Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, April 23, 1795, Image 3

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j. To p -ov: th« evsrjr t*:afire ccmpaii-
Mj w'tli the fituition oft lie United States, j
ha: b;en ajopted to reclaim it, will fully- j
appsar by recurring to the joint votes of
assentation on that fubjefl, of the two
Houses of C mgrefs which have been for
warded to your excellency on a former
occaiion.—The energetic language of the
popular branch of that b->dy, X mean of
the Hjufe of Representatives. cannot fail
to strike th'. attention of the mod cursory
oblcrver. If therefore, when all the modes
of honourable nego;iation, (hall be pu(h
rd to their ne plus ultra, and fruitiel'sly
tried, and the executive (hall be found to
have e(Tayed in vain, all the pacific mea
sures belonging to that department of go
vernment, and no other alternative re
mains, but a resort must be made from
the mode of an amicable adjustment of j
our claim, to the means conditionally ,
belonging to the legislature of the union.
Let it not be forgoiton, that the united
hearts and arms of the confederated
republic o America, atchteved its in
dependence, and can alone vindicate,
ami eftabli(h all the privileges adhering to
it. Precipitation and partial a<sls of un
authorized violence, will tend only to
weaken our efforts, and instead of accele
rating, will undoubtedly retard the attain
ment of our end.
From this view of facts £and trust me,
Sir, it is a just one,) I hope' it will appear t
rtanifeit, that the ivi/hes of this country as
expreflcd in your excellency's letter, have 1
been amply comp'ied with, and that it v
lias ever been considered as making part I
of the American people, and a compos
nent D3;rr of the American government, J
and th it the fime care has beeli taken of f
the just rights of Kentucky, as has been
taken of the acknowledged rights of any
other part of the United States, among 0
which no diftinfl and appropriate politi- d
cal rights exist, they being made by their c.
government the common property of ir
them all, n
Yes, Sir, the American citizens on the j,
eastern and we, Tern waters, form one peo- ,
pie and one government, and he who 1
wishes them l'eparated, is a (inner against
the happiness and prosperity of the present °'
and future generations. Tke great author p>
of nature has founded theii un.on on the so
broad basis of reciprocity, which will re
main as it ought to be (on the pure prin- ]
ciplesof leprefentation, ingrifted in our
government) eternal, unless diflevered by
the wicked machinations of mad and 1,1
deluded ambition. by
This retrofoedtive view of the tranfac- tia
tions which I have presented before you tit
in the train, in which they have happen- t _.
Ed, attended with a few observations which ■
grew out of them, I trust, will (hew that ,n
the government of the United States, has P ri
neither under its former or present organ- ( ' !
ization, abandoned, or been inattentive to tic
our right of navigating the Miffifippi. coi
Thai right was brought under negociation
at the very firft moment in which the po- j, e
litical circumltances of the United States , ■
would permit it to be done. The nego
ciation rtfpriling it, altho'attended with '■
some unlucky evelits, did not expire with P ol
the former congreft'onal government, but anc
was turned over among the other incho- fefi
ate, and uncompleted atfls of that body, to
to the new governmental system of Anie- f l]p
rica»fi»ce the operation of which, it has ,
n rsr been oil:' moment dormant, when P
from üßcontroulable cireumflances, this ( ' a y
fubjeifl might have rested for a (hort time M*
from the absence of the national age:its, Put
who were to agitate it, to keep it (till in ,
a<Sion, the interference of the only foreign
court, on whose Jj-Jendihip America could
depend, and the only on?, the mod likely
tc have « eijrbt with the court of Madrid,
W;i6 foliated to gtre aid and effect to the
>: crtions of our own agents, who have
ljeni inftruAed to treat with Spain on no
other terms, than the previous 'ratifica
tion of the southern boundary, and the
right to nivigate the M.fiifippi, from the
fourc to the ocean. A succession of po
litics! events have taken place,in Europe,
which has retarded the progress of the ne
gcciation, and prevented its being brought
as yet to a favorable ifTwe. To "obtain it,
however, mealure; correspondent to the
importance of the objefl, have been aOi- PI
dtioufly resorted to, and are now in aelion. derft
It must be peculiarly obvious to a candid Libr;
and impartial mind, and luch an one I have re&o
now the honor to address, lam fun. poddies) vour
that from the commencement of the admi- 1. 1 .
niftration of the present chief magiflrate of £
America, which happened at a period, when
our national affairs were in a perfect ftete ' *
of disorganization, among the number of ; ( >OU /
momentous confidential, which have en- !
grossed his atention, he has without cessation
ptirfucd the navigation of the Miffifippi.— " !' e !
