Gazette of the United States, & daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1800-1801, July 02, 1800, Image 2

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The Debt of the United States,
FOREIGN DEBT, due Ih Amftr.rdam arid Antwerp,
guilders - - - 26,900,00 c at 40 cts.
Premiums payable on tlie'ioan
9th March, 1784
DOMESTIC DEBI\ Exclusive of ibe sums passed to
tie credit of tbo Sinking Fund, viz.
Six per cent Stock Dols, 50,087,650 J
Amount passed to the credit of the! . 0 . /;«.
Sinking Fund j 1,841,607 9
Dedfl ft inftalmrntt reireburfed to the
cUe of 1799 * ■
Amount to, be reimbursed
Deferred Stock ...
Amsunt paflld to the credit of the fink
ing fund •'
Three per cent Stock - « 19,701,545 1
Amount pafled to the credit of the.
Sinking Fund
Five and one half per cent. Stock
Amount pnfTjd to the crrdit of the
Sinking Fund ...
Four end one half per cent. Stock
Six per cent. Sock per act of s\st May 1796
Six per cent. Navy St ck issued
Six per cent. Navy Stock to be issued
Eight per cent. Stock issued in 1799
Total arrount of the unredeemed capitals of the Foreign and Domestic
Funded Debt on the ill of January, 1800 -
Sums obtained 6f the Bank of the United States, in
anticipation of the Revenue, at 5 per cent.
Sums obtained at fix per rent. ...
Sums due on the Subscription Loan for Stock
3 640,000
Drduft the cafl «f mo fharti owned bj tlte United State* *
Debt of the United States, January 1, 1800
Statement of Debts contracted under the present Government of the
United States, and of Debts of the late Government discharged, viz.
j4 per cent (li>ck iflued f,>r an equal amornt due to France - 1,848 gOO
44 per cent ilork, ditto do. - - - 176 000
6 per cent (Wk per aft of 31ft May, 1796 - 8c,o«o
t>lavy fti>ck iffutd and to be ifTued, - ... 929,200
8 per cent Itock, - - - - - 5,000,009
Temporary Loans,
Deduft Bank Shares,
Amount of Debts Contrafled,
Forri;»n debt, Jar.mry I (I, 1791
Ditto January 1, 180©
6 per cent flock purchased or redeemed,
3 per cent ditto do.
Deterred (lock ditto do.
per cfßt stock, - ...
Reimbuifement of the 6 per cent stock to the close of 1799
Amount of Debts Discharged.
Comparative state of the Treasury, with reference to the Public Debt
on the id day of January 1790, and the ifl: day of January,
X 800. . Dolls. Cts.
Catti 111 the Treasury, January I, 1800 - - - 1,161 867 67
Remittances to Holland in 1799, exceeding a sum fufficient to fatisfy all
demands for principal and interest which became due prior to January
i, 1800, being Guilders 1,373,389 11 15, equal to
Ca(h in the Treasury, January I, 1790, - -
Ca(h received fpr debts due to the Ui.ited States, contracted under the late
government at sundry times, prior t« January 1800 ...
Debts ot' the late government paid in specie at the Treasury during tlie .
year 1789, and included in the amount of said debts Rated to have been
difcltarged under the prrfent government, - - '•
Balances of Registered Debt for which appropriation* have been made,
yet unclaimed hy individuals, - ...
