Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 26, 1795, Image 1

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    P- A. I L Y_ E V E N ING A D VF, R T T S F V
[No. 151 of Vol. VII.]
For Sale.
J°^ n Davis, Mailer,
" ' Burthen 160 tons —well built,
about fix months old, *ow ly
ing at South street wharf.
, For terms apply to the captain on board,
_ June 20 J
Lying at Latimer's wharf, this v«( Tel is rea
dy t<s take in a cargo, and is well found'in
£'SS' n K and fails. Her burthen about 6501
Barrells, Apply to SAM. BRECK, Jan.
Rofs't wharf.
Jape 20 d
IMPORTED, in th^
from Calcutta, 1
, And for file in the Package, by c
John Miller, jun.
A Capital Aflbrtment of
OF Qualities peculiarly lyell adapted to
Xhisjuaiict, o-na for Eiporf.ation, ■*
Amongjtrt&riare & I ill t i7i ii ij .j _
Printing Cloths Coffaes,
Calicoes, Patna Handfs,
Checks, Mulmulsj
Gurrahs, Taffaties.
The above w'll be fold on very moderate
terms, for Notes at 3 and 4 months.
30,000 lb. PEPPER.
Three Brothers, -t
ife-S-3 will likewise be Sold. a "
v>he is 8 years olil—newly coppered—ajft r
strong veflel, burthen about 2*o tons. J w j
' J" ne ' §loj§t
The New Cedar and Live -
Burthen about three hundred Tons, Philadel- I -L
t phia built, She is a fubllamial well built Vef- de!
fel and will be fitted in the belt manner, will J
be ready to receive a Cargo about the'2oth
inft. and fail about the sth of July, for terms I
apply at No. 12 North 3d Street.
J""- 4- 2awtf.
1 O fail in all this week—will take freight J
on moderate terms. For freight or paf-1 P ait
ftge apply to the Captain- on "board, at P lac
f VValnut-ftfeet wharf, or to jthel
Jofcpb Anthonyh Son. L'
23. Jjt. thc
TO-MOftROW, I an y
WILL be Landed, at Willing's wharf I ,
from the ship Three Brtthsrs, Captain I f aI "
Brown; from CJtcuira- — - L 1 I ,utu:
Nyanioak Chanderconna Muslins,") By the [
very fine, and Huhimums j bale. a
Bandanoe Handkerchiefs, and I _
Taffetas I 1
alto, Are
For Sale by 100
Philips, Crcmond Ss 5 Co.
_ J" n e I') dlw
For ST. CRQIX, ij£
P—> the hrigantine
£ ch T
f "ai»cis Knox, Majl er , l ; ine 1
HA VING the greatest part of her cargo I !>an '
r«ady, is expected to fail on or before the J? rm ,
firft of July For Freight, or Pillage, ,'" S
apply to the Captain, or to rcn ?
Wbarton Greeves, a qJ
" bo-ve Landing /ram tbr• Jloop In- Jum
dujlry,Capt. Wharton,from St. Croix,
30 Hhds. prime Sugar, and J
4° do. of Rum.
rtt. L ja
At the STOKES of F,
Jeffe & Robert Wain, S,i
fOKT WINE in pipe', hhds. and quai N - 1
ter ca'fks above!
LISBON pipes aiidquarierca/ks with cc
ioucliongand Congo 1 EAS, in quartel ment
chefts June
A quantity of I.iibonand CadizSALT
»»tt fiiejled ALMONDSin bales G{
Velvet CORKS, i„ do ..
