v. I 1 D A I [N T o. 73 of Vol. VII.] FOR SALE, At the STOKES of jefle & Robert Wain, in*pip«hhrfs. a<«i quar ter talks LISBON (!•••»" P'P« 5 n ua . r,f rcalks SuUCbongand EAS, id quarter ciie{ * S 4th Pi'*of Bourdeaux Brandy, 'go pipt sot" London particular 1 enetisc, 1 and l.ond'in particular Madeira WINES, 1 in hhds. pipei, a*id quarter calks, 'i Malaga Do. in quarter calks, , ~ An'igwfcatirl other KUM in hhds. 1 St; Croix SUGAR »f the firlt quality, * St.Mait s MOLASSES, ■ Hyson Tt;A, X Jamaica 5 i** RII'-**. 1 Holland <-IN, in pipes? P LOAF SUGAR, in hlids. :* Ft.? PER, &c. ftc. re* sale tT Lcvintis Clarkfon, No. 216, outh SueeN d D c. 4 John Miller jun. No. 8, Chef nut Has for sale by the part age, or piece, RUSSIA SHEETINGS, Ticklenburcs, OSNABDRGS, Irish Sheetings, I/O. 61LE31A8, ■»; f" Muslins, ) Persians,' fe; J and (.Nankeens. March 16 John Welsh, No. 81, South Water Jlrut, has fir fah, 47 boxes Castile SOAP, 500 barrels fuperfine & common Flour 0000 pair coarse Shoes, Bsef, Lard, Mackarel, Pickled eodfifc, Coffee, &c. Malaga Wine. March t l\ Just Published, And to be folcfc by I'homas Dobfon, No. 41* Second drect, Benjahiin Davis, 68, High ftrect, John Ormrod, 41, Chefnut street, and by the Editor of this Gazette, Proceedings of the Executive of the United States, respecting THE INSURGENTS, 1794. MARCELLUS—as published 111 the Vir ginia Gazette, in November ami December 1704. HISTORY of th- REVOLUTION m GENEVA. REPORT of the late Secretary of the Treasury, on the PUBLIC I)£3T, Mareh 6 W A N. T E 9> An Apprentice v To the Watch making and Repairing Bu line Is , APPLY TO C. Campbell, No. 3, south Four A' ftrect, two doors from Market J«. if ffeefte of t!it LY EVENING AD SHE is a (lout built Brig, burthen about Tico barrels, two years old, will be in com pleat order for a cargitfn a few days, and is well calculated to carry lumber on deck.— Foj" terms apply to the Subscriber at No. 216 fouih Water Street. Levinus Clarkfon. March 17 For LONDON THOMAS MASdN, Jun. Master ; Burthen about 2060 barrels, the greatest part of her cargo being engaged, will fail on or before the 14th of March. She is a llout vefTel, well found, Philadelphia built, fails well, and has good accommodations tor pas sengers. For freight or paflage enquire of MATHIAS KEELY, South Water-street, GAZZAM St TAYLOR, Front-flrcct or RALPH MATHER, Race-ftrcet, No. 71. February 23. d. For Hamburgh, John Vanneman, NOW lying at Walnut ftrect wharf, and will fail early in next month, having part of her already engaged. For freigjit or paiTage,' apply to the Captain on board, or to Thomas & John Ketland, IVbo bam for SaU, rcccivci per the above vcjfel, Duck, Russia, Ravens and Hollands, Lead, Englilh ah J Gsrman in bars, Anchors, from 8 to 14 cwt, I'in, in boxes, Bagging, No's. 5, 6, 8, 11, &c. Sheeting, whfte and brown, Hollands, Platillts Royales, Diaper. Steel, Frying Pans, Mill Saws, Cables, J-unk, Wijidow Glass 10 by 12, & 9 by II ALSO ON HAND, A few pipes be ft Holland Gin, Do. London particular Madeira Wine, Claret in cases, of l'uperio.r quality, Sheathing Paper* and an affortmcnt of Glass Ware, consisting of Tumblers, De canters, Glasses, &c. &c. plain, flower ed aad. cut. Cheese, double in, whole and half hampers. March I g _For Freight or Charter, BURTHEN about aooo barrels, now ly ing at Jeffe and Robert Wain's wharf, will be ready to take in a cargo in a few days. For terms apply to the master on board, or THQMAS NEWMAN, No, 118, south Second street. IVbo has Jlor faie,ott board said Brig, 3000 buihels Liibon Salt, A few boxes frefti Lemons and Oranges, And a few quarter casks Liibon Wine. Feb. 27 c RIW&f3W Ibe Neiv Philanthropise Society, Constituted for the jiurpofe of relieving sick or distressed members is open for the admiflion of a few Subscribers on the origi nal terms, after which the entrance will be advanced. The benefits arising from the above in di lution are too obvious to require much com ment ; independent of advantages produ«ed by social intercourse, the confcioufncfs of to our neighbours relief,affords the highest gratification to a feeling mind, while it secures to ourselves a certain provi sion againfuture contingencies. N. B. Printed particulars may be had i (gratis) at the bar of the Sun Tavern, Stra wberry street, where the Society is held. The next meeting will be on Monday the | 16th inli. March 5. UNITED STATES. PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT. NOTICE is hereby given, that the g-ials