Nvm&m The price of this gazette is Eigki Dollars per annum to Sulscriber.s residir.g * n the city of Philadelphia. All other! p:v »ne Dollar additional, fur enclosing and '. t reding ; and unless-some person in this c-.tj will become answerable for the subscription, rf must be paid Six Months in Advance. •„* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. December 1 1799. ALMANAC From July I —'to 8. high water. Tuesday Wednesday Tburfday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tvefaay Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monaay Tu f THE CARGO Of the Ship Criterion, B Wicket, ten. com» ■. mamier, from Bengal*, . * n • *. "cOV.jf.9V/*C 'OF A Apmplete assortment of BENGAL GOODS, SUGAKS of the firtt quality, BLACK PEPPER do. VOX SALS BY WILLINGS FRANCIS, No. n, Penn-ftrert, dtf Miy f. Tbis Day Published, By J. Ormh .1). No. 41, Chefnut Street, (Pritr ig Cent») TUB Death of General IVaJhington. A POEM. In imitation of tht manner of Oflhn. By S.ew. B. Linn, A. M. Mm-fter of the Firlt Prefbytcrian Coogreg-itioo of Philadelphia. Mr. Chaudrnn't Oratian will be publiihed on Monday morning. « M»rch ;; a. J fjf A A t X'. 4 i V i!> ii, Prom the DOSTf-tN Manufactory, A QUANtlfr 0/ WINDOW GLASS, Of different sizes, FOK SALE . Br ISAAC I-lAKVEY, ]»n. N. B. ry fixe or fizcs that maybe wanted cgi larc,r> than 18 by 1a can be had from (aid minot«fv>- »y. O" n g ordered: m-1 attention given tolorward on anv or+erathat may be left for that purpose Apply at No. 9, South Waicr-AKct, ai above. July H dtf Fifty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Gen, Kidgely of Balti more, on the aoth inft a coloured negro -an, who calls himfclf WILLIAM _Mc. DONALD ; Hr it abi ut 24 years of age, about 5 feet Binchrshigh, mat in hisdiefs, and has a good fait of hair. H»d on, whed he went away, a good beaver hat, a Ih .rt light green cl >th coat, edged with -.ellowj aod yel low gilt hutftas —a light buff caflimer, double breaiied waiftcnat, a pair of dark olive colour ed thickfett pantaloons—a white linen shirt, white ribhed cotton dockings, and a good pair of thoes with tt-ings He took with him a dark blue eoat, a pair of oKve caffimcr panta loons, and a light corduroy pair of breeches ; alf a g>-H or pinchbeck watch, with a ltecl chain. He is (' nd of fpiritous liquors, is inso lent, has a Cupid look, and chews tobacco.— He was bred in Charles county, Maryland, and purchased of col. John Thomas by gen. Kidge ley. Whoever apprehends said negro, and lo cates him iff any jail so that the ownfcr may g#t him agaip, (hall receive the above rewsrd, with reaf-nable charges if brought home, or de livered to Jofhu 1 B. Bond, Philadelphia, may t dtf Was Taken Dp, ADRIFT, on the 13th inrt. a small two-fail Boat, about io fret long, with a white bottom, two yellow streaks oh her bends, and painted red inside. Thfc owner may have it again by applying at No. 41 South Front street, and paying charges. ' June iS f wthfajt Bankruptcy Blanks. PETITIONS AND BONDS, USED under the BANKRUPT ACT,as drawn and approved by the Commiffioncrs and the Hon. Judge *f the Diftri.il, may be had of . JAMES HUMPHREYS, No. 106. south fide of Market-street, Where I e has opened sos sale, A VARIETY OF THK BEST STATIONARY,' Particularly Paper and Quills. June 14 ( . 