Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, April 25, 1795, Image 4

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    ■Philadelphia & Lancaster
Turnpike Company.
April 2d, 1 795.
Notice is hereby Given,
That agreeably to*a bye law of the Stock
holders, ftibfcriptions will be opened at the
company's office in Philadelphia, on the 4th >
day of May next, for one hundred addition
al (hares of Capital dock in the Philadelphia Et
and Lancaster Turnpike road company. The
sum to be demanded for each ihare will be
three hundred dollars, and a sum equal to le
gal inter'eft upon the several instalments cal
led for from the original stockholders, to be
calculated from the times thefaid instalments
became severally due. One hundred dollars
thereof to be paid at the time of fubferibing n
and the remainder in three equal payments
at 30, 60, and 90 days.
No person to he permitted to fubferibe an
more tuan one (hare on the fame day. b®
By order of the board,
IVM. MOORE SMITH, Sec'ry. * 1
April 14 eodt4M
— fd
Patent Nail Manufactory, ed
No. 120, South Front-street,
— th
HAVING by the use of Machines, for w
which they have a Patent from the United 11
States, been enabled to make 3d: 4d. 6d. Bd.
*nd iod. NAILS, equal to the belt drawn If
ones, (andfuperior to them for many purpn- th
fes) and from 15 to 30 per cent cheaper so
licit orders in that line, which lhall be exe
cuted with fidelity by Thomas Perkins and
N. B. A large affortraent of the above Tt
kinds of Nails on hand at reduced prices—al
so Nails for Sugar Hogffieads.
March 31 eodtf
St. Croix Sugars
IN Barrels, St. MARTINS do. in do. j
H'AVANNA"MOLASSES for fak by ec
No. 137 South Frout and N
136 South Wat«r St. p,
April XO. . ; r
To be Sold, *
And Poffeflion given immediately, C
Two Jiory brick Dwelling House, £
In Arch street near Front street, No, »3,
ftxteen and an half feet front, and the lot is
i<n feet deep. L
inquire of \
Isaac Snowden, b
South Second Street. '<
March 30 d6t—eodtf
* No. 94. "
Diftrid of Pennsylvania,
Be it remembered that on the *
twenty sixth day b( March, in the nineteenth
year of the Independence of the United States
of America, Joseph PrielUey of the laid dif
triit hath deposited in this office, the title of
&book, the right whereof he claims as au
thor, in the words following, to wit;
u A continuation of the Lettet s %to the
Philofqphers and Politicians of France, on
th© of Religion, and of the Let*
ters to a Philosophical Unbeliever, in an£»
wer to Mr. Paine's Age of Reason—-By
Joseph Prieilley, L. L. D. F. R. S. &c.
In conformity to the a& of the Congress
of the United States, intituled " an ad for
the Encouragement of Learning, by fecur- *
ing the copies of maps, charts and books to
the authors and proprietors of such copies,
during the times therein mentioned."
Samuel Caldwell,
• Cltrl of 'the Dijiria of Pennsylvania. t
jfpril II "W4W <
No. 93.
DiftriQ: of Pennsylvania,
Be it remembered that on the <
twenty sixth day of March, in the nineteenth 1
year of the Independence of the United States
of America, Thomas Dobfon of the said dis
triCt hath deposited in this office the ti' le of a '
tiook, the right whereof he claims as propri
etor, in the words following, to wit :
" Remarks, Inftrudtiona and Examples,
felating to the Latitude and Longitude ;
also the variation of the compass, &c. &c
to which is annexed, a general chart of the
Globe, where the route made by the author
in different {hips under his command, to
the Cape of Good Hope, Bjtavia, Canton
in China, the different parts of India, Eu
rope and the Cape de Verde Islands, are
marked for the purpose of {hewing tfte
best trait of sea, to meet the most favour
able winds, and avoid, those perplexing
Calm's, which too often attend Asiatic voy
ages ; together with -a (hort but general
account df variable winds, trade winds,
monsoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, tuffoons
calms, currents, and particular weather
mat with in those voyages, &c. itc.—By
Thomas T ruxfon."
