Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 03, 1800, Image 4

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Tte Muih o- the United Spates,
v • /
On ti'f tViH"« ioi'. i'oii il»;■;<!s,
Will be rev vc l-at the (hnerc.l Post Office
City f Washington, witil toe ivtbduy
fuly next.
I. T.M< VM i:»n?ti:nfa!l9'
JL Ni VMm i-Mi t, Hcvirlev, s«len»
«ol '■> 1< to- ; rimes * week.
I'r /m W/'M 15 fj Oc:,.'\r 15.
Leave 1* ntiK.ikthc «y Tutldiy. Thuridav
and nv v 4 A. I*l and ar r i*e Jt IVift.n l
thr ft. 1 r liy« '!y 6P. M. Xtturningt l" v '
ftiitm tvei-y M >n.lay, Wedilefday and Friday
»i 4 \ an ) at Pi»itfwouik the faun
div» bv 6 P. M.
Fnim October 15 t-< April 15.
LiiVf V rill] AIU, <■■>' rv TucMty, ThnrMay
aui lain itiv a' 1 H. M ind arrive a; Roft'.f
011 • 11. 'iviii,- iiy«, Wrd-'efday,
and at ft P. M. Riluratat, Irivr
t.>ii rvny Mu . 'jy, A'eJnrlday and at
6 a. m. and arrive «r P.irtfi'V'U'h tKenext djy«,
T'mtiJ jy. k Jiurf Uy arid *ati:rday at to A. M.
ft I'Viim JVift,<n 1 y Worcrltff-. Hruokfield,
8| ■ lubi-i.t, .-Mjf'jrld, ilartfi-'d, VVelhrr»r:tld,
MiJJUt 'wn, Dnrh n, NVjlli"if"r<J, Ne»-Ha
v. tilford, S'ratt ird, Fairß.ld, Nrrwa'k,
S:jtiil'>r.l Niw It'-chclle, F.ft and
Hiir.cui to Nrw-Yoi k. timei a week.
From April 15 to October 15.
Leave ftoftaQ every Monday, Wednesday
an l I'i 'ay at it a m. arrive at Worcester bv
L ive W Irf Her every Tuesday, Thurf
d»y 10 J. Satfitdiv at 3 a m. Arrive at Bro'ik
ft ■ i by io i M. at Spring fit 1! by 1 r M. at Suf
lie d fiy 5 PM. and*' Hartford at 9 p M. the
fatuediyi. rja-tford every Monday,
Wadnefday and Frid yatj A m arrive at New
H"-en •y no n i leave New Ha>.«n at 1P M.
at.d arrive at Stamford by 9 PM. fame day«.
Leave Stamford every Tuefbyt Th'. rf av and
Sat irlgy at .7 a m a».d arrive at New York
fain,* .Jjyj hy 1 j o'clbck, noon. Returning,
leave New-York every Monday! Wednefdiy
and Friday 3f 11 A m. arrive at Stamford in the . leavf Stamford e v e-y Tuesday,
Ttiurldjy an 1 Saturday by jam; *rrive at
New Haven by noon ; leave New-Haven at 1
p m, aad irrive at Hartford by 9 P M ; lea»«
Hartford on Wednesday, Friday and Monday
by 3 A M ; arrive at Springfield by 10 A M, and
at Worcelter -,y 9PM; leave Wofceller every
Thurlday, Saturday and Tuesday by 3 A M,
ind arrive at H illun lame days by 1 P M.
F'oin October 15 to April 15.
Leave erery Tietday. Thursday and
Sn* lay by 8 is m i arrive at Woreefter by 8
r M ; l«»r Wontfttr on Wednefdav, Prid.y
aj'd R; >ridav at 4 a M ; arrive* a: SutTield fame
days by 8 P m. L-ave isufiie'.d Thursday, Sa
tur ajr and I iieOlay at 4 am. aid arrive at
N. ,v Haven by 8r m. Leave New-Havenev
ery I i.I ■, Mo.iday and H ednefday at 4 A m.
and arrive at New York the next day«
Satuiday. Tuefdav and hi. laybyll Am,
Returning, leave New Y- rk cveiv Monday,
V-edi, 'iy and 't dav at 11 A r-i : arrive at
New Mliti focfJsf, i hurfrb.y and >a
turday by p m Leave New-Haven every
Monday, *VeJiK'IJ»y an Fridly by 4am. a?
ri»e at Suffield by 8 P M. Leave Sfr) field f'uef
day, Th .ifday in 1 'a'urdav by 4AM a-'d
arriveat Woriefter by 8P M. Lea»e Wor
cettir every M>w 'ay, We Inefday and I'"ri<lay
at 4 A Vs. and arrive at t)oft m thr? lame day»
b; 4 P M.
