Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, March 11, 1795, Image 3

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    •- . -iy*?' . s*-
Id he WiWodf P frflft » n l, ' S TII;i
t /, lis m »T dt- P tnd tl, " t ;t r
afTed orf» but that Julh«e shall
ofc' ■ ineiW'jit. ,
ffitejn«fday, March nth, 1795.
i»rig » arrived in our port from so:
, -of Hall K3. Report fays, that accou
j--' uceivedof a truce between the repub
' c *-' uiicc and the States Generate the
pfe Provinces, having absolutely been <
ciAr -1. ff this be th, cafe.we mis mom 1
k eipeS a confirmation of this
sj , and anticipate *t!itf union of Holla
France, against the enemies of libei
-■2ual right.
MA ITI,\'S3UZG, March 1.
Tie Hvme-e-.j tr.rch was hti'.y illutnin
..4 • the Worthy Mr. Wi'liam Fi
. itjed 00, and the 'agreeable Wui
.iry "v.t" "'en 60 and 70, both of t
r ,. vy How long it will burn Uod or
NOp-rOI.K, Feb. 15.
"-JNDAY last being th; annivetfary
t truly great and venerable charafi
G W.nniAGTO.v, the revered Pre
r ><• of th 4 United States, the morning v
- ed in by the beating of drums, and
. .le joye by the N< -folk.* Artillery COl
-i -p.. ; 'at nio:i ther? wire reiterated d
r' res of cannon A the Forts, which ive
•ered by th'ofe of theßritifh frigate Th
t Mo .v repairing at Gofport, and the No
! Art jkry. Dtiring+k—day+he Ajnei
.. Stripe; were triumphantly displayed 1
hipping in our river ; and at 11 o'clo!
• lo:iJay the firing was repeated by tl
V. 1,5, the different armed velTels, ind by tl
• ilery. At night there was a veryfplei
<Jl, iJall and Supper at the Borough Taveri
vMth notwithstanding the unfavorablene
of 'he evening,was attended by all the beau
py nd fafhion of this and the town of Port
• t'»i:h—after Supper the following patriot
' srs were drank :
I The PreGdent of the United Statcs
mi he long live, and when nature can n
further prolong his life, may h continue 1
in the grateful remembrance of h
cr -.try.
i'he People of the United States.
. The Congress of the United States. -
* "it ever cruijr r«yrefent the Popie.
.. . 'i'he Commonwealth of Virginia.
. . Our Siller i,tateo—-may no jealouur
ev arise to diilurb our tranquillity.
. The American Fair.
The Heroes who have died for thei
i. 1 it'e'eigncuiture'aml LoJfiitiJjSe oi til
V ted States.
y. The Arts and Maun 'aclures of the U
nr. d States. •
so. A speedy relea'e to our unfortunat
fe\ )W citizens in Algfiers.
il. May the future sons of America hav
■: dom to value and fortitude to maintan
o.- bMlings acquired by their forefathers.
2. May virtue and feknee hold perpctu
a lominion in the United Stages.
3. May all nations acquire and ever re
t • !i a true knowledge of the rights of man
I,:, J.
r4. Good and honed men,of all places.
5. Peace and Freedom throughout th:
'he fame day, his Excellency the Cover
-or of this State, and a nuVnbr of the gen
len of Norfolk and Portsmouth, with thi
ench Consul, Commodore and other Of
ficers of the Navy, dined together at Ports
rr.nuth ; after dinner there Were many repu'o
• lie aaa d patriotic Traits drank.
From KnoxviHt.
On the 28th inSant, George Man, ol
i iCrtek was found killed and scalped by
The particuljrs of the manner of his
death are, that on the night of t the 17th
in ant, he heard a noil'e at his flablev and
iping out his retreat to his door was in
gly nit nff byfadiam ; he fought fafe
n flight ; was fired upon and woun
c; i neverthelels he reached a cave a
■rtir oi a m:le fro;n his hfmfe, out of
ich the Ind'ans dragged him and killed
I.—The Indians then returned to his
fe in which were His wife and
attempted to force the door, when
s. Man fired a gun at them and they
lidrew without further attempts upon
house. The Indians then took three
fes out of the ftalile ar.d fired it.
day ft-arch was made for their trail
ch proved large ; the number of
ianj must have been at least 25, An
an drepd cap, fuppol'ed to be a Creek
was k-it en the ground, andfomeo
artte e», fi-o m which no farther opim-
O . oold be formed as to their nation—
> ••''whole hiad ot Man was skinned and
body much mangled.—Man's house is
twelve miles trom this place.
nee the of the above intelii-
:e, m-c have been informed that Mrs.