In conformity to the ail of the Congress
•f the United States, intituled " an aft for
the Encouragcmetlt of Learning, by securing
the copies of maps, charts, and books to the
authors and proprietors of such copies, dur
ing the times therein mentioned."
Samuel Caldwell,
\ Cterk rj the Diftrifl of P $ nfylvania.
yfpril II iaw4w
An Ele&ton will be held at the Psnnfyl-va
nia Hafp'ital on the fourth day of the fifth
month, 1795 (being the fecund day of the
week) at three o'clock in the afternoon, for
*Tu/:foe Managers and a Treafnrer, for the en
fi ing year, of which the Contributors are de fir
ed to take notice and attend.
By order of a Bosrd of Managers,
Samuel Coates, Clerk.
4th Mo. 13, 1795.
Philadelphia, March IJj 1795- •
For Piiblifhing by Subscription,
„ H I S T * O R Y
orT h c
Earth and Animated Nature.
Br Oliver Goldsmith.
—TERMS.— x
I. Thit work will be pnblilhed in twen- 1
ty four weekly numbers. The firft num
ber (hall appear about the beginning of
next June.
11. Each number shall contain eighty
oflavo pages, or five flieets of letter press,
and two handsome engravings. Six num
bers will form a volume.
111. The price of each number will be
a quarter of a dollar.
IV. Should the work exceed twenty f
four numbers, the surplus (hall DC deliver- w
ed gratis. m
V. The names of the fubferibers lhall t h
be prefixed. u]
VI. Should any fubferiber disapprove of w
the publication, after an infpeftion of the g;
firft four numbers, he lhall be at liberty to fa
withdraw his name, return the numbers, T
and receive his money again.
Subscriptions received by the pub- ' c
lifher, and by the principal bookseller. °j
throughout the United States. a '
Scheme of a Lottery, h
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars
Dcduftin% 15 per Cent, from the Prizes—
This Lottery conjijls of 38,000 Tickets, in
which there are 14,539 an d 23,461
Blanks, being about one and an half blanks te
a prize.
THfc Dire&eraof chc Society for eftablifn*
ing Ufeful Manufactures, having resolv
ed to ere& LOTTERIES for laifing One
Hundred Thousand Dol l a r s, agreeably
1 to an A£t of the Lcgifl-iture of tU<- State of
1 New-Jcifey, have appointed the following
{ perfonsto superintend and direst the draw-
I ing df the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus
j King, Herman Le Roy, James Watson,
I Richard Hamfon, Abijah Hammond, and
I Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-York—
J Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'-
1 Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of
I Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General £lias Day
I ton, James Parker, John Bayard, Do&or
I Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joihua
1 M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Eliiha
j Boudinot, of Nrw-Jerfey, k who offer the
I following Scheme et a Lottery, and pledge
j themselves to the'public, that they will take
I every aSumnce and precaution in their power
I to Nave the Monies paid by the Managers,
I from time to time, a« received, into the
J Ranks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
J remain for the purpose of paying Priz s,
which shall be immediately discharged by a
check upon one of the Banks.
1 Prizeof 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
1 10,000 10,000 ]
8 5,000 SO,OOO '
5 2,000 *10,000
10 i,GOO 10,000 '
20 509 10,000
100 10© 10,000
30© 5© 15,000 j
I 1000 20 f 20,000
200© 15 30,000
I 300© 12 36,000
810© 1© 81,000
14,539 Prizes. 262,000
I 23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
'J Laftdrawn number, 2,000
1 38000 Tickets at" Dollars each is 266,080
The drawing will commence, under the
I infpe£tion of a Committee of the Superin
t tendants, a* soon as the Tickets are fold, of
I which timely notice wiil be given.
The Supenntewdants have appointed John
I N. Camming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har-
I denbeTg, ot and Jonathan
I Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
: ] thereof, who have given ample fecuiity for
i I difchargitrg the trust reposed in them.
