Gazette of the United States- FHILADEL I'lllA •mrsuavi-v sikg. jur.\ i Fjr the (j a*- (re i)' tbj tta 31 aits TttK Moral DiJ'penfary. Diccr ; ct htrbaiOm tubjvcu potrntia nobis. Ovid. Fcr the World I lab^.r; fr them explore the t' rues uj fimptes. TO dill nt tYifcnH-, who have writ ten tT me for ad ice, I recommend the fol lowing receipts and medicines, i hey are made up enti. Jv of tii.* importations tf'sHT*3iuß)pe, /*ud conliits ot' v.luaOle sim ples varioijfly compounded, and accommo dated with much, to .the p»*fe»t fea fcn. To those who fin-1 rhrnifelves affeiSted with a looseness occalioncd by the unwliol forne and ever-varying tueez.-s of popular breath, a d.i'order which has of late attack ed SOME very difthiguiflied chiirafters. 1 would recommend the following pill, to be taken every night before and, as often as couvenicn;, in the convivial circles of their friends. " How I fhifr n\e more ?—Hjie 1 no l run through ail the c lows ot tb; changeful fkv ? My con j;;d doublrt, are they n< t thread bare grown in t ? Were not iny very tk,n siitm through, I'd try the other fide of th it to peas« yoa !" , I feel very frrrfibly tor the afHiftion of' the gocd lady w.ho solicits my alfiflmce in the cafe of her daughter. I fullv concur ■uith lur in the opinion, that unlets a spee dy and tffcilual relief can be found, from that diurnal rubescency which breaks out and lenders her face so' difguffutg, allibr remor ses and miferics of a drfpifed old maid must inevitably befa! the unf-nyl!:'.'? girl. The m l.dy originates ni-thc mind, 'i'he patient feels a very and verv commendable wiih to render h: rfelf agreeable ; 1 ut either knowing or imagining he rfelf destitute cf those attr.ftive mental qualities twhich eve rv « here secure the cfteem and the afFeftions, !!ie becomes th'- fubjeft of eh»! r rin and mor- ttfScatiori. J'he confluence is, that the heart bcConi-s f'urcharged with ?tv»y, malice, " *HRer, def;mli', and nil the foul iiiift'ulo tired which, h -injf expelled from the vital j:c.rt«. to the head, fufFufe !he lace, and, in the pl:>cr of those delirate, lovely tints '• which N tun.'s own sweet ami cunning hand Ja-J i n," d:i'jb it with that d rty {tain which is ! i common!/ tsi (taken for an imjju ent of lard and brick-dull.- 'Chough this difarder inanlfefts a radical drf-ct, or a din gcrotij pcrtferlion < f the ur.tic, fhnding it is toot wife totdly to despair-os a remedy. My vdvice, fur th? prrfent, is, that,the follow, n-; pah:b I>e, every day, livid upon her toilet. She t n hardly fail in the proper application : but if flie fh uid, her friends »|e deli red to apply it ta her. at of ten as they obi'erye any of those foul colours beginning to app-.a'r. To bit.ifh Nature's bltilhts from the iheek I I lesarded it fa Djer't Spun, Whose lace in 1 yncn .'ye <-as so »*i.grained That Tu ess a g!«<% of br :ndy, and dance a red on Heck, while the .weather beaten vclTei was fluking under three reefed fails !—put on ihorf, (he would to the beat of martial drum," Sic. &.C.* I. hope and belitve that there are, com paratively few in .v'iis• country to whose ufks and constitutions 'his is well adapted. Those who do not relish it are to take, i.i its (lead, the following ieteragc. It is fealbned with a whoK-Tome spice, and is pleilailt. t !i(>iie the habits and regimen of tny countrywomen \>il'-ver be such as (hall Jnttrfy me in admmiflering the like draughts liberally. «' Aye ! there's a creature feminiße, of whem The world may proudly boast. With store of charms And blandishments that f > bedeck ihs sex, 1 She from the yielding of her gentle heart, Hath walked, fair honor's handmaid; early (huri'd The flaunting scenes of vain parade, to aft The humbler duties of domestic life. *7 be remainder of tbis picture is drawn tvitb io much rJfH, and spirit, tb it Ifear, tbe full Wnifth migbt' identify one of mj pn tie.H.t, Tbose mbo mould txsmntt it oil ire * win?find it »f« tb' " Comic-Tragedy us Vca ti'gAN and llowr*o." ■ ?hnp'.y aUueu as innocent in mind. With a!l the facet benevolerces graced, Her polifb oms *ry h.