P.rtjmoilih, M.'.rcli 2«. In the evenifg arrived from Havre de Si Grace, the American Ihip Coilin, B matter. She leic Havre de Grace the 19th inll. The master brings information of the Deputies Barrere Uillatid Varennes, and Collot d'Herbois, having been tried S; and condemned, ant! were executed a feu days before (aid Ihip failed from Havre, according to accounts which had been Si ceivfcd there; and that Vadier, the other deputy, who had diiiippeared, had been apprehended. t( Mareh 21. L In our paper of yelteruay we Hated, up on the intormatcGii of a correspondent f! there, the arrival at Yarmouth oi tlnee > Duttli Merchants and an Englithmafi, the Mate of an Eugldh A raniport funk at Rotterdam, wlio macle their eleape li oin on Monday night .ait in a Sciiuit. As the fnMHigemie was not con tained in the wtiule ot our impreiiion ot yeitcrday, we beg leave to olae n i. 10-di/ ior the fatisfa&ion of ali our a t leaders. . ci There had been no particular o.cur- rences at Atfifterdarn, but ievters had been received there with very extraordinary in- " tclligence from Pari>. i'nefe letters itaie, that on Wednesday, e the nth inll.' lite in the slier noon, judg- j\ nient of iJeatli ««s pronounced by the c Revolutionary Tr.bunai againil Barrere v and his accomplices. Ihe lame night, on () foino rocket, being tired .'com the Obi'er vatory, a banditti aifemuled in the i'ub- . urbs of St. Germain, Sc. Marcean, and 11 ' Si. Autoine, led 011 by the moil enraged a «f the Jacouins, and accompanied by a c shoal of Poiffard*, to the number of about r 15,000. —They proceeded to the Thuil- e lanes, beset tne Guards of the D.ltrict, «.nd took poireuion of the barriers end the bridges. The general cry was " a has les Mode res, vivent les Jacobins," while another part of the mob excliimed, "Du Pain, r et un lloi!" The issue of this tumult was x not known when rhe a^sitotiuaeic^way. ] \ \ The lermeiit had been foipe tune biewing, | : as was evident, from several ciuumftances i J particularly from the cry that was raised in tiie Parterre of the opera of the night ' before, * bas les Mul'cadins, on the entry J of Madame Tallien or Cabarras, in her 1 > -trb Greek dress into one ot the boxes. in the course of the night a large party, was defalcated from the Carousel to the , Temple, from the divided sentiments of j the mob, it appeared quite uncertain what was their delign, whether-to put to death the illuilrious prisoners confined there, or liberate and proclaim Louis XVII. Such is tile ilatetvient which readied us y.eilerday, and which we thought it our \ ' duty immediately to communicate. We » 1 have this day nothing to add in support of I its credibility, having, when this paper | was put to prcfi, received no further ac- : count nor conlumaiion —We (hall look, howovcr, with more than .usual anxiety for Paris papers of the dale of the rumor ed tranfadions in that ca ( ilal. *- March ij.' . " Our Pittfro mth Correspondent gives J 1. us, this morning, information of the ar- : \ rival •there of an American veUel from Havre-de-Grace, which place the left 011 the 19th inft. By this vessel an account is broughtof the'trial, condemnation, and exetutiou of Barrere and his. accomplices. .Nothing is said of any tumult at Paris but the confirmation of the above import, t ant evtnt, proves that our intelligence of Friday was «ot entirely unworthy of cre dit, and fornis our complete jullifiCation in laying it before the public. I March 14. Yefterrlay a letter was received at the General Pott-O.Ti: p, dated Yarmouth, March 21.A, which itates, that the Prince of Orange, Captain Bridge, had arrived the e the preceding evening. Captain Bridge, on his pafiage from Harwich, spoke with the Argus Revenue Cutter, Capt. Saunders, arid was informed, that tbe King George Packet, Capt, Dean, had