But on/his head, lam sure it will be necef- " * n '
fapyfor me to % nothing. No apologist is " t0
required for his condu6l. He has too fair " n,J
3 claim to our confidence, to be accused of a " 3,1 )
partial inattention to any of our rights, and It i'
will, I trull be (.oundlcfsly confided in, and cation
venerated, until gratitude ceai'e.s to bean A- meeti:
merican virtue. tiontl
Before I conclude this letter, 1 cannot re- farce I
train from returning yon my cordial thanks memh
for the flittering and polite manner in which i voting
you have been pleased to expreft yourfelf of ' therefi
fti", p:-fondly, The motives which indue- rverv
*d 'resident to depute me hither, were
no -e and patriotic, being m conformity ; fl - f
N. d.hh, hisohferved in his adminif- lnfl,tUl
n, to fitisty his constituents by a pro- a " Cf 31
si ° f mea'.ures, that none of D ,
,*!• i- -reds have been unattended to Pk "
■ jy 1 be rcafon to lament, that an 2-
e competent to give proper effetd to
ib.e intentions, had not been sent • I-OJ
> >1 faithfully'to execute the trust con
"" 'e, smrf in (inccrs attachment to the Ft
nd.nt rests of my fellow-citizens, M
' . ~ 0,1 'he weftem waters, as a portion The;
fl,\n J i e . f grea , t c , r;Can rf P ublic . I hope I day's C
llial! founi fetoud to no man. printed
for the purpofc of cultivating that person- charafl
al aojuaintancc b,tv>ccu us, which yi„ are true, I
rupati- ple»(ed t<f proffer, I mean to do myfclf the
States, I honor cr waiting upon you, b»fore 1 depart
II fully j which I anticipate much fatisfaAion
otes of having ever been induced to hold your repn
e two t iMo i, bot ias a soldier, as a citizen in
:n for- pcrieft esteem.
Former With every fentimint of personal refpea,
of the an( * with warm wishes for the continuance of
tan of that profperity.whichfoconfpicuoufly marks
lot fail t: " s fl° ur fhing (late, over which you have
~r f „r v the honor to preside,
1 remain your Excellency's
nufh Mod obedient servant
lind to HU Excellenc y V"' c Shelb
mea- ,
of go
:Lm Philadelphia, April 23.
:nt of |
onally \ BY hij excellency Anthony Waj'ne,
union. Esq. major general and commander
united j,, chiefofthelegion, andcomminioii
er p' c "ip°'entiarj' of the United
licate" States of Amerita, f«r eftabliffiing a
ing to permanent peace with all the Indian
>f un- tribes and nations north-weft of the
ily to Ohio.
TT7" HEREAS, I, the said pleni
lt me, VV virtneof the pow
ppeai eranc j authority in me vested, have en
, have tcrt ' n, ° certain preliminary articles
lat it w ''h the following tribes and nationsof ;
»part Indians, viz. The Wyandots, Chip- i
impo- pewas, Ottawas, Pattawatimies, Miami's i
tnent, Shawanoes, and Delawares, for a cef- i
en of fation of hostilities, and for the mutual
. een exchange and surrender of all prif mers ;
mong erer Y description, as well as for l»ol. (
iditi- a peneral treaty for fettling nil (
their causes of controversy, and for establish- a
y of ing a permanent peace between the U- t
nited States and the afoiefaid tribes of a
n 'he Indians, on or about the fifteenth day v
of JunCj next enftiing. T
ainft Wherefore, Ido hereby, in the name f
e j- ent of the Prclidtnt of the United States v
thor prohibit and forbid all and every per- f ;
1 the son and persons, from killing, infnlt- f,
! " e " ing or injuring any Indian or Indians, b
~"our to afprefaid tribes or na- /
] | )V t,ons . sr either of them, (unlefii in w
an j their own defence.) And Ido here- t l
by also forbid any paity or parties, ci- 0
ifac- tixens of the United States, oreitherof,
you them, from entering the Indian coun- rE
iik-h tr y north weft ef the Ohio, with hodile w
that '"teotions (without permiflion from C
has P r^P tr authority firft obtained) between p,
tan- this period and the end bf the pending, V a
eto ticaty, as they will answer a contrary ar
ppi. conduct at their peril.