-bit tbengrainM tilling fi'c could never touch it.' I have here fmie very wh il.fome drops' tor tit impartial pir» of the-kreramunity who kind fouis, would give every man his due ; who acknowledge tliAjt such a one is a littlk Dbistical, a LiiTi.E Jacobinical, ■ little demagogical, and l'o on ; hut then he tilks a gieht deal nli/jut c nscience and benevolence, to«: 7 tie world (except his friends) slid ti e'rights of the people, and the f i raniij it lutjs gover nmenf, and religion ; and on the 7,vh0.1e is a very good s«rt OF man; and'that it is pity, (l'o it is) that he should be ritgledled and persecuted becaul'e he happens to THiNu. a little I/iIftBKNTT.T Uitifei smtt OTHm. This medicine r, ill be ufcful to all those who practice upoo the very ufrf ,1 discovery, that all thiicjs human are neceflariiy imper ft ft, and, like th mfelves, generally erro neous ; a'.id conclude, therefore, that every man's opinion should be tried and weighed candidly ; efpei ially if that opinion tends to the i jury or contempt of sny diflingnifh cd charaftrr in Church or State : That, may te ti-e religion of a man who declares it to be indifferent whether we belie e in one God or in tu dru-clling virtue of moral age, Candour, which foftens party's headlong i rage J Cand. ur, which spares its foes ; ii r c crdel cetids With ijigut z-j1 to ci mb:t for its friciLfl-. CiMDOtia, wlich lovea, in fee-law tlrains io t-.J Of ailing fatAiiblj, rut meaniig well i Toouicetii praile. bjr who'ef:!'", C< nviureJ thai alt nito'a «if/rnri are th* tame i A'id (Inili, vith kern "liicrininaiinj figl't Black's n it Jo black ; :or white fa very white. " Fox, 10 he sure, was veh. m*r>t and » roue ; But then Pitt's words, you'll own, were rather ftrcn^. Bo;h tnuil .it bUai'd, b .lb pirdoaM 'tiA»» jn n so Wiih Fox ai d Pitt full forty years So \\ alpole, Pulte: ey i—Ja&ions in ili times Have had thrir follitj, Ministers their CIMIS " Give ait tU' i»owed, tb* triA. the myiijr f<, . B lJ I nn mitt —[Kihipi maT Into hi* blow ; but if j!I (iligvet, god Huvcb, iby wnb c;n fend, Save, save, oh ! lav* ra; fr<"m the canJ:d Friend ! " Barrai loves plurdtr, Vferlin Hkr» a bribe—r What tier..' Shall candour the'e good men profcr be ? No I e'er we j in the lond arc'fin; throne. Prove,—not the faills, —put, ha they t uugh't tbem wrong. •' ( ioveihe hold, ui.compromifrg m n !, VVhofe piinripl-1 jrejfix'd, wln>li vjewa riefi .'d ; Wlto scouts ar.d scorns, in cintin- Candouh's fpi e, All taste in ma-els, intiate fipr.fe o' rig' t Ar.d Nitnre's npulfe, I uneie.k'd y art. And feelings *iii- tVat fl >it a' out the heart ; Con ent, for g ind m;n's guid-nce, bad met.'s awe. On m«'i' tf-» h t"> rel, and Ooitii l*w t Who own*) when thai ton* feel .he JvcH^ing rr.d. Ju" rctrib-• on and the hakd o 1 G p " I am obligtd to confefs my elf unabit to res. lve the jfli ultiesof the lady who writes mt from llreet. That m account a 1 contr clion in the length aR(i bread:hof her dauglter'a wearing apparel, at the fame lim tlia ; (he texture itfeif be . mes so a:te nuatfj a* to h> nearly or quite transparent, is certain,y very extraordinary, and, in my opinion clearly jullifies her apprehend n cf some vCry feriott? cnfequencei. 1 woul ,idv le her, » hile this symptoms continue, to be very cartful of her daugh ter's r.glnc i : sever t» fsffer her to go out in the evi n m* air without being attended by some one «f the family : and, whenever fhr observes .1 etothes to (brink so far from her chin or ! cf t as to occ&tion a blufli upon the ch.ekof any modefl man who may happen to be pitfent, to apply the following ca ap ;tum, in i.