Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 03, 1800, Image 3

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    Gazette of the United States.
Philadelphia, Jun» *7-
8 per Cent Stock for ca(h 105 t» ic/< p. <t. r
i>ix per Cent. do. 84 /
Navy do. do. 8* c
Three per Cent. do. 51
Deferred, - do. 80 ->
B'VNK United States, do. 30
■ Pennfylvauia, do. a 7 >
. North America, do. 50 J
Infurame comp. N. A. (hares 9 per cent, below
.. Pennsylvania, (hares, 30 per cent. adv.
Baft-India Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance
Land Warrants, 15 dolls, per 100 acres,
Bills on Lon. at 30 days for caflj ij\ 1 per ct
Do. do. 60 dayi do. 170 a. 171 do.
Do. do 90 days do
Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days j(S a 37 cts.
per Mark Banco
D». in AmfUrdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per
' Floriu.
To-Morrow being the Anniversary
of American Independence, the publication
of this Gazette will be suspended until
'To Correspondents.
Several valuable Communications 011 hind
shall be duty attended to.
The account from Bilboa, via Baft on,
relating to the negotiation between Ame
rica and Francrhavin ftfeeirorotten off seem?
to of .1 doubt— L.*ttcr« from Bilfaoa,
receiw-d at the fame place, and yf «slut a
date, -rmke no mention of the circuniftance,
and whilfl the French can pui In; their p'ei
fetitT. lt mof depredation under cover of
a n»v,ociation. they would not willingly
brrak it off, although they doubtlefa wi(h
to procrastinate, the more securely to carry
on their piracies—we think it but n Re
port without any foundation.
It appears from an article under the
New London head, publifhtd ir. this day's
Gazette, that the (hip Comiefticut has cap
tured and sent into St Kirts a French na
tional rtiip of 2S guns. The Connefticut
101 l 20 men in the adion.
JO" THE Accounts of Mr Jtfferfon's
death are contradi&ed.—The Editor of the
Aurota fays a letter dated the 28th ultimo,
has been r ceived from him.
It is reported that an old Negro Slave,
called Thomas Jcffcifon, having died at
Montecillo, gave rife to the report of tl e
demise of the Vice-President—the Have
having borne the name of his mailer.
A letter from Bi b.oa, 22d March, 1800.
fays, " Don Nicholas Blafco Xrofco (or
fume name like it for we cannot dectpher
the chyography) has jult been named by
his Catholic Majcfty, Minister Plenipotenti
ary to the United States.
Extract of a letter from an American gen
tleman in St. Kitt.t, to bis friend in this
city, dated "June 3J, 18;»o.
" I embrace the opportunity of the Flo
rida, to dr"p you a few lines ; and begin
with the pleafinjf intelligence of the arrival
of the frigate Philadelphia, Capt. Dec'tur,
and the Petapfco (loop, with a brig with
stores. F oni your report, we expefted to
fee in the Phil trlelphi 1, a fine (hip of war ;
and our rxpr :t 'tions have been realized.
Her commander's much refpefled here, as
are all oui comii .nders »nd officers. On
the 21 ft «« had the pleasure of rtceivint?
the Commodore, accompanied with the
Adams ; and. on the 13d they failed on a
cruize. I'he former recaptured a schooner,
c I tl<c Bctfey, with Dry Goods, Wines,
fcc. troin Philadelphia. The Connedlieut
has taken two privateers and one recapture.
The Adams has also wade some prizes, but
it would be tedious to particularize ; how.
ever, you way reft allured thry are as vigi
lant as ever. This week we have already
received three prizes."
Extract of a letter from Troy (iV. I*. J dated
June 25.
" A great scarcity of Grain is experienced
in the northern counties of this state and in
many parts of Vermont. In some places
this necessary article cannot be purctiafed at
any price—Those who have it to spare, re
ceive any price almost they choose to alk—
And we are credibly informed, that Wheat
<has even been fold in the northern part of
Vermont at the enormous price of Three
Dollars, and corn at One Dollar and Fifty
' Gtnts, per bushel, Gr iin es
pecially Rye itud Corn, are daily transported
from this vi 11age andm-fleighbou 1 hood, Into
the country, some of it to the difhnce of
more than log miles.