l,on And to the end that the treaty may ] al
ites ,nto complete effect, agreea- or
£ro- h, y the true intent and meaning of fp
ith 'he preliminary articles : the said pleni- n \
dth potentiary enjoins all and every person th
but and persons having in his or their pof- M
ho- session any Indian prisoners, belonging
cl V> to thofc or either ofthofe nations, to
has l ' rren d er, hem and each of them at this
„. n P ,,,ce > on or before the said fifteenth
I|*T J|T]|
his da 7ot J tlne ncxt > a, 'd for which rea- j );
me fonable expenccs will be allowed by the
its, Public.
GIVEN under my Hand anj Seal, En
iid at „ Head-Quartets, Greenville, fig
t-ly this 22d day of February one p] a
id, thoufaud seven hundred and nine
he ty-five. po|
•a- Ey order of the Commander in Chief,
he Wm. H. Harrifon,
' lc * Aid de Camp.
'o- V go
2 gro
ht -for the Cazettr of the United States.
it, .
IP Mr. Fenno, goe
. FINDING that many persons mifun- 1 ■
n. dcrftand thedefign of the meeting of the 11 n
Id Library Company, announced by the Di
»e reflors for Monday next, as publiflied in
■j y° ur paper I have sent you, for vubli
cation, an extradl from memory, of the ,
appl'cation upon which this call is found
■ ed, and wherein the deficiency appears, ccfs
jf I 1 ,ou Sh it constitutes the principal design day
, of the meeting. 6 '
1- A , r © rr,3t
n Ali0 ' to consider of the propriety of and
- „ r e PV aIln P lo much of the Laws of said a r ,
f . inltitution as authorizes absent members •
is "to vote, by proxy; or of limiting the "
r number of proxy votes to be given bv .
x " any one member." in in
d It is,evident from this part of the appli- theii
I cation, which idued from a refpeitable
- meeting of the Company, that the inten
tion thereof is to prevent the contemptible
- iarce being repeated upon us, of a (ingle
s , member, with proxies in his hand, out- T'
M voting sixty attending members: It is, the T
' therefore, with confidence, I hope that dress
; every mcmoer of the Company, who re- timoi
gards the ufefulhefs or refpertablity of the c jf lo ,
inflitutjon, will give his personal attend- tain
ance at (aid meeting.
Pkilad. April sj, i 79J .
mi—, ' lturgl
Mr E^r Y " k
Ti „ . , . tive oi
1 here was a piece in your last Satur- men (1
day s Gaattte, which seems to have been laid b,
printed with an intention to defame my i nenl;
Wltho " t an y j u ' l caus e. It is (hore j
tie, 1 have made my appearance in the of the
■raf tfie I streets of New-Yo, t ; but I was fcle&ed
depart from all, other trees in t!ie forelt, and
ction j adopted by my p-trons to fill th's
irrepft- My opponent wrongfully fays I amaSjerc
lzen in Mav-;>o!e, and that my roots ta'« no hold
_,r, ri of the ground, are liable to be blown down
lancc of y ever y,e u ft of wind, and catterpillars
r marks eat m - ' cav6S —But he seems to know
,u have V "J i' ttle T , of m X ori g in ° r the qualities I
pofiefs. Ive roots iuflicient to support
my branches, nor am I more liable to be
eaten off by catterpillars than any other
fSS. tn?e - And .' 1 belong to , that species of
plants, which produces a tall Ramolifii
mus (talk, and nature has made my leaves
■ of a triangular form, fufpendcd to a long
fall stalk, and ftifl vibrating in the air,
2-7, that even in sultry weather, I mik,« a
J gentle breeze before the -windows—And i
though lam not a native here, I hope I i
aj'NE, (hill never be fupplantedhy either Wynch, ]
lander Elm, or Caialpa, which can claim nofre I
iffion- of my qualities.
