t daily E V [\T„. of Vol. VII.] On Tuesday. the 24th inft. At Srvcn o'clock » the Evening, At the Coffee Hou/e, Will be foH hy Public AuAion, Forfeited Shares (compleat) Philadelphia & Lane after Turn pike Road Ce'ripany. Footman & Co. Auct rs. March 3- C ° dJlW for sale, At the STOKES of lefle Sc Robert Wain. HOIIT WINE in pipe , hhdv and quar ter calks LISBON d".in pipes* d qu a " erc »"^ s Si.uchanga.id Congo 1 EAS, t» carter cliefts A quantity of f.ilWand C»d>r.SALT Sol'tlhelled ALMOSDSin bales Velvet CORKS, m do- Rullia MATTS. June 9 - apples. For sale, a few barrels of good found Pippins. Enquire at ]S T O. 38, Arch fireet. March 18* > TO BE RENTED for one or more years and immediate pof feflion given: About Sixty Acres of Lano bags entit -ted to thecl awback, it "red on ;Vielirs. Wlll l Francis's wha' I. Ift id W ±tb Preof Bourdeaux Brandy, jppip.s of London particular »nd I.ondon pai ticula-. Madeira WINES, caiks, Anngu&aiui ot ll «r RUM in St. Croix SUGA H nf the fir It qualny, St. Mai k* MOLASSES, Hyfoii TKA, Jamaica SPIRITS, Holland i.IN, in pipes, , LOAF SUGAR, in bhds, pepfer» F(W ,SALI BT Lcvinus Clarkfon, No. 216, oiith Water S:.«ct. d b-c. 4 Wants Employment, AN Eldrrl.y prrfon, who writes a good hmct, and u^derlUruls'accounts, aiyl who aI. foc»d be W H recommended foi his honesty and inrfuftrv. Any iraHcfitun or mechanic who may wilh for rtich a inifon to keep his books,and make out his biH», may.rrteive information by p- Jcras,m«t{j4cr, ground red weod oy the hogshead or smaller quant:ty. . As he imports the fiinpl s from the feeft market , and makes the compofitlons an" preparations he is tnaMed to vouch tor and warrant ever) article fold out of his L »boiatory, and likewise to dilpofe of them at the molt reasonable rates. , He w»fhes. to fell a large LOT of GROUND, 'he north-east corner of High and Elevemh-ftreets,containing 78 feet f*o nt on High r ftreet, and 200 fret on Eleventh ftrect, opposite Mr. Leiper'snew buildings— And another LOT on \hs north fide of High street, near the abpve, 28 lect front, and 200 feet deep. Both lots hive the privilege ol a 30 feet alley in their rear. Dec. 13. sl^ m&th3w Wanted Immediately. 1 Smiths, a good firemaniand White Smith, good encouragement will be given. Apply No i6z or 74 Market street. Phihd. Feb, 28, 1795, N. B. Boarding and Lodging free. d. Webster, Adgate.& White, Of all Kind,, Cut Nails of all"ftzes, Floor Bradt, Sprigs and Tacks, Fullers Shears, Gup Flints and Woo) Hat's, — A quantity dried Indian Mealir. barrels ' A new Editioa of* Adg.ate's Philadelphia Harmony, containing both the firft and se cond parrs, being the m»ft aproved fyf teni o l Rules and tbe best colcston ol Tunes now in use, A!fs for Sale, A COM PLET I SET or Machinery for making Cards On an Improved ConfiruCtion. Oft. 2 This, Day is publijhed, And for sale by William Young, No. 51, south Second street, J. Ormrod. at the old Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut street, and the Editor of this Gazette, [ Price 18 Cents. J Peter Blight. |§> fate VER T I John Miller jun. M>. Cbefnut Street, Has for sale by th? or piece, RUSSIA SHEETINGS, Ticklenburgs, O»NABU»G3, IKUH Sheeting*, Do. SILESIAI,' fMitrtuNt, JFCISIAMS, J and \ Cnankken». March 16 FOR SALE, F. Coppinger, No. 221,1 south Front near Pine street, A Quantity oj~ CLARE 1. In cases. East India and Cayenne COTTON, Black PEPPER. March 19 : d AT THE Card Nail Faflory t No. 59, north Front street, Have conflantly for sale, Coltoa, Wool, Tow, and Machine Cards, SERMON, Delivered in the Sccond Presbyterian Church, in the City of Philadelphia, on the 19th of February, 1795, being the day of General Thanksgiving throughout the Unit ed States. By ASHBEL GREEN, D. D. One of the Pastors of the aforefaid Church. March 13 d Just Published, And to be fold by Mr. Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut "street, Mr. Dobfon, 41, Second street, Mr. Davies, 68, High street, and by the Editor, 119, Chefnut street, An ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE DUTIES Payable by Law, on all Goods, Wares & Merchandize,imported into the United States after the lad day of March, 179J —Price I-Bth of a Dollar. March 19 d To-morrow morning will be landed from on'board the Schooner Polly and Sally,: CxfTAiN Cars., at Walnut-Street Wharf, and for Sale by the Subscriber, viz. 58 Hhds. prime old Tobacco, of Richmond Infpeilion. 