Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 19, 1795, Image 1

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    ' —- ' •%; r>
[Ne. 145 of Vol* VII] Friday, June 19, 1795. [Whole No. 868.]
The new ihip
Captain Ukcford. "»
The Asa will be lauhchf °J
in a few day*; is a very
fine {hip, cohere.!; the £tfater part of f«T
car uo Oft hand, ready to go on board ; Jhe
will fail the to;h inltant. For freight or
Balla"e apply to Qaptai* Eanflford, or to
T»ue 9. dtloth ,■
nhm~\ THE SHIP 1
j QHN os < Mqjllr,
A cm.'iUut trader, built of cedar and live
i' fails fact, has excellent accommoda
tions foe pa Headers, and will fail in about
three weeks. For apply to Cap:.
Cox, or
SRundle ess Murgatroyd,
No. 11, Walnut-Street Wharf.
5 IVho have for Sale, .
In Convenient Cases, for exportation,
iind entitled to Drawback.
25 Hhds. Miifco vado Sugar.
May 6 t _ _ jtawtf. _ t
At the STOKES of
i Jeffs 8c Robert Wain,
PORT WING ill pipe-, hhds. and qtiai
ter calks ,
LISfiON pipes v.'d quariercalks J
Souehonganri I'onjjo lEA3,in qnarte:
clieils '
A quantit> of f.ilbonand CadizSALT
Spit Ihelled ALMONDSm bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Kll Hi a MATTS.
May 2 d 1
tr£l.,)r- TKll,
A. £ \ The New Cedar and Live
F?HOMb> ° akship
Burthen about three hundred Tons, Philadel
phia built. She is a fubftahjjal well Vcl
fel and will be fitted ;n the Dell manner, will
be ready to receive a C—rgu aboet the icth
I' iuit. and fail about the s:'. of July, for terms
apply at No. 12 North
june 4. aawt:.
' HTFok'XA % d > ~ -
In the fehooner Amy, Samuel Chafe, mas
ter, from Newburv-Port, Ne.v- ,
lAt til STORE, No. i'liftuth FronUfircet,
A quantity of New-England BEEF,
I Tk * f - ;a sctociier i
Inow'at Stamper's wharf, a new' v-fTe!, .
has only made one pillage from Newbury c
—fte is we'll found, and luppofed to carry
about 700 barrels. For term* apply to ,
SamueJ Coates. '
June if. d6t " i
No. 70 South Second Street,
Near the City -Tavern,
HAS jutl opened ami fur Sale, aft Assort
ment of Ladies* and GeDilemen s
Faihionable HATS,
from London. Also a Variety o* C aild* tn *
Hati of difitrcut Co!onr^.
N. B. A Man or two as fnifhery in the
abovebufmefs, wellrjcpcirnicnded, will meet
with cosftant employ and good encourage- j
mem. j
Tune 6 _
In the Ricbuton I from Lrifiol,
Quart Bottles in Hampers \
Taunton Ale, in calks of 10 doz.
Bell Double GioucetterChecfe and
A Quantity of Grindllones
For Sale by
Simon \V alker,
Walnut street wharf. f
■ June II !!€_ !
HAS removed his Office from No. 19.
South y»urtjj Street, •• No. 30 Wal " .
" u ; i tre f • aawtf [
jnne \ — |
[Price 2-j Certrr]
On Democratic Societies;
Sold by Thomas Dobfon, No. 4
Second Street, John Otrircd 41 Cfe!
nut Street, Davits 6S Kigt
Street and by the Editor, 119 C.
; Street.
A LL Persons Indebted to the Ellate of
I A. Robert Rtjidt, late of Sotlthwark, Ma
liner, decealed, aredefiredto make immedi
ate -payment, and ail thole having juil de
mands against said are aefired to fur
nlth their to either j
of the iuUl-riber*
Sarah Ussidf, Exeattrix. £
JOHN Craig, ) Exe(utoru
JAMIS Sawver, J
Mas 21 d
-— , : J
tl ill be Landed, on' Fridny morning,
June 19, at South Street wharf, £
The Cargoej of AaiGAiL. and Isabella, 1)
from Janaica. V
IC 7 hlids. choice fug:r F
166 hhds. of Coffea V
JCO barrels do.
no of Ginger J
for sale by
Peter Blight. -
June 9 diot
Canal Lottery.
Of the State of Pennsylvania.
i'ICKETS are now ready for Sale at the
OJfue, No. 149, Chefnut-Strcet,
bttzvefn Fourth nud Fifth-Streets. $■*
Price ten Dollars each.
