DAI L Y Ev' N-f' E K ~ ~—r-rr t , ■ ; '• • •' ■ • « ■ [No. 153 of Vol. VII.] FOR SALE, At the STOKES us Jeffe Sc Robert Wain, pOR I WINS in j»ipi;-, hhds. and quai ter* cafi-.s do.iq pipec and quartet calls S-iu** : FAVORITE, Burih, n about three liundred Tens, t\V. Philadelphia built, ohe is a fuhitan' ial well built -Vcffel and will be fitted in the bell manner, will be ready to receive a in a few . . d..jrs, and is cipeAed to fail in three week;. For freight or pnlfage apj-ly to the ca; tain on board, or JEREMIAH. WARDER. C "nvenient stores for rccciviiig goods to be let on the ri ver fide. June :y JjjJj For Sti/e, I; THE BRIG > John Davis, Marter, , Burthen (6o toits—well built, a'r.out fix months old, low lying at South street .wharf. For terms apply to the fcapuin on board, or to jos. jyri/pxr & son. 1 June 2C. , d. For N E W-Y O R K, THE SCHOOKcit gfSfe AR E 7 HU s A . Capt. Worth, -*■' ■ TO fail in all this week—will take - freight on moderate terms. £>r freight or pifTage apply to the Captain on hoard, at Walnut street wharf, or to Jofepb Anthony h Son. June 23. <351. For ST. CROIX, TUC urig ANTINE SCHUTLKILL, 'Svhfygg- F4ANCIS Knox, MoJUr, HAVING the greatest part of her cargo ready, is ex peeled to fail 011 or before the firft of July——-Fur Freight, or Paflage, apply to the Captain, or to j Wharton & Greeves, ; Who have no Landing from the Jloop bidtylryj Capt. 1 Wbar ton y from $t. Croi\ t 30 Hhds. prime Sugar, and *40 do. of Rum. "June If . 4 J( r f. ..... 1 — i .... IMPORTED, m the Ship THREE BRVTHICRo, from Calcutta, And for fule in thf Package, ly John Miller, jun. A Capital Aflbrtmcr.t of BENGAL GOODS, OF Qualities peculiarly well adapted to this market, and for Exportation, Amonyfl them are a Grcit Variety of Printing Cloths, Colfae:;, Calicoes, Patna Handfs, Checks, Mulmuls, Gurrii'ns, TaffatieS. Baftas, . The above wilL be fold on, very moderate terms, for Notes at 3 and 4 months. 300 Bags BENARES SUGAR 3 lb. PEPPER. The SHIP j —Three B j will likewise be Soil!. AaShe is 8 years old—newly coppered—j &)' r ' -£}\z3 a ftronff vciTel, bui Jiep about 250 tons,, June'.t SlQtSt ! FOR SALE, Lyip.t at Latimer's wb.arf, this veflTel it Ready to take in a cargo, and. is well found in rigging and fails. Her hnrthen about 650 BarrelK. Apply to SAMUEL BR EC!', J*,i. Rofs's wharf. June to d AIL Persons indebted to the Ellafe of Rihtrt X late of Southwark, Mariner, deceased, are defiVy: to tnake immediate payment, and all those having juji 1 ' demands againfl: Estate, are desired to furni!h di.TV,. accounts properly attested, to either of the tibferi'.- r,. Jv Sarah RtsiDf, Executrix. yll, Craig, ) r j Jaa£s3*»txn, 5 — - May II J | JAMES TIFFIN, A''/. 70, South Second-/!ml, near tie City Taverr, HAS ju.l opened and for Sale, an Affortuieut of La dies-' and Gentlemen's Fashionable H A T 8, from London. Alio a variety of Children's Hau of differ ent Colours. N. B. A Man or two as finifliefs in the above business, well rocommended, will meet with constant employ and good encouragement. June 6. J Philip Nick lis' U Co. Are now Landing from the Ship Liberty, Capt. Va»- Luyenigh, from Liverpool^ ioo calks of Kails alTorted in 4 2a Tons Pig Lead ' Rich Mountain Wine in Quarter Calks, Fine Old Port W r ine at Pipes and .Hogsheads, So an 1 ill Liquorice Ball, in. uoxca us i cwt. each • Brm-.lione, crude an:l ', Engliiltfail Canvas Ci'own Window Glais 3 by ic, Men's Englifn saddles, and Ti A Quantity of Mahogany. Jui*e 3. d. A Bartholomew Conolly, No. 4i>, Chcfr.ut-flrecty Cl HAS just reeeived by the Molly - , from London, a e very' Large AfTortnient of PRINTED CALICOES, 0 4-4 and 5-4' fuperfine Cljintzes—and a great variety jp±" Muslins and Holiery, which will be fold whoi lale, up on the mod reasonable ternij. June 25. §6 Gazette of the United States. TFiE Terms on which this Paper was to be sent to | Subieribers not resident in Philadelphia, were—tliat one half/ least, of the Annual