daily even i'n'g advertiser. [No. -J9 .of Vol. VIT.] Wednesday, March it, [W! oJc No. <■' 1 1 I, A N D 1 N G, 'rem trig Toor.tr from Lirexrcor., , ■toved & Bafet SAL T < Doable GlouccflVr. m whole <® rPORTtR BOTTLES, a, sr * Thomas & J°^ n Ketland. Mnrch 6- d - hist Pub.iflied, nd to be fold V.yTKomas Dobfon, No? 41, I Second Arret, Benjim-.n Davis, 68, His .« ftr ect, Tohn Ormrod, 41, CEefnut street, and by the Editor of this Gazette, : 'roceedings of the Executive r : of the United States, RESPECTING w J"HE INSURGENTS, r ° 1794. MARCEL?.U c —as pyblilhed in the Vis- in. November and December HISTORY of the REVOLUTION in ENEVA. •-2 REPORT of the late Secretory of lu e « March 6 ' Wants Employment, £ Ap. < f '<>n who has at -ierable knowledge I CONVEYANCING, a general krnw- ot Acct-'uaH and F 1 ■ 1 r«1, and write 1 pood liarid. He ">•.,!? engage by t'vft ear, either in an Office o: Merchant' eoroptiiigitouft A line atld'elfeol to JB. nd left at the OJtticc of t e Ga.ze te of tlie . Jnued States, will be duiy sttendedto . Jan. to eodtf —. —. I Scheme of a Lottery, < To raise 39,900 Do/fart, 6rt 566,000 Dollars Jlrdufliuy. 15 ~pcr Cent, j>om the f*rtzts— 'Jhis Lottery confijls of 38.00 c Ticket}, tf uhi, I: there are 14,539 Trite*, and 23,461 Blinks, being about vr.r and an hiiy blanks It a prize. THE IXiitflor? of the Soc it ty for eftablifi • ing Ufetu! having refolv I -d t rt rreft LOTTEKJF.S for raifnjg One I tfu Kdr ed Thou san d Doju ia r s', agreeaimy e :<> an At\ of the L< g»Il <*iire 9! tkc Sft« of a New-]cifey, have appointed the fallowing } perfon.s 10 fuperirHcnc; and dij'.ft the draw- l rig otthc (•) inf 1 v 7„ N'ch«»las I ow. R ufus { yvnjfard Ha> rtlon", JAW rfcr >.—
    539 262,000 •.3,461 Bla»^»r— drawn nnmber. 2,000' I.n ft Threw n miinbe.r, 2,000 38000 Tickcts at" Dollar? each is 266. OffC The drawing will commence, .under the lafprftmn of a Comf*»ittve of (he Sirpenn tenc!a*t«, a« fortn ai the I ickets are fold, of v,htch timely notice will l>c given. The .Supermteudams have appointed John '■!. Carwnnng, oi Kewaik. Jacob R. Har-y enht-rg, of NfW-B«iofwick, and Jonathan Kriifa, of Ttfrvton, immediate Managers t lereol, who have given ample fecuiity tor !tfcharging * hje trust repoffd in them. In order to fecuie the pnnftual pay inrnt of the Priy s, the Superintendants oi' Lottery have dirc£led that the Managers i=»U ear.Kertei into in 4-,0«0 dollai.<, 'th four lufJficienti*ecu»'iti s,to perform then • »il« unions, i he liiSllancc pi wlrieb 's I. That whenrvy either of the Manaprrs ' >all receive the furn of Three Hundred Dol i-irs, he (hall imnidijtely place The fame in I •ne of the Banks of New-York or Phijadcl \ hia, to the ciedit of-1 he Governor of the »nety, and Tuch o! the Superintend apt s as ve in Ihe city where the monies are placed, > rcmayn there until the Lottery ts drawn, ( >r the payment of tl>\ Piizes^ 11. The Man age's to takic fe " inty so» any Tickets they may trust, othe'J*. »ilc».o be refoonnb'e for them. HI. To .. ep rrgniar book%fl aproved tyl hn ten> 01 Rules and tUe belt coiedtion oi 11- , Tunes now in uf#,- an A/so for Sale, rs a coiMPLtre set or Machinery for making Cards y On an Improved Conltru&ion. or Ort. 2 1 rawtf Ihe New Philanthrophic Society, rs Conflituted for the purpose <;f relieving ll- sick or diftrefTed members is open for the admiflion of a few Subscribers on the origi [l - nal terms, after which the entrance will be hr advanced. as The benefits arising from the above insti tution are too obvious to require much com- n ' ment •,-independent of advantages produeed r by intercourse, the eonfeioufnefs of contributing to our neighbours' relief,affords r " the higheii gratification to a feeling mind, rts while it fecurest® ourselves a certain provi hf fioh agatnft future contirgencies. ~ N. £. Printed particulars may be had (gratis) at the bar of the Sun Tavern,Straw b.