DAILY EVENING ADVEF USER. [No. 49 of Vol. VII.] Friday, February 27, ("Whole No. COLUMBIA NUM. Kt a TTKetin 179.?- AT a Meeting of the Fellow Artists of t'le Columbianum, at Mr. Groombridge's I souse, adjoi ;ing the Bank of PennJylva ia, in the City of Philadelphia. G. I. Parlyru in tbe chair. Resolved, That the Columbianum or National College, finll apprise the Artists of Ame t rica, end such Ladies and gentlemen, as .ire desirous ot i'cndfng specimens of their ■ performances, either in Painting, Sculp » .ure, Archite&ure, or Engraving, that a PUBLIC EXHIBITION will be opened n the City of Philadelphia, on the firft ; day of May next, when thoie who wish to 9e Exhibitors, are requested, to notify heir intentions as foou aspoffible, addref ed to the Chairma*of the Columbianum :hrough the hands of Mr. Groombridge. Resolved, That the Rooms intended for the Ex hibition shall be announced to the Public, ' as soon as the preparatory arrangements are completed. Resolved, That every poflible care shall be taken of such performances of Artists and Ho norary Exhibitors as are intended for the exhibition, and that they shall be return ed to -the different proprietors, at the ulofe of the fame, -with every suitable precau tion. Refolvfd, That the Rules aid Regulations for conducing the Exhibition, (hall be laid before the Public at an early period, with the names of the Gentlemen that compose the Committee of Exhibition and Models. Signed by Order, —F. r. wrcrr. } ._ THOS. ROBSON, AiTitt. Sec. Feb. ao d Thirty dollars reward. Ran away from the fubferiber, a white French fcrvant man named Pierre La Fitte, a bout 30 years of age, of small stature, blue eyes, hu"ge nostrils; had on blue clothes, like a Tailor's, and has a small wound in one of his fingers. He left my plantation la ft Sa turday morning, after stealing fcveral silver spoons and forks, p?rt of which he fold to a silversmith in Fre erickt >wn. He enticed I away with him a trench Negro Girl,nam : cd Cicilu, about a 2 yea sos age belonging to me. She had on a green petticoat, a«d they ! both speak bad Englilh. He fays he is a gard - cer, and had been aieaman on board a French privateer which he l-ft at Baltimore, previ ous to his coming into my service at Frede ricktown. Any person who will secure them in either of the jails of the following places, Jhal] thereupon receive 15 dollars for each of the faiJ run-away;., of the following per sons. John Vaughan, of Philadelphia ; David Stewart and Sons, Baltimore ; Moles My erg, Norfolk ; or the Subscriber, E. P. M. DE LA VINCENDIERRE. \ Maryland, Feb. 16. v All Captains of veffeh* are warned not to •arry them out of the country. diw3taw2w James M'Alpin, Taylor, No, 3, South Fourth Strlet, Rctu ns his gratefu} acknowledgements to his friends ami and which will become due on the fifth day of March, 179.5, will be paid on that , day, by the Coramiflioners of Loans, with in the States refpedively, under the usual regulations. Applications, of Executors and Admi nistrators, mull be accompanied with le p- gal evidence of their refpecUve appoint ments, and of the time »f the decease of the Invalids, whose pensions they may claim. By order tf the President of the Unit ed States, Timothy Pickering, Secretary of War. Jan. 27. iawßw. .5 7 George Hunter, »• Chemijl, At bis Larkorat6rj y . No. 114, south ) Second fir eat. INFORMS his former cuilotners and the pt)i>lic, thai he has begun the DRUG bu fincf* again on an cxterfive plan. n He has for sale a general afionment of : FRESH DRUGS, ~ CHEMICAL PREPARATIONS', and PA TENT MEDICINES. 1 Likewise, painters'colours, dry and giound in oil, paint brushes, window and coach glass, dye ftuffs. linseed oil, oil of turpentine, s Copai oil varnifb and japan, warranted good. A Hum, copperas, martder, ground red w«od by the hogshead or Imallcr quantity. r Ashe imports the fimpl's from the best market , and makes the compofittons and preparations himfelf, he is enabled to- vouch tor and warrant article fold out ps his Laboratory, and likewise to dtfpofe of them at the moil realonable rates. He wilhes to ft 11 a large LOT of s GROUND, the north-east corner of H'gh i and 78 feet front on High-rtrect, and 2CO feet 00 Eleventh c street, opposite Mr. Leiper'snew buildings— And another LOT on the north fide of High ftreet,near the above, 28 'efct front, and «oo feet defp. Both lots have the privilege ol a 30 feel alley in their rear. 13. stf A FEW COOpC Of the celebrated Pe formance under the Signature^of M A N L I U S y Mjy be had of d John Ormrod, No. 41, Chef nut flreet. t RTC E 25 CENTS. Mar tan's Law of % NATIONS. 