' i -? -••• * ? - ■ r % \ DAI L Y E YEN I'NVt ADVE R T I S E R. [No. 34 of Vol. VII.] —~ " 113,000 weight cf Green Coffee, f ft 87 hhd:. 4« barrels, »nd ?oo bags entit . Irj todrawback, stored oa Meflr! ■Wiiliiigfc Francis's wiia f. ift id (St 4th Pr*of Bourdeaux Brandy, 30 i#?pes of London particular Teneriffi and London particular Madeira WINES } R khdi. pipe*;, and quarter tasks, Malaga DO. in quarto cafk<, Antigua and oti'er RUM :n hhds. St. Croix SUGAR of the ft . ft quality* St VUrk< WOLASS£S, Hyson TEA, Jamai Ci SPIRITS, H'»m.md IN, in pipes, LO AF SUGAR, in hhd-,* PLPPER, Set. fcc. FOB S " " E BY Lcvinus Clarkfort, No. 216, r.,uth WaterSiiCct. B «. 4 d Whereas an attach menc ac the fuii of the ad min i fija tors of al •rid fir.gnlar the goons and chattel*, ri ht and credits, wUch were of William Bur »»ct deceased, at the time of his death h*th bern~itT>ed out of the lnferiour Com •4* common pie as, in tr.d for the Count) o Mi d'.eiex, ajtaiii& t**eGoods and Chattel LwnwHwa i'eweHicnts ot iicntnYMairin late of the county afore s aid, the third Tuesday in Julylaft. NOTICE is hereby ojven to the fa«d Irenius Martin, that un'efs he appear and fi?e special bat-t< the fa?d action, on or before the tbirdTuef day in January next, judgment will be er tered hiuiby default, and the good* and chattels, lands arid tenements e boat may be c«»nvenienny fcfJT. 1 ne"qtianrTTy ~r.T Land may be confined to B,or < xtended to any umber of acres not exceedi 1 p AO. App'v to Jonathan WillTa s jun at Mount Pea U.it, adj >inin<; the Pr mifes. Ja«. »3 2antf Department of War. J AAV ART 16, 1795. INFORMATION is hereby giveH, to all the Military Juvalids of the United States, that the funis to which they are intiiledfor fix months of their annual pen lion, from the fourth of September, 1794, and which will become due on the fifth tiay of March, 1755, will be paffl on that day, by the Commifiioners of Loans, with in the States refp&ctivcly, under the usual reflations. Applications, of Executors and Admi liftralors, muu be accompanied with le gal evidence of their rrfpe&ive appoint ments, and of of the deciafe of the Invalids, whofc pendens they may *laim. By order of!be President of the TJriTi fd St.Ui'S, Timothy Pickering, Secretary ef War. Jan. iawgw. ~ " FOR SALE BY ' John D. Blanchard, At his Stores, in Third flreet* 66 PIPES ■ Choice TENERIFFE WINE, of l»iperi*r quality • C«nisr Brandy in pipe* 50 Cases ofCi.net oi'afuperior quality fubj'dtie drawback. Bolton Tta K t les, alarpe afiortmerr J Shoit o! al.' Uaci aud numbers Barr Lead, Lead in pifg . Haiiw c rin£i Women'* Muif Shoes by tlie quantity Cutt Nails Rhc e l/l-mdCheeff And ala y, a».d * iff» rti»?nt of European and India GOODS, At the mod reduced Price*. Nov. 25 tf [ ' A FEW COPIES Of ihe Ct#rtra"7efTT3FilJimarce under Signature of M A N L I U S, M»y be ! dos 'John Ormrod, No. 41, Chef nut Jlrect. tlCl—lS CiKTf. For Sale or Charter, m, MARGARET, Robert Rolerlfon, Ma st e' *. She is in eomnjeat repair, and of abou T 3100 barrels burthen. i Jeflc & Robert Wain. '• Dec. 29 d AT THE Cari & Nail Factory, No. 59, north Front street, Webster, Adgate & White, Have conflantly ft,r fmle, Cotton, Wool, Tow, and Machine Cards, Of all Kinds, Cut Nails «f all iizes, Floor Biad., Sprigsand Tacki, Fullers ibears, Gun Fliuti and Woo] Hats, 1 A quantity »f kiln dried Indian Meal in 5 ba>reU A new Edition or Adgate's Philadelp'iia ' HarmoHy, containing both the fir/I and fe ' cond parti, tlie m ifl ayioved fyf ttm ol Rules and the bell coJeftion of s Tui.es now in ul«, - 'J A COMPLETE SET Of , Machinery for making Cards On an Improved Confirmation. Oft. 2 lawtf PROPOSALS ! For printing by fuhjeripiion, a new fib- Haitian, ta be entitled The American Remembran -1 cer & Universal Tablet of Memory. lft. This publication will be printed oq good paper, and on a good type and will con tain at 3c© page* duodecimo. 2d. The pr re to Subscribers will be 75 cents to con fubferiber.