Jnited L. P. TREE. <
fling a t
ndian t
Dfthc By this Day's Mail. '
' t
V - NEIVI]URJ'PORT,Apn\ 14. 1795. 1
pleni- Yeflerday arrived here the Brig- Ed
pow- mund, Capt. Rolf, in 19 days from
re en- Port dc Paix. By Capt. Rolf we learn
tides that a Hoop of war arrived at the Cape
msof a b OIK the 20th Maich, which informed
-hip- that a fleet of 10 fail of the line and a
iamis number of taanfports, with 10,000
I cef- troops were ready to fail ."dr the Weft,
utual Indies, and might be cxpefted immedi
«ners ately 'The French had also made a
rljol. descent upon Port-au-Prince with 20,
f «H 000 men. Capt. R. fays he would >1
burn- advile no Americans to Port de Paix, as al
c 'hey will be obliged to fell their cargoes '!
"of at reduced prices for produce, for J-J
day which they mud wait a long time. Pro- t "
rifions plenty and cheap. On his pas f e
lame sage spoke a New Providcnce Privateer, y<
tates who treated him with politeness and E'
per- said that he took no Americans unless
fult- fufpefted of having French property on
'»ns. board. He hadthen a Ihip intow.from
" n _a- Aux Cayes, belonging to Providence,
* "1 which he was carrying in for trial, but
•ere- the Bermud'ans(fdid he) take all with- Tj
cl ' out exeeption. p
L-rof The public are informed that a large
J """ raft "f boards are now landing here \j]
! which came through the Locks and _
rom Canals on Merrimack river—the pro
reen prietors are congratulated on the arri
lnS> val of the firftptoduce oftheir expensive M
ra'T and arduous uudertaking. This and
the neighbouring towns will be particu
nay larly benefitted by this inland navigati
:ea" Ol \ It is wished that those ofapnblic
01 spirit, and friends to the trade of the Cl
:m- river would lend their aid in forwarding A
" the fubfci iptions for clearing the river
>ol- Merrimack below Pat ucket falls.
,n ff GI .
J." BOSTON, April 15.
nth French newspapers, Mr. Jay
ea- ' 1 " mea^lres are spoken of in the
highest terms of refpeft. aiu
A letter from Shelburne, (Nova Sco
tia) observes, « The treaty between —
j, and America has put the final
e» signature to the death warrant of this
II e place."
116 our last, above Jixty thousand
pounds in specie, have arrived at Salem
from France.
ef, — 1
Mr. Russell, -*
If citizens of the United States can
go to the Weft-Indies, purchase Ne- . ~
groes, and carry them from ose island sir 1
to another, in diredl opposition to ex- Me,
ilting laws ; return here with their car- Can
goes, and openly fell the fame ! Why Tni
n _ may not others evade any laws, when lft !
jj C it may be for their interest so to do? 34 j
A. B. Wai
in Mai
li- PORTLAND, April .3.
d- Captain S. Clough, in the (hip Sue- Y •
- s> cess, arrived at WifcalTet the 6th, In 46 Nar '<
;n days from Havre. He brings a confir- W m
mation of the taking Amsterdam, &c. Patt
ps and adds, that the French have trained
rs ? Co , m P' et : 'iards, TH
le Tnjf?L '° 00 ' A C
and to the - ;r]|n
in images of C ::r. . , fc , f ro ° 5
i- their churc ■
' King
From the maryiana Journal. Lord
lc Nood
TIIE Subferibers, Americans, now in Dood .
