Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, March 31, 1795, Image 1

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[Mo. 76 of Vol. VII.]
». of "the Schooner Commerce, Capt. Sy
mens, from the Havanna,
Vhite & Brown SUGARS,
12 fpP* 9 Brandy,
jcoo Spanish Hides,
bar Sale by
Tofeph Anthony & Son.
M«d» 50 diw
To be Sold,
And Pofieffion given immediately,
elegantly fttuated FARM,
WITHIN one mile and a ha f *)f Prince
• 1 iu New Jersey, containing two hundred
d'ti.a.-cJi acr.s, of which thirty are in
. L ,dow, and »» rc rai y eafdy he made, 47
woodland, the-reft in arable land: all but
: • woodland under good fence. There is
iter in every field and a constant stream
miing through the meadow, and as the up
* id i* well adapted to graft, it might soon
made a valuable and profitable grazing
: rm . There are on the premises, a hand
ne well finilhcd two story Stone House, 1
■ Vinson the firll floor, with a nine feet en
-1 throuo-h to a pL-afant piazza, three rooms
• the second floor betides the g rrets and a
> cellar with a two llory stone kitchen ad
-li'ig, » plentiful well of cxceljent water
; uit.' the Ltuurj kitchen jjm'disi
v • Xty'of cherry trees, and a young hearißg
o'.. hard of two hundred trees. Alio, a barn
•v.'. i flabies with cow houfesi ninety feet
r and two itories h gh. The house is
, , h and very healthy, always enjoying a
i >"«caud refrefhing breeze, which with its
v .'inityto Brinceton, renders it a desirable
iutry feat.
Also to be Sold, a
'•Jvm Jlory brick Dwelling House,
In Arch street near Front lire-1, No, 13,
(■-.sen and an half, feet front, "and the lot is
j l feet deep,
inquire of
Isaac Snowden,
South Second Street.
March 30
George Hunter,
At his Larboratory, No. 114, foath
Second Jlreat.
' OFOITXI3 his ■■ qicr-cuttomm and the
. puUuC) that he his begun the DRUG bu
. fj again an an extensive plan.
He has lor sale a general afforlment of
fresh drugs,
Likewise, painters' colours, dry and ground
5 oil, pairt bruihts-, window and coach
■ >s, dye fluffs, linseed oil, oil of turpentine,
i.. .lioil varmfb and japa- 1 , warranted good.
Jlurn.cop >er*s,nuddcr,ground rcdwwod
bv tne or Imall'T quantity.
As he imports the fimpl'S from the best
market?, and makes tfu: compofitlons and
jr-f oarations he ii enabled to vouch
; .t do« 1 warrant article fold out of bis
Laboratory, and likewise to dispose of-them
ar toe moll re ifonable rates.
(dT He wifbes to fell a large LOT o!
•JkOUND, the Worth-cad corner of High
a ... Eleventh'ftieeis,containing 78 feet front
00 High-streeT, and 200 feet on Eleventh-
Veen, oppoliu Mt. Lciper's new buildings—
> i another LOT on the north fide of High
• « ' -t,near /he above, 28 feet front, and 200
fee' deep. Eoih lors have the privilege ot a
3.' • cetattry in'
D<-c. 13,
iio,ooo -weight of
Green Coffee,
Ii: 87 hhds. 40 barrel,;, aud 200 bags, entit
to lUe di awback, stored on Meflfrs.
Willing & Francis's wharf.
ijl id W 4th Proof
Eourdeaux Brandy,
33 pip- s of Lo.iclun particular Teiier\fff,
•Ufl London particular Madeira XVINfeS,
in-hints, pipes, and quartet caftcs,
Malaga Do. inquarici calks,
Anrigiiaan.t other RUM in litids.
St. Croiji SUti AR of tin; fi'rft qhaJiiy,
j-Jylon Ti.A,
Jamaica SPIRITS,
GIN, in pipe*,
tOAF SUGAR, in fcMs.
PEPPEII, &t. fcc.
Levinus '
No. 216, oatli Water Snett.
c. 4
At the STOKES of
jefle & Robert Wain,
(HIT WINE in pipehhds* and quar
ter cask*
ISBON d>.in pipes nud.quartcr casks
Siiuchongard Congo 1 EAS, ill quarter
A quantity of T.iibonand CadizSALT
•Soft (helled AI.MONDSin bales
Velvet COKKS, in Jo.