9 w&s A PERSON OF abilities, integrit- and experience in mercantile bufinefj, would willingly ert gige as CLERK to a merchant or puhlic ef fi.e, or be concerned with any person as part ner, as he has an intercft of about onethouland pounds in real estate in the city. Please to ap ply to the Printer ; rr a lire left at the office for B Y.,will be attended to immediately. Mayio ' m&th tf Gazette of th&United States, H. M. 9 19 •10 3 11 It II SS 0 39 1 46 2 51 3 5* •Kriii SETS 4 36—7. »4 - 4 36 —-7 »4 4 37 7 »3 4 37 7 *3 • 4 37- 7 *3 • 4 38- 7 «* 4 3* 7 »* 4 19 7 »i FOR SALE, A Valuable and singularly eligible V Vv " ESTATE, of two handsome dwelling boufcs, with excelltpt ltabling for seven horses, double ci ach-houfe mod completely fitted up; a beautiful large and valuable garden richly filled with choice fruit, surrounded with high board fence, almost new. lhe premil'et are beautifully fi'uated near the middle of Germantown, sur rounded with riefck profp«6U of the adjicent country ; an orchard of about two acres, with a handsome lawn at the back of the house. One house has been recently huilt on an appro ved plan the other hat been completely repaired, painted and papered, and contain ten rooms with an elegant drawing-room, fifteen feet by thirty fix The new house is well calculated for a store in either the dry or wet good line. Th« air and water are unrivalltd, and there are some moil excellent schools in the neighborhood. For particulars enquire of the Printer, or of Mk. potter, orothe premise?. May 9. ' dtf Landing from the. sbip Amiricq, JValte. Sims, Coinmander, from Canloh, ANV FOJi SALE Br NICKLIN, GRIFFITH & Co. BOIJE V, Congo, Souchong, ifi & tnd quality, Caper souchong, H>f.n-ikin, ■ T. nkay, Singlo, Young hyfrn, Hyf n, jft & ad quality, Yell ow & white nankeens ") Li.tr firings, b:ack & tolo.-'d (In BoX& Sinfhawt do. f a fl\,ted, •Satties do. Lu'pfti iiigs, n.az. blue k dark grtcn") , Sit (haws d-> ( * n Persian taff-tai, dark green j oxei tie lute arrivals from Europe, We. 1 Infma! pack Striped an.l checked gingham i aflVted. White figured & ctlor'd Muf- | calculated foi linens the Weft-ln White corded dimities | dia market I Color d Alk, fttiped Nankeens | entitled to J drawback, 14 Trunks printed Calicoes, d >. .1 Bale# feme twine (Er,titled tt o Casts English Ch . inpii. _..ini wart in tea letts i Caflri mineral black, x do. white, o dr>. colcother, 3 Calks purple brown, Bk 5 do. nails afl" rl«d, 9 do. London porter in botifet ine'ilh fail canva», No. i, i & 3, ,800. Fifty Dollars Reward. ! AWAY from the on the : « v morning of Saturday the 19th intlant, a mu latto Servant Man, named Wilks, but commonly called John, he i« a!>out 13 years old, 5 feet 8 inch** fcigh, (lender and knurked kneed; he in a dark mafatto, has thick hufty hair, which he commonly wears plaited arid turned up Ihott be hiod; his face it thin, hut appears more so from having large whisker's; h« had on when he went away, a round hat about half worn, white muffin cravat, a brown feeood hand coat with- falhiona bl? metal buttons, a bhek silk waistcoat, with a white one underneath, [ anealoons of a greyift cloth with buttons at the ancles, striped cotton stockings and (hoes He may have change 1 these clothes, but It is not likely, as he has left all his others behind him. lam t#ld a servant of General Rirtgely s, with wheal he was intimate raa-away or. Sunday morning ; it 11 not improbable hut tkey are together. Wllksisfrom Chcfler-town on tfre ea&ern ihore of this state, where he lived with a mr. Jeremiah Nichols whofold him to me. I have good reaf.in to believe he has gone to Philadelphia. The above reward will be given to any person who may lodge him in jail at that or any other place, and give me or mr Jofcph S- Lewis of Phi ladelphia notice of the fame. He u an et«llent house r intituled " An adl in addition to an aft, intituled, an idl regulating the grants of land appropriated for military services, and for the Society of the United Brethren for propa gating the Gospel among the Heathen," as fol lows ; ift. All the fradlional parts of th* quarter townships adjoining to the Indian boundary line i»f the tract of land referred to in fiid id) t except the fraftiona! quarter townlhips num ber four in taumfhip number seven of range number twenty : Also, all the fraflional parts of the quarter townships adjoining to the river Scioto, except the quarter town (hips number one four, in township number one of range number nineteen ; the quarter township* num ber tzve and three »-f township number three, in range number ainetttn; and the quarter townships number me and four ia township of range number twenty ; toge th*r with the fifty quarter townlhips hereafter defer (bed, are reserved to be located, for the original holders of warrants granted for mili tary fervlces, or their heirs, in lot* of one hun dred acres, uurfuant to the a3 a a S c? i >-3 1 ? £. s * " o> a 3 S* J: § 5- 3 f 5- I > ? > a •£• 5 7~r~ — r ■ .