»t *T'%.VYI Gazette of the United States. P!ir..A!)S.hPiU.i, KYI-MIN-.. J'JIV 1 l'iClGiiS OF STOCKS. l"ait,*ntLPin/., Jun* zj. 8 per Cent Stock for cafii 10; t» roi p. ft S<\ per Ceo?. rfo. 84 " Navy do. do. 81 1 1 f Three per Cent. do. .51 Deterred, - do. 80 -> B 4NIC Unite I states, do. 30 v , PcnnfyWani*, do. »7 > o —— North America, da. 50 j Infuran«: eomp. N.A.i'ures 9 per cent. Velow r=r. Pcnnfylvama, Jhares, 30 per cent, ad* East-India Company ©I N. A. 7 per cent advance Land Warrants, 15 dolU. per ico acr«». COURSE OF EXCHANGE Bills on l.on. at 30 days fir cash 171 t » per ct. Do. do. 60 days do. 170 a. 171 do. Do. do 90 days do Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 33 i-j a 34 ct». per Mark Banco D* .- in Amftcrdam, 60 days 39 a 40 cts. per Florin. Aflive preparations are making in all parts of the United States tor the celebra tion of the Anniversary of our Indepen dence. We presume the report of an Express liaviug parted through this city y?ft-rday is premature— This diy's Southrrn Mail fur niflies no account of an arrival from Europe. A rumour prevailed in town yesterday (Juneas)faid to be received by letters from Bilboa, that the Negociation between this country and France had been broken off; but s ,qther letters received from the fame place, and at the fame time, make no men tion of such an event. We observe with pain, that a late Lon don paper records the death of William Cowpm, El'q. of the Middle Temple, & the cUlßcal and moral author of poems which will live, as long as pure sentiments and in ergetic expression are valued by mankind. It excites a sensation equally melancholy and regretful that, while Fat Stupidity, and Lidlefs indolence, and common place cha rafters " cumber the ground," the date of geniup, and worth, and aftive exertion is so brief atfd transitory. Mr. Cowp«»r died ear ly, but his works will, be required for late. Dum juga montis aper, Jluvios dum pifeis amobit Dumque thymo paicentur eves dum rore ci adx Semper honoi, nomenquc tuum, Ludcfque ma nebuent. To Joseph B. M'Kean. Query. I. When a man is appointed Attorney General of the (late of Pennfyl vaaia, does he on oath declare he will support the law I It. Isit confident with his duty as an attorney-general to advise the good people to wppofe any tax legally imposed ? 111. Did you or did you not advise a gcntlemax of this city who is opposed to ' the tax for watering the city, to continue his opposition, and to refulc fubmiflion to that law ? The firfl article in the Aurora of this morning is entitled, in the fer.fible ami cor rt;d language of Mr. Duane, an Irish Au thor, " a lopyofa letter (which might have been written to a great General, Sic." How, in the name of Hibernian magic can an ur •written 1 Iter be copied ? Mr. Duane is cer tainly re hi ted to lint VirtuOl'o, who wrote a letter to the lloyal Society, describing an irnisine hoife lately seeit in the neighbor hood. 1 it poflihle that the " bald, un jointed tralh" of this asinine blunderer can be read, iind that a fellow, who can neither argue, nor write, fhouldgull a lingle block head of the Jacobins. But this enlightened country his its fools as well as Gotham. The ignorant fcrihhl-r finds many a widgeon reader. For as Pope sweetly lings, «' There swims no goose so gray, but soon, or late She finds some honefl gander for her mate." The illiterature and ignorance of the de mocrats are proverbial. Of their rude lo gic, giamnar and rhetoric, we have the mot miserable specimens i'r the Aurora. Their pure ma.hematics is a foul puddle, their mix'd mathematics a chaotic ju i ble, and their arithmetic is unworthy et a tap ster or an old butter woman, a " nought and carry one Sir." They a e allowed to have some /kill in addition and multiplica tion—•' 3 times 5 is twenty Jive," thai'* my tvay of reckoning, fays