3 From New-York by Newark, Elizabeth
t. wn, Rahway, WooJbridge, Nrw-3runlwick,
Princeton, Trenton, Brill >1 and Frankford to
Philadelphia, everyday, Sunday excepted
Leave New-York every day. Sundayexcep'-
ed, at 1 P M and arrive in Phdadelphiathenext
day at 7 A M 18 hours. Returning, leave Phi
li.lelp .a ix.ry day, sunday excep'td at 1 P.
M. and arrive at New-York the next day by
; AM. From November 1 to May 1, the
hour of arrival at Philadelphia and at New-
York stall Ik- extended to 8 A *1
4. From Baltimore by Wladenfcu-p to Wa
id everyday, Sunday excepted.
April 1 to November I.
I.e»ve Baltim tc everyday at 11 A M. and
arrive at Walhmgton by 6 PM. Ueturii'H.',
leave vV ifhingion every day at 3 A M. and ar
rive at Baltimore by 11 A M.
November 1 to April I.
Ltave Baltimore »very day at 4 a m. and arrive
at Wiftiington l y 1» m Returning, leave Wafh
in«< 11 every day at 10 A m. and'arrive at Balti
moie by 7 p M.
5. From Washington city by George town>
Alexandra, C.dcheiter. Purine*, Aquica,
Eal m ith, Frederickftnirg Bowling Oreen and
llai.Kvrr court house t» Richmond, c.h every
day, Sundays excepted
From' April 1 to November I.
Leave Waihingt n every day at 8 A M. and
.arrive at Fre iericklburg by 7 I'M. Leav«
Fredi rickfburg eveV) 'lay at 3 A M and arrive
at Richmond by ft P V I. Returning, leave
Richmond every day by j A M and arriv- at
Frederi by 6 P M. Leave Frcderickl
fcurg c 'ery ay by 3 AM. an J arrive at Wili
iogtoi. by 4 P M
November 1 « April 1.
Leive Washington every day at 4 P M. and
arrive at ilexanlrJa by 7 PM and arrive at
Frcdei the next days by 7 P M. Leave
FicJenckftmrn every day «t 4 A M and arrive
at kic'.m»nd the next days by 10 AM. Re
turning, leavt Richmond ev*ry day at» P M
and arrive at Fredenckfliurg the next days by
7 V vl. Leave Frederickflj-iig every day at 4
A M, and arrive at VYaihmgton the ntxt days
by 8 A. M.
6. From Richmond to Peterlburg every day,
Sun lays 'X ep'.ed. Leave Richmond every
day at 4 A M. and arrive at Peter (burp by io
o'clock, A I- K-.-turtiing leav« Pet rfburp ev
ery d y it 1 P M. and arrive at Richmond the
fame d y« 1 y 7 P M.
7. From Richm* Hd by New Kent court house,
Wiiiian.fcurg, Y rk-town and Hampton to
Norfolk, 3 times a week.
April 1 to November i.
Leave Richmond every Tuesday, Thnrfday
and Saturday at 3A M. Arrive at New-York
by 6 P M, and arrive at Norfolk the next days,
Wednesdays, Friday, and Sundays by I PM
Returning, leave Norfolk every Tuesday, Thurf.
day and Saturday, at 10 A M ; arrive at Y«rk
n the evening. Leave York every Wednesday,
Friday and Sunday by 3 A M, and arrive at
Richmond the fame days by 6 P M.
November 1 to April 1.