'I PROPOSALS For pulUJhing by Subftription, ly e Thomas Bradford\ I No. 8, south Front street, „ An English Translation Of a late publication, entitled, PRECIS du Droit des Gens Modernes de L'Europe, Fonde fur de» Traites & L'Ufuage ; par M. Martan. k Or, A j Summary of the Law of Nations, Founded on the TREATIES and CUSTOMS of the Modern Nations of Europe. To which is added a Lift of the Principal Treaties concluded since 1748, to the pre sent time, with references to the books, where they are to be found. CONDITIONS. 1. THIS Wort will be comprized in one elegant ocyrAvo tolume,printed on a fine paper, and entire new type. 2. The price to fublcribers, will be Ore Dollar and an Half; to be railed to non-sub scribers. 3. It shall be delivered to fubferibers in law-binding. The whole to be executed in a ftyleof elegance, that will render it as orr.a mcntalMufrful to theLJjrary of theStatefman Politician, or Lawyer. 4- It lhall be put to press as soon as a fuffi ciency of names appear to encourage the un dertaking. J. The name* of t'ue fubferibers will be printed to record the patrous of this Ines timable Work. Gentlemen residing at a distance arc re queftedtoadd to their fubfeription, the nam-. ! of some person in Philadelphia, with wh#m they would wish their books deposited. No payment expeded until the delivery of the book. ' Subscriptions are received by Thomas Brad ford, No. 1, south Front street, and the o ther Booksellers in Philadelphia; by James Rivington, Hugh Gaine and Thomas Allen, New York; John W. F»]fom and Isaiah Thomas, Boston; William Pritchard, Rich mond, Virginia; and Rise & Co. Baltimore. Feb. IS. i I. . | A Morjtl for tbe Gnawers ' of the Bone! This Day was published, ° AND FOR SALE AT - e T. Brad-ford s Book-Store, t 1- No. 3. c l> South Front Street, }! h [Price 3 j cents] " Observations on the Emi- b ii gration of Dr. Pricftley, And on the several Addreflfes ''eliverrd to him, on his arrival at New York, with si additions, containing many curious a»i' > interesting fadls on the fubjedl, noi ■ know n here when the firft edition ti ■7 pvbiifhed : —Together with a compre- tl liehfive ftorv of a it *■ FARMER'S BULL. TJ)ird Edition At the fame place may be had t(je following ; | Late Publications, viz. 1. A Bone to gnaw for the Democrats ; j.; or Observations o;i a late pamphlet, entitled " Tlit Political Progress of Great Britain." 2. The Young (Quaker, a comedy, by . O'Keefe. ' 3 3. Haun ed Tower, by Mr. Cobb. q 4. Sicilian Romance, an opera, by Henry Siddons. Ie 5. The Hapless Orphan ; or Innocent vic- J " t:m of Revenge ; a novel founded on inci dents in reai life. In a series of letters from F Caroline i rancis, to Maria .E by 1 an Amtrican Lady, 1 vols. A general Aflortment of Books in the dif- . ferent departments of literature. 1 j T. Bradford has also for sale, the Best Su- d ' perfine Errglifh CARDS, and best coloured • h Wafers, wholesale or retail; and as usual, an lr f' aflortment of STATIONARY and Blank \ Eooks,which he will fell on the lowest ierms Feb. 7 - d " Scheme of a Lottery, - h Toraife 39,90® Dollars, on 266,e00 Dollar* is Deiuiitttf; 15 per Cent, f'tm the Prizes— Tl This Lottery cotjifts of 58,000 Tiilcts, in uhick there are 14,539 I'mes, and 23,461 J, if Blanks, bang about me and en halt thnks to h a prize. *' Direflorsof the Society foreflabiifii '■ X nig Ufeful Mjnufaftures, having refolv - ed to erect LOTTERIES 101 raising One ;h Hundred Thousand Collais, agreeably >0 to an A£l of ihe L> giflaiute of tkc State ol a New-Jerfrv, have appointed the following persons to fupeiintend and direfl the draw ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rcitus King, Herman Le Roy, Jomes Wat lor,, Richard Harrifrn, Ah 1 jail Hammond, >m le C»(nelius Ray, of the city ot New-Yoik — ThorrasWilling, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'- C Connel and Andrew B.yard, of the city ol Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ell, Esq. Elias Boudinol* General EliasDay r ten, Jam s Paiker, John Bayard, Dofl. r