«u»fia JVWTTS. At tl
May % »
J « 1 Street*,
Friday, June 26, 1J95.
wheA, DelawareßßlDGE.
m New- T N _ Purfumccof an ail of the General Af
ir Store, . fcmbly of this Übmriionwcalth, entitled
,( ( V"" '° authorize the Governor of this
Commonwealth to incorporate aCoiupany
" for eroding a Bridge over the river Dela
at the borough of Ballon, in the County
of Northampton and also of the I.eeif
• »T«n ' at " rc of the itate of New Jersey; entitl-d
An aft to empower the Governor of this
ltate to incorporate a Company for ere<2
" ing a Bridge over the river Delaware, at
the fownlhip of Greenwich, in the Coun
" ty ofSulTex,oppofite the borough of Eiftoil"
| Notice is hereby given,
I hat Books will be opened to receive Sub
d, fcription, for the Stock of the said Company,
— at the times and places following, to wit :
:ftate of . 'n the City of Philadelphia, at the Count
rk, "lg House of Levi Hollingiworth, on Mon
immedi- da y. the fixthday of July next, -nd on the
iuit Jc- two fuceeeding days—
ito fur- .'he Borough of Eaflon, at the House
:o either °' Conrad fhrie, fen. on the fame three dayi;
And, in the State of New Jer ey, :it the
rix. House of Thomas Bullman, in the townlhip
of Grecnwicn, and County of Suflex, on the
enters, hxth and eighth days of July ne:;t ; and at
the (tore of Thomas Paul, at Bdvidcre, in
d _ " x ! orJ tow„(hi p> and SuflVx County afore
iaid, onthefeventh day of July aforefaid.
which Places the Books will be kept
from "P en irom "me o'clock until twelve ui. the
:iz. ° ren f °on. and from two o'clock until five in
the alternoon, of each day, or until the fub,on (ball be fill.d The Capital Stock
ot the laid Company will consist of two hun
dred and fifty (hares, at one hundred dollars
bale, each whereof ten dollars mud be paid on
«ach 11) are at the time of fubferibing.
Levi Hollingjworth,'
Jefe H'uln,
John biichotfon,
John Arndt,
William Henry, Commiffloners.
. John Heijler,
oO* James Hyndfha^uj,
11w Tnomas Paul,
7~~ Thomas Bullman.
10 Philadelphia, May 18 A
o. and
other- f „ f U^r^' ptioils far r a J iaiJ 5 r P a P er > Perhaps in
lew mftanccs are lafHcient to defray the ex
pencc of their publication; their principal
.V'p p ° r f, ls Jer'-cd from Advertifemems—
,i, he foltowing (latcment will (hew that this
Gazette is a farorahle vehicle for circulate
advertising information extcnfively and dig^u
d ' „ ?—lt ' S , fcnt P° (t to fubfenbers in the
toiiowing places, viz.
of the Savannah and Augusta, in Georgia.
Char .ton, Columbia, Statefburgh, in
South Carolina.
Wilmington, Newbern, Edenton, Fayette-
Ville, Salem, in North Carolina.
• eac Da&ville, Louisville, Lexington, in Ken- ~
" A Peterfburgh, Frederickfbureh, r
[vv Alexandria, George Town, Washington,
' ■ Richmond, New London, Falmouth, Acco-
TES. Abingdon, Williamfhurgl), Yorktown,
la to Dumfries, Urbanna, Colchelter, in Virginia.
adel n, Ba ' tlmore > Eafton > P»ncefs Ann, Bladen- r
F ?L Ur f ' Anna P°'"> Chaptieo, Warwick, ft
sr™' c "" i " Miu ' Eito °' - m * ;
™ Dn i on " w,, V Carlisle, York, T
Chamberfturgh, ttarrifburgh, Greenfburgh f
tftiurgh, Reading, in Pennsylvania. J _
* a ™ Wilmington, Middletawn, Dover, in De
l on laware. I lir
eTtl B Woodbury, Salem, Cranbury, Crofswicks "
• «• Burlington,Bordentown,Swcde(burgh,Tren- I
ton, Princeton, Brunfwick, Elizabethtown, I ~
_J Newark, Booneton, Rockaway, Sussex, Al- I
» lentown, Perth Ambay, in New Jersey. I
' New York, Albany, Otfego, New York. I
Hartford, New London, Norwich, Litch- I
field, in ConMe&icut. I -p
Newport, Providence, in Rhode Island. I
>. Boston, in Maflachufetts.
rty, Portsmouth, Charleftown, in New Hamp- I —
(hire. , r I
10J ,In addition to the above extensive circula- I
tion, this Gazette is exchanged weekly and j
daily with eighty eight different printers of TI
Newspapers from Georgia to the Diftri«ft of I tha
Maine. The number ot Subfcribera in this I tet?