*, one dollar. 3d. The Work, i( is expected, will be re,- dy for delivery, by the middle of March. 41b. Thofcwho r hall chtain i£ Subfcnbrfs, will be entitled i*> one copy for the if trou ble; to Pi intcis and Boakfeliers the usual allowance will be g-ven. To the PUBLIC. THE principal ot this publication is to rescue fiom oblivion ihe many impor -1 ant even's and which, undg* oTvlnt prOvfdence, have beeo chitfly condu cive to the fet.lemcnt »f this counn v, ar.dto the eftjbMhment of 'r-ur present happy form i>f government i as also t« transmit t« pofte ';ty the and alchievemcnis of those statesmen and heroes, to whom America is most indebted (01 her liberty and indepen dent. x Should any patriotic Printer il»ink proper ro patronize this undertaking by occafionaU ly infertmg the above in his paper, and pro conng Subfcribrrs, ibe favour will be thank lul:y acknQwiedgt d by the Ecitor James Hardie. N. *B. It is iequ;ftcd thai such persons as are entrnfied wi«h fwhfcription papers, wiil be so obl giug as. to reium them by the "(lift of March, in order that their name* may be infeitedas patrons of iht work. s 1 an -«4 «awtf James M'Alpin, Taylor, No, 3, South Fourth* St* let, Returns his grateful acknowledgements to his si iend* ai d the Public for their libe ta', Encot'igpinent, a»»d begs leave res pe6)fu!ly tofolicit a of their A t his Genf!cm°ncan be furnifUed with the best mareriah, and have them madi upand filifbed in the nsateft and hh ft fafhionable manner, Hewill thsnkfuMy receive any orders & pay ap ompt i"ud pnn&uai attent«n to th^m. Oft. 2i 2a>v^f George Green, Informs his Friends and Cuf toiners in particular, and the Public in general,that he has a New ftur horse Stage, For journeys,and a number of genteel and close Carriages with good horles and eareful drivers so let on as moderate terms •asary etherperfon in the city. Enquire at hi» Li very Stables in Pine flreet, No. 113. Said Green folicils a continuance of that (hare of the Public Patronage, which he has hitherto so amply experienced, and which (hall be his ftudv to merit by his close attention to bufinefi. Jan. ij eodtf Farm wanted. WANTED t» rent orleafe a Farm of from 30 to 100 acres, not exceeding the dillance of ten miles from the city, if there is a house ' cf any dcfcription' on the land, the goodness of it, wiJB not be as objea. Apply to the Printer hereof, Feb. 4 «d4t Monday, February 9, 1795. FRESH Bohea Tea, j GIN in Pipes, u Now Landing from ©n board the Ihip Peggy, Join Elliott matter, from A rafter dam. Aljo Imported by the late Arrivals, ~ JtufTia Hemp, firjt quaiit/ Ditto Rail Duck. Ditto Have,is Duck Brown ftuffia Shetting Tick ha burgs Oanab«rH«j x *3 B: own FJanders Hcffign> and B»ov\n Polls Cotton $tivpes and Check* Flander* Bcdiick* Ho!!ar»H Sail Duck Seine Twine Dutch Great Coat* G'.b in cases Madder oi Window $by i 9 Je uits Bark n Opium, Aflatcetida •a German Steel f- Mill aud Crof s-eut Saws f- Hoes and Cut;ft?r Knives &( Sy'hes ai d Skates Coffee Mills r~ Cr uriolti J:~ Anchnrs from 3 cw? to m ewt. j And a Gene r al AJfortmerit of 5-4 & 6-4 Bculting Cloth, FOR SALF BY , Pragers (tf Co. Nov. 11 d Wood, WILL be delivered in quantities not ex ceeding a Cord to any one Family, at a mo derate price. Application to be made d At No. Dock Jlreet, >- Accompanied witfi a written Recommen datio* that the Bearer is known to the Subfcri '« ber, and is deserving such charity. Jan. 31 Velvet CORKS, io do. " Russia MATTS. : 9 d 3 Te be Sold, A VALUABLE Tract of Land, BEING that pari of tbecity of New Bruijgivitk that I'm in the cou«ty of Soiy- ] erfetknd state ol New Jersey. It contain ; upwards of 603 acres of very valuable land and ii bounded on the south by the puMii road that leads from New York to Ph la ' delpliia for near two .niles, on the eafl by , | the rivejßaritan for near a inile, and lays ] in a triangular form. Building Lots an fc- < veral streets in this part of the town fe 1 j k from five to ten dollars and two thiids a foot f:ont, and the extension of A bany • llreet, which the fituution admits of f«rae icafthalf a mile, wtil open a new foorcs ' &c emmodiout iituatiou lor dwelting hou'es. A confiderahle fp^ce along ilie river is well calculated for build ' ing ftoie-houfes and wharves, and affords afeat for a Grift Mill on the bank of tl.e 2 river, which may be fujip led with water J from the Mile-Run by a fub-ertaneout pas. J !a»e already dug, where veffeb ..f 300 bar ' ; ieis burthen may conveniently load good cellars alider the whole,'and a kitchen . 