"Tlie scarcity may, in a great mealure,
be attributed to the vast quantities of Grain
brought to market the last feafoif ; which
are laid to have exceeded thit of any former
year. It is computed, that the article of
Wheat alone, brought to this market during
the autumn and winter, amounted to about
v two hundred thousand bushels."'
The Editor (if 11 the Constitutional Tele
graph," a vehicle of rancorous abiife and
JjCbfeihifm, publifk-d at Eolton ; in the
course of his envious railing against the ho
niage paid to General tiimiltoH, in his late
tour to thf i- ijK'.nd, ftbferves that '• bigb
kbededfederal lories" (f the party.
If wit, acrr»rdinkf to Locke's definition be
corupoftd of incongruous ingiedieats, this
■' w^.:rr V r'wii., h whi.,h v . -f10w.;4
r ' 1 '- I *' '* ■'!.« tifx ' i-j•; '
Ihe V/ it-"r in !*;<; i'tsre tih&c
lo tlir '.if' rUn id Suit'
T nif thr f I j 'Ct .mi nt' 'pi ti iv. >»
y,if<t'ri"dr!ty oi"T- rs :'.\.t Ce :r> til i , Lr. <
■v I. , i;[', iji, i ;lv • tl:" ir.)
c-* r *" ■ - F '.Cii'iry, It .1 l>lo. tt'.i* r*-'c':i t i:f
J *]T'rl':n. Alt tins i*
r.'/.v I'.rrli.i-y !,» vaiii ri»"i) ;'i m h-tt-i
t'r i'rrl'il anj tin* Fi'lu-li | Mtv 4u
in 1• i f 11• 11)-• Hty m\v ■r«tr ln«\. J-J-istruv
i r oS vrtuotis' patriot, and pa its tobr'ii;
piw;r, from ptiie love of lirs country- -
and of binise/f
Char!e>, loVes garid cake ar.d ale,
A lid C':at!ey I >ves hrandy,
And Mamm (H is a mighty man,
And Gallatin'» the dai.dy.
It ia currently reported that the Spanish
Minister has recently presented to the Phi
losophical Society one hundred and twenty,
three fpecimen# of different kinds of wood,
from which each Philosopher may feledl the
chara<£teri(lic material for liis own Baft to
ornament their gallery hereafter.
Thus the head of any Libertine or Jltlieijl
may be formed of Cork ; a fawning or driu
ffit'g fellow in Dogtv od; a Bea\, of the
Tutp Tree, of a c 'tnpofition in Powder
pott ; a Wit of Lignum Vitae ; a Jacobin of
any Hollow Rotten Tree ; old of the
Crab Tree ; wavering 7. nch of the Ozier ;
young Randolph of a Red or a Corn Stalk ;
\ Mat. Lyon ot Box iVood ; ? -'r. C. or any
j other Duellifl of cold Iron wood ; Dr. Priejl
ley of IVitcb :'axel ; an J. ball tin of Snake
The Chevalier Pulvilio de Toilet-o looks
as ridiculously in his new character of Ph}~
losopher and Naturalijl as his countryman,
Don Quixote, after he had iott his teeth.
For the Gazbttk of the United Sta*es.
BY bis Highness of Barratraria
The til), -.«riiich Adam loft to form his brid«.
Sometimes flicks close is «ver to the fide,
In vain the faced bo-)k hade women Vjw,
Alas ! the rib is the rib rcafltt no *'!
To Citizen Run-awjv Priestley",
Sir, f. r your labou'ed works I'm grieved,
So very much is laid\j
One half jmII never be believ'd,
The other nevar read.
To a Friend hurt by the notice of Duane.
Yim f»em furprtfed that Jasper fly
On you his filthy fl'.me has fcattcr'd ;
W nen a full niu : cart partes by
TisoJdb, my friend, that yoatrs befpatter'd
Written on the door of tbe Aurora rjfice.
Here Spectacle Loy.l from Pillory irced,
Now toil» ai a nrw> Printer's hack,
Yet in Naogttc he led so much better a life
1 hat he almolt rcfolvss to go back*
On a J:cob;n, during lent.
Duane, bird rift, aNftains from mi at,
Yet can't abtlain fr>m ftitr;
Thus curs, who nothing li i ve to tat
Mute Cnurlifh bark and bite.
On a noted Political Weathercock.
We now (hail find the Longicude,
And I'afely crot» the ocean
For wavering T.nche can well explain
,I'he tam'd pet petual motion.