Balances due to Foreign Officers remaining uncla med,
Tbe excess of Funds acquired by thepre'ent government to the ift Ja
nuary. 1800, ab«ve the sum in the Treasury on the ift January 1790,
the sums received for debts due to the late government, and the un
fatiafied appropriations above mentioned, was, therefore
The amount of Debts of the late government discharged in specie at the
Treasury, during the year 1790, and inclu 'ed in the amount offaid
debts, stated to have been difcbarged by the present government is
The sum of dols 150.229 and 24 cents in specie of the prorludt of reve
nue, wa« expended in the latter part of the year 1790 in the purchase
of the Domestic Delit'ef the United States, which procured in dif
ferent flocks a ca ital ot - -
Amount of the Debtof the late government extinguished in the year '9O 5 18,414 8
Estimate of the neat value of the Bonds for Duties on Imports remaining
uncollected at the close of the year 1799, deducing Drawbacks and
Expences of Colle&ion. Do's. Cv-
The gross amount of duties secured in 1796, amounted to * 12,581,167 i*
Ditto ditto '797 i - * 12,866,984 69
Ditto ditto 1798. - 11,402,185 17
The adual revenue of >766, was - - 8,740329 6j
Ditto 1797, - - • 8,758,78 a 99
Ditto . 1798, - - 8,179,'79 8*
The bonds outllanding at the close of the year 1796, amounted to 6,484.907 20
Di to ditto ' ' '797» - 10,126,052 12
Ditto ditto 1798, - - 9 349»5 2 7 2 9
The accounts of the last year have not be?n fettled it may however b«
presumed, that the bonds at the close of the year 1799, were equal to
the amount stated for 1798, and from the foregoirg data, that their va
lue may be estimated at - * 6,000,000
Treasury Department, Register's Office, April 28th, 180 c.
I CERTIFY, That the foregoing statements of the Public Debt of the United Statesi
at sundry periods prior to, and on the ift January 1800, are made from th« records ot
this Offi e. JOSEPH NOUIiSE,' Regilter.
Dols. Cts.
38,246,042 96
3> 21 5»575 37
25,030,467 59
14,649,320 21
- 966,376 4
13,086,708 17
19.086,708 j4
614,835 47
I 847.5*0
, 80 oo*
109 so*
8 o 00
5,000 o»o
i ,840 000
13.3*34*7 8 7
10-ft) 000
Dols. Cts.
65,831,810 30
76,651,810 30
4«0 OOC
2.75 »,000
79 403. bio 30
• 2 752 COO
1.514-437 8 7
1,841,607 9
614,836 47
966 376 4
1 40D
3 ,2, i«575 37
8,164 *s* 8 4
S4 a 95S H
2.7'® Bj 3 ! l
61,586 74
's'9 2 7 '3
61,405 95
3®>779 23
» i«J I'J *5
Dollars - 2,710.823 51
239.756 78
278,687 30
NASSAU, (N. P.) May 20.
On Sunday last arrived the American
schooner Greyhound, with flavej from the
coast of Africa, by which we hare receiv
ed the intelligence of an Englilh squadron
of frigates having taken Goree trom the
French. The fame day captain Hunter
(he failed in March last, for the coast of
Florida returned.) having loft his vessel,
which wa» taken by the Spanith gaUtys
cruising on that station.
His majesty's fliip Hinde, capt Larcom
destined to have failed to-morrow, as a con
voy to the merchants fleet, bound to En
gland received damage in the
thunder Itorm (hi morniug. Hir main
mast and main topmast were (hiveted to
pieces by the lightning. The departure of
the fleet, will ntctffarily be impeded until
che (hip can receive the necessary repairs.
A sloop bound for Exumf. has had her
mast split in pieces ; and we understand
that the ft >rm has occasioned considerable
damage to more of the (hipping, and to
f«veral of the houses in town.
June 17.
On Sunday came into the offing, his ma
jesty's (hip La Decade, captain Ruther
ford, from a cruize, (he has been out at sea
fiom Jamaica about three m»nths, and her
provision being nearly exhanlUd.
The La Prompte has sent into this port,
an American brig, prize, bound from Vera
Cruz, with mo ey on board, as is said, to
the amount of 50,000 dollars.
We are sorry to announce the captu e of
two privateers, the Hope- captain Davis,
and the Eagle, captain Whitehead, both of
th s port, who were accidentally grounded
in attempting to capture the enemy—a
king's vessel, carrying 18 guns. We have
also to lament the death of both captains of
our pri/ateers, and a number of brave men.
Ii is further dated that the bpani(h captain
was killed in the aAion.
NEW-YORK, July t.
General Hamilton arrived in town yes
terday afternoon from the Eastward. It
must afford real pleafure,to every true friend
of his country to learn that the greatest
attention has been paid him on his late
tour—The papers from the Eastward are
filled with high encomiums on, and ac
counts of, entertainments given to the ge
neral, which we shall mofc particularly no
tice in our nest Gazette.
