Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, February 11, 1795, Image 1

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.. »•; .• - J ■ Jfe - r* " . . r,? - '
[No. of Vol. VII.] Wednesday, February ii, 2795* [Whole No. 7^B.]
. i * fight ps
Green Coffee,
In 8? hhds. 4'barrel', aud soobagt, entit I
led toilie di awbick, ftorrd on itfetTrs.
Wiihng & wVarJ'.
ijl id & 4tb Pr»of
Bourdeaux Brandy, 3
30 pip«Js of London particular Tereriffr,
and Uodon particular Madeira WINES,
in hhrfs. pipes. a:id quarter casks, _
♦ Malaga Do in qtiaritr casks,
Anrigufc $nd other RUM in hhd-t.
Sr.O otx SUG A It of the firft cruaViiy,
Hyson TK A. ,
Jamaica SPIRITS, -J
H«»JI ind C,lN,"in pipes, f
LOAF SUGAR/t - hbds. ?
I EPPyF.K, Ac. fcc. '
Lcvinus Clorkfon, b
No. 2i6, south Water S 'Cct.
Dc 4 <t
Whereas an, attach
ment at the (W« of tHe adminifir»to(sof: all
and ii< ?,ular the goods and chattels, ri (bt
aoJ were of William fcur
net deceased, jtr tiie "jtiijie of J's <''a$K,
■ liarh been iflaed out of the lirleriom Court
of common pleas, in-ardfor the Conntvof V
Mirifhef'ex, agaii.ft tbeGonds and Chattel*
I,amis and Tenements nt 1 <cnius Martin,
Jate of the county aforefaid, ret amableto
the tlnrdTuelilay in July bft. NOTICE
ishere'jv given to the said Irerius Martin,
tiij< un'efs he appear »nd file special ba : 'to
tlte said action, on ot before the thirdTurf
day in January next, judgment Will he en
. tered ajainft bun bjr defaul', and the g>«xK
and chattels, lands and tenements so at
tached, fold lor the f*tM«'£i. rt it of fweft of
his-eredttors as shall appear to Ke jrj'tly en
titled to any demand the? con, and thall ap
ply fer that puvpi.fe, act ordmg to the twin
tf tile statute in fuel, enfe rosde'e provided
By oriVdroV t) e Court,
DEARS;, Clerk.
jo, 1 awtf.
A pleasant Country
Scat, 1
MAY be hired .f»r one or more years
nnd p.ffeflion given immediately'} CQniift
inn of
A neatlhrec story brick hotife
witn a ba' u, a wcrlfot wa:er, and an excel
lent btar ngprcli id, c- raining 150 trees 1
—It is «itnat«.t "1 . ,Ll" 1- . ■ _
tweenthr WilTdii ckon roaaandthe Stfmyi
kill, at thedift >nce of an agreeable walk
tro n that river, where a p 1 refute boat may
be conveniently kep*. Ihe quantity ot
La id may b-* coffined to B,or extended to
any umber of ac res nor excecdi'igr4°-
Apply to jon»t'ian Williai s jun at
Mount P eafai.t, *dj >ining the Frrmifes.
Jan. 13 2awtf
Department of War.
jamjart 26, 1795.
INFORMATION is hereby given, to
all the Military Invalids of the United
States, that the suras to which they are
intitled for fix months of their annual peti
tion, from the fourth of September, 1794.
and which will become due on the filth
day of March, w ill be paid on that
dav,by the CoTWfiiffoners of Loans, with
in the States refpedlively, under the uftial
of Executors and Admi
riiftrators, must be accompanied with le-
evidence of their refpeflive appoint
ments, arid of tlie time of the Seceafe of
■the Invalids. wcTiofi: penf'ons they may
j9v order of the Prudent of the Unit
ed States,
Timothy Pickering,
Secretary of War.
Jan.<27. 4 iawSw.
Gf the celebTateri Peifiumar ce under the
*M A N L I U S,
lv» had tf
John Ormrod, No. 41, Chsf
nut Jlreet.
< 1 RICH 2$ CENTS.
Eight Dollars Reward.
RAN AWAY from the Subscriber, iiv-
near Carlisle, in CuniberlanU County, on
•ihe 17th inlla .t,
Named JTJPA, about 30 years of age,
tall and llout jnade, had 01* and took with
Jier one caiiciS' gown, one of firip
td lin fry, one (hortgOTv n and petticoat of red |
if.d ftl d rottwi, two pair of (hoes
one pair wi h high heels, and a large bundle
6f ether cloaths not known. Whoever takes
lip fcvdyWencfe and her in any jailfo
that her Mailer gets her agairt, shall receive
the aboYe rewt rd and rcafonabb charges if
broilght home, by
William Moore.
r«k t. *d6t
For Sale or Charter,
J Roi.'rt Roberljon,
'STa S T E R.