City is refpedlable, and the Lift is increasing I opc
—Advertifementsof £slate,, AuMm, at a iif- I Ho
tant day, Lands, for Contrails, Lotteries, Manu- I
faflvrers, N"trw EJlabliJbments in mechanical bran- I
ds, c /" s > & c - & c - will derive peculiar advantage I ° n ,
lc h from this extensive circulation. I
I'erms of advertising are fifty cents I
per square for the firft insertion, and twenty I
tents per square far each fabfequent publica- I 1
tton. r J
Philalelphia, June % j
The highest price jX"
In Calh, will be given for I
A preference will be given to Claret Bottles, j of A
t- -dpfb at I Mr.
No. 187, south Third street. %
April 19 Ph">k
\ I hyt 1
I hood.
IMPORTED, house,
_-t /" the Richmond from Brijlol, j
.. Quart Bottles in Hampers | ""
Taunton Ale, !p calks of lo doz. each I
Bed Double GlouceUer Cheese and I 40
A Quantity of Grindftofies I
For Sale by
Simon Walker, M °t
Walnut street wharf. I mills,
J" De » I|t J joining
ge. i 1 Raunces'sTavern
lir'ith-tl . $9 South Water Street,
of this T^ E Snbfcriber rcfpeafully beg» leave to
unanv , in ;° rm " ,s friends and th« pulvHc in fcc-
Dfla r Cra .' h<4S from No. 166
bounty Street, to that large, commodious.
I ep-if. iltir Strect > between Chefnut and
ntitl-d rr a '"«t StrecH, lately occupied by Mr. Jfaac
if this anc ' on which he has spared no
ere 1 P a,ns or cxpenfe, to make it convenient and
ire at ,^" r rctc ptio- of gentlemen.
Cflun i! e y e r ' [UateJ on the lame spot
.II06" r c : fu ; n " U,J B « f 5"..!: and Punch Ivoufe
formerly stood, has the advantage of the belt ,
in, water in this city, known long lince by the
Sub- J lanlc °f 'be Green 'Tut V/uter. As there are
lpany, ' cv eral elegant Roomj, fildiciently Lrge 'to
at: accommodate an/ Society or company of gen- 1
lount- from his well known abilities to j
Mon- l '" 'be bne of jii« btifinefs, he flutters 1
a the bimfel; with a continuance of that patronage
which he lias experienced fine's,he firft open- t
House ? Public House in t'hii City, and, for t
dayi; J" ', be heg« leave to make a public ac
at the knotVlcJ g m ent. <
'iifllip or 'be accommodation of Small Piirtic, 1
m the ' lr o e CoiTec Room on tbe ground floor r
i»d at 'J conv <niently fitted up with a number of c
re, in " x "> conltruiled in such a manner as to r
afore- Gentlemen to be as private as they (
d plcafe—Where may be had, at any hour, e
: kept Soups, Beef-Steaks, Relilhes, &c. &. h
ESK He has on hand, anj wiU keep a constant I
ve in r "pply of Spirituous sad Mali Liquors, and r,
: sub- 0 'be belt qualities. *
Stock Breakfafts provided—Also Dinners and
1 hun- Su ppers cooked in the most approved man- c
ollars ner ' at 1 ftor ' notice, and Pastry of all forts, 1
don made to order, in the House, or to fend out v
at any hour.
He has ftveral well furmflicd Bed Cham
bers, tor Boarder» and Lodgers, by the Week,
month, or year.
ners. xr , c r K e » convenient, Stores and .
Vaults, underneath the House, with the Oflke *
above, to be rented, eith«r separate or toge
ther— For terms apply to the Subscriber.
J l "* s ' ptf.
