Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, March 18, 1795, Image 1

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[No. 6$ of Vol. VII.]
• )n Tuei'day. the 24th mft.
Ac Seven o'&A in th» B«WWg.
At tlx Coffee House,
\Wilk6e fold by Public AuAion,
Forfeited Shades "(compleat)
I iiadelpbici iff Lareajler Turn
pike Rsad C trip any.
Footman & Co. Au&'rs.
vlarch 3.
F It E 3 H
Bohea Tea,
GIN in Pipes,
"Now Laniling Iroir. on board the iliip
Peggy, John F.LUott matter,
from Ain fterd am.
Jl/i TtntvrteJ !{t the lute Arrivah, ,
- Kutlia'Hemis S'H quality
Dirto Kaii Duck
Pi: to K;ivens Dock
J7mwii Roflu Sli.CtU'.t
"IMkW n burgs
I >ziiabtii i'.s
B-own Fla iders SSeetinpt
Ik ■ anil R/o*n Roll"!
Cotton a'Kl Checks
Flanders jWiukt
Holland Sail Duck
Seine Twine
l)uu)i G' r.i 1 Coats
Oin in tai'es
Window Olafs, 8 by iO
Jeu'ti Jiaik
Alia oet Ida
Gorman Sierl
Mill and CioU-cut Saws
Hoes and in* Knives
Sythcs and Skates
Ccfllf Mills
Black 1-eid Crucibles
Anchors f<«m 3 w (oij efft.
Ar.A a dfjhrlmtut of J
4 & 6-4 Boulting Cloth,
Pragers <b* Co.
Nov. 11
I, 1 N G,
,om I rig Toolbv Jrem LirtKproL,
> loved & Basket S ALT,
CHEESE, Double Glouceftcr, in whole
I half hampers ; PORXLR DOT r.LES, in
so* sale ar
Thomas & John Ketland.
Marrb 6. d
Just Publiflicd,
i - And to be fold by Thomas Dobfon, No. 41,
P Second street, Benjamin Davis, 68, High
I' street, John Ormrod, 41, Chefnut street,
[' and by the Editor of this Gazette,
| i p-oceedings of the Executive
| of the United States, .
1794. •
MARCELLUS —as pablilhed in the Vtr
fir.i4 Gazette, in November and December
' J 79*.
REPORT of the late Secretary of the
i t afury, on the PUBLIC DEBT,
March < - 1
.'he Commissioners of Alleg
-1 >!J Comity having tnmfiivtt ;d to the Sub-
I•• ibers,' for the j>«rpofe 0" cpllcSing a lift of
1 X-s due onunfeated Lands in laid county,
t« the year I ;)4, .in conl'equence of which
v.. now inform all pcrfons concerned in said
I inds, that one of us will attend, from the
6 - 1 to the ;oth inft. from 9 till 10 o'clock in
r ■ morning, at No. 158, south Front street
t receive said Taxes.
Prcjlcy NeviU.
Dunning M'Nair.
March t. 'dtlcM
lie,ooo 01
Green Coffee,
1 87 hhds. 40 barrels, aud aoobags, ertit
Itvi to the drawback, (lorcd on Mclfrs.
Willing Francis's whai f.
ifi 2d iff 4tb Prttof
Boui Jeaux Brandy,
»■> fuus it' L'lniloa particalar'l eneriff-,
* tl t.uiwlan pa; tJcular Madeira WINES,
in liMs. s. mui quarter calks,
Mah'gi l)o in quarter caflcs,
Ani ind otjiei HUM i j lihds.
C oi x M/G A - tl,e litft qua'i},
Marks MOL.-iS.SE>.
"iX-i Tt \. „
J i\, SI'IIHTS, /
Hfll *nit\. J,, n> es,
ihI'PEK, Ac..*-,..
F r -" ' ME BV
Levinns Clark fun,
N'u. (uuth Vitcr S'.iset. .
D <• 4 d
of tije
For Charter,
The Brio
SHE it a (lout built Brig, burthen about
1100 barrels, two years old, will be in com
pleat order for a cargo in a few days, and is
well calculated to carry luml>er on deck.—
For terms apply to the Subscriber at No. 216
south Water Street.
