Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 03, 1800, Image 1

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    Gazette . v United States, & Bally Advertiser.
Nimnvit 2424.]
JCP The price of tb:s Gazette is Eigh :
Dollars per annum to Subscribers residin .
in the city of Philadelphia. All others pi:v
•if Dollar additional, for enclosing an I di
recting ; ,and unless-.- 'me person in this city
will become answerable for the subscription,
it must be paid Six Months in Advance.
*„* No Subscription -will be received for
a shorter term than six months.
December 1 1799.
Trim I—to I.
uich water.
Tuef Say
Of the Ship Criterion, B Wickes, fen. com
mander, from Bengal,
A complete assortment of
SUGARS of the fir!' quality,
No. %i, Peno-ftrect,
This Day Published,
By J. OitMRoD, No. 41, Chefnut Street,
(Price %j Ceott)
Death of General Wajhington.
Ia imimion of th» manner of Ofliaa.
By Xc». Joun H. Link, A. M.
Minister of the Firit Prcibyteriaa Coogrrgiticn
of Philadelphia.
Mr. Ch»udrcn's Oratim will be publilhed
on Monday morning.
March 15. d.
From the BOSTON Manufactory,
a QUAtmrr of
Of different sizes,
N. f Any fixe or Grrt tbtt be wanted cut
larger than tB by it can be hsd Irom said manufacto
ry, on beirg ordered i and attention given toforwatd
on ariy orders that ir.ay be left for that purpose
Apply at No, 9, South Water-firect, as above,
july 8 * dtf
Fifty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Gen. Kidgely of Balti
more, on the »cth inft a light coloured
negro "-an, who calls himfelf WILLIAM
Mc. DONALD ; He is about 14 years of age,
ibout 5 feet 8 Inches high, neat if. his dress, and
has a good suit of hair. H:d on, when he
went away, -a good beaver hat, a lh u rt light
green cloth coat, edged with \ellovr, and yel
low gilt but win —a light buff caflimer, double
breafied -waiflcoat, a pair of dark olive colour
ed thickfett pantal. ons—a white linen Oiirt,
white ribhed cotton ftockingj, and a good pjlr
of Ih jes with tlrinjjs He took with him a
dirk blue coat, a pair of olive cafiimtr panta
loons, and a light corduroy pair of hrerrhes ;
alf ■ a g«ld or pinchbeck watch, with a steel
chain. He is f >nd of fpiritous liquors, la ins -
lent, his a stupid louk, and chews t< baci'o.- -
He was bred in Charlet, county, Maryland, and
purchased of eol. John Thomas by gen. Ridge
ley. Whoever apprehends laid negr.> and le
cures him 111 any jail frt that tie tuvner may
gat him again, (halt r reive the above reward,
with reasonable charges if brought h m#»«ir de
nvcred to Jothiu B. Bond, Philadelphia,
may I <W
Was Taken bp,
ADRIFT, on the 13th inft. a
two-fail Boat, about a* " eft £
with a white bottom, t-; o yeHow ftreakion
her bends, painted red inside. The
°T,.er may have it agiin by applying at >to.
4 1 South Front street, ar.d paying charges.
June aS f wth fa 3t
Bankruptcy Blanks.
USED under the BANKRUPT ACT,as drawn
aDd approved by the Commiffioncrs and the
Hod. Judge as the Diftrid, may he had of
No. 106. south fide of Market-ftrcet,
Where I e bas opened sos sale,
Particularly Paper arid Quills.
June 14 sw&s
OF abilities, integnt • and experience in
mercantile bufinef-, would willingly en
gage as CLERK to a merchant or public oi
e, or ! e concerned with any person ,is patt
ner, as he has an interdict' about one thou and
pounds in re'al estate iti the city. Please tf> ap
ply to the Prj.r-.ter ;or 5 line left at office
j,,r B. Y. will be attended to immediately.