•"wowded one of the Indians. Much
",' t has been found near the liable, and
the trail of the Indians. -
19/9 so 10
3 per Cent, ~y J0
D-terred J J r I
i-ank 0 f the United States "0
!he - Philadelphia, March n.
Extrcii'l of, a letter of V>tb M.irch 1795* I
E. d Gentleman' at A'eiv Tori, to
hit frieml in this city.
" Our Aflsmbly have before them a hill
which has paiTed the Senate, granting toonr '
Hospital the monies arising on a duty of two '
per cent on Tales at vendue. This w'lU pro- '
>me | ducefiveor fix thousand pounds per annum,
ants | and fully enable us to put the inflitution on
a very refpe&able footing."
de- If the above is enaAed into a law, it will
nt- refleA great honor on the state of New York
lhle _____
and As many perfonshave doubted the praai-
S y cability of th: decree of the French Conven
tion, ordering each departm:nt to furnifh a
vertel of the line, we are happy i-j beiug a
ble to lay before our readers an authentic ac
nat- count °f the manner in which this extraordi
'itt- 1 nar V decree is carrying into execution. Thro"
low j out '"'' r whole republic are iminenfe forefts, 1
tliis ' w hich are follered with great e:tre, for the
:nly P ur f" f « of supplying fuel and timber for the I
j nation. In these forefts, the interior depart- '
j ments, which are not furnifhed with lea ports I
I are at prel'-nt engaged in building the velTels 1
they are required to provide. When finiflj- ,
I ed. they-sire to he propelled to the sea ports
Ser on rollers, and there they are to be finally
■eC- e< l ui PP e d for sea. The stupendous efforts 1
making in this refpeA, have never been c- '
was quailed by any nation in. the world, and leave ,
1 a litt e doubt as to the final, iss ue of the war.
3m _ {The information here given 1-eStt on the au- '
thority of a gentlemau nf tJ»4 firil refpedabi 1
Pd- lity. who left France in the month of No- '
■ere vember.] [A. D. Adv.] \
he- -1, #
Saturday last failed from this port the (hip
Anuable, Capt. 1 hompfon, lot; Liverpool. .
:ri- rne following persons w«at passengers . Dr.
by ate ' Macall Medford, Mr. Jacob Rees v
DC\ M m Alcxant!er Hfiry. Mr. Fairb.iirn, Mr! t
S dkeid, and Mrs. Groves. f
the '
the The following gentlemen went paffenp -rs l
en- ; n , thC fe ' P •' ohn ' Ca P t - Whitw.dl, .for Char- 1
rn r'; Cn ,~ G . en<:r a l Jackson, Mr. Prioleau, Mr. 1
> W right, Mr. Gcorg. Smith, Mr. Jones, Mr, t
ess tdwan; Juntes, Mr. B. Bohlen, and leveral I
u . other?. .
c " Married ort Saturday loft, by the Rev.Dr. *
tic Elackwcll, Mr. Robert Graham, t» Miss .si. I '
Wzaueth jane Corry, daughter of Captain I ''
1 nomas Corryy of this city. 1^
to c
"• By this Day's Mail. J
- ' N.EW TORK, Manh 9.
A bill h,as puffed the Senate of this state,
i es appropriating ao,»ool. for the purpose of S
complet ng the fortifications of the harbor of ! S
this city.
tir Saturday arrived the brig Lydia, ' A
TvT -.C^,SWkc|| Y . in c 6 days fr,, p Am- il
1 iitiGam. nave been 1
from thence as late as the 7th J-atmaryTF*
Wc have fern those addressed to a res- R
lte pcftable ho life in this city. They at
different dates, state the progress of the si)
ve French :—That, at one time, they crof.
m fed the Rhine artd the Waal, and drove of
u _ in the Polls eltablifhed there. It had
been afterwards reported at Amflerdam P .
