-** -1 Nuxbph |O"" TSf price of tbts Gazette is Eight U OLLAIts per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia- Ail others p.:j Me Dollar additional, fir enclosing and di recting ; and unless'some person in ibis city will become cSsweraUe fir the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. %* No Subscription will be received fir u shorter term than six months. December 1 1799. -L =? ALMANAC Fr»m July I —to 8. men WATER. Tuesday Wednesday Tharfday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday- Saturday Sunday Munaay Monday . v . PROPOSALS, FOR CARRYING The Mails of the United Slates, On the following Post Roads, Will be received at tbe Gmtral Fost Office, City of Washington, until tbe lotbduy of July next. ■j.T?ROM Portsmouth, by Mamptonfalls, J? Newbury port, Ipswich, Beverley, Salem and Lynn to Bjfton, thrje times a week. From April 15 to October 15. Leave Portsmouth every Tuesday, Thursday lad Saturday at 4 A.M. and arrive at bolloo the fame day* by 6P. M. Returning, leave Boston every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 A. M and arrive at Portsmouth the lamc daysby 6 P. M.. fivm October 15 to April 15. Leave'Pottfmouth every TuclJay, Thursday jndSs'uiday at 1 P. M. and arrive at Bolto.. on the following days, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday at 6P. M. Returning, leave Hoi ton every Monday, Wednesday and Friday it 6 a. M. and arrive at Portlinouth the next days, Tuefiav--StaortOly and Saturday at 10 A. M. Bofton by Worcelter, Brookfield, jSpriuglield, Sufficid, Hartford, Wethersfield, Middletown, Durham, Wallingford, Near-Ha ven, Milford, Stratford, Fairfield, Norwa k, Stamford, N»w Rochelle, Ealt Chefler and Hacrlem to New-York, three times a week. From April 15 to October 15. Leave Boston every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at ham. arrive at Worcefer b 6 f « Leave VV rcetter every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday at 3 A M. Arrive at Brook field by 10 1 M. atSprin?fie!d,by ipm.h Snf field by 5 r m. and at Ilartford at 9 v M. the lame days. L»ave Hartt. rd every Monday, Wednesday and Frid:yat3 a m. arriveat NeW Haven by noon > leave New-Haven at 1 P"M. and arrive at Stamford by 9 p m. faun days Leave Stamford every Fuefljy, Thurf lay an.', Saturday at 3 a m. and anive at New Y .rk fame days by n o'clock, noon. Returning t leave New-York every Monday, WednelUiy SKid Friday at 11 A M/arrive at Stamford in the evening j leav« Stamford every Tuefiay, Thursday and Saturday by jam; arriveat yiNew Haven by noon ; leave New-Haven at t phi. and arrive at Hartford by 9 P m ; Ua»« Hartford on Wednesday, Friday and Monday by 3 A M j drrive at-Springfield by 10 A m, and at Worcellerby 9 ? m ; le*vc Worceller every Thursday, Saturday .and Tuesday by 3 a m, aiml arrive at Boston fame days by 1 p m. From October 15 to April 15. 'Briton every Tuelday, Thursday and Saturday by 8 a m t arrive at Worcofttr by 8 fM ; leave Worcester oa Wedneld»y, ftta y and Monday at 4 a m ; arrived at Suflic Id fame days by 8p m. Leave Sufficid Thursday, ba turJay and Tuesday at 4 a m. and arrive at New -Haven by 8 Pm. Leave New-Haven ev ery Friday, Monday and SVedikfday at 4 a m . and arrive at New-York the next days Saturday, Tuesday Thurfday by n a m, Returning, leave New-York eyery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at iiam: arriyeat New-Haven or. Tuesday, Thurlda-, and 5a tnrday by 8 p m. Leave New-Haven every Monday, W*dndftlay.'aii<3frkliy by 4 A