Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 30, 1795, Image 3

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    •;•; again. At th : s fad interval, which
j us from your Majclly, we live un
the aulpiccsof his Excellency Ge
n{-~J .Buxhovclcn, to whose care the go
*<.,im:nt of thr? city ii entiulted as
j- marwlant. Hij care iauhc pledge!
3 , .ir fate. This great man, who is
I v <wt'd With the •rareil qualities of rnir.d i
] }ii« found means by his prudent mea
li; . »aud ordinances, his impartial love
i r, ; i&ie'C, and his Unremitting a. c, to
cc ;» Mifate for that protection and care
k w c ; i wc loft by Ule absence of your
11 (icily. We take therefore the libeitv
■3* !ly d >wft our molt humble petition
I ?\ . our Mijtity'i feet, Ma
ftrmenabtfl, the fate of thi< city in
ira!t h~ fame mirineras youTormerly ufedto
S' . .mt it ) our ajli lance and protection. It
; tie general and sole W»!h us all the in-
V uta:'t» of tliis city, thnt this great
t denial and lover of juflicr may be at
> head of affairs during your majesty's
f ,'>!rnce. Sire, it depends on the endea
vors which your rmjefty may use, as
i l;-ig as poli ics do alfiime a tiirferent as
: t>ef.t,and things remain as they now are,
th i.t the government and care of this ci
y and its inhabitants remain in the
K bfctaiajf this excellent, and valuable,
fc rn j tinrverfnlly refpe£ted man. This is
P the moil humble petition .which we lay
! y»ur mijeltv's feel, at your m.ijelly's
i pieafure, Sic. See.
Here follows a great number of [y.
V natures.
| . .- . _
last week.
For the hrnefit of
Ir.WELLS. Box-Book Keeper.
~)n Wednesday Evening, July i,
til be presented a celebrated Comedy, writ
ten by the A .tbor of The D.amatift,
The R AGE.
Is performing at Co Dent Garden Theatre,
■with unbounded dpp'.aufe.
Gingham, Air. IVignell .
~>arn!ey, Mr. Morcton
I r 0. Gauntlet, Mr. Green
I lion. Mr. Savage, Mr. Har wjo.i
~tr Paul Perpetual, Mr. Vv'bitlock
! 'lu'bt l\lr. Francis
• Xcudy, Mr. I Tar re I I
fj F.titer, Mr. J. Jjarlty
he bard, Mr. hlijett
: js./wjj, Mr. Mitchell
' Pilliam, Mallei T iVarrell
6Vac .Tr, Majkr J. Worrell,
Jt-aJy Stir,lb Mrs. RerveJ
Clara Scute,, (for ) ... . nigbfoalyj j M'e/it
Mrs. Hartley Mrs. MnrH.,-,11
..tid '/*
I)a>tc, co r.pofed by Mr. Francis, c riled
Or, Ths OLD ground YOUNG.
'lyf.T Tbouvbtlefi, Mr. Francis
loody Benj'pft, Mrs. De Marque
v'ealy, ft be Miller J Mr. Nugent
fob, f his SonJ Mr. f. iVarrell
P*ttJ Miss Melbourne
Lads and Laffts,
leffrs. Darley, jun. Mitchell, Price and
Matter 7. IVarrJ! Mrs. \3atsl
Afl/s IVilleins, Miss Rowfon, and
Mifi Old field.
' the courf of the Dance, will be introdu
ced an uiLLEM.INJiS, bv Mr. Fran
cis and a Ywi'tg Lady.
7j which will be ridded, a Comic Opera,
by the author of the Poor Soldi*r, called
P_'?pinj loin ot Coventry.
W"b toe Original Overture and Atcompa
P-.rpitg Tom, with the Song")
of The Little Farthing ' V Mr. Bate:
1< Ufa-light. 3
j.:ayor«f Coventry, Mr. harioood
Harold, ' Mr. J. Barley
- Mr. Francis
Earl of M-rcTttj ~ At-.-o, an
Ciunt Le jjis, lie. Cleveland
Maud, M-s Marjball}
ii'nefia, M'fs Broad.Jurjl
kady Godiva > Miss tYsUems "
Myoreji, M'.-j. Rouifrm
gf.< 'box, One Dollar Pit, Three fourths of
a Dollar. Aid Gallery, Haif a Dollar.
M ices for the Boxes to be taken of Mr.