May 10 d3t in&th tf
AH AWAY from ihe fnbfcribcr, on t l l
t V morning of Saturday the 19th inila..t, a an
Servant Man, na-Tstd v 'llks, hut cn'r.moniy
John-, he is a- ut s,l year» old, 5 feet S
!sclis3 !-igh, flenrfer and knocked kneei; be it a
dark, has thick buihy hair, which he
commonly wear* and ttlrbed up be
hind ; his face is thin, but appears more i<> from
having large whiflccrs; h« had on when h \vtir
iwry, t. r tipl hat aboaf ha'f T7">m, whits mufliu
j ravat, a brown fe«qnd hand ccat with fafaiona
iiic m*tal button*, a bl .ck silk waiftco't, with a
I white one underneath, par.t-alaons of a greyifti
cloti; with I uttobs at the ancles, striped cotton
ftcckiugs and shoes He may have changed these
cli.thes, but it is not lilfily, as he has left all his
others behind him lam t*lda General
Rjdgeiy's, with whwm h- was intimate ras-away
on sunday morning ; it is not improbable but they
are together. \Vifks is from Chester-town on the
eafiern Ihore of this state, .where he lived with a
mr. Jeremiah Nichols who fold him to me. I have
good reason to believe ho has gone to Philadelphia.
The above reyird wi!J be given to any person
who may lodpe him in jail at that or any other
place, and give tr.e or mr Joseph S- Lewis of Phi
ladelphia notice of the fame.
He is an excellent house fervart, and if in Phi
ladelphia will probably offer himUlf to hire in that
H. If.
9 *9
- 10 3
11 it
i« SS
o 39
• 1 46
» i*
3 S\
4 3 6——7 44
4 36 7 *4
4 37 7 *3
4 37 7 *3
- 4 37 7 *3
- 4 3? 7 »*
4 3? -7 **
4 39 7 »'
CONSISTING nf two handsome dwelling
lioufes, with excellent ftahling for seven horse»,
double coach-house mofl completely fitted up j a
beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled
with choice fruit, surrounded with high board
fence, altnoft new. The premises arc beautifully
fimated near the middle of Germantown, sur
rounded with rich profpe<9.» of the adjacent
country ; an orchard of about two.acres, with a
handsome lawn at tht back of the houle.
One house has been recently built on an appro
ved plan j the other has beec completely repaired,
painted and papered,' anil contain tec rooms with
an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty
The new house is well calculated for a (lore in
either the dry or -ret good line. ,
Th# air and water are unrivalled, arid there are
fomc mod excellent schools in the neighborhood.
For particular! enquire of the Printer, or of
Mk. potter,
orrihe premifei.
May 9. dtf
L.anding from the ship America, Walte.
Sims, Commander, from Canton,
So'jchorig, ift & znd quality',
Caper souchong,
Young liyfon,
Myf n, ift & ad quality,
1 perul,
Yellow & white nankeens )
Lutcftrings, black & color'd ( In Boxes
Sinlhawj do. f sff.Tted,
Sattins do. j
Lufeitriitgs, rnaz. blue & dark green") ,
Siwfhaws C
Persian taff-tas, dark green J »oxes.
They bate also on baud for sale, received bv
tbi late arrivals from Europe, ife.
llt r na !;>»ck•
Striprd and checked ginghanis i agft affined,
White l.gurcd & cclof'd Muf- ' calculated for
l'Bctts £the Weft-in-
Wliite corded diniities I dfa market 8
Color'd f:lk, Itrip.J Nankeena | entitled to
J d! a whack,
14 Trunka printed Calitoe»,
? :'.i- da. ")
■ e twine rEntffted U
10 Caf«s Englifli Ch ; Cdri
tk ware
in tea I'ftis
j Casks mineral Hack,
I do. white,
10 d>. cHcothrr,
Cnfks purple I r.iwn,
,?5 dn. ad' ricd,
P do I. nd 'H poi ter in b«***
Enc ifh fad can as, Nc. •• , ,
Rl flia dutfc, - ' *
»7 p. xrs ""i i;t I'avinna Tugir,
JJ '"'.sold Ms'k-ira wi: e,
>np w er,
Eir.; '' wire -rttles,
20 Gwiis, 6 pcuiiders,
11 do. 9 do.
