Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, March 25, 1795, Image 1

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[Mo. 71 of Vol. VII.]
John Welfli,
Jit. 8l," South iVater Jlmt, has for fait,
47 boxes Castile SOAP,
(00 barrels fuperfine & common Flour
jnoo pair coarfc Shoes,
Codfifli, Coffee, &e.
M Wine.
March 11 ' | M_
At the STOKES of
Jeffe Sc Robert Wain,
POUT WINE in pip* 1 hhds. and quar
ter caflt<
I.ISBON d<>.in pip*' quVier casks
Souciiongand Congo 1 EaS, in quarto
A quantity of I.ifoonand CadizSALT
Sett shelled ALMONDSin bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Ilullia MATTS.
| sine 9 ' d
For one hi' more years and immediate pof-
feflTion given :
4bout Sixty Acres of Lan/,
Twenty of which arc Dyke Meadows, in
high order ; it isfituated at Point no Point
from the Cityof Philadelphia,
it was tornTVrly the Property_of Thojtiat
Boiilliy deceased— there are on the Pre
mises a good dwelling House, two Darns
&c. For particulars enquire at No. 76
Iligh Street.
Philadelphia, March 17, 1795. d
lio,ooo weight of
Green Goffee,
Inß7 tiluls. 41 barrel', and a®o bags, entit
le« totht d awlwck, (lored on MiflTrs,
Willing 8c Francis'* whaif.
j[fl id & nth Prsof
Bourdeaux Brandy,
Jopipts t>t London pa> licularTeneriff,
and London pa.ticulai Madeiia WINES,
in lilids. pipes, aiul quartet talks,
Malaga Do inquauei calk 1 ;,
Ait igna and of er HUM in tihds.
St. Croix SUGAR of the firlt quftiiiy,
Hyson TEA,
j-imaica SPIRITS, ,
H 'Mind IN, 111 pipes, y ,
LO.AK SU(; Art, in hl.ds.
JSJsfER, A - Xc.
Levintis Clarkfon,
No 216, out!) Witer S <«rt.
I)x 4
Newcaltle Pier Lottery.
Thirteen Day's drawing over, and what is
fur prizing)' all the Capital Prizis are in the
wheel, except one of 1000 dollars.
N. B. Information may be had for Tickets
warranted undrawn, by enquiring at the
Bar, Grofc Keys I*n, or exchanged for Low
Pn;v\ and Galh will be given for High
William Aul.
Friday, March aq.
James M'Alpin,
No. 3, South Fourth St*iet,
Reti»vus lus jr.-ateOul acknowledgements
to hij f'nentH-anH r)f Public for libe
ral >ia> and bfcg*' it'tfve res
Illicit a Continoanrc •(" thei*
I'hvoius- n
At -Ms KVipOentlertKnetn be furnMhtc*
trirti the brft wate'rials and hav/ thrw
ypaud in the oeateft a*id'
mn& t':ifo»oiiiil>le n>»nrer.
Mew ill thanktuOy receive any orders &
pa" and punctual to
<«<*. If
Just Published,
Am! to be <"> Id hyTUomas Dobfon, No. 41,
Seconi ftrtet, Benjamin Davis, 68, High
ttrert, {<'lin Ormrod, 41, Chcfnut street,
a/id >>y the Editor of this Gazette,
Proceedings of the Executive
of the United States,
»7 W'
MARCEUCS—Mpublifted inChe Viiv
finia-Gulette, in November and December
1 'h*STORY of the REVOLUTION in
REPORT-os the late Secretary of the
TreafttCy, on the PUBLIC DEBT,
[arsh 6
Wants Employment,
AN-Fld«rly'prrfon, who writra a goo<t
hand, and miriciHaitds kc(hhiis ( and who it
<<> tin bt w II recommendert toi hjj hornft
and, imtoHt y. t '
Anywarfrfitwn oT Ainecb»n%| who may wist
{<>< lui h b p 'Ton to keep lmf>ook.s,and
eut tin bills, mav ncrfve information by ap
rlyiiigto J mrs Hurdle, corntrcrt Lombard
»*<J Fit'b fticel
J»». «3
of t()t
SI IE is a flout built Brig, burthen about
I too barrels, two years old, will be in com
pleat orler for a cargo in a few days, and is
well calculated to carry lumber on deck.—
Fbr terms apply to the Subscriber at No. ai6
south Water Street.