Thii Lottehv vviU Commence Drawisg
the Fitft of September next.
Sckciitrt Detrvncd Grata.
May 30. ' d.
J. M. Bart,
No. 170, North Second-Street,
Continues to wait on such Gentlemen nd t
[ adies as are desirous to be iniiruited In
the Language.
May 19. j
ALL those who are indebted to the late '
House of Andrew Clow & Co. and
particularly such of them as reside at a dift
ince, but happen to be htre, are deGred to
call and make payment at No 20 south Front
llreet, before they lhall leave the City, other
v\ iic they will certainly be sued atLw.
WM. Cit i M ON D,
John Ltamv, > Executors.
Hugh Holmes,j
Philadelphia, May 25 . d
I New Hosiery.
Bartholomew Conolly,
At bs Hosiery Store, No. 48 Lbefaut
fl recti
REBPF.CTFULI.Y informs his Frieadsand
the Public iq general, that he has ju&
received by the ship Liberty from Liverpool,
1 further supply of
Men's & Women's Silk and
' Cotton Hosiery.
Among which are a very ex.enfive assortment
of Gentlemen's plain white, fancy, and patent
Silk, fuperfine fancy plated silk and cotton,
fine whit-, plain, and ribh'd cetton —a very
large alTortimnt of Patent and fine
random fancy cotton, &c. which he will fell
upon the moll reasonable terms by the dozen
•r lingle pair.
« A General Assortment of every other article
' of DRY GOODS, newly imported.
Those gentlemen who please to favor B. C.
' with their commands, will meet with, at his
store, a moil elegant, extensive, and well
chosen assortment of every dcfcription of Ho
siery. Also, a great Variety of
Gentlemen's Out-ftz^s.
June 4 eodtf
At the Stone House, No. 41 South Second St
Or, A Treatise on the Prevention and
Cure of Diseases,
I By Regimen and Simple Medicines, with an
Appendix, containing a Difpenfarv for the
life of private Practitioners, By William
Buchan, m. d. Feiiowof the Royal College
of Physicians, Edinburgh.
Revised, and adapted to the Diseases and
Climates of America,
1 M. D. Profcffor of Materia Medica, in the
Univ-erfuy of Pennfylvanh.
111 One Large Volume, OiSavo—Price two
dollars a:. d a kalY.
'T'HK best Eulogium on this Va'uable
X Work is the reception It has met with
from the Public, before the present very im
portant improvements were added. Between
twenty and thirty large editions of it have
■ been fold.
Being now adapted to the climate and dis
eases o: the United States, it is hoped the
1 work will be found more citen.'ively ufeful,
at the fame time the pr ce is lower than the
London edition in its unimproved Hate can
be fold for. 3a.v 4 w
May 27
For Sale,
THE time of a Stout NEGP-O LAD, who
has upwards of fix year, to lerve.
Enquire of the Printer.
Juir.' 1-
TNFORMATION may be obtained at the
i Office No 149 ChefnutStrect, concerning
t ,he Drawing of the WalhingUn and Pater
tion Lotteries —and also where - :CA.ets may
be Wad. 1
Just Imported, p
And for Sale by
Joseph Anthony Iff Son, r -*-
A Quantity of Nankeens of fine (quality, x
■An affortmeftt of ftl3ia Silks in boxes, ner
.Vritt 3 few containing sou
Compleat $ets of Tea Table China. Ho
7"bey ti'f: b*** J : j' Lj-idinj, '
aoo Barrels Prim liellou Beef, - xU %
70 Barrels Pork,
Malaga Wine in Quarter calks,
Claret in calks and cases,
BLuffia Hemp, vh
Di'to Sail Duck, or
Ravens Duck, wa
White and Brown sheetings, P ar
India Sugars in Sacks, lev
Ho-s Lard, in an J bnrrels, | ii * ;c
Whalebone, Whale Oil, & Spermaceti candles llC:
N. England Tow Lin':n, p' e
Window Glass of various sizes, aad
A neat aiTortmcut of Looking Glasses.