Levinus Clark/on.
March 17 d
For Freight or Charter,
BURJ'HEN about 2000 barrels, now ly
ing at jefle and Robert Wain's wharf, will
be ready to take in a cargo in a few days.
For terms apply to the matter on board, or
No, 118, south Second street.
IVI* bat jlorfaUyM l+ard fauf ftrig*
3000 bufneli Lisbon Salt,
A few boxes frefli Lemons and Orp.npes,
And a few quarter cuflw LUbou Wine.
Fob. 27 d
For Sale or Charter,
'rhe brig
Captain Lovell,
NOW laying at Walnut street wharf, a
(launch good vefiel, let l year* old, bur the*'
about 1600 barrels. For terms apply to.'^
Joseph Anthony
March 9. jS' *^ lw
Jvn. Mujler ,•
-ffurthen about 1000 barrels, the grcatcft
part of her cargo being engaged, will fail on
or before the 14th of March. She is a (lout
veflel, well found, Philadelphia built, fails
well, and has good accommodations for pal
fe.igcrs. h'or fre ght or p.iffage enquire of
MATHIAS KEEI.Y, South Water-ftraet,
GA/./.AM & TAYLOR, Front-ftreetor
RALPH MATH BR, Rwe-ftreet, No. 71.
February aj. d.
Genteel Boarding & Lodging,
No. 112, south SecondJlreet.
March 3 din-
e l bc Ae w
Philanthrophic Society,
Constituted for the purpofc of relieving
sick or distressed members is open for die
admilHop of a few Subscribers on the origi
nal terms, after which the entrance will be
The benefits arising from the above infli
tution arc too obviout to require much com
ment ; independent of advantages produced
by social intcrcourfc, the consciousness of
contributing to or.r rcighhours' relief,affords
the higheit gratification to a feeling mind,
while it lecures to ourfelvcs a certain provi
sion again" future contingencies.
N. B. Printed particulars may be had
(gratis) at the bar of the Sun Tavern, Stra
wberry fir ret, where the Socicty is held.
The next meeting will be on Monday the
16th inft.
March $•
John Miller jun.
N*. 8, Cbtfmtt StrtH,
Has for fide by th*/e»*gr, or piece,
ItiM SiUTims,
Do. SrttSlAS,
T; ("MOSS-IM, 1
<5 / •
s VCNancuv*."
Much j6
James M'Alpin,
No, 3, Sopth Fourth St*eft,
Returns his grateful acknowledgements
to bis friend* and the Public lor their libe
ral kncouiagenient, and begs leave res
peftfullv to solicit a Continuance ®t" their
At his Shop Gentlemen can be furnilhed
with the best materials, and have thcia
! made up and finifhed in the neatest anal
1110 ft lalhionab'e manner.
Hewill thankfully receive any orders &
"avapr.nipt and punctual atienton to
tb m.
OA. aawtf
Wants Employment,
A Pcrfon who l> is a tiierable knowledge
ol CONVEYANCING. a gentrul know
ledge ol Accounts and Figures, and writes
a good liai.d. lie xtauld engage by the
year, either in an Oifice or Merchant's
ccmpting hnufe A line aridi tfed toJ.B.
mod lei t at the Office of the Gazeit<; ol the
llniied States, will be duiv ittendedio.
an, ro eodif
Wednesday, March, iB, 1795.
A M E,
On the 25th day of March
i 11ftant. at Seven o'clock in the evening, will
be expofert to ftle by f üblic vendue, at the
Merchants' Coffee Houfc in Second ftrert.
Two Valu-ibl* Unimproved LOTS on the
weft fide of Seco:xl street or New Markn
bquare, in the city of Philadelphia, viz.
No. I. Being Ctdsr, common
ly tailed South !lrect,containing in hrcadth
on Second (Inset, twenty three feet, and
til depth one hundred and twenty feet,
bounded on the east by Sccond 'beet or
New Market Square, which is aV>ut I
feet wide, 011 the weft by *:> alley u feet
wiiic, extending uo.thwarj from CeAir
street, and on the north by lot No. a.