> hie Hjnd of Antigua, beg leave to ad- er ''
dress trie public and the merchants of Bal
timore particularly, C n the following oc-SS ee '
e cafion ; the beginning of February a Cap- i Sf'" C
tam James Cornwall, arrived in this port m'T
from Baltimore, in the brig Clio, laden
with flour; two or three days after some
difference with his mate, a Mr. Thomas B o>
Furgufon, happened, and he was diichar G ,Me
ged, and im»,ediately taken by a press- The
gang and put on board the (hip Matilda at the D (
Eng„(h Harbour, James Bently, an Eng. ter aft,
lifhman by birth, and John Crouch, a na- a quar
eOf the slate of Maryland, two of the Lad
men (hipped at the port of Baltimore, in fend tl
laid brig Clio, were treated in the follow- o'clocl
mgmanner: Captain Cornwall went on compa
store and brought off with him, the master cannot
ot the press gang and two others, and main.
t w £ came " ,nT)o " rt!^ K-.V,i
o4e Cornw all, fpeak,p rf to ,he ,-na.tcr
a r-err C ' : '" d : h'-fe are tl.e two
a were rascals take then.; an, upon Jn:, n tro-.ih
ohold declar ing he was ar. American, and had a
down pafsor certificate to that purpoie, he tile
pillars , said Cornwall replied, it was alia forgery
know and that feewaj (meaningthe said Crouch)
5 1 an Enghlhman upou which the laid ,
jpport James Bently, and John Crouch were for
:to he ced into the press hoit and from thence 1
other carried mto Entiifh Harbour, where the 1 ,
.'es ot laid John Crouch was confined until the j 1
lohffi- tenth day of March following, when he I 1
leaves made his escape, after having had the I
I long yellow fever while in confinement. The I ,
e air, foregoing are'faits, aad we leave the pub: !
a J cU° dftermme if the flaffrnnt violations ! ,
And of the rights of an American citizen be I
lope J lunered to efcipe linnunifhed, because tie '
ynch, fufferer is a poor i'ailor, in what does his
nofte situation differ from a Negro in Africa', '
whole liberty is at the will of an unnrin- '
- . cfpled msfter ; but we hope arid believe <
the grand jury of Baltimore county will I 1
take the cafe of this poor fellow into their j .
. , confrderation, and cause tint jm'tice to be j
11. done him which his cafe requires. : —Sign- ' '
ed by us at the port of St. John's, March '
- 0 - nth, 1795.. >
, j Samuel P. Moore, slate of Delaware.
C-d- Tobias E. Stantbury, Maryland.
from James Smith, ftafe of'North-Carolina,
learn I' aac M'Key, ditto. a
Cape , I ? a , vi ' l J errv ' do. v
rmed i)'lc,ll:;rford county, Maryland. v
1 Samuel Eafton, North-Cirolitia. d
Antigua, March 7th, 1795. ti
3e a ,]
20, NOT long since, two Sailors paHine c
ould along in C- street, obferv'd a Taylor a
X, as a t "'"rk with his coat off— and having h
goes back of hi ' "aiftcoat pateh'd with
for r ,ffer T "lour, of cloth, induced the ?'
Pro ° tunt to crack a "I'on h ,
°r ?' e P? or fellow When one of them oh- H
pal ferv dto the other « Dimra'e Jack, did n
eer, you ever fee so many forts of Cabbaee °
and S r °w on one Stump before r"
ilefs - e:
; cf ; 6 1 per Cents 20 f j'
. 3 P er Cents , ,y 0
itl - Deferred A Q
Bank of the United States j'o
r S c Pennf/lvania
ie, ' e North-America - {]
and ,
rri- AND SOLD i)y co
ive Mr. Thomas dobson, "
in d South Second-Jirect, in
CU- PRICE 2/4. na
ati- A Rub from Snub w,
llic OR, A ' Fr
' n g \AddrclTed t0 Pfcr Porcupine, author of the
ver Bone to Gnaw, Kick for a Bite, &c. See.
