Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, February 09, 1795, Image 3

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gf , . OF IH * ir«
i.Koreigii Advices i t t,,, t!
I ' _ berei
6 Frimaire, Nov. 26. , Mr
c wliicr
\ • ;at>er of the fomaittce of pub
-1 r . ur fc'j" of nr ; K '" o, it
, , . . relief of the widovr; ani o execU
1 , vhcdefence. tb-ar cQWi.rj.
V r ,h >n " 1 aik if thc Convention Mr
v n - thev voted (houla bourn
;r,_aii« the ... or(!cr ferers
t t ~. > NotwitWUnding th- or
r "*Z thJn
I- c VIV that when that tyrant miH
• bi . t J j.v.wert, he upended only about
while our expcnces
, or t iK- .efen; year amountto 2000 mil- repe
\m- They would thus make the pto- < j crc
Zt.<\ :ve that the Convention embe/.- Coir
: 1 . i ■i e public money. I know 'bat com
; aiming at a new 31H of May } war
J , H . A . not that D'if"urny, the author had
„ 2 d of September; • Dufourny. j™-
, alwav. wall the accursed depu-
* ia i-Ji* trom Paris wHich I have denounc
t" . m! which is itfcif, t j ve
j. . . anew jlftofMtv. 1 know fee
, t a« of proscriptions are already u.a
. r , in which the names of fcveral
p» • n it ot 'the Convention are i.iclud-
. uu are pleased to countenance
c, iin motions by your applaufe/i. t ), a
!' ;i ■ not enough ; if lam guilty, let C on
11 „d (all; but you mnH not tolerate Itri
led tuloicioss those who tw<
• : .v. ved their country."
mJwr ..Lf. rw*i that this sally of
. ; had nothing to do wrrtr-rfc*-
proposed. Tne.e could be_»o
,at the treasury mult pay as often
„» r. Convention ordered it to do io. ton
I' . decrees were then palled. Ed,
')„ a report from the committee of wo
, .*1 taf.ty, a decree was palled for wo
, ■ ~V r the eleven admnnttxatprs of the 111
■trie >»f Sedm, impiifoucd in August, "V
:,j2, for obeying the orders of La
1 ' • . thf
ij in the name of the committee tfc
ic farety proposed the following f t [
re which was adopted : ' 110
1. /. 1 the cijri' and merchandize o£ the ha
; aeccfiity imported from abroad, nv
' ' be at the free difpp'.ition of tlw j? r
prey ietors, and lubjeft to no requi- 1
f'.> • i H
. On the arrival of such corn and : a ji
handixe, in t'nj pints of trance, »/
cr in the commune* to which they J w
: dellined, when this arrival is by, J T c
t'u and frontier, notice (hall be given £5
e municipality of their quantity j
I v certitied copy of this notice ; h<
1 ih be given by the municipality to tc
jcifon who givrs the notice. f c
7 Frimaire, Nov. 27. c;
1. bon in the name nf the commit. P
1 ■ ... anance, made a report, in which
ilea the frauds committed in the a
nt, the collection and the ad
ition of the revolutionary taxes, tl
• 1 iclutlcd with propoling a decree si
i ng to a rigorous account all per- b
Jo: e oAcerned or employed in afTefTing
. -1 . £\ing such taxes. —Ordered to be
jir ntc. . tl
The left ion of the obferTatory con- r
gtal"! .ted the convention on the (liut
».; of the Jacobin club, a«d prayed t
rdv puivilhment on the revolution- '
*ry ;r imittee of'.hat iedtion, the m -m- J
be: tthich had adhered to Rpbe- f
fp re when in actual rebellion.— Re
ft vd to the committee of general iafe- ,
ty. <
i periririn Tiom tlir of An- 1
ti rp detained as hotlages, and praying ■
to. b- rtleafcd, was referred to the faint '
On a report from the comrp'ttee of
.Mi:' -rc(, a -decree was palled for en
iiitj a manutafture of line mufli"
;l.atvi:hed by citizen Bamc;i!le and al
loi.l , him an advance of 2000 livres.