278 Barrels Flour. 18 Barrels of Pease, Shorts, &c. N. B. The Schooner will return in a few day's for Norfolk and Richmond. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board, or to ROBERT HENDERSON, No. 10, Chefnut-Street. March 19. ' d3t. Department of \Var. JANUARY ib, 1795. INFORMATION is hereby given, to all the Military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are ratitled for fix months of their annual pen iion, from the fourth of September, 1794) and which will become due on the fifth day of March, 1795. will be paid on that day, by the Commifltoners of Loans, with in the States refpe&ively, under the usual regulations. of Executors and Admi nistrators, must be accompanied with le gal evidence of their refpedtive appoint ments, and of the time of the decease o! thfe Invalids, whose pension» they may claim. By order of the President of the Unit ed States, Timothy Pickering, Seeretary of War. iawßw. Jan. 27. S E [W'VioJe > T cv *7 5? T ,"j : Cclambiv'riiim. Nttire si hereby givsn, That tlu j Cm itUe of Examination "/ Ttt 'eitt andPt.t'nJi'mSi l) tor*ing to thr »i. nnm or NVional Colkgf of Paint ng, Sculpturi ing.-avini; con tinue to receive recommendation* from tbcfa Arti*ls, v ho m . * to bocoro • M mScn of •hat liiftit'. t.on, inclofei' to Mr. Crbomhridge it his hou r e adjoining the Bnk of Punufyl inia. and addreflcu to tli chair:- •>. Signed by order of the C<«mniiite> of £*- minption, &c. ' j. r. HARRAL^T, THOS. ROBSON, Affirt. Sec d Mw£fj|W Feh. 17 A ants Kmp] lymcngp. A P.rfon who ho at- erabk j| 'a genu-,! ..•dge ol Accounts a.id Figirt*, Si d writet i giod !.ai:d. He w»uid th« ar, either in an Offi. e or Merchant's coniptwig house A line add relied to J. 8.- and Iclt at the Officc of the Gawt.e of the United States* will be duiy attended! o. an. 'O UNITED STATES. PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT. NOTICE whereby given, that the trials of Crim : nal Causes in the Circuit Court of the United Statet for the Penn sylvania Diftridl, will commencp on Mon day, the 4th day of May next, at the City Hall in Philadelphia: when an• ' March 11,1*795. J The printers of newt-papers to the westward and northward of Philadelphia, are requested to infeit the above. March Ia mw&ft^M Tawrf Stables to be [To be let from the 28th inft. or sooner if rv quifice, A Neat Eight Horse Stable . with the convenience of a good Hay Loft & Shed for Carriages, in Elbow Lane, between Market and Ch#ihut ftrcet. Enquire at the Rising Sun, Strawberry ilreet. March XI wics3t Monday March id, 1795. x Inland Navigation. Thi« Day is publifhcd, arid to be fold by Zachariah Poull'on juru- No. 80, Chefnut street, And at the Philadelphia Library 3 A N HISTORICAL ACCO-UNT or TH»- Rife, progress, and present state OF THE Canal Navigation in Penn sylvania. With an Appendix, coma ning Abftraft' theA;Lt» oi Legislature fmce the year 1790, and their Grants f Money for im ploring Roads 3nd Navigable Waters throughout the'fta.c 10 which is an- ncxed, " An Explanatory Map." Publiihed by Diieftion of the President and Managers of the Schuylkill ard Suique hanna, Delaware and Schuylkill Navigation Companies. "Here smooth Canals, across th' extend* e'l plain ' Stretch their long arms to join the distant main. The sons of toil, with many a weary stroke Scoop the hard bosom of the solid lock ; Refiltlefs through the ft ff oppnfingclay, With Head) patience, work their gradual way ; Compel the Ceniuj of th'unwilling fl«ed Through the brown horrolt of the aged wood; Croft the lone waste the silver urn they pour, And cheer the barren heath,or fullcn moor « Tbe traveller, with pleasing wonder fee i The white fail gleaming throngh the dulky tre«f ; And views the alcer'd landfoape With lur prize And doubts the magic scenes that round him rife. Now like a fl.'tk of swans, above his head, Their woven wind's thr flying veflels fprrad Now meeting dreamt,in art'ulHum s.glide While each, unmingted, pours a fepaiate tide j Mow, through the hidden veins o( etrife they flow *nd visit sulphurous mines and caves Ur low. The ductile ftreamsohey the I'U'dipg h;i»H, And social Plenty crowns the hal'i'y I.ANoi i ' / R\. » *