Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 30, 1795, Image 1

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    |* f - /
[Xo. 154 of Vol. VH.J' ;
At ll.e STOKES of £ o
JefTe Ik Robert Wain, *
PORT WlN£"mplpe-, Mills. and ami ter calks
tI?.I50?U <?'».Vn nipfrs nod (jtia'-te t calks
1 EAS, in quartfi.chefts
A (itiiintur of"ft»ft39Cadiz SALT
Soft (helled ALM'OJJDSin bales
Velvet COURS, in do.
Rnflia iMA"fTS.
May z 4
Rumford & Abijah l>aw£s, 1
Have imported in the Sloop Two Brothers, Samuel
Marchant, mailer, from Newbury Port, .and for
Sale, at their Store, fr
No. 7, South IVater-Strift, er
Pork w
Shoes and hats g<
White Pint boards
Tow cloth <tnd cordage—rALfo
Ruflia and Cerk duck ,
Cayenne cotton
Preuclj indigo
Pimento Jc
A few hftgiheads tobacco
Kail and fnjke rods—and
■A quantity o!" 'coatie flit
hrr.e n. &
>~=- 'i he 'New Cedar anfl Live Oak Ship
Burthcif about three hundred Terns,
X"??.''!j 'Philadelphia built, She is a fubftan'ial
wooc t.«£s*S well built Vessel and will be fitted in
the bed manner, will be ready to receive a Cargo in a few
(lavs, and is expected to fail in three weeks. For freight _
or |>«ffuge apply to the captain on board, or
' Convenient stores for receiving goods to be let on the ri
ver fide. Juae 29 j
For Sale, +
A $ I 0 A i L >
vfj John Davis, Miftw,
Burthen 160 tons—well built, about fix-months old, mfr
lying l at 8011 th fireet-wharf. For terms apply to the
captain on board, or to S
June 10. d. f
LL /V O R K, ' '
Cayt. Worth, ,
fail in all this -week—will tike '
freight on moderate terms. For freight or pafiage I
?pply to the Captain on boartl, at Walnut flreet wharf, 1
or to jfcfcpb Anthony & Sen.
June 23. " dst.
Francis Knox, Mafier,
HAVING the greatest part of her cargo read;', is ex
pected to fail on or before the fir ft of July For ;
Fjeijht, or Paiiage, apply 10 tlie Captain, or to 1
. Wharton & G reeves j '
Who have now Landing fmm the Jloop Industry, Cap!. 1
Wharton', from St. Croi.,
30 Hhds. prime Sugar, and
40 do. of Rum.
'June 2r.
J MPO j<TJE O, in 1 lie
Ship rilßEi: BROTHERS,
from Calcutta*
And for fate in the Package, by •
John Miller, juii.
A Capital AfToitmer.t of ,
OF Qualities 'peculiarly well adapted to this market, <
and for Exportation,
Among ft them are r. Great Variety of
Printing Cloths, Coilaes,
Calicoes, Patna Handfs,
Checks, Muhnuls, ,
Gurrahs, TafFaties. ;
The above will lie fold on very moderate terms, for
Notes at 3 ana a months.
30,050 lb. rePPER.
§K«p s Three Brothers, <
will likewise be Sold.
S ' l * is 8 T"" o,d —newly coppered—
a strong vi(Tel, burthen about 150 tons.
s*£icCii.3£SisK2 June §
The Schooner
Lying at Latimer's wharf, this relfel it |
Ready to take L*i a carg-o, and is well found in rigging
and Her bur'.hen about 6*o Uarreils. Apply to
SAMUEL SRECK, J«p. Rofs's wharf.
June 43 d
ALL Persons indebted to the Kftate of Robert R'fJt, I
late of Southwark, Mariner, deceased, are desired
to niake immediate poyment, and all those having juS
demands against said Estate, are desired to thi ir
accounts properly attested, to either of the fubferibers.
Sakah Reside, Executrix.
John Cra.G, ) Exuutors .
James Sawyer, j .
May 21 d
j\~o. 70, South Secnnd-Jireet, mar lb' City.Tavern,
HAS jufl opened and for Sale, an AlTortment of La
dies' and Gentlemen's
Fashionable HATS,
from London. Also a variety of Children's Hats of differ
ent Colours.
N. B. A Man or two a 6 finilhsrs in the above bufinefo,
well nseommended, will meet with constant employ and
good encouragement.
June 6.
Philip Nicklin Ess Co. c
Are nc*v Landing from the Ship Liberty, Capt. Van-
Luvcnigh, from Liverpool, , pi
100 caflts of Nails afTorted in B</, 10./, and 20J. vi
And from the schooner Favorite, from Virginia, P
21 Hogsheads prime Tobacco, and fc
ijoowt. Virginia Hams. ft
* __J— Tliey bav.e also on liandj
22 Tons Pig Lead
Ridi Mountain Wine in Quarter Calks.