•-. that they had re-crofisd thole rivers;
nj but the Postscript to the lail letter of p;
the 7th January; declares all hopes of ri
le flopping the progress of the French to w
be at an end, and that they w
r _ would undoubtedly be in the city in
a- the course of 2or 3 days—No \liltur- th
it bances had place among the in- ■"
habitants, who, on the contrary, were S}
calmly waiting their fate. ' B,
Capt. Shackerlv informs than on the
, zoth January in lat. 46, 36, long. 17,
he fell in with a fleet of French fliips of
>f war,- cpiili(ting ef 21 'fail of the line,
Y and 15 frigates, several of which were
. 74's cut down, carrying very heavy Sc
metal ; —that he was boarded by the
d frigate Thames, who took one French
paltenger from him ; and that the Capt. '
- of the Thames informed him that they
- had taken, in their cruise, among others, Sic
1 a flett of 22 fail of velTels from Cork,
bound to the Well Indies with provi-
lions. Same dayCapt. Shackeily spoke T|
1 the Ihip Peggy, Capt. Elliott, from
, Philadelphia boi'id to Bordeaim ; also,
t the fchoooer Rambler, from Coilon
1 bound to France. <,
Arrived, Saturday evening, the brio ' '
I ; Maria, Capt. Barnard, from Port Up
p berty, foi merly called Point Pette Gau- °
h daloupe, which place he left tiie loth
February, and brings the account of i
ihe fleet arriving there from France,
one 74 gun (hip, 2 frigates, 1 sloop of '
war, 2 corvets and, 8 transports, with
400G troops; one of the transports
was taken offDefeada, by the Bellona, 1
74 g lm Before Capt. Barnard —
failed, the Capt. of the French ship, J n f
that fought the BFanch, had returned
on parole ; the Blanch had (truck be- A
fore the Bellona came in fight. dn s
Capt. Barnard, left in Point Petre, froir
22 fail of America? vcfTels, waiting for t,ier
their tijrn for payment. cr P :
Captain Barnard washoarded by the"
Bellona an English 74 gt.n (hip, and veffe
was politely treated. The captain of Satui
the Bellons (lievved captain Barnard a
I. proclamation from the Governor of
Martinicp to bring into port all neutral
• vefTcls bound to a French port.
| Captain Barnard spoke on his paflage
to the (hip Cumber land of Portland, from
Norfolk, inlat. ji, 40, long. 65, 30,
... l 5 da )' s 01,t J bound to Jamaica. Al
so, the tchooner Sally, from Water
oar | Mellon quay, for North-Caroliua, John
two ■ Eventon, 100 miles Eall from Cape
,ro - Hatteras, Ihort of water : capt. Bar
um, "aid flip plied him.
on —
«ill Shackerly, Amßerdam.
. Amelia, Sealy, St. John's.
Maria, Barnard, Guadeloupe.
<ai- Silly, B'.ince, Wilmington,
'en- March 10.
1 * Extra 3of a letter from Amjlerdam, dated
ac- J an - ]2 < handed to the Editor by a
rdi- refpedable House in ibis City,
vo' "Weare here groaning under the
the' buiden of tl,e war ; tllc French arcex
the dail y> bei "g already in Guelder
art- lind- May God gives us soon a dcfira
oris ble peace to obtain which, two commif
feU lioners have been sent from the Hates -
to Paris. " .
a"y Thi pafTcngers in the Lydia fay,
arts t,iat il vva3 reported when they left the
c- Tex el, the French 'tad had two engage
ave ments at Utrecht. In the firft they
au- rf P lllfed ' but th e second they
ihi carned it. Nothing now (lands in the
Mo. way of their march to Amlterdam, it
] being but miles from Utrecht.
Amlterdam has been long expe&ing
Wp its fate, and before this is doubtless in
D° r ; the power of the French A total re
•es, volution in the government mull be the
Ax. const quence. The Stadtholder's pow
er will be annihilated, and Mr. Van
Staphorft .and hi* party will probably \
I" be pevmitted by the French to model ,
fir. the government at their pleafute, under I
dr. th« a 11.pices of tl eI 1 rench Convention, c
ral It in not probable the French will'treat c
Holland as-a conquered country, and ]
sunex it to the Republic, as they have (
h r J | the Austrian Netherlands; but in rea
ii'n I I'ty the fate of Holland will be so total- <
Iy in the power of the French, that a '
revolution will have all the effects of a ]
conquelt. What will become of the )
Dutch marine, is uncertain. This is '
however a serious point, as it refpech 1
Great-Britain. £
te, ARRIVED. t
of Schooner Rambler, Clark, St. Johns NB. ,£
of Sloop Hannah, Holland, Norfolk.
