Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 17, 1795, Image 1

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    ' Jy/*
[No. 145 of Vol. VIL] 17, 1795. [Whole No. 866.]
For Hamburg,
, r- The new fhrp
Captain Lang rem.
Ti..- i».£', - : 'i Uv i-winch
in a few days; i a vary
fine fhfp, coppered; the gr-ater part of h»r
caf»o is on hind, ready to go on board ; (he
■wP! fail the 10th inlbm. For freight or
i;jfTa"e apply to Captain Laneford, or to
Tune 9. dtaoth
For Sale or Charter,
The fact failing Virginia
»- Built Brijt,
Lady Walhington,!
jg m onths old, burthen!
113 1-2 Torts, carries between 8 and 900
barrels, is in compleat order, aird may be
leen at Willing's Wharf. For terms ap-
No. 149, South Front-Street.
For Sale on board said Brig,
9000 White Oak Ilegfhead
3000 do. Barrel £ STAVES,
a quantity of Heading J
June 13. "*4 f -
-•- XICE
y° HK Cox, Mafler,
A con (tan 1 trader, built of cedar and live- .
oak, fails fad, has excellent accommoda
tions for passengers, and will fail in about j
three weeks. For palfage apply to Capt. ,
Cox, or
Run die & Murgatroyd, '
Ko. ix, Walnut-Street Wharf. I
iVko have for Sale, ]
In Cartvenient Cases, for exportation, <
and entitled to 'Drawback.
Also <
* ■ 4.5 HhJs. Mufco-vado Sugar.' ,
May 6. , jta'wtf. 1
At the STOKES of
JelTe & Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pip- , lihds. and ijuai 1
-vr c:i(kv
LIV'/;NJ d pipes r."d ouar*ercafks
i.«mib .. d i '"w«o-i £ AB, in. quarte»
c'cfTs ' 1
A qui.ititv of I/k.honand Cadiz SALT
S«»ft ihelle'd ALMONDSin bales
Velvet COKKS, in do.
1 d
ForEf.ElGftTor CHAR
The New Cedar and Live
Oak Ship
Isurth:n about three hundred Ton*, Philadel
phia buiJt, She is afubftantial welj built Ves
sel and will be fitted in the best manner, will
he ready to receive a Cargo about the 20th j
Lift, and fail about the sth of July, for tern:,
apply at No. 12 North 3d Street. II
June 4. 2awtf.
This Day,
IVill be Landed„
ON Hamilton s ivkarf\ from on board the
Schooner Maria,
75 Prime GreenjCofFec,
6 Ditto Sugar, ..
-For -Sale by
No. 149 South Front Street.
Who will also SfiLL or CHAZTZJt
\Tbe fair! Schooler MARIA,
Three Years old—Bur
tiß 1-1 Ttins—Cai ries
1000 Barrels of Fiotir, f OI
and may be seen at Ha- by
uiiltor> 1 Whart. l>r
..June 15 *-t Bo
Tickets in the above Lottery, fancHoncd
liy a laMs of this flate,are now in rapid dcmruid,
i: tiie office Mo. 149 Chcfnyt-ftr -■% between T1
Fourth and Fifth-Erects, at t:n doHfirs each,
being price, by oi-dier o : rht
mittce for dircdfctysg the above Lori. iy
The public are refpe6lfuily in . rrr\ed, that
** grand or any other «i r-ption oi
policies, pending 011 the drawi;iv, re mi
vended at this office—aifo, cv/ry denomination
of hazard, or " infarance a-r , injt j/.i 'f," durm<*
said drawing, rrili he trcnfi\£}*;d at the a!>ove - J
oiTice, uiner any In cious ih pe whatever; t
being dirc&ly cviit'ary tq law, ?nd tending!
to delude the ignorant and unwary. - Qj
The Ofl.enfivu Prpprivtor of the PoLicr j
Mavufactory, No. io<, Cb'..(nut-Street, J
Ls refpeitfully cautioned ?.garnfl frifling -jpon '
the Public his anomalaJs Publications.—That
Public are too discerning to he lured into j)is
. Policy, uni r the phufibl; ')
tages held forth by this moJcrn Judas —for i the
a !mjll sum to gain imm nf • fortune of
phc 15. dtf. ~
>* /V jOA (j a HUM BUG /
A C'.tr* ts s'TUJi'jh cf Current 01
Settle c/Pc rs, •••<:'.'V.'Goodluck &C*. La<
ailapted t. tli - v .M-eit capacities. ltl»
" Scriir.'iu: truocii Jotfijue,'* I
- of Just Imported,
And for Sale
de- Joseph Anthony Sff Son,
fur- A Quantity of N fc iu-TT jof 6nejquality,
:iier u. X-.An aiiortment of India in boxes,
And a few boxes containing
Compleat Sets of Tea Table China.
rjm They also Jujl Landings
200 Barrels Prim Boilou Beef,
70 Barrels Pork,
Malaga Win * in Quarter casks,
Claret in calks and cases,
Ruflia Hemp,
Ditto Sail Duck,
'old- R ivens Duck,
lird White and Brown flieetings,
East India Sugars in Sacks,
iths Hogs Lard, in kegs and barrel*,
de- Whalebone, Whale Oil, & Spermaceti candles
ers, N. England Tow Linen,
ers, Window Glass of various sizes, and
ffe- A neat aflbrtment of Looking Glasses.
nry, Jue t diot
"t Delaware Bridge.