been taken by four French frigates. She filled from Cruxhaven the 14th or 15th inft. with the firft mad on board from that place, and had the answers to 9 or i Julia, Browne, Charleston Sarah, Douglas, Leghorn t0 Peggy, Lawrence, St. Thomas an Schooner Swallace, Arnold, Havannah j ,h ' Laura, Lefcum, Curracoa | rc < Laury, Fairchild, St. Vincents \ try Sloop Rainbow, Harding, Charleston 1™ Eagle, Hubbel, St. Croix tin The ship Harriot is taken and carried to Tortola. Brig Jane, Small, master, arrived at Leghorne from this port. Capt. Kennedy, on the 2,3tk u!t. spoke °| t!ie Ihip Newport, Capt. Robinson, from G. New-York, bound to Bourdeaux, out 14 davs, in lat. 41. SU long. 44* .I°, weft. tll! ' UNITED STATES. jj; tn HALIFAX, N. April 27. f P Thirty fail of veflels, we are told, are th now building in the dirtrict of Eden'.on m and full employ given to the various me- ot chanics in the different branches necef- er] fary thereto, so t!. at not a (ingle pcrfan aj] need be idle who is inclined to work.— b) Eighteen hands ate constantly employ- f a ed in the rope walk of Mr. J. Collins, 01 jun, in the town of Edenton, and the th cordage manufactured therein, is uni " verfaily allowed by the bell judges, to . lie superior to any imported.—The hemp has hitherto been imported, but t j, it is hopei our planter? will turn their f u attention to the cultivation of this ne fn ceflary article, which will command a 111 ready market and good price, the more efpccially as those on Roanoke possess a fo'l well adapted to its growth;— — li NEWBSDFORD, April 29. ti ihip Ilebecca, Andrew Gard- g, ner, from the Brazil Coast, ,300 bbls. l'e whale oil. 100 fperm —loft his voyage by J, reaTon of -fhtrr prOvTng neaky. —Dtc. c < j 23th, lat. 44, 19, fpeke (hip Goodintent, j c jof London, Edward 1000 bbls. n sperm and 200 whale oil—ihip Commerce il of Nantii"kct Amaziah Gardner, 110 a , whale. —Ihip Sierra Leone, of Milford p Haven, (England.) Obid Clark, 200 bbls. whale oil.—Capt. Stai buck informed Capt. Gardner, that in May last he left on J the cqaft of Peru, the ship Favcfite, Cipt. Barnard of Nantucket, with 400 barrels j ( fperm—lhip Walhington, Capt. Smith^- ship HeAor, Capt. Brock —Ihip Ruby, )' Capt. Clark, all t.f Nantucket, whose i'uc- 0 cess he was unable to give any inforina- w tion of.—April 2ili lat. 34, 9, spoke (loop si ; Polly, Abner Hariiaway, from North-Ca- v [ rdlina, bound to the Weft-Indies. '! BOSTON, May 5. v . j FROM FRANCE. " ! There has been two arrivals from France ' a , : one from Bcurdeaux, in 42 days - the o- j t tiler from Rochelle, in 45 days. From the ; e former of these we learnt not an article ot | imeltijence; _ Bv ih'elat'tcr, we are inform- ' a . ; ed," That the Brett fleet, focmida'ole in j £ i number, and well equipped, were on the ; L point of commencing a criiizs in the chan- a l nel; That the "French had lately taken f another town, in tile vicinity of Bilboa ; c 1 and that the latter long-devottd city was I expe From the Aurora. ; Mr. Bache, ( ' I observe that the quadrupeds of Grub -1 ,flreet begin, to make the mud fly again, - and an anonymous fomcthing in the Ga- 1 e zette of the United States has had a most 1 " direful fit of the wind chohc. There is ! 1 ■ some difficulty in designating the piece to < - ! which I allude, for this Mr. Something has , t I had too much modesty even to fubferibe ( e j himfclf B. C. or any other fignalure " of the alphabet; however, fuffice it to fay i' that he begins in the following turgid ] ' • strain of nonsense, " J fa America that thou containelti'uch j imps of aristocracy that* would strive to c bring down obloquy upon tny saviours, ( f thy glorious and invincible allies. May I ' r such impious productions never reach the ftiorts of France to brand us with the ftig a ma of degeneracy. e SNUB. a The Weft-Indies have been emphatical ly called the grave of Europeans—ol the - Britilh forces at Guadaloupe, the last year, there were killed in adlion, 1 brigadier- I- general, 2 lieutenant colonels, two majors, !