18 do. 9 do. with carriages, Ac.
i 8 j,ccclbs. Cerib ">ii coffee, lit
quality f Entil!ed tt
jo.ooolbs. Mack pepper f drawback.
io eboi.y
May Is. m& vtf
ALL perf. 11s who have any demands agaioft
thesftateof WILLI \M FISHER, are desired
to bring isi \heir accounts to the fr.bfcriber, in
order that they may be > iftiiargid ; and all
pcrfons who are Indebted to faici efface by con
trail, bond, bill, honk debt, for rent or other
wise, are required to difchaipe the fame, other
wife theyteiy expe£i to be proceeded againit
. according to law.
A'ltnini/rritor to the estate of William F : (her
June x; w sm
A CERTIFICATE of four .- bares .if the
Bank-ol the United States in the name of
Riekharn 6r lietfe, No 3593, fVr. the renewal
of which application is intended to be made at
the fa:d Bank, and all persons concerned are de
sired to take notice.
May 8. d3in
l'ifty Dollars Result d.
Baltimore, April it—(ls)
A Valuable and singularly eligible
By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street.
Apiiii. 21, ißqo,
"P"'!V' I ; " " OTICF. is heriby'given, in pur
f r cos the ail of > rtls, parited «n
the ' Jay i)i March, of a tif uand eight
him ,i, Intiluti l'• An.acl iii tuition to an
ai\, intituled, an ail regulatii.)* i-iants of
br-.d appropriated for milita <",.'ervicri, ardfor
'-e • 'aty of I. I 'nited »«.%!*«*» for pro; a
gating tJ*e Gol'pei among the Heathen," as fol
lows ;
ift. All the fradlioml parts of the quarter
townships adjoining tolhe Indian boundary line
of the trail of land referred to in said ail,
except the fradliotial quarter townships num
ber four in township number seven of range
number twenty : AlTo, all the fiailtioiial parts
of the quarter townships adjoining to the river
Scioto, except the quarter townships number
one a-d four, in township numberiow? of range
number nineteen ; the quarter townships num
ber two ar.:! three «f township number three,
in range number aineteen ; and the quarter
townships number or.e and four in township
n'imber_/fa>f, of range number twenty ; toge
ther with th ejifty quaiter townships hereafter
dtfcribed, are reserved to be located, for the
original holders of warrants granted for mili
tary f?rvices, or their heirs, in lots of one hun
dred acres, pursuant to the ail above recited.
ad. The following is a description of the fifty
quarter townships referred to in thi preceding
article and which were designated by lot in the
presence of the Secretary i«f War, pursuant to
the lilaboi-e recited •
S: * A® tc 51 7® 5"
§I-S§ • S 3 r
o<3 a a X) cte aS
3" : 3 J' 3 <>- $
*? ? ? "5-' 3
11362 l 10 1 2
8 2 62 3 4
84 73 81
10 1 8 2 11 6 1
2 J 3 83 81
3 4 7 4 %! i 13 8 4
5 1 6 1 15 1 3
3 72 22
311821 73'
7 1 2 3 7 4
72 4 3 16 2 4
84 51 3 4
4 4 3 7 3 61
IO 3 9 3
5 3 3 9 I 3 74
7 J 7 4 17 7 4.
9 i 3 9 4
3d All the lands in each of fte above fiftv
3d All thr lands in each of fte above fifty
quarter towr.fhip?, aid in the fractional parts
•f quarter tewnlhfp* before described, hare
heen divided upon tlie refpe£b«e plats thereof,
>1 returned by the Surveyor General, into as
many lots of one hundred acres each, as the
quantity such quarter tovnfhip or fradlion is
lt»ted to cont3in will admi', in the manner
pointed out and required bv the above recited
4th. Thr- plats iTivided as aforefai€ i to ots
of one hundred acres are si pofiiedlr the Jof
fice of the Register tif the Trpafury u here the
locations are to be nude ; and upon <urrender
isp the warrants w! 1.3> lhall be tkus located,
patents will be i;lued is the manner and upoa
the conditions preTcrihed by law,.
pbia the day and year above
Secretary of tb Treasury.
—jaw 3 in,
April 11
Such of the Judgement Creditors
AS are included in thfc affignißent 1. ad? by
him to 1 homas Fitzfim ns, Bnij min R.