Tue 8 drot Cll
—— — wh
Delaware Bridge. kn
TN Purfuanceof an a«fl of the General As-
J. fembly of this Commonwealth, entitled - s
" An ail to authorize the Governor of t' is
" Commonwealth to incorporate a Company
" for ereAing a Bridge over the river Deli- .
u at the borough of Eafton, in the County
"of Nortliampton and also of the Lcgif
lature of the tlate of New Jersey, cfctitlrd *
" An acl to empower the Governor of this
u . state to Incorporate a Company for ered
u inga Bridge over the river Delaware, at
" the township of Grecpwich, in the Coun
" ty of SufTex,oppofite the borough of Etfton" m;
Notice is hereby given, at
That Books will be opened to receive Sub
scriptions for the Stock of the laid Company, be
' it the times and places following, to wit: m
In the City of Philadelphia, at the Count
ing House of Levi Hollingfworth, on Mon
day, the sixth day of July next, and on the V:
' two succeeding days—
In the Borough of Eailon, at the House th
" of Cocrad Ihrie, fen. on the fame three days;
1 And, in the State of New Jer ey, at the
1 House of Thomas Bullman, in the townlhip P
of Greenwich, and County of Sussex, on the
sixth and eighth days of July next ; and at
the store of Thomas Paul, at Belvidere, in r
Oxford townlhip, and Sussex County afore- J
said, oiithefeveilth day of July aforeliid.
At which Places the Books wiJI be kept
- open from ni»e o'clock until twelve in the
forenoon, and from two o'clock until five in
the afternoon, of eack day, or until the sub-
fcription ihail be fill»d The Capital Stock g' (
of the laid Company will confilt of twohun- , -
' dred and fifty lhares, at one hundred dollars
each, whereof ten dollars must be paid on
1 each share at the time of fubferibing.
1 Levi Hollingfworth,
> Jefli IValn,
"John hicholfon,
[ John Arndt,
William Henry, Comniiffiiners.
John HeiJJer,
t fames Hyndjhww,
' Thomas Paul, „
> Thomas Bullman.
' pbi'adetphia, May 18 d
Subscriptions for a dally paper, perhaps in o
few instances are fufficient to defray the es- b
c pence of their publication; their principal ti
support is derived from Advertisements—
The following statement will ihew that this R
j Gazette is a favorable vehicle for circulating i"
j advertising information extensively and diffu- tl
lively—lt is sent per poll to fubtenbers in the P
following places, viz. I 1
Savannah and Augufla, in Georgia. t.
Charleston, Columbia, Statefijurgh, in a
South Carolina. s:
Wilmington, Newbern, Edenton, Fayette-
Ville, Salem, in North Carolina.
Danville, Louisville, Lexington, in Ken
t tucky.
? Norfolk, Peterlburgh, Frederickfburgh,
' Alexandria, George Town, Washington,
Richmond, New London, Falmouth, Acco
mack, Abjngrfon,Williamfburgh, Yorktown,
a Dumfries, Urbanna, Colchelter, in Virginia.
e Baltimore, Eailon, Princess Ann, Bladen-
{burgh, Annapolis, Chaptico, Warwick,
e Chellertown, Chester Mill, Elkton, in Ma
Uniontown, Walhington, Carlisle, York, c
Chamberfburgh, Harriiburgh, Greeniburgh, "
, Pittsburgh, Reading, in Pennsylvania.
e Wilmington, Middletown, Dover, in De
0 Woodbury, Salraxi, Cranbury, Crofcwicks ,
Burlington, Bordentown.Swed efourgh.Tren
c ton, Princeton, Brunfwick, Elizabethtown, £
h Newark, Booneton, Rockaway, Sussex, Al
• lentown, Perth Ambay, in New Jersey.
n New York, Albany, Otfego, New York.
- Hartford, New London, Norwich, Litch-
field, in Connecticut. j
Newport, Providence, in Rhode IDand.
c Boston, in Massachusetts.
Portlmouth, Charleftowu, in New Hamp- j
c (hire. j
n In addition to the above extensive circula- c
tion, this Gazette is exchanged weekly and j
daily with eighty eight different printers of j
~ Newspapers from Georgia to the Diftricl of
Maine. The number of Snbfcribers in this .
„ City is refpedlable, and the Lift is increasing
—Advertisements of Bf.atu, Audio™ at a dif
tjntday, Lands, for Centralis, LtAteries, Adanu
faSlurcri, Neyl EJlahtiJhments in mtcbaiiiail bran
ches, tor. tor. Will derive peculiar advantage
ie from this extensive circulation,
ig Terms of advertising are fifty cents
r - per iquare for the firft insertion, and twenty
■ j cents per square fer cich subsequent publica
Fkaunces'sTaveriv I
No. 59 South IVtiter Street, ■■
THE Subscriber begs leave to j
inform hi? friends aud the public in gc- j A
nera', that he has removed fjom No. 166
south 2d Street, to that commodious, j
House in Water Street, between Cheviot and 1
Walnut Streets, lately occupied by Mr. 1/um | _
Haileburfl, and on which he has spared no |
pains or ejepenfe, to make it convenient and r-.