30 by aO f«ft a new wharf of So I feet fron", and a well built store bfuft-o i 40 by 26 feet fquaie and three stories high, f , and a quariy o 1 buildup ftorie on the premi- 2 ICS. : New Brunfwick, one of rbe most 3ourißi ig places in Mew Jersey, lying at the head /- of the iiavigatioi of >he river Raiitan, i. the mi gazn e lor the recrption ofihe pro- ' duce of a very extensive and fertile coun- " try, and is wel'fituatedfor vending c*er\ U kind of imported merchandize for supply. c ing the country. Theea!y tranfpoitation ri of e.ery kind of produce and manui^fiiire from liier.ce to New York by ware-, it si »• tuauon on the p,.ft road through the states, ta and Its vicinity to Perth Ainhoy, one of rr the baft Raoorts in theftates, render it an ti •bjeiT worthy ifeeatiention of petfons who a< havtthe nu-ansa'.d know tow to improve l,i a firuation so well calculated for commerce 11, ormanufa&u ej, 7h premises will be fliewn by John Par ker or James Cole, at New Bun wick, and c the terms and cc*»ditions of fa c, made known by James Parker, Of Pcrth Am ley. fit J an " >9 laWtf f u • x xT ij t~ 1 icldenfcurgs, Oznaburgs, and CTafs Ware, Landing from oh butrd tbr flnp Peggy, from AmJlrrdam. ALSO, Coffee of prime Quality In ho 4 '(heads and tier^s, Mnfcovado Sugars In hogifceads, German Steel, ■ASSOR TED irOOLLhXS, In lmall Bales, &.c. for falc by Rnndle y 2\furgatroyd, No ..it, Walnut street whari. \\ ho VAiit to purchase 300 or 400 Casks Good Flaxfccd. Ncv - " jta^rtf W A N TED, An Apprentice To the Watch making and Repairing Business apply q o C. Can'.pb:!!, No. 3, south Fourth firett, two door from Market fli ,«t. - 11-'"I 1 -'"- t relli Teas, Of Strum oa Quality, viz. Imperial, «rGuripcwdcr H) son Gomee, Ift qoaliiy Hyson, 2d. do. do. Young Hyson, t _ Hyson Skin, and j_ Seuehong. I' few Boxes if each, for sale a No. 19, 1 hird street south J- Dc " 'O , eodtf In the press and speedily wil be pubiifhed,* THOMAS DOBSON, No. 41, f.utii Second street, WOLSTONCRAFTs ir Historical & Moral View OF THE French Revolution, And ;he effect |L ba» produced in Europe. N. V. A few Copies of the London Edi tion, for isle at two dollars and a quarter. ; 1 e ' J - 3 aav.-3w TUIT I o N of the French Tongue, Math ematicks Drawing. J. C. Ro'tffeau informs the public, that he - hai opened his EVENING SCHOQJ,, at his ' No. 15, lir..nt flreet, between nyrrh Third and Fourth streets, r.nd between Race c sua New streets. He eontiuups to wait on Ladies and Gen ' tlemeii, wlio wiflj to be taJight at their own s houses, and intendi to open a Morning " ScHcrftr, for ytmng'l.arties as fe.e.a as he ftail have got Tfi'dve Subfcribcrs. " F eb - eod^w ; Penniylvania Hol'pital \JI Month 2.6 th 1795. : TLy managers, being informed, that many of their Fellovy-tfitizins, entcrta n I an error.eous opinion, that the inx ccra ; monly ca'lcd the Hafcitaltax, which tliey have lately paid, is for the uie of this house; thiuk it a duty they ewe the con . tributorsto inform the pubjic, that this , institution receives, no benefit therefrom, f tLrfaid tax bang laid for the sole p.trtofe . of ereHing a building to accomodate persons ! •withitfeßious dfeafes which it not to be within the limits of Philadelphia. 