Morgan and Jeremiah Parker, El'tjuirt-, on
the twenty-feventK day of January and tile
twenty.fifth Upy of A pr}l 1797, ai.xl mean to
rely on the fame for f-caring their debts, are
hereby notified that we the fubteribcrs, by
virtue of the authority given- to us by a gene
ra! meeting of the said on the nd
day ' f March !alt, do require a contribution
of fevrn and a hiss percent, on the amount cf
their several demands from each of the said
creditors, inorder to rritnbur'j the monies al
ready iQr , sxf9j t0 thofe now
j'uC, and about to bqcume due, to defray other
incidental expellees, and procure a suitable
agent to dispose df the lands to the heft advan
tage. Any of the said creditors neglefliog to
pay tl e fame to George Thomfoi:, No. 131,
Marknt-ftreet, Philadelphia, on or before the
fifth day of July next, will be exciuded from
any lhare of the m'niesarifipp from the faleof
the lands mentioned in the laid alignment.
Sattfuel M, Fox, ~) Truflees on behalf
William Cbtincel'.or, > of the
George Thomson, J aforefaid Creditors.
May ii. mwth&stsJy
WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump,
&c. &c. The /. hole containing 17 seres,
situate on the Wifihkon road, between the
third and fourth mile stone—Maybe purchased
on rtafonable terms. —Two thirds of 'he pur
chafe money may remain (feiured on the pre
mises and on interest) during three years
h'c'i 114. South E.wh-ftreet, the Hub
fciiher, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the
prcmifes, or at N« 4 WaliVijMiret-t.
June 13. mwf tf.
fj* QB a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of the
United States, No. 381S in the name of John
Holmes, Jnn. has been lost or miflaycsi and for th?
Renewal t f which application iia s brec made at
laid Bank, of wbich ail concerned are ddVred to
take notice.
May 1 j.
A fajhionable
Horse and Gig
F O R S A L E.
*he Horie y.-ung, and the Gig as good as
new. Apply to the Editor.
N.B. NEW WATCHKS will be taken in
payment at a fair wholcfale price.
'rnie n.
English Fashionable Hats.
NO. 136, MARKEtf-aiRESr,
HAS julV opened a few Cafeslof Gentlemen' B
fine London HATS, fu-itahle for the prefen*
season, which' hi is now felling on reasonable
Jane 17. t»th&slw
Clock & Watch Maker,
To No. 36, Market Street,
, Where he has for Sale,
Spring and other Clo«ks ; gold and silver
Watches; Tools, Files and Materials ; steel
and gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs,
&c. &c.
Repaired as usual.
June 3 tu&f tf
Just sxmved)
Of the Ship Canton,
Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton,
Bohca 1
Souchong I
Hyson Skin s TEAS.
Young Hyson |
and Hyson. J
Sow \ nankeens.
Sugar of ill quality
China Waie.
An afTortment of Sili-.s.
No. 21, Per.n Slrect.
April 14. d.
About 25 acres of Land,
LAYINO -"n the of the fall* Roarl.—
On the East it it bounded by projirut ■ bslooff
i»g to Mr. Ten-ch Francis, fcti the south, by
a road of two perches, ar d or. the noitli by a lane,
which I parates it from Mr. M'Oall. It i* propo
se J to dividethi* land into 3 equal part* in order
to fait the purcfcalers.
Aifo, 3r acres, fifuated n the weft Me of
Germs ntrwn roid, adjcinfcg MafteM'a eftite,
Iscir.j part of th# property of the late Samual
For term 1 apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner oi
Market and nth ilreetJ.
January 54. dtf.
LOST or mislaid Moore Wlaartons note, dated
lßth V!: y last, payable in sixty days to Jacob
Downing, and by him indors'd for three hundred
eif!- ty eight dollars and fj verity three c-nts —pay-
ment being ftop'd at the several Bank',it can be
«f no ule, but to the owner—Any person having
found the farm, (hall receive a Aiitable reward, by
leaving it at No. 119 NLI til Water Street.
June 17 dtf
Clerk wanted for Saint- Peters Church
Apply to Thomas Cumpfton.
No, 24 South Third-Street.
May 19.
Mail Stages.