-gible charaflers, to a confpicu us part of itr b ck, a little below the fhoul deri i and, during the application, to give her moderate exerci e by walking in some of th-- m-jfl frequent'd parti of the city. " In days of yore, I drew God's crea ; " tures male about me, by the light 1 f a " lovely coun enance ! I had an eye then " whic made some of thtm smart for it : " but ti alYgone by. So now, wi'h lefgtb " cned vii\ and dimity coats cut short, I " sally fort'.) in tvery flaunting breeze, and " make ti.tin prarce, like madmeii after " me. to theflaftic spring of a well turned " leg ; whjit I, a flying Daphne, chide " the rude v di which give it to their " view-'* Should that fail, let the following be ad ded or alternately dminidered. Limbs timidly falhiomd in the wanton mi uld (yfNATURi ! war i love'» fly witcheries, And f.orniiig all the < ; ,-3pery of art, A fpidtr'j loom now r.vpj my thin attire Through whiih tl.e rog . (h, ti.l tale winds D ) frolic as they lift," SOLOMON SIMPLE, P. M. D AN APPRENTICE WANTED, At the Office of the Gazette of the United States. BY THIS DAY'S MAILS. BOSTON, June 26. At the moment when a negotiation is pending between this country and France, when (if the opinion of some well informed pcrfon is correft) in all human probability an aecommocation before this has taken place, and erirry difference is adjusted. When ttrong profeflions of friendfhip we-e made to ttri country, ar.d a new rxegocia tioH solicited with a 1 the ar.iour of fmceri ty ; Why. alfc« every man of reafoo and ja.ftice, is depredations continued ? There is not the shadow of a doubt but Ba na parte, while prating of friendfhip. amity ar.d refpeft, far America was at the fame moment, confirming and authorising anew the holtile conduct of the Weft, India free booters'. The captures are frefh wounds by the fame hand, which pretends to ac cept the olive branch of peace. Are these evidences of the pacificatory disposition of thik terrible republic ? Are thef the ma nifeftations of their love of jaftice, their moderation, their conciliatory profeflions ? Well then may the robber console his vic tim by the aflurance that he has spared him his life. If such be t 1 e mode io which our Gallic friends exemplify their profeflions of amity, may the Lord ever dtfend us from their FrenchJbifl. While we feel indignant at the Insults and which arc daily committed on our commerce, ats "different ltr.ges : On the lower p rt of the plants, and near the firlt joint of the i jiiied llem6 wc observed th/e infeft. in its eating a: d maggot Hate and in that where in it certainly dot* all themifchitf : Again, ' upon the deadend lltlks, it was found in its shelly or cryfa!is state ; in some of the m >ie advanced of »l ich he fly was ea! ly , to be disc rned, by its head, body, and in the unfolding growth f its Thefe ai.pcaianc s at once confirmed the opinion : I had juil b fore haza ded, th.tthe eggs of this iufeft are deposited in the ternler grain of wheat, barly rye or other crops on which it feeds ;*«iid whi'ft these giains are in their m Iky and u ripen d state ; by ; the rrival of which season, it was plain from the appearances we hrid jnft noticed, that the whole annual brood of these infe&s would attain to VheT fly and parent state ; and when it i# reaf. nable to conclude thry 1 will b provided with their usual store of fgga for the continuance of their species, ai d which they will as natur.lly as hereto fore, ttrike into and deposit in the downy end, and ntar the geimen or the tender grain which is now growing. Tliefe fafts btifg admitted, the remedy appears both easy a d certain. I would recommend that all the farmers in the country fhouid prepare thei feed wheat in the following m inner : To a brine or pickle, made fufficiently (Irong to float a new laid egg, there (hould be added, to every three gallons, two oun ces of finely pulverized arfen c. In this pic le the feed wheat fh».uld be soaked for ! five or fix hours, when, att r d ainirg it | in bafkeis over the deep vcflU, 'he wheat (houid be tyre d upon a floor and t here dres sed with io much freflj hacked lime as,, af ter the wheat has beec frequently turn d, woul i form a powdered coat, or covering, over every grain. In this Hate the wheat will be for sowing. The w 11 known property al canfljc lime in its diforgamz- i ! ing po*er u on all anim I bodies, is the | principal upon which it will operate on this occalion, by completing the d ttruftion cf ail the eggs which the Htffian fly may have depoflted in th.; wheat, orwther grain thus prepared ; and wh ch may have eleaped the poilenous cff-Ct of the arf nic in the pick e. Thus our end wll he Obtai ed, net only wiilio t injury to the vegetative principle