1 The principal dtpendance of the contri > btitors to the Per.nfyh Mn 'm hospital is en the Ugacicsimd voluntary contributions of , their charitable *nd humane Ft/lozi-Citi ■ zens, throughout ihe City and Slate. Many of these whose minds have been impreflud. with the r.eceflitv there is »r 1 supporting this ufeful and valuable insti tution, ha*e enabled the managers to maintain the house, at a great expence, upwards of forty years, by the valuable gifts aud bequests, they have added at va rious times to the capital flock. Relying still with a firm confidence on the well known btnevoleneeof the eha;i-l table citizens of Petmfyftaoia, they com mend the infliturton to their further rio tice, and ae the funds arefarlhort of being ! adequate to the heavy expcnces cf the house, the managers do not- c*pt day, \> Thursday, Friday, Sunday aid Monday evenings by ten o'elgc'k, and de liver it at 1 linadelphia (in 34 hours) every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tues day and Wednelday mornings, by eicht clock. 3. Bahimore and Alexandria. ■ Reccivc the mail at Baltimore, from the . fi'J l °.f Afril to the f.rjl of Not-tn-.be,, evc T Monday, V/rdn.-fday and Friday, ear, Edi- ly m the morning (or by hah'pall ten o'clocM lon each preceding evening) and dehver it al " ' Alciaodlia the f.me daysat fix o'clock in the evenlng. Reiurking, receive the mail at Alexandria the fame tvenings by half past ten o'clook, or early the next morning, and d liver it at Baltimore, every Tuefday,Tiiurf- KS day and Saturday, by half past four o'clock tin the afternoon. the P'Om the \ft of NOl 'ember to tbe if} of his r ''i'>'!* the mad at Bawjmore at . before, and deliver it at Qtorgetown every ace W'ednefday and Friday, by liven t o'clock in the evening, and at .Alexandria . 'eich succeeding morning at eight o'clock. Retuinjxg, receive d : mail at Alexandria -NQ " e 'y, Monda 7. Wednesday and Friday, at 3aU five o'c.ock it the afternoon, and deUvar it . at Georgetown at fevea o'clock in the eveg r ing, aad at Baltimore on each fucceedin" day —; at half past four in the afternoon, jj ■ t N , OTC - Pcrions {.ropofing to carry the , Mails eft this route, are requested to ftateon | what terms they will carry it every day (Sun- « ce P ted ) ** hours for receiving and j n , delivering th? mail being the fame. r.„- j 4- Philadelphia and Pi'.tfhurvb. ley 1 eceive the Mail at Philadelphia every Sa» his' turra y at 1 " 1 ' f past eleven o'clock itrthefore ,n-' ' ,oon ' and deliver it at Pittfourgh evcrv Fri bit! day r , st "°° n : r *tu»nihg, receive the mall i at Pittfoiirgh every Friday at five o'cldek in , i the afternoon, and deliver it at Philudc'i kia ' 7 every Friday at noon. be K l !' re -i,V I hc J COntr:ias for these Ma.ls will be made to commence on she i cth day of April next (exc pt tfie mail No. 4 the carnage of which lhail commence on Sa °"f } '?**** of April) and continue 7 m force until the ill day of April 1700 Sh ° uW th " hours of receivlnr ana delivenr.g these Mails be found inconv® en nient to the public, the Poft-Mafter-GcneraL r 1 '"7 " a , ny time dlan ß e th-ni; provided that 'i- 1 ,uc " changes would prove injurious to the to contnuflors, they stall not be made wl.hout •e, an adequate compeiifation previouCy ftipulat ile a- NoTt 3- F<" every quarter of an hour'. delay, not exceeding twelve quarters, and for 311 f l a 7 hour '' dd *l thereafter, subsequent t. i-: times prescribed for tleliverine the three n- r i e , Poft -Of^c s in New York. O, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Alexandria the contraarws lhail forfeit one dollar '; and for it eYCI 7 hour's deLy in delivering the fourth ma. at P.ttftnirgh and PtilaAlpJua, refpeoa' tively, they Ihafi forfeit one dollar. And no excufts to save a forfeiture for delays wj 1 be admuted, unless reafona le proof be pioduc ed to the Po't-Mafter-Cenerai, that the de . lays were occafioncd by impafllbiUty of rrr ers. I 5 rM N °, Tl t Jhe shall be rrfpon. '' r ' Mc for th r fidelity of the perfoiis, towW e " they ertraffc the mails. General Post Office, Philadelphia. Jan. *9th, I; 9S . l^6w A S ' :