Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, March 13, 1795, Image 1

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[No. 61 of Vol. VII.]
« Qn Tuesday. the 24th inft.
M Ar Seven o'clock in the Evening,
1 At the Coffee Houfc,
ft WUI be fold by Public Auaron
fcoffeited Shares (compleal)
E^biladelphiaZjLancajier Turn-
M pike Road Ctmpany.
ft Footman & Co. Aud'rs.
M March 3- eoddlW
& LA N D IN G,
fc. fcg fooLttr from Lirstroot,
fcftpa/ & Bafkct SAL T,
F rHEESE Double Gloucester, in whole
h.i.-w'.pcxi ; PORTER BOTTLES, in
B" • rot S.ILE Br
K Thomas & John Ketland.
W-M**b6- d
f J u ft PubliOied,
tn be fold by Thomas Dobfon, No. 41,
Bfgeeond ftre.-t, Bscjamin Davis, 63, High
■4 ftreit, John Ormrod, 41, Chefnat flreet,
wd by the Editor of this Gazette,
■proceedings of the Executive
of the United States,
® «794- .
■JftvIARCF.LLUS —as pubfifted in the Vir-
Gazette, in November and December
of the REVOLUTION in
BTvEPORT of the late Secretary of the
■tfcfefcry, 0° tfae PUBLIC DEBT,
■KifeA 6
* Public notice.
Rfhc Commissioners of Alleg-
Kpj County hiving tranlinitted to the Sub
for the pnrpofe of co!le&ing a lift of
dae on enfeated Lands in said county,
Hythc year 1794 x' n consequence of which
|Ke now inform all persons concern**d in laid
that one of us will attend, from the
filth w the aothinft. from 9 til! 10 o'clock in
■fee morning, at No. 158, south Front street
£nd Taxes.
- PreJlej Nevili.
B ' Dunning M'Nair.
Blhidi 3. •dtioM.
K " 110,000 UfigTlT or !
Green Coffee,
■Linß7 Ulris. 40 barrel*, and soo bags, enfit
ted (6 the drawback, ftorcd on Meflrs.
R' "WiUing & Franc-s's wha f.
S ijf id iff 4tb Preof
■' Bourdeaux Brandy,
I of London particular 'IVneriff ,
London partictihir Madeira WiNES,
Kt»hhds. ptpes, and quarter caflcs,
■ • VUbga D». in quarici
K''' Aangn*anjJ ot' er HUM in hlids.
S St-Croi*S'JGAK r>f*he firftquality,
■ «t.»«ark<MOL ASSES, *
■ By fort Tit: A,
■ Jiw»ica SPIRITS,
■ Holland ( IN, in pipe*,
■ t,OAF Slifi AR, in hhds.
■ Tehran, Ac. ike.
B ' r<M lILE #
■\ _ Clari/ba t
si . Mo. 2i6, r»utli Water Select.
|.Dc 4 ' ■ ■ *
■ __Jj F R E S H
I jßohea Tea*
I GIN in Pipes,
Krw Luuiiag from on board the Ihip
BegS7, John Eiliott laaiftcr,
from Amfierdani. .
W|i Tmtptrted by the late Arrivmli,
MEsHemp, tirlt qaulitj
_ Oitto Sai! Dock
Bt:(o Ravens Dock
' !»«•» Raffi< Sbctinl
- Wi«uvn Flandert Sfcerting*
r fltCiuuil &M>wn Rolls
I - Cotton kad Cbecka
t Flandert Bedticki
[lloQaqd Sail Duck
Dutch Gfeat Coats
i' Ciniatafes
,Ma4<ler , -i
Wi^a* i GHfs, «ky ta
kid *adtCre<«-cat Saws
r })WI <|ii fiC'tt Knim -
a«d -7'
iMt LcrfGn^^kr.
tadats from 3 <#'. to r£ c*t. * -jf.
Gtneiat Afforttmnt ,
5-4 & 6-4 Boultittg Qotfa,
'l»* MVI H
tracers & Co.
•tor. .i - - 4
of tfje Hi
For Sale or Charter,
Captain Loveil,
NOW laying at Wihwt street wharf, a
{launch good veffcl, .lot i years old, burthen
about 1600 barrels. For terms apply to
Joseph Anthony 6: Son.