For tie GazkTTm of the Unit it, States.
Supposed to have been accidentally drop
psd by the Secretary of the Meeting of
the refpcßablt citizens of Philadelphia,
holden lad evening.
Philadelphia, July 2, 1800.
THIS etening the worthy Democratic
Citizens ol Philadelphia, convened at the
State-House to take care of the concerns
of the date, and tranfafl thi bufinefg of
the ?overign.
Meeting opened !—Fellow Citizen J.
B r in the chair.
Chairman. Order, fellow citizen) !
All- Order, order, order !
[Chairman slowly rises, and with much
digni'y beau the table with his canr.]
Speaks. You will please to attend, if
you please, fellow citizens.
Generally. Aye.
Individuals. We fay, aye, brother Bar
Chairman. Your Chairman takes the
liberty to be so bold as to fuggeil that he
cQDseives that he has not put no motion
yet : he was only telling the meeting here—
[Great noise,]
,Chairman, Striking Ihe Table. Order!
Order !
Some Aye.
Others. Order !
Chairman. It has been moved and fe
cooded, fellow citizeus to have a committee
to be appointed for to make up a democratic
Ticket for members to represent US in the
Stata Legislature, and likewise too for
Common Cottnsil Men atid
Man y. Aye
Chairman Order.
M.ny. Aye ! order ; that's the ques
tion, brother Barker.
Chairmn. Order, fellow citizens : As
many of you as would approve thi« motion
will fay aye.
Generally. Aye.
Afteriv rds one. I fay eeze.
Chat man. Your Chairman begs leave
to take the liberty to fay a few words, just
to make the observation, that citizens (hould
be careful to take care to choose good men
to bp on this committee, because the ob-
je£te ia Very important, and it would be
wfi! t" > ; t time waj"- to cboofe good
:ir.i to h-- o»i h, .arid
i'rbmifewfffly. Let the Ch.virrnao ap
point tHe .si : The Chairman Ic'nWs the
goo; I ' men : I lay, tin- Chairman.
Ci>-i You ciutirw!) to: bii ex-
• 1 .1. !•> K rt".e pit- 'fun- of t'rllow ciNiirts
\n \ y |>eVv ii.any thry will have the com
:nr.:i f Ijv •
Promisc-jous'y. Nine : ayt ; fourteen j
no; tix'.ren ; 1 fay fix reer".
Chairman. The number of your com
mittee is'propofed lro;h nine.■and so along
to sixteen J fo your chairman will try
lixteert firfh Fellow.
Promiscuously. I fay ten*, so do I, thir
teen is enough, no, I fay eliven, sixteen, ot
der, no, fix teen.
Chairman. Order, fellow citizens, order.
A? many of you aJ app.ove to have fixtien
will express your approbation by faying,
J An iS.- • • i
Many. Aye.
Otters. Tfiey han't got it; tan't a vote
brother Barter,!
Chairman., I'hofe citizens which disap
prove no,C to have lixfen will express their
difapprobiitinn by
Many. N".
Others. . That a'nt a vote, they ha'htgot
it nor . i.
Chat -man The ayes'appear to have it.
Pro;, rr .)us!y. No they ha'nt :fo we
have : t v ;r, we've got it : divide.
Chcf;n„. Raps violently. Order, fel
low citizen* mull kerjj order ! It it
worth whitpjo divide ?
Promiscuously. How'd ye—ye think—
I can—can divide—vide if foine body—don't
iiflj) nx. Yes diyide, try it again, let it go
as the chairman Jsys, citizens can't divide
v.'!,cn they can't 11 nd ; I lay holdup hands
and count ; th? cliairman can count.
Cbiiifmon. As many of you as wifti to
havc'this motion will fo by holding
up your hands.
[Ha ids help up ]
C-uirman—counts. forty-fix.
Now as many of ynu as vote on the other
fide will hold up your hauds..
[Hands be' 4 «/>■]
Jlfaqy. They holding up both hards.
Many reply. Well ! what then ? some
can't hold up one !
Chairman. Oh ! not but one ! I uid'nt
mean but one hand. [ Counts.] There's
Citizen M .(To Brrker did'ntc;o|int
me c?us it's little dark here.
frnmi.cuously. I held up too : we've
got it ; brother Cato wns'iit .counted; no,
no, aye, it's our vote lixteen ; help that
brother, he wants to gel out.