of Crim'nal Causes in the Circuit Court of the. United States for the Penn sylvania Diftridf, will commence on Mon day, the 4th day of May next, at the City Hall in Philadelphia : when and where all periods bound by recognizance or other wise to appear, are required to attend. By order of the Honorable William Paterfon, Elq> one of the afiociate jullices of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Honorable Richard Peters, Esq. district judge of the United States for the Penn fvlyaiuadiftricft. D. LENOX, Marshal. Marshal's Office, \ March 1i,1795- 5 . " The printers of news-paperS to the weft ward and northward of Philadelphia, are rcquefted to infeit the above. I 1- nrwxfUM siwlf Friday, March 27, 1795- For Charter, The Brig F A M E, R, m&th3w "Utttfefi# AND Jamaica Rum. A CHOICE PARCEL, Will be landed to-morrow morning, at Jeffe and Robejt Wain's wharf. Also Scirtb Jlrejt JVbarf, ; The CARGO of Schooner Indusr*Y, Cap tain Fimn, from Jamaica COFFEE, In Hogsheads Barrels, Pimento in Bags,' FOR SALE BT Peter Blight. March 26 NOW LANDING, For sale by the Subscribers, from the Jbip Tbercfa from St. Marcs, 15 hhds. & 3 tierces SUGAR And iaoo lbs. St.Demingo Indigo, Frvnt the Brigantine Sally, from Jamaica, 200 Bags PIMENTO, They have also on hand, ijjoqr. calks of rich Mountain Wine, Port Wine in pipes and hegfheads, Birirnftonein roll and cake, • An invoice of Saddles and Harness, j4e\y Castle CroWn Glass 8 by io Ball in boxes of a cwt. each, One 12 inch npw Cable, 1150 crates of Que ns Ware afTorted And 251 picces of Mahogany. Philip Nicklin & Co. March 16 SALT. Best Cadiz Salt, Jaft landing from on board the Brig Trial, for falc at Messrs Willing and Francis's whai i by Levinus Clarkfon. March ii, ' This Day will be Landed, At Meflrs. Willing and Francis wharf, from en board the Brig Minerva, Rich. Wood, mailer, about ' SEVENTY BALES Best Cayenne COTTON, A FEW CASKS Annotta Dye (or Rocou) And for sale by Jehu Holllngfivortb Co. March 26 fct Monday March %d t 1795- Inland Navigation. This Day is published, and to be fold by Zachariah Poulfon jun. No. to, Chefnut street, And at the Philadelphia Library, A N HISTORICAL ACCOUNT Rife, progress, and prefeni state OF THE OF THE Canal Navigation in Penn fylvania. with an Appendix, containing Abftra&s ol theAiJts of the Legislature since the year 1790, and their Gvantsof Money for im proving Roads and Navigable Waters throughout the state 10 which is an nexed, " An Explanatory Map." Publilhed by Direction olthg President and Managers of the Schuylkill and Su!que lianna, and the Delaware and Schuylkill Navigation Companies. <« Here smooth Canals, across tU' extend- Ed plain Stretch their long arms to join the distant maip. The Tons of toil, with n«any a weary stroke Scoop the hard bosom of the solid rock ; Refiltlefs through the ftiff opposing e ' a y> Witiiitead) patiem-e, work their gradual wa y» Compel the Genius of th' unwilling fined Through the brown horrors of the aged wood; Cross the lone wafle the silver urn tbey pour, And cheer the barren heath,or fallen moor « The traveller, with pleasing wonder fees The white fail gleaming through the dulky trees; And views the alter'd landfoape with fur- ptize And doubts the magic scenes that round him rife. Now like a flock offwans, above ''is head, Their woven the flying velfels spread Now meeting dreams, >n artiul ma2;s,glide While each, uiuningled, pours a separate tide 1* . , Now, ibroitgh the hiddeu veins o! earth they flow ,nd vilit sulphurous mines and caves be- The du&ile ftreamsobey the guidisg hand. And fociai Plenty crowns the Happy land. 2*«tf fates VER T I This Day -it publijhed, And for sale by William Young, No. 52, south Second street, J. Ormrod. at the oU Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut iij;eet, and the Editor of tkis Gazette, £ Price 18 Ccntt.~\ S E R M O N, Delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, in the City of Philadelphia, on the 19th of February, 1795, being the day of General Thanksgiving throughout the Unit ed States. By ASHBEL GREEN, D. D. One of the Pallors of the aforcfaid Church. March 18 d FOR SALE, B T .. Coppinger, No. hi, south Front near Pine street, A. Quantity of CLARET. F. In hhds. and cases. East India and Cayenne COTTON, Black PEPPER. March 19 Columbianum. Nstice is hereby given, That the Committee of Examination of Ta lents andPrrtenjtons, belonging to the' Colum iunum or National College of Painting, 'SfcUlpture, Architecture, and Engraving_coa tinue to receive recommendations from those Artists, who m an to become Members of that Institution, inclosed to Mr. Groombridge at his house adjoining the Bank of Pennsyl vania, and addressed to the chairman. Signed by order of the Comffyttec of Ex amination, &c. J. J. BARRALET, THOS. ROBSON, Assist. Sec Feb. »7 d Just Pubafhed, And to be fold by Mr. Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut ftrect, Mr. Dobfon, 41, Second street, Mr. Davies, 68, High street, and by the Editor, 119, Chefnut street, An ALPHABETICAL LIST OF TliF./ DUTIES Payable by Law, oft all Goods, Wares & Merchandize,imported into the United States after the last day of March, 1795.—Price l-Bth of a Dollar. March 19 d BOOKS. PRINTED & PUBLISHED By Matthew Carey, No 118, Market Street, I. Charlotte, a tale of truth, By Mrs. &o=wfon, of the tiew-Theatrc Philadelphia. Second American edition —Price 75 cents. TThe rapid sale of the First Edition of ' this interesting novel, in a few months, isthe best proof of its merit.] ExtraS from the Critical Re-view, April 1791, p. 468- it may|be a tale of truth, for it is not un. natural, and it is a tale of real diitrefs— Charlotte by the artifice of a teacher, re tommended to a school from humanity ra sher than a convi&ion of her ir. egrity of .he regularity of her former conduct, is en iced from her gove-rnefs, and accompanies a young officer to America—The marriage cerem ny, ifnot forgotten, is poflponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr te tbe incon stancy of her lover, and treachery of his friend,—The frtuations are «itlefs andaf. f e( ftiag—the descriptions uatuial and pa thetic; we Ihould feel for Charlotte if such a person ever exifled, who, for one error, scarcely, perhaps delerved so severe a pu aifhinent. If it is a fi&ion, poetic justice is not, we think, properly distributed." a. The Inquifitor —bv Mrs. Rowfon, Se cond Philadelphia edition. 87-4 eents 3. Adventuresof Roderic Random. 2 vol 1 dollar and 50 cents, coarse papei—l dollar and 7J cents," fcie. 4. Notes on the state of Virgini-a—by Tho mas Jeflferfon. Price, neatly bound, one dollar and a half. 5. History of the French Revolution, si om its commencement to the death of the £)ueen and the execution of BrifTot. Two dollars. Extract fro'm the Prefacf. " The authors haveprefumtd to affix to their title the epithet Impmtial', and the reason is, because they cannot charge them fe!ves with feeling the fmallett bias to any party, but that ot truth and liberty ; and they flatter themselves, that tleir leaders will find n»t only every circHinltanie fairly /epreftnted, but every cen.urable aftiort, whoexer wtrc the authors or actors, ~,« Vr iv > ed in its proper color*. I' it nectiiai) to make adecla.ation of theii own pnnci pies, they would fa>, they are neither torv nor republican —They love liberty as E»>£ lifii Whigs, and execrate every criminal aft by whith so noble a caul'eis endangered and disgraced. In the present ferment of tte publw mind, they cannot flatter themO>ive> w,ti the hopes of feeing this claim umverfall; acltr.owled-ed. On ifet c«..t.»ry, thtj arc S E R. [Whole No. 795.] itli ajjurtd that thUW, January, 1794 —paj;e 12. 44 We haw derived much p'en fure. **nd acqu'«re in habitants—and of ilicirfevtal wars against Spain, France, England, Holla"*'. Venice, «nd other powers of the u surpation of Baibarofla and the invasion of Charles V. to. the present time.—With a cencife view of the origin of the war tie- Algiers and th* United Sutes. Embellished with a map at Uarbary.com piehending Morocco, Fez, Algiets, Tunis, ird Tripolv so the prffent edition-is idded a very copious index, containing letters from sundry American pritbners in Algiers their friends in the United Sf»tei—a lift of r he velTels taken—and many very inte;eft- ing articles not n the fiift edition. 15. Blair'* Le&ures on Rhetoric and Belle* Letters Three dollars cents. 16. -Smith's Letters to Married on nursing and the management of children. 62 Scents, ;7« American Farmer's letters. 80 ceius. 18. Young Mifles Magazine. a vols, idol- lar 33 cents. Containing—Dialogues between a Gover ness and several Young Ladies ol Quality her scholars. — In which each Lady is made to Ipeak according to her particular genius, temper and inclination —Their (everal faults, are pointed out, and the easy way to amend tnein, as well as to ihio*, and speak, and a&piopeily; no lels caie being taken to form their hearts to goodness, than to