•. i v >362 1 i io i a Ba6 a 3 4 84 7 3 81 10 1 8 a it 6 1 aa3 83 $ 1 3 4 7 4 2,13 8 4 S 1 "6 j 15 1 3 5 3 7 2 2 a 3 1 « 8 a 1 73 ' 7 ' 23 7 4 7 2 4 3 ,(, 2 4 84 51 34 4 4 3 7 3 61 10 13 9 3 7 a 5 3 3 9 > * 3 7 4 7 ' 7 4 17 7 4 9 3 9 4 3d All the lands in ejefc of the above fifty quaitTtownlhipa, and in the fractional pjrts *f quarter tewufhips before deferred, hare been divided Upon the plats ihertr.f, 3» returned by the Surveyor Gcnfcrai,'into at many lots of one hundred acres each, as the quantity such quarter tc*-r.(hip or fra&ion is lt'ited to contain will admit, tn the manner pointetjf out »nd requirid by the above recited afl. 4th. The plats divided 35 aforefiid irrto jots of one hundred acres, are d'pofited in the of fice of the RfgiQcr of the Tre*fury whete the jocations are to be rrade ; and upsn furrender mp the warrants wliidi fliall be thus located, pale&ts will be iflued in the ma> iter and upon •ht conditions prescribed by law. Given nndir my band at Philadel phia the dav and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT, Secretin' "f:b Treasury, * 1!W 3m. TEAS, April »*. Such Of the Judgement Creditor 5 Hon. JAMES WILSON, AS ere included in the aflignment made by him to 1 h<>ma3 Filzpm ns, Bt-njtmin R. Morgan and Jeremiah Parker, Esquires, on th* tuentv-feventh day of January and the twenty.filth day of April 1797, and mean to rely on the fame for ftcuring their debts, ijt hereby notified that we the subscribers, by virtue i'f the authority given to us by a gene ral meeting of the said creditors on the 23d day i f March lafl, do require a contribution of seven and a half per cent, on the amount of their several demands from each of the said creditors, in order to reimbiirle the monies al ready advanced for taxes, to pay those now due, and abuut to become due, to defray oth(r incidental cxper.ces, and procure a fui'able agent to dispose of t l e lands to the best advan tage Any of the said creditors negle&ing to pay the fame to George Thnmfon, No. 131, Mark«t-ftreet, Philadelphia, on or before the fifth .lay r.f July next, will be excluded from any (hare of the moniesarilin?; from the faleof the lands mentioned in the said afligßment. (Copy.) Samuel Al. Fox. ~) Truflees on behalf William Chancellor, of the George Thomson, J aforefaid Creditors. May ».j. mwth&stjjy drawback, A PLEASANT COUNTRY HOUSE, WITH an excellent Orchard, Barn, Pump, See. &c. The vhole containing 17 acres, situate on the Wilahicon road, between the third and fourth mile stone—May be purchased on r«si'onable term*. —Two thirds of rhe pur chafc mfnty may remain (secured on the pre mifcs and on intercft) during three years. Enqtiir# of BONSAL & SHOEMAKER, No. 1241 S: uth F.mrth-Areet, the Sub scriber, at Mount-Pleasant, adjoining the premises, or at No 45, Walnnt-ftreet. JON- WILLIAMS. June 13. mwf tf. ajtw tf FOR a three quarter Share of Bank Stock of the United States, No. 3818 in the name of John Holmes, Jun. has been lost or miflayei! and for the Renewal of which application has been made at said Bank, of which all concerned are desired to take notick. - * PBTSR TRBOEKT. May 19. djm. /S Ss s « 3 OF TH / r.'ATF. A CERTIFICATE A fafhionable Horse and Gig FOR SALE. The Horle young, and the Gig as good as new. Appl} to the Editor. N B. NEW