Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 30, 1795, Image 2

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    Price of Stocks-.
6 per Cents *9/9 '®
J per Cents 1 xf<) to 10
Inferred I^/4.
Bank us the United Stat€3 40
Pennf/! van: a 27
North-America 48
r Members of thi< Society are hereby
,JL notified, that their anttverfary meeting \
forthe purpife of Officer* of the So- j
eietv, and tranfa&ing such otk*r»buftneO> as I
Jiviy come before them, will be held on the
fourth Dai of tfuljtttext, at II o'clock, A.M.
in the State Hmife, where their punctual at
tendance is <tefired. |
After the business is finifhed, the Society
■will adjourn to O'EUers's Hotel, in order to
celebrate the birth day of the Freedom and
Independence of the United States of Ameri
ca. The Dinner will be on the table at 3o*
Clock. The Member* of the other state fo
cietiesof the Cincinnati, who maybe in this
City on that day, are particularly requeued
to join in celebrating it.
Bm Ord.r of the Starrfir* Contm'rttee,
ROBER7 PORTER, Secretary.
June 49 5
On W?dncfday& Saturday next,
at Mtffrt. Ambroifc Stf Co's, in /Irch
Jlrtet, between Sib and 9th Jlriets, will
be exhibited, many aftoni/hing
Feats of Activity.
l 1» Sevetai a'fton
- iftiing feats on the
Slack Wire, per
V. formed without the
||\ , \y/ aTi(lance of a Ba-
J \ / id. The celebrat
\ Vir / ed Equilibria will'
| XT/ • display the Balane
| \I/ ing in tk* newel)
, ; — mannerwithfwords
Pipes, Plates, andOljlfes. Also the perfor
mance of the Slack Rope Tumbling, and the
Whole to conclude with GROUND and LOF
XY.TUMBLING, by Mr. Saunders. Clown
by Mr. Foulds, also the Venetian Posturing,
by. Mr Saunders.
The Doors to he opened at 6, and to begin
4t half pafl 6 o'clock—Boxes i-i dollar, Pit,
1-4 —-tickets to be had at the ticket-office, at
the place of performance. Nights of perform
ance are Wednsfidays and Saturdays.
June 29 t&th
WiH be Sold by Public Vf.sdue,
6n Wednesday the jft July, at 8 o'clock in
the Evening, at the Merchants Coffee-
.Four Tenements,
WITH the Lots thereto belonging, Htu
ate in Biddle's Alley, leading from
Walnut-Strecl into Elbow Lane, and diredl
ly in the rear or the House now oceupid by
Hilary Baktr. Esq. the whole is 60 Feet
front on Biddle's Alley, and i 6 Feet deep.
Terms o£ payment will be made known
at the time of Sale.
John Goiftielly, Auctioneer.
J»ne if §J
100 Barrels Tar.
. "750 MolaJTes (jiooks,
'St. Domingo Molasses,> (n H
and Syrup, j
Pimento, in lerroons,
No. r& Pcnri Street.
fatit ij §
Wanted to Charter,
For a port in Europe,
A v-ffel which Will carry
0. i "f about Two Hundred Hog
of Tbbafcco. Enquire
of E. DUTILrf & W \CHSMUTH, South
Seoond-llrect, No 164.
Philadelphri, Jiint, 1795. §
J _ ______
A Few Hb'ds. of Old
james River TOBACCO,
For Sale by
MorJecai Lewi &
June 29. diw.
Miniature Painting.
At No. 93 South Eighth Street,
\T 7" ARRANTF.t) I'ikencffo ahe taken at
YV a reafonablc jiriee.
Specimens of the Artifl's abilities may be
feeu at Mr. Coolie's Stirs', corner of
and Marl ft Streets;.
June 17 dljt ■
Thoivia's Noble,
jJfotfFi, LAUD* )Fjf COMMISSIos Broker,
No. 149 Chefnvt street,
his frjends and the wiblit'f«pr the encou- |
lagement he has received since he commenc- 1
ed bufincfi. , t
Continues sales aflcl purciVafjs of real eftatts j
and public fecuritics:—tranfaifls every species t
of money negociations—difcouuts approved ]
notes to any amount, &c. &c.