-rry street, where the Society is field. •n. The next meeting will be on Monday the re l6thir.ft. March $• m&thjjw - LIBRARY. Notice is hereby given," That a general Meeting of the Library p Company of Philadelphia, will be held by adjournment, at thfc Library in Fifth street, on Monday next the sixteenth instant, at fix o'clock in the evening, in order to tke into consideration the propriety of encreafing their S< Annual Payments, and repealing so much of their bye-laws, as authorize the Dircdors to dispose of tl\e Real Eftatc of the Company. By order of the Members affcmbled at the Library this day. Z. Poulfcm, jun. Secretary pro t?m. Monday, March 9 dtM. BEE F, 400 BARRELS FOR SALE; APPLY AT No. 82, south Front Jlreet, samuel" coates. March 7 *6t [ New-castle Pier Lot tery. Tickets in the above Lottery may be ex amined at the Office No 149 Chefnut ftreet between Fourth and Fifth flreets. Arrangements having been made to obtain 1 regularly each day's dfawing. Information also wilt'be given where" fc a few remaining Tickets may be purcha- f fed. N. B. The Lottery commeneed di aw ing the a?th inft. '23 Feb. . d. SHAKSPEARE'S WORKS. — c Mount ford, Bioren, & Co. < RESPECTFULLY inform the Patrons to 1 thefc Works, and the Public, that from the 1 very Liberal Encouragement they have al- 1 , ready received in the Undertaking, they will ' ] be enabled to put the First Volume to i ■ , Press in the course of the ensuing Month. j I This being the firft attempt made in the i f United States for the publication of the ! ; Writings of the celebrated Shakfpeare—and j r J the magnitude and elegance of the Work j A rendering it materially expensive, the Pnla- \ i lifhers anticipate a generous Patronage from j an enlightened Puklic. —' ■■ ill b|- printed - on a new and handfonae • - ThefirK volume WffiK h ifsiecc of Shaljpeare. Subscriptions are received by theprinci- j a pal Booksellers in this City, and throughout s, the United States, and by the Publifhcrs,No. >f 75, Dock street. Feb. 28. eod3t —iaw4w d Wanted Immediately. a Smiths, i good fireman and White S*nith, good encouragement will be given. Apply No 162 or 74 Market street. ° Phi I ad. Feb, 28, 1795, N. B. Boarding .rnd Lodging free. d. — ■ -y I —' — George Hunter, : 5 Chtmijl, At his Larbor.itory, No. 114, south Second flreat. INFORMS his former culle»mers and the public, that he has bee;un the DRUG bu siness again on an extensive plan. He has for sale a g-neral assortment of FRESH DRUGS, ol CHEMJCAL PREPARATIONS, «nd PA TEfJT MEDICINEi. In IJkewife, painters'colours, dry and ground in oil, paint brushes, window and coach ! a glass, dye ftuffs. linseed of' oil of turpentine, c " copal oil varnish and j*pa*, warranted good. J- Allum.cc\pueras,madder,ground rcdwwod by the hogfbead or fmallcf quantity. Ashe imports the simp! s from the best market , and makes tKe compofitif,ns and preparations himfel*, he is enabled to vouch j for and warrant every art.cle fold out of his $ Laboratory, and like wife to dispose ol them at the- moll reasonable rates. He wishes to fell a large LOT of ~~ GROIIND, 'he north-east corner of H'gh and Eleventh-ft'eets,containing 78 feet front On Htgh-ftreet, and 200 fret on E'rventh