Woils, at the Box-O.iiee, Cnei'nut Street—
Ticket; to he had at H.andP Ric-'s Book
Store, No. 50, Market Street, at M Carey's
ink Store, I<o. 118, Mark:t Street, and at
the Office aJjoining the J hea'.re
*«* On i'ridd/, a Coiiirdjr, call i Every
one his his Fault; with Tom Thumb, the
Great, and otner Entertainments, For the
Benefit of Mr. WAKRhXL and SONS.
npHAT large Gracing FARM, no# i n
X the tenure of Mr. John HilTsnt; con
Mining ahum 47 , acres, more than 200 of
which arc meadow of the heft quality • the
remainder confitf, of cedar and maple fvkmo
upland, and outfule marl, nw ;Uy fit to he
t. Itis fituatc on lte r.»=r DeW ir .
tvnha /.amodions and excellent landing'
* v "Pl'nftte to Chcfter, and between Re
pxupa anaK*e<H>n creeks, in Gioueelter coun
ty ; ti nn whun creeks public market boats
t-o every week to This Farm may
" C ?'' , '™ ieiJtl 7 u'vidcti into two, leaving
two dwellings m fe ocd situations ; ha, harns
snd itauhnjc Jor feeding 6« head of cattle •
atid, from , ts many auvantages, mud b an'
3 fcran Y exrenfively in the grazing
SterT F ° r t - rms or m orc particular
No 61 vZ'& t0 kichHrd
JO ' ' t&fiJw I
Phil adelphia, June 30.
-ie p'er/i.rin antes last evening, for
j Mr. Miibournc's ocHch', were so novel,
and the merit, on all fides, so various,
, that it would be injuttice to let it pals
uimol iced.
0 Iveefe's continuation of the Poor
Soldier, a novelty outhis Theatre, pa(T
eJ off without much applause, but was
made in some degree more intereftuig
by the appearance of Miss Milbourne,
tor the firil time iit Flora. Tlie young
lady has a foft, agreeable voice, and
lung the principal longs very prettily.
Her voice is too low to be heard, bat a
little pradtiee vrill eafiiy accommodate
t» to the fta^e.
Mr. BlilTett was very humorous in
Q'iz, and some of the other charatfers
were well played ; but we think the
piece will never become a favorite in
thin Theatre.
11l the Pantomime, Mr. Milbourne
seemed to have exhausted the whole
power of his inimitable pencil to prcfent
the puolic with the malt grand and
elegant difp'iay of Scenery ever exhibit
ed on this Theatre or any other.
So juftly-is nature copied, that admi
ration and lurprife at this truly wonder
ful artist, and it ill more wonderful art,
are irrefutably impiefled on the mind
of every beholder.
I he grand magic Poitico, taken asa
piece of fcetiic execution, we pronounce
to be unrivalled in its kind ; and the
admirable Machinery, which turns the
Noble Edifice to a Piie at Ruins, mak
inj it a mere beggarly heap of Empty
Boxes, could uot pollibly havn been
Indeed, we think on the whole, that
the public are much indebted to Mr.
Milbourne, for having produced so rich
a feaft for every defeription of A ma
te u 13.
Died at Franckford on Sunday raor
niiiiilaft, Mrs. Elizabeth M'Glelan
wife of Mr. John M'Clslan. In this
virtuosi woman, tile tender Parent, the
endearing Companion and afteCti®na r e
Friend were exemplified in themoft emi
nent degree, her death is tiniveiially re
gretted by her connexions and nume
foils acquaintance, and in an irreparable
loss to a Husband and three small chil
The French Republican ship L'Urique,
from this port, ~wa3 fccr. und-cr \vTy t.rt.n*
New Laltle, the Flying Fish, below Mar
--flis Hook, aawi the Brutus at lliflinjffport.
Dy this Day'i Mails.
NORFOLK, June ao.
Yefterdiy arrived here the fcliooner
Kofe, L'apt. Bunberry, 34 days from To
bago ; by this veflel we learn, that at St.
Lucie all the Island was in pofieflion of the
French, except the principal town of St
Lucie. At Grenada the Engliih nave got
the upper hand ; the Charibs have b*cn
brought to refle&bn ; and have acknow
ledged that, they were inftigind to their
late proceedings by the F.cnch inhabi
tants resident on the Island. At Tobago,
ail was perfedtly tranquil ; no appfar
ance there even of the existence of a war.