J "d Tfj p ur f uancc „f an of the General As-
X fembly of thi6 Compionwealth, entitled
K An a<ft to authorize, the Governor of tliis
" Com-j%)iiwealth to incorporate a Company
" for erevSting a Bridge over the river Dela
n at the borough of East on, in the Connty
4< of Northampton and also ps the Legii
lature of the ttate of New Jersey, entitled
u An a.& to empower fKe Governor of this
" state to incorporate a Company for ered
" ing a Bridge over the river Delaware, at
" the townftiip of Greenwich, in the C«un-
I "ty of Suffex,oppofite the borough of E -fton"
ei- Notice is hereby given,
ft- That Books will be cpened to receive Sub
fry fcriptions for the Stock of the said Company,
iv- at the times and placet following, to wit :
ich In the City of Philadelphia, at the Count
;ry ing House of Levi HoDinglworth, on Mon
ia- day, the sixth day of Jjiy next, and on the
:h- two succeeding days— i
In the Borough of Eafton, at the House
he of Cocrad Ihrie, fen. cn the fame three days;
is And, in the State cf New Jersey, at the
>n- House of Thomas Bullvian, in the townlhip
is of Greenwich, and Connty of SulTex, on the
sixth and eighth days of July next ; and at
the store of Thomas Paul, at Belvidere, in
~ Oxford townihip, 4rtd SulTex County afore
faid, onthefeventh day of July aforclaid
At which Places the Books will be kept
open from nine o'clock until twelve in the
forenoon, and from two o'clock until five in ]
the afternoon, of each day, or until the sub- .
fcription (hall be filltd The Capital Stock i
of the laid Company will confiil of twohun- ]
T . dred and fifty shares, at ore hundred dollars <
} . each, whereof ten dollars must be paid on
n _ «ach share at the time of fubferibing.
i ts Levi Hollingjkvortb, ]
:al 7# Wain, )
John A icholfon,
John Arndt, 1
William Henry, CommiJJioners. 1
" John Heifler,
fames Hyndjbaiu,
T omas Paul, f
"" Thomas Bullman. \
j' Philadelphia, May tS d '
Subscriptions for a daily paper, perhaps in
r- few instances are fufficient to defray the ex- 3
in pence of their publication; their principal ]
a support is derived from Advertisements— [
j. The following statement will shew that this
:o Gazette is a favorable vehicle for circulating
ft advertising information extensively and diflu
il fively—lt is sent per post to fubfcr.bers iifthe 1
t- following places, viz.
Savannah and Augusta, in Georgia. 1
s, Charleston, Columbia, Statefburgh, in
■ ; South Carolina.
p Wilmington, Newbern.Edenton, Fayette-
Ville, Salem, in North Carolina.
■ Danville, LouisTille, Lexington, in Ken
s. tucky.
Norfolk, Peterfburgh, Frederickfburgh, 1
i- Alexandria, George Town, Walhington,
[c Richmond, New London, Falmouth, Acco- |
•j mack, Abingdon, Williamfburgh, Yorktown, /
II Urbanna, Colchester, in Virginia. 1
Baltimore, Eafton, Princess Ann, Bladen- .
fburgh, Annapolis, Chaptico, Warwick,
- Cheftertown, Chester Mill, Elkton, in Ma
, ryland. fl
Uniontown, Washington, Carliffe, York,
f Chimberfburgh, Harrifburgh, Greenlburgh,
Pittsburgh, Reading, in Pennsylvania. V
Wilmington, Middletown, Dover, in De
la ware.
Woodbury, Salem, Cranbury, Crofswicks
Burlington, Bordentown.Swedefburgh.Tren- ?'
1 ton, Princeton, Brunfwck,
Newark, Booneton, Rockaway, SufTex, Al- C '
lentown, Perth Ambay, in New Jersey.
New York, Albany, Otfego, New York. E l
Hartford, New London, Norwich, Litch- «'
field, ConiieiSicut. IJ.
Newport, Providence, in Rhode Island.
Boston, in MalTachufetts.