the fifcal Duane, that prodiginui genius, that George Rose of our Treasury. A person careleftly leaning in a box at the Theatre, was requested by a friend to be careful of his watch, for a Jacobin au thor was Handing behind him ! ! Fr ;m the Havatina, 29'b May. £ » hip py Editor; his piper has b,, n oH'-rvefl t:i i«* more, thin itfjially fpir'n:. !'s ai)d A grave philosopher of my s»cqn r.r.taiTC It'ppofrs that thriie animal fj ..it* which us«! to fljlh m petulance, a fl .m- i:i airier are i<>w flowing in a r\etv channel J . MP . W \YN lE, GOIMG home, the other evening, I observed a light in a cellar, a:id a merry fel low, laughing moll immoderately t a paper he held i» h 8 hand. What ple.fes you so much, honed friend ? Soine of my handy work, said he. What is your tiade ? A ( obler, Sir, both of Shoes and Stanzas. And what ia your charge for the latter ? Six pence an hour, and here is a penny worth at your honour's service. I paid the price, and fend you the enclofcJ. Says Tallender to Will Duane This Bounce is strong, and hrifk, and red ; Dont fear, cries Will, twont reach shy brain ; 'Twas true—and yet it reach'J his head- By a Gent eman who had IoA hit tvalcb in a Democratic Society. Who'd save liis watch with Jaco's, this mutt do, Pocket his watch, and watch his pocket too. • v*. On the report of a m ~rriage between lovely f\igy and a ntled Jacobin. Should B with Jasper clank the wed lock. fetter, O let her not her stars too sorely curse As there s no hope, that he will ere be From a Public Offie rto the Ed'i o - of the urora. Lie on—while my re enge flia'l be To speak the very truth of thee. [Bost. Cbroriele. To Duane, on his recent p a'lfe of the infa nt us Ca/lender. The rogue, you lay, writes weii—you'll swear il too ; For while you pawn your word, he'll vouch for you ; Thus two fjoor rugues, who find their cre d t fail To cheat the world, become each other's bail. On Callendrr, felling himfelf to th Jacobin . I wondered not, when L was told, The R gue his Reputation fold ; But nil did ve y much admire How Cullender could find a buyer, £7 u be ( onlinued J The Jovial Jasper.* bau the misfortune fometiroe since to understand that by the carel'-finefs of a waggoner, a couple of calks of his favourite liquor were staved to pieces. The baleful news icaciii d his ears just as he was humming over a popular foog— " She[iiictd», I hive loft ir.y leve, havi you seen oy Anna." 11l a fit of stbftr»&iofi, oeca finned l.y the gr cf of parting with Nantz, lie broke out tj the alloniHied 'prentices in liis office, Devils, I have loft my Gin—have you ieen my Brandy ? The Juiej> of each Jacobin, the blifn of Nap pei Tandy, Nevtr (hall 1 ieundiy fnor», until their re turning ; All ru'y di uuk«n joys are o'er Anl 1 mull m»pi- 'til l nv rning ! Whither is my liquor flown ! Devils tell me whither; A!., woe is me—the Gin is gone Forever and lor ever. 'Jasper—the signature unJer which Duane wrote. PENSIVE REFLECTIONS. AH, who has pow'r to fiy, To-morrow's Sun fliall warmer And o'er tins gloomy Vale of Woe Diffule a brighter ray ? All, who isever sure, Tho' all that can the Soul delight, This hour enchants the wond'ring si >ht, Theft raptures lhall endure 1 Is there in Life's dull roll, One cirt iin moment of repnfe, One ray to dillipate our woes— And bid Hf.flectdn smile ? We seek Hope's gentle aid, We think the lovdy Phantom pours. Her balmy incense on those Elow'rs Which bloflom but to fade ! We court Love's thrilling dart ; And when we think our jays fopreme, We find its raptures but a dream- Its beon a wounded Heart ! We pant for glitt'ring Fame, And, when pale F.nvy blots the page, That might havn charm'd a future age, We find 'tis but a name 1 We tail for paltry are, And when we gain tlis gulden prize, Anc death appears—with aciiijig eyes We view the useless