ThePrcGdent of the United State* pass
ed through this city on Tuesday last, on
his way to B aintrec, Massachusetts.
' Price Current, Ne v>-Brunt Vtick.
Wheat, per bushel, - 14'
Ryt, - - 6s 9d
Corn, ' 7s
Oate, - • 3s 9d
Butter per lb. - - is ad
Country haras, - iod
Bank of North-America,
Juj.r 1, 1800.
A T a Meeting of the Direitors this day, a
t \ of Five f«r Cint. wji declared
for the last half year, which will be paid tf the
St<>ckhr>! ten or their representatives any time
after the 10th inft
By Ordr of the Board,
H. DRJNKEK, Jun. Cafliier.
July i-
fn the Pomona, from Liverpool, and for falei
Ironmongery, Sadlery, Cutlery,
B r ass fc? Japan'd Wares,
Per th« Brutus and Penelope, via N, York,
allotted in cases, and
PINS in Boxes—-Br
No. 39, North Front street.
June 16 dim
Public Notice
IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in pursuance of the
power r served to each party in the articles of
co-partnerfliip, bearing date the 3 1 ft day of July,
between Hi-nry Houghton and John Whitefides,
thefaid co-partnerfcip, carried ran under the firm
of John Whitefi es & Company is
Edward Edward: 1 Attornies
(harlei B. Young J- for
Joseph S. Lewis J H. Houghton.
June 30. dtf.
Ten Dollars Reward.
FROM York Town on the ».td inft.. JAMES
HENDERSON, lately a Serjeant in the loth
Regiment, and since enlisted as a Serjeant in the
Marine Corps, of the following defcriptinn.—
He '8 about five feet fix inches high, brown hair
and fair compl xion He is an adive fellow and
brags much of his abilities as a Drill Serjeant.
He has been lately seen in Lancafler, and is ; ro
bably with his iriends, who live about 4 miles
from that plaee.
The above reward will be given and all expell
ees paid, on delivering him to any officer in the
frrvice of the United States, cr lodging him in
Adjutant Marine Ctrfs.
Philadelphia, June 10. daw.
Baltimore ana New York Mail
Stage Office
IS removed Irom No 13 South Fourth street, to
No. 18 South Third Orect..
An Office for those stages is also fcopt at mr.
Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market street.
General Pcft Office, April »8.
Gazette of the United States.
Philadelphia, JUNE a?.
8 per C«nt Stock for cash 105 t« p. ct
Six per Cent. do. 84 f S
Navy do. do. til t >j?
Three per Cent. do. 51 \
Deferred, - do. 80 ' —<
B4HK United States, do. 30 )
Pcnnfylvania, do, 27 >
North America, do. 50 j *
(nfurance eomp. N.A.iharea 9 per cent, below
—— Pcnfylvania, (hares, 30 per cent. adv.
East-India Company of N. A., 7 per cent advance
Land Warrants, 35 dolls, per 100 acres.
Bills on l.on. at 30 days for cash 17 1 i» per cf
Do. do. 60 days do. 170 a. IJI do.
Do. do. 90 days do
Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 33 1.3 a 34 cts
per Mark Banco
D». in AmlUrdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per
Extract of « letter from an American gentle-
man at St. Kits.
" I have just arrived here from a Guada
loupe prison, where I have been plundered
and insulted in the mod barbaroui manner.
Judge of my feelings, when I found four of
our cruizers in this port, where, however, 1
have since learned, they all had budnefs, and
will be off soon on their cruizing ground.
" The United States should own about
15 or Jo m«»re brigs and small Blips (16 to
18 guns), and by keeping mult of them on
the Guadaloupe (lation, prote&ed by two or
more large fripates, the pirates would soon
be entirely cut up, and imnienfc fuins
acquired «nd saved, by French prizes and re
captured Britilh and American veflels."
The report of Mr. JefFerfon's deatfc ap
pears to be entitled to ibjne credit.