Levinus Clarkfon.
March 17
THOMAS MASON, Jun. Majter ;
Burthen about 1000 barrels, the greatcft
part of her cargo baing engaged, will fail oa
or before the 14th of Mirqn.. She is a stout
vdffcl, well found, Philadelphia built, fails
well, and has good accommodations for paf
fengcrs. For freight or pafTage enquire of
MATHIAS KEEI.Y, South Water-ttreet,
GAZZAM & TAYLOR, Front-flreet or
RALPH MATHER, Race-street, No. 7 1.
February 13. <1.
For Hamburgh,
NOW lying at Walnut street wharf, and
will fail early in next month, having part of
her cargo already engaged. For freight or
passage, apply to th; Captain on board, or
Thomas & John Ketland,
IVl'O have for Sale, reteiveJ per tie abwe vrjftl,
Duck, ttuffia, Ravens md Hollands,
Lead, English and German in t>4JTS|
Anchors, from 8 u> 14 cwt.
Tin, in boxes,
Bagging, No's. 5, 6, 8, 11, fee.
Sheeting, white an I brown, Hollands,
Platillcs Roy ales, Diaper.
Steel, Frying Pant, Mill Saws,
Cables, Junk, Windew Glaft 10 by 11, Jt
9 by II
A few pipes befl Hollajid Gin,
Do. I .ondon particular Madeira Win?,
Claret in cases, of superior quality,
Sh.'athing Paper, and an affortmsnt of
Glass Ware, confining ef Tumblers, De
canters, GlafTts, «3cc. 4c. plain, flower
ed and cut.
Cheese, double Glouceltcr, ia whole ud
'"111 ~ — - - —
March 19 — d
For Freight or Charter,
A. IV. Treflel, majfcr.
BURJ'HEN .bout aooo barrels, bow ly
ing at j£o« and Robert Wain's wfe»rf, will
be ready to take in a cargo in a few days.
Fo term? apply to the matter on board, »r ,
No, 118, south Second street.
IVbo has Jtor fair, on board said Brig,
3000 bufliels Lilbon Salt,
A few boxes frefti Lemons and Oranges,
And a few quarter casks Lisbon Wine.
Feb. 27 d
Ihe New
Philanthrophic Society,
Con (United for the purpose of relieving
sick or diftrefled members is open for the
admission of a few Subfcrtbers on the origi
nal terms, after which the entrance will be
The benefits arising from the above infti
ution are too obvious to require much com
ment ; indepeudent of advantages produced
oy social intcrcourfe, the confeioufnefs of
contributing to our neighbours'relief,affords
the highest gratification to a feeling mind,
while it frcurrs to ourfclves a certain provi
sion agiinll future contingencies.
N. 13. Pr ntod particulars may be had
(gratis) at the bar of the Sitn Tavern, Stra
wberry street, where the Society is held;
The next meeting will be on Monday the
l6th inft.
March J.
NOTICE « hereby given, that the
trials of Crim nal Caules in :He Circuit
Court of the United Statet for the Peaa
lylvania DiftrifSt, will commence on Mon
day, the 4tk day of May next, at he City
Hall in Philadelphia : when and where all
persons bound by recognizance or other
wise to appear, are required to attend.
By order of the Honorable William
Paterf'on, Esq. one of the a (To lai*
jufticespf the Supreme Court of the
United States, and the Honorable
Richard Peters, Esq. diftria judge
of the United States for the Penn
sylvania diitriil.
j.). LENOX, Marlhal.