WATCHES will be taken in payment at a fair wholefate price. funei*. i English Fashionable Hats. T. B. FREEMAN, NO. 136, MARKET-SI REETy HAS juLi opened a few Cases of Gentlemen' B fine London HATS, suitable for the prefen' season, which h« it now felling on reasonable terms. June 17. tath&stw BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock isf Watch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market Street, Where he has for Sale, Spring and other Clocks ; gold and silver Watches; Tools, Files and Materials ; fleel and gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, &c. See. CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired as nfual. 3 - tu&.f tf Just Arrived, AVtt ton SAL* BT TH* i&BSCRIBIM, THE CARGO Of the Ship Caktok, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Bohea ■> Souchong ] Hyson Skin j> TEAS, Young Hyson | and Hyson. J Sow 1 NANKEENS. Sugar of ifl quality China Ware. Cassia. Fans. An a (Tort men t of Silks. WILLINGS tk FRANCIS, No. 2i, Penn Street. April 14. d. VALUABLE REAL EST AYE. FOR SALE, About 25 acrei if Land, LAYING on the east fide oI the Falls Road.— On the East it it bounded by property Belong ing to Mr. Teu-ch Francis, fen.—on the iouth,! y a road of two perches, ai.d on the north by a lane, which feparate6 it from Mr. M'Call. It is propo sed to divide this land into 3 equal pant in order to suit the purchasers. Also, 31 acres, fituatrd on the weft fide of Germantown road, adjoining Maflers's efwte, keing part of th» property of the lite Samuel Mifflin. , For terms apply to Samuel Mifflin, corner of Market and 11th (Ireets. [amiary 14. full head of wooly hair—a very croft forbidding countenance, is very impertinent, and 1 ughs and talks leud Pit was born in South Carolina, and speak« bad Erg',iflj, with the pegro dialed. She has on the upper ;'art of her Ireaft, two'pretty large lumps of flefh reftmMing Wes. or rather with the appearance of the marks of aburn. She carried away with her several change-os doaths, and gowns ol white uflin, and > f coloured and figured printed cottons faftiicnably made up, - She also carried away with her, CLARA her daughter—a very flout, robust, strong made girl, »of a short ffature, and round fcouldcred— arpearing to ha about 14 years of age. Clara has large flaring eys>, a flat tiofe, an oval flat face, her under jaw prr jefling a little, and good teeth. She is very artlul and impu dent, has a great fluency of speech, uses good lari guage,indhas been taught to read.—She I as the appearance of ringworms on her left cheek and chin ; thefkin in spots appearing much paler than the reft of her complexion, which is much lighter than her moth r'*-- e'r hair is short and wooly: She wore a pink grounded printed .cotton with a small black figure, with new lore parts. Alio ran away, on Wednefd.y nth inft. June, DICK and »&MELM, Dick, or as he has lately called himfelf, Richard Weavir, is a house* servant, —he is about $ feet 7 inches high, rather small made, is about a? year* old, of a g.iod smooth, black complexion—has aflat nose.with very large open notlrils He,carried his head and neck at if he were ftiffin the neck and shoul ders, which are high and tolerably square, and hii neck (hort—his Igs are straight but small and illy maie, with scarce ar.y calf. He has ha; bad teeth, is left banded, and exc»edingly awkwardi he lias a full head of wooly hair, which he phits and dresses to the best advantage. His voi<-e it small, bisfpeech commoly mild and flow, and his maimer* appear extremely Ample, bur he i< at bottom an artful knave, and when spoken to is very apt <0 b pnflionatt and impertient. Dck is a native of South-Carolina, and speaks bad English—he seduced and carried awajj with him Amelia; who he called his wife. Amelia is a very complete, well inftruifled la dies maid, much below the common