I '1 he following American veflels were at j
a, Amlterdam, when Captain Shackerly left /
n " 1 il: f
;d ; D "S Pallas, Wythcj bound for Sur-
f Sloop Sally, Captain Cunningham, of c
Baltimore, to fail the 12th January. r
I Ship George, Captain Low, of do. the t
ie firft fair wind.
(■ Ship George and Patty Walhington, /,
re of do. vas to fail for Surrinam.
c j Ship Robespierre, os-Boston, got on the
II l^_ m P uns >< n going out, but had been got
The Ship Atflive, Captain Blair, of r '
* Philadelphia, bound to Hamburgh ; ar-
rived in the Texel loth November—and rr,
0 was to fail as soon as the navigation 0
y was clear of ice at Hamburgh. 11!
n Captain Barnard has favored us with t)
the following lift of American veflels ly- w
, ,n g m Guadaloupe at the time of his fail- ~
ing: !
'e Ship Euphrafia, of Baltimore, Myrick. "
Brig Hope, New-York, Savage. '
e Prudence, ditto Shylen. f
Endeavour, ditto Rice. S
c > Savage, a;
George, George Burn, at
' -> Philadelphia, Connal. b
e » ditto Ruffel.
Y Schr. Harriot, Johnson. ~
e » Portland, Pain.
, Boston, Smith, y
Sloop Hudson Packet, Charleston, Sher- J 1
' _ man. j >"
' Brig » Boston, Wood. 'th
, Sloop , Humphries. Ihe
' al
-— tti
' I ■
The origin of Snub in the Aurora •
' Willcipcks a carekfs heedlels wight,
1 When dalhing reund his flail,
Scatter'd a little attic fait,
On Benny Bache's tail.
For this (a more provoking crime, ri
Than murder, or than treason)
_ Ben by the aid of " Snub" his cook, I
Swears he will cut his weafon.—
. Willcocks forbear, 'tis fafer far,
To set the world in flames, ( n
Than tell the truth of party knave» c [ e -
And call them by their names.
Information to the Merchants, 'stl
A Veflel will be dispatched fropi this port nat
<in Saturday next, to call at Bermuda, and tIU
from thence proceed to Barbadoes and the or
ther Britilh windward Islands. Any letters y, '
or papers refpedling the capture of Ameri
can veffelsor property by the Britilh will be Cltl
taken charge of by a person going out in said ded
vessel free of expence,and may be sent before 'jhal
Saturday to
I nomas ritzlimons. jj ni
r of An ACT to cflablilh an uniform rale
utral of natgralijation: and to the |
nh heretofore pasTed cn that liibiert. !
ITage earn ing into complete tfeel, j
from the potuirgiven by thi conjlitu- 1
30, lion, to ejiaalifh atl uniform rule of
Al- naturalization throughout the United
'ater Slates ;
fohn Sec. 1. BE itena?)rdby the Senate
ape- and House of Reprefentaiives of th •
Bar- L'mted States of America,
aiTembled, That any alien, being'a
free wiite person. may be admitted to
become a citizen of, the United States,
lam. * r ?'" y °f 'A«b, on tht folltaiing eon
iti's. and not othersoife :—
ope. He fhj.ll have declared on
ton! ° a,/i °. r Pfr'Mtion, before thefuprem
f'perior; diflritl or .circuit court of
■ some one of thefiates, or of tketerri
ated tones north u>e]}.ur south of the river
ly e Ohio, or a circuit or iijlricl court of
the United States, three years, at
the before his admijicin, that it
ex- wa, <. bona fide*, his intentinn tu become
do- & ( itizen of the United States, and to
fira- T J "ounce foreyer. qll allegiance and f
miif d a d "yany foreighprince, potentate.
ates ftateor favcreiguty whatever,and par- '
ticularfy, by name, th? prince, pct'.r
fay, tate > st ate °r fivereighty whereoffuch \
the a^-n ma y> at tim( > h a citizen ,
, r e. or fubje(l.