Morfhal's Office, )
Mairh 11,1795. ) 3
The printers of news-papers to the
weft ward and northward of Philadelphia,
are requested to inliit the above.
March 11 mn&St+M.
Wednesday, March 2/t, *7'95*
For Charter,
The Brig
O 8T
New Market Square.
THIS DAY the 25th of March
irritant, at Sev-n o'clock in the e*inmg, will
be r*pofed to sale by ruMic Vend*. M the
Merchants' Coffee House in S»e«nd street,
Two Valuable Unimproyrd LOTS on the
Weil fide of S jeud street or N. w Market
Square, in the city of Philadelphia, viz.
No. x, Bcinff the corner of Cidnr, common
ly called South reet,containing in breadth
on Second street, twenty three feet, and
in depth onp hundred aed twenty feet,
bounded on the saft by Second street or
New Market Square, which is about 130
feet wide, on the weft by an alley it feet
wide, extending northward from Cedar
street, and on the north by lot No. 2.
No. %. Of the fame front and depth adjoin
ing the foregoing, both have the privilege
of the 12 feet alley, by which they are
bounded on the weft They will be put
up together or separate as' may seem mod
agreeable at the time of fule.
Terms of Payment.
One third in notes at two months, one
third at four months, and the other third at
fix m®nths, with Cecuritj- if required.
Footman & Co. Au&'rs.
March 14 w&sts
fm file ty Mi*skifaHert, TbayfUl
from St. Mara,
15 hhds. & 3 tierccs SUGAR
And l aoo lb?. St. Demingo Indigo,
■Frjtn the Brigantine Sally, from Javtaica t
200 Baqjs PIMENTO,
They Have alTo on hand,
156 qr. caflcsof rich Mountain Wine,
Port in pipes and hotheads,
Brimftonein roll and cake,
An invoice of Saddles and Harness,
NewCastle Crown Glass 8 by 10
Liquorice Ball in boxes of 2 cwt. each,
One 1 a inch new Cable,
150 cratcs of Que ns Ware alTorted
And 251 pieces of Mahogany.
Philip Nicklin Iff Ca.
March 16 d
Best Cadiz Salt,
Just landing from on hoard i;h • Bri
Levinus Clark/on.
March ii. 1 d.
J4 hngfhead. 7 cQ U)S .
350 barrels )
' ' • V
uft Arrived in the Rebecca, Captain
Hughes, from Jamaica.
Peter Blight.
Who lias also now landing out of the Mer
cury, from Oporto, Choice
Red Port Wine,
„ J
Dec. it
George Hunter,
At bis Larboratorjt No, 114, foutb
Second fireat,
INFORMS his former customers and the
public, that he has begun the DRUG bu
siness again on en extrnfive ph»n.
He has for sale a general aflortment of
Like wife, painters' colours, dry and ground
in oil, paint bruftus, window and co.»ch
dye ftuffs, linseed oil, oil ot turpi nine,
co pJ J oil varn-fh and jap* M , warranted good.
Allum,copperas,m idd' r,ground rcdweod
by the hogthead or lmaJl> r quant ty.
As he imports the fimpl s from the best
market-, and makes the coinpolitions and
preparation® himfel', he enabled to vouch
tor and warrant ever) art <*1r (old out of his
and likewifeto dispose ol them
at the molt ratfi.
He w»lhts to fill a large LOT of
GUOUND, the north-cfcft corner ol H'*?h
and Eleventh ftr.qcis,cfftiiaininf 78 '«et ♦ront
on High-ft-teelj and 200 fret on Eleventh
ftrrct, opposite Mr. Lemper'* new building*"—
And another LO T on rbc north fide of Hig'»
llrett,n»ai the above, s8 tect front, and 200
feet Ac o. Both k>is ihe privilege pi a
30 feel alley in ihcir te»r.
Dec. 13.