Leave Richmond every Monday, Wednesday
ar.d Friday at » P M 1 arrive at Norfolk in two
day» on V>'erf nt fday, Briday ad Monday by 10
AM. Returning, leave Norfolk every Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday it jPM- and ir
r»v« at Richmond in two-daft ti< Wtdn«fd»y,
Pri'.'jy and M.nday by 10 i tf
8. From Pe'erftiorg by Cabbin Point Surry
court h-.'Ufc, S.<siih;ied, Suff'lk and Pottf
-uth to Norfolk three time# a week.
Leave Pete>iburp every M mday, Wednif-
'.jv and Frdara' 11 ro >n, arrivt at
SxfTalk t.e nirit il»v» by iV M; leave SuffVik
it ; f As, j«o anvre it Norfolk by 8 P M.
.(rturii:!).-', Norfolk cwry .Monday, Wed> 'iy IB I Fr il'vau A hi i arrive it Suffolk
fame iayi by tc*AM, Love Suffolk at it
A As, and arrive u Peterft>ur|{ every Tuesday,
rhurfijjr an t Saturday by
9. Piierfburjr by Harrifville, 3»ldf■nvillc
and W »rrrnton to Lou«Awrg three timet
a week.
Leave Pettrfourp every Monday, Wednef
d y and Friday at % P M. and arrive at Louif
burg in tw day: on Wednesday, Friday and
Sunday at 10 A M. Returning, leave Louif
burg every M ndiy, Wednesday and Friday at
1 P M, and arrive at Peterlburg in two days on
Wednesday, Friday and Monday at to A M.
10. From Loiiifburg by Raleigh, Averyfbo
ro' and Fayetteville to Mc Falit, three times a
Leave Louifbu-g every Sonday, Wednesday
ai.d Friday at i P M. arrive at Mc, Fills on
Tuesday, Friday and Sunday by 9 a M.
Returning., leave M'Fallroii Men 'ay, Wed
nesday and Friday at 3 P M, ind arrive at
L 'jifburg ori tVednefdiy, Friday and Monday
at 10 A M.
11. From M'Fallsby Chereau court h»nfe to
Ca nden three time> a week. Leave iM'Fall<
evtry Sunday. V'lelday aril Friday at 1 P M,
an 1 arrive lat Camden on Tuesday, Thursday
and Sunday at 10 A M.. Returning, lea ve C ini
lenevery T'leiday, Thursday and .Sartirlay at
1 P M, and arrive at M'Falli on Thursday, Sa
turday and Monday at 10 A M
la From Camden by and James
ville to Cliariefton, three times a week When
the river i« so high as t make long Ferries, the
mail (hall be carried from Camden 011 thefouth
fide of Santee river
Leave Camden every Sunday, Tuesday and
ThurfiJay at » P M, and arrive at Charleftor
on Tuel lay Thursday & Saturday at i AM-
Returning, leave Cbarlelton every Sunday,
Tuesday and Thuriday at jt P M, and irrive a:
Ca iden t»;c next Tuesday, Thursday and Sa
turday at lo A As.
13. From Camde« by Columbia, Edgefield
court hottfe, and Campbell town to Augufia,
three timei a week.
Leave Can lenevery, Sunday, Tuesday and
Thursday at »P M, and airive at Augusta n
Tueilay, '/kurfday and Saturday at 10 A M.
Returning, have Auuufta every Sunday.
Tuesday, and Thnrf lay at % P *l, and arrive at
Camden on Tuesday, 7hurfday, and Saturday
at ic A M.
(4 From CVarlefton by Ja> kfonfboreugh and
Coofawhatehy >u r'avai nah twiee a week.
Leave ('harleflon every Tuesday and Thursday
at r m arrive at Jacidi 'borough onWedm fd?.y
and ErMay fit * p m arrive at Coofawhaichy on
I'huriday aa J Saturday by J a m and arrive at
Savinrah on Fridayand Sunday by 8a m. Return
■V:, Ltave Savannah every Saturday aid Tuesday
by 4 „ m arrive att'oofawhatchy by 8 r M and £r
nvc a» Charletton on Tuesday and Thursday by
10 A M.
Ij. From Augusta by Leuifville to Savannah
once a week.