4~ — S
— Mordecai Lewis,
r T for Sale at his Store, Nc. 25 Great
ps in Dock Street,
: at- A fcw bales of East India Goods, confift
cipal '"t? °f Baftas, CoiTas, EmertieS, Hum
ts— hums, and Bookmuflins.
this Bale of Nillaes and Peniafcocj
ting Kufiia Sheetings and Sail Duck
iffu- Ravens Duck
fjj e China Silks I-
A cafe of Diapers
Barcelona Handltfs. in Boxes
j n Roll Brimdone
Souchong Tea in small boxes
tte- a luantityl u antity of Grfnd Stones.
June 9, 1 79 J. e.dom. "'
!en- — —■ ■
For Sale, j
gh, r-p HE tim( . of a StQut NEGRQ LADj who ,
' 8 upwards of fix years to serve. 1
Enquire of the Printer. I J
Vn ' ' J'* l " l d I t
11a. , u I 1
ck, | Bartholomew Conolly, j lu j
la_ I No. 48 Chefnut Street, j i
rk . TT AS uft rcccived by the Molly, from '
;b, a vcr y Larje Assortment of J e
If. CALICOES, 4-4 and 5-4 super- I a
)e- I .. e tzcs —and a great variety of Muf- I
I lins and Hosiery, which will be fold wiioli- I S
ks I SAL *' u P on the mod reafonableterms. I son,
n- June §6 by 1
n I "—— — _ I ftrei
l - I To be Let, Bo °
k j An Excelleatly well toned j- -
I at Number 89 South Fourth J To )
j J unc 25 *S 4 I A
H — il_ havi
j Hire
)f I THE Public are refpetflfully informed, je"
>1 j that the Exhibition of Paintings, Archi- I g ;atl
' s I tedlure, &c. of the Columbianum, now j
g [ open in the Senate Chamber in the State- I a Rr
: House w
cJ on Monday, the sixth day of July next. J good
I Admittance —Twenty-five Cents. j J u
s J By Order y I -
r j Samuel Lewis, Secr'y, pro /em. I
. I Pbilnfsphical Hull, - I And
j J u *c 45, 17 5
I ~~ J " —^— I Dei
| "sHE fuhfcribrr offers for sale, a FARM, ITo w
I X containing about 300 acre* ; dijlant from the I the u
I City of IVaJbington and George-Town betiueen Bor I ma y \
I 9 v*ilrt» A Plot oJ\tbis Land is in the bands of J V*
I Mr. Peter Cafanave of George-Totun, liirtvife I
los Mr. Thomas Fitz/imons, in Philadelphia, and | T
I Mr. Robert IVaIQ) % in Baltimore. J-■ Un
I The Land ivill be to any person, by ap- j
j plying to fohn Lyda nty Übho lines adjoining. It J
j lays in a nttjl healthy country, and a good neighbor- [
1 hood. There are on it a common country dwelling- I
j house, a large tobacco-hotife, and an orchard of good |
J fruit, a conjlant Jlrcam xjuith a great fall runs thro* |
I ity and between 30 or 40 acres of good meadow may I
Ibe easily made• The lines of the above include about j
I 40 acres of woodland. Convenient credits will be I
I a fforded to the pur chafer if dejtred.
I Montgomery County, June J, 1795. 1 A
I -V. B. The land lies between tixio merchant I XJ r .
I mills, one dijlant about a mile, the other almojl aJ- I *
\ pining. June J Dc
fWhole No. 8 4]
RN Wanted Immediately,
ave to GoU/milt tt Jfwriior.
in gr- Ctmer of South Third atMt AUrlit Struts,
a. lt>6 From 2Q to Journeymen Golufmith*
)d'o-4,j Silversmiths, Jewellers, Engraver., Buckle
utand Makers, Plate - Workers, Spoon - Makers,
. Isaac Small-Workers, Lugidaries, Chape-Makers,
ed no or any other Mechanics, ufcful in ths diffe-,
it and rent branches of a CoiJfmith and Jewellery,
lemen. Manufactory; aii/y one capable of under
e i(iot taking any of the above branches will meet
house with constant employ, the highefl wages, and
ul -L every encouragement due to their merits.
t>y tii.c Any person capable of being a Foreman t*
re are the a"bove defcribcd Bufinei's, willing to in
ge to I'truct Apprentices, and do tvery.-duty ii>-
'1 gen- cumbenc on a Foreman, lhail receive a hand-.
