Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 18, 1795, Image 1

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    o ' '■ 7
[No. 144 of Vol. VII.] Thursday, June 18, 1795. [Whole No. 867.]
, ■ * ~* - •• * ■>• ■ ■ ■ — . — '
■ — The new (hip
*£2. A 9 1
• Cjp'J'" Liseroßß.
The Alia will tie launch §
s=s£->ed in a few da)"!; is 4 very
line (bip, cnpered ; Ac greater par? e*
careo i< on hand, ready to go of?board , Hw
wil» fail the icth instant. For fre-.eht or
June 9 * ;f " h
For Sale or Charter, *
•gs-fv. The fact foiling Virginia _
Built Brig, J>
Lady Wafhington,jh
3ffS°a~- 18 months old, burthen ~
113 1-2 Tons, carries between % and 900
barrels, is in compleat order, and may be
seen at Willing's Wharf. For terms ap-
No. 149, South Front-Street. 1
For Sale on board fold Brig, ri
a quantity of Heading j
June 13. _ - 4t ~
hlr~ -"v J OH!J £° x ' Mafsr,
' A constant trader, built of cedar and live- f
oak, fails fact, has excellent accommoda
tions for paiTtngers, and will fail in about
time weeks. For paflage apply to Capt. J
Cox, or >
Rundle & Murgatroyd,
No. 11, Walnut-Street Wharf.
Who have for Sal?,
In Convenient Cases, for exportation,
j and entitled to Drawback.
it, Hbds. Muscovado Sugar.
May 6. jtawtf.
" for sale,
At the STOKES of
Jefle & Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipe , IrtuSs. and miai
Iter calk* t
LISBON »ip«s i.ul nuariercafks
Souclxmgand C.ongo 1 EAS,in quartei '
• A quantity of I.i(bon»nd CodizSALT
Soft (helled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
H'tflia MATTS. (
May a ' «l [
Ltt&Klr- rER '
The New Cedar and Live
Oak Ship
Burthen about three hundred Tons, Philadel
phia built. She isifubftan'iai well built Ves
sel and will be fitted in thebeft manner, will
be ready to receive a Cargo about th: loth
itifl. and fail about the sth5 th of July, for terms
applyat No. 12 North 3'dStreet.
June A. iawtf. }■
This Day,
IVill be Landed,,
ON Eemikm's tvbarf, from on board the
Schooner Makia. !•':•? 2
75 Hogiheads t'rime Green Conee,
6 Ditto Srg?r,
For Sale bv
No. 149 South Front Street.
Who will also SELL or CHARTER
\Tbe said. Schooner MAKIA,
Three Years old—Bur
>,P 11S 1-2 Tons—Carrie"
1000 Barrels of Flour,
and may be seen at Ha
milton s Wharf.
June i? * ; t
A 7 a. 70 South Second Strxt y
Near the City Tni^rn y t
TTAS juii opened and for Sale, an Aflott-
X I ment of Lafiies* and Gentlemen's
Fafhicnable H A T S,
from London. Also a Variety of Children'^
Hat? of different Colour?. #
N. B, Man or two as Smfners in the a
above bufmeft, well recommended, will meet c
with conflant employ and good encourage- j|
ment. v
June ft d
In the Richmond from Br 'tjlol»
Quart Dottles in Hampers
Taunton Ale, in calks of 10 cloz. eac»'.
Bcfl Double GlcucclterCheefe and
A Quantity of Grindstones
For Sale by
Simon Walker,
Walnut flreet wharf.
; June II
notary public, tic. ;
HAS removed his O&ei from No. 19. ,
South Fourth Street, No. 30 Wal
nut Street.
June y aawtf
In thefehooner Amy, Samuel Chafe, mas
ter, from Newhury-Porr, Ne\fr
-1 r4
* ijiui nsiiUj
JND to BE SOLD 8 r L
At ga STORE, AV gi',/«(Mirwt-Jln*, Q
A qpantitv «>f BEEF,
TOW LINEN, "See. 2c
Also, FOR SALE, m
c ' looner
NOW at Stamper's wharf, a new veljel,
has only made one pafiage from Newbury
—(he is well found, and supposed to carry
about 700 barrels. For terms r.pply to N
Samuel Coates. w
June 1%. d6t. A
ALL Persons indebted to the Efiate of J
Robert R,, late of Southward, Ma
riner, deceased, areik-fired to make immedi- I
ate payment, and all those having juil de- n
mands against said Estate, arc defircd to fur- <t
ni!h their accounts properly attested, to either <(
of the fubferibers <t
Sarah Rbsidb, Executrix. t<
John Craig, | Executors. la
James Sawyer, ) «
May 2t d "
Will be Landed, on Friday morning, •<
June 19, at South Stre-t -wharf,
The Cargoes of Abigail andIsABELLA,
from Jamaica.