1 agreeable for the receptio.. of gentlemen. ■*
The House being situated on the fame spot
v/here the noted Beef Steak and Punch houie 1
formerly stood, has the advantage of the heft
water in this city, known long lince by the
name of the Green 'free Water. As there are
i'everal elegant, Rooms, fufliciently 1-trge to
aecommodate any Society or company ot gen
tlemen, and from hii well known abilities to
please in the liue of his buiinefs, he Satters
himfelf with a Continuance of that patronage
which he has experienced fmce he firft open
ed a Public House in this City, and, for 5
which he begs leave to make a public ac- P
For the accommodition of Small Parties,
the Large Coifee Room oa the ground floor
is conveniently fitted up with a number ot J 1
Boxes, conftrucied in such a manner as to « J
admit Gentlemen to be as private as they I a
pleafb—Where may be had, at any hour, j
Soups, Beef-Steaks, Relishes, &.c. &.
He hai on hand, and will keep a constant
supply of Spirituous and Malt Liquors, and c
of the best qualities. ®
provided—Also Dinners and
Suppers cooked in the most approved man-
ner, at a short notice, and Pastry of all forts,
made to order, in the House, or to fend out
at any hour.
He has several well furnilhcd Bed Cham
bers, for Boarders and Lodgers, by the Week,
month, or year.
P. S. The Urge, convenient, Stores and
Vaults, underneath the House, with the OlHcc
above, to be rented, either separate or toge
ther—Forterm» apply to the Subscriber.
June 2. ptf.
The Insurgents. :
A Yew Copies
Are yet remaining on hand, and may be had
at this Oftic<sf Also of T. Dobfon, No 41
Seuth 2d Street, J. Ormrod, Franklin's Head,
Chefnut Street, and B. Davies, No. 68 High
Tickets in the above Lottery, fanclioned
by a law of this state, are now in rapid demand,
at the office No. 149 Chefnut-flrcct, between
Fourth and Fifth-fireets, at ten dollars each,
being the original price, by order of the com
mittee for dire&ing the above Lottery.
The public arc refpe&fully informed, that
" grand policies," or any ether description of
policies, pending on the drawing, are net
•vended at this every denomination
1 of hazard, or " infurcnce againfl hlon*" during
said drawing, tj:U not be tranfsfted at the above
1 office, under any specious fliape whatever;
- being dire&ly contrary to law, and tending
1 to delude the ignorant and unwary.
The Oltenfive Proprietor of the Policy
s Manufactory, No. 105, C'hefnut-Strtet,
r is refpe&fully cautioned again 11 foifl *v upon
the Public his anomalous Publications.—That
: Public are too .discerning to be lured into his
Policy Bubbles, under the plausible advan
tages held forth by this modern Judas- —for
1 a small funv'to gain an immense fortune of
sixty thousand cyphers ! ! !
June 15. dtf.
A Complete Analysis of the Current
' Scale of Policies, by Cole, Goodluck & Co.
adapted to the meanest capacities.
** indocli doßlque."
THOSE who have demands again ft the
Subscriber, are requelted to present
their Accounts on the 20th instant, and to
call at No. 152 South Second street for pay
ment on the 25 th.
Philip Nicklin y Co.
s Are now Landing from the Ship Liberty,
capt. Van Luvenigh, from Liverpool
'* 100 calks of Nails afTorted in 4d 6d 8i 10d
and 20d.
And from the fehooner Favorite from
21 Hogfhcads prime Tobacco and
1500 wt Virginia Hams.
They have also on hand,
22 Tons Pig Lead
Rich Mountain Wine in Quarter Ca&s,
Fine Old Port Wine in Pipes and Hoglheads,
" Spanish Liquorice Ball, in boxes of 2 Cwt e<
f Brimstone, crude and refined,
Englilh fail Canvas afiorted
> Crown Window Glass Bby 10, and
Men's English fuddles,
*? A Quantity of Mahogany, and
Sundry Articles ot
'' Household Furniture
I■ Enquire it No 121 Chefnut Street.
June 4 <1
The higiheft price
in Calh, will be given for
| empti w/rrjbES,
J A preference will bz piv- a to Claret Bottle*.
i W/v ,• nt
I No. 187, fc.utii Third street.
A raw cJii'is 0?
Ticklenburgs y Oznaburgs
No. 11 Walr.u Strset.