Portsmouth, Charleftowu, inJJcwHarap- fC
In addition to the above extcnfive circula
tion, this Gazette is exchanged weekly and _
daily with eighty eight different printers of
Newspapers from Georgia to the Diftrid of /
Maine. The number of Suhfcribers in this -L
City is refpedable, and the Lift is increasing P a
—Advertifementsof Ejtates, Aua'wm at a dif~ all
tant day, Lands, for Controls, Lotteries, Mann
faaurers. New SfaiUJbm/nts in mechanical bran- itr
cbes, &C. ff. Will derive peculiar advantage wi
from this efxtenfive circulation.
$y" lerms of advertiSng are fifty
per fqnare for the firft insertion, and twenty
ccnts per square f»r each subsequent publica
Fr AUNC E s's TA V E RN* j
Aio. 59 South Water Street*
.. HPHE Subscriber rcfpedfuJly beg* leave to j
llt 7» X inform his friend* and the puMiZ in gc
n?ral, that he has removed from No. 166
south 2d Street, to that large* commodious,
t(2, House in Water Street, between Cfeefnut and
W aln us Btreet«, lately occupied by Mr. Isaac
HaxUb-rJI, and on which he has spared no
pains or cxp.nfe, to make it convenient and
agreeable for the receptio.. of gentlemen.
The House being Ctuated -on the fame spot
where the noted Beef Steak atid Punch house
formerly stood, has the advantage of the best
water in this city, known long since by the
name of the Green Tree IVateq. As are
several elegant Rooms, fuiliciently large to
accommodate any Society or company of gen-
He* tlemen, and from his welt known abilities to
please in the line of his business, he flatters
himfelf with a continuance of that patronage
which he h?.s experienced since he ftrft'optu
[ ed a Public House in this City, and, for
which he begs leave to make a public ac
For the accommodation of Small Parties,
led thf Large Coffee Room on the ground door j
his is convt > l «ntl/ fitted up with a number of
m _ Boxes, conftrutSed in such a manner as to
■la- Gentlemen to bt as private as they
, ty pfcifc—Where msy be had, at any hour,
■if. Sou P s > Beef-Steaks, Rcliflies, &c. &.
I-d on hand, and will keep a constant
hi s faPPlJffl? Spirituous and Mait fiimors, and
( o [ _ of the best qualities.
at Breakfafts provided—Also Dinners and
jrj- Suppers cooieJ in the most approved man
in„ ner, at a short notice, and Pastry of all forts,
made to order, in the House, or to fend out •
) at any hour.
lb- He ha> several well furniihed Bed Cliani
ny, bers, for Boarders and Lodgers, by the Week,
month, or year.
>n- P. S. The Urge, convenient, Stores and
•he Vaults, underneath the House, with the Office
above, to be rented, either separate or togc
jfe th-r—For terms apply to the Subscriber.
Y*'. June 2. pt f.
he - —
At the Stone Houst, No. 41 South Stand St
: pt Or, A Treatise on the Prevention and
'. ie Cure of Diseases,
in By Regimen and Simple Medicines, with a*
b- Appendix, containing a Dispensary for the
ck use of private PraAitioners, By William
n- Buchas, m. d. Fellow of the Royal College
irs of Physicians, Edinburgh.
on Revife<J, and adapted to the t)ifeafe* and
Climates of America, ,
M. D. ProfeiTor of Materia Medica, in the
Univcrfity of Pennsylvania.
In One Large Volume, O&avo—Price two !
THE best Eulogium on this Valuable ■
Work is the reception it has met with
from the Public, before the present very im
portant improvements were added. Bet ween '
twenty and thirty large editions of it have !
— been fold.
P Being now adapted to the climate and dis
eases of the United States, it is hoped the ,
in work will be found more extcnfively ufeful,
*- at the fame time the pr ce is lower than the
,a ' London edition in its unimproved state can
_ he fold for. Jaw 4w
lis May 27 " 1
ig .
he In the Chancery of New Jersey.
April 14 !b. 1795."
Present his Excellency Richard Howell, (
■ n Chancellor.
Between Lydia Onderdonel, Complainant, 1>
6 " and p
Henry Qnderdonck, Defendant. -
1 The Complainant in r
n ' thiscaufe, having this day filed her bill of j'l
' complaint, praying for certain causes therein
n set forth, to be divorcer] from her hulband c <
a ' Henry Onderdonck, the above defendant,and tl
having made due proof, that the said Henry b
" hath, after the cause of complaint had arisen ai
removed himfelf without the jurifdi&ion of
1 this court, so that the process thereof cannot c!
be served upon him, or if served he cannot ft
be compelled to appear and answer or plead, ec
' and having thereupon prayed a hearing upon ai
the fails charged in the said bill.