FRIDAY, Januai*) - , jo.
Tli • houte went upon th* report of the
(e'riicoinmittee on the pe'i.ioti of Thomas
t son and otjicri. They agreed to the
■. '•
The following refolutirm *as then
; m.u »d ; .
cColv-ed, That such prrfons as have en
*<v '.and aeferahle 10 the lav.'? of North
C olina iii the territcry i eded by Out
ft • e 'o the Jpited S:ai.e», . nd on the In
«iU.- 'idfi of the line rftablilhed by the
t.-fa: v of Ho'ftein, ought to be reimhtiH"-
e- hv the United StJtcs, the amount of the
j. an hafe-money actually paid for the
I' and thrneitPaiy expense of loiat
inst r! lurvf yir.g, the furyey has
"t.- n made : such peri'or.s fi'd relinrfuifhing
thrir right Lhertto to the United States, ; 1
I: •
■ -■■ ,'3- - * . , - ■ ■-'.
\«:j?*£-- : -f* > % •
-?*. -. r ._ ; v r j y : ; -\ ,•'. •;• •:• '• *' K
a Mr. Findlcy, It was with forae_ re- that
Instance that he rose on tins queltton. the
• He knew that on former oecylions liu farv
d Loport to the menfurcs -or dncreoGng poffi
and continuing the western army was defe
"" supposed to have been influenced by the tion
n situation of the western counties ofPsnn
r, fylvania. He hoped that when it was
•c conljdered that the head quarters or'lie
ie army was near 60 "> miles below Pittf- J
burgh, and that this was the nearest pod,
rr and when it was also considered, that n
lt die Indians of the Sandulkies, who har
\y raffed the frontiers of Pcnnfylvama and
| Virginia, had not been made an objeCT j
th of offe«five operations, he hoped it would
*- ! be believed that he was nut influenced off
' in his opinion on this queftian by his lo- Th
■'* cal situation. He went into a retro- j
fpeft. The fir ft offenlive operation
ad (General Harmar't Expedition) was evi- a *
jc- tiently undertaken without a competent J ace
i knowledge of the (trenoth and temper I
in " of the Indians, or of the influence by I
:^ c which they were supported; coufequent- j 0
* ' Wit encreafed the war. The expedition I pul
ars of General St. Clair was alio provided ter
for on the fame mistaken policy : it was j
ave likewifc unfortunate, and the Indians j
ory became moi e formidable by greater com- 1111
10 binations. These inadequate provisions jin
na " for the Indian war cost much money, I
and protracted the war. Fhefe losses I
csta be reimbursed, but 4 the abundant I
res loss of blood cannot be recovered or com- ge
eed penfated ; and these losses are justly Ite
chargeable to the want of competent I cc
,er j force'and Ihort enlistments. When the I
present army was directed to be organ- J 1
fait i/cd, the number of troops as prescribed jdi
by the law, and the time of service were I - n
competent, but the encouragement was j
inadequate. J.
;of Mr. Fiadley saw the confcquences jOl
not of this deleft at the time, and endea-I p
lair, vouted to have the wages taifed, but!
)? -y- though the Hou'fe of Representatives J
had voted to encreale the encourage- j
J,mcnt to the army at different times, it I
iilts failed in the Senate. . The conference J
e re- was, that the number prescribed by law I
eoi vv3» never completed. But though we | 1
had lie more troops than the gentlemen I n
:d at have mentioned, that circumltance does le<
is in- not prove that the force was adequate, jt;
lever The reverse is rendered evident by un-1 n
deniable fa&s. It is a fact that the de-1 q
of the frontiers could not be com-1
j bined wiih offenfive operations as was I "
ould originally intended ; nor was the army s
'ould j fit to carry oh the limited operations I t
ly. — ! without a very expenlive aid of the mi- j -
;m:th This aid was not only necessary j t
to affill in the moll advanced and im- j -
Lor' P orta,vt operations, but even to guard 1
!y of the escorts of provisions. The attack j
only made upon Major Adair with mounted I 1
was volunteers, which was attended with I 1
izens t be loss of lives, and of horses and floret., I '
cc t0 cannot be forgot. The attack of the I I
lough e s cort wa gg ons an <] (lores on the I
l've' v ' voac ') ar| d the loss of several brave of-l .