■ I '' s to ionie salary for his services, with Board and
".Uers Lodging in thehoufe.
unage Five or fu Apprentices will be taken ti»
open- the different branches as above, and one to
!, for the Store and Mercantile part of the business.
ic ac- The highest price given for OU Gold and
Silver, Lace, Diamonds, Old Watches, and
>rties. Jewellery, in Exchange or otherwile, by ap
-loor plying at the aboye Store, where there is rea
>er of dy tor Sale, a complcat and elegant Afibrc
•<s to mentof faAionable Silver, Plated, Jewellery
fhey Cutlery, Japanned, and Fancy Goods, receiv
hour, ed by the lift arrivals. In addition to which
he hopes to receive a frefli supply by e veiy
iftant European arrival, and ittfl copt-inues to ma
, and nufa>slnre every article in the various branch
es as usual.
and N. B. As he is going to remove to the
man- corner store, the Hotrfe he now occupies is.
forts, TO BE LET, or SOLD; which, for Con
-1 out venience, Beauty, and goodness of Stand, it
by far the mo/l eligible of any in the City
ham- May 13.
s eek, ~— 7 — *—
American Land/capes*
■td proposals
oge- twenty-FOUR
Stlefled from the molt striking and intc
rcftihg Profpe<fls in the United States e
each otf which VIEWS will be accom
reat ■ pariied with a deferiptive account of it*
Local, Historical, and other incidental
ifift- Peculiarities.
Author of the « Mmafic Bmain, mi Ann,**
Caflies in Great Britain
T. That the work /hall be published by Sub
scription ; and that each Subscriber lhalt
engage to take the whole let of View,,
and ihall pay for each engraving, if blaui
or brown, » Dollars ; aud if coloured s
!. H. That the dimenlions of each engrar
— ln S " ,atl *4 by 17 inches, executed in
aquatrata, and puhlifhed upon paper of t
fupanor quality. The publication to com
vho menee immediately; and one engraving to
be delivered to the Subscribers, on the ;irft
Monday of each succeeding month, until
I the proposed ferics shall be tinally complex
Y. W ! fh thc tact Vicw ° f the series.
lnall be delivered an engraved :
an elegant charaileiiftic vignute; a m jp*
am theVoute, connected with the profpe&s
of exhibited in the the course of the Work •
er . and an Alphabetical lift oT the Subfcnbersl
if. —
1- Subfcriptio*s are recefved by Mr. Warri
fon, at his Print-shop JVTaidi n lane, New-York
by Mr. Carey, Book-feller, No. 118, Market
— 2 reet ' Philadelphia, and by all the principal
Booksellers in the United states.
February iS. j
h REN I' for t-.uel-ve months, certain,
A Convenient HOUSE, calculated for
-L a small private family— Any person
— having such a one to let, fituateil to the
w eft ward of Second llreet, withia
'l.ree or four fqnares of Market ftrett,
1 1 ]^ r 0 * care s"' tenant by applying at
» the Office of the Gazette of the U„ft etl
1_ btates.
V _ —Wanted to purchase the time of
aßla c K woM aN, who is acquainted with
house work, and w ho can b» recommend
ed for her henefty, induflry, and other
good qualities.—lnquire as above.
3Wi6, 1795. eodz-0,.
And to be bad at B. DA VIES's Book'
-rvSS or 'i No. 68 High-flreet,
Del Pi no's Spanijh Grammar.
. To which is added, an Englilh Grammar, for
. thc " fc , of . Spaniards. At the fame place
r be had, a few copies of
Boyer'j French £3* Englijh Dictionary.
, Lond»n Edition.
. T " nt " m&ftf
Fresh TEAS,
Of Superior Quality, vja.
Imperial, orGu«powder
Hyfgn Gomee,
lit quality Hyson,
2d. do. Co.
Young Hyion,
Hylon Skin, and
A fe-w Boxes of each, for fait a
No. 19 Third llreet, i'outlv
Dee. is nodiS