Jluffia MATTS,
June 9 d
i!pa>rtt( of t'it
The Subscriber
Intending to enter into pai tnerihip with se
veral gentlemen, on, or about the 15th
day of May next, reqtiefts all persons hav
ing demand against him to fend in their
accounts, and persons indebted to pay
Until the subscriber is ready to make
known the New Firm which he intends to
trade under ; he continues as customary the
Comraifiion Business, as such he now of
JBW Jf* The new Schooner
Of 60 tons Burthen ; which if not fold on
Saturday, will begin to Load on Monday
next, the 30th inft. sol Hifpaniola, and fail
on the i&turday following. A few passen
gers may be comfortably accommodated.
A few pipes GIN, lately consigned frotn
Amsterdam; a few logs MAHOGANY, and
several other article*?. Also good authority
to draw on France fo.r about 250,000 livref,
on good terms.
March 28.
For Charter,
SHE is a ft out built about
barrels, twojfeaj** will be
pleat order in a few days, .and is
well calculated to carry lumber on deck —
For terms apply to the Subscriber at No. V I 6
south Street.
Levintis Clark/on.
March 17
THOMAS MASON, Jun. Majlcr ;
Burthen about 2000 barrels, the greatest
part of her cargo being engaged, will fail on
or before the 24th of March. She is a stout
vefTel, well found, Philadelphia built, fails
well, and has good accommodations for pas
sengers, For, freight or paflage enquire of
MATHIAS KEELY, South Water-street,
GAZZAM & TAYLOR, Front-street or
RALPH MATHER, Race-flreet, No. 7 1.
February d.
For Hamburgh,
NOW lying at Walnut street wharf, and
will fail early in next month, having part of
her cargo already engaged. For freight or
passage, apply to the Captain on board, or
Thomas & John. Ketland,
IVho have for Sale, received per the above vjjel,
Duck, Ruflia, Ravens and Hollands,
Lead, English and German in bars,
Anchors, from 8 to 14 cwt.
Tin, iu boxes,
Bagging, No's. 5, 6, 8; 11, &c.
Sheeting, white and brown, Hollands,
Platilles Royales, Diaper.
Steel, Frying Pans, Mill Saws,
Cables, Junk, Window Glass 10 by 12, ic
9 by II
A few pipes best Holland Gin,
Do. London particular Wine,
Claret in cases, of superior quality,
Eager, and an assortment of
Glass Ware, conHFmg of Tumblers, De
canters, Glafles, &c. &c. plain, flower
ed and cut.
Cheese, double <Glouc«fter, in whole and
half hampers.
March 19
NOTICE is hertl>y given, that the
trials of Crinvnal Causes in the Circuit
Court of the United States for the Penn
sylvania Diltri<sl, will commence on Mon
day, the 4th day of May next, at '.he City
Hall in Philadelphia: when and where all
persons bound by recognizance or other
wise to appear, are required to attend.
Bv order of the Honorable William
Paterfon, Esq. one of the aflociate
justices of the Supreme Court of the
United States, and the Honorable
Richard Peters, Esq. diftrift judge
of the United States for the Penn
sylvania diftri<sl.
D. LENOX, Marshal.
Marlhal'e Office, >
March 11,1795. 5
The printers of news-papers to the
westward and northward of Philadelphia,
are requested to insert the above. ~
March I a mw&ft^M
A Counting House and Store,
On the Wharf, and a
Small Genteel Dwelling House,
In any part of the City.,
apply at
No. 117, north Second Street.
March 1%
Tuesday, March 51, 1795.
And to be fold by Thomas Dobfon, No. 41,
Second street, Benjamin Davis, 68, High
ftrect, John Ormrod, 41, Ctielnut street,
and by the Editor of this Gazette,
Proceedings of the Executive
of the United States,
MARCELLUS—as published in the Vir
ginia Gazette, in November and December
REPORT of tie late Secretary of the
Treasury, on the PUBLIC DEBT,
March 6
nufa&ory, after great trouble and expence,
Jiave got this Ufeful Manufa&ure eftablilhed
so as to be able to supply ajiy quantity of
Window Glass that may be "wanted, and of
any sizes, from 6 by 8 to 19 by 13, of a
quality superior to any ever imported into
Therefore hope they (hall meet the En
couragement ot their Fellow Citizens io this
and r he other States, by having their Or
ders for Glass, which will be executed with
care Samuel Gridlcy, Super
intendant at the by
their orders to Mr. William Cowman, mer
chant, New York, or to
Joseph Anthony & Son,
Merchants, Philadelphia.