Leave Aopufta every Saturday at J p m. arrive
l.nuifville on S'inday '. y 6 P m. leave I.ouifvUle o»
Monday ar 8 a h an l art ive at Sav nmah on
Tuesday at .<• p. m. leave Savannah on Wedmfday
<t 8 a.m. and arrive at Loudvitle on Thursday by
5 p.m. leave Louitville on Friday at 6 a m. and
arrive at Aoyufta on Saturday at 10 a rn
16 Free 1 Augusta by Waynefoorough to Sa
vannah one a week.
Leave .1 ugufla every Tuesday at » p. m arrive
at Wayntfbori ugh rn Wednesday by 8 a. m and
rrive at Savannah on Fri ay by Jl. «. Return
ing, leave -avannah every Saturday at 9 a u.arrive
at vV'ay;.lb(.rough on MOll iay by * pm. and ar
rive at rtugufta on 1 uefday by 9 a m
I}, ftta Wa)aeftoroii|li to Lmifiilk.
Leave Wayncib rough every Wednesday at 9 ! arrive ai 1 oudv lie by J PM. Returningi
leave l.ouilville every rhurfday at 5 a M.aml ar
rive at W aynefoomugh by I f m.
18. From Savannah 'y s«nhury, Riceborough,
Darien and tunfwick to Stary's once a week
Leave >av3*na.' every W'ednefcay at 9 a m. ar
rive at Kicel/Oreugh on DmrWay t*y 10 a m. and
arrive at Stary» on Saturday by 9a m. Hemm
ing, leave St. Vlary« every Satsrday at 3 r m. ar
rive at K1 echo rough the next mob Jay by 3 r rn
an l arrive at Savannah the next Fuetday byj p m
Note 1. The mail on the route No. 9, 10,
11 and u is to be carried in a wheal carri
age or by a led horse. A penalty at the rate
of 12 cents a mile will be incurred by the
contrattor f«r each time and mile that lie
foil carry the fame without making ufc ot
either a carriage or led horse. No altera
tion will be made in the times fixed for the
arrival and departure of the mails in tfiefe
Note 2. The Postmaster-General may al
ter the times of arrival and departure at any
tune during the continuance of the contrails,
he previously llipulating an adequate com
pensation for any extra expence tnat may
be occaiioned thereby.
Note 3. Fifteen minutes (lull be alloued
for opening and clgfing the mail at all offices
where no particular time is fpecified.
Note 4. For every fifteen minute? delay
(unavoidable accidents excepted) in arriving
after the times prescribed in any contract,
the contractor fliall forfeit one dollar ; and
if the delay continue until the departure of
any depending-mail, whereby the mails des
tined for such depending mail lose a trip, an
additional forfeiture of five dollars lhall be
Note j. Newspapers as well as letters are
to be sent in the mails c and if any person,
making proposals, desires to carry newspa
pers, other than those conveyed in the mail,
for his own emolument, he must Hate in his
proposals for what sum he will carry it
with that emolument, and for what sum
without that emolument.
Note 6. Shwuld any person, making pro
posals, desire an alteration of the times of
arrival and departure above fpecified, he must
(lute in his proposals, the alterations defm-d,
and the difference they will make in the
terms of his csntraft. This note does not
apply to the ronts Ne. 9, 10, 11 and u.
No alteration will be made in those times.
Note 7. Persons making propofils are de
sired to state their prices by the year—Those
who contrast will receive their pay quarter-
ly, in the month of January, April, July
and Oftober.
-A T iste 8. The cor crafts for tVie routs
numbered l to S3, art to be in operation on
the id day of Oftoher next, andajfe to con
tinue in force until tlie Ift of October 1804.
Contratts f-r the routs number 14, ij„i6.
17 and 18, are alio to be in operation on the
111 day of Odtoher next, ai»d are to continue
in force until the iff of April 1802.
General Post Office, )
Philadelphia, March 20, ifloo. $ eot yJ
WHEREAS Mathew Irwin did on the Bth
day of July 1797 make all affignmentof) is
eflate anu effects, to us the fubferibers, for the be
nefit of such of his creditors, as ihould oil or before
the »oth cl Septem' er, 1797, execute to him a Kill
and final discharge—Nrw thole of his creditor -
who are entitled to a dividend under laid aflign
ment are rrquefled tu'fur i(h their accounts cj
bamuel Meeker, with interest calculated up to the
Bth day 01 July, 1797. as a ivi lend will a! folate*
ly be ftruik on the firll day ol tpril next, and those
who negledl t» comply with thU notice will there
after be excluded from the benefit ol the fame.