She is'in eomgjeat repair, and of about
3 jco barrels burthen.
Jefle & Robert Wain.
Dec. 29 d
For Hamburgh,
The fiiJl-JMhng Jhip'
jyfeL Industry,
Willi*pi Dell, master
WftjLYING a Sim's wharf,
1 will liiil in a few day , has--
i'rt;;.lree fourths "f her cvg" on b"arrl.
Foi freight or paflage applv to JOHN
B R O W N, at Wainot ftrect svharf, or
Thomas Newman,
No. 118, South Second-street.
Feb. 7. d
John D. Blaachard,
At his Stores, in Third street,
of faperisr quality,
Coniac Brandy in pipes
50 Cases ofClaret of afnperior quality
fubj-fttn drasvback,
B"fton Tea Ketikes, alafge aflottment
Shoit of all sizes and numbers 5
Barr 1 ead,
Lead in pigs
Rr.flia Sheetings
Women's Stuff Shoes by the quantity
Cutt Nails _
Kho-e-Ifliud Cheese
And a large and elegant cfTtirtment of
European and India v
At the mod reduced Prices. oj
Nov. 35 r " r » r o!
For printing by JubJcription, a new pub
lication, to be entitled
The American Remembran
cer & Universal Tablet
of Memory.
lft. This publication will be printed on good
paprr x and on a good type and will con
2d. The prcelo SubYcribcrs'w'ii De «uis
to non-fubfcriber>, one doHlr.
3d. The Work, it isrjtpffted, will he re."
dy f<»r delivery, by the middle of March"
4th. Those who obtain 12 Subfenbert,
will be entitled to one copv for their trou
f -ble; to Pi inters and Booklellers the usual
allowance will be given.
To the FUBLIC.
• THE principal design of this publication
is to rescue from oblivion the many impor-
rant evcn f s aod tranfa»sbio«is, which, under
divine providence, have been chicfly condu
-0 ctvc to the fetJemtnt *f this country, and to
d the o< our .pre lent happy form
e of government , as also to transmit to pofte- I
?ity the names and achievements of those (
ftaicrmen and heroes, to whom America is t
j' in oft indebted for her liberty and indepen- 1
t d'en< e. - J
Should any patriotic Printer think proper '
to patronire this undertaking by occaftonal- f
ly the above in his paper, and pre*- f
curing Subfcribrr?, the favour will be thank- 1
i" iul y acknowledged by the Edi,tor t
Jdmes Hardie. !
f N. B. It »s requ. ftcd that such perfon6 as '
V are entiufted wi h fnbfcnption paper*, wiil '
We fw obliging a- to return them by the firft r
*. of March, in order that their names may be J
as pati»ns the work. f aawtf 1
1 his day is Publifhed\
(Price a quarter of a Dollar)
Slaves in Algiers :
Struggle for Freedom :
Interfperftd with Song';, in three acts
fnficnbtd to the Citisens of the United
£ States of North America.
By Mrs. Roivfcm
As performed at the New Theatres in Phi
ladelphia and Baltimore.
Extrafl from the Preface.
11 My chief aim has been, to offer to the
v _ public a Dramatic Entertainment, which,
on wh'le it might excite a finite, or call forth
the tear of sensibility, might contain no
one fent'ment, in tb- least p r ejad'cial, to
the moral or political principles of tbe go
vernment D'dcr which I live. On the con-
trary, it ba* been my endeavour, to place
the Iweial virtues in faireft point of
view, a«id h»W up to merited contempt
and ridicule, their op polite vices. If, in
;J? S thisatteiuptf I have been the least success-
C tal, I shall reap the reward t# which I as
s pi re, in the fntiks and approbation of a li
° beral public.
Sf»l<i by M. Ca»ey, No. 128, and Rice &
u Co. No. 53, liiwh street; S. Campbel!,
No. 54, south Second street, ajid Wrigley
& BerimanrK®. i 49» ChtlllUt street,
Jan. 5 aawtf
F R E S 11
Bohea Tea,
GIN in Pipes,
Now Landing from ©n board the ship
Feggy, John Elliott rafter,
from Amilcrdam.
