A * D A I [\ T o. 7> of Vol. VI George Hunter, Cbem'tjl, At bit Larhoratory, No. m, fi*tb Stcand jlreat. yVFOfSMS Im cuit:,m "* "ij uV, C I Ihe DHtG bu -ti.kfa " an P l '"- r He h*t f *>r a g" nfra ' afTortment o, fresh DRUGS, CHEMICAL fREPARATIONS, and PA TENT. MEDICINES. Likewirc,piin«.r.'tolo«",diy»nd ground in oil pn-.t brulhrs, window and conch „» a f 3 dye fluffs. iMilVcd oil, oil of-urprnnnc. t, Ul oil jipr«, warranted good* nllitm,eop;K-ras,m iddei,ground rcdwwod by ihe hojlhead or fmaUer quantity. he w»ipn rls lhe " ln p l s Irom the bell niaikcr . and niaket the coinpofitloni and p,,-utrauons himfelf, he ii enabled to vouch j, >r „,ni wir.ant ever; irticl' I<»M oui of h:s Laboratory, a"" 1 iiltewife to dispose ol them at the most rates. fUS" He vu-ilhi'i to fell > large LOT of GHOUND, 'he imnh-eaft corner of High and KlfveiHh-ft'ee s.conlaiuio? 78 :cet front , n High-ftiect, and 200 feel 011 Eleventn ftreet, opposite Mr. L-iper'inew buildings— A"d another LOT on the north fide of High )irett,n«ar"ihe above, ?8 leci from, and too feet deep. Boih lo'.i have the privilege ol a 3 j feel alley in their rear. Dfc 13. 1 iq,ooq_weight of Green Coffee, Inß7 hhHs. 4° barrels, 9ud'soobsj;s, entit led to 1 lis drawback, llared on Mefffs. willing & Francis's whai f. ijl id & $tb Preof Bourdeaux Brandy, 3D pip. s of Lofidon particular Teneiiffi-, «inrl London particular Madeira WiNES, in h'ids. eipf.s, and quarter caflcs, Malaga Do. iii.quaucr caflis, Anrig'iaand other RUM in hhds. St. Croix SUGAR of the fii ft quality, St; Marks MOLASSES, Hyson TKA, Jamaica SPIRITS, I H.jII ind (.IN, in pipes, LOAF SUGAR, in hlids. PEPPER, &c. tic. FO* a ALE BY No. 216. outh Water S ieet. rf 'D' c. 4 John Miller jun: No. 8, Cbefnut Street, Has for file by th ef adage, or piece, RUSSIA SHEETINGS, Ticklenburgs, OSNABURGS, Irish Sheetings, Do. Silesias, •w ("Muslins, q ) Persians, 1 mi s (.Nankeens. March 16 John Welsh, No. Si, South Water ftrret, km for fje, 47 boxes Castile SOAP, barrels fuperfine & common Flour 10 00 pai? coarse Shoe-, Bsef, Lard, Mackarel, Pickled Codfifk, Coff.:e, &c. Malaga Wine. March 11 Jult Published, And to be fold by Thomas pobfon, No. 41, Second.street, Benjamin Davis, 68, High ftrect, John Oanr-,d, 41, Chefmit street, and by the Editor of this Gazette, Proceedings of the Executive of the United States, RESTiiQTING THE INSURGENTS, 17.94. MARCELI.US —as published in the Vir ginia Gazette, in JJavcmber and December ''HISTORY of the REVOLUTION in GENEVA REPORT of the late Secretary of the Treasury, on the PUBLIC DRBT, March 6 . FOR SALE, At the STOKES of JefTe & Robert Wain, POTtT WXNE-in hbds.andiqwar .«f cafcl. LISBON dojaj»-P*s3it4 , «j.uauerc*lk». SnuclMJogaiid t'ohgo 1 EA3, in quarter cheftj " • . A quawtitv.of WfeowanH SALT • 4 •WtlfcrltpNDsyi&ri*« j i VelvMCOWfcSfe i»4». Jljiflia MATTS. • "Joiit 9 , <* COLVJMBIANirM. A Stated Meeting of the Society will bo I -Id in the PhUofopUicat Hall, at Peale's Mu f urn. on the 6th of April, at 6 o'clock, P. M. , N. B. Office*-* to beelefted. By Order, K. Claiborne, Stc'ry. Hard; 24 4t L Y EVEN TN G AD YER TIS The Subscriber Intending to enter into paitnerfhip with fe- __ veral gentlemen, on, or about the 15 th THE Proprietors of the Boston Glass Ma day ot May next, requests all persons hav- nufa&ory, after great trouble and expence, ing demand against him to fend in their haVe got thk Ufeful Manufa&ure cftaMifhed accounts, and persons indebted to pay foas to be ajle to lupply any cfuontity of Uutil the fublcriber is ready to make Window Glass that may be \vanted, and of known the New Firm which he jntends to any sizes, from 6 by 8 to 19 by 13, of a trade under ;he continues as customary the quality superior to any ever imported into Commiflion Business, as such he now of- America. fers. Therefore hope they shall meet the En couragement ot their Fellow Citizens in this and the other States, by having thsir Or ders for Glass, which will be executed with care and dispatch by Samuel Gridley, Super intendant at the Manufailure, or by fending their orders to Mr. William Codman, mer chant, ,N*w York, or to Joseph Anthony & Son, Ivlfrchu : irs y PbiLidaipbla. Alarcb 27 FOR SALE, JfejV iThe nf.it Schooner. Of 60 tons Burthen ; which if bat fold on Saturday, will begin, to Load on Monday next, the 30th inft. for Hifpaniola, and fail on the Saturday following. A few passen gers may be comfortably accommodated.'