JO7 hhds. choice sugar
166 lihds. of Coffee
aoo do.
210 bags of Ginger ,
for file by
Peter Blight. '
June 9 • diot o
Canal Lottery.
Of the State of Pennsylvania.
TICKETS are now ready for Sale at the
Office, No. 149, Chefnut-Street,
between Fourth and Fifth-Streets.
Price ten Dollars each. o
This Lottery will Commence Drawing f<
the First of September next. tl
Schemes Delivered Gratis.
May 30. d. °
J. M. Bart, I
No. 170, North Second-Street,
Continues to wait on such Gentlemen nd
Ladies as are desirous to be inllrucleri in
the French Language.
May 19.
For Sale,
THE time of a Stout NEGRO LAD, who
has upwards of fix yeart to ferYe.
Enquire of the Printer.
Jim: d
MOL'NTFORD, this day en; *jd into
partn*rfliip under the firm of P
And have for sale at their No 138,
South Water-Street, 1 a
50 barrels prime Beef f
10 do. cargo do. f
A quantify prime Pork
in hogsheads
Ditto in barrels c
Old Malaga Wintf in quarter cailcs
Jamaica Pimento
Shot in bags
98 pair well afiorted shoes t
Speaking trumpets
Binnacle lamps 1
Ship and house lanthorns j
Sailor's cans «Scc. &c. r
June 17. e&3t. \
Ticklenburgs & Oznaburgs r
Rundle & Mvrgatroyd, 5
No. II Walnut Street.
June I *' ' yrt 1
AI.L those who are indebted to the late j
House of Andrew Clow & Co. and (
particularly such of therrt as reside at a dill- .
ancc, but happen to be" here, are defircd to j
call and make payment at No 20 south Front
before they shall leave the City, other
wise they will certainly be sued at law.
WH, Cramond,}
John Lvany, V Executors.
Hugh Holmes,j
Philadelphia, May 25 d
[ Price 25 Cents] 1
On Democratic Societies; ■
Sold by Dobfon, No. 4!
Second Street, John Ormrod4t Chef- 1
nut Street, Benjamin Davies 68 HigL
Street and by the Editor, 119 Chefnnt
April iS
Just Imported, I
A»J .ft
jOS/pb Ji/uoany if? Son, r
A Quantity of Nankeens of finelquallty,
An aiTortment of India Stlks in boxes, n
And a few boxes containing f<
ComplcatSetsofTea Table China. I
They also bavf JuJ? Landing,
200 Barrels Prim Boltou B^ef,
70 Barrels Pork, P
Mal-iga Wine in Quarter cafics,
Claret ia cifks and calef,
Ruflia Hemp, J!
Ditto Sail Duck,
Ravens« Duck,
White and Bro'a-n sheetings,
East India Sugars in Sacks,
Hogs Lard, in kegs and .barrels, ; ' a
Whalebone, Whale Oil, & Spermacxtl candles t
N. England Tow Linen, .
Window Glass of various and
A neat aiTortment of Looking Glafies.
Tue 8 die* c
Delaware Bridge. 1
IN Purfuanccof an a<fl of the General As- t
fembly of this Commonwealth, entitled j
" An acs to authorize the Governor of this ,
" Commonwealth to incorporate a Company £
44 for ereiiing a Bridge over the river Dcla-
| <l ' at the borough 01 £?4on, in tlae County <
i 4< of Northampton and also of the Legil-
I lature of the Hate of New Jersey, entitled j
" An a& to empower the Governor of this
<l state to incorporate a Company for ered
" ioga Bridge over the river Delaware, at <
" the townfhijy of Greenwich, in the Ceun- J
" ty of SufTex,oppofite the borough of Eifton" ]
Notice is hereby given,
That Books will be opened to receive Sub
scriptions for the Stock of thefaid Company,
at the times and places following, to wit :
In the City of Philadtlphia, at the Count
ing House of Levi Hollingfworth, on' Mon
day, the sixth day of July next, and on the
two fueceeding days—
In the Borough of Eailon, at the House
of Cocrad Ihrie, fen. on the fame three day«;
And, in the State of New Jer Vy, at tile
House of Thomas Buliman, in the township
of Greenwich, and County of SufTei, on the
sixth and eighth days of July next ; and at
the (tore of Thomas Paul, at Belvidere, in
Oxford township, and Sulfex County afore
faid, onthefeventh day of July aforefaid
At which Places tlic Books will be kept
open from nine o'clock until twelve in the
forenoon, and from two o'clock until fire in
the afternoon, of eacfe day, or until the sub
scription shall be fillad The Capital Stock
of the laid Company will consist of two hun
dred and fifty (hares, at one hundred dollars
each, whereof ten dollars mull be paid on
each (hare at the time of fubferibing.