M. ar rive at Suffie'dby 8 pm. Leave Suffield Tues day, Thursday an -aturdu> by 4 A M and arrive at Woreefttfr by 8 I'WI. Leavr Wor cester every Monday, and Friday at 4 A M. and arrive at Uf.fton the fame days by 4 P M. 3. From New-Y«rk by-Newark, .Elizabeth town, Rahway, Woodbridge, N»w-Brunf.»ick, Princetoa, Tieivton, Rriftol and Fraukford to Philadelphia, everyday, S»n lay excepted Leave New-York every day, Sund-yexoept ed, at I PM and arrive in Philadelphiathenext day at 7A M 18 hours. Return Jig, leave Phi lade'lphia exsry day, sunday excepted at t P. M. and arrive at New-York the next day by 7 AM. From November 1 to !May 1, the hour of arrival at Philadelphia and at New- York ihall be extended to 8 \ M. 4. From Baltimore by Hladenfburg to Wa-. fliiugton every day, Sunday excepted. April 1 to A r ivat&ber i. Leave Baltim M-e everyday at it A M. and arrive at Walhiugtoft by 6 ? M. Rcturmn<, leave Waftrmgtoif every day at 3 A M. si.J ar rive at Baltimore by 11 A iil. November 1 to April 1. Leave Haiti'nore tvery d»y at 4 a m and arrive at WftftiiKjton by xi> m. Jitturning, leave Walh ington every day a: Xo .1 m. andarnvj at Balti moi e by 7 p m . 5. from Wa;hh)gtt)it est)' by George town, A!» KichmoaJ, c. b. every day, Sundays tid. Gazette of the United States, & Daily Advertiser. H. M. 9 '9 • 10 3 m it II 55 0 39 1 46 2 51 3 J» BETB ■P.:3E3 4 j6 7 14 - 4 3®—7 *4 4 37 —"*7 »J 4 37 7 %i. - 4 1 *J • 4 }« 7 »» 4 3* * »• 4 t9 7 •» Leave Camden every Sunday, Tuesday and rhijefdsy at 2 V M, sr.d arrive at Charleston on l'ihci«»y, Thursday.-A. Saturday at 10 AM. RetUrritxg, Iqave Chnrfrft *n every Sunday, Tnefday and Thurlday at % PM, and arrive at Ca 1 dV/i tbe,next 1 uefday, Thursday and Sa turday at I/O A M. 13. From Cai. CnlsmMa, Edgefield court houfc, ir.d Campbell town to Atigulta, three time» a week Leave Oandanevery, Sunday, Tueflay and 7hurfday at 1 PM, and a: rive »t Augnfta on Tuesday, TTiurWayand °sturdayat 10 A M. Returning, leave Augusta every Sunday Tftefday, and '7*hurWay »t 3 P'M, and arrive at Camden on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at ic. A M. 14 From Ckarleton hy Jackfonlboreugh and Coofawhatehy to Savannah twice a week. Leave Charleston every Tuesday aud Thursday t t r m arrive at Jackfoolborough on Wednesday and Friday at s p m. arrive at Coofawhatehy on Thursday and .Saturday by 5 a k and arrive at Savannah on Friday and Sunday by 8 1 M. Return ing, l.eavi Savannah every Saturday and Tuesday iy 4 a m arrive atCoofawhatchy by 8 p m and ar rive at Charleston on Tuesday and Thursday by §0 A M, 15. Frnni AngulU by LaaifWUe to Savannah, uuce a week. Leave Augusta .-very Saturday at 3 r m. arrive Louitvillc on Sunday by 6 p m. leave JLouifrille oa Afonday ar 8 am. an i ariivc at Savannah on I'uefday ai 5. p. m. leave Savannah on Wednesday it S a. HI. and arrive at ionrfviile on Thursday fey t p.m. leave Louil'ville on Friday at 6 a m. and' arrive at .Atigufta on Saturday nt to a tn. 16 Prvln Aa vannah 01.c a week. Leave Ainpifla tvery TuefJay at » », m arrive it Wjyi,tfl)orp»gh on \Vedßefe)iy by Ba. m anJ : rriva at .HivabmK on Fri lay by, j». m. jittrnm i*t, ltavt Savannah every Saturday »t 9 a m. Arrive it on iflotrtty by t » M . and ar tive at Augofli i>q I'uefday by 9 a m. 17..Fr0m Wajixlb-irotigh to tonifville. Leave Waync(b.;reugh every cdnefday at 9 Am. and strive at I.ouilv Uc by'j Im. Returning, leave i.ouifvii e.ery Thursday at 5 a M.and ai-' rive at. Waynefborough by I p .1. 