March 9. diw
THOMAS MASON, Jun. Mjlrr ;
Burthen about aooo barrels, th- greateit j
part of her cargo being; engaged, will fail on j
or before the 24th of March. She is a ftotst I
vessel, well found, Philadelphia built, fails !
well, and has good accommodations for pas- j
fengers. For freight or paflaee enquire of ]
MATHIAS KEELY, South "Watcr-itreet, !
GAZ'/,AM 5c TAYLOR, Front-llreet or j
RALPH MATHER, Race-ftrcet, No. 71.
February 23. d.
For Freight or Charter,
" A ' iy ~ rTr "f M '
BURTHEN 1000 barrels f'ovv ly
ing at Jeffe and Robert Wain's wfc?rf, will
be ready to take In a Cargo in a few days.
For terms apply to the maflcr on board, or
No, n3, south Second street.
IV to bos for fait, on beard said Brig,
3000 bushels Lisbon Salt,
A few boxes freih Lemons and Oranges,
And a few quarter calks Lubon Wine.
Feb. 27 d
Genteel Boarding & Lodging, ]
No. 112, south SecondJlreet.
March 1 daw
Thirty dollars reward. |
Ran away from the fubferiber, a white
French servant man named Pierre La Fitte, a
bout 30 years of age, of small ftaturc, blue
eyes, larjp noflrih; had on blue clothes, like
a Tailor's, and has a small wound in one of
his fingers. He left my plantation last Sa
turday morning, stealing feverai Giver
spoons' and forks, part of which he fold to a
silversmith in Fredericktown. He enticed
Yrray with him a Jfrench Negro—Girl, nam
ed CieUicj about 22 year* of age belonging to
mc. She had on a green petticoat, and they
both speak bad Engliih. He lays he is a gard
ner, and had been afeaman on board a French
privateer which he left at Baltimore, previ
ous to his coming into my iervice at Frede
ricktowr.. person who will secure them
in either of the jails of the following places,
j ft all thereupon receive 15 dollars for each of
J the said run-aways, of the following per
j fen*..
John Vaughan, of Philadelphia ; David
Stewart and Sons, Baltimore ; Moses Myers,
Norfolk ; or the Subscriber,
Fredericktown, Maryland, Feb. 16.
All Captains of veflcb ar_- warned not to
carry them out of the country. diw3taw2?r
Card Iff Nail Faflory,
No. 59, north Front street,
Webster, Adgate & White,
Hat'c conflan/h for fair, x
- _ Cotton, Wool, Tow, and
Machine Cards,
Of all Kinds,
Cut Nails of all lizes,
Floor Brads, Sprigs and Tacks,
Fullers Shears, Gun Flints and Woo]
A quantity of kiln dried Indian Meal in
A new Editio* of Philadelphia
Harmony, containing both the firfr and fe
cor.d parts, the most aproved fyf
trm o' Rules and tbe best coleffriou of
Tunes now in u^e,
Also for Safe,
Machinery for making Cards
Oil an Improved Conilruction.
Ott. 2 lawtf
Ibe New
Philanthrophic Society,
Constituted for the pnrpofe of relieving
sick or distressed members is open for the
admission of a few Subscribers on the origi
nal terms, after which the entrance will be
The benefits arising from ths above insti
tution are too obvious to require much com
ment ; independent of advantages produted
by facial intcrcourfe, the confcioufncfs of
contributing to our neighbours* relief,affords
the high eft gratification to a feeling mind,
while it secures to ourselves a certain provi- .
Con again ft future contingencies.
N. B. Printed particulars may be had
(gratis) at the bar of the Sun Tavern, Stra
wberry street, where the Society is held. i
The next meeting will be on Monday the I
■r*.u :„n
[6th inft.
March J.
Friday, March t5, 179^.
Jaft arrived in the Rebecca, Captain
Hughes, from Jamaica.
Peter Blight.
W ho has also now landing out of ThejMer
cury, from Oporto, Choice
Red Port Wine,
IN P I P £ S.