Tickets in the Can At and other Lotteries 1 ,
may be had at the above ollice.
The Washington Lwttert bcirtg now !
oUtjieeveo/ drawing, a numerical hfok will *
be kept j from which the public will have the c
advantage of examining the fate of tickets, A
tbree days earlier than "by the usual communi- r
ration of incorrfd printed flips, f
ftnt by poll, and which arrives twicc a week f Juue 24 §
'V - t, < . ■ ..v. .
in the ahove'Lttteqr 4re
A »ui<i,& a fair dScouat, ojr eichanmd for'
" titWCs rh th: Cmuti, a&4 Potirfe*
tofteries, at the Ol&ce No: Che&iut St
Vv'iiere approved Notes to any jinouut are
aifo dtfeoonjied." .—5 -
June «4
. -t ■■ ;' n .., " "
SAtANJjTAd, i'uSe ,11.
Friday Ull, 58 of the headmen and
warriors of the Creek nation of Indians,
among whd:h are the Mad Dog and the
| White Ljrutaiant, arrived here. They
I were accompanied from Jeard's Bluff by
j Jainet Seagrove, £fq. luperinten)iai}t of
Indian aflairs^andcapt./i.i; s't trodpof
■ horse; at their entrance. into town, they
were by Ckpt. Robertfrtn's cOiri
; pany of artillery) Capt. ,M«ore'a light in
■ rantry company, ana Capt. Yodng's com
' pany of. inilitia, who with the troop of'
; horie efcottcd theiri to. their quarter* at
Yamacraw. On Monday they received
' a tilt from his excellency th? governor at
! the Filature. They appear to be very weU.
fatisfied with the friendly reception they
have met with from the inhabitant* in ge
neral. . They brought in with them a
while woman named William*, who had
been tome time prisoner in the nation, and
zi.negroes, wno were delivered to their
owners in Liberty county.
Alatamaha, opposite Fort-Tejfair, Ceor
l gia, June jft, 1795.
A TALK to the Governor of St. Augus
tine, East-Florida, front the Mai Jiog
_ and other Chiefj of the tipper and Lower
Creeks, ojfembled bit e for the purp9fe
r of cultivating prate and good under-
Jlanding between tbe eitizem of tie Uni
- ied States and tbe whole Creek Nation-
YOUR Excellency'* talk, advising us
- to tata; the ditiieo* of the iJnited State*
by the hand, lillen to their good talk*,
~ restrain our young people, and restore the
1< hjbrfes and riegroe* plundered, by bad men
. among us, i* a talk which we much ap
l prove of, and hope, from the steps we
s have lately taken, to preserve a lasting
. peace, with the Citizen* of the United
: . States, and our friend* the Spaniard*. It
• is our determination to throw no good
> talk* away, but to held fall by the hand
> all nations of white people.
The Mad Dog, when in the Lower
1 Towns, was informed, that you, or some
»' of the people in your government, advises
and encourages the red people to ileal and
commit other a£U of h'lftilities oh the
frontier* of Georgia, who are the friends
and citizens of the United State*. White
people in your government has joined
Indians in stealing horfea and disturbing
the peaceable citizens of Georgia. We
do not approve of fuGh condu&, and your
excellency mull certainly know that such
proceeding* will bring ruin and deftruc.
tion on u*. J _ —- ' * "
We have to request of yo»i , Exr( , ]j£ncy r
that when any Indian*, Siminolies or o
ihers pay you a vlCt, that you will give
them good advice with refpeft to the ci
tizens of the United States, and charge
them not to commit hoflile afU on the
frontiers of Georgia, by Scaling of hdrfes
or diiturbing the peaceable citizens.