in the feed, but at the fame time with ad j| vantage to the ensuing crop, from the ope . rationo t! e litne as a manure upon the land ; in or er mor-* effectually <> prepare the ar senic for an equal admixture in the pickle, it (hould be boiled in a pro; ortion of about I two gallons of water to a pound of arferic, jill the whole is completely"difiolved. This solution Ihriuld be then well ftirrcd and mix ed with the pickle. I remain lir, yours &c. CHARLES VANCOUVER. BufhesTavern Winchefler, May 29th, 1800. N. B. The country princers ar. j request ed to insert the above in their refpeflive pa pers, for t''e inf<>rmationof those who would like to make trial and experiment the ensu ing feed t!m«. BALTIMORE. Frira the Baltimore Telegraph. A Dial gue between an Inhabitant of Phila delphia and a Farmer, Farmer. How happy are you, Mr. Wi'-' liam ! You have nothing- to do but walk) courfc, and amuse yourlejf here in the coun try j and when you are at home, your busi ness gives you but littje trouble. The whole of your time is occupied agreeably in writing a few lines in the compting house ; going to the coffee house ; returning to a good din ner ; receiving company ; paying vilits, en tertaining yourfelf at the theatre, and re turning to deep as long as you pldafe. Citizen. Yes—This is the bright fid; of the story my dear John ( but you are a stranger to the evils of our mode of life. To live in the capital is exceedingly expensive. We mult be able to meet thr demands of our tamilies ; and to do this with honor and | e.ife, and support the luxury of our wives I and children, requires more labor than y»u | think for. continually agitated by ' anxiety. A veflel may be taken or fuffer ; Ihipwreck. D.-btors may become insolvent, j and this for large sums of money. We have j our bilis to meet—and often sleep not, while j you repose with tranquility, j Fa'met. All this is true, Mr. William —but persons who are rich can meet all these j expinfes with less difficulty than you f.ijr: I and you arc not lik- - my ft If exposed to every I kind cf bad weather, anu much fatigue Ml j gathering in the harvest, felling onr pro duce, See. S Citizen. I agree with yon, my dear John, that you .fuffer more fatigue of body than we So, but even this fati. ue i* a lource ,ot health and found sleep. Our mental pains are much more severe. Envy and (lander persecute the men in off distinguished by their wealth, and often uonvftic bitterness riiffi;rbs this appa-rnt felicity that the vulgar believe is prerogative of the »itiz*n. Am bition ir another enetnv of their tranquility. You ri- not acquainted with all the evils re . fervrd f ra city-life.' ; Farmer. My highefl ambition is to he a hie to provide cbmfortable filiations for my 1 family, which Is very large, H»iff to lay tip ■' euoiiffh to live with rale in mv "Id ai:e Citizen. Ityour femily be numerous, tl ey are all brought up'to labor and osconoiv.y, and this kird of education is tie surest wejltl'?* f'r it may be carried every where without fear cflofir.g it. You can buy ex c lleiit land for ahnoff nothing in the back country, ss for example in Kentucky, and efiablifh tlx- >ldeff of your f/unity. They w.ll for.n larjre plantations, while the younrf.i awll remain at home to afliff you in your o!3 age, and share a rich inheritance after ybur death. ( Firmer. You are right, William.—T thank God ,1 fee rry error. * Look on rhii tumble Cottage, and df-plore Thy 'orHiy palace—fay, can golden ore Procu-e fueh artlcf* trarq'iil jiy» as these. """ ------- ■ t Public Notice I IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in purfuancf of the * power r fervcd to each party in th« articles of e co-fartnerlbip, hearing date the 31ft day i f July, I bctwei-s H:'iiry Houghton and John Wl itifiJts j the bid copartncrlhip, carried on under the firm t of John U'MteQ !es °< Ormjany is dilT Wed f Edward Fdward: ~l Attornies 5 Chm lei B Toting > FO>< c jfofeph S. Lewis J H. Houg 1 ton. June 30. atf. j * Ten Dollars Reward. ( DESE R TED FROM York Town on the infl. JAMF.S HENPER3ON. laHy a ?rrj?ant in the roth Kegimei t, ami mlifted as a S-.rj ant in the Marine Corps, "f the following drfcriptien— He is r.hoat five feet fix inches high, brown hair and fair ccrapl xion He is an asive iellnw and brags much of his ahi!itics as a Drill Set) ant. He has been lately seen in Lancaftcr, and is pro hably with his Iricndi., who live about 4 miles 'rom (bat plaer. Theabova reward will be given an** all expen ees paid, on delivering him to ?ny cffiuT in the fervicc o' the United .