Will be landed to-morrow morning, at Jeffe
and Robcjt Wain's wharf. -
Also at South Jireet Wharf
The CARGO of Schooner Industry, Cap
tain Flinn, from Jamaica
F»r sale by the Subfcribers t from tbe JBip Tlerefa,
from St. Marcs,
15 hhds. & 3 tierces SUGAR
And 1200 lbs. St.. Domingo Indigo,
Frjrt the Brigantine Sally, from 'Jamaica,
200 Bags PIMENTO,
They have also on hand,
150 qr. calks of rich Mountain Wine,
Port Wine in pipes and hegiheads,
Brimstone in roll and cake,
An invoice of Saddles and.Harness,
NewCastle Crown Glass 8 by 10
Liquorice Ball in boxes of 2 cwt. each,
One 12 inch new Cable,
150 crates of Que ns Ware assorted
And 251 pieces of Mahogany.
Philip Nicklin Iff Co.
March 16 S 4" £
Bed Cadiz Salt,
Juftlanding from on board the Brig Trial,
for sale at Messrs Willing and Francis's wharf
Levinus Clarkfon.
March 11, d.
Newcastle Pier Lottery.
Fifteen Day's drawing over, and what is
surprizing, all the Capital Prizes are in the
wheel, escept one of 1000 dollars.
N. B. Information may be had for Tickets
warranted «ndrawn, by enquiring# at the
Bar, Crofe Keys lan, or exchanged for' Low
Prizes, and Cafc will be given for High
William Aul.
Friday, March 27. d
Just Publiftied,
THE Proprietors of the Boston Glass Ma-
March 27
Jamaica Rum.
In Hogsheads & Barrels,
Pimento in Bags,
Peter Blight.
March 26
Wanted Immediately.
2 Smiths, a good fireman and White
Smith, good encouragement will be given.
Apply No 162 or 74 Market street.
Philad. Feb, 28, 1795,
N. B. Boarding and Lodging free.
John Miller jun.
No. 8, Chefnut Street,
Has for fille by {hepaciagc, or piece,
Irish Sheetings,
Do. Sileiias,
) Persians,
I?; ) ""t
N C.NanKE£ns~
March 14
ttcD & fates
Just Pub.ifiied,
And to be fold by Mr. Ormrod, No. 41,
Chefnut ftrect, Mr. Dobfon, 41, Second
flreet, Mr. Davies, 6&, High ftrect, and
by the Editor, u v , Cheinut ilrvct,
or THE
Pay*Me by on all Goods, Wares &
Merchandize,iiripocted into the United States
after the last day of March, 1795.—Price
I-Hth of a Dollar.
March 19 x ' d
This Day is publijhed^
And for fule by W lliam Young, IWrji,
foo'h Second street, J. Ornlrod. it the cIJ
Ffanklin't Head, No. 41, Chefhut street,:
aid the Editor of this Gazette,
Price 18 Ctntt.2 j
Delivered in the Second Prcfbyterian
Church, in the City of Philadelphia, on the
19th of February, 1795, being the day of
General Thankfeiving throughout the Unit
ed States.
Oae of the Pallors of the aforefaid Church.
March i£ d
F. Coppinger,
No. 21l y south Front near Pine ftrect,
A Quantity of CLARET.
In hhds. and cases.
East India and Cayenne COTTON,
March 19
Notice is hereby given,
That the Committee of Examination %f Ta
lents and Pretenjions, belonging to the Colum
bianum or National College of Painting,
Sculpture* Archite&ure, and Engraving con
tinue to receive recommendations from those
Artists, who m an to become Members of
that Institution, to Mr. Groombridge
at his house adjoining the Bank of Pennfyl?
vania, and addressed to the chairman.
Signed by order of the Committee of Ex
amination, &c.