No. J. Of the fame front and depth adjoin
ing the foT.-going, both have the privilege
of the ii feet alley, by which they ate
bounded on the weft They will he put
up together or fcparate is ma)- seem moll
agreeable at the time of tile.
Terms of Payment.
One third in notes at two mouths, one
third at four months, and the other third at
fix months, with security if required.
Footman Co. Au&'rs.
March 14 "" wrests
fit Jolt ty th 9 Stt&j} risers > from the Jbip There/a
' friz* St. Af-rrcSy
15 hhds. & 3 tierces SUGAR
And xaoo lbs. St. Domingo Indigo,
frsm t6* BrigMHibte Srf//», fnm yamai<a t
200 Bags PIMENTO,
They have also 00 hand,
i foqr. crfflcsof rich Mountain Wine,
Port Wine in pipes and hvgiheads,
Brimstone in roll and cake, j
An invoice of Saddles and Harneis,
New Castle Crown Olafs 8 I>y N IO
Liquorice Ball in "boxes of * cm. ench,
One 11 inch new C*ble,
150 cratcs of Que ns Ware assorted
And »5I pieces of' Mahogany.
Philip Nicklin Ss* Co.
March 16 d
Jufl landing from 011 hoard the Brig Trial,
for sale at Meflrs Willing and Francis's wharf
Levinus Clark/on.
March 11. d.
hogsheads 1 .. .
3*o barrels J lIO,OC ° IbS '
Jufl arrived in the Rebecca, Captain
Hughes, from Jamaica.
Peter Blight.
Who has also now landing out of tlie Mcr
curv, from Oporto, Choice
Dec. a
George Hunter,
At his Larborutorj, No. H4> foutb
Second ftreat.
INFORMS his former cuftomrrj and the
public, that he has begun the DRUG bu
lincfs again on an rxtenfive plan.
He has for Tale a g'-ner*! affutment of
Likevvife, painters' colours, dry and ground
in oil, paint biufhcs, window and coach
<lafa, dye ftwffs, linfrrd oil, oil of turpentine,
copaj oil vatn-.fti and japs*, warranted good.
A Hum, copper as, madder, ground rcdweod
by the hogfcead or (mailer quantity.
As he imports the funpl. a from the bell
matkrt , and makes the compositions •mii
preparations himfelf y he is enabled to vouch
•or and warrant ever) ait»clf fold out of his
Laboratory) and likewise to difpoie ol ijiem
at the moll reasonable rates.
(jcr He w.fhes to fill a large I.OT of
GROUND, the north-cad coiner of H'gh
and Eleventh ftreets,containing 78 feet front
on High>fnerti and boo feet on Eleventh*
itreri, oppofitr Mr. Leipci's new building-—
\nd another LOT oittKe norlh fide o* High
recLntar the above, 28 'ect front, and 200
1 lots have the privilege of a
Phihd.Feb,*Br*l93 > ; '• . - t
J*. *B: BoaMoifpuu Lodges free.
New Market Square.
Best Cadiz Salt,
Red Port Wine,
in (I
:• 13.
Richard Pohve!\
And fold at hi* Print rag Office,-No. ,vs,Arcl.
ftrc?t, and alio by the principal Booklet
lcrs in Philadelphia,
(Print Half * J
Political Progrf/s of Britain ;
Or, an Impartial History of Abuses in the
CoTernment of tlx British Empire in KtA
ro|w, A Ca, »nd America | from the Rero
kit ion in to the prcfenttime; the
whole tending-to prove the ruiuom confe-
of the pojwlar system of Taza
tion, War, antfCoiiqueft.
« Tlx n\rtr, m*J Bujbuf,."
t O N T F. N T S.
