't 2 *? [No. 90 °f Vol. VIJ.] Public Ba L | Mr. MIX)UGALL's b/-ea Ung-up t Ball will be on Thurfcby evcoir./ at j iei IMPOHTED, ylnj/o be fold by Japly at No. 187, south Third street. : April JO , y d ' Philadelphia & Lancalter f Turnpike Company. April 2d, 1795. \ Notice is hereby Given, That agreeably to a bye law of the Stock lysiierß, fubferiotions will be opened at the company's office in Philadelphia, on the 4th tiny of May next, for one hundred oi snares of Capital stock in the Philadelphia flnd Lancaster Turnpike road company. The ;urn to be demanded for each lhare will be t..:*e hundred dollars, and afum equal to le pl mtereft upon the several instalments cal i.t .'orirora the original stockholders, to be < c ilculated from the times thefaid instalments ' b - me severally due. One hundred dollars th rcof to be paid at the time of lubfcribing : an ! the remainder in three equal .payments '' at o, 60, and 90 days. I No person to be permitted to fubferibe 1 than one ill arc on the fame day. i?v order of the board, WM. MOORE SMITH, Sec'ry. April 14 eodt+M D A I LYE V E N I'NG AD V E R T I S E R. For Norfolk, Richmond and PeterJburg, The SLOOP GEORGE, RoliEß ' r holmes, Now laying:at Pine-flreet Wharf, and will Sail in Ten days. For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain on board, or to Ellifton & John Perot. April 15. dtf. t For Hamburgh, 1 J»hn Mcarty, majler. Now lying at Walnut street wharf, will fai: in a few days, and har the greatest part of her cargo engaged. A few torn of freight 3 will be taken, apply to F. Coppinger, No. 221, south Fronr near Pine street. April 14 d ! For Frederickjburgh in Virginia, The Beig sally, %»Mfi y°^ n Early majler. ' WILL failifl afc?v cfyya. For freight or ' pafiagC, apply to the Captain oil board, ©cto fofepb Anthony Es 5 Son. April 14 d6t FOR HAMBURGH, Warranted to go North alout. Captain Campbell, The greater part of the Amit.y's cargo is 011 board, she is intended to fail the 20th in stant ; about fifty tons of goods will be ta ken on freight, if speedy application is made —apply to PETER BLIGHT. April 4 4tJO , For Hamburgh, John Vanneman, Mafia-. NOW lying at Walnut street wharf, and will fail early in next month, hairing part of - -■ 3- 1 - Vir ny i L< -rui nugin 'V io. # ih S A_L T. Best Cadiz Salt, J'ift landing from on board the Brig Trial, for fyle at Messrs Willing and Francis's wharf by Levinus Clarkfon. March ii, Advertisement, Take notice that on the third Day of March, the Co-partnership of the Sublcribers was diftolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the laid Company ' are requested to make speedy Payment, and ! all persons having demands against said Com pany are requested tp exhibit them for settle ment. 1 Lewis Dcblois, ! Samuel Breck, jun. Philad. March 3d. 1795. 2aw3m Thursday, April 1795. To be Sold, And given immediately, An elegantly Jituated FARM, WITHIN one mile and a harf of Prince ton iu New jrrfey, containing two hundred and thirteen of which thirty are in 1. ' meadow, and more may easily be made, 47 1 in woodland, the reft in arable land : all but the woodland uiSder good fence. There is water in every field and a couftagt stream running through the meadow, and as the up land is well adapted to grass, it mighti fopn be made a valuable and profitable grazing Farm. There are on the premifps, a hand some well finiflied two story Stone House, 1 rooms on the firft floor, with a nine feet en try through to a pleasant piazza, three rooms on the second floor besides the g' rrets and a 1 dry cellar, with a two story (tone kitchen ad joining, a plentiful we'l of excellent water before the door, a good kitchen garden with ralberries, strawberries and peaches, a great variety of cherry trees, and a young bearing orchard of two hundred trees. Also, a barn and stables with cow houies. ninety feet long and two stories high. The house is higli and very healthy, always enjoying a fweetand rcfre filing breeze, which with its 1 vicinity to Princeton, renders it a desirable country feat. ! Also to be Sold, a Two jlory brick Dwelling House, In Arch street near Front ftrei-t, No, 23, futnenaiKtam-kelf