Philip Nicklin
Samuel Meeker
JJath'l Lewis, by his Acls.
Pearson Hunt
John M. Taylor J
Phi a lelphia, March 14 m&thtf.
SniJrtTl Don Scot's mo.iitun in Oxford
townihip, county of . : ufiex and Hate of Niw-
Jersey, right »r ten miles from Kaftr.n (about four
from the river Delaware, and icvrnty two from
t-hilarfeVphia ; containing j 79 Acres ; about 70
acres of winch it cleared and under g(>od fence,
it.c'ivdirij; »» ac 1s of meadow : tht remainder i>
woodland, confining mofly of ch fr.ut aiid oak.
On the premises are two log houses an . out
buildings, a number of fruit trees, and If rings us
excellent water, and a bream nins through the
trail. The premises is occupied by Christian ano
Letter aJdrefTed (post pai!) to the fublcrihtr
nNo 87, Aroh llreet, Phda lelphia; or at r
ward Mott's, £afton, t'eanfylvauia, will be
p'jly answered.
N. B. No application will be HceifTary after
'he 14th of July next.
June 10. eod tf
Of the Pittsburgh Glass JVorks,
HAVING pinrured a fufScisnt number of
the moll approved European Glals V'anu
fiiiflurers, .ind having on hand a large (lock of
the left Materials, on which their workmen ar<
now employed, have the ple-fure of aflurinp
the pul-'ic, that window glafaof a fupeiior qua
iity and of any size, from 7 by 9, lo 18 by ia
inches, carefully packed in boxes cpntaininj
too feet ea h, may be had at the flxMTteft notice
G'afs of larger sizes for other purposes, may
also he had, fnch is for pi<9ures, coach glades,
1 lock sac s, &c Bottles of all kinds and <tf any
quantity may also be had, together with pocket
flafks, pitklmgjars, apothecary's (hop furniture,
or other hullnu ware—-the wi ole at lealt per
cent, lower than articles of the fame quality
brought from any of the sea ports ps rhe Uniteii
States. A liberal allowance will be made on
sale of large quantities. Ordersfr m merchants
tnd others will he pumftually attended to on ap
plication to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC
CRAIG, or at the *toreof Mefirs. PRATHER
andSMILIE, in Maiket-Street, P ttfbnrgh,
March 4, tuthtf.
A SINGLE Man,capable of iollru&ing twelve
Boys, in the Latin, Creek and French lan
guages, also writing aad arifhmci. k. Such a
person coming well recommended, for bis abili
ties and good behaviour will rective four hun
dred dollars per annum, and be accommodated,
much to his fjtisla&ion, with meat, ilrink, wattl
ing and lodgi-g ; by applying to the fuhftribers,
livirg t.ear B<Try's-»ille, in Frederick county ant!
ft ate of Virginia
John Milton,
Warner Washington.
June 20 tuth&f jqtf
Schuylkill Permanent Bridge:
Al)lVLyj*.>i) Of 8 jer centum per at nurn is de
clared hy lh< re'derit an I Duedorr of th
Company for srefli g a • crnati< nt Bridge ovr
the R.ver Shuylki I, at or near the c : ty ot Phila
de'phia, < n fie am' unts paid in on th Ut day of
('he time whn. th« fubfc iptions rothe
flock of the fai l c xnp.-ny were c®m;d*ated. aiid to
he from t ence computed) payable to the stock
holfi> rs >r their legal reprefetitatives after the -cth
day ot the prel'at m uith, out of the profits ari
flhg frvm the Fioarir g Bridge Ferry and Tavern,
a- the Westendof Sire t, on applicati->n to
the Treasurer, No. > 1 hurch Alley
July I. tuthaira
And Owners of Stills.