-Your talk to the heads of the nation, in
forming them that the Mad Dog had ga»e
away all the Indian land on the weft fide
of the Oconte, is a rfnvincing proof of
your encouraging the red people to com
mit hoikilities. The Mad Dbg has never
fold or gave any land to the governor of
Georgia, on the contrary, his bufinef* was
to preserve peace for hi* nation, and is
now here with the chiefs of the nation 011
the fame business, and the chiefs are «f
opinion, that never received any in
formation refpeffmg the file of lands by
the Mad Dog, but that your talk, inform
ing the chiefs or the pretended sale, was
calculated to confufe our nation, and the
c'liefs expeifl, than on their return your
excellency will fend no more talks refpeft
ing the sale of lands, with a view of con
futing our nation.
Your Excellency in your talk, recom
mends the reftortnc of property plunder
ed, to the citizen< of the United States j -
the negroes and horses we are refto'ing as
tafias we can, but:your citizens are put
ting it out of our fubjedtS, and giving us
great deal.of trouble; not long since, ,
your express-man and Interpreter, John
Hambls\ wh le in our nation with y&ur
talks, had two horses belonging to the
people in Georgia, who live in St. Mary's,
and were just itole from there and fold to
him ; wliith, we the chiefs desire, the go
vernor of St. Augustine, to order the said
John Hambly to lend immediately hack to ,
the station at Colerain, and all other hor
ses your fubje«sls have got, that have been
stole from that quarter.
The Mad Dog and chiefs, also request
your Excelicncy to fend ftri<st order to a
flation, we hear you have fix or seven mile*
from the Cowford, on this fide of St.
John's, diretfling them, in frnore, not to
corrupt our young people, by encouraging
them to commit hostilities on the frontiers ■
of Georgia ; for, if after this, any depre- J
dations should be committed from that
quarter, we (hall' blame your government
tor it, as we ate fully informed, that not" 1
long ago, three of your white fubjefls was
with some of our red people at the burn
ing a house, and cutting off the hair from
the head of a white womaii oh Turtle'
River, Such depredations as these, your
Excellency muit certainly know, will bring
ruin and' tkftruilion 011 us, as you tell us 1
in your talk ;• and we, the chiefs, are not
insensible of it. We hope your Extellen- ]
cy will lose no trine in ordering those
white men in your government, and the
red men, that may visit you from time'to
time, to refrain from committing hostili
ties on the inhabitants, and citizens of the
United Sutos.—lf your Excellency does
not stop these btd white men in your go
vernment, we the chiefs lhail be obliged
to take such fttps ss we think necelTary : —
: But as we do not wiffi to offend your Ex
cellency, we hopt you will not give us
' the trouble, but convince us that yo'a are,
what you always ;all yourfeif, the Father
and Friend of the Red People,
Chri for Chiefs.
and Swurn Interpreter.
The Society injiituled in the State of New
York, for promoting agriculture, Arts,
and Manufactures, do offer Premiums
On the following Subje3%,to wit :
I.T7*QR the belt collection, in an
I herbarium, of the native grafTes
of the United States, and of all Fo
reign grafTes that have been already
naturalized, both in blofTom and feed,
together with their names, their par-,
ticular qualities, and the foil on which
they grow ; to be exhibited On or
before thefiift day of January 1797,
a gold medal.
2. For the best description, actompani
ed with specimens, of the several in
fers njutious to Apple trees, and
the best method of them,
or preventing their ravages; to be ex
hibited on or befoie the fir't day of
Januaiy, 1797— a gold medal.
3. For the' greatest quantity of paper,
not less than twenty reams, made in
any paper mill in the United States
from any material, cheaper than those
at present used for that purpose ; the
paper to be of equal goodness ; to be
exhibited, on or before the firft day
ofjnnuary, 1797—apremiumoftwen
ty dollars.
4. For the firft peck of American wild
rice, growing on the fides of lakes
Michigan, Superior, or any of the
uppei lakes, in a condition fit for sow
ing—a premium of dollars.
For the second peck—fifteen dollars.
For the third peck—ten dollars.
To be delivered on or before the firft
day of January, 1797.
It is to be underltood.that no one
person (hall of right claim more than
one of these premiums ; and that speci
mens of the rice plant, in its different
states, especially in blofTom and full feed
are expeftejt to accompany the grain.