OF Britilh wars since the revolution »im
mcnfc fluucrhtrr ; e*pence of war» j Nootka
Sound; Oczakow; Tippo amount of
national debt; enormous extent of its interest
in the next ccntury ; fcaftdakius ternn on
which it was. firft contracted ; (ketch of the
civil lift of William lIIj profligate expendi
tore of the court; hints for royal economy;
Queen Anne; a Jingle ilrfemlt of thirty-five
millions ltcrling; lotteries ; carl of Chath
am; fpecunen of Britifti taxes; IoH North ;
his extravagant premiums for moatr | fchcme
ofiwyinjf-rf pnbtic rtn iu
form ablurrfity oi Britiih war*; nw
press of baaieui chara<jk*r anddciigo of this
- -
Purity andimportance of Scot* reprfen
ativw in parliament; parchment. Won* j
jiccdotc* of th« Scott excise ; windov Ms;
.xtra&a from in authentic report to the lord*
jf the treafurx: htrripg fiihery ; Cdt and
coal duties; dreadful apptcffions f*te «C Sir
John Fen wick; history of the creditor* of
Charles U; fummnry of the poblit farvkci of
the prince of Wales.
Chapter 2.
Fertility of the Hebrides; IT,ay; its pro
digious improvctc.-nt ; imanofe abufldkiKC
of filh ; miferablo cfteits of ; fjlt and
coal duties ; specimen of Scots finecurcs.
Chapter J.
Reports of the commiffionera cf public ac
counts ; crown land* j aftoiiilhing corn law ;
Britilh famine in the reign of William 111;
(Hiking piflure of Scotch wretchediiefs at
that period; what Scotland might have been;
war in general; Culloden ; the bloody duke.
Chapter 4.
Bbckftodfc ; hit idea of the EngUfii con
ftauttoo ; default of an hundred and fevcncy
one milliopa sterling s Powell; Bcmbrldge:
Maty Talbot; Weftrainftcr d*<S.ion ; apco
dbtes of the war with America ; EcglHh dif
ffflten j their lawsuit with the corpowtior
-of I.ondftn ; fodety of friend*; uiiparallel
ed oppreffionof that in England; boxinj
Chapter 5.
Civil lift ; ion of fifteen millions;
dog ki niu 1* ; George I; his liberal ideas ol
government ; George II ; hi* hofpitalit) at
the burial of hit clik'ft son ; excile.
Edward I; Edward 111 j Henry V ; Ire
land ; Conduit of Britain in various quarter*
of the worid; Otaheite j Guinea ; North-
America ; The Jersey prifon-lhip j Bengal,
General eftiinate of deftru<2ion in the halt-
This Edition of that popular Work is now
printed on larger type, larger pages, and con
tains one third more matter th.m the former
editions, and still the price is not enhanced.
Also juji putjijietl, andfor fait at tie fame place,
Price One Fourth of a Dollar,
The Second Edition of
A Bone to Gnaw for the Dc-
mocrats ;
Or Obfervatioiu on a Pamphlet, entitled
Political Prt.greft of Britain.
March 3.
NOTICE is hereby given, that t>
trials of Crinvnal Caul'ct in Ihe Circu
Court of th# United States for the Penn"
fylvania Diftri<sl, will commence on Mon
day, the 4th day of May next, at the Cit\
Hall in Philadelphia: when and where ail
persons bound by recognizance or other
wife to appear, are required to attend.
By order of the Honorable Willian
Paterfon, Elq. one of the aflbciati
jufticesof the Supreme Court of th<
United States, and the Honorable
lsichard Peters, Esq. diftriit judge
of the United Statet for the Penu
fylvania diftrid.
D. LENOX, Marflial.
Marlhal's Office, )
March I, 179J.J
The printers of news-papers tol th«
weft ward and northward of Philadelphia
are requested to insert tbe above.
March la
Stables to be Let.
To be let from the 28th inft. or sooner if re
A Neat Eight Horse Stable
with the convenience of a good Hay Loft £
Shed for Carriages, in Elbow Lane, betweei
Market and ChcQiut ilreet. Enquire at th
Riling; Snn, Str .v . .
March II
Chapter I .
Ch.ipter 6
N \
. -.-fogg. <ygg*Tr«
Notice is hereby given.