There was upwards of fifty privateers out
from Cuadaloupe, mariy'of whhh had
bueu fuccesfful. Flour was felling at To
bago at 12 and 13 dollars per barrel, beef
and pork nearly the fame. Spoke nothing
on the pafTage but a veflel bound for
ME vV -YORK, June 29.
ON Saturday evening, the drig Abi
- trail.-Cnpr irtuvd at this port,
til 41 days from Jn France.
By this arrival the Editor has been fa
votired with Paris papers from 6 Floreal,
April »6-to A Floreal, May ii, inclu
live, which take up the thread of intelli
gence from our last dates, via Briitol and
Pmla'.elphia, except a few intermediate
Itw as not pofnhle to t ran (lite copiously
for this day's Argus—our readers must
therefore accept, in anticipation, the fol
lowing description of the contents of these
papers, witlV a foort ahltraa, and re
marks. J
They contain—A report on Gregoire's
Declaration of the " RIGHTS of NATI
ONS," which appeared in the Argus/ of
June 13 ; projedl of 1 decree from the
committee of financ. ; decree, directing
gold and silver to be eonfidered merchan
dize in future ; 'I'hibadaut's speech on the
fubjecl of giving energy to government j
project of a decree on said ohjeft ; fub
mifflon of Stofflct to the laws, reports
and debates upon the committee of Onze
on the fubjeA of giving liability to go
vernment, &c. &e.
These papers slate—that provisions are
extremely dear and bad in Constantinople
to procure which the Grand Seignior has'
expedited fix ships and fix frigatts to Alex
andria, who are ordered to intercept all
veflels with grain in the Arthiplago, in
which seas veflels have greatly fuffered by
terrible tempests—that this distress bas
chaced every thing like WAR from their
councils r that citizen Rivals, Minister of
the French Republic, who treated with
Pruflia, hid arrived at Stockholm, to treat
1 IjAOF h the Swedish goverHtnenr.
That breadheiner scarce at Mentz, occafi
ed lome dilturbances. T hat the convo/
of 140 fiil of merchantmen had arrivcl
j it L ( Orient, to intercept wK . h a fleet of
I Britilh pien of wir have been crviiflr gin
| vam. That a final peare is made with the
i Chouans ; tliey had just received from the
Englilh a million of falfe allignats, and
plates for manufacturing them at pleasure I
which were delivered up and burnt! ! I
On a careful perusal of these papers we
find nothing of confequ -nee on the fub
je<s of peace. This will have a tendency
I to damp those hopes which our citizens
had entertained 011 rhat fubjoit.
Letters by this velfei, however, we ea
derftand, speak of a general petce with
{ Argus.']
N. B. Th; principal part of the fore
going articles m,ry be found in cxtraSs
from London Papers to May J, received
by the Richmond.
NEW YORK, June 29.
Captain Eldridge, of the brig Abi
gail, from Cherbourg, which place he
left the 17th May, informs, that the
day before he failed acueunts had been
received there, that two ambassadors
had arrived at Paris from the Court of
London, for the purpufe of negociating
a peace with the Republic of France.
This account was confirmed by limilar
information from on board of an En
glilh frigate, which boarded Capt. Eld
ridge a few hours after he left Cher
Capt. Eldridgt further informs, that
about the 12th of May a small convoy
of coasters, confiding of about ten f.;i!,
from Cherbourg, bound to Bred, was
captured by three English frigates, af
ter having been out onl»- three hours.
A general peace is much talked of in
France. Daily Gazette.
Arrived at this part.
Ship Venus, Young, Liverpool.
Sch'r. Fortitude, Jones, Curracoa.
Siiip Anna, Caturna, Lisbon.
Brig Hull Packet, Neil, Liverpool.
Abigail, Eldridge, Cherbourg.
Schooner Bet fey, Snow, Port-Royal.
William, Pennelton, Penobfcut.
Hiram, Bodon, Savannah.
Hazard, William, Walhirigton.
The {hip Jenny, Capt. Charney, is
arrived at Cherbourg, in days from
this porl.
The brig Peggy, Ja-ties Bruce, mas
ter, arrived ar Cherbourg, in 23 days
from this port.
BOSTON, June 2 ;, 1795.
