D A I [No. 6 7 of Vol. V On Tuefdsy. the 24th inft. At Seven o'clock in the Evening, At the Coffee House, 5r WiU be fold by Public Auaion, forfeited Shares (cornpleat) Philadelphia cs 5 Lane after Turn pike Road Company. Footritan & Co. Auct'rs. March 3 f. apples. For file, a few barrels of good found Pippins. Enquire at No. 38, Arch f.reet. March 18 * TO BE RENTED For one or more years and immediate pof fefiion given : * About Sixty Acres cf Lanpro*r of 'A« publication, after a* ipfpe£\ion of the trft four nutrjbers, he fhalltje at liberty to' Withdraw his name, return the nUinberj, «nd receive his money again. Subscriptions received by-the P"'>- Jiftier, and by the principal ,ioolcfoller» &routrh«ut the United State*. w&tti]'. James M'Alpin, * Taylor, tf«. J,"South Fourth Str»et, Jtetarns hi»-grateful ai'knowlrdgeuxflnts iii»fi ie»id« and rhc Piihl'c for theifcjit-e- T*t y ncowt ageiiient, ami begs leave ret tolWicit a Continuan'e «f.thtir Favours. A.t lii* Stop Geo tlemro can ■be furnlflwd wltih *be bfft materials, and have them. — fnarfc op ard fi-ifkril n> the neatest an# •most fei'miab'e manner. Hewill receive arfy orS^ r » tc ■ pay »pr~!3|>t ami puitAual atlcctort so - * tlum. ■ ' ' OA, IS oaftttr #f tl)t L Y E V i] For Hamburgh, » ttSvJStv Th? SHl * TAR, John Vanneuan, Master. NOW lying at Walnnt street wharf, and, wiil jCa.il early in next nMMth, having part of her cargo already engaged. or paflage, apply to the Captain on. board, or tb eoddiw Thomas & John Ketland, JVlo i>*vt fur Sale, received ptr the llove vcjpl Rufiia, R-ivcns and Hollands, F-nglilh and German in bars, Anchors, from -8 to I4cwt. Tin, in boxes, No's, j, 6, 8, 11, &c. She-ting, white and brown, Inlands, Platilles Royales, Diaper. Steel, Frying Pins, Mill Saws, Cables, Jtinlc, Window Ghfs ioby 12, Sc 9 by II ALSO ON HAND, A f W pipes be;l Holland Gin, Po. London particular MadeiTa Wine, Claret in cases, of superior quality, Sheathing Paper, and an assortment of Glass Ware, confifhng of Tumblers, De canters, GlafTes, &c. &c. plain, flower ed and cut. Chfife, double Gloucefler, in whole and half hampers. March vo SHE is a flout built Brig, burthen about lioo Harrcla, two years old, will be incofn pleat order for a in a few days, and is well calculated to carry lumber on deck.— For terms apply to the Subscriber at No. Ij6 south Water Street. March 17 For Freight or Charter, A B I G A I L, wa A. ir. Trifle!, maftr BURTHEN about 2000 barrels, now !y jg at Jcffe and Roller: Wiln's wharf, will be reidy to take in a cart;o i:i a few days. Fo - term" apply to the m'flt r on board, or THOMAS NEWMAN, No, 118, south Second ftrcet. Who has Jior sale, on heard J,aid Brig, 3000 bushels Lilbon Salt, A few boxes frefh Lemons and Oranges, And a few quarter eaiks LiPoon Wine. Feb. 17 c For LONDON, THO MAS MASON, Jun. Majlir ; Burthen about 3000 .barrels, the grcateil part of her cargo being engaged, will fail on or befora the 24th of March. She is a stout veflel, well found, Philadelphia built, fails well, and has good accommodations for paf fengcrs. For fre'ght or paflage enquire of MATH!AS KEELY, South Water-street, GAZZAM & TAYLOR, Front-street or RALPH MATHER, Race-street, No. 71. February 33. R Y Genteel Boarding & Lodging, A T No. 112,'/outh SecondJlreet. March i dtw Ihe New Philanthrophic Society, Constituted for the purpose of relieving sick or distressed members is open for the admiflion of a few Subscribers on the origi nal t«rms, after which the entrance will be advanced. » The benefits ariflng from the above infli tution are too obvious to require much com ment ; independent of advantages produeed by fociil intfrcourfe, the confcioufncfs of contributing to our neighbours' relief,affords the highest gratification to a feeling mind, while it fecuresto ourselves a certain provi- fion against future contingencies. N. B. Printed particulars may be had (gratis) at the bar of the Sun Tavern, Stra wberry street, where the Society is held. The next meeting will be on Monday the 16th inft. March. 