hey "<'[?■ He /hall, at the tineo}
bev a /'P' uat ' 0i ' 10 be admitted, decLir,
the ° U ° or. affirmation, before some one
'j of the courts aforefaid, that he Jias
' 1 rejided within the United States, five
years at leajl. and within the jtate or
; ,n g territory, where, such court is at the {
' lirne held, one year at, Uafl ; thai he
support the ..conjlitutiun of, the
,he United States ; and that he doth ab
>w- folutely and entirely .renounce andab
m, jure all allegiance and fidelity to every
b'y foreign prince, potentate, fate orfj
del vereignty whatever, and particularly '
der by name, thi prince, potentate. [late
on. or sovereignty, whereof lie was before
eat a citizen orfubjeß ; which proceedings %
ind shall be-.rccorded by the clerk of the "
ave court.
'ca- Thirdly. The court admiitingfuch
tal- alien, shall be fatisfed that he has
t a refded within the limits and under the
if a jurfdiclion of the United States jive
the yttirs; and it fliallfarther appear to
,ls their fatisfa&ion, that during that
time, he has behaved as a man of a
good moral charaEttr, attached to the
principles of the conflitution of the
United fates, and well disposed to the
B. good order and happinfs of the fame.
'Ik. Fourthly. In cafe the alien apply.
-at ing to be admitted to citizenfhop shall
lett have borne any hereditary title, or ' I
- been of any of the orders of nobility, ; S
—1 -irrrctce-nxnptam or fate-from which he A
of cam( -, htfiall, m addition to the above
requ.if.tes, make an express renuncia- ?v
the tion as his title or order of nobility, '• H
in the court to which his application j P
m, fhallbrmade; whichrenunciationfhall' E,
be recorded in the.said court. jI.
'ot CC ' 2 ' P rov ' d ' d always, and be it 1 J> '
' further enafled, That any alien now K ,
of residing within the limits anct under W '
lr . the jurifdiclion of the United States,
n d may be admitted to become a citizen
on on his declaring on oath or affirmation,
•tin some one of the courts as or said,
that he has resided two years, at 'haft.
T" within and under the jurifdiclion of p'
1 " the fame, and one year, at leajl, with P,
;k in the slate or territory where such &
;e> court is at the time held ; that he will< Bf
n. support the conflitution of the United
;e. States; and that he doth absolutely
;e. and entirely renounce and abjure all k.
n. allegiance and fidelity to any foreign
a-'- prince, potentate, fate orfovereignty '
'• whatever, and particularly byname. Xr
the prince, potentate.fate trfovreign
jj' ty, whereof he was before a citizen or V "'
r- JvbjeEl j aud moreover on its appear
n. | >*g to the fatisfattion of the court. Oa
d. ' that during the said term of two y ars.
:s. he has behaved as a man of good mor- th<
al char after, attached to the confiitu- ter
tion of the United States, and well a(J
_ Disposed to the good order and happi- ra j
ness of the fame; and, where the alt- fio
en applying for admiffi on to citizen- am
Jhipt shall have borne any hereditary
tit 1f... or been of any of the orders' of an !
nobility in the kingdom or filate from '
which he came, on his moreover mak
tug in the court an express rerpuncia- m 'j
lion of his title or order of nobility, f l tl
■> bef ore he Jhall be entitled to such ad- o'c
mission ; all of whichproceedings, re- cor
quired in this proviso to be performed can
in the court, Jhall be recorded by the mai
clerk thereof.
Sec. 3. And be it further enafled,
that the children of persons duly na
turalized, dwelling within the United
• States, and being under the age of
twenty one years, at the time of such
' naturalization ; and the children of
1 citizens of the United Slates, born cut
I of the limits and jurifdiElion of the
, United States, shall be considered as
citizens of the United States : Provi
ded, Ihat the right of citizenship
'shall not def end to persons, whofefa- A
thers have never been refidtnt in the No
United Statfs: Provided also, That J]
rale no person hertlofqreprof< nbed by any
I the hjlate, or who has been legally cji. vie ted
ierh of having joined thr army of 'treat
feS, Britain, during the 'late war, /halt •
'itu- be admitted a citizen as af>refiid,
e of without the cons nt of the I- i flature
ited of the ftiitt, in whithfuch person was
nve Sec. i. And he it furth-r enafied,
thL' That ths afl intituled "an off to e
refs /lal'.ijk an vriforin rulr of raturali
?' a nation,",pajfed the twenty fi.xth ifay
dto of March, one thoujdnd seven hurt
les, dreland ninety, be, and the fame is
■ on- hereby, repealed,
Fridcrick Augiiflut Muhlenberg,
ori S ,eak?r of the House ofßepre
em' ' fematiyes.