Levi HoUingftuorth,
Jeff* Wain,
John h icbolfon,
\John Arndt,
William Henry, Commissioners.
John Heifier,
James Hyndjhaw,
7* omas Paul,
Thomas Bullman.
Philadelphia,- May • 8 d
Subscriptions for a daily paper, perhaps in
few instances are fufficient to defray the ex
pence of their publication; their principal
support is derived from Advertifeiments—
The following statement will (hew that this
Gazette is a favorable vehicle for circulating
advertising information extensively and difTu
fively—lt is sent per post to fubferibers in the
following places, Viz.
Savannah and in Georgia.
Charleston, Columbia, Statefburgh, in
South Carolina.
Wilmington, Newbern,Edenton, Fayette-
Vtfle, Salem, in North Carolina. '
Danville, Louisville, Lexingtoa, in Ken
Norfolk, Peter(burgh, Frederickfburgh,
Alexandria, George Town, Washington,
Richmond, New London, Falmouth, Acco
mack, Abingdon, Williamfburgh, Yorktown,
Dumfries, Urbanna, Colchester, in Virginia.
Baltimore, Eafton, Prmcefs Ann, Bladen
fburgh, Annapolis, Chaptico, Warwick,
Cheftertown, Chester Mill, Elkton, in Ma
Cniontown, Carlisle, York,
Chamberlburgh, Harriiburgh, Greenfburgh,
Pittsburgh, Reading, in Pennsylvania.
Wilmington, Middletown, Dover, in De
Woodbury, Salem, Cranbury, Crcfswicks
Burlington, Borden town, Swedefburgh, Tren
ton, Princeton, Brunfwick, Elizabethtown,
Newark, Boonetor, Rockaway, SuiTex, Al
lentown, Perth Ambay, in New Jersey.
.New York, Albany, Otfegb, New York.
Hartford, New London, Norwich, Litch
field, in Connecticut.
Newport, Providepce, in Rhode liland.
Boston, in Massachusetts*
Portsmouth, Charleftown, in NewHamp
In addition to the above extenfiye circula
tion, this Gazette is exchanged weekly and
daily with eighty eight different printers of
Newspapers from Georgia to the Diftricfc of
Maine. The number of Subscribers in this
City is refpe&able, and the Lilt is increasing
—Advertifementsof £J}ates> Au&iom at a dif
tantday, Lands, for Contracts, Lotteries, Manu
facturers, A r eiu EJlabliJhmeHts in mechanical bran
ches, &c. Iffc. wiil derive peculiar advantage
frqm this extensive circulation.
gj' Term* of advertising are fifty cents
per square for the firft insertion, and twenty
cents per fqu::rc for each fubfeqaent publica
Fraunces'sTavern] 1
.V.7. 59 Smith Wtrtvr Street, j,p
THE Subfctioer refpe<3 fully H»cgs leave to at T
inform his fricDds and the ptfbHc in ge- p ol
nerai, that he has removed from No. 166 beij
south id Street, to that large, commodious, m j t
House in Water Street, between Chefnut and r
Walnut Street?, lately occupied by Mr. Isaac m n
Ra-zUbittJiy on which he has spared no pjj
pains or cxp.nfe, to make it convenient and ven
agreeable for the receptio*. of gentlemen. 0 f
The House being fittlated on the fame spot f a j (
where the noted Beef Steak and Punch house 0 (g
formerly stood, has the advantage of the t eft c j
water in this city, known long by the t0
name of the Green Tree Water. As there arc
several elegant Rooms, fufiiciently large to
accommodate any Society or company of gen- ]
tlemen, and from his well khpwn abilities to t^,e
plnafe in the line of his business, he flatters p u
himfelf with a continuance of chat patronage p 0
which he has experienced since he firft opeo- ta g
ed a Public House in this City, and, for aj
which hq. beg* leave to make a public ac- SIX
For the accommodation of Small Parties,
the Large Coffee Room on the ground floor
is conveniently fitted up with a numfcur of
Boxes, conitru&ed i# such a npunner as to
admit Gentlemen to be as pfWale a? they
pleafe—-Woere may be had, at any hour,
Soups, Beef-Steaks, Reiifhes, &c.