A VT In order to secure the pun&ual pay- J
I mentofthe Prizes, the Superintendants of
l I theXottery have dire&ed that the Managers
j shall each enter into bonds in 4©,000 dollars,
" I withfourfufficientfecurmes,toperformthcir
I iuftru&ions, the substance of which is
, I I. That whenever either of the Managers
; I shall receive the sum of Thrte Hundred Dol
: I lars, he (hall immdiately place the fame in
e I one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
r j phia, to the cieditot the Governor of the
o| Society, and such oi the Superintendants as
rj I live in the city where the monieß are placed,
I to remain there until the Lottery is drawn,
c I for the payment of the Prizes.
11. The Managers to take fufficient fe
r I earity for any Tickets they may trust, other-
I wife to be refponiible for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
* I fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftra&s of which (hall be sent,
s > -nomhly, t& the Governor of the Society.
ls I Paterfon, January 1, 1794.
:r I On application to either of the above gen
l y I tlemen, information will be given where
I tickets may be had. la&hf
fs :
r- I To be Sold or Exchanged
A Valuable Trad of Land,
I Containiug about 560 acres, situate in the
I county of Northampton, 3 miles from the
j river Delaware, and nearly the fame distance
I from the newly laid out town of Millfordr
I On this trait is a Saw-mill, and some othc.
I improvements. Also a large quantity of
■ t h I timber fufficient to supply a mill for a num
j ber of year* —-A quantity of marsh meadow,
or I and upland on some of whiA grain has been
;n _ I raised.
; r . I Any person wishing to purchase, will
I please to apply at Edward Bonfall and Co's
office in Fourth street near Walnut, or Jacob
Johnson &- Co's Bookftors, Market street,
near Fourth street.
3d mo. 31. aasrxw
PHILADELPHIA: Prikteb bv JOHN FENNG, No. lig, Cuesnvt Street.—Price Six Dollahs Per Annum
Frefli Teas, 1
Of Superior Quality,
Imperial, or Gunpofcdcr
Hyson Gomee,
i ft quality Hyson,
do. do.
Young Hyfan,
Hyson Skin, and
A few Boxes of each, for fait a
No. 19, Third street south.
Dec. 10
Forty Dollars Reward.
Was taken out of the stable of Abraham Van
Bibber, Esquire, in the town of Baltimore
on the night of the aßth ultimo,
Near fifteen hands high, fix years old this
spring, had be'in shod about 8 day's all round
with new shoes, without either braad or ear J
mark, a white or balled face, a bufljy tail,
the lower part of which is whiter than the
upper; a fliort head and neck, but carries a
well and has great spirit; trots, racks, and v
gallops ; is a&ive and well made for either
saddle or carriage. Whoever the a
Thief so that he be convi&ed thereof, and al
so returns the said horse to either of the sub- '
. fcrihera, fliall be entitled to the above reward
or twenty-fix dollars for the horse only, with
all reasonable expences to be paid by
Abraham Van Bibber,
In Baltimore Town, or
Philip Reading,
In Middletown, New Castle County, State
' of Delaware.
.<4pril 8 " d6w
1 <
1 -
' City of Washington.
: S C H~E M E
; LOTTERY; No. 11.