llore. How frail is Beauty's bloom ! The dimpled cheek, the fparklmgeye, Scarce fern before their woiiders fly To decorate a tomb ! Thru, since this fleeting breath Is but the zephyr of a d sy, Let Gonfcipnce m ike tacii mintiti gav, And brave the Wiat;s of D-*th 1 And let the generous mind 1 With pity view th« erring throng, , Applaud the right, forgive the wrong, And feel for all mankind 1 . For Who, alas ! fha!! !a\', " To-morrow's Sun shall warmer glow, " And o'er this gloomy vale of woe, j " Dilfufe a brighter ray ?" FROM THF. CHIRPING CsOBLER. better, So tlere's no fear he ever cm be ivorfe. \ \. ')•. t.n rii cin:- in CB! mh: Mr. J-frifmi Wa 1 d'cd Aid - !tis f;.t; i\';r.*r; ia. We took IVi'.iH- co aS-Jlmi ll« I'>ll rtc «-f Olii i( ( ;hiV, And luV'i.'. th.»t w:u vtt.ivcil by n T■Ttl-• .»nrt ciir- ;"l from Ficlvrit'kttwii. Y/r ti>e jfc• n: ■:; i:. nr.d was ii.forn'.r 1, by Ivin, Tlut, 1.-i:"T .it Frei!ri-tcltown nil Friday I ill t»"> t- : ; - ci. inhibition of che place anii- J hrm the nahbnurhood of 'Mr. j;.Tr. f'ju'i fejt, w.tli ..11 account of hit loving d:'d in a fucden manner. Our in t' rii) .nt » Ids, t'iUit tin i)ewg obuii.cd Credit ai Frt(i-rick-to»n. We hayenut brcn able l.' .Irani any other iiil'nrniation an the J ibj -c\. Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. Arrived at the Fort. Schr. M;:ria Matilda, SlrurtclifFjHavanna, Lett it 20.'i Ju.ie—Sugai ; —J. Lemv. Slup ICenlington, Adams n, of and from London was left'the 15th May in lat. 45, 13, long .20, 30, by the brig Sally, Hills, arrived at Bolton. Bru Elliot, Beaver, from hence, has arrived at the Hav\nn* 4 Schr. Range, Dove, from hence, has ar rived at Havanna, in 27 days- Ship Juno, from Bolton, and a schooner from M.irblehead, both bound to Bilooa are taken by the Biitilh frigate Cleopatra, and sent for Halifax. Brig Florida, Long, from S:. Kitts has arrived at the Fort. Schr. Jane, Toby, from hence, has arriv ed at the Havanna. SCr* LETT ER-B AGS Up at the Goffee-Houfe Bar, and to be taken away about the 4th July. Ship Aelive, M'Dougal, for London I.ancui, Roper, Liverpool, Cs* The Letter-bag of the (hip America, Swain, for London, will be taken from the CofFee-Houfe on Sa day July 6, NEW-YORK, June 30. AR RIVED, days Ship Charleston, Church, Cork and Brig Pallia, Noith. Eagle, Gallon, New Providence 8 Schr. Unity M Lata. Havar.ua 17 CLEARED, Brig Narcy, Cox, St. Lucia Da >'d and George. Abeel, Madeira Sally, Nichols, Teneriffe Schr. Betsey Kelly, Halifax Sloop Humbird, Miles, Jamaica Minerva, Bett, Curracoa Br g Endeavour, Darnctt. arrived at St. C/vsix from this port in thirty-fix days. Sloop Charlotte, Starr, from this port, arrived at Antigua in thirly-eight days. Schr. >• eftor, Thrasher from Charles ton to l.agu.'ra, is captured and sent into St. Martins. Captain Siurges, from Connecticut, is captured and carried into Guadalou *e. Sll ip General Mercer, has arrived fafe at Liverpool. Sloop Sally Maria, Sells, for Antigua, is taken by the French. The ftn'p Otarlefton, Church, from Li verpool, lad from Cork, in 62 days. June 11, in lat. 26, long- 60, fp.ke the fchco ner Hibernia, from Baltimore. June 13, in lat. 26, lc)ng. 60, spoke the brig Eliza beth Jones, from Phil idalphia to Marti nique. June 20, in lat. 34, 24, long. 65, was boarded by the Englirtj sloop of war Pheaf'ant, from Bermuda t» Halifax. The (row Pallas, Captain Wright, (52 paflengers ) June 14. in lat. 40, long. 56, spoke the schooner Fly. Farmer, from St. Sebnftians to New York ; had loft his b w fprit. June 19, in latitude 30, longti tue 64, spoke the (hip America, from Portsmouth, to Trinidad—out two dsys. On Saturday eveningjuft as the violent guff was coming on. a Seaman was taken up in the Kail-River. He was swimming from the Britilh Packet with his shirt and truwfers on, and had 150 dollars tied