Yesterday arrived Capt. fiy'lor, from
in 15 days. We learn there had
been a lkir.nifh oet*--#a tke Ereuch and
Spmith, about a week before lie laded,
which ended in favour of the French. It
took place about leagues from Bilbo#.
vV ben Capt. T. firft arrived there, Peace
was talked of, aa soon to lake plsce j but
when he failed, the idea was entirely done
On Sunday last, the town were alarm
ed by the cry, that the Galen, juit from
London, was on fire. They imftantly as
sembled, and by their ul'Ual exertions,
which beggar praise soon extinguilhed it.
It appeared to have been occasioned by the
' hu riling of bottles with vitriol ; of so
bottles packed up with saw dull in a rase,
19 burlt. she saw dull was'confumed to
coal, and the box was conliderably burnt;
but luckily, little of the vitriol getting
out, 110 goods were injured.
We can allure Freighters from the best
authority, that no vitriol will hereafter be
brought in the Galen, except on deck, or
in a manner to prevent the poffihility of its
injuring any of the properly on board.
Capt. Rice, arrived at Portfrnouth, left
Llfb.m the 24th' April, at which time
Muley Soliman'i cruisers had not been out;
and by the best information he could ob
tain from the Streightsof Gibraltar, there
was not any profpea of their being fsnt
From ST. LUCIA., ,
By the Bethiah, from St. Lucia, we
learn, that an important a<flion had taken
place a (hort time before flje left there,
which terminated in favour of the French.
There was great (laughter among the En
glish. They still puffcfled one fort, which
the French were determined to storm, the
next day after the Bethiah failed ; and re
inforcements for the purpose were receiv
ed at Guadaloupe.
FRANKFORT, April 17.
The House ®f Austria was f.lircely e
ver in such a difficult or dangerous predi
cament as at present. The Peace be
tween Prussia and France, has united
thore two powers againlt Austria, and has
besides introduced a principle which can
not but alienate the German States, from
the interests of the Emperor, and attach
them to those of Prussia. Is it to befup
pofed that Austria does not know this,
and that if Ihe does know it, she can be
induced by any subsidy or loan, to conti
nue the War against France with vigour ?
In Three O&avo Volumes—price 4 Dollars
Laws of the United States,
Pajfed by Congress ftnee the aclob- '
tion of the Conditution, to
nit" r h be had at the Printing
office of F Childs, in Suth, between Chel-
Ut v tr A e: '' " d " th 'f«vcra!
Book-Stores mtha* City.
FATETTEV'LI.E, Ju*> 13. e
On the Brii in*i. ...nplant ti
was mrde to one of ihe jultices of pea-e ;
in th'i town, against Richard Wiikins,
and William Waifxu, palling cotan* j
terfeit di l ars. They were apprehended, '
aad hrouglit heforf twomigiftratrs, who
proceeded to examine them, and found m
possession of the forrfier, base dollars, 2?
quarters of which appeared uufini fried ;
11 pieces in the form of double French
guiseie, incompletely executed ; bank
notes also were found in their possession,
of North America, United States, and
Baltimore, all bad. The latter has fnice
been permitted to give bail, and the for
mer continues in jail.
Port of Philadelphia. fi C
Sloop Independence, liipkins, ®uada- ir
loupe 1 j v,
Nabby, Hubbard, New-York 6 a
Schoouer Hannah and Nancy , Peters- ft
burgh 7 <>i
A brig from Antigua, name unknown,
was feeu coming to at the fort last even- c.
ing. a
From a Paris Paper of April 11.
* ' w
» AMONGST the numerous afls of g
cruelty by which Robefpicrre lignalifed ti
his reign, the following can
not fail inspiring our readers with the 'J
tendered concern for the two mifortu ,
nate ladies who are the fubjedts of it. '
Madame Chimai lived at [ITy, near E
Paris, with herirttimate friend Madame P
Dirmentivres, in her country house, ve
ry rciruikable for its elegance and ad f
vantageous lituation. The mod fatal v
chance 111 the world, led Robcfpicrr.c d
there. The tyrant viewed and observ e
ed the spot, and deligned in his mind a
dwelling which was c,onfcciated to a
friendlhip, to be converted into a recep- b
tacle to perpetrate his crimes *
The ruin of those two ladies was then
resolved upon, and they were soon drag- a
ged to a place of confinement at Paris, "
where nothing in cruelty was wanting,
but to separate them from each other, a
calamity which of all others, would hare J
been the moll infopportable, ■.