Wanted Immediately.
ft Smiths, 1 good fireman and White
Smith, good encouragement will be given.
Apply No J62 or 74. Market Jlrest.
Philad. Feb, 28, 1795,
N. B. Boarding and Lodging free.
This Day is pujfi'hc I,
And r or fair by W" Hum Nn. 5?,
south Second {trees J o<*mr«d. at the (■''
Franklin'* Hvui, No. 41, Chefnut street,
and the Editor of this Gazette,
[ Prirc 18 Crtflt.']
S E R M O N,
Delivered in the Second Prc/byt :riA.i
Church, in the City of Philadelphia, on the
l«")th of February, T795, being th? d*y r>f
General Thankftriviug throughout the Unit
ed States.
One of the Pallors of the aforefaid Church
March 18 d
F. Coppinger,
No. 221, south Front near Pine street,
A Quantity, of CLARET.
In hhds. and cases.
East India and Cayenne COTTON,
March Ij) * d
Notice is hereby given,
That the Committee of Examination of Ta
lents and Pretcnftons, belonging to the Colum
bianum or National College' of Painting,
Sculpture, Archite&ure, and Engraving con
tinue to receive recommendations from those
Artists; who m aa to become M of
that Institution, inclosed to Mr.
at his houft adjoining the Bank of Pcnnfyl
vania, and addressed to the chairman.
Signed by order of the Committee of Ex
amination, &c.
THOS. ROBS ON, Assist. Sac
Feb. 47 d
Just Pubiiflied,
And to be fold by Mr. Ormrod, No. 41,
Chefnut (Irect, Mr. Dobfon, 41, Secsrid
ftxeet, Mr. Davie*, 68, High flreet, and
by the Editor, ll], Chelnut itrcet,
Payable by Law, on all Goods, Wares &
Merchandize,imported into th« United States
after the last day of March, 1795 —Price
I-Bth of a Dollar.
March 19 d •
By Matthew Carey,
No lit, Market Street,
i. Charlotte, a tale of truth,
By Mrs Row/on, of the Nc<u)-Tbeatre
Second American 75 cents.
TThe rapid file of the First Edition of
this interesting novel, in a few months,
isthe best proof of its merit. 1
Rxtraff freni the Critical Review, April
It mayfbc » ule ps for ft is iiotfcrk
rwtV r .*!< * n d'' ** " '«!« rt 'l ditlTlfsr—
Ch»rl»Ue by the artifice of a titelmi, rfr-,
tnmmended to a school I'rbm Humanity
jher than • eonviAion «t h«f ime'gi Ity ol'
.he molarity ef herfatmer
iced Irani fees goverMft, and aecoMpMiW
ayonnjj Amerka—XhrmirJt#
cerem ny,if«ot furgatben, ja
atid CJiarlotte'dres a d»i»t I« Ui» uicoii
§Ww? ofli»*wer, »nd BraChery 'at bTs
-,yyd,r-T*e * u»ti«n» ar* •rrtefs.|flH'»l i :
the delciipttMM wt»««).ifed ft
tb*tic{ vt* (hauM teal f»i Ch»nW« *1 Aicji
a perlon ever e*"ift*d, who for u(|r errot.J
scarcely, perha£* deierve-d To si yere a )iu
«:(hm»nt. Ifit i» a liAion,' pWe*fl£ juffice
not, think, p'roperly <ttftiib*teii."" ' *
The irqpifltdr—b.v M,n,RojrJon» tfi i
■ cond Philadelphia edition. I 7 | <penr
3. Adve' tuiesof Kadeni« Rarij)<>m. 3 vol
1 d*U*r cei:ti, toarfepape"—l
a id')tifS* fine.