5. For the firft specimen of ihe sub
stance used )>v t+rt ImJianS To "colour
porcupine quills fcarlft, in
fufficient to ascertain its qualitys by
experiment, with an account of its
natural history and mode of pacpera
tion ; to be produced on or before
the firft day ps January, 1797 a pre
mium of twenty dollars.
6. For the greatest quantity of carrots,
in bushels, raised on one acre ofland,
vvithirt the state of New-York, by any
one farmer; with an account of the
kind of carrot, rnd the mode of cul
tivation ; to be reported before the
firft day of January, 1797 —a premi
um of thirty dollars.
For the second greatest quantity on one
acre—twenty dollars v
Forthethird greatest quantity on one
acre—fifteen dollars.
7. For the greatest quantity of cabbage
by weight,raifed on two acres ofland, ,
within the state of New York, by any
one farmer ; to be reported before the
firft day of January, 1797 — a premi
um of thirty dollars.
8. For'the greatest quantity of potatoes
111 bushels, raifcd by any one farmer
in the state of New York, on fix acres
of land ; to be reported on or before
the firlt diyofjanuary, 1797 —a pre
mium of thirty jdollais.
For the greatest quantity, raised in like
manner, on four acres of land—twen
ty dollars.
For the greatest quantity, raised in-like
manner, on two acres—twelvedollars.
9. For the greatest weight, not less two
pounds avoirdupois, of raw (ilk, made
by any one person of family, in the
state of New-York ; to be exhibited
on or hefore the firft of January
1 797 — a premium of twenty dollars.
For the next greater weight, made in
like manner, and not less than one
pound and a half—fifteen dollars.
For the next greatest weight, made in 1
like manner, and not less than one :
pound—ten dollars.
10. For the greatest weight of wool rai- ;
fed from twenty ftieep, by one far- 1
mer upon a fenced farm, in the ,
state of New-York - r to be reported ;
on or befoie the firft day of Januaiy, 1
1797—a premium'of twenty dollars. ;
For the next grcatelt weight, produced ,
as above—fifteen dollars.
For the third greatcll weight—ten dol- 1
11. For the most excellent live fence or <
hedge, made in the (tate of New- 1
York, from the thorn, locust, or any
other native plant, tree or shrub, full '
three years old, and r.ot L'fs than one
1 hundred yards.long ;to be vieVved
" ' three years old from the time of plant
ing it—a gold medal. j
12. For the best Blanket, known by the
' name of Indian blanket, made by
any person or family, inhabitants of
the state of New York, from (lieep
wool,, raised within the Hate—a pre
mium of thirty dollars.
The blanket mult be one and a half
yards wide, and two and a half in length
wove without a seem, and exhibited be
fore the firlt of January, 1797.
14. Far the bell blanket, known by the
name of rose blanket, conforming to
' the rules laid down in Indian blank
ets, except the blanket to be two
yards wide —a premium of forty dol
To be exhibited as before.
1 14. For the belt piece of woolen cloth,
in imitation of dufSeld, not less than
twenty yards long, and fix quarters
wide, the colour deep blue, red orbut
ternutconforming, inallrefpe£t»tothe
12th—a ptemiumofone hundred dol
15. For the best piece of coating, twenty
yards long, and fix quarters wide, the
colour mixed grey, London brown or
deep blue, conforming to the 14th; a
premium of one hundred dollars.
Premiums No 1, 2, 4 and 5, be
, sent to the secretary of The focietyj on or
before the firlt day January, 1797, with a
: a label, sealed ami numbered on them, and
a letter containing the name and place of
abode of the person preicnting, sealed
1 with the fame and marked with the fame
number, which letter.will not be opened
1 till after the adjudication.
Premiums No. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Small
specimens of the above premiums must be
sent to the secretary of the society, on or
before the firft d«y of January, 1797,
with a particular description of the whole
process, labelled and marked, accompani
ed with a letter sealed with the fame leal,
ancfcontaining the fame mark, incloling
, eertificates of two reputable neighbors, at
testing the facl, atid an affirmation or oath
before a magi ftrate, that the perfnn pre
senting the article has conformed in every
particular to the rules laid down in the a
bove premiums.