Meanwhile Madame Darmentieres, for c
her part was worn out with poignant grief. t
She wasfenfible that Madame Chimai had i]
continued in the neighbourhood of Paris
only through friendship to her. Generous j si
fouls are inclined to reproach themselves ! ii
for the wileft measures, when they prove j a
fatal to others. She looked upon herlelf is
as the caul'e of her friend's misfortune, a
Her frame wi. indeed weak and uclicite, -
hut tiit.of her friend was ftdl more so. 11
She paid her every attention; It was' Die F
who prepared her food and made her ! ?
bed. A waiting woman had offered to :11
partake of their captivity, but they retufed |
to accept of services of which they very
well knew all the dangers. Madame Der- ,
mentiercs did not confine herfelf to pro- j
viding for the wants of her partner in n
afllidlion ; she would also procure her some
pleasure ; she knew how fond her friend
was of flowers; every morning flie brought
htjr some, which the got from Iffy, as well
as milk and fruit.
Madame Darmentieres wa, at last in- g
formed that her friend's country house f
was used for the dark and secret aU'eni- ¥
blies of the tyrant. From that moment, a
•Ihe perceived their sentence of death was si
irrevocably resolved. One day they dif- b
continued to receive miik and flowers b
from Iffy, of which (he aluaysprefented
her friend with the firft fruits. It is all
over, faiil she wilhin herfelf 1 mult
this mftnenr reveal to my friend what flic
knows not —I muit tell her the design
w.nch Robespierre has formed upon her
house—l mult tell her Ihe is ihortly to be P
facrificcd. H*rl'cnfibility could not bear
fnch an idea. She went to other persons
detained in the fame prison, borrowed
from them miik, fruits and flowers—«
brought them to Madame Chimai, Jet (
them in order with her ll'ual p omplaifince -
and with a feigned finile, said, " thev -1
are from Iffy."
It is thus Madame Darmentieres deceiv- n
ed her friend, and endeavoured to deceive C i
herfelf. b
A few days before Robespierre's b
death, the bell rang in the piifon—an
horrible voice was heard calling down ?
the prisoners— a cart was in the court- '
yard—its size was measured, to know
how many victims it would contain. —
Barbarous men reekoned the prisoners
over and over again, and with a kind of y
inhuman delight, prolonged the dread
ful pangs of death. A voice uttered ■*-
the name of Madame Chimai—the fame r
voice called next Madame Dermen
tierres. " Here I am," cried (he, who
had no fear but that of not following
her friend to the fcaffold. Those two
ladies ca(t the tendered look of concern —
upon all their fellow-fufferers, and jot
up inte the fatal cart. °
B-ing a rived before the b'oodytribu- ii
nal, Madame Chaimai scorned to de- co
fend herfelf. Madam? Darmentierres
perceiving she was mifhken for her re- C
1 tion, turned her eyes upon her friend, '
and imposed lilence u, o 1 her.
Those two ladies were guillotined on
the 26th July, two days previous to
Robespierre's execetion. The tyrant
had not the fatisfa&ion to enjoy tiiofr
eft itcs he liaJ obtained by an aflMTtin..
ti>»n f bar the nation now* ha jg them in
its ppffefiion.
! Do y>u drfijfn »o build
national credit upon si ch a balls.
June 30..
The on The RACE, tu' *1 it
to he f>:rf rmed evening it the Tbes
tie, for the Bnujit vf Air. Wells, % is copiei
from the \foT.'ng llc rHJ, a LonJft paper of
tlx 2$ to October % 1794.
" Co vent Theatre,
j Th; Raci burst forth a fccoaJ time on the
j town lail night, and met a receptryi, if pof
; fibit, mure favorable than «»# «ur£ii introduc
tion. A" numerous and
toryas we have wrtnefleiithis S-afoo, u*ȣi
inoufiy decreed that it fliould Till continue tit'
be the favorite propensity of the day. With
a few improvements in the Dialogue, and the
ftilf greater perfection of" the periormsrs than
on thf preceding evening, it went off with
the most univerl il marks of approbation that
can be conceived. If to keep the audience iA
a Hate of goo I Humour, and inceflant roar
of Laughter throughout, lie indicative of fo'c- ,»
ce<s, we do not hesitate to Dronounce that the
author of the Rig'bar fully iccomolifhed his
purpose, ami lias nothing left to wilh for on
that score
The scenes are beautiful, to an excess, anj
we do Tit not but the attention of the Mana
ger to the g.-ttin" up'of this Comedy, will
meet with a requital suited tohis def_rt.
