Street.
May 19.
Mail Stages.
ON the ill of July next, tn.-- Mail Stages
will leave Hardy's Inn and the United
States Mail Stage f ffice, opposite the Poft-office
in Philadelphia, every day Sunday excepted, at
8 A, M. and arrive at Evans' tavern in Balti
more, the next day by 6 A. M. in 21 hours.
Leave Evans' tavern every day at 8 A. M. and
arrive at Waihington City by ? P. M.
I Leave Washington City every day Sunday ex
cepted, at 8 A M. and arrive at Baltimore by
SP. M. Leave Baltimora the next morning at
3 A. M and arrive at Philadelphia the lame
day by 10 P. M.
Fare for Passengers.
From Philadelphia to Baltimore, 8 dollars.
Baltinv re to Wafaingtor. City, 3 .50
Wajhingtoa City, June 11, 1800.
June 26, 1800, daw
OLD Long Primer,
Small Pica on Pica BMy,
English, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and a great
variety of articles neceflary to carry on the Vrint.
ing Bufmefs. They will be fold cheap tor cafli
Apply to the Printer,
may 19 >
A Printing Press.
Apply at the Office of the Gazette
the United Statei.
If ' v
r* '»•
"Xvsni»Wirtr*xrmMvt\T<» t irirr~-y£ : psi >T —IWt -*-■— ■-»>»*
300 Dollars
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, on the 18th
I of June inft. TWO NIfGRG SERVANTS ;
viz a negro woman named Pat, a waiher-wo
man and cook v ps about fifty tw© years of age
tall and (haped, ©f a black complexion. She
has bad teeth, those of her under jaw are much
discoloured and projedl a good deal. She has a
full head of wooly hair—a very cross forbidding
countenance, is very impertinent, and l.tiighs and
tulks loud. Pat wa* born in South-Carolina, and
speaks bad Englifii, with the negro dialt<St. She
has on the upper part of her breast, two pretty
large lumps of flefh reftmblwg Wens, or rather
with the appearance of the marks of a burn. She
carried away with her several changes of cloaths,
and gowns of white muslin, and of coloured and
figured printed cottons fafliionably made up, Sha
also carried away with her,
CLARA her daughter—a very flout, robust,
strong made girl, ot a ftiort Itature, and round
fhouldcred—appearing t« bii about 14 years of
age. Clara has large llaring eyas, a flat nose, an
oval flat face, her under jaw prrje&ing a liuW,
and good teeth. She is very artful and impu
dent, has a great fluency of speech, uses good lan
guage, and has been taught to read.—-She las the
appearance of ring worms on her left check and
chin ; the (kin in spots appearing much paler than
the reft of her complexion, which is much lighter
than her mother's—- hair is ftiort and wooly;
She wore a pink greunded printed cotton with a
fmali black figure, with new fore parts.
Also rail away, on Wednesday the nth inft.
June, DICK and AMELIA, Dick, or as he has
lately caltcd himfelf, Richard Weaver, is a houfe
fervant,—he isabi ut 5 feet 7 inche» high, rather
small made, is about years old, of a
smooth, black complexion—has aflat nose, with
very large open noitriis He carried his head
and neck as if he were ftiff in th* neck and fhoul
dors, which are high and tolerably square, and his
neck short—his 1 gs are straight hut small and
illy made, with scarce aty calf. He has ha<i bad
teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awkward
he has a full head of wooly hair, which he plaits
and drefTes to the heft advantage. His is
jmall,histpcech commoly mild and flow, and his
manners appear extremely simple, bur he i 9 at
bottom an artful knave, and when fp*>ktn to is
very apt to b paflionate and imperii air. Dck
is a native of South-Carolina, and fpea\s b*td
English—he fealuced and carried away with him
Amelia, who he called his wife.
Amelia is a very complete, well inftru&ed la
dies maid, much below the common flature and
of a small make—her complexion it* that of * &irk
mulatto or meflizoe, nearly resembling that ot t L xe
Lafcarsof India, with black curling ha;r, # and a
very low forehead—her right eye has a great
weakness, owing to the small pox in her infancy—
under her oye» vry black —a flar face, flat brt-ad
nose, with scarce any riflng at the bridge; a large
mouth, with thick Hps, andt good flrong teeth.
On the nape of her neck the 1 has the marks of a
Seton. DrefTes with taile, and imitates the French
style ; is very fenfiblei and exprefTes herfelf well.
She took with her a variety ««ct clothes, fafhioi-i
---ably m ide—Die has for more than two years past
been liable to fils, which at times give her a wild
nefs in her eyes—her health is generally delicate—
r (lie is at prejbit likely to er.creafe ber family, and is
about 22 years of age-*-flie can tirefs hair, clear
r flarch, has a taste for milhnary and mantua-ma
king; and as flic is very can turn her
! hand to any thing and may probably offer herfelf
; to some milliner or mantua maker as a work
woman. As Hihelia has heretofore beeo a great
favourite of a vtry indulgent miftrei- and 'tis
believed has been led away by the persuasion of
her paramour Dick,, if (he will return to mt, she
will be forgiven and treatci with the fame ten*
dernef- flu: h*s always received
riFTY DOLLARS Reward for eich will he
paid for the delivery of p;-.t ai d l.ra to the
subscriber, or to ar.> goal in the United -tatcs. fo_
that I mry get poff-flion of them—Gi.e liun r-'d
Dollars each for Dick and /• nu • s «*n the like _
delivery. The fnhicriber warns all matter
of veff-h, from, taking these Runaway l-.-ivanfca
from the United States, and r <_u lis such
of his friends and acquaintance as it m y per suit
to arrcil them, to g:vc information, u!d they
hear of either of the fugitives, to the fu.--k.ribur
by letter directed to the p«>st oflTn.e, PI : iie'3,
which will si d him, wherever he ma) . is the
, Cummer, or to the Printer « f the Gazette f-t the
United States, who will cutr.ll unicate i; to a
friend in Philadelphia to ad on his behalf.
Of South-Carolina, coiner of Fourth and
Union-streets, Philadelphia
June 25. wV-5t
HIS Swedish Majesty's Cotiful General, and au
thorized to tranfadi the-Confular i'.uQncfs,
for his Majefly the King of > -enma-~k iu the United
States of America, refilling at Philadelphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That in obedience to recent tr.flruflions received
from his government, it is the duty of all 1.1 after a
of Swedilh and Danish veflels, bofor« their fait;!>g
from any port in the (aid States, to call upor him
or the Vice Coßi'ul in ori.!er to !.c granted such
Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency
of the slate of the Neutral Commerefc an;i thefe
.verrJ Decrees of the Belligerent Powers, render'
indifperfably necessary, and, that any Madtr cf
veffeli'bslonging to the refpeflive nations, cr na
vigating ander the proteilion of their flsgs, ia
omitting to take such certific>tV-s, will peticnally
stand responsible for the consequences.
Philadelphia, 18th DjcemVtr, 1799.
Am I
«n the river Raritan in Jersey. he?r S;.mer
ict Court-Houfi, 16 iiiles from Brunfwifk, ai d
j8 from Princeton ; confiftingol
acres, equally divided intt mcaiow, arable ar.d
wood land ; the whole «ithi.l a ring fence ; the
bana. ftaWes, &c. are fp aci. u,, acidadrxjs.te to ths
Gze of the Fursi 5 .there i.-a pleimttde of gan c,
with a good lhad filhety. I hi- ci'tate i. nuk in
the hands of Mr. Henry V. or : cy
Further particulars may fee knows of
Merchants, Philadelphia, and of
Or of the Tenant ea the premifet
May 9. dtf
sf* W
j '