18. Fro;fi Savannah Ly sunbury, Ricebprough, Darieii andStunfwick to Jte.-y's once a week. From April 1 to 2*\ver.iber 1 Leave Washington every day at 8 A M. and arrive at Frederickfcurg by 7 PM. Ls-.s FrcdcrijHcJbure every day a( 3 A yi and arrive at Richmond by 6 P K. Returning, leave ttichruond every day by ; A M and arriv at Frederickiburg by 6 P M. Leave Frederickf burg every day by 3 A, M. and arrive at Walh ington by 4 P M. Novem.'-er 1 e April 1. Leive Washington every day at 4 P M. and arrive it Alexandria by 7 P M. and arrive at Fredericklburg the next days by 7 P M- Leave Fiedericklburg avery day at 4 A M and arrive at Richmond the next days by 10 AM. Re turning, leave Richmond every day at » P M and arrive at Frederickfhurg the next days by 7P M. Leave Prederickfbuig every day at 4 A M, and arrive at Washington the next days by 8 A. M. 6- From Richmond to Peterlburg every day, Sundays excepted. Leave Richmond every lay at 4 A M. and arrive at Petersburg by to o'clock, AM. Returning leavg Petexlb.irgev ?ry day at iP M. and arrive at Richmond the fame diys by 7 PM. 7. from Richmond by New Kent court houfc, Wiliiamfburg, York-town and Hampten to Norfolk, 3 times a week. April 1 November I. Leave Richmond every Tuesday, ThurfiJay and 'iturday it 3'A M. Arrive at New-York by 6 PM, and arrive at'Norf 4k the next day«, Wednefdsys, Friday, and Sundaye by 1 P M Returning, leave Norfolk eery Tuesday, Thurf. day and Saturday, at 10 A M ; arrive at York nti e evening. Leave York every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday by \ A M, and arrive at Richmond ibe fame days by 6 P M. Nc* ember t to April t. ♦ I eave Richmond every Monday, Wednesday ard Friday at jPMi arrive at Norfolk in tw» days on Wednesday, Rriday and Monday by 10 AM. Returning, leave Norfolk every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 1 P M- and ar rive at Richmond in two day« on Wednesday, Friday and Monday by 10 A M. 8. From PeteflWg by Cabbin Point Surry court houft:, Su.ithfield, Suffolk and Portl mouth to Norfolk three times a week. Leave Peterlburg every Monday, Wednes day and Friday at 11 <>' clock, noon, arrive at S; ffu'.k the next days by 1P M; leave Snff.lk at 1 P M, and arrive at Norfolk by 8 P M. Returning, leave Norfolk every Monday, Wed nesday an ! Fndjy at* A M; arrive at Suffolk Tame day. by 10 AM. Leave Suffolk at 11 A M, and arrive at Peterlburg every Tuesday, Thursday ana Saturday by noun. 9. P.-terlburg by Harrifville, Goldfonville and Warrenton to Lcuilburg three times a week. Leave Pe;«rlburg »very A/on,day, Wednef ilay and Friday at a P M. and arrive at Louif h«rg in two day on Weilnefday, Friday and Sunday at ic A M. Returning, leave Louif burg every \I ndiy, Wednesday and Friday at 1 P M, and arriveat Peterlburg in two days 011 Wednesday, Friday ar.'d Monday at to A. M. 10. From Luuilbu>|/isry Raleigh, Averyfbo ro' and Fayetteville Fails, thrte t-imes a week. W Leave Louiffcurg every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 I' M, arrive at Mc. Falls or. Tuelday, Friday and Sunday by 9 A M. Returning, leave M'Falls on Monday, Wed tnd'diry and Friday at 3 P M, and arrive ar L inlbuig or. Wednesday, Friday and Afonday at 10 A M. 1». Chercau court hmtf'e to Camden tl.nee time a week. Leave M'Falls every Su'ntlay. Tuesday and Uriday at t P M, and'arrive at Camden on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at in A M Returning, leave Cam den every Tufcfday, Thursday and' Saturday at 1 P M, and arrive at M'Falls on Thursday, Sa turday and Monday at 10 A M. la. From Camden by StaitAurg and James vi le toChprieft :n, three times a week- When the river is lb high is to make 1-mg Ferries, the mainhai; !