THOS. ROBSON, Assist. Sec
Feb. 2j ' d
By Matthew Carey,
No 118, Market Street,
I. Charlotte, a tale of truth,
By Mrs Row/on, of the New-Theatre
Second American edition—Price 75 cents:
TThe rapid sale of the First Edition of
this interesting novel, in a few months,
isthe best proof ps its merit.]
Ixtraß frtm the Critical Re-view, April
x7 9 P- 468.
It may|be a talc of truth, for it is not un
natural, and it ii a tale of real distress—
Charlotte by the artifice of a teacher, re
tommended to a school from humaiiity ra
ther than a conviction oi her integrity ot
.he regularity of her former conduct, is en
.iced Iroui her governefs,'and accompanies
a young officer to America—The marriage
cerem ny, if not forgotten, is portioned,
and Charlotte dies a martyr t* the incon
stancy of her lover, and treachery of his
friend,—The frtuations ate artless andal
ffftisg—the descriptions uatural and pa
thetic-j we (houtd feel for Charlotte if such
a person everexifted, who, for one error,
scarcely, perhaps delerved so severe a pu
nilhment. It" it is a fiction, poetic justice
is not, we think, properly diflributed." I
a. The Inquifitor—bv Mrs. Rowfon, Se
cond Philadelphia edition. 87 J cents
3. Adventuresot Roderic Random. 2 vol
» dollar and 50 cents, coarse papet—l
dollar and 75 cents, fine.
4. Nous on the state of Virginia—by Tho
mas JefFei son. Price, neatly bound, one
dollar and a half.
'5. History of the French Revolution, from
its commencement to the death ot the
Queen and the execution of BrilTbt.
Two dollars.
Extract from the Prefacf.
" The authors have prefumtd to affix to
tlieir title the epithet Impartial; and the
reafen is.bccaufe they cannot charge them
selves with feeling'the finalleft bias to an>
pasty, but that ol truth and (ihrrry ; and
they flatter themselves, that their reader*
will find ni»t only every cii e*niUance fair 1 v
ieprefentcd, but every cenlurable action,
whoever were the author* or a£toi s, mark
ed in its proper colon. If it was necefia'\
to make a declaration of their own princi
pies, they would fay, they are neither tor;
nor republican—Tlrcy love liberty as Eng
li(h whigs, and exccrate every criminal at:
,by which Co noble a caufcis endangered am
In the present ferment of the publ'
mind, tbey cannot Jatter themftlves wit
the hopes of feeing this claim uniWrfa.;
acknowledged. the contrary, ttci aji
We ..»»« arrived niuih pi?t
- ""O acq*r-d much information |r,. in
•he pe.uftl «f theft yoiumn« >«j we ibmk
fheui, both for tnimr and ftyku»orthy
tbe attention of all who intrv«ft t4k/blvei
n «vrnu which bare f« Ju®|» e xs*d
curiofuy and«d." *
6. Plowihmi* liiflocy of tht British empire
lr»m May f?9i,toDw«ilifr 1793. A
dollar «/>d a quarter, pj ,■ j,
•Ring an valuable a publn.tion at Had
appeared tor nia»y years.]
7. Beattie's Elements-os Moral Silence
S vols. Oue dollar and three quarters
8- Library. Se«orxl Aneiicaa
edrii«U .87 centi. JLont
Miss Moore's iJTays; l>/?Grenory's
gacy to bis Daughters; Lady Pei.mj|.
tons unfortunate mother's aflvir* to her .
Daughters: Mar c hinn*fs Larr.hrrt'
Advice nfatnother tofuri,*p| uer , Mrt
Cliapone's Letters the gover intent of
I the tempe. j Swiss, letter to a Yo 0 ., R
Lariy newly married | Moore's Fablel
lor the Female Se*
9 Journal duraut ud Stjourea France d*.
pui« le conxMcnce men* d'*out julqo'a U
inMi Decvmbre { ajoatt itinci^
deseveoemenf Icjtylm qu}
out e« lieu a P*ri£ d. pult oett* fpoqj,,
jafqtt'n la. mort fte roi d* Franc*.
c •
[Whole No. 798.].
ajjmrtd liat thtjr / iges ui',7 iw h tmffi >
»/ ' r«"y- I.ur Wht-I, time
ir.a.l the cHm j nl'political dcrcp
11,0V with lorne confidence t*i>ett ih»t
verdifl fiein public opinion, »h ch camiur
*™i moderation ftU«m foil to receive
January, .79**-p*te i«.