Premiums, No. 3, 12, ».}, 14, 15. —
The articles in thele premiums must be
sent to the secretary of thel'ociety, on or
before the firft day of January 1797, with
a label, leal and number, and a letter con
taining a fitnilar seal and number, rrurtbe
lodged with the secretary, to ascertain the
manufacturer of the different articles, af
ter adjudication. This letter mnft con
tain an affidavit or affirmation made be
fore a ntJt tTTe goods weie
manufactured T>y the person presenting
them, and that he inh.3Mf:-pr _r Ij■ -
9 ilate of New-York, and that the wool
was raised within the state j and alio a
certificate of the weaver and fuller who
performed those parts of the work, ex
cept as refpe&s No. 3, which must be
corroborated by the certificate of two re
putable citizens, as to the kind of materi
al of which the paper was made, and the
affin.iatiou or oath, as before mentioned,
of the head manufacturer or chief work
man of the mill where it was made, that
papei was manufactured there. >
1 he various articles, specimens and do
cuments, handed in for premiums, will as
soon as received, be laid by the secretary
before the Board, appointed for that pur
pose by the society, and, as soon as they
can determine to whom the premiums be
long, the money or medals will be paid
immediately. The articles delivered'in,
will be delivered back to the proprietors,
except No. 1, 2, 4, and 5.
Publi/hed by order of the Society,
New-York, June 11, 1795.
For the Gaxcttc of the United States. 1
Mr. Editor, |
IT ij not at all times that persons 1
in a public line ate entirlcd tcr prarfe j 1
and it very frequently happens, that I
when they molt defervc it (or rather I
when they have most laboured to obtain <
it) the reward is but partially i
However, a discerning public will never (
fuffer teal merit, tho' obfciired, to pass 1
without its jult tribute of praise. I
only intend, after thus prcmifing, to
make a few remarks on the performance
at the New-1 heatre last Ftiday even
ing. The comedy of the Farm House c
was not intended, i suppose, to display f
much talent ; for altho' contentment j
may be, in general, the inmate, yet,
rultic entertainment and manners suit ]
not the gay and sprightly turn of city
life. That the performers did juflice
to their parts, must be admitted ; espe
cially Mis. Francis and Mr. Chalmers;
and the comedy went off toletably well.
Mr. Demarque deserves great crcdit t
sot his excellent performance on the Vi- t
olincello ; especia lly when it is coufi- j
dered, that, alt ho' he has played in the ]
firft bands in Europe, it was the 'firft 1
time he faced an audicntc on the stage ; 1
and the natural timidity excited on tlirfe j
occasions, frequently gives rife to an \
jnfipidity of performance, or foinetimes !
a total incapacity of exertion ; but Mr. t
Demarque overcame, by a Heady and j
cool' recollection, all the horrors of a 1
fiilt appealance ; and, by his judicious i
variations of the F.nale, in inkle and 1
1 ariso, not enly evinced hi» uftc in 1
: j eompofi'ion, bti* aifo lii« fit ill !n
Ij Mis. Deiuarqoc had bth little to d'/
• | hut that little was done well, as what'e- '
ver (lie lias tu da always is: and it is re
■ ' commended to her, to follow up that
modeil, but excrtive, mode of condufl,
: (lie has always exhibited ; and a gene
' rotis ptibli.c will-not be backwaid in be
llowing that reward which ftlent, tho'
St&ire merit, always defeives.
The following is the article ill the Aura.-*
which occalioHjtl the StriaLrcs of ?.
Porcupine in Saturday's Gazette.
A noble fuhjcdt has offi,-ied for the dis
play ot " Pete: Porcupine's (alias I imo
thj' Hedgehog s j ttilents, at Abnfc, miiVe
prc-fentation, falfehobd and defamation*.