Dec. 2i d
A T s. 82, south Front Jlreet,
V o
March 7 . »6t
Ail persons indebted to the
Estate of Joseph Pafchall, late of this City,
ra-'rehant, deceased, are desired to pay the
Sub&riber, and those who have any demands
are requeftedto bring in their Accounts to bo
iettkd and paid.
Samuel Coates,
A3mg Executor
March 10 *6t
NOTICE is hereby given, that a general
Meeting of the Members of the Library
Company of Philadelphia, will be held by
adjournment, at the Library in Fifth street,
. on Monday next the lixteenth infant, at fix
o'clock in the evening, in order to take into
confiderauon the propriety of encreafing their
Annual Payments, and repealing so much of
their bye-laws, as authorize the Dirc&ors to
difpofc of the Real Eliate of the Company.
By order of the Members aficmoicd at tlie
Library this day.
Z. Poul/on, jun.
Secretary pro tem.
Monday, March 9 dtM.
S A_L T.
Bcft Cadiz Salt,
Just landing from on boarc the Brig Trial,
for faie at \lcilrs Willing _nd Francis's wharf
Levin us Clark/on.
March 41, d.
Frefli Teas,
Of Superior Quality, viz.
Imperia', wrGunpowder
Hvfon Gomee,
lit quality Hyson,
zd. do. do.
Young Hyson,
Hyson Skin, and
A fete Boxes of each, far sale a
No. 19, Third street south.
Dec. 10 eodtf
Wanted Immediately.
a Smiths, J good fireman and White
Smith, good enconragem-nt will be givtn.
Apply No 162 or 74 Market street.
Phihtd. Feb, 28, 1795,
N. B. Boarding and Lodging free.
GeQrge Hunter,
At bit Larboratory, No. 114, south
Second Jfrcnt.
INFORMS his former customers and the
pubJic, thai he has begun the DRUG bo-
Qnefs again on an eX'enfive plan.
H« has for fair a general afTiriment of
Likeivife, paintrr» f colours, dry and ground
in oil, pai*** bruftirs, v aod coach
4lafs, dye ft*ffs, Imfred oil, 01 i of turprnirae,
copal oil varoifh and japav y warranted good.
A Hum, copprras, madder, ground red a wed
Sy the hog'head or (tnallcr quantity.
Ashe imports the fimplri from the brll
market , and makes the compofnions and
preparations himfclf, he isrnablrdto vouch
for and warrant evrr\ ait ele fold out of hii
LaVoratory, likrwifc to dispose of them
at the molt reasonable rates.
(£3" He w fhes to fell a large LOT of
GROUND, the north-cast corner of H'gh
and Eleventh ft'eets f con:ainii»s 78 'eet front
on High-street, and 200 fret on Elevcnth
ftrecl, oppofKe Mr. Leipci'snew building—
And another LOT on the north fide of H»gh
ftr«t,ntar the above, 28 lect front, and 200
feet deep. Both lots have the privilege ot a
30 feet alley in ihcir tear.
Dec. 13-
American Landfcapcs.
V I E W S.
SeWled from the most striking and inte
resting Pro r pcAs in the United States 4
each .f which VIEWS will Le accom
paaied w:th a descriptive account of its
Loral, Historical, ar.d other lucitlental
Attiotr bj *&e u AawiJUc Remain 1 and Ancitml
Cajtles in Grtel BriLiisi"
I. That the work shall be publifced h» SoV
fcription ; and that each Subicribcr (hall
engage to take the vt'hole fct of View,
and (hall pay for each en if l.laik
or brown, 2 Dollars j and if coloured 5
! 11. That th« dimenSons of each engrav
ing ihall be 24 by 17 inches, executed in
aquatinta, and puUiQied upon paper of a
fuperiorqua ity. The publication tacom
mence iauncdiaiely; and one engraving to
be delivered to the Sublc-ibers, on the firft
Monday of each f deeding month, until
the proposed ferits {hail be £a*lly comput
111. That with the last View of the feriei,
fliall be delivered an engraved titlerpage ;
an elegant charailei iftic vignette; a mi p
of the route, conne>9ed with the profpefls
, exhibited in the the course of the Work ;
and an Alphabetical liH of the Subscribers.
