DA I VK N 1 NV, A D V F- R T T SEP. \ —* : • ■ —■ — i 1 — t: : +s ' f' rv o jr of Vol. VJI.I Monday, February 23, ' [Whole No. ] COLUMBJyfNTJMjr _ t »meetin v»'*s refolded. That th- Societf proceed to the ele of Officers for i. \raH. my, on Monday the id of March. By order. . ' C. V". PEALE, Chairmas. R. CLAIBORNE, Secretary. ( T,> rnary 21, t79 c - - ** A j WANTED. A Foreman for a Paper Mill. 'Toamm of capacity fcill in the bufi n vhofe honeftv and fidelity can be well bed a liberal will be of*- i i. Inquire of the Printed. Colunibianum. Fcl.ru ry 14, 17??• j T a Meet Wig of the Fellow Artists of ;• r Co'umbianum, at Vr. Groombndge's 1 *■' ife, adjoi ling the Rank r f Pcnnlylva- K ou in the City o: Philadelphia. G. It Parlyns in the tbair.. Rcfolvet!. . t hat the Colurabianum or Nationa. r, ege, finl! apprise the Artists of Ame n , and luck Ladies and Gentlemen, as jK^. - of irnUhyfjjeewn;na of t heir I 0.-wances, either in Painting, Kenlp , Architeaure, or En-raving, that a t OLIC EXHIBITION will be opened be City of Philadelphia, on thrlirlt of May next, when those who wish to p h- Exhibitor*, are requcfted to notify ) 1' <-.rintentions is fooi> a» poflible, afldref i io the Chairman of the Cpliirtbiannni 1 i. th ugh the hands, of Mr. Groombridjfe. Refolvtd, , 'hat the Rooms intended for the Ex ; . tion (hall he annou. red tc the Public, 2 ->on as the preparatory arrangements t completed. Refclved, 'hat eyery pnfTble care (hall be taken p* uch performances of Artists and Ho ary Exhibltois m are intended for the libit'.nn, and that they lhall bo return -0 th,e different proprietors, at tile tloCe ot he fame, with every suitable precau i.i n. Refolded, Sfoat the Rules and Regulations for v.) 'fusing the Exhibition, shall be laid ,j •rffi c the PuSlic at an early period, with |4 -t'ii rtim"s — i— w - _ !, , Commi fe of Fx ibition and Attda,. oigned hy Order, P. J?. PillCF. See. proftm. H TJiOS. ROBSON, AUVft, See. 20 __ 1 hirty dollars reward. tan aWiy a white fr nch servant man named Pigrre La fhte t a i;out 30 year* of age, c small ftaturs, blue jcy -s, larg w nostrils; bad on blue clothes, like z UuU>r\ and has a small wound in one of hi finders. He 1-ft my plantatipn lift ba t»"day morning, aftjer stealing fcveral /liver (]•< ons r-nd forks of which he fold to a ft >-rfmuh in Fredericktown. enticed 3>%>. ay with him a French Negro Girl, nam tc CitU:s, about 22 years of age belonging .to She had on a green petticoat, and they Jj%? h speak bad Engl 1 ft. He fays he is agard- B •, and had been alea'man on board a French C' vateer which he left at Baltimore, prcv;- Ito his coming into my fervi.ee at Fred* k.town. Any person who will secure them i* either of the jails of the following place®, ft 11 thereupon receive 15 dollars for each of tt e said run-aways,* of *he following per • s. John Vaughan, of Philadelphia ; David , £* -wart and Sons, Baltimore ; Moses Myers, Kor folk; or the Subfcribcr, 1 P. M. DE LA VINCENDIERRE. Frcdericktown, Maryland, Feb. 16. All of veffeis are warned not to #«Ty them out of the country. is c >fT attrutiou to bufineiy. { Ja»- ».» aawtf Fof Hfunbrrrg+r, 0 The fil-failing Jhip Industry, Vvilliam Bell, mailer LYING'a Sim's wharf, J will ":ril in a few dtys, hav -1.0 1 h eefourths '" her cirgo on board. F.'ifreig'.t nr paffije apply to JOHN B R O V N, al WalnJit ft-eti wharf, or Thomas Newman, No. 118, *oath Second-llreer. • .FeK 7 - d J For Sale or Charter, s tV*' She eomp'-*at repair, and of about 3200 barrels bii'-tien. Jefle & Robert Wain. Dec. 29 d lio,coo weight of Green Coffee, In 87 M»->s. 4<:ba'rel', aud 200 e r.frt leu to th? dSvtkai k, stored on Meflrs. Will.ng Se Fra»cis*s what f. IJ? id 4th Prtof Bourd.aux Brandy, 30 pjptsi>t' Lindon particular Tenei ifFt, und 1-mijlO'i pificiJar Madeira ."WINES, in hhds. pipes, «ic! quarter calks, Malaga Do. in quarter cafits, Auriguaandother RUM in hlids. St.Ciotx SI'GAR "f (tie firft qualiiy, St Ma ki MOLASSES, Hyson Tf.\. . (aniaica S/IRITS, H illand IN, in pipes, LOAF Sl', AR, i>. hhds. P£PI'ER, &c K-c. FOR S ALE 11* Levinus Clark Ton, 1 N«• 216, foutlr Waiter S eet. ) •" 1 • % PROPOSALS For printing ly Jubjcrtpt 'toHy a netu pub licatioriy t wfii be p. fnted en gooH papt , and on type and will con- tain at 1 .ft 300 duodecimo. 