Duane, who has the reputaticn of being
tolerably expert in the arts of design, is
Iketching a political print, to be called
" The Libeller Convi&ed, or an inside view
of a Prison."—There is a fort of savage
wildntis in this pi&ure, in the manner of
Salvator Kola, and the Banditti, by which
the convift is surrounded, have the most vil
lainous and lago countenances.
Wanted for the Aurora service. Three
fellows without ears, two with backs Di
gram from the beadle, one traitor, 'and a
couple of deists.—None need apply, but
who can come well recommended from New
gate or their lalt place.
N. B. Any young imp of sedition, who
would make a tolerable Devi!, may have
every thing found him, except his washing.
Ftr lit CiJiWi »/ tit UxirtD Sririt.
■ ■< 1
RETIRING from the vulgar crowd
Of upstart rich, of meanly proud,
PiCKlriho, awhile atttnd.;
Unenvy'd in thy humble sphere,
Thou may'lt without fufpictcn hear
The praises of a friend—
Par who in these difccrning days
On fallen Statesmen lavifli praifc ?
W ho, flatt'ry on the poor ?
What venal, calculating rnufe
A fault in vice exalted views,
A good in worth obfeure ?
Let envy o'er thy laurels gloom.
Let fenfeiefs vanity refumt
What Walhington conferred;
Let mean caprice or wounded pride
Hope in the dust thy fame to hide,
And mix thee with the herd.
Vain trappings these, a thin disguise
Impnfing but on vulgar eyes,
Obscuring na ure's plan I
Wor», they but dazzle and deceive :
Stript nif, iu stronger hght they leave
The lineaments of man.
Freed from the glare of rank and place,
In unadnrn'd arid native grace,
They now appear tonfeft s
The ardent mind, the judgment wife
The foul elafiic, quick to rife
More strong, the more comprcft ;
Superior still tn fortune seen,
Adlive in good, in bad serene.
Pursuing right alone —
These, tho' the temped press thee down,
Tbo' faiflinn rave, tho' A s frown,
These still are all thy ow«.
Let vulgar mind> with' senseless joy
Prefer, tho' mix'd with base alloy,
The bright deceitful com.
The experienc'd fcge will still oxplere
Pure, unalloy'd, the virgin ore
That glitters in the mine.
A correspondent observes, that pride, and
the indolence of party f irit, does more in
jury to the cause of tederaHsm than moll
people are aware of, as being the great cause
of the want of union and energy ; while tr.e
anti Jed- aiists are united as one man from
New Hampshire to Georgia. Let us en
deavour to make this thing some hat intel
ligible. Ihe former are it) poffelTion of the
government and resources of the country.
1 he latter have been long emieavouriag to
get pofTeffion ; a'd it is always an easy mat
ter o fuppprt an oppofrtion to n««d laws,
becauCe they are a rtftraint < n the licentious
This ought to excite vigilance in the pof
feflors ; but they trust to »ne another, aft with
fupinenefs, and appear, at least a great pro
portron of them, to feel as frcure as people
in a garrifun in time of pe ce.
Men of talents will not employ their pens,
and individuals are above advising but with
a fele& few, and some of whom may per
haps be badly chofes. There is not (hat in
tercourse and freedom of communicatioa,
which is abfolutely.necefiary for aright uu
derft uding'tof thef'deral interests.
It is proper that men in public flation*
fliould be corre&lv informed refpeifting the
operation of the Sws and meafur.-fc of gov
ernment ; but in order to obtain that infor
mation with mo e certainty, they (hould a
void all unneceflary reserve.,
It is true, General Washington did not
appear to m x mui h with the world, but he
always had people about him, both when
in military and civil life, who were capable
of giving the best opinions, and on whom he
could rely ; and his found judgment enabled
him to compare and draw just conclufiq'fli.
It was remarked of Colonel Hamilton when
in public office, that he took uncommon
pains to obtain the opinions of men of in
formation on certain measures before he a
dopted them : audio colltft the public sen
timent. He knew mankind, and u mud
be supposed that hi* long acquaintance with,
ai d intimate knowledge of a Wafliington,
was no disadvantage to him.
Mr. Wayne,
The popular Burletta of Midas has been
long in vogue, and its ?afy and humorous
airs have been funi> by our Grandmothers.