■ l'even captaiift, and eleven lieutenants: ] y died o.'"*ru:k.tic{'s, one 'major-geneva!, one i :• colonel, four lieutenant colonels, five ma- i t, jors, forty captains and captain lieute nants, one hundred and three lieutenants, J • three adjutants, three quarter mailers, c 0 and eight surgeons ! The number made *5 prisoners by the Frepch, was 48. o ',! EXTR AORDINART CHARACTER. DIED] By the rupture of a vessel s inheriting*, Miss 'Charlotte Hutton, youngest daughter of Dr. C. Hurton, of Woedwich (England)—a loss by i- which. Iter.parents are left for ever incon p folable. l'o- her goodness {he was uni l" verCally beloved, fur her talents and ac quirements unircrfally admired and ref pcCted by all who knew her. She was only sixteen years of age at her death, r e and yet Hie had been forfeveral years a- the efficient personage in the family, le entering into all its numerous couterns, both dome [tic ana literary, in the molt I 1" adtive and ample manner. She was her " e ' father's amanucnlis and afliltant upon 1 . all occasions : she wrote for him, and ;n read to him, in all languages and fcien - 1; ces ; {he made drawings for him of all as kinds, mathematical, mechanical, &c. arranged and managed his library, and .knew where every book Hood, and could ' find molt of them even in the dark.— , S) She knew several languages, and almost >i- all sciences, in a tolerable degree ; arith b, metic, algebra, geography, astronomy, °f mufick, drawing, poetry, hiltory, hota a" n y> gardening, and all the usual female j' accomplishments in a superior style and in degree; molt of which accomplishments g. were acquisitions chieflly made by her m own talents and energy of mind, with 2, little or no afliftance from cithers. It °' was fufficient for her, once to fee or hear ,a " any thing done ; (he soon made it her own. She was author of several inge jt. nious calculations and compolitions. She extracted the square roots of molt of the second 1000 numbers, to twelve places of decimals, and pioved the truth ' y of them afterwards by means of differen , ces, arranging the whole in a table rca- Jt dy for publication. She drew elegant tie geographical maps, and only the second v- day befoie her death began and com he pleated one whole bemifphere of the earth, both the drawing the lhading, and the wiiting. She was remarkable at composition and style, cither epillola ry or fcientific, expressing heifelr well on any fnbjed ; a small Tpecimen of in which we cannot avoid here iuferting i 3' for the curiosity of the fubjeft. Ave oft ry few days before her death, when the is family joined her one morning in the to parlour (for she was usually firft up in las the morning, at well.as last at night) she I>e told them a dream file had in the night, • which seemed so curious, that they defi led her to write ic down; which Ihe ill immediately did, literally, in the follow ■fts ing words, " I dreamt that I was dead f°- and that my foul had afcenJcd. into one r " of the liars ; there I lound several per ' sous whom I had formerly known, and nrr amongst them some of the nuns whom ti_ 1 was particulaily attached to when in France. They told me, when they re he ceived me, that they were glad to fee e d me, but hoped I should not stay with °.