2d. The pr-ce Subfcrtbvfs wll be 7g rtn»s l -Hi rjn fubf.Mt'crr, we dwtiar. 3d. TheWoik. tt is will r»e riy for d» jiwn v, by »e mi«-idie ol March Tbof«- wm > *h»li obtain 12 Sublcnbers, wi 1 be entitled to ;jnc copv foj their t;ou ble; to P'inteis rfoi, Booksellers ibe ufua: tllowanrr will be ej-v n To the PUBLIC. THE princifßS de >1 ot tins r übkeation \r lo rc fcue rjom.obhvton the many impo»~ ; ant even** -«rd tran' ftiotasj wh:ch, under diftOe providence, have been chiefly condu ive 10 thr (et lemcnt «»f this ccunn y f ai.dti fc tn cfl .. 1 ifnm>nt wl our ptefent happy form o< govt-rnrtient; as also to transmit te p«ft-- 111y tbe names and atch:evem< nts of those fiate'mfn «nd h< roea, to wh\>m America is ] 10 ft indebted for her liberty anr. indepen- 1 deuce. v any patriotic Printer think propfi ><* patTOtwte this by occafloual. t iy the at ove in his paper, and pro- ( curing Subfcribcr t ibe favour be tnank- 1 iuliy d by the Editor f James Hardte. N. B. It ts leqoeftcd that fueh persons a< ' .> s up w.i rds of 600 acres of very valuabft Ijnd at dis bounded on the fsuth by the pul iic road thjt leads from New York to P' la tlr-lp'iia for near two triles, on the eail by tlie river Raritau for near a mi V, a 1 d lays in a triangu ar so m. Build ng Lots on se veral ftieets in this part of the town fell x omfiv to ten dollars ai d two th ids a foot font, and the extcnfion of Albany flreet, which the t]tu'<:tion admits of forat 1 afthaT a mil', will open a new source lor ve y plea ant &: commodious Situations for dwelling hou es. A confidera' e fp.ee aloi g (he river is well calculated for build ing lto -house* and-wharves, and affords : a feat for a Grift Mill on the bank of titc 1 five, which maybe funp ied with water from th Mile-Run by a sub erraneou« pas (age ?'readv dn«i, where vefleis of bar rels hurtb«n may conveniently load 1 load. There are now on the premises a jrood FarmHouse and two la ge barns, a commodiou new Dwelling House two fto. ries high, 42 by 32 feet fquaie, intended a d calculated, foi a ft rr, with very good cellars under the whole, and a kitchen $0 by *0 feet Jejuare, a new wharf of 80 uetfr in', end a well built store homfr o 40 by 26 feet qr.are and thiee ftoi ies high, and a quarry ol build ng flene on the premi ' r es. New B' unfwirk, one of Ihe most fl.rurilb ing places in New Jersey, lyiDgat the head of. the navigation of the river Raritan, L the magazine for the reception ofthe pro duce of a very extensive and fertile coun try, and is wel'fituated for vending every ( kind of imported merchandize for fupplv , ing the country. The e a sy transportation , of every kind of produce and manufafturc , from thtnee to New York by water, it si . tuation on the post road thrcuah the states, , and its vicinity to Perth Ai'nboy, one of the best seaports in the dates, render it an • obje. if jawtf > Frefii l eas; 1 Of Superior Qi'ality, viz. Imperial, «rGunpowcter H)fon Gcmee, Ift quality Hyson, tl 2d. do. do. Yotinj» Hyson, Hyson Skin, attd Seuq!.*.?. _ A f"w Boxes of each, for ft'e a tl No. if), street. south. Dec*. io eoatf i icklenburgs, Oznaburgs, and Gla/s Ware, Landing from on board the Jhip j eggy, 1 from Amfterdarn. * ALSO, Coffee of prime Quality In hogsheads and tierces, v Muscovado Sugars In hogsheads, German Steel, t ASSORTED WOOLLENS, { v In fn i!l Bales, &c. for sale by Handle & Mutgatroyd, b No. IX, Walnut street wharf. Who want to pumhafe 300 or 400 Casks Good Flaxfeed. Nov. 11 3tiwtf ti CITY DANCING ASSEM- « BLY. t THURSDAY next being Thankfgivinf Day, there will be ro AiTembly thft evening tl SUNDAY, the 22d, being the Birth Day of the President of the United States, there f will be a BALL oi> the evening of the 23d. No tickets will be fold for that nighf; and the Sttbfcribers are requested to apply to J; tbe Managers for Tickets f. r Strangers, pre vious to the night of the Ball, Q In the press and speedily will be published, y BY b THOMAS DOBSON, Nc. 41, south Second street, WOLSTONCRAFT'g c Historical & Moral View . OF THE i ~ French Revolution, } And the effetfl it has produced in Eurojie. ij,,! m\ li-OJ- - t»on, for sale at two