WHFKEAS by an of Congress, pafied
the Bth Hay of May >791, emit'ed,
" An a<Sl concerning the dutiss on spirits diftd
led uithtn the United States," it isrequiied of
all perlons having or keeping a Dill, or flil'.s,
to make entry thereof, between the last day
of May and thr nrft day of July in each yejr
under the penalty of two hundred and fifty
NOTICE is therefore hereby given to all
distillers, or ownns of dills, within the city
and county of HI ilade'p' ia, to make entry of
them at the office of Infpo&ion, a* 49, North
Third street, in the city 11 Philadelphia, with
in the abovrmentioned per'uid?.
JAMES ASH, Coi LF.ctok
of the revei ue of the first diviii n of tke
first survey of the district of Pennsylvania.
June- 6 ftf
Ibref Lents Kevuard.
RUN away from the Subscriber on the evenii
of the ie«l. a bound Servant GIRT ,
named! Eli?. l Seth Howokel, had on and took wit
her three different changes of garment and money
proud, hold and iiv.pudent, a noted lyar , any pur
ion apprehending her {bailee e«ritled ro the aH-v
reward—no cotfs or charges will be paid.
N: B, She had 1 years and lon-.e rm.n>h» tcfi.iv
Couctg, J»!y 19
arfvft 6 Jawtf
United STATES, 1 ,
Pev.nsvhania District. J-* '
BY virtue offondry writs of venditioni exponas,
issued out of the Diftns Court ol the United
States, for ths Pi!>rifl. afcirefaid, will he exposed
to public falc, on the premies, oo Wednesday the
30th of July next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon ol
'he fame day, all that I ra>ft of /.and culled Cone-
(ituatein Eall Pcpnfburytown-,
ftip, Cumberland tounty, containing five handled
and thirty two acres, more «r less, with the Vfef
iuages thereon eredled. Also all that Trail of
Laud called I.ocull Valley, adjoining 'he abcye,
containing three hundred and seventeen acrss,
more or 1, fa, with the Messuages thereon ereffed.
'ilfo all that f n£l of Landcalled Oak Ba.nk 3-
tuate as above, containing ton hundred and seven
'y acres, more or less, with the Messuages thereon
I he property wdl be surveyed and fold in lots
to suit the purchafcrs; plots of which will be ex
cited on the day of sale.
Sfiz^Jand taken in execution, an 1 to be fold as
the property of O.iv r Pollock F.fq by
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
Marsh l's Office, >
Phila elphia, June 21, 1800. £ eo, 3°J>"
tooo Boxes heft marbled Soap
80 Hoxes Sweet Oil, j From m board tie
toe Hall chells Lucca Oil, 1 Lvuisa,
7 Bales Paper, f from Leghorn,
Brimftori*, !
Parmt'fan Cheese, J
300 Pipes beP Bordeaux Branny,
100 Hogfluad'. C aret superior quality,
700 Caiew 1 r. iich Sw«et Oil,
60 Cases Catherine Plumbs,
6 Casks Prunes,
400 Boxes ropers, Olives, Anchovies and Cor
ion do. b. ft affortcd Cordials,
DRY GOODS affortcd for the Weft-India
Claret in cast» of a superior quality,
London dry White Lead,
A small invoice of Coffee,
6 & 4 Cannon,mounted.
Thomas Murgatroyd &>' Sons.
May 'O. tuth&s ui
BY a dacree of the High Court of Chancery,
made in a James against Newman,
it is among other fning* refer?ed to Wra. Graves*
Esq. one of the mailers of the said court," to take
an account cf the Legacies bequeathed by the will
of the teflator, WILLIAM PHILLIFS, late of
Newgate street, London, deceased, and also to in
quire and (late to the court, whether Francis
James, the brother of the complainant's named a«
one of the Legatees in the said will is dead, and
whether he died in the life time o( the teUator •,*'
Therefore a'.l persons who can give any informa
tion whether the said Francis James he living or
dc?el, and it living where he now resides or Lift
rdidftd, and when and at what pl«*ce, and when
and where he waslail heard of, ard if dead, w hrn
nd where he died, are hereby requefled to give
such information tathefaid William Graves,Efq*
at hi* office in Soathamp'on Buildicgs Chancery
Lane, London,on or before the firft day of March
next, other wit* he wiil be excluded the benefit of
the said decree.