ftreet, opposite Mi. Leiper*snew building* — )g And another LOT on the north fide of High ie street, near the 28 feet front, and 200 'i- feet deep. Both lots tuve the privilege ol a 5e 3° f« ft alley in their rear. Dec. 13. sl f WAnted, d f An Apprentice .Is To the d ' -Watch making and Repairing Business "1 APPLY TO C. Campbell, be No. 3, south Fourth street, two doors from Market llrett. Jan. 19 4awtf American Landscapes. PROPOSALS 'f. FOX PUBLISHING JN AQUATINT A N TWENTY-FOUR ■ the VIEWS.. t\ Seleiled from the nioft ftrikir.g and inte- "J rcftintf Profpeifls in the United States ; each »f which .VIEWS v ill be aocom- 'panied with a descriptive account of its Local, Historical, and other Incidental 1 Peculiarities. , . , v ;| By G. I. PARKYNS; Author of the " Monajiic Hrvtain: attd AncUnt , no Cjjlles in Great JfriLutu 1 lei — nut CONDITIONS. mc I. That the work shall be published by S«jb- t j, c fcription ; and that each Subscriber flail engage to take the whole set of Views, and shall pay for each if bla- k or brown, 2 Dollars ; and if coloured 5 •Doll ar-». j 11. That th« dimensions o p each engrav- ing ftuill be 24 by 17 inches, executed in j ntl acjuatinta, andpublilhed won paper of a _ rt superior quality. The publication X.6 com* J mence immediately; and one rtgravirpjtf t j ly be delivered to the Subscribers, on the firft j Monday of each succeeding month, until y- ( the proposed faries lhall be finally compler- an ' d» v j 1 111. That with the lafl View of the scries, roJ shall be delivered an engraved titie-pajfe ; m ., I elegant charadeiiftic vignette; a map w j — j of the route, conneded with the proppeds exhibited in the the conrfe of the Work ; cni and an Alphabetical lift of the Subscribers. Q j-, TO THITPUBLIC. THIS Work is offered to the public at a ; crisis peculiarly nterefting to the Arts. A- [jJ midst the ravages of war, and the convulC- j, ( . ons of a revolutionary age, they mull Uievi-, 0 tably languish and expire, unless the fame e happy country, which affords an asylum to the persons of the persecuted and diftrefTed, II shall fofter and patronize the labour and affi -0 | cUiity of men of genius and talents. Advanc j !ng, indeed, rapidly to the zenith of power, I c i reputation and opulence, America, even in ' , ( a state of vniverf.il tranquility, must soon j j have become the rival of Europe in learning t j and tafle, as Well as her superior in moral ty i_ j and government. Under the present cireum n i fiancee of the world, however, thi oppor- I tunity occurs to anticipate the deflined peri ie ! od of pre-eminence ; and to render America _ | at this eventful hour, the guardian and rro £ . i.»—*-£ ■.gfi-v fcicnce that can enlighten, T affn rf- _ mind. On this principle, more than the clajpi of * ' merit, the Author presumes he shall not fail to attrad the public attention ; but still, he hopes, that he will not be found altogether undeserving or defeAive, either in the choic or execution of his fubjeil. No country pof- ~ feffes fcencs better calculated to inspire ideas of the beantiful and sublime ; to exalt the foul as tPc philosopher, to enliven the foug | J tc of the poet, or animate the pencil of thej*| painter, than those which lie profufely fi_at-; tered over the American continent : Eut un- ! fortunately there is no country, whose native charms have been so fuperfic-ally explored, or so imperfe£Hy delineated. Hitherto, indeed u the toll of converting a wilderness into a slate ~ of luxuriant vegetation; of providing the necessaries and comforts of