4. Not*a onthy V rginlte 1 frv Tho-
P»k«, nea<{>,4k>Mii^ r oni
J. Hi'ftpry of the Freiick Rev<'h|tio n j f'om
j ifs dk»th •' rtie
4 Queen and tbe execution oF Briffot
,**• do)fct».' ... - . f
Extract from the Prefacp
" The authors have pre!'um< d to affix t<
their title the epithet /mpaihal; and tli
reason is, b'-caufe tbty cannot charge them
selves with feel ng the (mailed biai to am
paj ty, but that ot truth and liberty ; aim
they flatter themfelres, that their reader*
will find nt only every cil cwmllance la itly
lepieftntid, but every cen urable aitim ,
whoever w« e th* iivtiiori or a&ors, ma\k
ed in its proper t olurs. If it was neceQi• \
to make a declaration of then own pi inci
pies, they would f»v» they are neitler tot)
Hor republics —Ihry love liberty as Eng
li(h whigs, and execrate every criminal atf
by whub I'o noble a caufeis am
In the present ferment of the publi.
mind, they cannot flatter themfclvej witi
the hf.pes of feeing this claim univerfali
acknowledged. On the contrary, the;*'-
V 0.
[Whole No. 795.]
"1" Ut)< t Igii t»... ;i tc acufttiit
<kt train\ tftith r hnt time
'*■1 1 fli a' e rh* c'au so( political dcccp
" , she v witli IV-mc cui fttkr.c? t*i (kat
11 0111 upinittu, wh clmdev
ra s i'>n Culri .m fci) r „ *f»riv«'
r Fftv).v
J <sv. . 794 —| J,,,. ....
VchivMiitft .\ , .-i ifisrtt i»Va
lilt *»d :iii;uu d liineli inliitwuiei. » .>;t»
' li* yt wfal «*t theh- volumrY; and tfcink
liem, b.itli tor m.trer and ftjlc, voithjr
the atfent'on ofallwlio int.-reft thriulelv r«
n t«f„tiwh ch luvr so justly the
c.unofity ai d altonilhment ol m»i kii.d."
V Plo»rien< liittory of tin Rritjfti empire
from May 1793,(01)1* emtv r 1793. A
dollar and a quarter. [This is ~s irter
eftingan ' a publication as h*d
appcaird Cot ma-.y years.l
i. Bcattic's Etemenis o\' Moral Science
2 vols. One dollar and three quarters
8. Ladies Library. Second AmeiU-an
ed lion. 87 $ cents. Cont>tfitNa—
Mil's Moore's tlTny; Dr. Gregory's Le»
(•acv to his Daughtcij} Ifcdy,]V""'-g
---tons unfoitunate mother', ad v ee to her
Daughter*: Marchinnefs d« -Lamhrrt'
Advice ofa mother toh< r daughter, Mrt
Chapone's Letter on the gover ment of
the temper; Swift's Letter to a Young
Lady newly married; Moore's Fables
lor thr Female Sex
<i Journal durant un Sejonr en France de
pul< le commence mm* d'aout julqu'a la.
midiDecembret auqueleft ajoute un resit
deseveueraeni ies'er»a;quaUe< qur".
'' Ms I'lrua Paris, depuis cetre epoque,
.. jffV'f *■ ™°" <•<? r «M fie Ji«nce. ;
t l-a dollai I—sewed, a dollars.
t«. Ef<Wir«l'« treatise on tbe r«|ig- OH i af
>>. Rights ofWortiafi—by UtteiSßiiw.
cratr. A dollar.
Williforr's Sacramental Meditations.—
60 cents. 1
li. Huijvan'i Holy W»r, made by Shaddal
agiinft D aho'us.
>4- Short acconi tof Algiers Second «<Kr
r o", enlarged—2s cents.
Co»ta ni»H— A defcriptinn of that conn*
■r —ot'ih; manner* jnd enftom* <>| tlie irj
■ah tanK— and >>t'i heirfeve'al wars n#aiiift
pain, France, EnglUnil, Ven re,
'ind otliei powers, of Kuiope—-f v Oni'tle 11-
Jurpitii.p ol Bab io(T» »' ri fli« invation of
t:h rlea V. to thfc p'eCri't limr.—With a
concifif view ofthe oriuit , of the war be
tween Algiers fl.e United States.