V Lew is Donham, Samui I W. Stockton, Jofhui M. Wallace, Joseph Blnomficld, and'Elilha Boudmot. ot N.w-Jerfey, who offei the following Schi mi ef a li<.itery, and pledg, ~ themselves to the public, tlut they will tak, enery alfuraore and piecaution in their powei 10 hive the Monies paid by the Managr ri , Irom time to time, as received, into tbi Banks at New-Yo.k and Philadelphia, 1, remain for the puipofe of paving Priz. j wlirch shall be immediately discharged by a check »pon out of the Banks " SCHEME: 1 Piizeof 20,000 Dollars is 26vO©c 1 io,oco 10,00 c J 2 s'°°° 10,00'- ( | U 5 2,000 10,000 r> e 10 . I,GO© XO,OOC ~ 20 s°° * v J GO 100 10,00 c 3°° 5° 15.000 ,co ® 241 20.0®0 2000 • 15 SO,OOO 3°®° 1 2 36,000 8100 1 • 8 1,00 c S A 1 4*539 Pri«t«. 262,000 a j 2 3>46i Blanks. drawn nu*\ber, 2,000 Laddrawn number, 2,00 c p •» 38000 Tickets at ? Dollars each is 266.00 c The drawing Vill commence, under the infp Pion of a Commiirce of the Superin- \ tendauts, a* soon as the Tickets are fold, ot E which timely notier wilTbe given. e The Supennteu'dants have appointed John y N r . Caiwminfr, o! Ntwark, Jacob R. >iar te dcnberg > ot New-Brunfwick, aod Jonacbai- xv t _ Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample security lor v the trust reposed in them. In order to secure punflual pav n mentofthe Prizes, the Superinrendants ot the Lottery have directed that the Managers n (hall each enter into bonds in 4c,ooodohars, with four lufßcientfecuntics,to perform theii inftiuQions, the fubliance ot which is I. That whenever either of the Managers — shall receive she sum ©f Three Hundred Dol- J" e lars. he (hail immdiately place the fame in *• - one of the Banks of Xew-York or Philadel phia, to the cteditaf the Governor of the - Society, and such of the Swperintendants av« £ I live in the city» where the monies are placed. l to remain thereuntil the Lottery is drawn, for the payment of ihe Prizes. f It. The Managers to take fufficient fe 'curity for any Tickets they may trust, other- M wife to be refponnble for them. to 111. To keep regular books of Tickets en fold, Monies received and paid into ch- in s Bank, abftrafts of which fkall be fenr. th » monthly, to tUeCoverDor of ihe Society. th Paierfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gei ' • tlemen, information will be given whet ,E j tickets may bt had. tu&ht i rfi ' J T. ealury I^^partmenE Revenue CJfice, Feb. I°, 17 95. Notice Is hereby given that "j. 1 ropofi h v 11 be received at the Office of th« Con mifhorer of the Revenue, until Oie ex I'jr t on of the 30th day of April next, for Icc T I'.oufand. Gallons of the.lmft wintej* pressed Spermaceti OIL, in ltronp and well bound cafXs, not exceeding in cjp city forty wo gallons, to be reldy lor delivery, on or before the firft day of June next. to It ,s required that the Oil be of a quality fit forufe 111 the ccldefl v/eather, and iu the J i nexed, ■i " An Explanatory Map." >• HuMifhed by Dbeftion o'the President and c Managers of the , nd Su( . s »"d the Delaware ai d Schuylkill NnvigatiSn Companies. "Here smooth Canals, across th' ed plain Stretch their long arms to join the distant main. ' The Tons of toil, with many a wejry flroke '' coop the hard bosom of the solid rock • Refiltlefs through the ft ff opposing cl a v* 0 \Vit leafi "g wonder rhe White fail gleaming through the dulky c And views the alter'd lard-cape with fur » prize' And doubts the magic fceret that round " him rife. n Now like a flnck offwans, above his head, Their woven wings th, fl y;ng veOtls spread " ' vhil meet ' n £ llrean »s,in artltilniaf.s,glide inle each, uomnjled, pours a /eparate , tide; Now, through the hidden .veins of e.rth they flow , And viftt sulphurous miies and caves be. 5 low. ; , The duflileftreamsobeyth. guiding hand, , And social Plenty crowus the fl A pp v land!- Ja "' "> aawtf Library Company of Philadelphia. 1 V A , .? eneral Meeting of the Members of the Library Company of Philadelphia is r . . quested, at their Hall, on the ninth day of . March next, at four O'clock in the afternoon • to take into consideration the propriety of , encrci-Cng the Annual Payments, and repeat mgfemuchof their Bye Laws, a, amho.il' she Directors to difpofc of the real £st at e 01 the Company. By order of tbe DirrFlort. R. Morgsn, Sec'rv i Feb ' .Odt jit' i