'of J" 1 " Adam*,- Vire-Prff|dpnt of
rr'i- Wnitcd Stitei and President
• oi ;r>e Senate.
Y'f January «,j, i-r,-.
(>o: Wafhimrton. J tclidcnt of
u . the tfftiird S.arcs
1 tt , • , *
.Amid tl>„ iu fries of five ! it is
lto no luiajl ponfolaiiuu to,the inhabi;ants of
.fir . Clt y 10 Infuiunct. Com
ite. 'panyot North America luve lately un
ar- Ur j taken to in/ure Hcufes, Goods, &c. ,1-
, v gamli tliis deflective element at the low
itch P , alUlmi «t 6». P'T anavm for £too
zen ™b crc * s 'heiutuajl premium for the fame
r '° he l onduii Companies is ioj. 6tL
on American policies.
:£ SA L TV'
ive Cadiz Salt, ,
lor Just landing from on board th- Brit- Trial,;
the f Cr lale at W.lling and Francis's v, harf
In X
the Levhius Clarkfon.
Nt,. March ii, / *
zb- ~~ —
;r y Stables to be Let.
so- . ■ -
rly 1o b* let from the 28th inft. or sooner if ro
ate . uilite '
ore Light Horse Stable
IgS lhe convenience of a good Hay Loft &•
'he ®hed Carriages, in Elbow Laj;c, between
Market and CheOiut street. Enquire at the
Rising t'un, Strawberry street. . ..
u ' h Marth " ' w&sj: -
tas ■ -- -
tat by Particular Desire.'
the March 11. 1 #
'he IVill be Presented,
ne. (For the Ift time this Sea/on) a Comedy
ly- called
all Every One has his Fault.
or . Lord Norland, Mr. W hitlock
'■y, I r Rol f rt Ramble, Mr. Ck 1m n
he 1 "' ®p' u S . Mr, Morris
ve „ armon 7. Mr: liat s
Captain Irwm, Mr. M or ton
Mr. Placid, Mr.- CI: w land
y, Hammond, Mr.Crc "
on Porter, Mr. VVarr ll
ill j Edward, Mrs.
j Lady Eleanor Irwin, Mrs. Whitlock
it I Mrs. Placid, Mr., <« w
w Mr,. Bates
er Mifa W ooburn, Mrs. Morris
s, To "which <wil! he added,
n, A COMIC OPERA, called
7 The Poor Soldier.
n Captain Fitzroy, Mr. Morcton
■ Father Luke, Mr Blil: tt
/ Mr. Darlty jun.
\ P atr ' ck ' -Mr. barley
h Darby, Mr wi J
II Bagatelle (with a song in characler; Mr.
•d 1 - Marlhall
r v ®°7' Master T. Warrell
/, or , ah ' Miss Broaohurft
" Kathleen, Mis. Willems
y On Friday (never performed here) a new
with entertainments.
r. 1
Box onr Dollar-Pitt 4 of a Do'lar—and
■. Oa"erN a doilji.
The Public are refpe&fully informed that
the Doors of the' Thtatre will open at a quar
ter after five, and thetcurtain rife precisely at
a quarter' alter 6o'clatk.
l ickeis and places for the Boxei to be
taken 0* Mr. Wells, at the Theatre,
- tio.iiTWJ, an., on day? of perform
. ante (torn TEN'ii ! three o'clock.
y Alfoat Rice's Bookdore, No. jo, and
( and Carey's No. 118. Market street.
t No money or tickets to be retimed, nor
any person on any account whatsoever, ad
nutted behind the scenes.
Ladies and Gentlemen are reqnefted to
, fend their servants to keep places by five
o clock, and order them, as soon as the
company are seated, to withdraw, as they
' cannot on any account he permitted to re
Vivat^R efpublica !
Frefli l eas,
Of Superior Quality, vtz.
Imperial, vrOunpowdcr
H)fon Gomee, «
1 ft quality Hyson,
id. do. do.
Young Hyson,
Hyson Skin, and
4 few Boxes of each, for fait a
No. 19, Third street south.
Dec. 10 f9dlf