Fine Old Port Wiuc in Pipes and Hogflieads, ir
Spanilh Liquorice Call, in boxes of 2 cwt. <Mt>h
Briroftpne, crude and relincd,
Euglilh fail Canvas afTorted G
Crown Window Glats 8 by 10, F
Men's English fuddles, and t(
1 A Quantity of Mahogany.
JuKe 3. P
t — t«
Bartholomew Conolly, h
No. 48, Cbefnui-Jireet, £
HAS just received by the Molly, from a
very Large of PRINTED CALICOES %
4-4 and 5-4 fuperfine Chintzes—and a great variety of j
Mulling and Hosiery, which will be fold wholesale, up- v
on the most reasonable terms. f
June 25.
„ Gazette of the United States. i
e THE Terms on which this Paper was to-be fen Ito
Subftribert not resident in Philadelphia, were—that one
at —icafl, ut thr should be cop
ftar.tly paid in advance, or tiTiTTorrrc pcfToir-*-
thould bexefpon&hlc'ior the fame: c
Those Subfpribers who fuall not have complied with «
the terras above fpecified on the frji of July next, will, <
from tlut perisd be confiilered as declining to take the I
Ciazett. any longer.
,'i'he Editor nas heretofore omitted any charge for >
:'e iirtßuvr ar.d enclofmg his paper—in future, one dollar !
e per annum will be added to the Subscription of those >
f whefe papers are sent b> the Post.
9, ' '
- — : ; ; 1
The highest price in Cash, will be given tor
A preference will be given to Claret Bottles — Apply to
No. 187, ibuth Third-ltreet.
A/pa 10.
Ai ,L those who are indebted to the late House of
Andrew Clow & Co. and particularly such of them
>r as relide at a distance, bat happen to be hsre, are desired
to call and make payment at No 10 south Front-street,
before they (hall leave the City, otherwise they will der
t/ taifily be sued at law.
W.M. Cramond,T
John Leamy, >- Executors*
Hugh Holmf.s )
Philadelphia, May %% d
Delaware Bridge.
IN Purfuancc of an ait of the General Affcmbly of this
Commonwealth, entitled " An ail to authorize the
" Governor of this Commonwealth to incorporate a
" Company for a Bridge over the river Dela
" ware, at the borough of Eaflon, in the County of ,
" Northampton;" and also of the Leglflature of the state
of New Jersey, entitled " An ait to empower the Go
" vernor of this (late to incorporate a Company for '
" creating a Bridge over the river Delaware, at the
townfliip of Greenwich, in the C«unty of Sussex, op
t, " pofite the borough of E,.fton" 1
Notice is hereby given,
That Books will be opened to receive Silbfcripfions for
the Stock of the said Company, at the times and places
following, to wit:
In the City of Philadelphia, at the Counting House of
Levi Hollingfworth, on Monday, the sixth day of July
next, and on the two succeeding days—
In the Borough of Eafton, at thc'Houfeef Conrad Ihrie,
sea. on the fame three days; * '
>r And, in the State of New Jerey, at the House of Tho
mas Bulhnan, in thetownihip of Greenwich, and County
of Sussex, on the sixth and eighth days of July next; and
at the (tore of I'homas Paul, at Belvidere, in Oxtord town
-li:p, and Sussex County aforefaid, on the seventh day of
July aforefiid.
At which Places the Book# will be kept »pen from nine
o'clock until twelve in the forenoon, and from two o'clock
until five in the afternoon, of each day, or until the fub
_ fcription (hall be filUd The Capital Stock of the laid
Company will enfift of two hundred and fifty Siares, at
s ' one hundred dollars each, whereof ten dollars mud be
paid on each (hare at the time of (übferibing.
Levi Hotlingfwcrtb,'
Jefc IValn,
John hlcholfoni
"John Arndt,
William Henry, t Csmmiffianers.
it John Htifkr,
if • fames Hyfidjhnm,
to Thomas Paul,-
Tbomtts Bullmcn.
Philadelphia, May lß' d
An Excellently well toned Piano-Forte.
INQUIRE at Numb.r 89 South Fourth Street.
June 25. *§4
THE time of a Stout NEGRO LAD, who hai upwardt ers
of fix years to fprvc. Enquire of tlie Printer. Mi
|ur: d bra
In the Richmond from Bri/let, erj
QUART Bottles in Hampers
Taunton Ale, in caflcs of 10 doz. each
Eelt Double Glouceftcr Cheefr, and eV(
A Quantity of Grindftbnfet lor
For Sale by the
Simon Walker, br .