* A few pipes GIN, lately consigned from Amsterdam; a few logs MAHOGANY, and several other articles. . Also good, authority to draw on France for about 250,000 livrei, on good terms. March 28. SHE is a stout built Brig, burthen about lioo barrels, two years old, will be in cora pleat order for a cargo In a few days, and is well calculated to carry lumber on deck:— For terms apply to the Subscriber at No. 216 south Water Street. March 17 For LONDON, THOMAS MASON, Jun. Majlcr ; Burthen about iooo barrels, the greatcft p»rt of her cargo being;' engaged, wilt fail o» or before the 34th of March. She is a stout vefTel, well found, Philadelphia built, fails well, and has good accommodations for pas sengers. For freight or paffag-e enquire of MATHIAS KEELY, South Water-street, GA£ZAM 3c TAYI.OR,- Ffont-ftrset ot 11 " . Ract-firiet, No. 7 1, rebruary 33. For Hamburgh, John VaKneman, NOW lying at Walnut street wharf, and will fail early in next month, having part of" her cargo already engaged. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on board, or to Thomas & John Ketland, IVbo have for Sale, received per*the above vejfel, Duck, Ruflia, Ravens and Hollands, Lead, English and German in bars, Anchors, from 8 to 14 cwt. Tin, in boxes, iiagging, No's. 5, 6, 8, 11, &c. Sheeting, white and brown, Hollands Platilles Royales, Diaper. Steel, Frying Pars, Mill Saws, mw&f3w Cables, Junk, Window Gtafs ioby 12, & 9 by II ALSO ON H^IND, A few pipes best Holland Gin, Do; London particular Madeira Wine, Claret in cases, of superior quality, Sheathing Paper, and an assortment of Glass Ware, confiding of Tumblers, De canters, Glasses, &c. &c. plain, flower ed and cut. Cheese, double Gloucefler, in whole and half hampers. March 19 d UNITED STATES. PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT. NOTICE is hereby given, that the trials of Crini ; nal Causes in the Circuit Court oPth* United States for the Penn sylvania Diftri Pimento in Bags, FOR SALE BY Peter Blight. Match 26 NOW LANDING, For sale byjhe Suhfcribers, from the Jbip Tberefa t from St. Marcs, 15 hhds. & 3 tierces SUGAR And iaoo lbs. St. Domingo Indigo, From the Brig&ntinc Sally, from "Jamaica, 206 Bags PIMENTO, They, have also on hand, 150 qr. casks of rich Mountain Wine, Port Wine in pipes and heglheads, Brimftotie in roll and cake, Ah invoice of Saddles and Harness, New Caftlfc Crown Glass 8 by 10 Liquorice Ball in boxes of 2 cwt. each, One 12 inch new Cable, 150 cfates of Que ns Ware afibrted And 2$ I pieces of Mahogany. Philip Nicklin & Co. March 16 L T. Best Cadiz Salt, Just landing from on board the Brig Trial, for fait at Messrs Willing and Francis's wharf Levinus Clark/on. March ii, d. Wanted Immediately. 2 Smiths, a good fireman and White Smith, good encouragement will be given. Apply No i 6» or 74 Market ftrest. Phihd. Feb, 28, 1795, N. B. Boarding and Lodging free. 0 T I C E. A quarterly- Meeting of the Philadelphia Society for the Information and Afliftance of Persons emigrating from Foreign Countries will be held at Mr. Joseph Sharp lefs's Academy in Frombergcr's Court, at half past seven o'clock, on Wednesday Even ing, the firft tof April. In conformity with the firft article of the Constitution, the Of ficers for the tnfuing fix months, will be bal loted for; the pun&ual attendance of thr members is therefore requested. By order of the Committee, Wm. TURNER, Sec'ry. Members defied the Fourth lujl. Meflrs, John WrenfhaH, Ebenezer Breed Thomas S. Gover, C. Ewalds, M. Kaennel, Edw. Johnfcfa, Wm. Batchelor, Dr. John Gumming, Philadelphia. Mr. Richard S .okes, Kenlington, F.I. A. Borger, (honorary) Hamburgh. •$jT The Constitution is left for fignatur* of the members ele&ed, at the Office o Meflrs. Wrigley and Berriman, No. 149 Chefuut ftr:et. The Committee finds that pecuniary aid is now wanting to accomplish the ends of the Institution ; those, who are in arrears and Who are convinced of its utility, will (it is pfeftmtedj require no other r'eafon, to in duce themti: contribute their admission mo ney, and quarterly fubferiptions. March J 7 • Newcastle Pier Lottery. Fifteen Day's' drawing over, and what is surprizing, alt the Capital Prizes are in the wheel, except one of 1000 dollars. N. B. Information may be had for Tickets warranted undrawn, by enquiring at the Bar, Cross Keys lan, or exchanged for I.ow Prizes, and Q'afli -will be given for High Frizes. William Aul. Friday, March 27. And to be fold by Mr. Ormrod, No. 41, Chdhut street, Mr. Dobfon, 41, Second street, Mr. Davies, 6s, High street, and by the Editor, 119, Chefnut street, An ALPHABETICAL LIST DUTIES Payable hy Law, on all Goods, Wares & Merchandize,imported into the United States after the last day of March, 1795. —Price I-3th of a Dollar. March 19 d This Day is publijh'ed\ And for sale by W lliam Young, 52, south Second street, J. Ormrod. at the olj Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut street, and the Editor of this Gazette, d3w Delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, in the City of Philadelphia, on the 19th of February, 1795, being the day of General Thanksgiving throughout the Unit ed States. 1 By ASHBF.L GREEN, D. D. One of the Pallors of the aforefaid Church, March 18 d. F. Coppinger, No. 221, south Front n«ar Pine street, A Quantity of CLARET. In hhds. and cases. East India and Cayenne COTTON, Black PEPPER. March 19 Not ice is hereby given, That the Committee of Examination of Ta lents and Pretentions, belonging to the Colum bianum or National College of Painting, Sculpture, Archite&ure, and Engraving con tinue to receive recommendations from those Artills, who m an to become Members of that Institution, inclosed to Mr. Groombridge at his houft adjoining the Bank of Pcnnfyl vania, and addressed to the chairman. Signed by order of the Cemmittee of Ex amination, See. J. J. BARRALET, THOS. ROBSON, Assist. Sec Feb. 37 d PRINTED (J PUBLISHED By Matthew, Carey, No 118, Market Street, i. Charlotte, a tale of truth, By Mrs Roiufon, of the Neqjj-T/jeatre Philadelphia, Second American edition —Price 75 cents. PThe rapid sale of the First Edition of this interesting novel, in a few months, isthe best proof of its merit.J $xtraß frsm the Critical Review, April 1791, p. 468. It may|be a tale of truth, for it is not un. natural, and it is a tale of real distress— Charlotte by the artifice of a teacher, re commended to a fehool from humanity ra ther than a conviction ol her integrity of .he regularity of her former conduct, is en .iced from her governess, and accompanies a young officer to America—The marriage cerem ny, ifnot forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr t« the incon stancy of her I6ver, and treachery of his friend, —The frtuations are artless and at. fefti»g—the delcriptions natural and pa thetic ; we should feel for Charlotte if such a person ever exift»d, who. for on.- error, scarcely, perhaps Jelerved so severe a pu- Htfhment. If it is a fiction, poetic justice is not, we think, properly distributed." s. The Inq'uifitor—bv Mrs. Rowfon, £j fond Philadelphia edition. j cents 3. Adventuresof Roderic Random. 2 vol d. » -<..V >■ dolbf a*d Jo centt,. coarse papcte^i dollar a id 7J cents, fine. 4. Notes on the state of Virginia—by Tho ,ma« Jeffeifon, Price, neatly bound,one dollar and a half. J. Hiftoryof the French Revolution, from its commencement to the death of the Queen and the executios of Briflot. Two dollars. Extract from the Prefacf. " The authors have ptefunud to' affix to their title the epithet Impartial; and the realon is, bfcaufe they cannot charge them selves with feeling the smallest bias to any party, but that ot truih and liberty ; and they flvter themselves, thar their readers will find n .t only every ctrcumfUnce fairly (epreftnted, but every cen urable action, whoeier were the author* or actors, mark ed in its proper colors. It it was neceiTarj to make a declaration of their own prlnci pies, they would fas they are neither tor> Hor republican—They love liberty as E"g lilh whigs, and execrate every criminal afi by which so ooblea cau eis endangered ant disgraced. In the prefcrt