1 O F T H E
f 1 A magnitteent / 20,000 Dollars, and '
dwelling house, ) calh are
50,000 1
r 1 ditto 15,000 & eafVi 85,000 40.000 1
a 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15,000 30,000 1
a 1 ditto it,ooo 8c ca(h 10,000 2c,000 1
c 1 ditto J,ooo & calh 5,000 10.000 I
e 1 ditto 3,000 &. calh 5,000 10,000 I
c 1 Calh pure ot 10,000
r 2 ditto 5,00 a each, are io,oco 1
: t ,0 ditto 10,00® i
c ao d,itto 500 10,000 j
0 ,00 ditto 100 10,000 ,
~ g oo ditto 50 10,000
« 400 ditto 35 10,000
1,000 ditto a« so,ooo
,5,000 ditto 10 150, ocO
1 '6,739 ?;"« -■ —
Q 33' 2fil
° 50,000 Tickets at 8 dol!ar« 400,000
0 This Lottery will afford an elegant fpeci
-0 men of the private buildings to be ertdKd in
0 the City of Washington—Two beautiful de
° signs are already felc fted for the entire fronts
° on two of the public squares • from theie
0 drawings, it is proposed to ere& two centre
0 and iour corner buildings, as soon as poflibie
~ alter this Lottery is fold, and to convey them
>0 when complete, l® the fortunate adventweers,
>0 in the manner described in the scheme For
)0 ihe Hotel Lottery. A nett dcdu&ion of five
per cent, will be made to defray the neces
sary expences of priming, &c. and the lui
e plus will be made a part of the fund intended
for the National University, to be erected
0 within the City of Waihington.
The drawing will commence as soon
as the Tickets are fold oflj>—— The
money will be payable in thirty days
after it is finifhed, and any prizes for which
or fortunate sumbcrs are not produced within
twelve raoMhp a fter the drawing is closed are
10 be confideied as given towards the fund
for the University, it being detrrmined to
fettle the whole business in a year from the
rs ending of the drawing and to take up the
bonds given as security.
The real securities given for the payment
rs of tjhe Prizes, are held by the Prcfident and
two Directors of the Bank of Columbia, and
j n aie valued more than half the amount of
tbe Lottery.
he The twenty four gentlemen who by ap
as pointment of the late Commiflioners afiifted
d ia the management of the Hotel Lottery are
la, roquefted to undertake this arduous talk a se
cond time on behalf of the public ; a fuffici
fe- «pt number of these having kindly accepted,
:r- it is hoped that the friends to a National Uni
versity andlhe other federal obje&s may coll
ets tinueto favor the ciefign. The synopsis of
ope of the Colleges, to form a branch of the
Qt » National lnftitutioh, is already in the press,
and will be fpe«dily published, together with
its constitution.
cn A compleat Plan of the whole of this
crc Important Institution, compiled from a fe
loftion of the best materials, ancient and mo- 1
— dern, will be submitted to the ,
ever the fame may have gone through such
revisions as may be neceflary to establish the
perfect confidence and general approbation,
so essential to its present rife and future exis
tence for the general good of America. JvT
j By accounts received fr«m the different
the P arts Contineiit as well as from Eu
tjlc rope, where the tickets have been sent for
Qce sale, the public are afiFured that tke drawing
r( j r will speedily commence, and that the care
and caution unavoidably necessary to insure a
fafe disposal of the tickets, has rendered the
[m _ short suspension indifpcnfable.
rm l February 14, 1795.
een Samuel Blodget.
will *** T'Ckeu nay be had ai the Bank of
; 0 '» Columbia; of James Wi-ft & Co. Baltimore;
co b ot Gideon Denift>D, Savannah ; of Peicr
eet, ilman, BoAon ;of John Hopkins, Rich
mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer
Aug 30 eodtf
Rumford Isf Abijah Dawes,
No. 7, South Water Street,
A few bales ditto Cotton, j
Coffee in tierces and barrels,
A quantity of Rocou or Awiatto Flag,
Pimento, j
Corfc Duck, (
A few hoxes Irish Linen, <
And some Packages of
Spring Goods.
4 mo. 7, 1795
: Notice is hereby given,
That the Committee of Examination of Ta
lents and Pretcnftons, belonging to the Colura
. bianum or National College of Painting,
j Sculpture, Architecture, and Engraving con
tinue to receive recommendations from those '
Artists, who mean to become Members of 1
that Institution, indofed to Mr. Groombridge <
j at his house adjoining the Bank of Pennfyl- <
[ vani'a, and addressed to the chairman.
r Signed by order of the Cemmittee of II- '
, amination, &c.