' He has on hand, and will keep a cpnftant
fupplv of Spirituous and Malt Liquors, and
of the best qualities.
Breakfalts provided—Also Dinners and
Suppers cooked in the most approved man- —
| ner, at a short notice, and Pastry of all forts, 1
made to order, in the House, or to fend out
at any hour.
He has several well furnifhed Bed Cham- £°;
hers, for Boarders and Lodgers, by the Week, a
month, or year.
P. S. The hrge, convenient, Stores and
1 Vault*, underneath the House, with the Office ur
above, to be rented, either fenarate or toge~
» ther—For terms apply to the Snbfcriber.
; J»ae I. ' ptf. ™
~ ' ca
■ sThe Insurgents. £
A Few Copies w
Are yet remaining on hand, and may tie had h :
at this Office. Also of T. Dobfon, No 41 cc
South 2d Street, J. Ormrod, Franklin's Head, w
. Chefnut Street, and B. Davies, No. 68 High A
* Street. t\
1 h
GAZETTEcfthe United States.
THE Terms on which this Paper was to F
be sent to Subscribers not resident in Philadel-
phia, were—that one half, at least, of the _
f. Annual Subscription should be constantly j-,
paid in advance, or that some person at the
place of publication should be refponuble for
the fame:
Those Subscribers who lhall not have
complied with the terms above fpecified on
the f.rjl of July next, will, from that period
be declining to take the Gazette
ariy longer.
n The Editor has heretofore omitted any
•- charge for di retting and enclojtng his paper —in
il future, one dollar per annum wiU be add
— ed to the Subscription of those whose papers
is are sent by the Post.
g j
1- TNFORMATION may be obtained at the
is A Office No 149 Chefnut Street, conccrning
the Drawing of the Wafhingt:n and Pater- 1
tion Lotteries—and also where Tickets may
n be had.
Of the celebrated Performance uiidei tht
l " Signature of .
;■ M A N L I U S, '
i, May be had of -* c
>- John Ormrod, No. 41, Chef- ,
I' nut Jireet.
1- UtTCF 2 5 CTNT*.
''"l who have demands again ft the r
l " X Subscriber, are requeued to present a
their Accounts on the 20th inflant, and to
call at No. 152 South Second street for pay- .
K ment on the 25th.
j- '• — c
Philip Njcklin & Co. \
Are now Landing from the Ship Liberty,
capt. Van Luvenigh, from Liverpool
foo calks of Nails assorted in 4i bd %d led
and led.
]. And from the schooner Favorite from
21 Hogsheads prime Tobacco and
IjOO wt Virginia Hams.
They have also on hand, I
J z Tons Pig Lead,
Rich Mountain Wine in Quarter Calks,
a _ Fine Old Port Wine in Pipes and Hogsheads,
1( j Spanilh Liquorice Ball, in boxes of 2 Cwt each
0 j- Briraftone, crude and refined,
0 j- Englilh fail Canvas aflorted
■ Crown Window Glass Bby 10, and
Men's Englilh fuddles,
A Quantity of Mahogany, and
C J u^e 3 <U ;
Sundry Articles ot
Household Furniture
Its t
Enquire at No. in Chefnut Street.
June 4 i
Tij?te>l :r. the .-.-ov- lottery, fanftioncd
oya-law of this Rate, are nsw in rapid demand,
at tht- office Nc. i"4y Chcfnut-ifreet, between
Fovrth and Fifth-ftreets, at ten dollars each,
being the ori g ::rrt price, by order of the com
mittee for directing the above Lottery.
I he public are /efpe<Sfolly informed," that
or any ether fiefcription of
policies, pending on, ;\c drawing, are not
Wm at this clHcf—Sfo, every denomination
of hazard, or " injurants agjinf blankdurino*
drawing, If:.' "ct A- trtnfaEc.l at the above
office, under any i'pecious fhapt whatever ;
being direAlj- contrary to law ", and tending
to delude the ignorant and unwary.