ferment of the publii mind, they cannot flatter themselves wit the hopes of feeing this claim univerfall} acknowledged. On tke coui/ary, thej art '* 1 Just Pub.iftied, OP THE [Price 18 Cents. SER M O N, FOR SALE, Columbianum. E R. [Whole No. 79*7.] ■Jt" tjfa rti Ih.t theft f'grt wiit onl it urtotilt f.l °-t""" f"y- **» »'*!» lime the cluu > of political < tc- p. "• «"th <"me confidence . that »eroiex 9 J.nirnal durant vin Sejouren Fr»nce de puK !e commence men' d'aout julqu'a la mi.iiUecetnbiej auqueleft ajoute unrecit deserenemen»le»pliu reirtarquables qui onteu ItcuaParis, d, pui, eetre epixjoe, jtrfqu'a la niort du toi de France. Bound, 2 i-a jjollai j—feweS, 1 dollars. 10. Edward's treatil'epn the relig'oui at* fe.Ubns. Coarle paper, a dollar—6ne, a dollar and a ba(f. tt. Rights of Woman—by Mrs. Wolfton crah. A dollsr. tf. Willilon'sSJcramncnt»l Meditations.— 60 cerfts. 13. Uunyan's Holy War, made by Sliaddai against D abolus. »4- Short account of Algiers. Second edi tion, enlarged—2s cents. Containing—A description of that co«n rrv—ofthe manners and cuftomsof the tfi* habitants—and oftheirfeve al wars against Spain, Fiance, England, Holland, Venice, and other powers of Europe—from tTie u surpation of BaibarofTa and the invasion of Charles V. to the present time.—With a c<»ncife view of the of*the war be ' ween Algiers and the United States. Embellithcd witk a map of ttarbary, com o ehe ding Morocco, Fez, Al&ieis, Tunis, and.Tripoiy» To the present edition is added a rery copious index, containing letters from iundry American prisoners in Algiers to their friends in the United States—a fiftot the vclTels taken—nnd idany very intereft ovrt'n «ivo edition. 15. Blaii's Le&ures on Rhetoric and Bellti Letters Three dollars 33 cents. 16. -Smith's Letters to Married Women, on /luijing and tKe management of children. 62 Scents. :7. American Farmer's letters. 80 cents. 18. Young Misses Magazine. 8 vol*. 1 doU lar 33 cents. Containing—Dialogues between a Gover* ness and fcyeral Young Ladies ol (Quality herfcholars.— In which each Lady is made to (peak according to her particular genius, temper and inclination—Their ft veral faults are pointed out, and the easy way to amend them, as well as to thi»k, and fpesk, and propeily ; 00 lets eaie being taken to form their hearts to goodness, tliau to en lighten their undemanding; with ufeful knowledge. A (hort and clear abridgment is allbgivenof facfcd and profane History, «nd forne,lc(Tons in Geography. The ufeful is"i>lended throughout with the agreeable, the wh6le being interspersed with ptoper re flexions and moral Tales. 19. Duncan's Elemcnta of Logic. 80 cenia 20. M'Fingal, an epic poem. 37 1-2 cents.' 21. Tench Coxe's examination of Loid Shef field's obfervatiotfis. 62 i * cents, 22. Ladies' Fiicnd. 37 i-p. rents. 23. Smith's hiitory ol New York, from its discovery to 1 dollar 25 cents. 24. Complete Alias for the prefcni war, con taining maps of France, Holland, Nether lands, Germany, Spam, Italy, and the Welt-Indies. 2 dollars. 2 . Constitutions of the United Stares, with -the Federal Constitution- 62 1 2 cents. 29. Pfvtort's Grammar for Frenchmen to Jearri English. 50 ccnts. 27 Epitted Enchindion. 31 cents. 28 Gay's Fables. 31 cents. 29. Cm ift*au Economy . 2$ centa. 30. Charms of MeUdy, a choice colle&ion of Songs. 25 cents. 31. Amei ican Museum, 12 voli, Bvo. Nine teen dollars artd £0 cents. " The American Museum is not only emi ently calculated to diff. inmate political and nher valuable infeuma ion, but it ha# bc-cn •inifQrmly condu&ed with tattc., attention, Ac propriety* Hto these important objc&a be fjperadded the more immediate nrfi TC of rj-ricutng public document* from oblwon, I vill- venture pipnounce, at my fcminicnt, fhat a more ufrful literary plan has never undertaken in America, nor one more deserving of pabhc encouragement." General Washington. 23. Poentfs of Col. Humphreys* 37 1-2 cents. 34. Catechism of Man. 18 I*4 cents. Paineft jfft*. t8 i-e cmhs 36. Carey'* account of the Yellow Fever,4l ii edition. 50 ci-nr^. yj. Devout Chilian's Vadc Mccum. 2$ com j. taiden of the Sou]. 50 cents. ;g. (Think well oojt, D «o\ Bible. 6 dollars, Nov. 29 cod I