round his mi die in a handkerchief. He gave the men two dollars for landing him, and took himfelf off. BOSTON, June 54. " Plymnth, Ju te t2, 800. " Mr. B Russkll—'Sib, " Arrived here this day, Ichr. Sally, capt. S. Robbins, 9 d"ys from Charleftbn. On the 6th, spoke the afmed ship Plymouth, Bartlett, of Plymouth, from Cadia, all well. No ne\ys. The next d-iy boarded a wreck top-fail fchr. ftript her of fiiU, -iggina;, se veral crates of Liverpool wire, and sundry other articles, but by nothing could disco ver where flie belonged, but supposed to Boston—think she went down in the course of a few hours. lam, yours, &c, J. G. The crews of sixty.eight vefTels, arre ill the prison of B i/Taterre, Guadaloupe. And yet it is said by the Jacobins, tint Buona parte's new agent has arrived at that nest of pirates. At Amsterdam, April 8, Borton Packet, Strong', of Boflon, just arrived ; Little Mary, Gizncau, cf da. CHARLEvSTON, Juoe 13. ARRIVED. Days, Ship Cumberland, Waite, ' Liverpool' 49 Rofario, Harrifon, Naffaa 12 Brig Peggy and Belfey, Mandaole, N. The Rofario ltft New-Providence on the 2d inft. under convoy for London ; but having sprung a leak oa the 6th, (he bore away for this port. True American. BALTIMORE, June 26. Arrived, brig Milford, Waters, Port- Republiran. Captain Waters left at Port- Republican the schooner Nimrod, captain Hamilton, of this port, to fail soon with two or three other veflets—names|not recol lected. Spoke febr, captain Goodbridge, 011 the 20th instant, bound to Port-Republican ; All well. CLEARED, Ship Mary, Thompson, Port Republican Schr. Scorpion, Sorenfon, do. Automaton, Johns, Cipe Francois Polly, Beaty. St. Thoma s Speculator, Price, St. J ago de Cuba Antelope, Hooper, St. Thomas and [Curracoa Liverpool 63 Waterford. 60 £3* The Members of the Stand ing Committee of the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati, are requeued to meet at Hardy's tavern, N.rty, Crelles, Baltimore Polly, Mitchell, do. Sally, Bourdmart, N. Carolina Molly, Leuden, Boston Republic, Marlh, New-Yoik Betty, A liny, Rhode Island Sally, Anthony, Norfolk Friendlhip, Burrow, New-York IVtfey, Pclton, Newar.k Sloop Silly, Miner, • do. Fox, BlilTct, Norfolk Penelope, Wood, Sivanna Betsey, Udall, New-York St. Jaqo I)e La Very, May 24. Arrived at Port-Royal. Ship Dai-se. Spence, Savannah Gr. nd Turks, Taber, do. Prudence, Sawyer, N. Carolina Brig Gharlefton Packet, Rice, Norfolk Schr. Jane, Ltwis Main Industry, Monk, ' New-Orleans Mary Ann, Dalton, Norfolk Pennsylvania Society of the Cin cinnati. jdr" THE Members are hereby notified that the Annual meeting of the Society, will be held in the State House in Phila delphia, on the 4th day of July next, at to o'clock in the forenoon. Members belonging to other state Socie ties who may be in the city on that day, Sre invited to attend the meeting, and to favour the Society with their company at an en tertainment, which will be given at the City Tavern, in celebration of American Independence- Dinner to be In table at half pad 3 o'clock. By orfer, M, M'CONNELL A. Sec'ry. June 23 Poft-Office, Philadelphia, I.rt July, 1800. LETTERS f'r the Brittfh k'acktt I,ady Hotsirt, so' Falmoutb, England, wfcich was al v ircifed to fail nth ultimo, will b» received at this office, until Fridiy the 4th iuftant, at il o'clock noon. N.B. The inland postage to New York mud lie paid " ■ Bank of North-America, JuLy I, 1 800. A T a Meeting of the Direitors this Jay, a L\ dividend pt Five r*» Cint. wji declared for the lad half year, which will be paid to the Stockholders or their reprcfentatives a y time after the 10th inft. By Order of the Board, H. DRINKER, Jun. Cafiiier. J*ly 1- Pcft Office, April sB. Philadelphia ; Permanent Bridge! New-York WWDBOD of 8 per centum per ar.m„» * _ r J, X carejjjr tHd Vitfidcnt and Dired-.