Glad tidings for the Democrat,, and a word Of
comfort to Mrs. S. Rovfm. cj c '
he . Wfcerein the said PorcoupineN moral, poli- Sk
tical, critical, and literary character is fully i
llluilrated. 7
Apni *4f. • a
"1 NEW theatre, mt
lis —: ]
nd A P r 'l 24- daj
■ m Will be Presented,
An OPERA, called
Inkle <& Yarico. . }
an (With the Original Overture and rent
[ e _ accompaniments.) —*
nd i nk rl -a , Mr - Mar(ha"l
Sir Chnftopher Curry, Mr. Whit lock
X- Medium, Mr. Francis 1
"" Campky, Mr Moreton to ti
iy To rU^ e ' Mr. Bates fucc
en a er> Mr. Harwood man
20 Planter, Mr. Cleveland tend
• 3d Planter, Mr. Warreil of J
■ alter, Al r . T. Warreil who
Kf e ' 4 Mr.Darley are i
Sailors, Messrs. Price, Mitchell, T
Bliffett, Darley jun. Sue, be h,
M ar ' C ?r Mrs. Marshall thc '
w rC l a ' Miss Wiilems f, T
r. Wowlki, Miss Breadhurft felvc
c . P a tty, Mrs. Shaw thcnl
id To -which will he added, oaT
A Comical Tragical, Operatical FARCE
g called ' Tl
n Tom Thumb the Great. TJt
With the original Music, Scenery, &c. Col *re
King Arthur, Mr. Bates 'nfort
Lord Grizzle, Mr. Harwood tic kei
00 j, ' Mr. Francis f' •*"
1 ?r°°f ' , , Mr. Bliffett \
_ Merlin, amd the Ghost of Gaffer
'thumb. Mr , ' !
- UeCn f D ° llalolh - Mrs. Warred
I Princess Huncamunca, Mrs. Oldntixon
t ' Miss Ol<t r tcld
i Muftacha, */>;,_ urn I « doll
; Glumdalca, (Queen of the Giants,) ' j tiie^
b „ - Ml. Rowfon
Box one Do ,*r—pitt £ »(' a boila, —i
Gallery a tfollar. • / v r
The Public are refpeflfuDy informed that
the Doors of the Theatre will open at a quar
ter after five, arid the curtain rife precisely at Of th<
a quarter alter 6 o'clock.
Ladies and Gentlemen are reqnefled ts
fend their servants to keep placcs by five
o'clock, and order them, as soon as the t».- ,
company arc seated, to withdraw, as they J °" n
cannot on any account l>e permitted to re
r /
"goe - From the Vermont Oj7eite
e two ' COMMUNICATION. Amcihg (he carpers at Ctmocracy, Sdf
had a, treated Societies, and Jafcobi„if m , in ti.e
he the typographical line, none bellow ft, i olld
-rgery as Rulfel of Boston; so donfUnt as An
ouch) dr-v/s o. Sfoi fcb idjje, or so loftily as
laid , Pernio ol Philadelphia. Ihe Robel- i-rc
e for- | an, i, Fr.,nce, are xhibited hv
hence , Kuflel as the wife of Am r can c'e.rfocr-t
re the the accufction is echoed by A | r ,-vj anrf
ll the : re-echoed by Fenno, with the add r'w of
i n tl - heM- g . C ' °. f tl '. e!r hiV % fomented re
vtiSjc^Kssr ,ic
&t - ran « V ' fl'at contemptible
" » ] ««« then,,' the
letjie S'^ ,u,cs "• »'>-h»ur, as Andrews de'-
•s his i f -' r ' tjs ' 9 them, the open enemies of order,
fnci, f. as P'»lfKarcd by I'Vnno, (froonded by
,'nrin- ed.tor Webfhr of New. York) a'„ u y .
-M I" t un B ieat a >'ii'l'pus among these
Xir l 0;"' Ym r nt .?T'V ft ranker lt ,l!,
to be ! m , r mi> " e n%htened Jegiflature
Sign- i "" '"Ppofers of democracy
larch I lhould , P e awiiiMflug to a decided mi.
J LONDON, February 14.