THOS. ROBSON, Assist. Sec
j Feb. 17 d
1 ~ jfuft Publijhed, :
At the Stone Houfc, in second street,
Volume XIII of Encyclopedia :
Or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Mil
cellaneous Literature, on a plan entirely
new, by which the different sciences and
arts are digested into the fo%n of distinct
treatises or fy ft eras :
This volume contains the history of Nehe
miah, Nero, Newfoundland, Newton, and
Newtonian Philosophy, Niagara, Nile, Nor
way, Nilmidia, Observatory, Olympus, Op
tics, Oratory, Ornithology, Offian, Otaheite,
Ovis, Owhyhee, Paintings, Palermo, Pales
tine, Paper making, Parliament, Paris, Pas
cal, together with a great variety of Biogra
. phical a\id mifccilaneous articles. Illuftrat
d ed with 32 elegant Copperplates.
Subscribers to this work are earnestly foli
-0 cited to take up the volumes wjiich they have
0 not received, as the lying out of so much
o money is a serious injury to the Publilher,
o those who do not take them up and pay for
o them by the firft of July 1795, will be fubjecSl
o to an additional charge.
o The fubfeription for this valuable work is
0 closed sometime ago, the Publisher h:w still a
few sets on hand for sale at no dollars the
set. The money to be paid in full on deliv
-10 eringthe volumes now ready, which are thir
,€> teen, and the remaining five volumes will be
'® delivered when publilhed to the purchaser or
10 his order.
:0 The fourteenth volume is in the press, in
considerable forwardnel's.
'. •od4^
# Diftrift of Pennsylvania,
|Be it remembered that on the
c- (lieal) March in the 19th year of
u the Independence of the United States
( c of America, Benjamin Davies of the said dif
re tri&, hath deposited in this office, the title of
le a book, the right.whereof he claims as au
m thor, in the words following, to wit.
s, " The American Repository of Ufeful
or " Information, containing a Calendar of
ve u the present year, an account of the Unit
s- "ed States, their territory and population;
u of the Federal government and Courts
:d «cf j u with various other intereft
s<* " ing matters. Ornamented with I a Vig
" nettes and a frontifpiece—To be contiu
M ed annually."
Clerk of the Diftridt of Pennsylvania.
• n March 26 law4w
■a Just PubJifhed,
And to be fold by Mr. Ormrod, No. 41,
|j e Chefnut street, Mr. Dobfon, 41, Second
e street, Mr. Davies, 68, High street, and
bytheEditor, 119, Chefnut street,
e( j Payable by Law, on all Goods, Wares &
lre Merchandize,imported into the United States
after the last day of March, 1795. —Price
£ ;_ l-Bth of a Dollar.
cd> • March 19 d
ni- —
"j Library Company of Phila
:he delphia.
sfs, In pursuance of aa application for that pur
ith pose made to them by a number of the ;
members of the Company, the Direftars !
his request a
fe_ General Meetiner of the said
10- . °
ich At their Hall, on the evening of Monday
the the t'wenty-feventh infant at fix o'clock, for
on, the purpose of. conudering, •whether a petition
sis- Jhall bejpftjenfttf to the Legtjlaturc to repeal or alter
so mud of the Charter as renders one-fourth of the
ent 'Whole number of Members necessary to tranfaft
E.U- huftnefs at their general Meetings, and permits ab
for sent members to vote by proxy.
ing The members are also requested to take no
are tice, that the
Annual Ele&ion for Directors
and a Treasurer,
Will commence at the sam place, on Mon
day the fourth day of May next, at three o'clock
1 • in the afternoon, when the Treasurer will at
, of tend to receive the Annual Payments of two
dic; Dollars on each share as now established by
ccr law.
ich- By order of the DireAors,
ttT - Benjamin R. Morgan, Sec'ry.
f Afrit 7 eodt2 7 —&dt4m
April 7
A Lot, containing about
17 acres, on the Wiffahickon road, 4 miles,
from the city, and dire&ly oppoiite to the
house of Mr.lfaac Wharton.