Also Imported by the late Arrivals^
Russia Hemp, firll quality
Dirto Sail Duck
Di?to Rat'en? Duck
Brown Rll ffia Sheeting
B■•own Flanders Sheetings
Heffiars and B«own Rolls
Cotton Stripes icd'Gbeclca
Flpnden Bedricks
Holland Sail Dvkk
Seine Twine
Dutch Great Coat*
Gin in cases
y/iudqw Giafs, 8 by
le, r uits Bark
German Steel
Mill and Sfl?rt
Hoes and Cut Knives \p
Sythesard Skates
Coffee Mil!i
Black Load Crucibles -
Anchors fiom 3 cwr. to 15 cwt.
And a General AJfort merit of
5-4 & 6-4 Boulting Cloth,
Pragers (&* Co.
Nov. 11
Farm wanted.
WANTED to rent of leaf 4 a Farm of from
so to 100 acres, not exceeding the diflance
of ten mile« from the city, if there is a house J
of any description on the land, the goodness
of it, will not be aii objefl. Apply to the _
Printer heraof.
Feb. 4 *d4t
At the STORES of
jeffe & Robert Wain,
PORT WIHE in pipes, likds.and quar
ter calks
' LISBON pipes and quartercaflfs
Soucliongand Cpngo TEAS, in quarter
r A quantity lit LllLiuiranu umhi..... - .
Soft (helled ALMOXDSin bales
Velvet CQBKS, in de. 1
f Tone 9
I To be Sold,
Tract of Land,
n BEING that part of the city of New
Bruufwick that lies in the county of Sont
' erfet and state of New Jersey. It contains ;
~ Mpwards of 600 acres of very valuable Jand
Tnd is bounded on the south by the public
, road that leads from Ntw York to Pi' la
■e delphia for near two miles, onthe east by
i s the river Raritan lor near a mile, ai d lays
in a triangu'ar form. Building Lots on fe
ver?.l fti eets in this part of the town fe 1
:r from five to ten dollars and two thirds a
1- foot front, and tlie e*tenfion of Albany
street, Tyhich the iituation admits of forae
least half a mile, will open a new fourcs
for ve* y plealant & commodious situation
for d-veiling hoti r es. A confidera'ilfr space
. along the river Is well calculated for build
is ing and wharves, ar.el affords
>1 afe t for a Grift Mill on the bank of the
II river, which may be fuppiied with water r
)e from tljie Mile-Run by a subterraneous pa£
s age already dug, where veilels of bar
rel* burthen may conveniently load and un-
T load. There are now on the prermfes a
[rood Farm House and two laige barns, a
commodious new Dwelling House two sto
ries fiTgli, 42 by 3 2 feet square, intended
and wpff calculated for a "ft 'with very
<;ood cel!a»s under the whole, and a kitchen
by 20 feet f«uare, a new wharf of 80
feet front, and a well built store house
40 by 26 feet square and three stories hiqh,
and a quarry oj building tlone on the prertii-
New Brunfwrck, one ps the most fionrifii
ing places in New Je»fey, 'yingat the head
ii- of tlie navigation of the river i.
the magazine for the reception ofthe pro
duce of a veryextenfive and Yertile conn
he try, and is wellfitiiated for vending rvery
h T kind of imported irtercharvdize for fupply
t|r ing the country. The ea!y transportation
no- <>f every kind of produce ard manufacture
to from thence to New York by warer, its li
o— tuation on the post road through the fbte%
and its vicinity to Perth Arfil oy, ore of
ce the best seaports in theftates, render it ?n
of object worthy the attention persons who "
p t have the means and know J>o w to improve
j n afiruafion so Well calculated for commerce
f s . or manufadn e?,
if. 7h premises will be fliewn by Johrr P<>r
li. ker or James Cole, at New Riuq?\viirk, and
the terms and conditions of fait 1 , made
& known by
James Parker,
Of Pirtb Ambby .
J*n. 19 i.\#tf
'1 ickienburgs, Oznaburgs;
and Giafs Ware,
Landing from on bcerd tLr Jhtp l eggy,
from Am (terdam.
Coffee of prime Quality d
in liogfheids and tierces,
Muscovado Sugars
In hoglheads, del
German Steel, T
In fruall Bales, &c. for sale by
Rtindle y Murga/royd, m<
No. it, Wainut street wharf. - ri
Who want to purchaft 300 or 400 ter
Casks Good Flaxfeed.