life; and of adap ting civil inflitutions to the genius of a jiew nation, seems to have been fufficient to en gage a I the firength, and all the talen sof the inhabitants of America. t/ The people of Europe, on the other hand, corrupted by ' ie wealth, and deluded by piide, have rarely, tl IU " camparatively speaking, overstepped the I boundaries of their continent in pure search n of information or pleasure. The ruins of art, which encumber their domestic scenery, have been preferred to the novelties of nature • A - whiih arifc in other regions; and the time q has been, that a View from the St. Lawrence r to the Mifliflpi would have been less valued, ch than the feci ion of a palace, or a mutilated fragment of antiquity. But iu refpeift to j 1 j both, a revolution in fituatfon and sentiment ' 0 has been accomplished. The American finds leisure, with a retrofpc&ive and joyful fenfi- 'j bilicy of heart, to admire the graces, as well '' c j, as to reap the abundance which providence J ,j, has bellowed on this country; and the Euro- 1 , m peanis compelled, with an anxious and ex- ft pent» and colors of which are certain- 1 ly no where else to be found. Exclufiveof these advantage*, it is likewifi t in contemplation to render the work a repo )r® fitory of descriptive topographic»TS»d biflo rical faifts refped.ng the circumjacent coun try from which the views wire taken : bu' o u'i ct tofm folici :! • aCJG oce c* . tft, who is poflefied ».i tv hentic fortration, vh'tHtr relating t*> •iie-N-iural i.iflory.oi tc the memorable ev-.r.t*, -cnne&ed vith the refpe&ive encrtvingv The n»ajf o; \ thetovr will exhibit th* r<-Utive fituaCcn of th« vicwi. a* well with reU jA to e* rfi her a* +h the principal Cilice snd T Wtfs ©f 'lie f*veiil Sutes, commenting at tiic city of | WMhingfon. . • As .m additional Ye comm*nd a t ion to the i favor of p patriotic public, it may not be im- L (proper to obf rvethat the paper and ev ry other articic employed in executing the vor»t will be of; American nianufa&urc, and.of , theb«A quality. Twelve drawing* are and the ut most.dispatch will be used in preparing and delivering the engraving*. Amongu the number alluded to, the following u-»y be mentioned ; 1. A view of MpW Vernon, the (eat the President of tho United Stat^-i. 2. Philadelphia. "• 3. City of Wafliington. 4. New-York, £;c. &c. &c. It is the of the Author to £ni!h those obje are desirous of fending fpecimen# of their performances, ejthtr 111 Painting, Sculp ture, ArchiteAure, or Engraving, that a , s PUBLIC EXHIHITION will be opened in the City of Philadelphia, on the firft II day of May next, when those who wish to c be Exhibitc, . are req&efted to notify _ intentions as soon as polSble, addref - fed to the Chairman of the Columbianum k. through the hands of Mr. Groom bridge, it Kefolved, That the Rooms intended for the Ex - hibition (hall be announced to the Public, t is fooii as the preparatory arrangements - are completed. 1 Resolved, ■ e That every pofTible care shall be taken of such performances of Artists and Ho * norary Exhibitors a« are intended for the Exhibitien, and that they (hall be return ' ed to the different proprietors, at the close . '* of the fame, with every luitabfe precau tion. Resolved, That the Rules and Regulations for , e coiyluiflinjr the Exhibition, shall be laid before the Public at an early period, with the names of the Gentlemen that compote ft the Committee of Exhibition mi Models, v- Signed by Order, o- P. P. PRICE. Sec. protetn. n- THOS. ROBSON, AUift. See. ir I Feb. 2* *