[Cxtera desunt-~\
Tribute to Gc-ius, to the Sbolar, tie Soldier,
tikj the Statesman.
The following fnterefttr% articfc is copied
from the partem papers. To the uni
form and eoerjiftic, tuthe ndvor tc for
foun pclit.cs. and to tli.r admirer of men
tnl bri'Jisney, it affords the moil fincerr
and lively pie&ntre to perceive in the
-Eafter-u states fueh eager -marks of atten
tion. hy charters.of the firft dif
ti'ictio:\ worth t6 tije accompli(hed
BOS TON, June iu
Tribute oj Respect and Gratitude.
ON Thurlday a ntimher of the citizens
of thii town, to tedily their high refjietl for
the pre-eminent fe vie s, talents and patfio
tifm of MAjbr General Himilton, invited
him to a public dinner at Concert Hail.
Amongfl the guefb were, his Excellency the
Governor, the Prudent of the
Speaker of the Houlie, tlie Hon. Chief
Judice Dana, Judge Lowfli, tlje Hoii»r;tbl<
% (TVs. Cabot, and Ames, tin; Diftridl At
torney, leveral Minitirs of Congress, of the
Council, Senate a id Hotlfs of Heprefenta
tives of this Commonwealth, and ot the
Reverend Clergy.
The company was the mod' refpeftible
ever atTembled in thjj town, on a flmifar
occalioir. That venerable . folJier and pa
triot, General Lincoln prefuled, and the
Hon, MelT'-s. Higginf#n, Jacklbn and
Riiflcll, adled as Vice-Prefid-nts. The ta
bles were loaded juilt-c.vcry.diinty tlie sea
son affords, and. every luxury which could
be procured ; ffnd at no public feaft ever pre
vailed greater harmony, good humor and
public spirit,. , Every man appeared tobe
enlivened with the opportunity which Whs
afforded him of rewarding, by attention, a
man who has b<en lb diftinguilhed in war
and in peace ; —who has been so ufeful to
his country as a ftatefmatT; —fo honorable
to it as a financier—and Ihonld disasters, will yet be so necrffary to it as a
soldier Remembering that he was the fa
vorite of Wathingt'on, and recommended by
him as the'fecond in comrrjand, who could
refrain their denionfttation« of refpett ? To
a mind like "Hamilton's superior to the
baubles of public honors the heartfelt gra
titude of his fellow citizens expressed on this
occaGon, mud have been the mod grateful
The following to&fts fliew the feelings
whicli were excited :
i. The memory of that man, upon whole
merit'the peiiegyriek of genius is cold, and
concerning wh«fe character, truth wears
the appearance of fittion—our firft and late
2. The President of the United States.
3. The people of the United States—
M;.v rtieir wisdom prove as superior to the
th« arts, as their valor is to the arms of
their enemies. ' v
4. Our country—May its deflinies be
more happy than are anticipated by the
fears of its friends, or the hopes of its ene
mies. i 1
5. John Jay s
6. Public credit---May the Cervices cf its
*' -r-v-r be f'or<otrei), and may t : ;•
bellowed upon them, endear them
to all hr r.cfi men.
7. Olivei Woleott.
11. The afc demica! and literary infUtucipns
of cur r,. ( i!ntry— May the light of rational
fcieoce :cver he ueferted for the ignusfq
tvus of modern philafophy.
9. J till rewards to patriots—to the fac
tious eondisni punishment.
10, Th<* l ite Governor Sumner—May all
public functionaries leave as rich a legacy
to their fclUw-cttiaejiSj in the example of
th ir prudence, wil'dom a:id virtue.
it. Let the regociation with France ter
minate as it will, may flie di(continue those '
marks ef friend ship and partiality by which !
(he has diflinguilhed us.
12. The lately disbanded army of the U- !
nited States—May we refpeft thejn for the I
lervices they would have performed, had our '
infiduows friends presented a bayonet instead j
of an olive branch.
13. The American Navy.—May it in-f
crease with the insolence of our enemies, nn->
til it ihall acquire strength to take vengeance
upon them.
14. All old, honed and tried patriots,
whether in or out of office.