5 )uit Publiflied, And to be fold by Thomas Dobfon, No. 41, Sc«nd street, Benjamin Davis, 68, High firect, Joha Ormrod, 41, Chefnut street, and by the Editor of this Gazette,- Proceedings of the Executive of the United States, RESPECTING THE INSURGENTS, 1794. MARCELLUS—aspubliflied in the Vir ginia Gazette, in November and December r704- HISTORY of the REVOLUTION ih GENEVA. REPORT of the late Secretary of the Treafu'ry, on the PUBLIC DEBT , March 6 aawtf EN I N G AD For Charter, The Brig >M Levinus Clarkfon. si&th3w HMfeJ #>£ AND Friday, March 20, 1795. LOTS FOR SALE, 0 N v New Market Square. On the 2= th day of March I instant, at Seven o'clock in the evening, will i be exposed to sale by public vendue, at the | Merchants' Coffee House in Second street, Two Valuable Unimproved LOTS on the , well fide of Seaond street or New Market Square, in the city of Philadelphia, viz. •No. i. Being the corner of Cedar, common ly called South ftreet,containing in breadth on Second street, twenty three feet, and in dep'h one hundred and twenty feet, bounded on the east by Second fireet or New Market Square, which is about 130 feet wide, on the weft by a» aliey 11 feet wide, extending northward from Cedar street, and on the north by lot No. a. No. a. Of the fame front and depth adjoinr ing the foregoing, both have the privilege of the ii feet alley, by which they are bounded on the well. They will be put up together or separate as may seem moil agreeable at the time of sale. 'Terms of Payment. One third in notes at two months, one third at four months, and the other third at fix months, with security if required. Footman & Co. AuSt'rs. March. 14 NOW LANDING, For sale by ibe Subfcrlbers, from the Jhip Theresa from St. Marcs, 15 hhds. & 3 tierces S.UGAR And 1200 lbs. St.Duningo Indigo, Frtm the Brifantin: Sally, from Jamaica, 200 Bags PIMENTO, They have also on hand, 150 qr. cafksof rich Mountain Wine, Port Wine in pipes and hagiheads, Brimstone in roll and cake, An invoice of Saddles and Harness, New Castle Crown Glass 8 by 10 Liquorice Ball in boxes of a cwt. each, One 12 inch new Cable, 150 crates of Que ns W£re assorted And 251 picces of Mahogany. Philip Nicklin & Co. March i 6 S A.L Best Cadiz Salt, Jflft landing from on board the Brig Trial, for Tale at Messrs Willing and Francis's wharf by Levinus March 11. O F F E E, 54 hogsheads ) I OCO lbs . 350 barrels ) Just arrived in the Rebecca, Captain Hughes, from Jamaica. FOR SALE BY Who has also now landing out of the Mer cury, from Oporto, Choice Red Port Wine, in pip b. s. Dec. it George Hunter, Chem'ijl, At his Larboratory, No. ll4> fontb Second Jlreat. INFORMS his former customers and the public, that he has begun the DRUG bu fmefs 3gain,on an t-xtenfive plan. He nas for faje a general assortment of FRESH DRUGS, CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS, and PA. TENT MEDICINtS. , Likewise, painters' colours, dry and ground in oil, pai«it brushes, window and coach glass, dye fluffs, linseed oil, oil of lurpemine, copal oil varnish and japai, warranted good. Allum. copperas,m^der,ground redwood by the hogshead or Imallir quantity. Ashe imports the Jim pits from the best market , and makes the compositions and preparations himfelf, he is enabled to vouch tor and warrant ever) article fold out of his Laboratory, and like wife to dispose of them at the moU reasonable rates. (£3" He, wfhes to A.ll a large LOT oY GROUND, the north-east corner of High and Elevemh-ftreeis,containing 78 feet front on High-ftieet, and soo fret on Eleventh ftrect, opposite Mr. Leiper'sncw buildings— And another LOT on the north fide of High ttreet,near the above, 2$ 'eci front, and 200 feet deep. Both lots have the privilege of a 30 feet alley in their rear, Dec. 13. Wanted Immediately. i Smiths, igood fireman and White Smith, good encouragement will be given. Apply No 162 or 74 Market street. Plulad. Feb, 28, 1795, N. B. Boarding and Lodging free. d. No. 59, north Front street, Webster, Ad gate & White, w&sts Of (ill Kinds, Cut Nails ot al) hzes, Floor B'ads, Sprigs nnd Tacks, Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Wool Hats, A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in barrels A new Editiow of Ad,gate's Philadelphia Harmony, containing both the fir ft and fc cimd parrs, being the moll aproved lvl tcm or Utiles and tUe belt coie&iOn ot Tunes now in v f tf t T. Clark/on. d. Peter Blight. atf ales VER T I John Miller jun. A'o. Chrfnut Strert, Ha» for sale by the fathgt, or piece, RUSSIA SHEETINGS, TICKLEMBtmOS, OSNA BURGS, Irish Sheetings, Du. SILESIAS, X; ("MUSLINS, q ) Persians, >, 1 *"d *-* (.Nankeens. March 16 FOR SALE, * BY Coppinger, F. No. 121, south Front near Pine street, A Quantity of CLARE 1". In hhds. and cases. East India and Cayenne COTTON, Black PEPPER. March 19 <1 AT THE Card Nail Fa&ory, Have conjlantly for fale 9 Co4to», Wool, Tow, and Machine Cards, Aft) son Sale, A COMPLETE SET OF Machinery for making Cards On an Improved Coi.ilrtio ion. Oft. 2 This Day Is publijhed, And for sale by William Young, No. 52, south Second ftreer, J. Ormrod. at the oltf Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnut ftrect, and the Editor of this Gazette, [ Price 18 Ce/ils.] SERMON, Delivered in the Second Preibyterian Church, in the City of Philadelphia, on the 19th of February, 1795, being the day of General Thanksgiving tlu*oughout the Unit ed-States. By ASHBEL GREEN, D. D. One of the Pallors of the aforefaid Church. March I % d Just Pub iflied, And to be fold by Mr. Ormrod, No. 41, Chefnut street, Mr. Dobfon, 41, Second street, Mr. Davies, 68, High street, and by the Editor, 119, Chefnut street, An ALPHABETICAL LIST or THE DUTIES Payable by Law, on all Goods, Wares & Merchandize,imported into the United States after the last day of March, 1795.