Warren, Esq. his been tried and
acquitted by the Britilli iffuse of Lords|
on several charges, of winch the Houie of
Commons has mahe.cefly accused Li in of
being guilty. Htre is a fine opportunity
lor expatiating on the <iuifdorn, jvjlice,
magnanimity and -virtu.- of the Britjh go
vernment, that generouflv acijitted a man,
who was proved to have' been only guiity
ot the murder of a few thoufancis of hit
fellow of the robbery, piling
and destruction of the native* of India,
who poflcfied wealth enough to attradl
his notice; of flarviwg some hundred
thousands of h.umjn beings to death to
gratify his avarice; of depopulating the
shores of India, and rendering that once
flourilhing country, a wilderness for beaiis
of prey to roam through, with a few more
deeds of the like nfigntfuunce. Timothy
Hedgehog may find this well wflrth his
attention, in future panegyrics on the
British government, particularly if he in
tends writing a third part of the •' Hon*
TO Gnaw" He will also discover in the
charters and conduit of Lords Thuri&w
and Mansfield, ample matter for admira
tion and praise- For they could prostitute'
truth, honour, jujtice anil frinci/les, with
as little limitation or remorie as Timothy
himfelf. '
But here comes the bright and glorious
example of British juflice and humanity—
Jossr H Gerald, who had fc«en tried
and found guilty by an honefi bench < {
judges and an independent jury; of the
baft, the abominable, and horrid and the
infamous crime (remember these beautiful
epithets as defcrtptive of that act, are cul
led from the second part of the " Bone"J
of nuijhi/ig for a refo-m in parliament,
received no other punishment than a ciofc
confinement in prison for fevrral months,
from whence he was lately taken by some
rufiiant, who tore him from h s onlv com
panion in that dreary abode, an infant
daughter, and ironed ai d lent him to
Portsmouth, in order that he might be
tranfporicd to Botany Bay.
Timothy Hedgehog may difplj,. hit
great abilities in eulogiums on the tender
andtbumane proceedings cf a Bririfh ad
min iftrat.oTTrrt-,( L h light and
trivial ptin<fhmcnt on a rttan who tun pre
fumptuoufiy and facritegfoufly dared to
to entertain an o inion that the govern*
I ment c* OjreAt B'ltaiu was not perfcfciioH
iti'elf, Tlie " Witch of Endor" will no
doubt instantly republifh in the Grub
flreet Gazette, ihe esmpefition of Timo
thy in praise of his natty country. T
would however advii—(ln- old hag to fijft
pul it in rhyme " IJRr Spin Metre" will
eafiiy difli it up into :ixes and fours, mtf
it will ierve in lieu of a Birth Day Ode :
If verified to the tune of God lave greit
George, it may perhaps arifwer fti 1 bet
ter. Any thing that fcrves to praise Great
Britain, or todprame Fiance, will be anx
ioufiy fought after by one, and cultivated
wil'.i avidity by U« otfier.
i he life of an iujlcx is, one wotiid
think, to refer the render to at:y parti
cular passage lie may uilh to refer to.
In law books, which ought to be at
least clear, we fometimcs find ctiriou*
references, not to the objefl of enquiry,
hut to fumething of so dissimilar a na
ture, that a plaic unlettered man would
fnpptffe the index m;ilt♦ ard mt'kor had
been playing at ctofs purposes, and
Humbled on coincidences that were
whimlicaily ridiculous. Two or three
instances from Hawkins's Pleas of the
Crowli, may serve as fpetimens of the
reft. We find under the article
Middhfex, -nidi London.
Pickpocket, vide Clergy,
Prisoner, vide Goaler.
Query. Do these come under the
elals of Law iiciions, or do they arise
from the glorious uncertainty of the
Law ?
LETTER sent to the King of Poland
at Crtodno, fignedbythe majer part
of the Polilh Nobles, Magiltrates and
Burghers of Warsaw.
" The departure of your Majesty, our
molt gracious Soveteign, and your re
moval from this capital has made the
greatell impreflion on the minds of the
people, becaufc every inhabitant of this
city could eafiiy forcfce, that if we l«lt
for some time your Majesty's person '.he
jnfteft of Kings, tlie best of f:itl.ei» t
would at the fame be w relied ft cm liltrt.
Site, it was we who witi efled the teats
that have been filed ; we may therefore
juflly be the interpreter of the wnr we
felt. Providence has ccrtaiidy afflici.'d'
us all with sorrow for a time, but il left
us liopes, that by the will of the .Ai
wt otl e day si« your m:t'