flature and of a small make—her complexion is that of . dark mulatto or meflizoe, nearly resembling that of the Lafca oi India, with Mack curling hair, and a very low forehead—her right eye has a great wesknefs, owing to the small pox in her infancy— uader her eye. very black—a flat face, flat broad nose, with fcarcc aryrifmg at the f ridge; a large mouth, with thick lip,, and good llrong teeth. On the nafe of Ktr neck she has the marks of a Setoh Drifiis wi.h tafle, and imitates the French I Hyle; is Very fenfiMe, and MprtlTes herfelfwell,. i She took wilh hr a variety 01 clothes, fafbioy ably m*de—fheha«ior more than twi year> pall beeir liable to fits, which at tim s give her a wild t ess in her 1 yes—her health is generally delicate— fhe it at prcfent likely to encre.fe her Jaixfly, atid is about 11 years of age— she can Orel's hair, clear flarch, fcas a taflefor millinary and mamua ma j king; and as she is very ing li< u«, ea turn her hand to any thing and may probably offer herfelf to some milliner or mamua maker as a work woman. As rtmelia has heretofore been a great favourite of a very indulgent miftrels and 'tis beiitved ha- been led away by the perfuafirn of her paramour Oick, if she will return to m», she will be forgiven and treated with the fame ten« dtrnel- she has always received FIFTY DOLLARS Reward for each will be paid foi; the delivery of Pat and Clara to Ihe fubferiber, or to any goal iti the United States so that 1 mry get posT ffion of them—One Hundred Dollars each for Dick and Amelia, on the like delivery. The fubferiber warns all mailer of vefirls, from taking these Runaway servants from the United States, and requests such of his friends and acquaintance as it may not suit to arrest them, to give information, fh.iuld they hear of either of the fugitives, to the fubferiber by letter dire&ed to the post ofifte, Philadelphia, which will find him, wherever he may pass the summer, or to the Printer of the Gazette »f the United States, who will communicate it to a riend in Philadelphia to aft en his behalf. JACOB READ, Of South-Carolina, corner of Fourth and Union-streets, Philadelphia. June is- THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swediih Majesty's Consul General, and au thorized to tranf»<9 the Consular BuO.iefs, fqr his Majefly the King of Denmaak ill the United Statei of America, redding at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent intrusions received from his government, it is the duty of all M afters of Swediih and Daniih vessels, before their failing . from any port in the said States, to call upor him or the Vice Conl'ul in ora'cr to he granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the Hate of the Neutral Commerce *nt4 the se veral Decrees of the Belligerent Powirt,render* indifperfably necessary, and, that any Mailer tf vessels bulongisg to the refpe&ive nations, or na. vigating ar.dcr the protedlion of their flags, in omitting to take such certificates, will perlonally stand relponfihle for the cunfequeuccs. ttlCI-jtAUD SODEKSTROM. » Philadelphia, ißth D. cemVer, 1799. RARITAN FARM, A VALUABLE and d«firafc!e Fftate, situated en the river Raritan in Jerfcy, near Sorijer fet Court-Hcufe, ! 6 r.li'.es from brunfwicU, and 18 from Princeton s icnliOingof Ufwardsol 700 acres, equally diffi.'lcil into mrilow, arable and wood land ; the whole within a ring fei;ce ; the bars, ftali'e«, Su.are I'j acirus, anj adequate to the Gze of the Fai?n; there is a [ lemtu.ie ol game, with a ghod (had fillip/. The eltatc is. now in the hands of Mr Henry VVorlcy. Further particulars may V>e ki.owc of Messrs. KICK LIN GRIFFITH Merchant, Philaiclf.t'i.i. »sd of JAMT.S Esq. Of Mr. KICHAItD POTTkii, Ocrmantown, Or of the Tenant on lire premiC;* May 9. *, : f 'refs. [VoiMMZ XVIII. 300 Ddllars REWARD. ,f-\ .wfajt FOR SALE. ' t * V ± ... - ' >v