< cai'tied from Camden on thefouth fide of .tsliiee rifeer By C. P. Wayne, No. 65, South Front-street. P HILA LEL PHI A, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY i, ,800. Leave Savsjipab evtfy Wednesday at 9 a m. ar rive at Ricebcrough on rhtirfcfay by 10 a m. and arrive at Staryi on Saturday by 9a m. Return ing, iesve St. Mary# every Satarday it 3 r a. ar rive at Riceborough the next Monday by 3 r in and arrive at Savannah the next I'uefday byj r.Hi 1 he property will be surveyed ahJ fold in lot* to suit the purchasers; plots 6f which will be ex hibited on the day of sale. HAVING procured a firfßci«nt number of the most approved European GlafsManu fudlurers, and having on hand a large (lock of thebpft Materials, on which workmen are now imployed, ,jiave the pleasure of alluring the public, that window glais of a fupeiior qua lity and of any size, frora by 9, to 18 by 24 Inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet ea h,may be had at the (hortefl notice. Glass of larger sizes for other purposes, may atfii be hadj fncb as for pidlures, coach glalßs, clock faces, &c. Bottles of all kinds and cf any quantity may alio be had, together with pocket fialks,pick!ir>.gjars, apothecary's stop furniture, or other h»llow ware—the whole at leall 25 per ; cent, lower than articles of the Came quality brought frcm any of the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance .will be made on sale of quantities. Orders from merchants mil others will k>e punflually attended to on ap pjiWticii to JAMES O'HARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at Lite Store of McfTrs PRATHER and SMILJE, in Maiket-Street, Pttlburgh, March 4, " tuthtf. LOST, OR MISLAID, A CERTIFICATE of four shares of the Bank of the United States in the name ot Biek'nam & Reefe, No IJ9J, f«>r the renewal of which application is intended to be made at the laid Hjnk„.ind all peri'ons CQacernedare de sired to takc notice. JAMES HENDERSON. May 8. d3in ' KOTES. Note 1. The mail on the route No. 9, 10, 11 and 12 is to be carried in a whesl carii ape or by a led hpi le. A penalty at the rate oi' 12 cents a mile will be incurred by the Contra £h>r for each time and mile that he ihall carry the fame without making use of either a Carriage or led horse. No altera tion will be uiade'in the times fixed for the arrival and departure of the mails in these routs. Note i. The Poilmafkr-General may al ter the times of arrival and departure at any time during the continuance of the contrasts, he previously stipulating an adequate com pensation for any extra expence tnat may be occifioned thereby. Note 3. Fifteen miKUtes fhi.ll be allowed for opening and closing the mail at all office. 3 where no particular tinje is fpecified. Ni-te 4. For every fifteen minute? delay (unavoidable accidents excepted) in arriving after the times prescribed in any contract, the contra&or (hall forfeit one dollar ; and if the delay continue until the departure of .any depending mail, whereby the mails des tined for such depending maillofe a trip, an additional forfeiture of five dollars ihall be incurred. Note 5. Newfpapersas well as letters are to be sent in the mails : and if any pcrfon, making propolals, dcfires to carry newspa pers, other than those conveyed in the mail, for his own emolument, he mud (late in his proposals for what