fen-front, and the lot is 1 101 feet deep. Enquire of Isaac Snowden, SoLth Second Street. March 30 ' d6t—eodtf Patent Nail Manufactory, No. 120, South Frcmt-llreet, Philadelphia. THOMAS PERKINS & Co. HAVING by the use of Machines, for whicjh they have a Patent from the United States, been, enabled to make 3d. 4d. 6d. Bd. apd iod. NAILS, equal to the best drawn ones, (andfuperior to them for many purpo ses) and,from 15 to 30 per cent cheaper so licit orders in that line, which (hall be exe cuted with fidelity by Thomas Perkins and Co. N. B. A large assortment of the above kinds of Nails on hand at reduced prices—al so Nails for Sugar Hogsheads. Maxth 31. eodtf A FEW BALES'OF ' INDIA MUSI.I NS, Entitled to the Drawback, fOR SALE BV Mordecai Lewis. 3 daw FOR SALE, The CARGO of the Brig Good Hope, Cap tain Hubber. 118 Hhds. Choice SUGAR, 80 Barrels } COFFEE ' ».°OO "»• aoo Bags Pimento. JuJl Arrived from Jamaica. The Vessel is in excellent order, an Ame rican Bottom—Will proceed to any port in Europe, at Moderate Freight. A Liberal Credit will be given. Samples may 'be seen by applying to PETER BLIGHT. April 3. d3t eodiw. A FEW COPIES Of the celebrated Performance under the Signature of M A N I I U S, May be had of Jvbn Ormrod, No. 41, Chef nut fireet. PRICE 25 CENTS. 110,000 weight of Green Coffee, [n 87 hhds. 40 barrels, aud 200 bags, entit led tothe drawback, stored on Meflrs. Willing Sr Francis's wharf. ifl -id & 4tb Prtof Bourdeaux Brandy, 30 pipes of London particular Teneriffi-, ind London particular Madeira WINES, in hhds. pipes, and quarter calks, Malaga Qo. in quarter calks, Anrigua anrl other RUM in hhds. Sf.CroixSUGAR of the firft qualiiy, St. Marks MOLASSES, Hy.fon TEA, Jamaica SPIRITS, , Holland GIN, in pipes, LOAF SUGAR, in hhds. PEPPER, &c. fee. FO* SALE Br Levinus Clarkfon, No. 2i6, outh Water Street. A c. 4 d All persons are hereby caution ed against taking any aflignment of a Bond obtained from the fubferiber by Henry Mo liere, Rope maker, for the fuiti of twenty five pounds, dated October 1790 —as thefaid bond was not given for any valuable confide-* ration—and I am determined not to pay the fame unless compelled by law. William Jordan, April 7 *ictw^zu BOOKS. PRINTED y PUBLISHED By Matthew Carey, No. 118, Market Street, Ii Charlotte, a tale of truth, By Mrs Rawfon, of the tiew-Tbeatre Philadelphia. Second American edition —Price 75 cents. TThe rapid iale of the First Edition of this intereftmg novel, in a few months, isthe bfcft proof of its merit.] ExtraS from the Critical Review, April 1791, p. 468. It mavjbe a talc of truth, for it is not un natural, atid.it n .i tale of real distress— Charlotte by the artifice of a teacher, re tommended to a school from humanity ra ther than a conviAion ol her integrity of .he regularity of her.l'qrmer conduct, h en ice'! from her governed, and a young officer to America—The marriagr cerem ny.il not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr t» the iticon ftancy ofher lover, and treachery of his triend,—The filiations are artless and as fe&i"g—*-the descriptions uatural and pa thetic ; we fliould I'eel for Chailotie if such a person ever ej dollar and so cents, coarse paper—l dollar and 7J cents, fine. 4. Notes on the state of Virginia—by Tho mas Jefierfon. Price, neatly bound, one dollar and a half. J. History of the French Revolution, from its commencement tothe death of the Queen and the execution of BrifTot. Two dollars, Extxact from the Peefacf. " The authors have preftimed to affix to their title the epithet lmpattial\ and the reason is, bccaufe they cannot charge them selves with feeling the finalleft bias to any party, but that ot truth and (ibrrty ; and they flatter theinfelres, that their readfrs will find nt only every circamftance fairly repreftnted, but every censurable attion, whoever were the authors or actors. mark ed in its proper colors. If it was neceffai y to make a declaration of their own princi ples, they would fay, they are neitl-er torv nor republican—They love liberty as Eng lifh whfgs, and execrate every criminal aft by which so noble a caufeis endangered and -JMgraced. In the present ferment of the public mind, they cannot flatter themselves with the h'ipes of feeing this claim universally acknowledged. On the contrary, the:r are well aJJ'ured that these pages will not be acceptable tothe zealous of either party. But when time lhall dilfipate the clouds of political decep tion, they with Tome confidence expefl that verdict from public opinion, wh.ch candor and moderation seldom fail to receive. Extract from the critical Review, January, 1794 —page 12. 