Tjfre OftenGvc Proprietor of the PoLicr
Manufactory, No. io<t, Chefnut-Stmt,
is rtfpe&iuily cautioned ajrainft upon
üblic his arfdviaious Publications.—-That.
Public are too discerning to be Lr,d mto his
Policy Bi'sjeles, under the piaujible advan
tage held fortli by this modern Judas —for
a Qnall sum to an immenle fortune o£
J une I J- dff.
sHokrir will be fubltShfd,
i . £*
A Compete Analyjtt of the Current
S:a/e of Polities, by Cole, Goodluck & Co.
adapted to the meanelt capacities.
n Scri&imuj indo&i doSique"
No. 105 Chefnut-SIreet.
TICKETS in the above Lof.erv, f motion
ed by a law of this State, and in every
other Lot.tE.ry extant here, authcrifed bv the
constitution of the United States, are felling
fact at this office, where grand policies, and
'every other f pcc.'es of insurance on this Lot
tery , is legally tran failed.
The proprietors of this office solicit a coh
tiituance of that preference they have so de
cidedly exp fenced, which it will at all time*
be their fludy to merit by fair, open, and
candid dealing. They have no doubt the
discerning public, wiil trace in the Ig-Noble
, caution of an envious competitor, the dog in
! the manger and that they will treat him as
we mean to do with contempt. The public
will decide juflly, between fair dt ahtig and.
malignant afperCon, and fix the Judas Tppe)-
> lation where it ought to reft ; as pi competi
tor we were willing to let him oafs with
Uncle Toby's Conization " that the world
was wide," and there was room enough for
3 him and us, but as an envious fnarler, we
1 consign him to the fame puniftment, we
I. would the animal he so justly repref.nts:.
h And we have no do'jbtthe generous atten
tion we do experience will every day incrtafs
his malady.
It is needless to fay more, to direiS the
0 pu"bli eye, " a puddle will fbon discover
itfelf by it* obnoxious vaponts." As our
~ propofitioiH are published, wa expcisl the.
public will view them and judge for therr
-5 fclvcs. S
1 N. B. Any Anylifi* on Policies, shall be
n duly RcvijfeJ and Corrcfitd for the Author, by
e J- M.
J. Y.
J ua ' »;t.
n _ The highest price
s In Cash, will be given for
A prefcrentcvi'i be given to Claret Bottles.
Apply at
- No. 187, south Third flreet.
y April 10 d
Lands for Sale,
ONE Tra<9 of 1204 1-2 acres, in Hatr.pi'
shire county, divided into three surveys:
one of 400, another of 4CO 1-2, and the
r other 404 acres, on the waters of Indian camp
• run, and little cape Cipon, adjoininc- tJ»<
lands of Mr. Hugh Murphy and colonel
Greenfield; about one or two miles from the
- main road leading from Winchester to Rem-i
' e ney ; taken u£ ar.<3 furveyedin theyear 177-,
!t and deeds granted "for the lame from the pro
-0 prietor's office in 17 So—described to be equal
to any land in-that part of the c»untry.
Also one tra<3 in Fauquier cottnty, of 605
_ acres, well adapted for .tobacco and' all kinds
of grain ; about four miles from -the Court-
House, joining the main road that leads fr»m
y, thence to Falmouth, from which it is difcant
about 30 miles, and the fame from Dumfries,
OJ and about 40 miles from the Federal City and
Georgetown. On it there is a large Quantity
of fine meadow land, andfeverai si e lprincr's
and on Turkey Puna never failing ".ream
which runs throngh one-corner of it jTift where
it joins the main road, there is a fine filia
tion for a merchant's mill.
Near one third part of tais tract is clear*d.
u In the State of Kentuckey,
:h °1 r Traftof lro ° ?XTe '- on Stoner's fork
of Licking, granted in cor.fc]tience of a pre
emption Trealtor? warr-.n», *ifTi>ed in June.
1780, and a patent granted for the fame in
June 1-87, it was firft in Fayette County,
then in Bourbon, at ih Clark county. '
about miles from Lexington, 12 or 14
- from Bourbon Court Houft, and about 4
miles from C'ark court house, in a thick fet
tled part of the country. General, informa
tion lays the Quality is equal to any I oca
v acres of Land in that country.
Terms may Lc kuown by applying jq
Dumfruj, %atL* :v