The fain Francis James was born at or near
Kidwelly, in the county of Caermarthen, and if
living, if about the age of thirty-four years, and
about the year 1779, was a foremaft man on board
the Milford, a merchant fliip, belonging to the
por-of Bridal, and failed for Jamaica in Septem
ber, 178 c, afterwards he returned to Bristol,
an in November, 1781, was prefTed in King
road, Bristol, and sent on board the king's frigate
called thrDiomede, in which he failed from Ply
mouth ®n a cruise, and on board of which he af
terwards lecame a quarter guaner, and de-ferted
the said ship ac Chaflellou liar in North-America
in September 1781.
Should any pctfon in the United States of Ame
rica, be enabled to give info' mation «f the above
named Francis James, whether living or dead, they
are requeued to communicate the fame to DAVID
A. OGDKN. No. 69, Stone street, New Y rk
gj° The printers throughout the United States
are requefled to pufe Ulh the above,
apnl 18'
Valuable Estate,
KNOWN hy th? name of the Booneton Iron
Works, fitnats in the- county of Morris in the
lat» of Mew-Jerf*y, confiding ol a Forge'with
four firfs, a Roiling and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill
with two Run of ftnoe«, and Saw mill, alii > good
orlerand new in use, together with an excellent,
large, and convenient house, with out-houf sot
every kind ; among which are an Ice house, an
ftonc milk hcufe, with a remarkable fine spring in
it, a large Garden, and an excellent eolleclion of
Pruit, a large Orchard, and 2500 acres ef wood,
pa'ure and arable land, and a great numVr of
(lores and workmen's houses Immediate possession
will be given of houses and stores fuffirient for
providing (lock the present winter, and polTeffioc
f the whole in the spring.
• " "I 13'
For term" snquirtsof 1 lav; ! B Ogden at New
irk, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. Davit!
F ird in Morrij Town, or meirs. Jacub aadßjch
THE Proprietor# «f the Philadelphia and
cifter line of Stage* I>ISPATCH, return their
grateful thanks to their frieiuds ar>4 the public in
general, for the part favor* t' ey have reci:red, and
inform them tliat in addition t« the regular I.ine
'h«y are provided with Carriages, sober and care ful
drivers, to go through between the City and
Qoroagb in two days. Tl oft who prefer this mode
of traveling can be accommodated at tKe Stage
OlH(e,£gn of United States EagU, Market street,
Slough, Downing, Dunivoady Iff Co.
Nev. 30. f 2t—§
And for fate at
W. Young, J, Iff J.Cbukshanr, and
Thomas J3obson's Bockstobbs,
Sacred to the memory of
I.atc President of the United States, ani
Cf&mmiider in Chief of the Armies ot the
United States.
Adapted to the aid February 1800.
Bv Richard Alsop.
march 49;
WHEREAS by an a& of Co t ,
passed on the feventb day Of * y,
in the year of our Lord one thcuf.nd t
hundred, the President of the United I .v ,
is authorized to borrow. on behalf of the
United States, from the Bank ofth- Uni
ted States, or from any other body or-bo
dies politic or corporate, or from , : i:y per.
fen or persons, and upon such terms and
conditions as he shall judge molt adv2n a
geous for the United States, a sum not
exc«ediiig Three Millions Five Hundred
Thoufaud Dollar", so however, that no
contrail or engagement be mad , which
(hall preclude the United .Stat's from reim
bursing any sum or (ums borrowed, at any
time after the expiration of fifteen years
from tlv dateot f >ch Loan. And Wh re
a s it is declared by said aft, that so much
as may be necessary of the fur his of the
duties on imports and tonnage, beyond Hie
permanent appropriations heretofore char
ged upon them by I w, (ball be pledged and
appropriated pay? g the !• tereli ; ai 5
also for paying and difcl-arging il.e piinci'
p!e sum or sum f ali the monies which
may be borrowed acpnrdi g to the lym or
terms w ich may be fixed prurfuant to' the
authority forefaid AND Wfi fii; E ,\S
by th> said a < the fa th of tit U States,
is pledged t» establish fufiici nt pi.rmar.cne
revenuts, lor m king up any defieie e. that
may hereafter appear in the provjfi us be
fore mentioned for p ying the i..tereli and
principal funis or eitii- r of th. n ~r- any
mones which m y be b rroived purine.t to
th- ffi>'• i a ft AND Wl E'ifin.j, the
Pnesid nt o f the Unked State, did by
an Adt or Commiflion under his hand, da
:ed the day of May, in the
year one h ufand eight '.tr dred, su ho
rize and empower thi- Secretary of the
Treasury to borrow on behalf of the U i
ted S:a es>, any sum rot exce ding in the
whole Three Millions Five Hundred Thou
sand Dollars, anJ to make such contract or
contrasts as fhsulri be Ueceff ry, and for
the interest f ihe United States, in pur
suance of the act c f ( ongrefs aoo»e recited.