ON the ift ps July next, the Mail Stages
will leave Hardy's Inn and the Uriited
States Mail Stage i-ffice, opposite the Poll-office
in Philadelphia, every day 3t
8 A, M. and arrive at Evans' tavern in Balti
more, the next day by 6 A. M- in 21 hours.
Leave Evans' tavern eveiy day at 8 A.M. and
arrive at Wafbington City by 5 P. M.
Leave Washington City every day Sunday ex
cepted, at 8 A M. and arrive at Baltimore by
SP. M. Leave Baltimore the next morning at
3 A. M. and arrive at Philadelphia the fame
day by 10 P- M.
Fare for Passengers.
From Philadelphia to Baltimore, 8 dollars.
Baltim* re to Washington City, 3 ,?o
Wajhington Ctjr, June 21, 1800.
June 16, >Boo, daw
OLD Long Primer,
Small Pita on Pica Body,
Engllft, Chafes, Stick", and a great
variety of articles necelTSry to carry ■ n the jpf in
ing Bttfinrfs. They will be fold cheap tor ca(h
Apply to the Printer,
may 19,
A Printing Press.
Apply at the Office of the Gazette
the United States.
i V V '* ?
RAN AWAY ]*rorr, 'he fubfcriher, on th a l#th
ofjnneinft TWO .NEGRO £ERV -.NTS}
riz a negro wc-mar. name J i-ar. a Mu'vT wo»
man and cook, ft . : at fifty twe years
tall and wfJI lhapc !, ©f a black connexion. She
J* - h«d teeth those oi'h r under jaw ?r.*mucb
<l>fcolourt-J ai d prrjeA a good d*al,« inij h.s*
full head of woftly hsir—a very cross forbidding
countenance, is very impertinent, and 1 ughs and
t. Iks loud. Pa: wa- b.otn in Soutk Carolina, and
speak* bad Eng.iih, with the f\egro diale.dl. She
has on the upper j art of her breast, two pretty
large lumps of fielh refcrpblmg, Wens, or iather
with the appearance of rhe marks ol a hum. She
carried away with her several change-os cloaths,
and gowns of white n ufliti, and cf coloured and
figured printed.cottons faftiionabJy made up. She
also carried away with her,
strong made girl, of a ihort ltature, and round
mouldered • appearing f>« about 14 years of
age. Clara has large flaring ey'a?, a flat nose, an
oval flat face, her under jaw pr< jcdling a little,
and good teeth She is very artlul and impu
dent, has a great fluency of speech, uses good lan
guage, and has been taught to read —Shi* !as the
appearance of rirg wor >s on her left cheek and
chin ; the {kin n lpots appearing much paler than
the reft ol her complexion, which is much lighter
than her toother's—-r ? er tair isftiort
She wore a pink grounded printed cotton with a
small black figure, with lore caffs.
Alio ran way, on Wed; efday the nth infl.
June, DICK ani --MELI Y. Djck, or as he fcas
lately called himfelf, Richar »Veavcr. is a huufe
fervant, —he >sab< utj feet 7 inches high, rattier
fowfl*, w about i~ v rs oj£f, of a gaojt
smooth, black cdmpUxioi:— a 4 s. flit nose, with
very large open nostrils He carried his head
aijd neck ai if he were;ftifFin the neck and (houl-
ders ; which arc high and tolerably (quare, and his
neck ftiort—-his Lgs are straight i>ut small and
illy made, with scarce ar.y calf He has ha bad
teeth, is left handed, and exceedingly awkward
he has a full head of wooly hair, which he pi tits
and drefles to the heft advantage. Hi* is,
small, his fptech commoly mild and flow and his
manner* appear extremely Ample, hut he i at
bottom an artful kr and when to is
very apt to b pafliona e and imperti ent. Dck
is a native of South-Carolina, and speaks bad
English—he (educed and carried'away with him
Amelia, who he Called his wife.