A Lot, containing 10 acres, in Iflingtoa
Lane, on said road, near the estate of la! er
Moylan, Esq. ' -
A Lot, containing 10 acres in Turner'*
Lane, on said road, and direitly opposite to
the estate of Mr. Ternant.
Enquire of Joleph Redman, Woodstock,
corner of Turner's Lane.
April 6 eodtf
This Day is publijhed,
And for sale by W.lliam Young, No. j-a,
f'outh Second street, J. Ormrod. at the «U
Franklin's Head, No. 41, Che/nut ilrttt,
and the Editor of this Gazetce,
[ Price 18 Ceilts. J
A S E R M O N,
Delivered in the Second Prelbyteria*
Church, in the City of Philadelphia, on the
19th of February, 1795, being the day of
General Thanksgiving throughout the Unit
ed States.
One of the Pallors of the aforefaid Churoh.
March i 3 d
Wanted Immediately.
a Smiths, a good fireman and White
Smith, good encouragement will be given.
Apply No i6i or 74 Market street.
Philad. Feb, 28, 1795,
N. B. Boarding and Lodging free.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the
trials of Crinrnal Causes in the Circuit
Court of the United States for the Penn
sylvania Diftrift, will commence on Mon
day, tiie 4th daji of May next, at the City
Hall in Philadelphia : when and where all
persons bound by recognizance or cAher
wife to appear, are required to attend.
By order of the Honorable William
Paterfon, Esq. one of the aflociate
jufticesof the Supreme Court of the
United States, and the Honorable
Richard Peters, Esq. diflriift judge
of the United State? for the Penn
sylvania diftri<fl.
D. LENOX, Marshal.
Marshal's Office, >
March 11,1795. 3
The printers of news-papers to the
weft ward and northward of Philadelphia,
are requested to jnfsrt the above.
March li Biw&ft4M
At the STORES of
jeffe Sc Fobert Wain,
POTT WINK in pipsand qnai
~ —r .1 m.. -
LISBON do. in pipes sud quarter calks
Souchongn mi I'ongo 1 EAS, in quartet
A quantity of I.ilbon and CadizSALT
Soft lh*lled ALMONDSin bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Russia MATTS.
June 9 4
No. .92.
Diftritt of Pennfvlvania,
Be it remembered that on the
twenty sixth day of March, in the nineteenth
year of the Independence of the United States V
of America, Thomas Dobfon of the said dif
tri&, hath depolited in this office the title of
a book, the right whereof he claims as Pro
prietor, in the words following, to wit:
" Elements of PhysioLogy, by Jo. Fred.
Blumenbach, D. Profeflbr of Medi
cine in ordinary at Goettingen, member of
the Royal Society of Sciences at Goettin
gen, and of several other Societies in dif
ferent parts of Europe. - from
[ the original Latin, and interspersed with
[ Ok cafional notes—By Charles Caldwell—
To which is affixed by the Translator,
( an Appendix, exhibiting a brief and com
pendious view of the existing Difcoveriet,
relative to the fubje& of Animal Ele&rici
ty. Volume 1."
In conformity to the ad of the Congress
: ■ of the United States, intituled " ari ad: for
i j the Encouragement of Learning, by securing
; ] the copies of maps, charts and books to the
authors and proprietors of such copies during
the times therein mentioned."
Samuel Caldwell,
Clerk tf the Diftrift of Ftnnfylvanla.-
• Afril 11 law4w
' Card Iff Nail Faflory,
■ No. 59, north Front street,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Have conflantly for fate,
r Cotton. Wool. Tow. «ird
: Machine Cards,
* Of all Kinds,
Cut Nails of all sizes,
Floor Brads, Sprig* and Tacks,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool
A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in
S 1 bai re's
A new Edition of Adgate's
I Harmony, containing bofli 'lie ft. l " ■ -
j cond parts, being the inoft aproved fyf
c trn? o Rules and the best coleft*on of
Tunes now in u'e,
y /tlfe for Sale,
Machinery for making Car Is
'• On an Improved Coiiilrii^lion.
oa. 2 ' < awrf