41 We have certainly derived much plea sure. acquired much information from the pt. ufal ef these volumes ; and we think them, both for matter and style, worthy the attention of all who interest thenifelver n events which have so justly excited the cutiofity and aftonilhment of mankind." б. Plowdens history of the Britifhempire from May 1792, to December 1793. A dollar and a quarter. fTMs is as inter eftingan valuable a publication as had appeared for many years ] 7. Beattie's Elements of Moral Science 2 vols. One dollar and three quarters 8. Ladies Library. Second American edition. 87 \ cents. Containing— Miss Moore's EfTays J Dr. Le gacy to his Daughters; Lady Penning tons unfortunate mother's adv ce to her Daughters : Marchioness de Lamhert' Advice of a mother toher daughter , Mrs Chapone's Letter on the government of ' the temper; Swift's Letter to a Young Lady newly married ; Moore's Fables for the Female Sex 9 Journal durant un Sejour en France d(- pnis le commencemen* d'aout jufqu'a a midiDecembre; auqueleft ajoute u.nrecit des evenemens les plus remai quablei qui ont ell lieu a Paris, depuis cette epoque, jufqu'a la mom du roi de France. Bound, 2 l-a dollars—sewed, 2 dollars. 10. Edward's treatise 011 the religious af fections. Coarle paper, a dollar—fine, a dollar and a hall. ti. Rights of Woman—by Mrs. Wolfton craft. A dollar. 12. Willifon'sSacramental Meditations.— 60 cents. 13. Bunyan's Holy War, made by Shaddai against D abolus. 14. Short account of Algiers. Second edi tion, enlarged—2s cents. Containing—A description ef that coun try—of the manners and customs of the in habitants—and of'theirfeve' a] wars against Spain, France, England, Holiand, Venice, and other powers of F.urope—from the u lurpation of Barb<*r%fTa ?nd the invasion ot Charles V. to the present time.—With a " concise view of the origin of the war be tween Algiers and the United States. Embellished with a map of-fiarbary, com prehending Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoly. To the present edition is added a vety copious index, containing letters fron tindry American prisoners in Algiers ti their friends in the United States—a lift of [Wide No. 815.] the v dels taken—»and imnvvery inteeft "g n n the firft edition. Hair's Le&nres on Rhetoric and Bel it» Letters- Three do'lats 33 cents. 16. Smith's Letters :o Mariicd Women, nn nurfineand the management of children. 6i 2cems. ?7- A meriean Farmer's letter*. So cents. , 18. Young fvftflcs Mzgatme. 2 vol*. 1 dol lar 33 cents. — Containing—Dialogues between a Go_r* . ness and several Young Ladies of Quality f her fchoiars.— In which each Lady is, made , to (peak, according to her particular geniu*, temper ana inclination—Thcirfeverai faults f are pointed out, and the cafy way to amend I hem, »s well as to think, and speak, and •ft properly; no leU care being taken (€ > » f orm their hearts ro goodness, than to cn -1 lighten their .underllanrtings with ufeful knowledge. A short aad clear abridgment . is aifogiven of lacred and profane Hillory, [' and forne leHons in Geogiaphy. The useful is blrnded throughout with the agreeable, the whole being interspersed with proper re flexiofrs aud moral Tales. 19. Duncan's Eltnunta of Logic. 80 cents 20. M'Fmgal, an epic poem. 37 1-2 cents. 21. Tench Coxe's examination ©f Lord Shef field's ob'ejvations. 62 1 2 cents, 22. Ladies' Friend. 37 1-2 cent*. 23. Smith's history ol New York, from its discovery to 1 "732. 1 dollar 25 cents. > M 24- Complete Atlas* for the present war, con tainingmaps of France, Holland, Nether* lands, Germany, Spain, Italy, and the Weft-lnd-iel. 2 dollar 2 • Constitutions of the United States, with '