Walnut ilrett wharf. p a ,
June II % I4t
SUBSCRIPTIONS for daily papers, perhaps in few in- on
stances arc fuflkient 'to defray the expence of their Fa.
publication; their principal support is derived from "Ad- wf
vertifements—-The following ftatcment will shew that this an
Paper is a favorable vehicle for circulating advertiiing in- cle
formation extensively and dijTufively—lt is scut per poll to
fubferibers in the following places, viz. th<
Savaunahand Augusta, in Georgia. yrl
Charleston, Columbia, Stateiburgh, In South .Carolina, is]
Wilmington, Newbern, Edenton, Fayette-Ville, Salem,
in North Carolina.
Danville, Louisville, Lexington, in Kentucky.
Norfolk, Peterfburgh, Frederickfburgh, Alexandria,
George Town, Walhington, Richmond, New London,
Falmouth, Accomack, Abingdon, Williamlburgh, York
town, Dumfries, Urbanna, Colchester, in Virginia.
Baltimore, Eafton, Pnncefs Ann, Bladenfburgh, Anna- *
polis, Chaptico, War wick, Chester town, Chester Mill, Elk- ed
ton, in Maryland. di<
Uniontown, Walhington, Carlille, York, Chamber*- St
burgh, Harrifburgh, Greenlburgh, Pittsburgh, Reading, in w
Pennl'ylvania. vc
Wilmington, Middletown, Dover, in Delaware* H
Woodbury, Salem* Cranbury, Crofswicks, Burlington, St
BordAitown, Swedefourgh, Trenton, Princeton, Brunf- of
wick, Elizabethtown, Newark, Booneton, Rockaway, Sui- of
sex, Allentown, Perth Amboy, in New J ersey. R
New York, Albany, Otfego, New York. cc
Hartford, New London, Norwich, Litchfield, in Con- to
rie&icut; a
Newport, Providence, in Rhode I flan d. fn
Boston, in Massachusetts. w, Charleftown, in New Hampfttire.
In addition to the above extensive circulation, this Gas- C
C-ttrfe -rr-ckiy c.rrA cWily with fiigkty eight differ- U]
i ent printers of Ntvfpapers from Georgia to the Diftrid n*
, of Maine. Thcnumberof Subscribers in this City is re- V
1 fpe&able, and the Lift is ip creating—Advcrtifement* of R
EJiatcsy Att&iom at d distant day, Lands, for Coniraffs, Lotte
• ries. Manufactures y Nczv RjlMijhr/ients fa mechanical branches, ri
t tfc. will derive peculiar advantage from this extensive
• circulation. ' ei
£)* Terms of advertising are fifty cents per square for n
the lirft insertion, and twenty cents per square for each o
Philadelphia, June a § e:
THE Public are refpefltuliy informed, that the Ex- f<
hibition of Paintings, Aj-chiteflure, &c. of the
Columbianum, now open in the Senate Chamber in
f the State-Houle
i Will finally close
1 on Monday, the sixth day of July next.
> Admittance—Twenty-five Cents.
By Otder,
Samuel Lewis, Sccr'y. pro tcm.
Ph-lojvphual Hail,
June 2s, 1795. § (
A.ntrican Landscapes.
, T went i-Four VIEW S, p
: OELECTED from the molt fliiking and interefling
1 Profpedls in the United States ; each ef which ]
- Views, will be accompanied with a descriptive account
f of its Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities (
; By G. I. PARKYNS, )
. Author if the JVljncjhc Remains and Ancient CaJi'es in Great c
Britain** ]\
i. That the work (hall be publilhcd by Subscription ; and
that each Subscriber lhall engage to take the whole set d
of Views, and lhall pay for each engraving, if hUok or 1
brown, a Dollars ; and if coloured 5 Dollars. c
s I. That tha dimensions of each engraving (hall be 14 by 17
inches, executed in aquatinta, and publilhcdupon paper a
of a superior quality. The publication to commence im- n
' mediately; and one engraving to be delivered to the Sub 1
fcribers, on the firft Monday of each fuccaeding month, a
> until tl»e propofedferies (hail be finally completed. '
111. That with the last View of the series, fha.ll be deli- 1
vered an engraved title-page ; an elegant charaileriilit f
f vignette; a map of the route, conneeled with the prof- v
peds exhibited in the the course of the Work; and an 1
' Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers.
SubfcriptioHS are received by Mr. Harrifon, at hit Print
(hop, Maiden lane, New-York, by Mr. Carey, Book-fell
• er, No. 118, Market street,' Philadelphia, and by all the
principal Book-fellers in the United States.
February 18. 1
t 7 wl'"ntTd; !
c To RENT for twelve months, certain, J
A Convenient HOUSE, calculated for a small pri- :
vate family.—Any person having such a one to
let, fitnated to the weflward of Second street, and
within three or four squares of Market-street, will
''ear of a carcful tenant by applying at the Office of th
Gazette of the United States.
Wanted to purchase the time of a black wo
man, who is acquainted with house-work, and who
can be recommended for her hs>ne(iy, industry, .and
other good qualities.—-inquire as above.
June 16, 1795. * codlw.
J ffTiWy^™yß