THIS Work is offered to the public at r
crisis peculiarly nterefting to the Art* : A
midst the ravages of war, and the convulG
ons of a revolutionary age, they must inevi
tably languish and expire, unless the fame
happy country, which affords an sfyfcm to
the persons of the perfecctcd and dillrdTed,
shall fofter and patronize the labour and afG
dnity of men of genius and talents. Advanc
ing, indeed, rapidly to the zenith of power,
reputation and opulence, America, even iu
a state of universal tranquility, must soon
have become the rival of Europe in learn ic r
and taste, as well as her fu peri or in morality
and government. Under die present circum
stances of the world, however, the oppor
tunity occurs to anticipate the destined peri
od 01 pre-emincnce ; and to render America
at this eventful hour, the guardian and pro
te&refe of every science that can enlighten,
and of every art that can adorn the human
On thfc principle, more than the claim of
merit, the Author presumes he (hall not fail
to attra& the public attenfion ; but flill, ht
hopes, that he will not be found altogether
undefervir.g or defe&ive, either in the choic
or execution of his fubjeet. No country pos
sesses fccnes better calculated to inspire idea*
of the beantiftfl and sublime; to exalt the
foul as the philo'opher, to enliven the long
of the poet, or animate the pencil of th
painter, than those which lie profnfely scat
tered over the American continent : But un
fortunately there is no country, whose native
charms have been so fuperficially explored, or
so impcrfe&ly delineated. Hitherto, indeed
the toil of converting a wilderness into a flat.*
of luxuriant vegetation; of providing the
necelTaries and comforts of life; andhf adap
ting civil to the genins of a new
nation, r eems to have been luificicnt to es-
I gage a 4 the strength, and all the talcn.s of
the inhabitants of America. The people of
Europe, on the other hand, corrupted by
wealth, and deluded by pride, have rarely,
comparatively overstepped the
boundaries of their continent in pure search
of information or pleas re. The ruins of
art, which encumber their domestic lcenery,
have beer. preferred to the noveitiesof natore
which arifc in other regions; and the time
has been, that a View from the St. Lawrence
to the Miflifipi would have been less valued,
than the fe&ion of a palace, or a muttktec
fragment of antiquity But iu refpe<ft to
both, a revolution in situation and sentiment
las been accompliihcd. The American finds
leisure, with a retrofpedive and joyfid sensi
bility of heart, to admire the graces, as well
as to reap the abundance which providence
has bellowed on this country; and the Euro
pean is compelled, with an anxious and ex
pectant eye, to look ebroad for that peace &
prosperity, which he can no longer enjoy at
The attention of mankind being thus di
rected towards this country, every thing that
relates to its physical, as well as to its politi- ,
cal interest, will, it is presumed, receive a
liberal encouragement. The Author of the
present work, therefore, confidently makes (
the experiment on a new fubjed, and in a
new style of execution. The art of engrav
ing in Aqvatinta, has indeed, for some time
been held in high estimation throughout Eu
rope; its clofc imitation of finifhed draw
ings, and the free but forcible manner in
which it depi&s the light and graceful touch
es of nature, are properties, that seem pecu
liarly adapted to the American fccnery,fome
of the tints and colors of whith are certain
ly no where eife to be found.
E.vclnfiveof these advantages, it is likewif
in contemplation to render the work a repo-
Gtory of descriptive topographical and hiiic
rical fa<fts refpe&ing the circumjacent cour
try from which the views were taken; bu.
[Whole' No. ;?5]
njivt £«H cFc^itotSis of ii'si .v>rwk
njt, she ««'>f mnft fe:i.-:t th- »F: lancc of
fc .\ery cuucTi. w!.o is jfoficflf jcX u theoLc.
. » formation. xvJh *».t r i iau; ® lotM K urfci
hiiicry ortc'tfie r.'emcrable ev rts, i neetcd
n ith the refpe&ive engravings. i i,.r -■ ap of
-he tc-ur wUI exhibit thefel'tive filiation of
:he views, as well wWI rrfj*o to tncli<**•«
as to the prjac*s)al Cities and *I''cvn&oi' hr
Icvtral States, crtnoic&cing it \bc city cf
As an acuitional re*:omro«indatiw2 to the
favor of .a patriotic, public, it may not be im
proper to obfervfeihat the papcr and ev y
other article employed In eyecctir.g the work
.•■ill be of American manufacture, aad of
ho best quality.