sum he will Carry it with that emolument, and for what sum without that emolument. Nate 6. Should any peffon, making pro pufals, driire an •Iteration of the times of arrival and departure above fpecified, he mud (late in his propolals, the alterations defined, and the difference they will make in the terms of his csntrail. This note does n#t upply to tlie routs No. 9, i, 11 and ia. No alteration **ill be made in those times. Not- 7. Persons making propofils are de filed t« (bate their prices by the year—Those who contract will receive their pay quarter ly, in the month of January, April, July a ilcj. Oiiober. Ai;; j, The contraflj for tbe routs numbered 1 to 13, an to be in operation on the ill day of Oftober next, 2nd are to con tinue in force until the iftof Odtober 1804. Contrails f'r the routs number 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, nre alio to be in operation on the I fl djy of Qilpber next v a.nd are to continue in furce until the til of April 1802. JOS: HABERSHAM, Fnst master-General. Central Post Office, > Philadelphia, March 20,1800.3 eotyj MARSHAL'S SALES. United States, 1 . Pennsylvania District, y BY virtue p(Tsndrv Writs: f venditioni exponas, Affiled nut oP the Oillnil Court of the United States, for the lliftriil afoteCiid, will be GXjiolrd to publicJ»lc, on the premiss,.on .Wednef,lay.the 30th of July ne;U, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the fame day, all that frail of I,2nd called Cone dogwintiet Trail, fitaateir. EVi Ptnnfbury town fnip, Cumberland county,eonrahing'fiv..' hundred iniUhirty two acres, more or Itfs, with the klef liug«s -theieon eredled.. Also a!! chat Trail of Land called /J .qcull Valley, adjoining «hc above, containing three hundred and* Tevynteeu acres moreorlefs, with the there neieiled. Also all that I rail of Land called Oak Bank.fi ~as above, containing tw,-vhimdred.aad seven ty acres, more 01 lcl'a, with the Mefluagea thereon ere£ed. Seized and taken in execution, an-) to be fold as •he property of Oliver Pollovk, Rfq by JOHN HALL, Marshal. Marshal's Office, , Pbili elphia, June 21, 1800. $ eot 3°Jy- GLASS -MANUFACTORY. THE. PROPRIETORS Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, A fiifhionable Horse and Gig FOR -TV ALE.. The Horle young, anil the Gig as good as new. Apply to the Editcv. N B. NEW WATCHwiII be taken in paymtnt at a fair wholesale yrice. •uneia. ' ( ~■ ■ > r~ZT"~ English Fashionable Hats. " T. B. FREEMAN, NO• 136, MARKET-Z'TREETy HAS just opened a few Cai'cs of Gentlemen's fine London HATS, suitable for the pitfunt ieafon, which ha is now ielliog- on reasonable terms. Jone 17. tuth&saw BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock £3" Watch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Market Street, Where he has for Sale, Spring and other Clonks ; gold and silver Watches ; Tools, Files and Materials > ftp el ana gilt Chains, Seals and Keys ; Springs, Sic. &c. x CLOCKS AND WATCHES Repaired as ofual. June 3 tu&f tf Just jtrrivedy AND JOR SAL* BT THE SWESC&IBSR3, THE CARGO - Of the Ship Cjftfrov, Richard Dale, Commander, from Canton, CONSISTING OF Bohea 1 Souchong ] Hyson Skin TEAS. Young Hyson | and Hyson. J 3>" \ 'NANKEENS. Sugar of ill quality China Waie. CalEa. ' Fans. An assortment of Silks. WILLINGS ts> FRANCIS, No. Ji, Penn Street. April 14. d. valuable real estate. fOR SALE, About 2 J acres of Land, LAYING on the east fide of the Falls'R. ad.— On '.he East it is bounded T>y property belong ing to Mr.TetKh Francis, fan.