® them long, the place being a kind of purgatory, and that .ill the stars were for the reception of different people's [ 0 - fouls, a different star being- allatted for every kind of tad temp r an J vi.e ; all the Iharp tempers 'vent tfione ilir, the 1 iulky to another, the peeviihto a iother ! and so on. Every body in earvh star j j | being of the fame tertlper, no one would j < | give up to another; and there was no- : 1 1 thing but diffenfiyn and quarrels among 1 I , them. Someoftliofe who received me i 1 taking offeijce at the information my j j friends were giving to mea child, it made j , a quarrel, which at length became so | rude and noisy, tbat it awaked me." ( f In (hort, had Ihe lived, she (hewed fair \ to become a second Hypatia. To her i t mother, and the reft of the family, Hie was no less ufeful in dotneftic bnliaefs, than to her father in literary. For no- thing same aatifs to her, being equally | ( {killed and adroit in all ufeful and 'ail- j t_ | dable concerns ; in managing the family, | J j the fervanta, in m iking purchases at [ t | (hops or markets, &e. She was the life ' and foul of every company, wherever {he came, engaged the chief or sole at tention of every men and wo- 1 rnen, young and old. She liad conver- I fation for every one, and generally took the lead when not checked. In (hoit, 1 her goodness and fweetneJs of disposition i gaineu hei the love of every person, as her wit and chearluluefs fixed their a:- 1 tentitm, and her knowledge and wildum raised their admiration. Philadelphia, May 12. Pennsylvania Hofpitali At a Meeting of the Contributors held the 4til intrant, the following Gentlemen were eledted. MANAGERS, via. Jofiah Ilewes, Lawrence Seckle, Samuel Coates, Pattifon Harrfhorne, Bart. Wiitar, Ellifton Perot, Thomas Morris, Thomas Penrofe, Samuel Mickle Fox, Robert Wain, Samuel Clark, James Smith, junr. and Mordecai Lewis, Treasurer. Which Managers at their Meeting the nth instant eledled, PHTSICIAXS, -viz. Adam Kuhn, Thomas Parkes, 1 Benjamin Kufh, M illiam Shippen,. Calpar Wiliar, Philip Syng Phyfick. It appears by the Report of Carnot made to the French National Conv£ntion, that the French Army in the United Dutch ' Provinces consists of or.e hundred and > te emptied to fill those of France ; in Ihort, that Holland is eoniidered by the French as a conquered country, for Carnot adds, "we have acquired Sea ports, a 1 numerous Navy, and raviihed a rich pro -1 vince from Englaud." I Ertm a late Charlejlon Paper. j A Committee of the Diredlprs of the j Santee Canal Company, confiding of the late Governor Moultrie, Mr. Laurens, " Mr. Gilcltrift, and Mr. John Rutledge, * jun. have, within the last few days, exa - mined the canal from one end to the o , ther, and found every department con . dueled with regularity and economy; that c the work was advancing as fact as the well j directed exertions of 700 labourers could forward it ; and that there was, on the s whole, a fair profpeJl of speedy and com- plete success in the great undertaking. t Prom the Eajlern Herald, x CANT PHRASES, r AS found as a nut, o'er the plain I of late whittled, chock full ps glee ; A stranger to sorrow and pain, * | As happy, as happy could lie. e As plump as a partridge I grew, My heart being lighter than cork : My {lumbers were calmer than dew ! My body was fatter than pork ! t Thus happy I hop'd I (hould pass, , Sleek as greife, down the current of time ; But pleafuresare brittle as glass, e Although as a'fiddle they're fine. >» Jemima the pride of the vale, e Like a top nimbly dane'd o'er otir plains j i- With envy the la iTes were pale— H With wonder {food gaping the swains. f She fmil'dhke a ha{ket of chips— g As tall as a Hay-pole her size— As sweet as molafles her hps— e As bright as a button her eye*. c Admiring, I gaz'd on each charm, n My peace that would trouble so soon, And thought not of dang;er, nor harm, e Any more than the man in the moon. ' But now to my sorrow I find,' Her heart is as hard as a brick ; e To my passion forever unkind, Tho' of paflion I'm full as a tick. I fought her affedlions to win, c In hopes of obtaining