Twelve tlraivinj:> are reaciy, and the ut
'noil difpateh will oe used in prepar.* g and
delivering the engravings. Air.opgtfc the
number alluded to, the iollowing may be
mentioned :
1. A view of Mount Vernon, the feat ef
the PrcGdeiu of the United States.
2. Pha*oeijj}.ia.
3. City of Wa&injton.
4. New-York,
&c. &C. *c. *•
It is the design of the Author to finiih thole
objedt firft, which are n.oft important aifcl
.nterrefting ; ar.d if tht; Public patroncge P- ai!
prove adequate to ihe cipence, he j ropofes to
extend his imdertakir-g to 24 Views, mere
than the number contained in the present Pro
posals. I»i that cafe> however, Ihe firfl set of
Vkws will he so arranged, as to form either
an indcpen<*ert_work for those, who may not
wish to renew their fubfcriptious, or a scries
coime&ed with the set forthofe, who
may wish to continue their patronage till the
whole i* completed.
Letters or other ccmsnnnicntions for the
encouragement, elucidation, cr improvement
of the work, the rcrucfts may be ad
virefTed to him at New-York.
Suhferiptions ?re received by Mr. Harri
fon, a: his PriDt-ihop*Mato< ntane, New-CYork
by Mr. Carey, Bock-filer. No. 118, Market
ilreet, Philadelphia, and by all the principal
Book-fellcrs in the United *i»tes.
February 28. d. .
At th t STORES of
Jqfle 6c Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipe , h!.ds. and <juar
(er calks
LISBON pipes aid quarter cafkj/
Soacliongard Congo 1 EA3, in quarter
A quantity of I.ilboj- and Cad'z SALT
Soft Iheiled ALMOXDSiii bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Ruflia MATTS.
J u ' le 9 A
Notice is hereby given,
That the Committee of Examination of
Unts and, belonging to the Colum
bianum or National College of Painting,
Sculpture, Architecture, and Engraving con
tinue to receive recommendations from tkofe
ArufU, who m an to become Members of
that Intlinition, inclosed to Mr. Grooeibridge
at his houfs adjoining the B-nk of PuiuJyl
vania, and addriiTed to the chairman.
Signed by order of the Committee of Ex
amination, &c.
THOS. ROBSON, Assist. Sec
Feb. 27 d ,
February 14, 1795.
AT a Meeting of the Fellow Artists of
the Columbianum, at Mr, Groombridge's
House, adjoi ling the Bank of Pcruifyiva
lia, in the City of Philadelphia.
G. I. Partyns in toe chair.
That the Columbianum or National
College, (hall apprise the Artiftt of Ame
rica, and such Ladies and Gent+emfcn, as
are desirous of feuding Ipeeimen* of their
performances, either tu Painting, Sculp
ture, Architeflure, or Engraving, that a
PUBLIC EXHIBITION will be opened
!n the City of Philadelphia, on the firfl
Hay of May next, when those who wish to
be Exhibitors, are rcquefled to notify
their intentions as soon as poflible, addres
sed to the Chairman of the Columbian-inT
through the hands of Mr. Groombridgi.
That the Rooms intended for the Ex
hibition (hall be announred to the Public,
as soon as the preparatory arrange.neut
are completed.
Resolved, 1
That every poflible care (hall be taken
of such performances of Artists and Ho
norary Exhibitors as are intended for the
Exhibition, and that they (hall be return
ed to the different proprietors, at thei lose
of the fame, with every suitable precau
ITiat the Rules and Regulations for
:orulu£ling the Exhibition, lhall be laid
before the Public at an ptriod, with
•he naipes of the G«nt!ernen ti>at compose
the Committer tf Exhibition and Models.
Signed by Order,
P. P. PRICE. Sec. protem.
THOS. ROBSON, AiTiil. S«c.
Eeb. as £