June 1
. it m ■« — ■ 11 ... .1 1 ■ . ■■■- ■
Gazette'<f the United States.
THE Terms on which rhis Paper was to
♦».' sent to Subfcribersnot rtjfident in Ph»fadel
phla, Were —th«t one halt, at Raft-,' of the
Annual Subscription ihould be constantly*
paid in advance, or that some paftoii at the
place of publication Ihould be fefponfiLle fOr
the fame: ,
Those SuhTcnbers wbo i7ia.ll not have
complied with the terms above f;/:ified on
the iirH of j-'ty r.ext, will, frtfm s!iat peried
t be ccnQilercd oi declining to take the Gazette
, j any lobger. i
! The Editor ha 3 heretofore omitted any
charge Jar MreEling and tncloju-g his paper—ill
future, one dollar per annum will be add
[ ed to the Subscription of those whose papers
are sent b\ the Pod.
Oi' the celebiatvd Peii'oMi.a te uiidei the
' . ii^natu'e or
M A N L I U S,
M«»v be bad of
' 'John Onnrcd, No. 41, Chef
nut Jlreet.
1 HUCr 25 CKKTS.
Wanted Immediately,
Goldjmith & Jeweller.
r Corner of South Third end Market Streets,
Fzom 20 to 3c Journeymen GoWf.uiths
Silverfmiui,, Jeweiiers, liugravers, Buckie*
Makers, Plate - Workers, Spooft-Makers,
Small-Workers, Lapidaries, Chape-Makers,
• or any other Mechanics, ufefui in the diffe
rent branches of a Goldsmith and Jewellery,
Manufactory; any one capable of under
taking any of the above branches will meet
d with constant employ, the highest wages, and
1 every encouragement due to their merits,
i, Any person capable of beiug a Foreman to
;h the tfbove defenbed Bufinef?, willing to in
ilru6t Apprentices, and do every duty in
cumbent on a Foreman, /hall receive a hand
i'ome salary for his services, with Uoard and
>( j Lodging in the house.
Five or fix Apprentices will be taken to
, n ' the different branches as above, and one to
l the Store and Mercantile part of the business.
J The highefl price given for Old Gold and
Silver, Lace, Diamonds, Old Watches, and
at Jewellery, in Exchange or othcrwife, by ap~
0 r plying at the above Store, where there is rea
,ct dy for Safe, a compleat and elegant ACTort
jn raentof faihionable Silver, Plated, Jewellery
Cutlery, Japaxmed, and Fancy Goods, receiv
jt ed by the last arrivals. In addition to which
lie hopes to receive a ficlh supply by every
European arrival, and flitl continues to ma
-0 nufadlnre ev.'ry article in the vUrfous branch
;■ tj iu|al.
r N. B. As he is going to remove to the
)n ' corner store, the House he now occupies i:
at TO BE L£T, or SOLD; which, for Con
venience, Beauty, and goodnefa of Stand, is
by far die inoft eligible of any in the City.
■jr M'y M- £_
American Landjcapts.
o. Sclefted from the mo.l firikirtg and inte
rfiling ProfpedU in, the United State:, f
each «jf wl'ich VIEWS will be accom
~ panied with a descriptive account of its
he Local, Hiflorleal, and cither lueidcntu!
Nt Peculiarities.
;°_ By G. I. PARKYNS,
Author (f the " JMonajiic Rct*aiat an J /L%cie~:£
CeJzlrs in Great Britain"
I. That the work shall be poblifhed hy Su!i
fcription ; and that cach iiubfsriber ftiail
• enjage to take the whole fct of Views,
and (hall pay for cach engriving, if Llawh.
°* or brown, z Doilari ; and if coloured j
11. That th.s "dimenfiotis of each engrav
ing (hall be 24 by 17 inches, executed ii)
aquatmta, and upon paper of a
superior c|uatity. The publication to ccm
mence immediately; and one engraving to
be delivered to the SubfcriLers, on the nrlc
Monday of each fucc«eding month, until
the propofedferies ihail Le iin*iivi
111. That with the last View of the series,
ihall oe delivered an engraved
tn ele/ant charafletiiHc vignette; a rrran
of the route, connected wi.l; the profpeda
exhibited in the the course of the Work;
; and an Alphabetical lift of the Subfcrib^r^.
Sufcfcriptions are received tv Mr. Harri
-5 fan,
by Mr. Carey, Boot-feiler, No. u 8,
ftreot, Philadclphia,and by all the -
13 jok-frllcr; in the Uriv. l
1 i itlruory sS.