Nov. ii 3tawtf
An Apprentice Ida)
To the %
Watch making and la;
Repairing Buiinels
C. Campbell, lon
No. 3, south Feurth street, two doors thr
from Marks! Ilixet. car
f reili leas,
7 o c
Of Superior QuAtrfY, viz. tin
Imperial, wrGunpowdtT
Hyson Gomee,
rtt quality Hyson, an ,
2d. <k>. do. de!
Young Hyson, Sa '
Hyson and thi
A fetu Boxes of each, fur sale a jyj
No. 19, Third street south. *
Dec. jo eodtf R
In the press and speedily will
be publiflied, re
BY da
No. 41, south Second street,
r Historical & Moral View si,
r French Revolution, ,
tion, for sale at two dollars and a quarter. or
Feb. 3 aawTw, A
of the " te
French Tongue,Mathematicks
and Drawing. in
J. C.-Rousseau informs the public, that he
has opened his EVENING SCHOOL, at his -A
hotife, No. 15, Brant street, betweeA north
Third and Fourth streets, and between Race
c and New streets. ®
He eontinues to wait on Ladies and Gen- ea
f , tlemen, who wish to be taught at their own R
s houses, and intends to open a Mornino ev
School for young Indies as soon as he ihali
I have got Twelve Subscribers. ; lt
Feb. 2. eod4w 111
"■■■■ * — , j
>' A Morjtl for the Gnawers
s of the Bone!
r This Day was publilhed, d<
° T. Bradford s Book-Store, tl
f. No. 8. r.
South Front Street, d;
- . [Ftice 37 c?nU~\ al
a Observations on the Emi- ''
a . e
gration of Di*. Prieflley,
And on the several Addreflcs delivered to j
him, on his arrival at New YTfrk, with
additions, containing xaany curious and t
interesting fatTts on the fubjetft, not ir
known here when the firrt edition was
j' published :—Together with a compre- a]
henfive story of a n
d Third Edition.
'- At the fame place may be had the following 01
Late Publications, viz.
1_ i. A Eone to gnaw (or the Democrats ; e '
V or Observations o- a late pamphlet, entitled
" The Political Progress of Great Britain." '
i, The Young Quaker, a comedy, by 1
; e O'Keefe. « ]
I 3. Haun ed Tower, by Mr. Cobb.
*' 4. Sicilian Romance, an opera, by Henry '
II Siddons. c
n 5. The Hapless Orphan ; or Innocent vie- e
10 tim of Revenge ; a novel founded on inci- n
e dents in real life. H; a series of letters from '
:e Caroline Frarv is, to Maj-ia B- by
an American Lady, a vols. -
'" A general Assortment of Books in thedif
' fiTent departments of literature.
e T. Brai'ford Kaa for sale, the Best Su
perfine Ecgiiih (CARDS, anid best colourft
defers, -wholefaleor retail ; and as usual, a'
assortment of STATIONARY and Bianl
Books,which he will fell on the lowest term:
Feb. 7. d
' , . . -.-TT-rar
public Mails.
PROPOSALS will be rccciv*
ed at the General-Port-OAk* until rli- 31^
lay of Manh next, iaclufiVcly, fcr ecrry
he mails of the United States betwen Phi
ladelphia and the city of New York—Phila
delphia and Baltimore—Baltimore and Afex
:.nd-h—and Philadelphia' ar.d 'Pittsburgh—
he times of arrival to be as follow—
1. Philadelphia ar.d Neiu-Yark.
Roceive the mail at PmLAnrLrnja every
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, ThuriHay,
Friday and Saturday at one o'clock in the r.f-
Terndon—a"d deli vcj" it at N>.\v-Yo:I,
wcnty hr-urs after, viz) every Tuefday,We tfL
.'efday, Thutfday", Friday, Saturday and
Monday 3lnine o'ciockin the morning. Re
;tcrmng> receive the mail at Nsw-Yorx e»
very Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, FiT
dav, Saturday and Monday, Wt Ope in the af
ternoon, and deliver it at Philadelphia (ha
nineteen hour?, viz.) Wednefilay.Thurt'
day, Friday, Saturday, Monday- and Tu«£»
Jay, at eight o'clock, in the morning.
2. Philadelphia and Baltimore. ' •:
Persons offering prof'!? re desired to state
on what terms t!;< y will carry this mail.thri 4
times a week, and on what terms they w:H
carry it fix times a .
* V hree times a week.