" la ' ► °?-fu a , n , d Sa,u ' lia T last, a Council,
at wh.clr Mr. Pitt Was present, fat, and fe
-1,1 . v ~ ra! r «fpeciablc tradefm'en were examined,
" ->len 11 appeared that Itarch and hair-pow
der are the producj of thr very belt wheat
that can be procured, and that thequami
[ t\ conlumeci is at least one twentieth of the
whole con,umption of the metropolis.—
. has . r tn ' c "? hoV,t the knr.,|„ m not | e f,
I than Fifty 1 houfand perl'ons are employ
ffinjr I , 18 baroer. jn uting the hiir-powder;
lylor and that they become ufelelitothe Hate,
ving hotl l lri agriculture and for public services,
*'ith l-j! 0 " gently so many uielcfs pcrfons are
the I™ ' nw . ot . the public itock. On the other
rpon a ir '* tru! y urged, that it would be •
[ ob- I the extrf ine of cruelty to throw fiich a
|dl d ""maer of wdtiftrious perfoits entirely
bage ost Tl ot hu?d
ut to tlire ft is arifwered, that the
exigences of the flare ait in want of
jt. en aflfiltance, and that they may all
find immediate ein;! .yment either in
J . a, '" l y or «he navy, msre particular
ly in the latter fe'rvice, which it is in
tended in future to keep up to a very
J hrgh eftablifhmeiVt.
S-ys a Corr-fpcndert
— . . IrT a : Form f r papfcr it was mferted that the
Managers of the New Theatre had under
consideration for performance ah ingenious
M DraAiatic piece written by an American and
Citizen of Philadelphia. We are now happy
in announcing for a certainty their deterffii-
I nat, ; ,n t0 h /' n g " «P, and that the enfuiW
week is positively fixed for it, perfcrm.r.ce -
From the character we have had of this
f V 7' WC Can fafely anticipate to the public
, j niuch entertainment.
he | ,
iof I arrived.
Schooner Sally, Burrows Wafeinglon o
Sloop Regulator, Griffin, New York g
°~ I April 19.
Ca Pt. Stov (tiled with the brig Yorick
and sloop Wincy Oswald for Phi
— M P t U T" o n er Col,e y. Robinson for
New-York aiid f.oop Maybee for Wil-
I mingtcn.
Lat. ,9, fon.g. ? 4 , spoke the brig Juno
I from 7 urk s IlUnd bound to R. liland 1 c
j days out—all well.
I* the firfl line of the thVd ffanz.a of
. BaUvia, on R!r S y," for ferry meads,
rend fenny meads.
ck l Civic Festival.
:is t J55, De »?«? tic Socict y of Penufylvania.
on to telWy their fat.sfa<s!ion at the late glorious
tes successes of the French Republic, and the e
od mancipation of the people of Holland, in
,d tend dm,ng together on Friday the firfl day
e, of May at Oeliers' Hotel, when all those
.11 who r-jofee 111 events so important to;iberty f
ey are invited to attend. 7
K Vf etS J C " ned °" ar and a half each, may
,c. be had at Israel Israel's, and at the Office of
ill Ai ,rora *
ns P er^>n s who wish to provide thern
-0 lelves witn uckets, are requested to apply for
w them early, as the fubfrription will be qlofed
on 7 uefday the 28th inft,
j Newcastle Pier Lottery.
The returns of the drawing arrive daiV
at the OFFICE, No. 149, Chefijut ftreet,be
tween Fourth and Fifth streets— Where a
I j-orrea Numerical Bock is kept; also, the
S [hps of eiich day's drawing regularly filed.—
s Information given where a few remaining
1 tlckcts may bchad, iunrraiittdu>,dra-wn. Low
s exchanged.\ and b'gl frixet icjhed.
1 Wafliington pottery.
The public are informed <» authority,, dat
I 'his Lottery will positively commence at the
; dol;v of , Newcastle Lottery. Information
1 ?' vt " whcre t,CKe '« m ay bepurchafed, value
'8 dollars each. Also, a few r ,„ rUr f iC hts m
i toe above lottery, Jiyned by Samuel Bleuhet
which will entitle the hoicer to one fouttk of
the prize drawn to its number.
April 16.
or the ce cbrared P.; trr a < t under he
u»e o'"
M A N L I U S,
M.v br lutvf
John Ormrod, No'. 41, Chef
nut Jireet.
r*ict—Js CltJTs.