To be Sold by Public Vendue,
ON Tuefdav the 14th of July, at the
City Coffee Hbufe, at 7 o'clo k in the
Evening, Two v»luable plantations, being
part of theEftate of AndrewDoz, deceased.
One containing aboVt one hundred anH fevsn
ty one Acres, whereon is «re<Sed a new" and
substantial brick building two (lories higli,
with three rooms on a floor, and cellars un
derneath. On the preir-ifes i» a pump of
excellent water, a stone b«rn,a fprfng house,
and a wharf st the landing, near the mouth
of Frankfort Creek. Alio a fine apple orch.
ard, from which, upwards of two hundred
barrels of Cyder have been made in a year,
and a quantity of apples fold.
The other, adjoining the former, contain*
about fifty eight acres, whereon is a coave
ment brick houle, a new barn, a pump of
good water, an orchard,, cyder mill, &c.
This tra<st is fubje<3 to a ground rent of 45
pounds per Annum, redeemable at anv time
after the 20th January, 1806, en payment
of 112 oz. 10 dwt. of Gold. The two /arms
contain about seventy Acres of Woodland,
the whole is inclosed with post and rail fer.e
The fixation is beautiful for a gentleman : »
feat, Frankfort CreeS and thoDel ware be
ing in full view, with all the craft pacing up
| and dowu the river. On these water* there
is plenty of fowling and fifhing, and the creek
affords an inexhauftaMe stock o£ manure
—I*he propucu of the Farms may be etiGly
tran'ported from the wharf to the city lif
Philadelphia, which is only fix miles ififtant,
; except m the Winter when the navigation is
! interrupted by ice, and theathe communica
tion is open by Frankfort road, wbieh is the
belt to the Philadelphia market.
Any person desirous to vipw the prsmifes,
they will be Ihcwn them by Ge.rge Cail or,
living there ; and the terms of sale will be
made known at the vendue.
June 3 0. dtS. -
A qaarterly meeting of the PhiiaJelphil
Society for the Information and AfMance of
Perioi" fcm gratmg from Foreign Cauntr es,
will be held at the College, in Fourth-flreet,
at e.ght o clock, on Wednesday evening, the
v j-r i U As buf:nefs ® f consequence wiil
be difcufled, thepundualattendance of mem ,
bcr» is requeued
WM. TURNER, Secretary.
Member, elcfied the third inliant , -
Dr. Jardine, Pennlburg Manor.
Mr Robert Whittle, Philadelphia county.
T i , P EiWowes, John Harris n,
John Third, William Rogers, Jun. Philadel.
_• Mr. Peter Valentine, (honorary) Chow
bent, Lancaliiirc, England,
f!r The Confti ution is left foe signature
°[ "}. tDlb , erS de,ftcd ' " Office of
fl e r rS ' T r ' S T a " d Btrri maii, No. 140
Cheftut-llrect. *
"PURSUANT to an sd of Gongrrfs author
A nfing.the Renewal of Loft Certificates,
notice, is hereby given, that the following
certificate of fix per cent ilock, was remitted
by the ibip Kensington, utt March, 1704.
but never arrived at its destination :
No. 10582, d«ed January, 14, 1704 in
favor ,f Wiiiiam of London, Efa.
lor dollars 24974. 5 cents. v
June 23, r7o 5 j i a <w6w
And "he b ad at &. DAVIES'j Baal
: Store, No. 68 Ui S h-Jlreet,
L I ino'j; Spanijh Grammar -
To Which is added, an Engiiih Grammar, for
the use of- Spaniards. At the fame place
nxay be had, a few copies of
Hoyer't Trciich & Eagll/h Diaionary.
V-oiidou idition.
J unt »» m&ftf
AT a Meeting of the Stock
holders in the Irfurimce Company of
the fate of Pennfyivar.ia, Onthc May Jait
convened fcr the purpose of fixing the time'
of payment of the remaining p;irt of the
Capital Stock of said Company
RefolvtJ, that the remaining sum of. two
hundred dollars per Iharc, he paid on the
6th day of November next, under the pe
nalties annexed to default by the a&ofln.
Publifhcd by order of the Meet in?
J" 0 *f fINJC