Subscription should be con- ilantiy paid in kdvancc, or that foine person at the place of publication should be responsible ior the fame: '1 hose Sobfcnber» who ihall not have complied with the terms above fyiecifitd 011 the frji of July next, will, from tliat period be conSdcred as declining to take the Gazett* any longer. The Editor has heretofore omitted any charge for j d'treflinv and eßclojlitg' his paper—in fllturc, ONE oOLiArt per annum will be added t© the Subscription of those whole papers are sent by the PoiL ( : — i The highefl price in Cash, will be given for t EMPTY BOTTLES, ] A preference will be given to Claret Bottles —Apply to t No. 187, south Third-itreet. Aril to. 1 ALL those who are indebted to the late House of • Andrew Clow Si Co. and particularly such of them j as reside at a distance, but happen to be here, are'defired , jto call and make payment at No 2Q south Front-ilreet, { {before they Ih'all leave tlie City, other wife they willcer | taialy be sued at law. Wm. , Johs Lea my, >- Executors. Hugh Holmes, j Phila May 23 d C Delaware Bridge. -Purfuanec of an* a. of 3 ckai-t tIEGP.I) 1..M1. it ho ha upward 1 jf fix years to fervc. tmjuire of tfie Printer. ( > J» B " d b IMPORTED, ° In the Richmond from Brifiuly e Bottles in Flampers Taunton Ale, in calks of 10 doz. each f Bclf Double Gloucester Cheese and e A Quaniiry }{ Grindstones 1' For Sale by t Simon Walker, , # Walnut street wharf. y June II i4t i New Hosiery. — c BARTHOLOMEW CONOLLT, J At his HOSIERY STORE, No. 48 Chef nut street y j RESPECTFULLY iuformshis Friends and the Public in c general, that he has julV received by the ship Liberty from Liverpool, a further supply of t Men's & Women's Silk and Cotton \ Hosiery. Among which are a very ex.eulive alTortment of Gentle- - ir on's plain white, fancy, and patent Silk fuperfine fancy and cotton, fine whit f plain, and ribb'd. cot-1 to/>— a very Turge aSortmnitm fonty Patent im«i iWe vaa do.u iaucy cotton, Slc. which he will fell upon the moll r Tcafonable terms by the dozen or single pair. A L 5 0, A General AlTortment of every other article of DRY x GOODS, newly imported. « Those gentlemen who plcafe to favor B. C. with their , commands, will meet with, at his store, a aioll elegant, . extensive, and well chosen alTortment of every defenption j of a great Variety of Gentlemen's Out-fizes. June 4 t }§t ADVERTISEMENT. QUBSCRIP I'IONS for daily papers, perhaps in few in- O stances are fufticient to defray the expence of their publication; their principal support is derived from Ad vertisements—The following flatement will lhew that this Paper is a favorable vehicle for circulating advcrtifing in formation extensively and difiufively—lt is sent per poll to fubfenbers in the following places, viz. Savannah and Augusta, in Georgia. Charlellon, Columbia, Smtefburgh, in South Carolina. Wilmington, Nevi'bern, Edenton, Fayette-Ville, Salem, in North Carolina. Danville, Louisville, Lexington, in Kentucky. Norfolk, Peterfburgh, Frederickiburgh, Alexandria, George Town, Washington, Richmond, New London, Falmouth, Accomack, Abingdon, Williamfburgh, York town, Duiiifries, Urbanna, Colchefte'r, in >Virginia. Baltimore, Eafton, Princess Ann, Bladenfburgh, Anna polis, Chaptico, Warwick, Chellertown, Chester Mill, Llk ton, in Maryland. Uniontown, Washington, Carlisle, York, Chambere burgh, Harrifburgh, Greenlburgh, Pittlburgh, Reading, in Pe'anfylvania. Wilmington, Middletown, Dover, in Delaware. Woodbury, Salem, Crofswicks, Burlington, Bordentowii, Swedefburgh, Trenton, Princeton, Brunf wick, Elizabethtown, Newark, Booneton, Rockaway, Sul fex, Allentown, Perth Amboy, in New Jersey. New York, Albany, Otfego, NeW York. Hartford, London, Norwich, Litchfield,"inj Coc ne&icut. Newport, Providence, in Island. Boston, in Massachusetts. Portsmouth, Charleftown, in New Hanipfliire. In addition to the above extensive circulation, this Gaz ette is exchanged weekly and daily with eighty eight