NOW THERH.FORR, thcund;.flgned '
Secretary of the Tre;.fury, in pursuance of
the aft of Gor.grefs and the authority 1/ovn
the President of the United States above
mentioned—Doth Hereby, on behalf of t-hs
United States of America, contrast and en
gage in manner following, to wit :
ift. There fball be created a funded Ca
pital Stock, to an amount hereafter to bede
fignated by the said Secretary, but not ex
ceeding Three Millions. Five Hundred Thou
fund Dollars, which Capital St©d< (hall be
divifiEJe into (liares of one hundred dollars
each, bearing interefl, at eight per centum
per annum, payable quarter yearly at the
Treasury of the" United States, or at the
Loan Offices, where the said Stock may
{land credited, unci tl e lait day of December
in the year eighteen hundred and eight.
2J. After the last day of December in the
said year one >thoufand eight hundred and
eight, and after reasonable notice to the cre
ditors, which (ball be given by an advertise
ment in fiime public newspaper printed at
the feat of the government of the United
States, the said Capital Stock (ball be re
deemable at the pleasure of the United
States, by the reimhurfement of the whole
sum or sums borrowed and which may con
stitute the said Capital Stock, either at the
Treasury of the United States, or at the
Loan Offices where the fame may (land cre
3'!. The credits for the said Capital Stock
shall and may be separately certified in lums
either for one hundred, four hundred, one
thousand, four thousand, or ten thousand
dollars, and the credits so certified {hall be
transferable by the creditors, or their attor
nies, at the Treasury and Lean Offices re
fpe£Yive!y, in pursuance of the rules which
have been or which may be eftablilhed rela
tive to the transfer of the funded Stock of
the United States.
4th. A fufficient sum of the surplus of
the duties on imparts and tonnage-beyond
the permanent appropriations heretofore
charged upon them by law—together with
the fVlth of the United States, are hereby
pWgtd for the fulfilment of this contrail,
in pursuance of, and according to the terms,
and conditions of the aft ef Congress herein
before recited.
JIVEN under mv hand, and the seal of
the Trrafury of the United States, at
(?T) Fhitadflph' B ' this second day of June,
° !le thouland eight hundred; and ot'
the Independence the twenty-fourth;
Secretary of ibe Treasury.
June 21, 1806.
Proposals w'ril be received until the last
day of July next inclufiv:, at the Bank of
the United States, and the Offices of Dif
«ount and Deposit at Boston, New-York,
B iltimore, Norfolk, and Charlellon, for the
purchase of One Million and Five Hundred.
Thouftnd Dollars of Stock, d;re£lcd by
the Secretary of the Treafiuy. to be ifl'ued
in pursuance of tit abovenientioned con
tract. The proposals mofl advantageous to
the United States will be accepted, but no
Stock will be ilTued at less than five per
centum advance, or one hundred and five
dollars in money for one hundred dollars in
flock. In cafe the sums fpecified in frmilar
proposals shall exceed the amount of (lock
offered for sale at the places abovenientioned,
they will be accepted, fubjeft to a propor
tional dedudion.
wf G. SIMPSON, Cafh'r.
FOR SAIM t J ' * r: •
A BOOT lo feet rid f« ;
been f# conttroArH *»ut H
pst Bp wkhiOt i jn»y. • .-. .*:
t» purchale, by *r p'yi g to V
ceire fiirikrr icfotraa;i«n, Tr' 'i i ifßfr ' "' ''
J"? I '-'. • ' '