relief, - Till 1 like a hatchet grew thiii, d - And {he like a haddock grew deaf, n I late was as fat as a doe, II And play some and fprv as a cat ; But now I am dull as a hoe, >c And lean and as weak as a rat. Unless the unpitying fates With paflion as ardent ftiall cram her, As certain as death or as rates, , I soon {hall be dead as a hammer. s KADANDA. ir North Yarmouth, April J79f- f ( I j This d.:y «vtr«k'imj. - ;'o. e j the Federal Court, rtfpe&ing cerfciin lands I in the COUiity »e ay. eat num ber ofothersinthefainepredkr c :it. Bet ween eight and iiihe ttiotifand praple are fettled oil '.hefe lands, whose tit e,: ire ':l exactly tilt iarrie lltkiAtion, with that of ti.e defendant Mr. Oorrande. Weun ipj'ftaiid that it is proposed to carry the caufsiuto the Court of Chancery. Ftoni " the Argus" of yesterday a new daily paper publilhetl in New-Yotk by Mr. Grcetileaf. The Port Mary, Capt. Kennedy,ar rived at this port on Saturday evening in 40 days ftom Liverpool. Capt. Ken nedy brought papers 16 March 25, A-hich contain veiy little intelligence. A Li tcjpool paper of March 23, contains a Corunna account of a battle in Roufillon, which Hates that the French 101 l 1000 killed ?.i*l 2CCO taken prisoners, but the Capt. fay 6, accounts at Liverpool were that there had been a battle in which the Spaniards werf beaten, which.is most likely to be Faft,aS at Corunna the truth mull not be told a,t all times. The ac counts of peace with Prussia ahd Spain do not feeiii to he confirmed. Provisi ons were cheaper at Liverpool than in this city. PORT of PHILADELPHIA: " ARRIVED. Days. Ship Hibernia, Irwin, Havaiiria, 16 Snow Cleopatra, Monteith, Madeira, 28 Brig Betfcy, Lake, Jereniie, 2£ Yorick, Moo,die, C.N.Mole, 22 Portland, Lorguier, St. John's, New.Brunlwick, 10 Sch'r. Nancy. FofV, Guadaloupe, 20 Hawk, Webb, Grenada and St. Thomas's, 20, Joanna, Waters, C. Francois, 19 Nancy, Tone, Peterfhuig, V. 6 , SI. Mercury, Pike, Cape Francois, 19 Sincerity, Sullivan,' Port de IVix, 2i . Dolphip, Cieffan, Pettit. Gauve, 30 Bttley, Montgomery, Wim tig ton, Delaware. Ship Ann and Mary, Baglev, N. Yorkj t Brig Two Brothers Mori -, Jacq'.iemel 23 1 David and George, Cannon N. York 7 Jane Lillibridge, Kavannah 9 Sloop Harriot, Navarro, New-York 3 Amelia, Rich, do. 9 Industry, Barnes, do. 7 Nancy, Folk, Charleston id S PRICE GF STOCKS 6 per Cents 19/10 3 per Cents 1 x/ 8 . Deferred I^2 - Bank of the United States 40 r Pennsylvania gy | North-Ametici 45 - KNOX & HENDERSON, No 46 North Front Street, ARE jujc opening a Handsome AiTort merit of SPRING GOODS, per. the William Penn, from London, which they will dispose of on low terms for Cash, or Short Credit; May 12. dtf. " i ! : ' NEW TfaEATRff. Mr, DARLET'r Night. On. Wi-dnefiiay Evening, May 13, will 1 be presented, a celebrated COMEUY, j. (never performed here) called, The Brothers, sr the Shipwreck. To wliich will be added, A Musical Farce, never performed here, called The Quaker,or Benevolent Friend i. Tickets may be had of Mr. Dailey. No 34 Arch Street. Alfoat Rice's Bookflore, No. 50, and Carey's No. 118. Market Itreet. £5° 011 Friday a Tragedy, never perform ed here, called ( the Roman Father, or the Deliverer ol his "Country, to which will be added a Comedy, never performed here, translated from tiie French of Beaumarchais, called the Midnight Hour—for the benefit of Mrs. Whulock. Mr. Chalmers's Night will be on Mondajr. JUST RECEIVED, By the Abigiil. Capt. Blunt, from Port» tiriouth a few barrels Excellent SALMON. For Sale by T. MOUNTFOR D, At his jatorc on Cox's wharf, jufl above the Drawbridge. May 11 d ■' , > New,-Caftle Pier Lottery. THIRTr-FIETH Day's Drawing is arrived at the Office, No. 14 9, Chefiul- • flreet, between Fourth and Fifth-Greets.—■ One ticket of Ten That fund Dollars draicii that day. Mtyr i»t *