That the C>«auttv tf £xAmitft;*A tf 7i
t.vti a.ijPretnf.tmt, bdonpiji* to fJ>r Coivm>
Woum or National Collnje of Paintipgt
Sculpture, Architecture, »jid Hngravir.r coi*. ,
tiiiue to «*cWf rocvnuneortctiotit from
Arties, who m an to becoinn M'mtvrs of
that luOitutioD, inclofc-d to Mr. Groomhri<!g«
at hit houft adjoining the Boiik of Pcunfyt>
vuiia, and atidrd&d to thcchairiuap.
Signed by order of the C»mmttt«c of El
amination, Ac.' jg
THOS. ROBSON," Affifi. Sec
Feb. 27 d
Bcliraary I+, 170?. '
AT a Meeting of the Fellow ArtiO* of
the Coluinbtani'm. Vit
Houle, adjoi ii;ig the "Bank \ ( 1". nui'/lva
iu, ia the City of Philadelphia*
<J. /. Partyni in lie chair.
That the .Cqlumbiaiuim or Rational
College, ft ill appri/e the Artists ofvAme
rka, and such /Jentlemm, a*
are defirout of lending their
aerforwtancet, either hi Paintinjet Scnlp
•*. Aidme&urcjor £n|r*«iA7, that a
RJAUC JFXHim IONViII he opened
'11 the City of Philtiklphia, on the firft
>lay of May next, wheu thoie who -vrifti to
be Exhibitor*, are requeued to notify
their inientiojos atfoon MDolfible, adclref
fed to the Chairman of the" C&lumhunum
the haoda of Mr. Grodmbridge*
Kclolved, -
That the Room* intended for r*
hibition d»ll be announced tu Of -üblic*
,1* soon a« the prepuarary arm>,.emeut
if* conipletrd.
j ivrrf,
Thnt < vtry pifThle rare fl all Ve uK.n
pn t'ormances of Artif and Ho»
notary F.xhibitnrk as are init>< d for ilie
Exhibitirn. aud they flull 1> rcturn
<! to the ditTerem pioprietors, a- lie rlrfc
of the fame, with every fuitabk precau
Thai the Rules and Rerulatiri $ for
conducing- the Inhibition, (hall be d
before the Pv-hlic at an early piriod, w i h
the names of the Gentlemen that compose
the Commi tee of Ex ibition and Motlrh.
Signed by Order,
1'". P. PRTCE. Sec. pro teifi.
THOS. ROBSON, A (Tift. Sec.
Feb. •»» <1 •
At the STORES of
JefTe & Robert Wain,
PORT WINK in pipe , hhds. and quar
ter calks
LTSBUN pip*s mid it u triercafks
Souchong mid < 1 EAS, in quarter
A quantity of l.ifbnrtad Cad«7.SALT
Sol 1 UMOXDMn bales
Vsh 5 t i,, do.
Knflia MaTTS.
June 9
American Land/capes.
Seletftd from the molt flriking and intf
refting Piorpcfls in the United States ;
each «f which VIEWS will be accom
panied with a descriptive account of its
I.ocal, Historical, and other incidental
, Peculiarities.
Aututr tf tbt '* Mor.uftic Remains ami Afiicnt
Cajllu in Great Britain."
I. That the work shall lie puhlilhed by Sub
scription ; and th.ic each Subscriber fluli
engage to take the whole set of Views,
and shall pay for each enuring if l.b k
or brown, a Dollan; and If coloured ?
11. That the dimensions of each engrav
ing (hall be *4 by 17 inches, necutcj is
aquatinta, and published upon paper of a
superior quality. The publication to com
mencc immediately ; and one-engraving to
be delivered to the Subscribers, on the firft
Monday of each fticcveding mont i, until
the propofod fcrins shall be finally compl t
ed. ,
111. That with the last \ lew of the series,
(hall bedclivered an engraved till.-page ;
an elegant churafteiiftic vignette; a mip
of the route, conne&ed with the profpeflt
exhibited in the the course of the Work i
and an Alphabetical lift of the SuLf.ribers,
Subscriptions are received by Mr. Harri
"on, athif Print-fhop,Maidi nlsre, New-York
.y Mr. Carey, Book-feller. No. irß, Maikec.
reet, Philadelphia, and by all the principal
(ook-fellcrs in the United Sutc«.
February tB.
d .