15. May American Jacobinism be tranf.
ported to France, that Buonaparte may
perform its funeral honors, and give it eter
nal repose in the fame cementary with its
16 The of thi United States
—long crtdit, (hort voyages—good (locks
—great profits and a hearty perseverance in
The mechanic interests ; prompt pay;
conflant employ ; clear estates ; domestic
pleasures, and a zealous support of the go
vernment which prote&s them.
After the Governor bad retired.] — His
Excellen y Governor Strong—Pure, wife,
prudent ai.d patriotic—may he receive, as
justly as Le merits, the confidence of his fel
low-citiz ns.
When g'nerwl Hamilton had ret'te*/.]-Ma
jor-general Hamilton ; So long as our Cou
ftit'uien (hall lad, or public credit be sup
ported, may we refpeft the fupporler of
one, and the founder of the other.
By Gen. Hamilton.—The tawn of Bos
ton ; may it continue to be the Head-quar
ters of good principles.
The ,iext generation.—May they inherit
the liberty of their fathers, and the spirt
and principles of our fa:hers.
The Navy—May the heart of American
patriatifm, be alw,.ys as warm as a sailor's.
The merchants of the United States.—
May they never aft, as the Journeymen of
Jacobit ism ; nor as the Mafterwoi kmea in
the Mazzeian Babel.
To Americans wisdom to discern the
crisis.—Courage to meet it
The Atlantic ocean.—What nature has
put asunder, let no man attempt to join.
On Wednesday General Hamilton vifued
Fort Indepet dence on Caflle liland, iid
yesterday fat out for Portland on the inspec
tion service, The General was escorted to
1 i.ynn, by a cavalcade of citizens.
Gazette Marine Lift,
Brig Gayofa, Gieffcn, New-Orleans ballad
[J. Coulter.
Arrived at the fort.
Sckooner Betsey. Young, Montego Bay
(Jamaica)— Left 20th May -Rtm aad
ExtraS of a letter from New Tori', of yef
terdjy's date, to a gentleman in this city.
'• Since writing you yesterday, we have
been fortunate in f«eing Captain Farmer of
the Mair™aid.:.T-He informs us that he fail
ed from the Pilot ground on the 27th of
June, that he left the India at Laguira, to
fail with three British Indiamen on the 30th
fioce which he heard nothing of them - -He
had letters from CaptaiY Aftinaead, (a d
all tfee American flii, a,) which he threw
overboard. "The fliip Atlantic was at Cal
cutta, and had proceeded in loading so far as
to have her f« 011 board Th.! Mount
Vernon and Perseverance had only arrived
at Calcutta about 20th January. The De-. \
laware wa» not there. The Sam: son. and
Northern Liberties, would f.til soon after
the India, (spy about the 20th February )
Captain F. does not recolleft any other ves
sels under American colours, either at Cal
cutta or Madrafs."
Up at the Coffee-Hou% Bar, and to be
taken away about the 4th July.
Ship Active, M-Dougal, for London
I.ancon, Roper, Liverpool,
C 3" The Letter-bag of the {hip America
Swain, for London, will be-faken from ttie
Coffee-Houfc-an Sai day July 6.
SALEM, M. June 27
Wednesday arrived at the brig
Nancy, Capt. Obe*r, in 56 days from Co
runna. Soon after leaving port was beard
ed by three French frigates, and a brig ot
16 nine pounders, at different times, all
shortly out from Bordeaux ; treated politely,
and permitted to proceed, they having poli
tive Qrders not to snoleft any Americans
whose papers are regular. Was also board
ed by an English frigate, and treated polite
ly. Saw on Sunday la ft, a fliip and schoo
ner Handing to the weft ward.
Arrived at Portsmouth, the brig Oliver j
Peabody, Capt- Chamberlain, 14 days from ,
St. Kitts. Sailed in company with the fchr.
William, Cupt. Bu'lock, of Salem. May
27', arrived there the United States' fbip
■Philadelphia, Captain Decatur ; {loop of war
Petapfco , and (under convoy of the latter)
the brig Florida, with {lores far the ule oi
t'e navy. The Ph ladelp? ia tn;n.
vtiy . v-ittuable lefp/ptuml Ithmirnu. with
prov si us and </ry goiC.s.