been | Seers and privates, and also the more I
Iways formidable attack upon an advanced I
y bad pod, when, though the post was fup-1
n for ported, the cattle and stores were taken J
"' 3 ; ! 1 to a great amount and the lives of nsany I
ld'hiT our cl,iztn * werc chargeable I
[_ l( . re ' to the finallnefs 0} our force. But it is j
-e had laid that our future profpe&s have J
of St. changed the situation of our affairs so I
0 had much as to render a smaller force com-1
11 had petent to the object. What is this!
chan K e ' Wayne has gained one I
1 vi£tory, but is this a conquest ? or has i
it obtained peace ? No. It is far otlier
lC wife. The Indians do not sue for peace,
1 QHes notwithstanding all out pacific endea
on the votus to induce them to it, and emiffa
<ft the ries, rendeied a&ive r,y their personal
d been prejudices against lis, even if they had
:re said , )Q fupcrior isducement, are as active in
™ as . a ~ irritating the Indians as ever. The
I pn Qa_ O
profpetl of a treaty seemed to be con
ations. r 7 r *.
leaved fidered a 6 an essential change of litua
lagined tion { but supposing the reports eif this
as at a to be well founded, it certainly was not
•ivilegr y e t confirmed on our part. We did
would not know the terms, but froiri
n' Tie w^at appeared< the relinqui£hment of
er " the posts was to he suspended for a con
n were fiderable time&,for the accomplishment
a, they of this \X'«hadonly[a promifein the trea
ty, arid we had this before } however,
gentle- be hoped tl is desirable object would be
icr eon- ! sccomplifhed, but he could not extend
no his ! his hopes beyond his confidence, arid he
les that acknowledged that his confidence was
taken not perfect, but did not choose to ex
fpeak- plain his reasons: he thought it was
that I not necessary. Pretences we knew could
life of easily be found to evade the fulfilment
id con- of a treaty. He said that many argu
at this ments might be adduced to prbve the
gentle- propriety of corrpleating the army,
which it was not convenient to explain,
ft term. Certainly it will not be pretended that
the mi. the fonth western territory, or even
porting Georgia, do not ftind in need of more
eft way efficient assistance, or that these fiates
would not have been better protested if
Iby the the army had been completed. He ap
prehended that the conduct and tempet
in ftfelf of the fouthera Indians did not juftify
jus in leffeniog our force. He hoped
tliat further offeufive operations against 1 whicl
the western Indians might not be riecef- (taris
farv, but he thougl't that depended on but t
pofftfling 3 fufficient force either for the only,
defence <*f the posts, or offenfivc opera
tions as occasion might require.
[.Ddate to be continue J.] /
Philadelphia, Feb. 9.
The late SECRETARY of the I,u j i:
TREASURY. ytfar(
~ t_t 1 ordei
[ IF he il a Patriot who makes a blade
I of grass grow, where none grew before :
The appelldt ion is sorely merited by the
I man who unfolds the latent refourees of j
31 , , a f was
. j a nation, and turns them to the belt
t J pl»ni & their progref-
I I live fucrtfs, clear the political Horizon I
\ I of hi* Country;, till the full splendor of
n I public prosperity illuminates the coun- £('q
d I tenances of a happy people ! rac\
' S 1 " Nations bear rrenrd. when he took P a . r '
is I wlic
~J the lhattered credit of the United States n^€(
is lin hand, and scanned the wide eonfufi- abil
—he laid the ruins before, fit
I objeiSb for his mighty mind—he arran-
n-1 ged them, he reflored them, he cemen
'y I ted them/' and " order sprang out of
I confuiion." He surveyed his work: F
n _ [ Truth and public confidence, its found-
ed j dation ; honor, justice, and faith, jts
re j jmpaffable barriers ; ,fa£lion and discord
aS I retire in despair,; peace, freedom, atid | s
es J order, are " the order of the day"—'
I Retiring from public life, fay, jDoe» he Mi
II * ! not deserve well of his Country ?