-tatcs, cr iodgi. g hitn in Jail. ROBERT RAWKIN, 'Adjutant Maiine C rp~. Philadelphia June 10. iliw. Just Art ivcd, AND FOR -SAi.B DV TIIK SU BSCIt ID SB S, THE CARGO OF TIIE SHIP VIIILADKLI'tIIA,. i*heodV. R. J New York, sn.t Irtt wilh lh: ; rinter of the Geajfte of this United Stales, w illb; ai tended tc. ICT A Printer would find it to ills advantage June y ' d:t Imported In the, Pomor.i, Irtmj LiwrpMi, ltd fur filf, Ironmongery, Scullery, Cutlery, Br assJapan'd Wares,, P>"f ihs Brutus and r'entlope, via N. York, HATS -flbrted ill cases, and PINS in Boxes—-by. ELISH A FISHER & Co. No. sq, North Frynt ftrecc. dim \ )-inr »& QUESTIONS To Merchanlt, Store keepers, and Trades men in general, &c. ift, PRAY Gentlemen, ifc a perfedl ftandarlf of discount) or interest* calcnljied on every dol lar ( without exception ) from i to 2000,-from one day to sixty-sour days incliifive, of any value, whether used as a standard, or as a che. k upon the enquirers' own calculations. ad Is it of any imparlance to know the best methods of c< mputfrtg the exchanges, be tween this country and Ihe principal mari time tracing place in Ruflia, Sweden, Den mark, Norway, Prufiia, Poland, Germany, Holland, Flanders, Spain, Portugal, Inly, in several of the Windward and Leeward Well Indii Iflaiids, and many ports in the East Indie*? 3d Is a table of all the coins and monies of account in the ploceS aforefaid, of any use ! 4tb Are theC 'ir.-> and monies cf account in the aforefaid place*, w!>efi reduced to dollars and cents, of any service ? sth Is a table of compound interest of any uti lity > •6th Is the table by which the banks determine the value > for .'our tiloufand dollars in two,much tohazaid. -— _ J NOTHING IS "sO BR PAT£>-jjtf_ AD VANCE, neither will it be expe<2ed of fcribers ti» take the v o'k when publiihed, if it is not delivered rigorously conformable to rry Agreements witli the ptittlic, exprefled in the conditions affixtti tothe specimen hooks, each of which cm.fint ol fix detached pages of the work. I am, «ifh refpefl, Gentle riitr, 4 Yom humble, JOHN ROW LETT, Accom, tent, Rank of North America. POSTSCRIPT. The woik is dedicated, l»v permifiion, to th« I President and Dirnllors of the Bank of North America) and has already received the patron j age of JOHN AI>.VMS, President i»f the Uni ted States; i.frTHO'.i A'S Vice- Prefiilent of the United S'ate", and l'rifident | nf thr Sera'e; different itaiik* un n r be Specimen Beck in the Brink of North Amer ra, is filing very ft/! luitb fub/criptioni, some of ! copies, some r cnjileV, t(ri some for ;copie«, and I take'.hi opportunity f g'etefully cknawhJsing a 1 f.rvcurs. Cienti'mm having Kufintfs ai«ilherof he Bji ks tn-iy si bfetih# ther« a» welt as at the Taverns. &c. already mentioned. ghtfeeureJ occordirg to aß~~rf C»<* j, fit March 10. di'JSenf Philadelphia Academy. .I SAMUEL MAG AW, D. D. Reitor of St. Piul'« Church, and formerly Vice- Provotl of th« Umverfity ot Pennlylvama, ANI) JAMES A'IVEHCR<)MP.IE, A. M. One ot the Alliflant Minifiedol'Chrifc church and St. Peter's, openeU, At No. »4, Spruce Street, | AN ACADEMY, CONSISTING OF , AN Fnglirti School, a Claflkal School, and a Schop;, in which all the i hranchss of fcierce connefleil wth thole de loa rt ments are taught N B 7he Mathema j tical Department ii condußed by Mr. Pftir Df iAMaR, formerly Prrfejjor cf Mathematics in the liojal s:cad-mj, L)ubiin- June 6. Three Lents Reward. RUM away of the aSdk inOk. a hound' flkrrot camel P.listbeth Howettl. Had on and toek.wtth her thraa difitrvot pWM*t aid money, prowl, Hold ar.o unpu lfnt, a ooted har i [oa ipprchcn< t (wtfHc entitled to toe ab4v4 rtward—ot> roVf or et>ar(*« willb« pM*.' N: ti.J'hfcha'i*'y*aii*od