differ ent printers of Newspapers from Georgia to the Diftrid: of Maine. The numberof Subscribers in thi» City is re fpeAabta, and the Lift is increasing—Advertisements of EJlateSy Aufliom at a iiftant day, Lands t fir Cunt r a Sis, Lstte riety Manufafturcsy Ne\u*EJlablijhmcnts in mechanical branches, c&c. ts'c. will derive pecuhar advantage from this exteniive circulation. Terms of advertising arc fifty cents per square for the firft insertion, and twenty cents per square fer each subsequent publica-tion. Philadelphia, June % § Fresh Fruits See. To-Morroiv Morning will be Landed, At Stampcr'sjwharf, from on hoard the schoo ner Eliza, T. Arnold, master, dire& from Malaga. 300 Qr.. Calks old Mountain Wine, of superior quality. 500 Qr. Barrels Bloom Raisins. 100 Boxes Lemons. 208 Boxes mufcatol Haifius. 192 Jars ditto ditto. 48 Sacks foft-fhell'd Almonds* 2 Kegs Figs, &c. For Sale by PETER KUHN. May 7. dot —niTUtf EXHIBITION. THE Public are refpciflfully informed, that tlie in hibition of P»intings, Architecture, &c. of the Columbianum, now open in the Senate Chamber in the State-Houle * WILL FINALLY CLOSE . on Monday,- the sixth day of July next. Admittance—Twenty-five Cents. By Orders Samuel Lewis, Scer'y. pro tern. Pbihfipbicai I'IjII, >«25, 1795. , § < [Whole No. 876.] , Wanted Immediately, By JOSEPH COO X £. Gold/with iff Jew tiler. Corner of South Third and !dai*ktt Streets, FROM iq to 30 Journeymen Gdldi'miths, Siiverfmiths, Jewellers, Engravers, Buckk-Makers, Plate-Vv ork , *. •- r -V" k Chapo iCiWlcrs, or any other Mechanics, uictul in the branches of aGoldfirnth and Jewellery Mam«*aslory ; any one capable of undertaking any oi the above branches will meet with constant employ, the higheit wages, dnd ev ery encouragement due tc theif merits. Any perion capable of being a Foreman te tlie above de fer ibed Bufinef«, willing td initrucl Apprentices, and do every duty incumbent on a Foreman, shall receive a iwind fome salary for his services, with Board and. Lodging in the house. Five or fix Apprentices will be taken to the different branches as above, and one to the Store ar.J Mcre.ifctii* pant of the business. . _ > The highefl price given for Old Gold and Silver, Lace, I Diamonds, Old Watches, and Jewellery, in Exchange or otil^rwife, by applying at the above Store, where there is | ready for Sale, a compleat and elegant Afiortment ol fafhi - ouable,-Silver, Plated, Jewellery, Cutlery, Japanned, and j Fancy Goods, received by the last arrivals. In Edition to which he hopes to receive a trefh supply by every Eurojjc |an arrival, and ft. ill continues to manufacture every aru cle in the various usual. N. B. As he is goi.ig to remove to the corner (lore, the House he now a££upksis 10 BE LET, or SOLD; which, for Convenience, Beauty, and goodneis of Stand, | is by tar the molt eligible of any in the City. I May 13. § Fraunces's Tavern. « • HBOc 1 3s? JE No. 59 South Water Street, THE Subftriber refpedtfully begs Laveto Inform htr friends and the public in general, that he has remov ed from No. 166 south 2d Street, to tliat large, commo dious, House in Water Street, between ChclYmt and Walnut Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Isaac HazlekurJl y and ,on which he 110 pains orexpenfe, to make it con* venient and agreeable for the receptio.. of gentlemen. I'he House being situated on the fame lpot where the lifted Beef £tAik and Punch house formerly stood, has the advantage of the best water in this city, known long since by the name of the Green Tree Water. As there are fevcral elegant Rooms, futfficiently large to accommodate any Society or company of gentlemen, and from hisw-jll known abilities topleafe in the line of hisbufinefs, he flatters hinpielf with a continuance of that patronage which he has experienced lince he fir ft opened a Public Koufc in this City, and, for which he tegs leave to make a public acknowledgment. For the accommodation of Small Parties, the Larg