;es |. in
re-1 ' ~ ed
J t I From a Correspondent.
CC I The advocates of clubs, that is to fay '''
aw I • ni<
we | the members of, the clubs, for they have n ; ;
len ] no other advocates, pretend tb be eitgag. ou
aes J ed to collefl and spread truth and informa
te* I tion. Yet if they aflert lies of the govern
j"' I ment, and are convicted of it, they cry
e I Out against the witnefles that confound
'm-1 - ...
vas j them as anftocrats, enemies or liberty,
m y J &c. Further, they defend their inftitu- yt
D ns I tions on certain fpecious&hollow grounds to
mi- j —Germanicus cooly and regularly attacks
ary 1 L heir ftrorig holds, and turns them out. —
im-1 -j-jjen they exclaim in tjieir Ordinary llrain
8r los abuse. These are fails and the com-
ited I mentar y upon them is short. They dea I p
,;,b I in fall'ehood, and labor to fprtad Mis-in- t(
ret, I formation. They shrink from fair difeuf.
the J tion, because they cannot bear the light. 11
the I B u t if some men rcjedt all speculative
°'*j arguments and place their trust in experi- |
I ence alone, let them look, at France au 1 j
fup-1 f cew hat clubs have done there, and what li
ikeu | the people in felf-defence have been forced r
lany Ito do with them. There the question of
able I clubs, happily for France, is a fettled one. ]
it is I ' v
have I c
rs so J Admitting that plots and confpirac les ?
:om- j will be formed against a republican gov- c
this! ernment, what will be the instrument for j
one I plotters to work with ? Answer, Faiiioti. j
- has Ij t - ss as g oot j JS an army, and will eulift ,
t ' iei " to serve, no luck no wages, which folditrs f
" Ce ' w iH not do. It can take smooth plausible '
idea- . . J
niffa- names which an army cannot, lt ules in-
fonal visible or more properly poisoned weapons
had forbidden to regular troops by the laws of
ve in honour as well as of war. In a word,the ;
IIC attack" on liberty must from the nature of '
fttua things be made thro'the help of some po- j
fthis pular and artful faflion. Those are much
s not deceived who make it a rule to lean to
e did wards the declaimers against government, ,
frofti aj ;(■ t bei r power was in every event harm
nt less. The falfe frieuds of liberty are snore .
C °"' to be dreaded than open enemies.
NEW-YOKR, Feb. 7.
Id be £"Py °f a e,trr f ram Excellency Gc
stend "' Wiltiarhfon, Go-vei-nor and Com
nd he mender in Chief of St. Domingo.
e was King's House, Jamaica, Nov. 30, I^4.
0 ex. " Sir,
was " His Majesty having been graciouf
could ly pleased to appoint me Governor and
Intent Commander in Chief of St. Domingo,
argu- 1 think it expedient to make no more
re the appointments, civil or military, Until my
army, arrival there ; you will therefore please
plain, to prefetve all such petitions and appli
-1 that cations as are delivered lo you for my
even consideration, until rey arrival in St.
more Dorttingo. For the present I (hall do
dates no more than provide for the military
ited if service, and the relief of such as are in
Ie ap- distress.
;mpet " I will do tvery thing in my power
juftify to such as Continue their exertion to
hoped ward* fuppjeffing the spirit of anarchy
, which rages in St. Domingo, and re-
I Itoritig good order and tranquility there }
but this is to be done in St. Doming*
I have the honour to be
Your mbft obedient servant,
The Marquis de C^dufch,Agent
for the affairs of St. Domingo.