Arrived at Newbury port.Wig F;'i«ntJihipj
Greenleaf, a 3 day* from Turin Ulsnii. June
12, in hit. 36, was brought t'co by a Ihip
under. Spriilit cqJprr?| who iinu c-diately af
ter {truck, the Spuifh fh. K :J . h».iW Ell
- colours, and Robbed the FiiendOiip of
dry goods to the amount ct 700 dollars, and
the captain and cr-w of all their siren and
wt-aiing apparel. 'I he captain and ciew ap
peared to be En t liHimen. She mounted 14.
hine pounders, and had about" 30 men, liip
pofed to be ir»to Hrnnyda. Sl,e had ten
Spa nidi pi .loners 011 board, two'of whom
were wonnded.'
NEW-LONDON. Ju:.-e 27. •
Arrived, {hip t harlot te, S. P. Fitch from
Liverpool, 89 days, last from Ireland 63
days. In l,t- 38, O, lorg. 32, 47,-faw a
wreck, appeared tu be about 130 tons,
mostly tinder water, no mast {landing, ap
peared to be a high decked \elTel, no an
chors nor rigging to be fcen. June
in lat. 37, 30,' long. 59, o, spoke the brig
Polly, 6 days from JBofton bound'to De- «
marara. 17th, in lat. 38, o, spoke the
aimed ship Roebuck, Frazier, 77 days
from Loudon for Philadelphia. 23d, in
lat. 40, Icrfig. 68, o, spoke fchoonCr Ha
zard, George M'Lellan, 4 days out for W.
Indies, who very politely supplied us with
Arrived, flosp Eliza, E. Balcy, from
Norfolk, 6 dayB.
Brig Clown, T. Durry, 10 days from St.
Left there, fchooter Somerset, J. Ar
man, to fail 6th June, for Turk's island,
belonging to B ltimore.
NEW-YORK, July 2.
Br'g Independei ce, Hahbtl, Uxurna.
Scbr 1 Favorite, CoVtral, Philadelphia
Ship Olive Branch, Macy psyal
Perfeverince, Moores Liverpool
Adventure, Duplex Dublin
Elrea, Kcbinfon Cuba
Brig Auftiia Sinclair Hivanna
Schr. Goliah, Coffin Jamaica
B- Queen, Hatfield St. Johns
NORFOLK. Jure ?6.
June 24, arr:vrd ii Hampum Rods,
Ship Sally, Captain Dana, havii gjprung
a leak or her p*i{Tage from North Carolina
Dound to Malaga.
, The britj Mentor, Captain Mi rrifon,
which failed from Carclina in c mpany,
bound t ; Cadiz, sprung a It; k at fame
time and is fuppoled to-have made for
G'irham, D«vis, eighteen days
from St : T-h o ir, s.
Schooner Rebecca and Polly, Captain
Hubb'Jl, e'fven days from Nt'w Providence.
June 1,3; hi latitude 3ltmg, 77, spoke ' 1
•the fehoontr Felicity, »f Baltimore, tutn
ty-two dajs out from New York to New
Orleans. Left at New Frr vidence the fchr.
Sally, Captain Ober, to fail for Norfolk in
a few day?.
•i f, •»
Pennsylvania Society of the Cin
KP THE Members are hereby notified
that the Annual meeting of the Society, j
will be held in the State House in Phila
delphia, on the 4th day of July next, at J
I o o'clock in,the forenoon. ,
Members belonging to other {late Socie-'" "n
ties who may be in the city on that day, are
invited to attend the meeting, land to favour
the Society with their company at an en
tertainment, which will be given «t the
City Tavern, in celebration of American J
Independence• Dinner to be on table at
half pall 3 o'clock.
By order,
M. M'CONNELL A. Scc'ry.
June 23 J
Volunteer Greens.
THE Troop will'paradf 011 Friday
I'.ext, the 4th instant, at 10 o'clock in the
fare 11.06n, at the ufnal place on the Banks
of tbe-Schuyllqll,.complet.-ly equipped. — t
Jaly 2, 2t
At Beck's Wharf, tk.' next bow Market St•
Jamaica Spirits
Also, a few Hogsheads of
At No. 17, South Water Street.
July 3.
£ ' 1
To Ironmongers,
Storekeepers, &c.
Japann'd Ware,
Paints, See.
For caft>. r on a (hart credit, at a' >w ,
advance, eitV. r the whrle ir«/.eiHer in lot#
:t& may VicQ iuit tlhe pv:vc"haf is.
I Jii'ty 3. , ti, !is.s tt
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