— Price i-Bth of a Dollar. March 19 To-morrow morning will be landed from on board the Schooner Polly and Sally, Captain Carr, at Walnut-Street Wharf, and for Sale by the Subscriber, viz. 58 Hhds. prime old Tobacco, of Richmond Infpcition. 178 Barrels Flour. 18 Barrels of Pease, Shorti, &c. N. B. The Schoon .'r will return in a few dayi for Norfolk and Richmond. For freight or passage apply to the Captain on board, or to ROBERT HENDERSON, No. 10, Chefnut-Street. March 19. d3t. Department of War JAM ART j6, 1795- Information is hereby given, to all the Military Invalids of the United States, that the sums to which they are intitled for fix months of their annual pen iion, from the fourth of September, 1794* and which will become due on the fifth day of March, 1795* will be paid on that day, by the Commifiioners of Loans, with in the States refpe&ively, under the ufua! regulations. Applications, of Executors and Admi nistrators, must be accompanied with le gal evidence of their refpe Timothy Pickering, Secretary of War. iawSw. Jan. 37.. S E fWVoV No. -J>o 1 At the St OKIES of \.- JefTe K obcrt YValft, POUT WINE i;i p.|>e , "i d:, a'ld quar ter calks LISBON dc.ia pipes quartercafti Sou'clfotißami Congo 1 iw quatrer cliefis *■ . ■ - »t . . i A t|u'aiUitv»f I-.iibnna.iil Cndu: SALT Soft (helled ALMOND^uiiuiicl Velvet CORKS, . inUo. Knffia MATT S.- June 9 Bff&f'W Columbianum. Notice is hereby given, That the Committee of Exu.Kiuut'cn of Ta lents and Pretentions, belonging to the Colum feianum cr National College of Paintings Sculpture, Architecture, and Engraving con tinue to receive recommendations from those Artists, who mean to become Mcmhcft of that Institution, indofed to Mr. GroOmbridtre lat his house adjoining the B ink of jPennfyl vania, and addrefled to the chairman. Signed by order of the Csmmittce of Ex amination, &c. J. J. BARRALET, THOS. ROBSGN.-Aflifl. Src d Feb. 27 American Land/capes. PROPOSALS POR PUBLISHING IN AQUATINT A VIEWS. Selected from the molt striking and int«>- resting Profpedts in the United States ; each ef which VIEWS will be accom ' panied with a descriptive account of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental Peculiarities. By G. I. PARKYNS, Author of the " Monaji'ic Remains aud Ancient Cajllcs in Great Britain 1 awtf I. That the work shall be published by Sub scription ; and that each Subscriber shall engage to take the whole set of Views, and (hall pay for each engraving, if black or'brown, 2 Dollars : and if coloured c Dollars. 11. That the dimenfious of each engrav ing shall be 24 by 17 inches, executed in aquatinta, and publifhcd upon paper of a superior quality. The publication to com mence immediately ; and one engraving to be delivered to the Subscribers, on the firft Monday of each succeeding month, until the proposed series shall be finally complet ed. 111. That with the lad View of the feriet*, lhall be delivered an er graved title-page; an elegant chara&eiiftic vignette; a map of the route, connected with the profpc&i ; exhibited in the the course of the Work; a»d an Alphabetical lift of the Subfcribcr*. Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harri fon, athisPrint-(hop,Makl< nlane, New-York by Mr. Carey, Book-feller, No. 118, Market street, Philadelphia, and by all the principal Book-fellcrs in the United States. February 28. Wants Employment, A Perfnn who has a tolerable knowledge ot CONVEYANCING, a general know, edge ol Account* and Figures, and writes a god hand. He wwuld engage by the vear, either in an Office or Merchant's compting honfe A line to }.B» and left at the Office of the Gazette of the United States, will be duiy attendedto. I an-10 eodtf UNITED STATES. PENNSYLVANIA DISTRICT. NOTICE it hereby given, that the trials of Criminal Caufei in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Penn sylvania Diftri<3, will commence on Mon day, the 4th day of May next, at the City Hall in Philadelphia: when and where all persons bound by recognizance or other wise to appear, are required to attend. By order of the Honorable William Paterfon, Esq. one of the a Hoc i ate justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Honorable Richard Peters, Esq. diltri