-i of tfia Company f„ r irec!i:.ga ci-umik LVid.-'t ov : the River Shuylkill, at or near the city ot Phila delphia, on the amounts paid in «n eh- tft <) = y of April last, (thetime when the fuVt-ijitions tothe floe!: of the fiid comply werj Cfcmyleated and to be from thence computed) payable to the stotk holders ®r their legal representative? after the lotli, day of the Frcfent month, out of the profits ari- Cng from the Floating Bridge Ferry and Tavern, at the W estend of High Street, fin application to the Treafurrr, No. .Church Alley WILLIAM BANKS, Secretary. J u '/ tuthsiiH IMPORTED, In the Jhip Mary Am, Fra cts Stewart, mnjler, from Hamlurgh, now landing, AND FOR SALE By Jacob S N«. tyjfv llnEti ' " C ASSBRILLOSfcr white r»l!i Hi iVijiraV Bmioi, t ,■ • DeciWen, tat nd eoto-so*, • f ilk Cifd iad My itllkit, ... ti OitCi pcarli nd ball <»r ptckUca of dl trjWri •od (in, j B!»cV tad whit* edging* ud ltc**, , •- "V•' Klbbwioitipci, , CoficeniUli, Qudk, sad *.,■»,* . 1 JJtßout Bufccsua Window Olifr, 7 f , t tO,' 9 fl, 10 Jt, i» 14. ('» »6. 1* IJ,,»V iB, 16 to, 18 14, «a >4, to 16, 14 31. • ' ' ' v - . ' "* ■- Also, via New-York, 6'C-f:9 white rolls, 6 do. Creas ata Moriaix, 3 do. Covtils. On hand, which will ho foid reafonaMe to clofa ■ falc«, ' ...... • arwQMiinof ito fathom e*di f-ftiDtwcfc.' ' J«Jr * ... "»4sf jw " FOR SALE, A PRINTING PRESS complete, Old Lonp Pri-. er, Small Pica on vis- body (rew and (Id) Pea, do. Eiulifh, (tw> small founts J 16 Line Pica, &c Sundry Framr«, and a great vacifty of OR'ce FurnitU'C, &c. Irnr, work of a pr nting press, Spr They will 'e r old rh?ap (orcafh—Apply at the office of the Oszette of the United Jur.ei? LISBON WINE, In pipes isf qr. casks, Landing from on board tie jcliooner John and William, at Chefnt-it Rreet wharf, AND FOR SALE BY JO SUP II ANTHONY V Co. dtf TO LET, A commodious Score and Celkr, Well feituated for any Hid of bufinefi. APPLY TO May 15 June 27 An elegant bright Bay Horse, Five years old, warrants found. Likewise, a BAY MARE, 7 years cIJ, and hand high ; is gentle, and travels remarkably easy. Enquire at No. 3,fouth Front ft'reet. June 17 mwf 3t TO DISTILLE RS~ And Owners of Stills. WHEREAS by an afl of Congress, pal Ted the Bth day of May '79t. .entitled, I " An aiS concerning the dutiss on fpirite distil led within the United States," it is required < f all persons having or keeping a Aill, or ftilli, to make entry thereof, between the lall day of May and the firft day of July in each year, under the penalty of tsvu hundred and tiny dollars NOTICE is therefore hereby given to all distillers, er owners of stills, within the city and county of Philadelphia, to make entry ft' them at the office of Infp«flion, 1149, North Third-flreet, in the city of Philadelphia, wit!-- in the abovementioned periods. JAMES ASH, CoLLFCToa of the revenue of the first divisi n of tie first survey of the district of Pennsylvania. June 6, ftf To the Inhabitants of the 3d Col lection Diftrift, Comprehended by the EaO and Weft Northern Liberties, and the township of Btockiey in fuft division, ftj'e of I'ennfylvinia. YOU are hereby noticed, that the tax which has Veen afTcflecl dwelling hou!e<, lands and (laves w thin tlm diftrift, hy rirt'te of an ad) of Corgrei's patTed the 14th of July, 17,8, entitled " an afl ti> lay "and c< lieft a ?? i-enrum on their resf eflv e taxes sn c >ll f nrofcc\ui< n. , , _. r , ' In C'-«V rrtiity £0 the 6th. kflian ' f «! r-a * afi relaid. a full and correct r.rpv 1 f the 1 x lift retrains at the office of John Browne. No. 368. north Fro.'t flrect. Northern the futvjtvorof th> reAnw for th: " ment diftrfl, • V>s t».ih» ii/pcd'-" - f P-'* Ml. inclined to mfpefl Crlltilor « f the jd rolleflion d'lli'.il. Northern L bet ties, June »3 w : A i'v/'Y- A. DICKINS, oppofit® Chrilt Chur.-h. d3t FOR SALE, > * V . y ■yr"^