Every one remembers the jocund song of
the 6ld (hepht-rd
• Since you mean to hira fer service
" Come with me, you jolly d»g, &c."
Let it be Darodied and, instead of the (hep
herd and his man, let the interlocutors be
Dunne, and Callender.
P Since you mean to climb my garret,
Come with me, you lousy dog,
Squalling n:>nfcnfe, like a parrot
Railing, lying, drinking grog
With three cents your landing wages,
You fliill fcur»i!y be fed;
Cowhtel, oi-chetk lights and liver,
Skimmed milk and mouldy bread.
Come, strike hinds, you ragged rover,
When from Newgate once you flie,
When Aurora's labors < ver,
You ihail booze in Gin with me.
C——. Done. "rike bands I take your offer ;
The /don ftdi is rather worse;
Zounds I ca:. no logger fnffer
<inerapty piu irh, and empty purse. '
The following articles are from late London
papers. A 8 they relate to our own coun
try m n, the" w 11 be read with pleasure
by those, who patriotically rejoice in the
good fortune of their fellow-citizens.
Defcri t'ton o r th• Cartoon executed by Wejl
of tie ( rucifixion, to be pain ed on Glass,
for the Cath dra- at Windsor,
The centre of the piece reprefentt our
Saviour on the Crof between the two ma
lefadots ; a choir of angels is seen above as
if attending to support him in his taft bitter
agonies: the repentant and unbelieving
thieves are mod happily contralled : In the
firft isdepi&ed a ! l the marks of joyous rap
. tureat the utterance of the words—Thit
n't. ht Jbalt than be with me in pzridict* while
on the face of th? oth r is painted the hor
rors of anguish and despair.
At the foot of the croft, (lands St. John
fuppoi'ti'g the blefled Virgin ; a little on
the back ground is M«ry, the wife of Cle
ophas, and i;ear her Mary Magdalen in
grief; at ti>e back of whom stands the
You--g Mai, with the sponge and reed ;
and in the front, are the soldiers casting low
for the garments.
On the right,fide of the piflure, is the
Centurion and the Roman band of Soldiers ;
the dai k-.efs occasioned by the eclipse of tbe
fun, is thrown over the wh<>le back ground
of the piece, except the vivid rays of Glory,
(hining over the head of our Lord
On the Ipft tbe artist has introduced the
Refurre&ion of the Saints appearing in the
Holy City, exhibited hy a number of spec
tre-like figures rising out of the tombs.
Joseph of Arima lu'a, and the Holy Wo
man from Galil-e, the High Priest, and
others of the Sanhedrein, together with the
Rabble of Sc. (Firs, are represented in the
frr nt view, and at a distance is seen in per-
f r eftive the City of Jerusalem.
The fizcof the Canoon is thirty-fix feet
by twenty-eight, and is accounted the lar
gett pi&ure in Europe.
American Literature.
THE Proprietors of the London and
Westminster Library, hive the honour of
informing their Friends and the Public in
general, that anxious to make their Library
superior to any in London, they have at a
considerable expence eftabhfhed a Corres
pondence in America, by which they will
regularly receive all American Publicatiaps.
Amongst those lately received, arq the sol-»
lewing Works: Swift's Syftc-m of Ameri
can Laws, i vol. American Poems, vol. I.
Willifcms's Natural Hiflory of Vermont,
Stiles's History of Three Judges of Charles
lft. The Algerine Captive, 2 vol. Hawkins's
Voyage to Africa, &c. &c.
Subscribers at one Guinea per year, are
entitled to the use of all Books in the Libra
ry, which for extent of Collection and
choice of SJejftion, will be found perfcrtly
refped. blc.—Catalogues, Plans and Condi
tion may be had at the Library, No. 315,
Holborn, near Chaficery-lane, London.
riavid Ogilvy ayl'd Son recently pub
lifht-d h Catalogue; of their extenGve Stock
I of Ancienc and Modern Books, new and
j feconii-hand ; which are now on sale at the
I prices fixed, may b- had as above,'and of all
I the Country Boofcf:llers.
Improvements of tbe Arts.—Among the
numerous particulars that attest in this