Ricjfcrrthe mail «HpW •Bar" 1 !? . ■
ji'.J I"nday, at «Wei
o'clock in the forenoon, and deliver it at Bal
timore, (in twenty-eight hours) every Tij f
day, Thursday, and Saturday, at three o'clock
in the" afternoon. Returning, receive die
Mail at Baltimore evtfry Tuesday, Thurfijay
and Sunday, at ten o'clock in the evening and,
deliver it at Philadelphia, every Thii'fday»
Saturday, and Tuesday, at nine o'clock ia
the morning, (35 hours.)
Six I'mf .< a iveek.
Receive the mail at Philadelphia eviry
Monday, Tuesday, Wcduelday, Thursday,
F-iday, and Saturday at elev# o'ciockin the
forenoon, and deliver it at Baltimore (in
twenty eight hours) every Tuesday, Wednef
| day, Thurtday, Friday, S turday, and Mon-.
Iday.aftexnoons 1 y three o'clock—Returning- •
receive the mail at Baltimore tv,ry Tuet
day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Smhllv
and Monday evenings by tep o'clock, r.r.d de
liver it at Philadelphia (in 34 hours) every-
Thuxltiav, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tues
day md Wednesday mornings, by eight o'»
3. palti.nore ar.d Alexandria. ■
Receive the mail at Baltimore, from the
jirjt of April to the frjl of November,
very Mondav. Wednesday and Friday, ean
- TJ'Vli uie iiiuimug (m rvriinrp«n re „»w,, -
on each preceding evening) and delrver it at
Alexandria the fame daysat fix o'clock in the.
evening. Returning, receive the mijil at.
Alexandria the fame evenings by half past
•* ten o'clock, or early the n'exV morning, and
deliver it at Baltimore, every Tuesday .Tluirf
day and Saturday, by half past four o'clock
in the afternoon. , .
e From the ifl of November to the if! of
; s Arr.ii., receive the maij at Baltimore a»
}i before, and d. I: v*r it at Georgetown every
e Monday, Wednesday and Friday, by seven,
•'clock in the evening, and at Alexandria.
each succeeding morning at eight o'clock
n Returning, receive the mail at Alexandria.
r , every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at.
H five o'clock in the afternoon, and dc.liv<-r it
at Georgetown at seven o'clock in the even.-
ing, and at Baltimore on each succeeding day
- at half past fo'tr in the afternoon.
S Note. Perfcis proposing to the
Mails on this route, are requested to state cir
Vvhat terms tka- will carry it every day (Sun
days executed) the hours for receiving and v
delivering the mail being the fame.
4. Philadelphia and P'rttfhur^h.
Receive the Mail at Philadelphia every Si
-1 turday at half past eleven o'clock in the fore
noon, and deliver it at Pittsburgh every Fri
day at no-n. Returning, receive the mail
at Pittsburgh every Friday at five o'clock in.
the afternoon, and deliver it at Philadelphia
every Friday at noon.
Note i. The contra&s for carrying theft
r Mails will be made to commence on the 15th
day of April next (exc pt' the mail No. 4,
, the carriage of which {hall on Sa
u t rday the 18th day of April) and continue
" in force until the ill day of April 1799.
ls Note 2. Should the hours of receiving,
and delivering these Mails be found inconve
nient to the public, the Post-Master-General,
may at any time change them; provided that
if such changes would prove injurious to the
„ contractors, they (hall not -fee made without
an adequate compcnfation previonfiy ftipulai
• ed
>cj Note 3. For every quarter of an hour's
•> delay, not exceeding twelve quarters, and for.
ty .-very hour's delay thereafter, (übfequent to
the times prescribed for delivering the tlfrce
firft mails at the Poft-CKHces in New York,
Philadelphia, BaKimcre and Alexandria, the
contrailors fhaJl forfeit one dollar : and for
c _ every hour's delay in delivering the fourth
j. mail at Pittfl'Urgh and Philadelphia, refptc
3, lively, they ftiall forfeit .one dpliar. And no.
xcufes to save a forfeiture for delays wit be*
' admitted, ur,lef= reiAnaeh pi oof bc' produc
(. J d to the Poft-M?ffer-Gerxral, that he de
ays were occasioned by impe.Tibility of riv
u- rs " '
C( boTK 4. Tbtqon t,a<sl ors (hell be rcfjon
a, ble for the fidelity cT the jerfons, ,tc hcrr
hey entmft the mails.
m General Post Office, Philadelphia,
J ;ir - 1 7$S- I '"V