The celebtated Brigadier Bowles, the
Indian Chief, so often reported dead,
and who was condemned, about two
years ago, to the mines of Ptru, by an
order from the SpaniQi Court, was lately
< On Thiirfclay last, the William
p R. Smith, of Wilmington, Delaware,
I was married to Mils Rachtl Stedham, of
that place.
j DIED, At his, Seat in Duiham, in
, the State of New-hampshire on the 23d
of January, the Hon. John Sullivan,
Eiq. at the age of 54 years. The cha-<
rafter of that hori. Gentleman : the
part he took in his Country's interest,
when great and patriotic exertions were
:s necessary: His tried and diftihguilhed
i- abilities in various high, and important
offices; and his public,and private vir-,
tues, are all well known to his Fellow
citizens of United Ameiica.
of '
• ; the Gazette cf the United Slates.
its —
r( j ALTHO' zeal, in a good cause, is
ever to be recommended ; and altho' it
" has been a pie deter i illation, of long
— 1 (landing, to abuse every thing done by
] )e Mr. Jay, would it not be advifeable to
lefervepait of utir fire,, till we knttw,
in reality, whether a Treaty is conclud
ed or not ? At present theie is a rumor
oiUy of the fail, which if not founded,
the two late discharges in the Auiora
a ' may prove to be a meer waste of ammu
lve nition, and excue only the deiifion of
ag- our enemies.
cry LONDON, December 15.
■tyi The mail due this morning has not
itu- yet arrived. That due ou Friday came
nds to hand early yesterday morning : Mr. .
Mason airived at the sam: time with
difpatehes fiom the army, and Mr. Fa
briani from Brunfwick, with an account
am of the marriage by prexy, of his royal
,m ' highness the Prince of Wales, and the
leal Princess Caroline of Brunfwick, which
i-in- took place on the 3d inft.
cuf Lord Malraefbury was the representa
tive of the Prince 011 thisocqifion. At
noon on that day, his lordship ma e his
grand cntfee at the court of Brunfwick.
ie ri- was OOI)c J v thither in a very fu
a"l perb state coach, drawn by fix white
vhat horses ; eight servants in splendid live
irced ries precrcH'ig it.
,of Lord Maimelbuiy was Grft introduced
to the Duke of Brunfwick; then to the
one. Dutchefs, and aftei-wards to the Princess,
who was publicly betrothed to the Prince
of Wales. In the evening <;here was a
lcies grand gala, when her royal highness re
gov- ceived the compliments of the nobility oil
for the occasion. An tour previous to the a
>. f bove ceremony, major Heflop arrived at
1 ' Brunfwick, with a portrait of the Printe 1
rulift 0 f Wales, which Lord Malmefbury pre
difcrs fented to the Princess. The Princess will
fible not et out rom Brunfwick till commodore
Payne's squadron (hall have reached ,Stad.
Ext rail of a letter, dated Paris, 15 03.
l P ons 1794.
ws of The National Ci n ention has decreed
d,the yesterday—Every citizen, whose opera
ire of tions tend to retrieve trade and the ma
e po- nuft&tlret, or to bring into the Repub
much '' c raw ma,er ' a ' B to ee P them up,
deserves well of his country.
Ln to " No right, either of requisition or for
nent, ce( j f a ] e ; s to be eXrrcifed on the raw
larm- materials, which the manufadlurers can
tnore juftify, having been imported from fo
reign countries, in older to keep alive
their manufactures.
I &c-
6 per Cents 2 / ,
3 per Cents 11/5
'794* ijeftrred 13_/<S
Bank of the United States to 35
riouf- Pennl/lvania 30 to 32
r and North America, 30
,ingo, —
more f or Hamburgh,
'leTfe The fajt-j'ailmg Jhip
appi; c j&k Industry,
ir my William Bell, matter
II St. LYING a 6im-'s whaif,
a jj w * ail ln a lew bav
... 1. , ■ee touith* her cargo on board.
litary f av fxe\ghf or palfage apply to JOHN
are in B R 0 W N, at Walnut street wharf, or
Thomas Newman,
No. 118, Sootit Sacond llree*.
*rchy reb ' •' *