dollars and a Feb. $ 2a\v r 3w A Morjtl for the Gnawers of the Bone! , This Day was published, AND FOR SALE AT ( . T. Bradford's Book-St»re, s | No. 8. • '' % Soi'th Front Street, c [Piice sy cents'] I Observations on the Emi ' grationofDr. Priestley, II And on the several AddreiTct ■ elivered to ( a him, on his arrval a New York, with, y additions, contain ng many curious and t intti-efting fatfs on the fuhjetfl, not , e known here w hen the firft edition was s published : —Together with a compre e henfive story of a FARMER'S BULL. ' Third Edition At the fame place may be had the following Late Publications, viz. I. A Bone to gnaw for the Democrats ; or Obfervnt.ons o a late pamphlet, entitled a " The Pol tical Progrtfs of Great Britain." 2. The Toung Quaker, a comedy, by O'Keefe. 3. Haun ed Tower, by Mr. Cobb. 4. Sicilian Romance, .n opera, by Henry - ; Siddons. 0 5. The Hapless Ofphan ;or Innocent vic ( tim of Revenge ; a novel founded on inci dents in real life. In a series of letters from * ' Caroline Francis, to Maria B——— by an American Lady, 2 vols. A general AlTortirtcnt of Books it) thedif- : j ferent departments of literature. T. Bradford has also for sale, the Befl Su perfine English CARDS, and best coloured Wsfers, wholefalc or retail; and as ufual,an y assortment of STATIONARY and Blank ' . Books,which he will fell on the lowest terms n 7- d TUITION J. of the „ French Tongue,Mathemadcks f 0 and Drawing. s e J. C. RoufTeau informs the public, that he t r has opened his EVENING SCHOOL, at his v house, No. 15, Brant street, between north " Third ind Fourth streets, and between Race and New streets. ' , ' He continues to wait 'on Ladies and Ger tlcmen, who wish to be taught at their otvi house», ?tid intends to open a JVIORn 1 n School for young Ladies as soon as he fti, have got Tw«lt« kibfcriters. F«k. c. Md 4 w i.jbrary C oirpsny of Philadelphia. A General Meeting- of the Men*t>efisl of the Library Company of Philadelphia is r > ;uefted, at their Hall, on the ji«nth day of Marc' next, at four o'clock in tho aJtcrric©n, :utalce into consideration tfye propriety of • ncreafmg th- Annual Payments, and repeal mg so much of their Bye Laws, as autho il w he Bire&ors to dispose of the real LiUte ©t the Company. By order of the Directors. Benjamin R. Morgan, Sec'ry. Feb. 14. eodt^M 1 reafury Department Revenue, Office, Feb. . IO ' ' 7 .95- Notice is hereby given that Proposals will be received ?t the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue, until the erf piration of the 30th day of April next, for Ten Thousand Gallons of the belt winter pre/ Ted Spermaceti OIL, in strong and well bound calks, not exceeding in capacity forty •wo gallons, to be ready for A N historical account or THfc Rile, progress, and present state or T H ■ : Canal Navigation in Perm -1 Jyivatiia. \ wi,h a " Appendix, containing AVftrafts of the Arts of th® I-egiflature si.ice the tear 179°, » <1 their G ai.ts. f Money lor im ptoving Ro*D4 and Navigabie Wjiifrj throughout tin state to which i>, an nexed, " An Explanatory Map." PuWithed by Diiefbon o the Pt'efident and ; Managers of thf SchiiyiluJ! a r rf S\jf,„e ; hanna, and the Delaware and Sthuvlkill Navigation Companies. " Here Imooth Canals, across th' extend ed plain , Streich their long armt to join the distant main. . The sons of toil, with many a weary flroke -coop the hard hofom of M:e solid 1 rck ; Refittlef'j through the ft ffnppofirg c!a?' Withheld) patience, work their gradual way j Compel the Genius y* th' HmvWirg flood Iliiough the brown honors of the aged wood; Cross the lone wa*e the silver urn they pour, \nd cheer the barren heath,or f u l!en moor il T'iC traveller, with plealing wonder fees The whUe fail gleaming through the dulky And v.ews the altered land'cape with lur piize And doubts the magic fieres that round him rile Now like a fl tk offwan,, above his head, Their woven win :s th- fly „g vessel, fciead Now meeting ftieam«,in ait'u nia.z s,glide A e earl, unmiuged, pouts a ;epaiate tide; Now, through the hidden veim of eanli they flow d rilit fulphuious milies and c, yes be. low. !"he ductile streams obey the pnid «p hard d social Plenty clowns the UAF t \ i. Al ot J an - '? aawtf