— on the south, by a road of tj.vo perches, and on the north by a lace, wi.ich ieparatea it from Mr. M'CaJl. It is prcpo fe 1 to divide this land into 3 equal parts in order to hit the purchaiers, Also, 31 acres, situated Ml the weft fide of Gerrr.anfown roid, adjoining Mrfters's estate, brini* psrt Of thu proptriy of the lire Samuel Mifflia. PorUm* ay pi y to kwiMl' UlAit, comer of Ma»ktt abil iltli'ftreMi. Jarairy *4. lif. CAUTION. ,T 0$ T or mislaid Mosre Wfctrfns note, dated L 18th May lad, payable in fatty days to Jacob Dawtiipg, and by him indors'd for three hundred eighty ei(>ht dollars and seventy three cents—pay ment being ftop'd at the several Bank", it can be i»f no ule, hut to the ownet—Ar.y person having found the,fam«, (hall receive a fuita4l« reward, by leaving it at No. 119 Noith Water Street. June 17 . dtf CLERK.' Clerk ..wanted for.Saint Ptrt'rs Church Apply to Thou us Cumpflon. Nj. 24 South Tbird-StrtCt. May 19. PHILADELPHIA A'N>D' WASHINGTON CITY Mail S ,/T\N the ift of July next, tiie v 'ail Stages will.leave Hardy's In.i and the United isiates Mail Stager ffice, opposite tit Pott-office irt Philadelphia, every Jay Sunday excepted, at 8 A, M. and arrive at Evans' tav.rn in Balti more, tlie next day by 6 A. M. ; n hosrs. Leave Evens' tavern eveiy day at 8 A. M. and arrive at VVafljjngtQii City by ? P. >!• UETHRNIMG, Xfave Waffiington City every da< Sunday ex cepted, at 8 A M., and arrive at Baltimore hy SP. M. Leave Baltimorj the nc*-t morning at 3A. M. and arrive at Philadeljhia the fame day by 10 P. M. Fare for Pasttngers. From Philadelphia to Baltimore, 8 dollars. Baltimore to Wafhing'oii City, 3 jo Wajkington C:')> June 11, 1800. June 16, 1800, daw TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Body, Englilb, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and a great variety of articles necefiary to carry on the t'riir . ing Bufinefi. They will be fold cheap tor cash Apply to the Printer, may 19, FOR SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette U States. A PROPOSAL BY William Young Birch, AND Abraham Small, Of the City of Philadelpbii, FOR PUBLISHING BY SUIVgCRIPTION, THAT INVALUABLE WORK, PS SPSS/trr.'* HISTORY OF Modern Europe. With an account of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, the Itise if Modern Kingdoms, is'c. itfc. m*. IHE great applause which this excellent book has received, if a sure proof of its merits—'lhe vast sale which it has had for several years, is a fair criterion by which the public opinion of its worth can be known. During the life of th# learned author, it went through the annual sale of a very large imprcf fion— tyery facceeding edition received f me improvement the result of his deep refcarches and great judgment—he lived to make it aa perfeft as in the nature of things it eould be— he is dead ! Whilst the Enghlh language is read, the History of Modern Europe will re main a monument to his fame ! It is as enter taining as iuftrufkive ; as interelting as pro found. The plan of the work Is copious, but by happy arrangement, the reader is at CHce presented with the cotemporary history of every part of Europe. The boi k now offered to the public is from the lail and m >ft corieiS copy, to which this no Way inferior. IV ioNTAJNS— An history cf the decline and fill of the Roman empire. The rife of modern kingdoms, ge nerally. A particular history of the French monarchy. Do Spain irdm the dcminio* of the Viligeths. Italy, with the rife and progress of the Temporal