It is therefore ordered that a hearing be had on P
s the fads charged in the said bill, accordingly
on the firft day of July next at the dwelling
" house of William Hay, Innholder, in the c
city of Trenton, at ten o'tlock in the fore- j
noon, a copy of this order, hiving been firft
published in one of the public papers of this
state, and in one of the public papers of the *
states of New York and Pennsylvania, or
served on the said defendant for the space of
two months at least, before the said day ap- 11
pointed for hearing.
Richard. Howell. &
21 eodtl
f — j
f ALL those who are indebted to the late
s House of Andrew Clow & Co. and
r particularly such of them as refidc R a disc
! ance, but happen to be here, are desired to
. »all and make payment at No 20 south front
. ilreet, before they ffcail leave the City, other
; wife tluy will certainly be sued at law.
> John Lfamv, > Executors• n
Hugh Hoi.mes,j S
PhiltddfLia, May 45 d S
| Sundry Articles of
| Household furniture
: to j
166 Enquire at No ui Chcfuut Street.
dus, J-r- f 4 ' j
and 1 ■
** JAMES TK' {'IN,
and No 70 South Second Street f
:er - • Near the City 7*Sbern y
pot IT AS jull op.-ned and far Safe-, an Afiort
•ufc -L _1. mc-nt of Ladies* and Gentlemen'»
£ Fashionable HATS,
arc from London. Also a Variety of Children*®
to Hats of diffVnTit Colours.
en _ B. A Man or twp as fin i flier* in the
;to OTt business, welt recommended, will meet
ers with constant employ and good eccoUrao-e
---ige me t nt * '
cu- J ane 6 d
In the Richmond from Brlfioly
ies, Quart Bottles in Hamper* T
>or I aonton Ale, mcufos of 10 doz. escfc
1 Best DbuMe Gioucefter Checfe and
to Quantity of Grindftoncs
lC y For Sale by
ur > Simon Wa!ker r
Walnut fireet wh*rf.
„ d -■**"* Jut
The higheit price
m ' Id Ca/h, will be givon for
>ut A preference will !>e given to Claret Bottles,
AppU at
± N°. IS7, south Third street.
' April io j
— — a ■ A
nd Philip Nicklin Co.
ice Are now Landing from the SJiip Liberty,,
capt. Van Luvenigh, from Liverpool
100 calks of Nails assorted in 4d (id 'id \od
and 10d.
— And from the schooner Favorite from
21 Hogfhcads prime Tobacco and
1 1500 wt Virginia Hams.
St They have also on hand,
r iz Tons Pig Lead
Rich Mountain Wine in Quarter Calk*,
Fine Old Port Wine in Pipes and Hogshead*,
Spanish Liquorice Ball, in boi~s of 2 Cwt eavi
an Brim (lone, crude and refined,
he Engljfh fail Canvas afTorted
\m Crown Window Glass Bby 10, and
: ge Men's F.nglifh saddles,
A Quantity of Mahogany, and
J"»e 3 ' d
■r r J HOSE who have demands a ainft the
vi Soblcriber, are rc«(uefted to present
t.ieir Accounts en the 40th instant, and to
No. 151 Soutli Second street for pay
ment on the Jjth.
TN FORMAT lON maybe obtained at the
n- 1 Office No 149 ChefnutStreet, concerning
en ■ ° raw,n J> °f the Wafhingt* n and Pater
tion Lotteries—and also where Tickets may
be had.
if- ~ A~KEW COPIES 7
'V lhe celebra'ed Peifoimance under the
j - ' Signature of
». MAN LI U S,'
Mhv be had of*
John Ormrod, No. 41, Chef,
y nut Jlreet.
______ * SICg 25 CENT*. *
'/, Gazetted/theUUnited Sates.
THi! i erms on which this Paper was to
be lent to Subfcribert not refidentin Philadel
phia, were—that one half, at Last, of the
Annual Subscription should be couftantly
paid in advance, or tnat some perion at the
place of publication should be refponflble for
»f the fame:
■" Those Subfcnbers who fnall not have
d complied with the terms above fpecilied on
thsfrf of July will, from that period
y be considered as declining to take the Gazette
n any longer.
' Jhe Editor has heretofore omitted any
' ' or direfiincr and enclojing his paper—in
It future, ONE dollar per annum will beadd
1. Ed to the Subscription of those whose papers
n are sent by the Pod.
J The Insurgents.
■A Few Copies
[ Arc remaining on hand, and may be had
at this Office. Also of 1. Lobion, No 41
Seuth 2d Street, J. Ormrod, Franklin's Head,
Chelnut Street, »nd is. Davies, No. 68 Hieh
Street. b
e [Price Zz Ctntsi
3 ■democratic Societies ;
Sold by Thumas Dobtin, Kn. 4?
Second Street, John Ormrod 41 C!k:V
nut Strcrt, Kenjfiftim Dayi'ef 6S Hit;h
Street and by the Editor, 1 Chefwrt
April j 8