Bound, 3 i-g doltais— feuert, 2 dollars.
10. Edward 1 * Heat.fe on the religious af
feflions. Coarit p.pcr, a dollai—fire,
• Hollar and a hall.
u. RigMs •('Woman—by Mr«. Wolft»n
ciat;. A dollar.
n. Willifon's Slcramental Meditations —
6o cents.
13. Bunyan'i Holy w«r, made by Shaddai
against D abolus.
•4. Short account of Algiers. Second edi
tion, enlarged—aj cents.
Containing—A description of that conn
trv-»—o< the manners and customs n( the in
habitants—and of theirfevcal wars against
Spain, France, England, Holland, Venice,
and other powers of huropc—(rom the u
surpation of RatbarofTa and the invasion of
Ch irlea V. to the present lime.—With a
coucife view of the origin of the war be
tween Algiers and the United States.
Embellilhrd with a map of-Harbary, com
p ehei'ding Morocco, Fez, Algiers, Tunis,
a: H Tripoly. ,
To the present edition it added a very
copious index, containing letters from
lundry American prisoners in Algiers to
rheir friends in the United States—a lift ol
the vefl'els taken—and many very intereft
ing articles not n tlie firft edition.
15- Blair's Le&ures on Rhetoric and Belief
Letters Three dollars 33 cents.
16. -Smith's Letteis to Mamed Women, on
nursing and the management of children. 62
17. American Firmfr'i letteri. 86 ccnit.
18. Young MilTci Magazine, * voif. idol*
lar 33 cents.
Containing—Dialogues between a Cover*
ness und several Young Ladies ot Quality
her fc'nolars.— In which each Lady i* made
to tpeak according to her particular genius,
temper ana inclination—Their (cveial faults,
are pointed out, and the ealy way to amend
them, as well as to think, and speak, and
aft propei ly ; no lets cate being taken i«
form vheir hearts to goodness, than to co.
lighten their understandings with u(e(ul
knowledge. A (bort and clear abridgment
is also given of lacred and p*ofane Hillory,
<nd forae leflons in The useful
is'blended throughout with the agreeably,
the whole being interspersed with proper re
flexions and moral Talcs.
19. Duncan's Elcmema of Logic. 80 cents
20. M'Fingal, an epic poem. 37 i-a cents,
as. Tench Coxe's examination ol Lord Shef
field's observations. 6a i-i cents,
; 2a. Ladies' Friend. 37 i-a cents,
23. Smith's hillory oi New York, from its
difcovcry to 173 a. 1 dollar accents.
24.*Comp;etc AtJas far theprrfent war con
taining mapsoi Frlnce, Holland, Nether
lands, Germany, Spain, Italy, and th«
Well-Indies, e dollars.
2 . I'onftitutions of the United States, tritli
-the Federal Conftitutiou- 6a i-a cent*.
29. Peyton's Grammar for Frenchmen to
learn Englifli.
27 Epifteti Enchiudion. 31 cents.
28 Gay's Fables. 31 cents.
29. Christian Economy . cents.
30. Charms of MeUdy, a choice colleftfoa
of Songs. 25 cents.
31. American Museum, 1 a vols, Bvo. Nine
teen dollars and ao cents*
*• The American Mujeum is not only *mi
nehtly calculated to diuvinitme political aud
>ther valuable information, but it h*s been
unilofmly conduced with taste, attention, & .
propriety. If id these important objc&s be
fupc>added the more immediate c< fire of
relcuing public documet** from obltv<on, I
will venture t« pronounce, as my sentiment,
ihat s more ufetul literary plan has hever
•jeeo undertaken in America, nor one more
delerving of pw'alic encouragement."
General Watbington.
23. Poems of Col. Humphreys. 37 1-2 tents*
34. Cateehifm ol Man. 18 i-a cent*.
35. Tom Fame's Jests. 18 1-2 cents
j6. Carey's account of the Yellow fcvei ,4 b
rdit«on. 50 rents.
37. Devout Cbviftian?s Vade Mccum. zg
38. Garden of the Soul, 50 cents.
i(). 'J'Kir.k well or.';. 50 cn«ii.
;Dott-v U.bk, 6 collari.
4 Nov. *9
j? <2
cod I