EmlwlGlhrd UrijLjk niapot'ljarhary. enm-
MomHKL Fez, Algier*, Tunis,
Tu th«i'prc(VnT«|lition is addei) a very
copious- index, Containing letters from
(undry American prifqners in Al§ief» lo
Their FHeniiln til* United StatM-t-VFifi of
i*?_ A 4. * •• .. > ~m.
ing ?rtld
ij Blair't LiQurc« On Rfcriorje tnd Bellti
Lrtteri dolUu 33 rent*.
16. Smith's 10 M«jr.ifd Womrp, on
nuifing and the management •Tthildrtn. 6)
Scent*. ; >
1.7. American Tarmtt'i Icttera. $» cent*.
it. Young Vyola. i dol-
lar 33 reins.
Containing—Dialogues bet ween a Gover
ned -md frvrra) Voung Lsdies ol Quality
her fcKolars.— In which each Lady i* m«de
; to {peak according 10 her particular gt niu9.
temper ana inclination—Thtir several faults,
are pointed out, and tht easy way to amend
1 tem, a* well as to if»ink, and I peak, and
piopoly; no left care being taken r»
form ihtir hcuit.s to goodness, than to m.
lighten then under Handings with ufr'ul
kiiowU-riuf. 'A lhart and clear abridgment
is alfogivcn ot (acred and proline Hilfco'y,
n.J furue It (Tons in Geog aphy. The useful
landed ihioMghout with the agreeable,
hr whole bring inter fpcrfed with pioper re
flexions and moial Tales,
19. Duncan's fc n»< nta «f Logic. 80 < :enu
2©. M'Fingal, an epic oaeni. 37 1 2 cents.
21. Tench Cone's xaminaiion«J
field'sqbfei vations. 62 1 2 cents,
22. Ladies' friend. 37 l-t ceo»t.
23. Smith's hiikory of New from ii»
(1 ifcovt 1y to 1732. 1 dollar 25 C*»f
•24. Complete A for the pi* fn> war.con
taining maps ol Fiance, Holland, Nether*
Imdt, Germany, Spam, Italy, and the
Weft-Indies. 2 oollais.
2 . < onll.tuiions of the United States, with
-l »e FVderal Coull'tution- 62 1 2 ccms.
9. Peyton'* Grammar '®r Frenchmen to
learn Englilh. 50 c ntS.
7 fco'i&eu Fnci indion. 31 cent*.
8 Gay's Fables. 31 cents.
9 Chiiftian E • nomy . 25 cents.
. Charms of Melody, • choice collc&ioa
j of Soagft; ,*£ ccnu. .
31. Aiprucut Mufruni, it Ts\p*»
doljws »«•! M lteni4» ■
'■' The MlWf tfti.
cjuly c*lciitM<tf''tn <MT m<■*!•««■ P*lit i<*l *ml
■ih»r »«l*4iie mfcirpM vW), W*i •" <*•» beta
uniformly eniilliiAnl witfeA
•ranriatv. "I< to ifttfe iiapflMfnt phi fil b«
Mrt .mWiik« lS4c«»
i» < ;»M»y <m, 1
writ ytw»iM» 9yfe«it*irn[,
; (l»i . • innie «M(I .tttfiw M or«<t
: 34. Cn«Mn> «» Mw
-35. Torn ?■*»<» J*G». *$' i-» <rnrf r
of IK YMwi* T^^tr t 4)li
'jo *»«Vw '■ r Vi' '
:JJ. Bsiott as
«««♦. % «; < 1 ? Vv.„'J
jB. C?<Wf?n ~«f Vhr Sail. ■ 5a twin, • v
ft). oy<.
-jo., D">»»y Bible. - 4 4*Uf*t
Not; 09