Power of the I'opea. Britain, from its relulquilhment by the Romans. Ireland. . The German em pire, from Cliarletnaj.:ne. The empire of • Conftantinoplc toiti overthrow. Eir.piie or the Arab>. Rife and progress of the l urks and fall of the Gretk empire. History of Portugal j View of the progress of Naviga tion; Cocqnefts in the Eait and Weft Indies; Dilcovery ofAmer ca,&c. History of Sweden, Denmark, N. r»ay, Rt.ffia,Poland anitPruf fi»: Noi th-America. as coonttfed with Eu ropean history. A very cum; rehenfive a»cl highly ufetul chr eolegy. CONDITIONS. I. The whole (hall be ciimprrzcd in five oiJlavo tolumes, printed is the best m»nr.er, on a fnperfine pa| er. 11. It is intended to deliver one volume every two month?, at the price or Two Dollars per volume in boards, payable ondelivery. 111. As it may be inconvenent to deliver them te diflant fubferibers in (ingle volumes, those wh« wifti it, may let them remaip with the publishers until the nhole are ptblilied. The work is at press anil wit! be printed on a beautiful new type call for the ptirpofe. The encouragers «f thu undertaking may reft as sured, that n thing now forefeep (hall delay its regular procedure ; so that in one year at far thett the cit.zens of the United States ftiall be prefeiited with an American Editien of Doflor Kuffell't History of Modern Eur.pe, equal to the Engiifl) copy, aud at a lower price. June 14 tu&/f THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swcdith Majeftj's Consul General, and au thorized to tranfatfl the C onjular !3ufincfs, tor his Majesty the King of i '-enmaak in the United States of America, residing at Philadelphia, ' Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent infhu&inns received from his government, it it the duty of all Md'ters of Swedish and Danish vessels, bcJor*. their failing from any port in the laid States, to call upor him or the Vice Consul in or-er to be granted such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the esigency of the tiate of the Neutral Commerce ani thefe verai Decr«ss of the Belligerent Powcri, renders indifpe-rfably necessary, and, that any Maftcr If veflels btlonging to the refpeiflive rfations, or na vigating under the protection of their flags, in / emitting to take such certificates, will perlor.a!iy-' stand responsible for the confequenccß. ' ItICHAUD SODERSTKOM. Philadelphia, 18th December, 1799. JUST COME TO HAND, And for falc at W. Young, J. if J.'Crukshank, and Thomas Dobson's Bookstohbs, A POEM, Sacred to the memory of GEORQE WASHINGTON, Late Prelident of the United States, an«l Conuimnder lit Chief of the Annies of the United States. A.iapted to the'iad February 1800. li y *7? i*' a/. Sits Al sea' . mtfrch »q. NOTICE. "TTTHERE 1.5 Mathcw Irwin i!irf o«i the Bth W day of July if 797 make a:i afligunentof fcij estate ana uffnils, to as the. lubi'c: ibris, for the be nefit of of hi* cnjclitoif, aS fli. uM Op or before . the acth si"er, 1757/exrcute iq him a full and fiqa.! djlciiargc— Ht>v tfcofc of his tfeditor* who are entitled Vo <1 dividc-cd under laid aiiign mem a:e ri-qucflt::) tit furuiiii yjcjr accounts 01 ■ Samuel ivlerk r, «itK int;f«ft calculated up to the 3th day 6) Jufy, 1797, as> a i.iv;-!end will abfolutc iy be Snick on the fcrlt day ot -\pril next, and thofc who liegleA te comply with, thj, notice Will there after he excluded trf.m the bcuelic of the fame. Pbilip Nic'tdin Samuel Meeker | iftit&'t Lewis, is ■•ids. Alligaef 3. Pearson tfarit Jvbn M, Baylor j U-2 \Voi.umk XVIIi. %