Amelia is a very complete, well inftru&ed la
dies maid, murh below the comm n stature and
of a small make—hcrcomplcxi n :ha* of dark
mulatto or tnellizoe, nenrly rcfembijng that ol the
Lascars of India, with Mack curling hair, and a
very low forehead—-• her r!ght eye has a gre; t
weakness, owing to jth f'ma!l pox in her iniancy—
under her eye* very Hack—a flar face, flat broad
nose, with fcarcc any ri&ng a' tfu- bridge; a la\ge
mouth, with thick lips, and good flrong teeth.
On the nape of her neck flit has the marks of a
Seton Dr-. fie* with taste, anM imitates the French
ttyle; is very fenflMe, and iXjrreffes herfelf well.
She took wirh hf-r a variety ot clothes, fafhion
ablynnde—fheha*frr more than two years pad
liable to fit*, which at times givs her a wiU
nefsin «ur eyes—h' r health is generally delicate—
flic is at likely to encreufe her family, and is
about 22 years ol age. —ftie can hair, clear
March, has p. title for millinary artd mantua-ma
king; an-; as she t« very ing- u«, ran turn her
hancf to any thing and may pr.-bahjy offer herfelf
to some milliner er mantua maker as a work
woman. As'rttrrlia has heretofore been ?. great
favourite of a ve>ry indulgent mistress and 'tis
believed has been led away !y the perfuafc n of
h< r paramour Dick, it she will return to m*», flic
will be forgiven anti Seated with the fame ten*
dernefs flie his alwaynreceived
FIFTY DOLLARS Reward for each will be
paid for the delivory of Pat and Clara to the
iubferiber, or to any goal in the United States, so
thatl mry get posT fiion of then>—One Hundred
Dollars each for Dick and Amelia, on the like
dchvery. _The .futyci iher warns all ma'flcr
of vefTels, from taking: thefc Runaway servants
from the United States, and lequefts such
of his friends and acquaintance as it may not suit
t<rlaireft them, to give information, ftould they
hear of either of the ftiglrivv<T, r ttTfjil?nwiWa#
by letter dire&od to the post office. Philadelphia.
which will find him, wherever he may pass tie
fnmmer, or to the Printer of the Gazette «f the
United States, who will cotsln unit ate it to a
friend in Philadelphia to afl on his behalf.
JAGOo H L'.AD, m
Of South-Carolina, corner of Fourth and
Umon*streets, Philadelphia. A'
June 25. w&s 5t
HIS Swedish Majesty's Consul Oeneral, and au
thorized to tranfadl the Consular uufinefs,
for his Majefly the King of Oenoiaak in the, United
States of America, residing at Philadelphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That in obedience to recent inflruilior.s received
from his government, it i« the du'y of all Ma'.ers
of Swcriifh and Damfh velfel», beJ< r- their failing
from any port in the (aid States to call up.qp him
or the Vice Conl'ul in orier to l.c granted such
Certificates for their Cargoes, which the eiigency
of the slate of the Neutral Commerce an < tliefe
veral Decrees of the Belligerent Powers, render*
indifper<ab!y neceflary, and, that any Master cf
vessels iitlongmg to the relpf Slve nations, < r na
vigating under the prote&ion of their flags, in
omitting to take such csrrffitatf*, will pertonally
ftaod retponfiMe for the Vonfequcntei.
Philadelphia, ißtbl> ccmVer, 1799.
AVAILABLE aii'i uolirab:e Rflatc, situated
en the river Saritan •:> Jersey, near Somer
fct Court Hc use, i6 r .iiles Iron and
18 tr Frit cetw. ;• I :.:'uiing ol ~'J{ wtr-isol 700
acres eijuiliv dlyuied int.) niea.v,u l
wood la" '; the v. hole «ith't: a ring fe .cc ; tie
-k si..' c Vc'.ai a '.l. an fa,' to tfee
fiz" of the f : ; then « a plfnitjr'.e ot game,
v'fth a goto.', flsxl filh ry. Tlu «Cat« ii row in
■he hainl of Mr :..r,ry Waffy.
Fjirtbt-r partieiuat-3 may 1- e ' .u>vii of
cj- Gun-i-n-a
JAetthai.ts, Phi .; 1 h Ha,»fid r{
Of Fir. RICH \KD f()TTEi.t, '
Orj.>i tl.. Tetijit 01; the premiCjj
May 9
c ••
[Vote.up. svlll.